The Cortland Democrat
7 Jan 1846:
Married in this town, on the 31st ult., by Rev. M. ADAMS, Mr. Isaac DIVINE, to Miss Olive M. PRATT, all of this town.
14 Jan 1846:
Married in TRuxton, on the 7th inst., by J. BOUGHTWELL, Esq., Mr. Henry MEAD, of this village, to Miss Harriet HULBERT, of the former place.
21 Jan 1846:
Married in Brookfield, Madison co., on the evening of the 31st ult., by Rev. O. HULL, Mr. Putlander KNIGHT, of Scott, to Miss Electa L. BURDICK, of the former
Married in Virgil, on the 1st inst., by Rev.D. A. MATHER, Mr. William FOSTER, to Miss Mida STACY, all of Virgil.
25 Feb 1846:
Married in Truxton, on the 4th inst., by Rev. Mr. CLARK, E. B. WICKS, Esq., of Syracuse, to Mrs. Mary B. LYNDE, daughter of Asa BABCOCK, Esq., of the former place.
4 Mar 1846:
Married in this town, on the 2d inst., by Rev. M. ADAMS, Mr Daniel BENNET, of Big Flats, Chemung co., to Miss Elizabeth C. TABER, of this town.
Married in Scott, on the 1st inst., by Rev. Hiram HARRIS, Mr. Stephen DEBAR, of Niles, Cayuga co., to Miss Mary RANDALL, of the former place.
Married at McGrawville, Feb. 4th, by Rev. E. B. FANCHER, Mr. James SANDERSON, Jr., to Miss Charlotte, daughter of Mr. John McGRAW, all of McGrawville.
Married on the evening of Feb. 5th, by the same [Rev. E. B. FANCHER], Mr. Reuben SHEARER, of Cortlandville, to Miss Ann, daughter of Mr. John SHULER, of Homer.
On the evening of Feb. 25th, by the same [Rev. E. B. FANCHER], Mr. Orson A. KINNEY, of McGrawville, to Miss Julia, youngest daughter of Mr. Homer B. GREENMAN, of Solon.
11 Mar 1846:
Married at South Cortland, on the 24th ult., by Rev. H. R. DUNHAM, Mr. D. K. PIKE, to Miss Sarah CALVERT, both of South Cortland.
1 Apr 1846:
Married in this town, on the 19th ult., by Rev. M. ADAMS, Mr. Daniel HODGE, Of Homer, to Miss Joanna PECK, of this town.
Married in Cincinnatus, on the 25th ult., by Rev. E. T. BALL, Mr. Reuben F. DAVIS, of Solon, to Miss Elizabeth HICKOX, of Cincinnatus.
8 Apr 1846:
Married in Southport, Chemung co., on the 2d inst., by Rev. L. GRENELL, Mr. I. Henry ROGERS, of this town to Miss Jane, daughter of John BOVIER, of the former
6 May 1846:
Married in this village, on the 4th inst., by Rev. J. P. SIMMONS, Mr. Orlando MACK, of Chemung co., to Miss Asenath CHANDLER, of this town.
13 May 1846:
Married in Homer, on the 6th inst., by Rev. Chauncey DARBY, of Binghamton, Mr. Edwin DARBY, of Freetown, to Miss Helen L., daughter of Hammon SHORT, of the former place.
20 May 1846:
Married in Truxton, on the 18th inst., by Rev. Mr. DOUBLEDAY, Mr. John H. THOMAS, Esq., of this village, to Miss Mary T., daughter of Otis STILES, Esq., of the
former place.
Married in this town, on the 16th inst., by Rev. M. ADAMS, Mr. William BURNHAM, to Miss Ellen Margaret, daughter of Michael SPENCER, all of this town.
Married in Solon, on the 13th inst., by Rev. M. ADAMS, Mr. Daniel L. BROWNELL, to Miss Emma H. FISH.
3 Jun 1846:
Married in Cortlandville, on the morning of the 1st inst., by Rev. J. P. SIMMONS, Mr. Francis H. HIBBARD, to Miss Augusta L. JOY, both of the former place.
17 Jun 1846:
Married in Smyrna, on the 9th inst., by Mr. CASE, Esq., Daniel J. SPERRY, of Cincinnatus, to Miss Susan TERWILLAGER, of the same place.
Married in Cincinnatus on the 16th inst., by Rev. Mr. STANLY, Elias ROCKWELL, to Henrietta PRINDLE, both of the former place.
19 Aug 1846:
In Ithaca, on the 18th inst., by Rev. H. R. DUNHAM, E. H. DOUD, of Cortland Village, of the firm of Sturtevant & Co., to Miss Mary E. HANCE, of Ithaca.
In the town of Locke, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. Mr. BLISS, Mr. Wm. S. OLMSTED, of Virgil, to Miss Maria JONES, of the former place.
9 Sep 1846:
In Cooperstown, on Wednesday, the 2d inst., by the Rev. A. E. CAMPBELL, E. Maxwell LEAL, Attorney at Law, of this village, to Lucy B., eldest daughter of Dr. C.
KING, of the former place.
In Homer, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. J. P. SIMMONS, George W. ALMY, of Homer to, Maria GRISWOLD, of the former place.
23 Sep 1846:
In Norwich, Chenango co., on the 9th inst., by Rev. J. DUNEAN, Mr. J. Harmon BURDICK, formerly of this village, to Miss Polly E., daughter of A. CHANDLER, Esq., all of the former place.
30 Sep 1846:
In Cincinnatus on the 22d inst., by Samuel G. HATHAWAY, Esq., Mr. Stephen CARD, of Bainbridge, Chenango co., to Miss Jenett BROWN, of the former place.
In Virgil on the 29th inst., by Rev. M. THACHER, Mr. Alonzo W. GRAY, to Miss Charlotte M., daughter of Dea. S. M. ROE, all of that town.
7 Oct 1846:
In Varney Tompkins County, on the 16th ult., by Rev. Mr. SPAULDING, Mr. James ROOKS, to Miss Mary BELL both of Virgil Cortland Co.
21 Oct 1846:
In Tully, on the 30th Sept., by Rev.H. R. DUNHAM, Mr. Orlando A. GILLET, of Cortland, to Miss Julia A., daughter of Daniel COPELAND of the former place.
28 Oct 1846:
In Cortlandville, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. E. FOOTE, Mr. John S. SPAULDING, to Miss Nancy HARDING, of the former place.
In Tioga Co. Pennsylvania, on Thursday Oct. 1st, by Rev. R. D. WELLS, Mr. Nelson C. ROE, to Miss Catharine L. TUPPER.
9 Dec 1846:
In Homer, on the 25th ult., by Rev. T. K. FESSENDEN, Nathan BOUTON, Esq., of Virgil, to Miss Amy HUBBARD, of Homer.
In Newport, Oneida co., on the 10th ult., by the Rev. T. J. WHITCOMB, Joseph D. HOYT, of Buffalo, to Miss Lucia Caroline WHITCOMB, of the above place.
In Virgil, on the 2d inst., by Sanford BOUTON, Esq., Lyman H. BOUTON, to Miss Minerva BYRAM, all of Virgil.
Transcribed by Merton Sarvay
April, 2005
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