Married. TAYLOR - GRAVES - At the home of the bride, on the 4th inst., by Rev. J. T. CRIPPEN, Mr. Lewis TAYLOR, of Lisle, to Miss Calista C. GRACES, of Cortland.
Married. HILSINGER - DEITRICH - At the residence of the bride's father, Dec. 26, by Rev. D. D. LINDSLEY, Francis M. HILSINGER to Miss Jennie C. DEITRICH, all of Marathon.
Married. ATWOOD - TYLER - At Harford's Mills, Dec. 22, by Rev. J. M. CRANDALL, of Ames, N.Y., Mr. Stephen ATWOOD, of Hunt's Corners, to Miss Clarissa TYLER, of the former place.
Married. SMITH - DURFEE - In New Woodstock, Dec. 28, by Rev.P.C. BENTLY, Mr. John W. SMITH, of Cuyler, to Miss Mary DURFEE, of New Woodstock.
Married. CHAMPLIN - DOLAN - At the residence of the bride's mother, in Solon, by the Rev.Father McLOGHLIN, on Jan. 12, 1870(sic), Mr. Riley CHAMPLIN, to Miss Anna DOLAN, both of this place.
Married. CARTER - WILCOX - At the residence of the bride's father, at Centre Lisle, Dec. 25, by Rev. Mr. DEAN, Lieut. A. Lyman CARTER, of Pitcher, to Miss Rosetta A. WILCOX, only daughter of D. B. WILCOX.
Married. HAYES - CHAPIN - In Havanna, Minn., Dec. 31st 1870, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. R. H. CHAPIN, by Rev. W. S. WILSON, Mr. A.W. HAYES, and Miss Mary L. CHAPIN, formerly of McGrawville.
Married. LEACH - RORABACHER - At the residence of the officiating clergyman, Jan. 1st, by Rev. E. C. COWLES, Alonzo LEACH, of Marathon, to Eleanor RORABACHER, of Lapeer.
Married. PEEBLES- SHERWOOD - At the residence of the bride's father, Dec. 29th, 1870, by the Rev. D. D. LINDSLEY, James O. PEEBLES, to Susan F. SHERWOOD, all of Marathon.
Married. BURDICK - TANNER - At the residence of the bride, on the 4th inst., by P. R. TANNER, Mr. S. S. BURDICK, and Miss Julia TANNER, all of Blodgett's Mills.
Married. FREEMAN - HOLMES - At Taylor on the 27th ult., by the Rev. J. H. BARNUM, Mr. Albert E. FREEMAN, of Truxton, and Miss Viola H. HOLMES(sic), of the former place.
Married. BIRDLEBOUGH - HOLMES - At the same time (27th ult.) and place (Taylor), Mr. Lucian BIRDLEBOUGH, of German, and Miss Viola H. HOLMES(sic), of Taylor.
Married. SNYDER - ALBRIGHT - At the residence of Jacob ALBRIGHT, Esq., of Dryden, Dec. 28, 1870, by Rev. E. R. WADE, Mr. George SNYDER, of Binghampton, N.Y., and Miss Sarah ALBRIGHT, of Dryden, N.Y.
Married. IDE - CUMMINGS - On Wednesday evening, Nov 23, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. S. C. VAN CAMP, Edwin P. IDE, of New York, to Alice C. CUMMINGS, of Preble, N.Y.
Married. FRISS - MORENAS - At the parsonage in Harford, Dec. 29th, 1870, by Rev. Jos. H. TAYLOR, Mr. Philip H. FRISS, of Harford Mills, to Miss Anna MORENAS, of Richford.
Married. McKEVITT - SHAFER - On the evening of Jan. 2d, at the residence of John McKEVITT, Esq., Syracuse, by Eld. G. G. MULLINS, Mr. George McKEVITT, of Cortland, to Miss Janie Adelle SHAFER, of Brewerton.
Married. KIRK - VICKERY - In Homer, Dec. 28th, by Rev. A. W. CORNELL, Peter KIRK and Miss Harriet VICKERY.
Married. LUKER - SCOTT - At the residence of Mr. John SCOTT, in the town of Homer, on Monday, January 2d, by Rev. A. W. CORNELL, Thomas LUKER and Miss Elizabeth SCOTT.
Married. HICOK - NEWCOMB - At the Reformed Church, West Farms, N.Y. on the 4th inst., by the Rev. VAN SLYKE, Calvin D. HICOK, of New York, to Miss Mary L. NEWCOMB, of West Farms.
Married. WOODWARD - IRELAND - At Cortlandville Jan. 5, by the Rev. A. W. CORNELL, Norris G. WOODWARD to Miss Elizabeth IRELAND, all of Cortland.
Married. BURDICK - BURT - In DeRuyter, January 12, by Elder T. FISHER, Mr. Daniel D. BURDICK, of DeRuyter, to Miss Helen T. BURT, of Cuyler.
Married. PERRY - HART - At the residence of the bride's father, in Apulia, on Dec. 26, 1870, by Rev. Y. W. OWEN, Mr. Duane PERRY, of Truxton, to Miss Hattie HART, of Apulia.
Married. LAWTON - SEAMANS - At the home of the bride, in Virgil, on the 18th instant, by Rev. J. T. CRIPPEN, Joseph LAWTON, of McLean, to Miss Julia G. SEAMANS, of Virgil.
Married. WARREN - ABBOTT- At the home of the bride, in Homer, on the 19th inst., by Rev. J. T. CRIPPEN, Lyman E. WARREN,Esq., of Cortland, to Miss Lillie L. ABBOTT, of Homer.
Married. MANCHESTER - SEEBER - At the parsonage in Willett, Jan. 21, by the Rev. A. P. BROWN, Whitcomb MANCHESTER, of Solon, and Emma A. SEEBER, of Freetown.
Married. HICKS - KENYON - January 10th 1871, at the bride's home, by Rev. S. C. VAN CAMP, Mr. George HICKS of Cortland, to Miss Amelia KENYON.
Married. SWEET - CATON - At the residence of the bride's father, Feb. 2, 1871, by the same [Rev. Geo. A. LENT], Lucius C. SWEET to Este lea L. CATON, all of Harford.
Married. GUTHRIE - TANNER - At South Cortland, Jan. 26, 1871, by Rev. E. R. WADE, Rev. Alson GUTHRIE, of Trumansburg, to Miss Louise TANNER, of South Cortland, Cortland County, N.Y.
Married. BATES - BUSHBY - In Homer, on the 16th ult., by Rev. A. N. DAMON, Mr. Charles S. BATES, of Homer, and Miss Mary A. BUSHBY, of Truxton.
Married. DAVIS - BOUTON - In Marathon Feb. 14, 1871, by Rev. E. M. BLANCHARD, Mr. Andrew DAVIS, of Freetown, to Miss Josie BOUTON, of Rensselaerville, N.Y.
Married. PARKER - COOK - At the residence of the officiating clergyman, Feb. 20, 1871, by Rev. E. C. COWLES, Mortimer W. PARKER, to Susie COOK, all of Lapeer.
Married. SIMONDS - SHULTS - At the home of the bride, Feb. 22, by Rev. J. T. CRIPPEN, Mr. A. D. SIMONDS of Virgil, to Miss Libbie SHULTS, of Cortland.
Married. SMITH - FOSTER - In Harford, on the 22d of Feb. 1871, by the Rev. Geo. A. LENT, Mr. N. E. SMITH and Miss Mary P. FOSTER, both of Harford Mills, N.Y.
Married. DEUEL - DAVIS - At the same time (22d of Feb 1871) and place (Harford), by the same (the Rev. Geo. A. LENT), Mr. Geo. E. DEUEL, of Harford Mills, and Miss Mary DAVIS, of Cortland.
Married. SPOHN - MELLEN - In McLean, by the same (Rev. E. R. WADE), same day (Feb. 22), Mr. Andrew H. SPOHN, of Herkimer, N.Y., and Miss Kate MELLEN, of McLean.
Married. WARNER - CARDNER - In Cuyler, March 6th, 1871, at the residence of the bride's father, by Eld. T. FISHER, Mr. James WARNER, of Pitcher, to Miss Emma CARDNER, of Cuyler.
Married. SCOTT - CLARK - In Homer, March 4th, 1871, by Rev. A. W. CORNELL, Mr. David SCOTT to Miss Maria CLARK, both of Scott.
Married. WOODRUFF - BENNETT - In Dryden, at the residence of Hon. M. GOODRICH, Thursday, March 16th, 1871, by Rev. J. V. C. NELLIS, Mr. J. A. WOODRUFF, of Ithaca, to Miss Adeline BENNETT, of McLean.
Married. SMITH - VAN DERBURGH - In Vineland, N.Y., March 8th, by Rev. J. H. PARMELEE, Mr. H. C. SMITH, of Cortland, to Miss M. Fannie VAN DERBURGH, of Vineland, N.Y.
Married. BUSHBY - FRY - In Truxton, N.Y. March 14th, by Rev. Wm. PIKE, Mr. Joseph BUSHBY to Mrs. Sarah FRY.
Married. WATERS - GIBBS - At the residence of Mr. J. TURNER, in Marathon, March 21, by the Rev. E. M. BLANCHARD, Capt. Henry B. WATERS, of Cuyler, to Miss Ellen H. GIBBS, of Marathon.
Married. SHADDINGER - JENNINGS - At the residence of Lucien E. CRANE,Esq., in Marathon, March 22, by Rev. H. LYMAN, Abraham SHADDINGER, Esq. of Philadelphia, and Miss Lucinda K. JENNINGS, of Marathon.
Married. WESTMORELAND - BUSHBY - In Homer, March 2d 1871, by Rev. A. N. DAMON, Mr. Christopher E. WESTMORELAND, of Homer, to Miss Elizabeth BUSHBY, of Truxton.
Married. BUSHBY - FRY - In Truxton, March 14th, 1871, by Rev. Mr. PIKE, Mr. J. BUSHBY, to Mrs. Sarah FRY, both of Truxton.
Married. FLINT - MATTHEWS - In McGrawville, Jan. 3, 1871, by Rev. L. D. TURNER, Mr. Lysander FLINT, of German, to Miss Sarah MATTHEWS, of Cincinnatus.
Married. SMITH - SMITH - In German, February 22d, by Rev. L. D. TURNER, Mr. Harry H. SMITH, of Willett, to Miss Francis A. SMITH, of German.
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