Truxton Items.The all important destiny of man seems to be in procuring for himself a suitable "helpmeet" to assist him through this checkered world. Some of our young men have been taking upon themselves the holy vows of matrimony during the past week. On Wednesday the 23d, by the Rev. D. TAYLOR, Mr. George MILLER, 4th, to Miss Mary J. PIERCE, both of Truxton.
Also, on the same day, by the same, Mr. GOODNOUGH, of Illinois, to Miss Mary WIGGINS, second daughter of Mr. John WIGGINS, of Truxton. We congratulate Mr. GOODNOUGH in making so happy a selection.
Also, on Thursday,the 24th, by the Rev. D. TAYLOR, Mr. Byron H. BRYANT,, to Miss Ardale POMEROY, only daughter of A. J. POMEROY, Esq., all of Truxton.
Hunt's Corner Items. Feb. 8, at an early hour in the morning. Albert TARBLE changed, and about the same time a Miss Dolly PRESTON changed, the change took place at Killowaog, and it took some change to pay the domine.
Married. CUMMINGS - HAYNES- At the residence of the bride's father, in Preble, Feb. 16th, by Rev. J. P. MORSE, Mr. Orlando J. CUMMINGS to Miss Fank A. HAYNES, all of the above place.
Married. ASHDOWN - COOK - In Homer, Feb. 24th, at the residence of the bridegroom, by the Rev. J. D. BARNES, Mr. Edward ASHDOWN, of Homer, to Miss Martha L. COOK, of Groton.
BOSWORTH - OUT - At the same time [Feb 24th] place [Homer], and by the same [Rev. J. D. BARNES], Mr. Francis L. BOSWORTH, of Paris, Oneida Co., to Miss Susie M. OUT, of Cortland.
Married. ELWELL - JORDAN - At the residence of N. CHAMBERALIN, Esq., in Cortland, Feb 18, 1869, by Rev. E. C. CURTIS, Mr. Sanford B. ELWELL, to Miss Hannah JORDAN, all of the same place.
Married. PENDLETON - GOODING - In Homer, on Tuesday, May 25th, at the Residence of Sidney GOODING, by the Rev. Mr. CORNELL, of Homer, Mr. Wm. R. PENDLETON, of Cortland, to Sarah E. GOODING, daughter of Daniel GOODING, Esq., of Groton. [repeated 4 Jun]
Married. CALHOUN - IRELAND - In this village, June 29th, 1869, by Rev. A. W. CORNELL, of Homer, John M. CALHOUN, Esq. of New York City, to Miss Margaret IRELAND, daughter of John IRELAND, of Cortland.
Married. POMEROY - MURPHEY - In this Village, Aug. 25th, by Rev. J. M. BENEDICT, Mr. James M. POMEROY to Miss Ida Romelia MURPHEY, all of Cortland.
Married. CARPENTER - PIERCE - At the M. E. parsonage in Harford, on the 12th ult. by the Rev. Geo. A. J. LENT, Mr. Andrew J. CARPENTER to Miss Clarissa E. PIERCE, both of Harford, N. Y.
Married. WAGNER - RAINEY - At the M. E. parsonage in this village, on the 4th inst., by Rev. J. T. CRIPPEN, John WAGNER and Miss Rosalia E. RAINEY, both of Scott.
Married. LOUCKS - ENSWORTH - In this village, Sept. 7th, by Rev. G. S. WHITE, Mr. John P. LOUCKS to Mrs. Emma ENSWORRTH, all of Cortland.
Married. LOOMIS - TEETS - In Dryden, Aug. 29th, by the Rev. L. F. BINGHAM, Mr. Ira W. LOOMIS and Miss Jane TEETS, both of Dryden.
Married. STURTEVANT - KINGMAN - At Cincinnatus, September 2d, 1869, by Rev. E. ROGERS, Jas. STURTEVANT and Cornelia A., daughter of Hon. O. KINGMAN, all of the above place.
Married. WOOD - STRINGER - Also at the same time [11th inst.] and place [Sperry's Hotel in Cortland] by the same [Rev. J. T. CRIPPEN], Mr. Orrin M. WOOD and Miss Debbie A. STRINGER, both of Ithaca.
Married. ORMSBY - KINGSLEY - In Syracuse, Wednesday, Sept. 8th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. A. F. BEARD, Mr. D. D. ORMSBY to Miss Libbie KINGSLEY, all of Syracuse.
Married. WADSWORTH - LAGRANGE - In Cortland, Monday, Sept 6th, 1869, Mr. Manley WADSWORTH to Mrs. Lu[illegible]ella LAGRANGE, of Cortland.
Married. BENEDICT - CLEMENT - At McLean, Sept. 16, 1869, Mr. M[illegible]in S. BENEDICT, to Miss Ella CLEMENT, of McLean.
Married. CUNNINGHAM - WARNER - At the residence of the bride's father, at West Winfield, Herkimer Co., N. Y., Sept. 14th, 1869, by Rev. Anson J. UPSON, of Hamilton College, Haines D. CUNNINGHAM, editor of the ITHACAN, to Fannie Louisa, daughter of Dr. L. WARNER.
Married. HUNTLEY - BOSWORTH - At the residence of the bride's father, in Truxton, by the Rev. W. H. BATES, Wm Henry HUNTLEY, of McGrawville, and Mary Sophia BOSWORTH.
Married. STETSON - SHUFELT - In Cazenovia, Sept. 7, 1869, by Rev. L. E. SWAN, Mr. Horace S. STETSON and Miss Lottie M. SHUFELT.
Married. STORY - MATHEWS - At the residence of the bride's father, in Homer, Sept. 30, 1869, by Rev. A. M. LAKE, Mr. Thomas C. STORY and Miss Mary C. MATHEWS, all of Homer.
Married. TOPLIFF - JEFFREY - At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. S. T. JEFFREY, at 9 A. M., Sept. 28, 1869, by the Rev. A. K. STRONG, Mr. John H. TOPLIFF and Miss Sarah E. JEFFREY, all of Syracuse.
Married. COONROD - DELAND - In Willett, at the residence of Peter EATON, Jr., Sept. 27th, Mr. Henry COONROD, to Mrs Sarah DeLAND, both of Cincinnatus.
Married. BILLINGS - GWEYE - At the residence of the brides father, Mr. A. GWEYE in Truxton, Oct. 12th, by Rev. Mr. REED, Mr. H. N. BILLINGS of Lebanon, to Miss Pamelia GWEYE.
Married. BAKER - LEACH - At Dryden, Oct. 4th, by Rev. A. C. BOWDISH, Mr. E. D. BAKER and Miss Ella LEACH, both of Marathon.
Married. NEWTON - HINMAN - At the residence of the bride's father, in Locke, Sept. 28th, by Rev. A. BOUGHTON, W. H. C. NEWTON of Groton, and Miss Amanda HINMAN, of the former place.
Married. SYKES - HICKS - At the residence of the bride's father , Mr. David HICKS, Oct 6th, 1869, by Rev. R. H. CLARK, Mr. Byron SYKES and Miss Nancy HICKS, both of Groton.
Married. BRUCE - HYDE - At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. David HYDE,in Groton, Oct. 6th, 1869, by Rev. R. H. CLARK, Mr. Wallace BRUCE and Miss Leucia HYDE, both of Groton.
Married. ELLIS - WEST - At the residence of the bride's father. Oct. 12th, 1869, by Rev. H. MEEKER, Mr. J. R. ELLIS and Miss Vill A., only daughter of Wm. WEST, both of Dryden.
Married. REED - HAM - At the residence of the bride's parents, Annandale, Wednesday morning, Oct. 20th, by Rev. J. W. ACKERLY, Mr. Chauncey A. REED and Miss Henrietta HAM.]
Married. SHERMAN - PITTS - At Samson's Hotel in Homer, Oct 6, by Rev. A. M. LAKE, Mr. Wm. SHERMAN, of Summer Hill, and Mary E. PITTS of Sempronius, N. Y.
Married. THAYER - ATWOOD- At the Parsonage in Cortland, on the 24th inst., by Rev. J. T. CRIPPEN, Andrew J. THAYER of Cortland, and Miss Helen E. ATWOOD of Virgil.
Married. TODD - SALISBERY - At the home of the bride's in this village, on the 27th inst., by Rev. J. T. CRIPPEN, Mr. Dewitt C. TODD and Miss Rose SALISBURY, both of Cortland.
Married. M'CUMBER - FISHER - In Tully, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Wm. E. YORK, Mr. Randall K. M'CUMBER of Preble, and Miss Phoebe FISHER, of Tully.
Married. KELLOGG - CHURCHILL - At The Messenger House in this village, on the 18th inst., by Rev. J. T. CRIPPEN, Mr. Wm. A. KELLOGG, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Miss Chloe I. CHURCHILL, of Scott.
Married. MASON - BURGESS - In Binghamton, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. D. W. BRISTOL, Mr. Charles S. MASON, and Miss Flora BURGESS, both of Cortland.
Married. FINNEY - SMITH - In Eaton, on the 15th inst., by Rev. L. BENNETT, Mr. G. S. FINNEY, of Eaton, and M-- Orpha C. SMITH, of North Pitcher.
Married. SUMNER - WOODWARD - At the residence of the brides father in this village, Nov. 30, 1869, by Rev. Dr. HOLBROOK, of Homer, Mr. William P. SUMNER, to Miss Fannie M. WOODWARD, all of Cortland.
Married. ACKLEY - HALL - In Pharsalia, N. Y., on the 25th inst., by Rev. E. W. ALLEN, Geo. W. ACKLEY, of DeRuyter to Miss Lucy B. HALL, of the former place.
Married. FARGO - MAGOVERN - At the residence of Mr. W. W. TANNER, Poland, Chautauqua county N. Y., by the Rev. Mr. PRATT, Mr. Charles T. FARGO, of the former place, and Miss Nellie MAGOVERN, formerly of this village.
Married. PITTS - BROWN - At the residence of the bride's father, in Scott, Oct. 29, by the Rev. A. ENSIGN, Mr. George A. PITTS, of Schoolcraft, Mich., and Miss Julia E. BROWN of Scott N. Y.
Married. STOUT - SLOPER - In Homer by Rev. Dr. HOLBROOK, Dec. 25th, Mr. Geo. P. STOUT, of Dryden, and Miss Alice SLOPER, of Homer. (obviously the date is a typographical error!)
Married. BLISS - LUCAS - At the residence of the officiating clergyman in Meridian, Cayuga Co., N. Y., on Wednesday, Dec., 1st. 1869, by the Rev. Wallace B. LUCAS, Mr. Abel H. BLISS, of Groton City, Tompkins Co., N. Y., to Miss Emma B. LUCAS, of Cortland.
Married. HOLLENBECK - SESSIONS - In Amber, Nov. 30th, by Rev. Mr. BROOKS, Frank A. HOLLENBECK and Miss Angie F. SESSIONS, both of Homer.
Married. CASE - PRICE - At Sperry's Hotel, in this village, on the 14th inst., by Rev. J. T. CRIPPEN, Mr. S. P. CASE, of Orange Co., N. Y. and Miss Henrietta L. PRICE, of Groton.
Married. JONES - COBB - By the same [Rev. Dr. HOLBROOK], at the same time [no specific date given]and place [The Parsonage in Homer], Mr. Charles E. JONES, of Scott, and Miss Marcia A. COBB, of Homer.
Married. DEDERICK - WILLIAMS - At the residence of Mr. Ralph BARNUM, in Dryden, Nov 16th, by Rev. H. MEEKER, Mr. E. C. DEDERICK, of Binghamton, N. Y. to Miss N. E. WILLIAMS, of Dryden, N. Y.
Married. BARNUM - HILL - By the same [Rev. H. MEEKER], at the residence of the bride, Dec. 9th, 1869, Mr. Ralph BARNUM to Miss Sarah J. HILL, all of Dryden.
Married. BALDWIN - BARNES - By the same [Rev. H. MEEKER], at the hotel in Dryden, Dec. 12th inst., Mr. John G. BALDWIN to Miss Ruth BARNES, both of Ithaca, N. Y.
Married. BABCOCK - BURDICK - In DeRuyter on the 30th ult., by Rev. L. E. LIVERMORE, Frank H. BABCOCK, of De Ruyter, and Nancy BURDICK, of Cuyler.
Married. BRIGHAM - KENT - In this village, on the 23d inst., by Rev. J. T. CRIPPEN, George W. BRIGHAM, of Knoxboro, Oneida Co., and Miss Adda M. KENT, of Cortland.
Married. CORTWRIGHT - DEVOE - In Homer, Dec. 21st, by Rev. J. D. BARNES, Mr. Day CORTWRIGHT and Miss Mary M. DEVOE, daughter of Jeremiah DEVOE.
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