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Georgia Newspaper Clippings Hancock County Extracts, Volume II 1845-1890". 

It does have an index to these extracts and I would gladly look up names and provide typed info to other researchers.  I think for right now, I should limit look-ups to one name at a time!

Debbie McCarrell - address no longer works. See below for a new lookup volunteer for this same information.
 Debbie McCarrell

Land Deed Genealogy of Hancock County, Georgia. Abstracted & Compiled by Helen and Tim Marsh. Greenville, SC: Southern Historical lPress, Inc. 1997.

NOTE: This books covers ONLY the years 1794-1802. Please do not ask for information later than 1802.

Mary Ann Willoughby

Georgia Newspaper Clippings: Hancock County Extracts. by Tad Evans. - Pub. Tad Evans.

Volume I (1809-1844)
Volume 1 (1845-1890)

Mary Ann Willoughby

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