Married. CUTTING - CHOLLAR - In Homer, on Wednesday, the 4th inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. W.F. BENEDICT, Mr. George R. CUTTING, to Miss Ellen CHOLLAR, both of Waterville, N.Y.
Married. BEEMAN - PAGE - In Triangle, Aug 7th, 1875 by Rev. H. [LYMAN?], Lewis B. BEEMAN to Miss Phoebe M. PAGE, all of Triangle.
Married. BARBER - SWEET - At the Parsonage in Scott, by Rev. Mr. [LUCE?], Aug. 19, Mr. Elbert BARBER to Miss Amy SWEET, of Scott.
Married. RANDALL - HUBBARD - At Geneva, Switzerland, on the 31st ult., in the presence of the U.S. Consul, by the Protestant Episcopal clergyman, Rev. Dr. McVICKAR, M. O. RANDALL, of Montpelier, France to Myra M. HUBBARD, of Norwich, N.Y.
Married. AMEDEN - HOLBROOK - In Syracuse, on Tuesday evening, Aug. [15?th], 1875, by the Rev. J.C. HOLBROOK, D. D., assisted by the Rev. T. K. FESSENDEN, of Farmington, Ct. William [S?] Ameden, of Dubuke [sic] Iowa, and Ellea L, youngest daughter of the officiating clergyman.
Married. DEBARR - MATTHEWS - At the Empire House in Tully, on the 26th ult., by the Rev. S.A. BEMAN, Mr. C.F. DEBARR to Miss Ollie L. MATTHEWS, all of Homer, N. Y.
Married. MEACHEM - SABINE - At St. Paul's Church, Syr., Tuesday evening, Sept. 7, 1875, by the Rev. H.R. LOCKWOOD, T. William MEACHEM, of Auburn, N.Y., to Jessie, daughter of Mr. William SABINE, of Onondaga Valley.
Married. HART - LaMOTT - At the residence of Lucius LaMOTT, Esq. Sept 2, 1875, by Rev. E. R. WADE, Mr. A.J. HART, of McLean, and Miss Nellie LaMOTT, of Groton, N.Y.
Married. FOSTER - ORMSBY - At the residence of Mr. Thomas FOSTER, in Hunt's Corners, Sept. --, by Wm. E. HUNT, Esq., Mr. Abel FOSTER to Miss Ida ORMSBY, of Richford.
Married. WOOSTER - PIKE - Wednesday, Sept. 7th, 1875, at the M. E. Parsonage in Willett, by Rev. H. C. McDERMOTT, Mr. Fred WOOSTER, to Miss Ann PIKE, all of Triangle.
Married - WICKS - MORGAN - At Greene, Chenango Co., N.Y., by the Rev. Mr. NICHOLSON, August 22, 1875, Mr. Willis WICKS, of Homer, N.Y., to Miss Loretta MORGAN, of Willett, N.Y.
Married. DAY - GENSON - At the residence of the bride, in Willett, on the 15th inst., by Rev. J. F. STARK, Mr. Charles S. DAY, to Miss Mary A. GENSON, both of Willett.
Married. COBB - BROWN - At the residence of the bride's father, Sept. 15th, 1875, by Rev. A. D. STOWELL, John G. COBB to Miss Addie R. BROWN, both of West Groton.
Married. CHURCH - HARDIN - In Dryden, Sept. 8th, 1875, by George E. GOODRICH, Esq., Mr. Luther E. CHURCH and Miss Maggie HARDIN, all of Dryden.
Married. SMITH - CRANDALL - In Blodgett Mills, Sept. 19th, 1875, by Rev. J. NELSON, Mr. Leroy C. SMITH and Miss Emily CRANDALL.
Married. FINNEY - ROSE - At the M.R. Parsonage, West Dryden, July 30th, 1875, by Rev. Mr. YORK, Mr. Flor B. FINNEY, of South Lansing, to Miss Corra Jennie ROSE, of South Dryden.
Married. SCUDDER - DAVIS - At Little York, Cortland Co., Sept. 28th, 1875, by the Rev. B. F. BENEDICT, at the residence of John SCUDDER, Esq., Mr. Anderson SCUDDER to Miss Harriet DAVIS, all of Little York.
Married. BRIGHAM - BUCK - In Groton, Wednesday evening, Sept. 22, 1875, by Rev. G.H. BRIGHAM, assisted by Rev. L.W. OLNEY, Rev. E. P. BRIGHAM, of Leroy, N.Y., to Miss Lucina A. BUCK, of Groton.
Married. LEWIS - HEMINGWAY - At Whitney's Point, Sept. 21, 1875, by Rev. Lyman WRIGHT Mr. W. D. LEWIS, of Lisle, to Miss Ella B. HEMINGWAY, of Whitney's Point.
Married - TEVENS [sic]- STANLEY - At the Spencer camp-meeting, Sept. 15, 1875, by Rev. Geo. COMFORT, Mr. Elisha STEVENS, of Spencer, Tioga co., to Miss Alida E. STANLEY, of Center Lisle.
Married. FOX - MARTIN - At the residence of I. S. SAMSON, in Cincinnatus, N.Y., Sept. 15, 1875, by Rev. A. D. WEBSTER, Mr. F. D. FOX, of Lisle, N.Y. to Miss E.K. MARTIN, of Cincinnatus.
Married. HASKEL - EDWARDS - In Lisle, Sept. 19, 1875, by Rev. D. PERSONEUS, Mr. Josiah HASKEL, of Lisle, and Miss Henrietta EDWARDS, of Willett.
Married. SEAMONS - GIVENS - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Dryden, Wednesday, Sept. 15, 1875, by Rev. James ERWIN, of Syracuse, Mr. Daniel W. SEAMONS, of Brooklyn, and Miss Fidelia, daughter of Edward GIVENS, of Dryden.
Married. BURR - BUTLER - In Union, Sept. 24, 1875, by Rev. Lyman WRIGHT, Mr. Nelson G. BURR, of Binghamton, formerly of Homer, to Miss Emily B. BUTLER, of the former place.
Married. GARLICK - CONKEY [sic]- At Triangle, on the 21st inst., by Rev. Huntington LYMAN, Frederick A. GARLICK, Esq. to Alice G. CONKLEY, both of McGrawville, N.Y.
Married. BOWDISH - PUNDERFORD - In Cincinnatus, Sept. 8th, 1875, by Rev. W. FOX, Mr. J. BOWDISH, of Freetown, to Miss Emma PUNDERFORD, of Cincinnatus.
Married. BRADFORD - HOAGLAND - At Moravia, on the 24th of September, 1875, by Rev. [Hon?] A. BOWMAN, Dr. Geo. D. BRADFORD, of Cortland, and Miss Margaret HOAGLAND, of Moravia.
Married. RICHARDSON - HOAGLIN - By and at the house of Rev. A. BOUGHTON, Sept. 26, Mr. Oscar A. RICHARDSON, of Locke, and Miss Mary E. HOAGLIN, of Venice.
Married. PEASE - HARRISON - At the home of the bride's parents in Smithville, N.Y., September 14th by Rev. R. A. CLARK, Mr. Lewis I. PEASE and Miss Mary A. HARRISON, both of Smithville.
Married. HAMILTON - SHEVALIER - At East Virgil, Sept 22d, 1875, by the Rev. O. L. TORRY, Mr. Luther B. HAMILTON, of Richford to Mrs. H. S. SHEVALIER, of East Virgil.
Married. CLINE - SMITH - At the residence of the bride, in Solon, on the 13th inst., by Rev. W.M. [BENGER?], Mr. Myron H. CLINE, of Smithville, to Miss [Mahala?] A. SMITH, of Solon.
Married. COTANCH - HUBBARD - In the town of Dryden, Tompkins Co., N.Y., at the residence of the bride's father, Wm. B. HUBBARD, Esq., on the 14th inst., by the Rev. J. A. ROBINSON, of Cortland, Mr. E. Jay COTANCH to Miss Lilly J. HUBBARD, both of Dryden, N.Y.
Married. PARTRIDGE - SNOW - At the residence of Mr. [Geo.?] GREENE, in Willett, N.Y., Oct. 13th, 1875, by Rev. H. C. McDERMOTT, Mr. Eli PARTIDGE, of Smithville, to Miss Sarah V. SNOW, of Willett.
Married. EDWARDS - HARVEY - At the hotel of R.C. [---ERS?], Willett, N.Y., Oct. 17th, 1875, by Rev. H. C. McDERMOTT, Mr. M. J. EDWARDS, to Miss [Luriett?] I. HARVEY, all of Texas Valley.
Married. OSTERHOUT - JENSON - In Virgil, Oct. 20th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. W. M. KINCAID, of Cortland, assisted by Rev. J.W. STEELE, of Virgil, Rev. J. V. OSTERHOUT, of New York, and Miss Delphine M. JOHNSON, only daughter of Chas. JOHNSON, Esq., of Virgil.
Married. STEVENS - COWAN - At the home of the bride's father, by Rev. A. T. BOYNTON, Sept. [28th?], Mr. Geo. H. STEVENS, of Solon, and Miss Nancy COWAN, of Cortland, Cortland Co., N.Y.
Married. PECK - TAGGART - At the residence of the bride's father, in Binghamton, Oct. 20th, by Rev. Dr. WRIGHT, Mr. M. B. PECK to Miss Maria TAGGART, daughter of John J. TAGGART, Esq., formerly of Cortland.
Married. SAGE - McKINNEY - At Hartford, Conn., Sunday, Oct. 10th, by Rev. Mr. FISHER, Mr. William McKINNEY, of Dryden to Miss Lily SAGE, of Hartford.
Married. MORSE - BEAM - At Harford, Oct. 11th, by Rev. C.F. EVANS, of Tioga, N.Y., Mr. Ira B. BEAM to Miss Frances MORSE, both of Harford Mills.
Married. BRADT - SHAW - In Groton, Oct. 20th, by Rev. G.H. BRIGHAM, Mr. Henry S. BRADT, of East Saginaw, Mich., and Miss Ida A. SHAW, of Groton.
Married. WARREN - STEVENS - In Cortland, at the residence of H. L. ROGERS, Esq., on the 20th inst., by Rev. J. A. ROBINSON, Geo. L. WARREN to Mary STEVENS, all of Cortland.
Married. HUBBARD - BARDWELL - On Wednesday evening, Oct. 20th, at St. James church, Syracuse, by the Rev. J.M. CLARKE, D. D., Miss Louise F., daughter of Wm. BARDWELL, of Otisco to Joseph M. HUBBARD, of Chicago, Illinois.
Married. WARD - HART - At the Sperry House, Cortland, N.Y., Tuesday, Oct. 26th, 1875, by Rev. J. ALABASTER, Chester S. WARD, of Sandusky, Wis., and Rosetta HART, of Homer, N.Y.
Married. METZGAR - WYCKOFF - At the Dexter House, Cortland, N.Y., Tuesday, Oct. 26th, 1875, by Rev. J. ALABASTER, Frank E. METZGAR, of Groton, N.Y., and Susie WYCKOFF, of Lansing, N.Y.
Married. SNIDER - KNAPP - In this village, on the 28th ult., by the Rev. W. M. KINCAID, Mr. Charles P. SNIDER to Miss J. Estelle KNAPP.
Married. NEWCOMB - WHITE - In Homer, on the 21st ult., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. W. A. ROBINSON, Mr. R. B. NEWCOMB to Miss Lottie A. WHITE, both of Homer.
Married. MORSE - HOUSE - At the residence of the bride's father, in Newton, Kansas, Wednesday evening, the 20th ult., by Rev. [X.?] C. BROOKS, Mr. J. G. MORSE, of Florence, Kansas, to Miss T. V. HOUSE, of Newton.
Married. PEASE - DAY - By the Rev. G. L. TORRY, at South Lansing, Oct. 26th, 1875, Mr. C. W. PEASE, of Baldwinsville, to Miss Matie L. DAY, of South Lapeer.
Married. BRIGGS - CROFOOT - At the residence of the bride, in Preble, Nov. 9th, 1875, by Rev. W. M. BENGER, Mr. Marshall A. BRIGGS and Miss Della R. CROFOOT, both of Preble, N.Y.
Married. HOLL - ALEXANDER - At the residence of the bride's father, in Pitcher, Nov. 3d, by Rev. G. P. TURNBUL, Mr. Fred. G. HOLL, of Lincklaen, to Miss M. Abbie ALEXANDER, of Pitcher.
Married. BURGESS - HOWARD - At the residence of the bride, in Preble, N.Y., Nov. 3d, 1875, by Rev. W.M. BENGER, Mr. Jonathan BURGESS, of Austin, Minn., and Mrs. Clarissa HOWARD, of Preble, N.Y.
Married. LARN - WOOD - By and at the home of Rev. A. BOUGHTON, Nov. 1, 1875, Mr. D. J. S. LARN of Groton, N.Y., and Mrs. S. G. WOOD, of Moravia, N.Y.
Married. ALLEN - BABCOCK - At the Presbyterian Church, in Pitcher, Nov. 3d, 1875, by Rev. Mr. BIGELOW, Mr. Fred. E. ALLEN, of Whitney's Point, to Miss Atala O. BABCOCK, of Pitcher.
Married. COYLE - SWIFT - In Summer Hill, N.Y., Nov. 7th, 1875, by Rev. W. J. BETTS, Mr. Michael COYLE, of Niles and Miss Helen M. SWIFT, of the former place.
Married. LEARN - WOOD - By and at the house of Rev. A. BOUGHTON, of Moravia, N.Y., Nov.1st, 1875, Mr. D. J. S. LEARN, of Groton, N.Y., and Mrs. S. G. WOOD, of Moravia, N.Y.
Married. PECK - LEWIS - At the residence of the bride's mother, in Solsville, Madison Co., Nov 10th, by Rev. Mr. MARSHALL, Mr. Ossian A. PECK, of Cortland, to Miss Gola E. LEWIS.
Married. WEST - EGLESTON - At the Baptist parsonage, in McDonough, Sept. 21st, by Rev. James D. WEBSTER, Mr. J. S. WEST, of Willett, to Miss Georgia EGLESTON, of German.
Married. BROOK - SEEBER - At the residence of the bride's father, Nov. [27?], by Rev. J.C. SMITH, Mr. George H. BROOKS to Miss [E---ette?] SEEBER, all of Texas Valley.
Married. TYLER - WOOD - In McLean, Nov. [5th?], by Rev. W.J. BETTS, Mr. John M. TYLER to Sarah M. WOOD, both of Virgil.
Married. HALE - JONES - On Wednesday, the 1st inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. A. C. GEORGE, Clinton P. HALE to Emma M. JONES, all of Syracuse.
Married. BUCK - MAY - At the residence of Mr. Wilbur C. MAY, on the 1st inst., by Rev. J. A. [A----STER], Mr. Addison E. BUCK, of Syracuse, to Miss Ella D. MAY, of Cortland.
Married. PRICE - JOHNSON - In marathon, Dec. 2d, 1875, by Rev. J. C. SMITH, Mr. Alonzo D. PRICE, of Marathon, to Miss Eliza A. JOHNSON, of Freetown.
Married. HALL - WELLS - In Marathon, Dec. 1, 1875, by Rev. J. C. SMITH, Mr. John HALL to Miss Josephine WELLS, both of Lisle.
Married. SHEVALIER - BROWN - In Lapeer, Nov. 28th, 1875, by Rev. O. L. TORRY, Mr. Abner L. SHEVALIER, of Harford, to Miss Francis N. BROWN, of Lisle.
Married. JAMES - WOOD - In Lapeer, Nov. 22d, 1875, by the Rev. O. L.TORRY, Mr. William H. JAMES, of Lapeer, to Miss Arvilla D. WOOD, of Virgil.
Married. TAINTOR - CHURCH - In Owego, Dec. 8th,inst., by Rev. Z. B. PECK, Phineas E. TAINTOR, of Harford, to Miss Ellie S. CHURCH, of Sherburne, N.Y.
Married. PRICE - SPRINGER - Dec. 14, 1875, at the home of the bride, Cortland, N.Y., by Rev. J. ALABASTER, Mr. Irving PRICE and Miss Ella M. SPRINGER.
Married. REYNOLDS - HIGGANS - At the residence of Mr. Miner MERRICK, Blodgett's Mills, N.Y., Dec. 15th, 1875, by Rev. J.ALABASTER, Mr. Henry REYNOLDS and Miss Mary Theresa HIGGANS, both of Cortland.
Married. SHEARER - CONABLE - At the residence of Mr. Fred CONABLE, December [22?], 1875, by Rev. J. ALABASTER, Mr. Waldo V. SHEARER, of McGrawville, and Mrs. Mary A. CONABLE, of Cortland.
Married. WELLS - WILLMARTH - At the residence of James D. WILLMARTH, of Pitcher, Dec. 16th, by Rev. D.W. BIGELOW, Mr. Herbert H. WELLS, to Miss Emogene H. WILLMORTH, all of Pitcher.
Married. WOOD - GRINNELL - In New Woodstock, N.Y., on the 15th inst., by Rev. M.Z. HASKINS, Mr. Delavan S. WOOD, of East Homer, to Miss Melvina M. GRINNELL, of New Woodstock.
Married. COLEGROVE - TAYLOR - At the house of the bride's father, in the town of Cortland, on the 22d inst., by the Rev. S. BURGESS, Mr. Francis M. COLEGROVE to Miss Alice T. TAYLOR, both of Cortland, Cortland Co., N.Y.
Married. LAY - LOUDENSKY - At the residence of Mr. James LAY, in Homer, N.Y., on Saturday, December 25th, by Rev. John W. [--- ] rector of Calvary Episcopal Church, Mr. George T. LAY, of Syracuse, N.Y., to Miss Emily E. LOUDENSKY, of London, England.
Married. PHILLIPS - WILBER - At the home of the bride, Preble, N.Y., December 25th, by Rev. W. M. BENGER, Mr. O. D. PHILLIPS of Lisle, Broome Co., N.Y. and Miss Roxie M. WILBER, of Preble, N.Y.
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