Married. BEARDSLEY - GAGE - At Whitney's Point, N.Y., December 14, 1879, by Rev. A. C. SPERRY, Mr. DeWitt W. BEARDSLEY and Miss Sarah A. GAGE, both of Willett.
Married. HODGES - CUTLER - At the residence of the bride's father, D. K. CUTLER, in Scott, N.Y., on December 18, 1879, by Elder J. J. WHITE, Mr. Frank HODGES of Pompey, and Miss Ella CUTLER, of Scott.
Married. MUDGE - KERR - At A. T. BUTMAN's in East Freetown, N.Y., December 10, 1879, by Rev. S. A. LUCE, Mr. Charles L. MUDGE, of Taylor, N.Y., and Miss Minnie M. KERR, of East Homer, N.Y.
Married. HACKETT - MISENER - At the Baptist parsonage, in Cincinnatus, N.Y., December 23, 1879, by Rev. C. R. CORNING, Mr. Jerome W. HACKETT and Miss Maggie J. MISENER, all of Taylor, N.Y.
Married. CAMPBELL - PETRIE - At the residence of the bride's parents, December 23, 1879, by Rev. T. F. HARRIS, Amenzo F. CAMPBELL, of Beaver Meadow, and Ella M. PETRIE, of Cuyler, N.Y.
Married. MORSE - BURT - At the residence of the bride's parents, December 24, 1879, by Rev. T. F. HARRIS, Wm. B. MORSE and Clara M. BURT, all of Cuyler, N.Y.
Married. SHAIN - LOMISON - At the Baptist parsonage, Port Byron, Dec.3, 1879, by Rev. D. McFARLAND, Mr. John SHAIN and Mrs. Maria LOMISON, both of Port Byron, N.Y.
Married. PHILLIPS - DAYGER - At the residence of the bride's parents, December 25, 1879, by Rev. F. W. WEST, Wm. B. PHILLIPS and Matilda A. DAYGER, both of South Cuyler, N.Y.
Married. SKINNER - HUSLANDER - At Mott's Corners, December 21, 1879, by Rev. George BROWN, Rudolph SKINNER, of Cortland, N.Y. and Ida HUSLANDER, of Slaterville, N.Y.
Married. PETRIE - CRANDALL - At the residence of the bride's father, December 23, 1879, by Rev. W. H. YORK, Mr. Fred PETRIE, of Cuyler, and Miss Abbie CRANDALL, of Truxton, N.Y.
Married. SEARS - BLACKLOCK - At the residence of Mr. John SEARS, December 25 by Rev. W. H. YORK, Mr. E. SEARS and Miss Ruth BLACKLOCK, all of Preble, N.Y.
Married. McALEER - SWEENEY - In Cortland, December 29, 1879, by Rev. B. F. McLOUGHLIN, Frank McALEER, of Youngstown, Ohio, and Maggie SWEENEY, of Cortland.
Married. DOUD - BROWN - In Cortland, December 31, 1879, by Rev. Thomas McLOUGHLIN, Bernard DOUD of Cortland, and Johanna BROWN, of Lisle.
Married. CLARK - STREET - In Cortland, December 31st, 1879, by Rev. A. J. HUTTON, William H. CLARK, editor and proprietor of the Cortland Standard, and Nellie STREET, daughter of the late Rev. Thomas STREET, D.D., all of Cortland.
Married. RYAN - GREENE - In Cortland, December 28, 1879, by Rev. B. F. McLOUGHLIN, Michael RYAN, of Truxton, and Maria GREENE, of Solon.
Married. ROONEY - LONG- In Cortland, January 1, 1880, by Rev. B. F. McLOUGHLIN, James ROONEY and Mary LONG, all of Preble.
Married. WATERS - ROACH - In Cortland, January 1, 1880, by Rev. B. F. McLOUGHLIN, Charles F. WATERS, of McGrawville, and Jennie ROACH, of Truxton.
Married. - On New Year's eve, at the residence of the bride, in Harford Mills, by Rev. David WILCOX, Mr. Benton BISHOP to Mrs. Sally HOLDEN, all of this place. May the happy groom ever be Bent-on doing his duty ever Hold-in.
Married. HENDERSON - TERWILLIGER - At Chenango Forks, Dec. 3d, by Rev. T. H. GRIFFITH, Horace HENDERSON, M.D., of Cincinnatus, and Miss Della F. TERWILLIGER, of the former place.
Married. HARRINGTON - MAXSON - At the Methodist parsonage, Dec. 24[?], 1879, by Rev. R. C. FOX, Marius G. HARRINGTON, of Homer, to Miss Orlesta V. MAXSON, of Scott.
Married. EATON - ALVORD - In Homer, Dec. 21, 1879, at the residence of Mrs. Electa ROOT, by Rev. W. A. ROBINSON, Eugene EATON, of Summer Hill, and Miss Sarah ALVORD, of Homer.
Married. BOIES - RIGGS - In Homer, Wednesday, Dec. 31, 1879, at the residence of the bride's parents by the Rev. W. A. ROBINSON, Fred I. BOIES and Alice M. RIGGS, all of Homer.
Married. DOUD - MATHEWS - In Cortland, N.Y., Jan. 6, 1880, by Rev. Thomas McLAUGHLIN, Mr. Michael DOUD, of Cortland, and Miss Mary MATHEWS, of Homer.
Married. DWIGHT - LIVINGSTON - At the residence of the bride's father in Solon, N.Y., December 31, 1879, by Rev. Geo. P. TURNBUL, Mr. Emery A. DWIGHT, of German, and Miss M. LIVINGSTON, of Solon.
Married. WADE - KINSMAN - At the Chenango House, Greene, N.Y., Dec. 25, 1879, by Rev. H. N. VanDEUSEN, Mr. Herbert D. WADE and Miss L. KINSMAN, both of Smithville.
Married. LOTRIDGE - HUNTLEY - At South Otselic, Dec. 27th, by Rev. H. C. LEACH, J. O. LOTRIDGE, of Potter Co., Pa., and Mary HUNTLEY, of Cincinnatus.
Married. (RUMSEY - WEAVER} (WHEELER - WEAVER} At the residence of the brides' parents, in Pitcher, N.Y., Jan. 1, 1880 by Rev. Edson ROGERS, Charles B. RUMSEY, of Homer, and Florence E. WEAVER; also Benson H. WHEELER, of Pitcher, and Carrie E. WEAVER.
Married. MORGAN - BURKE - At the Methodist Parsonage, in Homer, January 1st, 1880, by R. C. FOX, Mr. Eugene E. MORGAN, of New Milford, Pa., and Miss Eliza BURKE, of Scott, N.Y.
Married. VanBENSCHOTTEN - BARKER - At the bride's home, January 1st, 1880, by Rev. S. BALL, Mr. Benjamin D. VanBENSCHOTTEN, of Summer Hill, N.Y., and Mary BARKER, of Homer, N.Y.
Married. BURDICK - KENYON - In Scott, January 1, 1880, at the residence of the bride's father, Warren KENYON, by the Rev. J. J. WHITE, Mr. Fred BURDICK and Miss Ella M. KENYON, all of Scott.
Married. CARLON - GARNER - In Cuyler, January 6th, 1880, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Chauncey GARNER, by Elder T. FISHER, Mr. Joseph CARLON, of Cortland, N.Y., and Miss Amanda M. GARNER, of Cuyler, N.Y.
Married. HUNTLEY - BROWNELL - In Bridgeport, Conn., Jan. 1, 1880, Me. Henry H. HUNTLEY, and Miss Jennie BROWNELL, all of Bridgeport.
Married. KNAPP - REYNOLDS - At Cortland, Wednesday evening, Jan. 7, 1880, by Rev. G. W. IZER, Mr. Dell P. KNAPP, of West Winfield, and Miss Mary A. REYNOLDS, of Cortland.
Married. TYLER - GLEAZEN - At Virgil, N.Y., by Rev. S. W. SCHOONOVER, Jan. 1, 1880, Mr. Wm. TYLER, and Miss Mary B. GLEAZEN, both of Virgil.
Married. TORRY - WELCH - At the Baptist parsonage, Freetown, N.Y., Dec. 22d, 1879, by the Rev. F. A. MATTESON, Mr. Deloss TORREY, of Texas, and Miss Lizzie WELCH, of Cincinnatus, N.Y. No cards.
[There is a "Texas" in New York State, I believe, but the notice does not say which Texas the groom was from. MES]
Married. LANDERS - HARVEY - At the Baptist parsonage New Year's day, 1880, by Rev. B. T. DAVIES, Mr. J. LANDERS, of Marathon, and Miss Lena HARVEY, of the same place.
Married. PEEBLES - REYNOLDS - At the home of the officiating gentleman, Mr. Adam WELTZ, of Auburn, Jan 5, 1880, Mr. T. H. PEEBLES, formerly of Marathon, and Miss Emma A. REYNOLDS, of Lake Ridge, Tompkins Co., N.Y.
Married. WILSON - HAZARD - At the Chenango House in Greene, N.Y., Dec. 23, 1879, by Rev. H. N. VanDUSEN, Byron E. WILSON, of Willett, and Miss Celia HAZARD, of Smithville.
Married. SEXTON - BLODGETT - In Lapeer, by Rev. Mr. TORRY, January 14th, Myron SEXTON and Miss Orril BLODGETT, all of Lapeer.
Married. CARR - ACKER - In Cortland, January 14, by Rev. G. W. IZER, Mr. Wilbur CARR, of Blodgett's Mills and Miss Silvia ACKER, of Cortland.
Married. CORSON - HAWLEY - At the residence of the bride's parents in Taylor, Jan. 15, 1880, by Rev. Edson ROGERS, James R. CORSON, Jr., of Birmingham, Mich., and Helen HAAWLEY, of Taylor.
Married. CAUGHEY - CALKINS - At the bride's home, Jan. 1, 1880, by Rev. Geo. W. IZER, Mr. Samuel CAUGHEY, of Tully, N.Y., and Miss Allie V. CALKINS, of Cortland.
Married. SORNBERGER - FOSTER - At the residence of the bride's parents, Feb. 4th, 1880, by the Rev. Dr. C. W. BENNETT, of Syracuse University, Prof. S. J. SORNBERGER, of the Normal School, Cortland, N.Y., to Miss Kate M. FOSTER, of Burnst Hills, Saratoga Co., N.Y.
Married. HAMILTON - O'FARRELL - In Homer, Jan. 28th, 1880, by Rev. Wm. A. ROBINSON, Mr. James HAMILTON, of Homer, and Mrs. Clara O'FARRELL, of Cortland.
Married. GATES - EASTMAN - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Homer, Jan. 21, 1880, by the Rev. Geo. BAYLESS, Mr. Asa B. GATES, of Truxton, and Miss Hattie A. EASTMAN, of Homer.
Married. FAIRCHILD - COLEMAN - At Seneca Falls, Jan. 28th, 1880, by Rev. Dr. SEAVER, Mr. Emmett G. FAIRCHILD, of Syracuse (formerly of Cortland), to Miss Lillie COLEMAN of Seneca Falls.
Married. STONE - BEEBE - In Marathon, Jan. 28th, 1880, by Rev. J.W. CAPEN, of Binghamton, Mr. Geo. H. STONE, of New York City, to Miss Grace BEEBE, daughter of Dr. S. BEEBE, of Marathon.
Married. McKEE - HOWE - At the residence of the bride's father, Jan. 29th, 1880, by Rev. R. C. FOX, Mr. John L. McKEE and Miss Mary E. HOWE, both of Cortland.
Married. PECKHAM - GRAHAM - At the residence of the bride's father, Jan. 28th, 1880, by Rev. R. C. FOX, Mr. Josephus E. PECKHAM, and Mrs. Mary O. GRAHAM, all of Homer.
Married. DUFFY - DALY - In the Catholic church in Cortland, February 10, 1880, by Rev. B. F. McLOUGHLIN, Thomas DUFFY and Anna DALY, all of Cortland.
Married. HERNON - GREENE - At the same time [February 10, 1880] and place [Catholic church in Cortland] and by the same [Rev. B. F. McLOUGHLIN], William HERNON and Anna GREENE, all of Solon.
Married. COOPER - HOBART - In Groton city, N.Y., Jan. 21, by Rev. E. R. WADE, Mr. George COOPER, of Groton city, and Miss Gustie HOBART, of Homer.
Married. OWEN - HOBART - In Preble, January 31, by Rev. M. Z. HASKINS, Mr. Fred S. OWEN and Miss Jennie H. HOBART, both of Homer.
Married. GATES - EASTMAN - In Homer, January 20, Mr. Asa B. GATES and Miss Hattie A. EASTMAN.
Married. HENRY - FENTON - At the M.E. Parsonage in Cincinnatus, Feb. 7, by Rev. A. C. SMITH, Geo. C. HENRY, of Detroit, Mich., and Miss Ada J. FENTON, of Pitcher.
Married. GARNER - HILGERT - In Truxton, at the residence of Alexander [L?????], Esq., Feb.13th, 1880, by [???] F. [FINDLEY?], Mr. David GARNER and Miss Margaret HILGERT, all of Truxton.
Married. PATRICK - KENNEY - At the residence of the bride's parents in Truxton, N.Y., Feb. [?th], 1880, by Rev. P. [?] [BUCK?], Mr. [Geo?] D. PATRICK and [Miss?] [?????] F. KENNEY, all of Truxton.
Married. SHEVALIER - CULVER - In Harford, N.Y., by [Erastus?] [?????], Esq., Mr. [John?] SHEVALIER and Miss [Jennie?] CULVER, all of Harford.
Married. GILBERT - WALTERS - At the M.E. Parsonage in Cuyler, February 22, 1880, by Rev. T. F. HARRIS, Peter GILBERT and Miss Florence WALTERS, both of Truxton.
Married. MARTIN - HAMMOND - At the Presbyterian parsonage in Whitney's Point, February 22, 1880, by Rev. E. W. LAKE, Alden MARTIN, of Solon, and Miss Amy HAMMOND, of Freetown.
Married. PELTON - MANCHESTER - At the residence of A. MANCHESTER, February 25, 1880, by Rev. M. Z. HASKINS, Frank L. PELTON and Miss Mira E. MANCHESTER, all of Preble.
Married. ALLEN - MOORE - February 15, 1880, in Lapeer, by the Rev. O. L.TORRY, Charles ALLEN, of Harford, and Miss Lucina MOORE, of Richford.
Married. REAS - INGRAHM - February 19, 1880, in Lapeer, by the Rev. O. L. TORRY, W.F. REAS, of Virgil, and Miss Nettie A. INGRAHM, of Lapeer.
Married. LEACH - DICKENSON - In Virgil, November 12, 1879, by Rev. O. M. MARTIN, Thomas N. LEACH, of Willett, and Miss Sarah A. DICKENSON, of Virgil.
Married. RIPLEY - CRANDALL - At the Marathon House, January 15, 1880, by Rev. O. M. MARTIN, Jacob RIPLEY, of Homer, and Miss Louisa CRANDALL, of Hunt's Corners.
Married. FISH - TORRY - In Freetown, February 18, 1880, by Rev. O. M. MARTIN, Frank M. FISH, of Cincinnatus, and Miss Roena J. TORRY, of Freetown.
Married. MATTESON - HART - In the town of Summer Hill, at the residence of the bride's parents, Feb. 25, by Rev. Charles T. WHITCOMB, Byron MATTESON, of Sempronius, and Julia A. HART, of Summer Hill.
Married. TUTTLE - CRITTENDEN - At the Spaulding House, in Binghamton, February 25, by the Rev. John McVEY, E. Darwin TUTTLE, of Holmesville, Chenango county, and Sarah A. CRITTENDEN, of Cincinnatus, Cortland county.
Married. NAAF - GREEN - In Brooklyn village, Ohio, Mr. Julius NAAF and Miss Luona D. GREEN, formerly of Willett.
Married. PARKER - HAMMON - At the home of the bride, December 21, 1879, by Rev. S. B. CULVER, Orpha M., daughter of S.C. HAMMON, and Henry T. PARKER, both of Harford.
Married. LETTS - SLATER - At the Baptist church at Summerhill, Sunday Feb. 29th, 1880, by Rev. Charles F. WHITCOMB, George J. LETTS, of Cortland, and Miss Emma SLATER, of Summerhill.
Married. WAVLE - GRAVES - In McGrawville, N.Y., February 26, 1880, by Rev. Geo. BAYLESS, Mr. Charles D. WAVLE, of Solon, N.Y., and Miss Hattie O. GRAVES, of the former place.
Married. HICKEY - BURKE - In Solon, Tuesday evening, March 2, 1880, by M. C. BEAN, Esq., Mr. Henry HICKEY and Miss Sarah BURKE, all of Solon.
Married. ARNOLD - CUMMINGS - At the bride's home in Preble, N.Y., March 4, 1880, by Rev. M. Z. HASKINS, Mr. John M. ARNOLD, ex-supervisor of Tully, N.Y. and Miss F. Celona CUMMINGS.
Married. CLAY - CASE - At the M.E. Parsonage in Preble, N.Y., March 10, 1880, by Rev. M. Z. HASKINS, Mr. David R. CLAY, of Vesper, N.Y., and Miss Mabel L. CASE, of Otisco Valley, N.Y.
Married. EDWARDS - SELLERS - At Kingsley, Kansas, on Tuesday, March 9, 1880, by the Rev. H. HODDLE, assisted by the Rev. Chas. BARNSBY, R. E. EDWARDS, formerly of Cortland, and Miss Lizzie SELLERS.
Married. PUTNAM - TUBBS - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Newark Valley, March 18, 1880, by Rev. Jay CLIZBE, Dr. F. W. PUTNAM, of Truxton, and Miss M. Libbie TUBBS, of Newark Valley.
Married. COLVER - MARITT - At the home of the bride's parents in Cortland, March 23, 1880, by the Rev. G. W. IZER, Robert A. COLVER and Lucy E. MARITT.
Married. WINTER - PRIEST - March 18, 1880, by Rev. Elijah HORR, Jr., Frederick H. WINTER and Miss Emily L. PRIEST, both of Cortland.
Married. OWEN - CAIRNS - At the Church of the Advent, in San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 1st, 1880, by Rev. W. L. GITHENS, O. Darwin OWEN to Miss Agnes H. CAIRNS.
Married. BURGESS - ROGERS - At the Carley House, in Marathon, Wednesday evening, March 10, 1880, by the Rev. O. M. MARTIN, Mr. Corwin BURGESS and Miss Hattie ROGERS, all of Marathon.
Married. TAYLOR - FOSTER - At the residence of M.W. CHAMBERLAIN, in Norwich, March 10th, by Rev. E. V. WILSON, Dr. T. B. TAYLOR, lately of Cortland, and Mrs. Alice E. FOSTER, both of Norwich.
Married. ROBBINS - UPSON - At the home of the bride, March 29, by Rev. G. W. IZER, Mr. Horace H. ROBBINS and Miss Ada UPSON, both of Cortland.
Married. TAINTOR - SCRIVEN - At the residence of the bride's father by Rev. Jas. A. CLARK, Mr. C. Harris TAINTOR, of Cuyler, and Miss Abbie SCRIVENS [sic], of Taylor, N.Y. [no date!]
Married. GRAHAM - McCUNE - At No. 38 Munroe Heights, Cortland, N.Y., March 31, 1880, by James W. PUTNAM, pastor of the Baptist church, Mr. Fred GRAHAM and Miss Mary McCUNE, both of Cortland.
Married. ALBRO - ALBRO - In Truxton, N.Y., March 31, 1880, by Rev. P. D. ROOT, Mr. Wm. ALBRO, of DeRuyter, and Miss Elvira ALBRO, of Cuyler.
Married. SCRIVEN - CHAPEN - At the Baptist parsonage, Cincinnatus, N.Y., April 4th, 1880, by Rev. C. R. CORNING, Mr. L.R. SCRIVEN of Taylor, and Mrs. A.G. CHAPEN of Cincinnatus.
Married. BARNARD - DOUD - In Mason City, Iowa, March 25, 1880, by Rev. E. C. MOULTON, Mr. Lucius A. BARNARD and Miss Mary E. DOUD, all of that city.
Married. MILLS - HAWLEY - At the M.E. parsonage, in Homer, N.Y., March 17, 1880, by Rev. R. C. FOX, Mr. Charles MILLS and Miss Evaline HAWLEY, all of Homer.
Married. PERKINS - MERRILL - On March 31st, 1880, at the residence of Dr. HUNT, in Marathon, N.Y., by Rev. O. M. MARTIN, Morris H. PERKINS, of Upper Lisle, and Miss Hattie MERRILL, of Marathon. [repeated 16 April]
Married. DeBARR - STEDMAN - At the residence of the bride's brother, April 6, 1880, by Rev. Elijah HORR, Jr., Eugene DeBARR, of Groton city, N.Y., and Miss Mary J. STEDEMAN, of LaFayette, N.Y.
Married. LATHROP - SHEVALIER - At the residence of the bride's mother, in Marathon, by Rev. Asa BROOKS, of Binghamton, Mr. Clark H. LATHROP to Miss Mary SHEVALIER, all of Marathon.
Married. ELLIS - BLINN - On Wednesday, April 21, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. Riley STONE, Mr. Eugene E. ELLIS, of Etna, and Miss Alice BLINN of McLean.
Married. WILLIAMS - WAKELY - At the M.E. Church parsonage in McLean, April 15, 1880, by Rev. James GUTSELL, Miss Frances C. WILLIAMS to Mr. B.H. WAKELY, all of McLean, N.Y.
Married. KENNEDY - RHODES - In Groton, April 22, 1880, by Rev. C. M. GARDNER, of Ludlowville, Mr. M. J. KENNEDY, of Cortland, and Miss Addie M. RHODES, of North Lansing.
Married. MORRIS - COLGAN - At the Catholic church of Cortland, April 24, by the Rev. B. F. McLOUGHLIN, Richard MORRIS, of Scott, N.Y., and Miss Elizabeth COLGAN, of Cortland, N.Y.
Married. WALKER - PENDER - In Homer, April 25, by the Rev. R. G. FOX, Franklin L. WALKER, of Delphi, N.Y., and Miss Anna L. PENDER, of Homer.
Married. HULBERT - GLOVER - On Wednesday evening, April 23, by the Rev. W. R. DAVIS, William T. HULBERT, of the firm of Wm. Hulbert & Son, to Catharine GLOVER, both of New York city.
Married. FRIZE - EDWARDS - On the 6th inst., at his residence, by the Rev. Alfred J. HUTTON, Wm. H. FRIZE and Miss Mary E. EDWARDS, all of Cortland. [SEE: Suicide, 14 May 1880]
Married. CHASE - BENTON - In Binghamton, April 8th, by Rev. J. B. SUMNER, Mr. John L. CHASE, of West Windsor, and Miss Augusta L. BENTON, of Binghamton.
Married. WHITMORE - WOOD - At the house of the bride's father, May 5, 1880, by the Rev. O. L. TORRY, Mr. Frank E. WHITMORE and Miss Carrie L. WOOD, all of Marathon.
Married. SHERWOOD - RICE - At the residence of the bride's father, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. Alfred J. HUTTON, Jas. D. SHERWOOD, to Ina E. RICE, daughter of Melvin A. RICE, Esq., of this village.
Married. MAINE - CLARK - In DeRuyter, May 13, 1880, by Elder T. FISHER, Mr. O. L. MAINE, of DeRuyter, and Mrs. Lovina CLARK, of Homer.
Married. CARTWRIGHT - FISH - At the home of the bride, May 16, by Rev. J. H. BARNARD, Mr. John W. CARTWRIGHT, of Tully, and Miss Diantha A. FISH, of Vesper.
Married. WHITE - FISH - At the same time and place and by the same [at the home of the bride May 16, by Rev. J. H. BARNARD], Mr. Burdick H. WHITE, of Preble, and Miss Roxy A. FISH, of Vesper.
Married. BARNES - SKEELE - At the residence of the bride's father, June 1, 1880, by the Rev. Elijah HORR, Jr., Milo BARNES, of Syracuse, N.Y., and Miss Lillie E. SKEELE, of Blodgett Mills, N.Y.
Married. LONERGAN - STEVENSON - At the residence of the bride's father in Cortland, N.Y., June 7th, 1880, by Rev. J. A. ROBINSON, Rector of Grace Church, Cortland, Mr. John LONERGAN, of Marysville, Kan., and Miss Annie L. STEVENSON of Cortland, N.Y.
Married. RYAN - BENJAMIN - In DeRuyter, May 31, 1880, by D. Q. MITCHELL, Esq., at his residence, Mr. Roger A. RYAN, and Miss Ursula A. BANJAMIN, both of Lincklaen, N.Y.
Married. CRISWELL - BALDWIN - At the residence of Mr. A. SESSIONS, of Marathon, June 16, 1880, by Rev. A. C. SPERRY, Mr. Wm. H. CRISWELL, of Lapeer, and Miss Eugene E. BALDWIN, of Newark Valley.
Married. RING - HOYT - At Homer, June 16, 1880, by Rev. ROBINSON, pastor of the Congregational church, Mr. O. N. RING, of Maine, and Miss Lottie HOYT, of Homer.
Married. BANJAMIN - CHANDLER - In Cuyler, N.Y., May 18, 1880, by H. D. WATERS, Esq., Mr. Orville BENJAMIN, of DeRuyter, and Miss Mary L. CHANDLER, of Cuyler.
Married. GENUNG - SPRAGUE - At St. George's church, Bloomsburg, London, May 15, 1880, Rev. John F. GENUNG, of Leipzig, Germany, and Florence Mabel, only daughter of Jessie D. SPRAGUE, of Oswego.
Married. POMEROY - WILLIAMS - At Lenox, Mass, June 9, 1880, Mr. Fred L. POMEROY and Miss Ophelia T. WILLIAMS.
Married. JACKSON - TOMPKINS - At the residence of the officiating clergyman, 19 Union street, Cortland, N.Y., June 14, 1880, by Rev. James W. PUTNAM, A. B. JACKSON and Miss Alice TOMPKINS, both of Marathon, N.Y.
Married. GARDA - KINNEY - At the residence of the bride's parents, June 9th, 1880, by the Rev. E. N. WESTCOTT, Mr. Louis J. GARDA, of McGrawville, and Miss Cora E. KINNEY, only daughter of Dea. Chas. L. KINNEY.
Married. CALLEN - SMITH - At the residence of the bride's parents in Cortland, N.Y., June 23d, 1880, by Rev. E. HORR, Jr., Mr. John CALLEN, of Minetto, Oswego Co., N.Y., and Miss Nettie SMITH, of Cortland.
Married. SELOVER - INGALLS - On the 23d inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. Alfred J. HUTTON, Chas. E. SELOVER and Susan C. INGALLS, all of Cortland.
Married. BLODGETT - EDMUNDS - At the M.E. parsonage, Flemingville, N.Y., June 22, 1880, by Rev. H. G. BLAIR, [Roamy?] BLODGETT and Miss Maggie A. EDMONDS [sic], both of Harford, N.Y.
Married. SARGENT - HULBERT - In New York city, on June 16, by the Rev. W. R. DAVIS, S. Eugene SARGENT, formerly of Boston, and Lelia J., daughter of William HULBERT, of New York.
Married. SANDERS - SKINNER - In Taylor, June 17, by Rev. Mr. TURNBULL, of Pitcher, Mr. William SANDERS, of Homer, and Miss Ellen SKINNER, of Taylor.
Married. STROWBRIDGE - PHILES - At the M.E. parsonage in Cortland, June 23, by Rev. E. HORR, Jr., Mr. Silas Hammond STROWBRIDGE, and Miss Edith PHILES, all of Cortland.
Married. WILCOX - BLOWERS - At the Baptist parsonage in Truxton, N.Y., July 4th, 1880, by Rev. F. H. GATES, Mr. Benjamin WILCOX and Miss Mary BLOWERS, both of DeRuyter.
Married. BAILEY - ELMORE - At the M.E. parsonage in Preble, N.Y., June 26, 1880, by Rev. M. Z. HASKINS, Mr. George T. BAILEY, of Tully, and Miss Lucy J. ELMORE, of Sheds Corners, N.Y.
Married. COGGSHALL - ROBBINS - At the residence of the bride's parents in Truxton, July 10, 1880, by Rev. F. H. GATES, Marshall COGGSHALL and Annie ROBBINS, both of Cortland.
Married. DICKERSON - MAXIM - In Homer, July 5, 1880, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. Wm. A. ROBINSON, Mr. Harvey M. DICKERSON, of Moravia, and Miss Matie J. MAXIM, of Homer.
Married. FINN - CHAMBERLAIN - At the residence of the bride's parents, on Port Watson street, on Wednesday, June 30, 1880, by the Rev. Mr. HORR, Mr. John FINN, of Albany, and Miss Eva CHAMBERLAIN, of Cortland. No cards.
Married. PALMER - ALGER - At the residence of the bride's father, H.S. CONGER, on Grant street, Cortland, by the Rev. Mr. PUTNAM, Thursday evening, June 1, Mr. S. L. PALMER, of Auburn, N.Y., and Mrs. Ellen A. ALGER, of Cortland.
Married. HYDE - STREETER - At the home of the bride, June 17, 1880, by Rev. Mr. WHEELER, of Freeville, Mr. William HYDE, of Groton Hollow, N.Y., and Mrs. N. A. STREETER, of Freeville.
Married. BUELL - WHITNEY - At the residence of the bride's father in Big Flats, the evening of July 12th, 1880, by Rev. S. D. BOOROM, Chaplain of the U.S. Navy, Mr. Charles Johnson BUELL and Miss Annie Louise WHITNEY, both recent graduates of the Normal School at Cortland.
Married. SHELTON - CULVER - In Berkshire, July 11th, 1880, by Rev. Mr. STILWELL, Mr. Will SHELTON, of Dryden, and Miss Lizzie CULVER, of Harford.
Married. WALLROUGHT - ELLSWORTH - At the Baptist parsonage in McLean, Sunday, July 4th, 1880, by Rev. Mr. WHITCOMB, Mr. Frederick H. WALLROUGHT, of Groton, and Miss Charlotte ELLSWORTH, of Cortland.
Married. FORSHEE - CARVER - In Bridgeport, Conn., June 30, 1880, by the Rev. Mr. HARRIS, Mr. Frank FORSHEE, formerly of McGrawville, and Miss Amanda J. CARVER, of Saratoga Springs, N.Y.
Married. BIDWELL - HOGUELAND - At the residence of the bride's parents, Neosho Falls, Kansas, July 6, 1880, by J. E. PICKETT, Mr. Morris C. BIDWELL and Miss Flora M. HOGUELAND.
Married. PRIEST - ATWOOD - On the 24th inst., at his residence, by the Rev. Alfred J. HUTTON, Herbert E. PRIEST, of Cortland, and Annie E. ATWOOD, of Sempronious, N.Y.
Married. WILCOX - BAKER - At the residence of the bride's parents, July 14, 1880, by Rev. W. H. MAYNARD, Rev. S. E. WILCOX, pastor of the Baptist church at Homer, and late of Hamilton Theological Seminary, and Miss Sarah BAKER, of Hamilton.
Married. GILBERTSON - COON - At the residence of the bride's sister in DeRuyter, N.Y., July 8, 1880, Mr. William M. GILBERTSON, of Fabius, and Miss Lillie COON, of DeRuyter.
Married. BEACH - SOUTHWORTH - On the 4th inst., at the bride's residence, by Rev. A. J. HUTTON, Jno. I. BEACH, of Onondaga Co., and Mrs. Parmelia F. SOUTHWORTH, of Cortland.
Married. MYERS - POTTER - In Willett, Aug. 1st, by Rev. A. BANCROFT, Mr. John MYERS, of South Harford, Cortland Co., and Mrs. Mariah POTTER, of Smithville, Chenango Co.
Married. NODECKER - McNALLY - At the Catholic church in Cortland, August 11, 1880, by the Rev. B. F. McLOUGHLIN, Peter NODECKER and Miss Jennie McNALLY, both of Cortland.
Married. O'DONALD - CASS - At the M.E. Parsonage in Cincinnatus, Aug. 8th, by Rev. A. C. SMITH, Mr. Patrick O'DONALD, of Preble, N.Y., and Miss Minnie B. CASS, of Taylor, N.Y.
Married. HAKES - EDWARDS - At Holly, Orleans county, N.Y., July 29, 1880, Mr. Perez HAKES, of Gains, and Miss Josephine EDWARDS, of Holly N.Y.
Married. HAYNES - WRIGHT - In Homer, August 4, 1880, by Rev. Wm. A. ROBINSON, Mr. William P. HAYNES and Miss Sophia E. WRIGHT, both of Cortland.
Married. LINES - NORTHRUP - In Homer, August 4, 1880, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Wm. A. ROBINSON, assisted by Rev. Mr. WILCOX, Mr. Augustus A. LINES and Miss Sarah E. NORTHRUP, both of Homer.
Married. KNAPP - WRIGHT - At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. E. A. WRIGHT, in the town of Homer, July 29, 1880, by Rev. J. D. POPE, of Tully, Rev. A. KNAPP, of Granville, Ill., and Miss Anna M. WRIGHT, of Homer, N.Y.
Married. ADAMS - MOREHOUSE - At the residence of B.B. MOREHOUSE in South Cortland, August 4th, 1880, by Rev. E. R. WADE, Mr. D. M. ADAMS, of LaGrange, Lorane county, Ohio, and Miss Ella M. MOREHOUSE, of Cortland, N.Y.
The bride was the recipient of a splendid "solid silver set," consisting of seventeen pieces. The entire set of magnificent size, unique and tasteful in design and beautiful and faultless in finish, the present of General ADAMS, a brother of the groom. The General is a Hancock Democrat and was in full feather as a warrior brave and means to have the scalp of J. A. Garfield by the middle of November next.
Married. BOYES - COOK - In Dryden, at the residence of A. B. FERGUSON, August 25, by Rev. R. TOWNSEND, Mr. Charles BOYES, of Geneva, Ill., and Miss Mary L. COOK, of Dryden.
Married. GILBERT - MORTON - On the 25th inst., 9 A.M., at the residence of the bride's uncle, Wm. HUTTON, Esq., 471 Lyceum avenue, Philadelphia, by the Rev. S. W. GEHRETT, Wm. O. GILBERT, of Philadelphia, formerly of Cortland, N.Y.., and Miss Alma C., daughter of Dr. Chas. MORTON, of Chester county, Pa.
Married. ROBINSON - McKAY - At Scott, N.Y., August 18th, 1880, by Rev. J. J. WHITE, Mr. J. R. ROBINSON to Miss Lizzie McKAY, both of Spafford, N.Y.
Married. NROTHRUP - BROWN - At the bride's residence August 24th, 1880, by the Rev. O. N. HINMAN, Mr. Reuben NORTHRUP, of Freetown, and Mrs. Betsy BROWN, of McGrawville.
Married. KNAPP - WRIGHT - At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. A. E. WRIGHT, July 29, 1880, by Rev. J. D. POPE, of Tully, Rev. A. KNAPP, of Granville, Ill., and Miss Anna WRIGHT, of McGrawville.
Married. GAUFFREAU - WILCOX - In Corry, August 16, by the Rev. A. FRINK, Marcellin GAUFFREAU, of Brooklyn, N.Y., and Hattie WILCOX, of Corry, daughter of Mr. A. V. P. WILCOX, formerly of Cortland.
Married. GARDNER - GEE - At the M.E. Parsonage in Whitney's Point, N.Y., Sept. 1, 1880, by Rev. A. C. SPERRY, Mr. Nathan A. GARDNER, of Virgil, N.Y., and Miss Louise D. GEE, of Fenton, N.Y.
Married. GIVENS - JENNINGS - At the residence of the bride's parents in Dryden, Sept. 8th, 1880, by Rev. Mr. ADAMS, of Moravia, Miss Mary GIVENS and Mr. F.S. JENNINGS, of McLean, N.Y.
Married. NYE - PRESTON - At the residence of Stephen N. LARRABEE in Truxton, Aug 24, 1880, by Joel CALL, Esq., Leroy NYE, of Fabius, and Arvilla PRESTON, of Truxton.
Married. TUTTLE - METZGAR - At the residence of the bride's parents in Freetown, Sept. 8, 1880, by Rev. Mr. DURLING, Harvey TUTTLE and Miss Ina METZGAR, both of Freetown, N.Y.
Married. GARDINER - PRESTON - At the residence of the bride's parents in Cincinnatus, Sept. 9th, 1880, by Rev. A. C. SMITH, Mr. Wm. C. GARDINER and Miss Libbie PRESTON, both of Cincinnatus.
Married. HAYES - HARRINGTON - At the Baptist parsonage in Whitneys Point, Wednesday, Sept. 8, 1880, by Rev. B. T. DAVIES, Luther P. HAYES and Miss Calfernia HARRINGTON, both of Cincinnatus, N.Y.
Married. RIFENBERG - STROWBRIDGE - In Cortland, Sept. 15, 1880, by the Rev. Alfred J. HUTTON, H. D. RIFENBERG, of Columbus Junction, Iowa, to Jennie M. STROWBRIDGE, of this place.
Married. FULKERSON - GROVER - At the home of the bride in West Dryden, Sept. 1st, by the Rev. M. N. WHEELER, Mr. Edwin F. FULKERSON and Miss Mabel GROVER, youngest daughter of the late Col. A. J. GROVER.
Married. DRAIME - PATTEN - In Syracuse, Sept. 2d, 1880, at the residence of the bride's parents, the Empire House, by Rev. Dr. A. F. BEARD, J. Francis DRAIME and M. Jennie PATTEN, daughter of John PATTEN, formerly of Homer.
Married. KINNEY - THORINGTON - In DeRuyter, N.Y., Sept. 12, 1880, by Rev. W. F. WAKEFIELD, Mr. Charles O. KINNEY, of Cuyler, and Miss Ida G. THORINGTON, of Taylor.
Married. THORNTON - BURLINGHAM - At the M.E. parsonage, McGrawville, N.Y., Sept. 21, 1880, by the Rev. P. H. WILES, Mr. Milo THORNTON, of Solon, and Miss Hattie M. BURLINGHAM, of McGrawville.
Married. BUTLER - MARSH - In this village, Sept. 16th, 1880, by the Rev. S.N. WESTCOTT, Mr. S. R. BUTLER, of Cortland, and Miss E. M. MARSH, of McGrawville.
Married. ALLIS - PHILLIPS - At the Baptist parsonage in Cincinnatus, N.Y., Sept. 23d, 1880, by Rev. C. R. CORNING, Mr. M.D. ALLIS and Miss Agnes F. PHILLIPS, both of Taylor, N.Y.
Married. PECK - SAULSBURY - At the Reform parsonage in Chittenango, N.Y., Sept. 16, 1880, by Rev. C. O. THATCHER, Platt N. PECK, of Solon, to Miss Hattie L. SAULSBURY, of Chittenango, N.Y.
Married. MARLEY - DAVIS - In McGrawville, Sept. 2d, 1880, by Rev. George BAYLESS, Mr. Mathew MARLEY and Miss Hattie DAVIS, both of Solon. HOWEVER, on 8 Oct 1880 there was this news item: "Last week we received a postal card dated and post marked at McGrawville, announcing the marriage of Mr. Matthew MARLEY and Miss Hattie E. DAVIS by Rev. George BAYLESS. We have frequently received postals from Mr. BAYLESS making similar announcements, and as the handwriting in this instance seemed to be the same we published the notice. We now learn that the parties are not married, and the card was sent by some malicious person to cause trouble.
Married. LANING - TORRY - At the Windsor House, Hutchinson, Kas. on the evening of September 16th, 1880, by Rev. D. M. MORE, Dr. Sylvester LANING, of Kingman county, Kas., the eldest son of Dr. R. LANING, of McLean, N.Y., and Mrs. Libbie D. TORRY, of Homer, N.Y.
Married. BEAN - RUSSELL - At the residence of the bride's father, Allen RUSSELL, Esq., in McGrawville, Wednesday morning, Oct. 6, 1880, by the Rev. S. N. WESTCOTT, Mr. W. L. BEAN, and Miss Mary L. RUSSELL, all of McGrawville.
Married. MOORE - EDWARDS - At the residence of Samuel HAMMOND, in McGrawville, Wednesday Oct. 6, 1880, by Rev. Geo. BAYLESS, Mr. W. H. MOORE and Miss Etta EDWARDS, both of Cincinnatus.
Married. SMITH - KINNE - On the 7th inst., by the Rev. Alfred J. HUTTON, Daniel D. SMITH, of Syracuse, to Mrs. Cynthia R. KINNE, of Cortland.
Married. MOTT - CONRAD - In Richford, Sept. 28, 1880, by Rev. A. D. STOWELL, Alice MOTT, of Dryden, to William CONRAD, of Harford.
Married. POTTER - GROVER - At the residence of the bride's parents in Marathon, October 8, 1880, by Rev. F. H. HINMAN, Mr. DeWitt POTTER, of South Otselic, to Miss Nora GROVER.
Married. MEADE - BEACH - In Cortland, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. Alfred J. HUTTON, Philo MEADE, to Nellie BEACH, all of this place.
Married. BEACH - THURSTON - At the hotel in Willett, N.Y., by Rev. F. H. PARSONS, Eugene BEACH, of Freetown, N.Y., and Miss Eva A. THURSTON, of Whitney's Point.
Married. WAVLE - VALENTINE - At the residence of the bride's parents, October 3, 1880, by Rev. Frank H. HINMAN, Mr. James H. WAVLE, of Smithville, N.Y., and Emma R. VALENTINE, of Marathon, N.Y.
Married. CASE - GLEASON - At the home of the bride's parents, Wednesday, Oct. 13, by Rev. S. N. WESTCOTT, Mr. George W. CASE, of McGrawville, and Miss Estella GLEASON, of Centre Lisle, N.Y.
Married. MOORE - EDWARDS - At the residence of Samuel HAMMOND, in McGrawville, Wednesday, Oct. 6, 1880, by Rev. Geo. BAYLESS, Mr. Willard H. MOORE and Miss Etta EDWARDS, both of Cincinnatus.
Married. LUCE - HOVEY - At the house of Mr. F. T. HOVEY, father of the bride, in Virgil, by Rev. James GUTSELL, Mr. Stephen E. LUCE and Miss Hattie E. HOVEY, all of Virgil.
Married. CAIN - SHEPHERD. - On the 20th inst., at his residence, by the Rev. Alfred J. HUTTON, Jacob B. CAIN to Mary S. SHEPHERD, both of Ithaca.
Married. INGERSOLL - ROSE. - In DeRuyter, October 14, 1880, by Elder T. FISHER, Mr. Luther B. INGERSOLL, of Otselic, Chenango county, and Miss Nellie L. ROSE, of Cuyler, Cortland county.
Married. WEBSTER - BENSCHOTTEN. - At the residence [of] Newton BENSCHOTTEN, Summer Hill, N.Y., Oct. 20, 1880, by Rev. Charles F. WHITCOMB, of McLean, N.Y., Mr. Perry E. WEBSTER and Miss Alice E. BENSCHOTTEN, both of Summer Hill.
Married. GROSS - GARDNER. - At the home of the bride's parents, October 21, 1880, by Rev. S. N. WESTCOTT, Mr. Frank J. GROSS and Miss Ida E. GARDNER, all of McGrawville.
Married. RILEY - FREEMAN. - In Harford Mills, N.Y., Sept. 12, 1880, Mr. Frank RILEY, of Ketchumville, and Miss Lena FREEMAN, of Lapeer, N.Y.
Married. MEAGER - FERTIG. - In Cortland, Oct. 27, 1880, by Rev. J. W. PUTNAM, Mr. N. P. MEAGER and Miss Carrie A. FERTIG, all of Cortland.
Married. ALLEN - JOHNSON - At the Methodist church in Freetown, Oct. 31, 1880, by Rev. M. Z. HASKINS, of McGrawville, E. D. ALLEN, M.D., of Dryden, and Miss Helen M. JOHNSON, of Freetown, N.Y.
Married. HAYES - WESTFALL - At the residence of the bride's parents, Nov. 3, 1880, by Rev. F. H. GATES, of Truxton, Charles L. HAYES, of Truxton, and Miss Lillie E. WESTFALL, of Newark Valley, N.Y.
Married. NORTHRUP - WILSON. - At the residence of Mrs. Henry SOVOCOOL, Oct. 27, by Rev. E. R. WADE, Walter S. NORTHRUP, of Rathboneville, Steuben Co., and Viola C. WILSON, of Groton City.
Married. BASFORD - SHEVALIER - At the residence of the bride, Oct. 27, by Rev. C. SMITH, D.D., of Owego, Rev. C.H. BASFORD, pastor [of] Harford M. E. Church, and Viola Louise Alvira SHEVALIER.
Married. HALL - ROBBINS - At the residence of John ROBBINS, Truxton, Nov. 3d, 1880, by Rev. F. H. GATES, Franklin HALL, of Keeney Settlement, and Mary E. ROBBINS, of Truxton.
Married. PARKER - DICKINSON. - On Wednesday evening, Nov.10, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. Mr. BARNUM, William P. PARKER and Ida M. DICKINSON, both of Virgil.
Married. SNELL - SMITH. - At Blodgett's Mills, Nov. 4, by Rev. Mr. BARNUM, Mr. Darius SNELL and Miss Etta SMITH, daughter of S. B. SMITH, of the above place.
Married. GILBERT - SESSIONS - At the residence of the bride's parents, Wednesday, November 10th, 1880, by the Rev. R. C. FOX, Mr. Charles T. GILBERT to Miss Cora E. SESSIONS, second daughter of Henry C. SESSIONS, all of Homer, N.Y.
Married. CROSSLEY - COTTRELL - At Scott, November 10th, 1880, by Rev. J. J. WHITE, F. A. CROSSLEY to Emma COTTRELL, both of Scott.
Married. POTTER - BLANCHER - At the Baptist parsonage in Cincinnatus, N.Y., Nov. 25, 1880, by Rev. C. R. CORNING, Mr. Albertus F. POTTER, of Taylor, N.Y., and Miss Ella M. BLANCHER, of Cuyler, N.Y.
Married. CRANDALL - ROWLEY - At the residence of Hiram ROWLEY, of Fabius, N.Y., Nov. 17, 1880, by Rev. F. H. GATES, Joseph M. CRANDALL, of Truxton, and Helen C. ROWLEY, of Fabius.
Married. NEWELL - SPRINGER - At the home of the bride in Cortland, N.Y., by Rev. E. HORR, Jr., Wednesday, Nov. 17, 1880, Mr. Wm. C. NEWELL, of Lafayette, N.Y., and Miss Cora J. SPRINGER.
Married. PARKER - DICKINSON - On Wednesday evening, Nov. 10, 1880, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. Marcellus BARNUM, William P. PARKER, and Ida M. DICKINSON, both of Virgil.
Married. GRAVES - COWAN - At the house of the bride's father, Ransom J. BROOKS, Esq., in Cortland, Nov. 30, 1880, by Rev. J. W. PUTNAM, Mr. Rufus H. GRAVES, of McGrawville, to Mrs. Augusta COWAN, of Cortland.
Married. YATES - MARSHALL - On Nov. 24th, 1880, by Rev. Wm. C. SCOFIELD, Martin H. YATES and Henrietta S. MARSHALL, both of Harford, N.Y.
Married. TORREY - STEELE - In DeRuyter, N.Y., Nov. 25, 1880, by Elder T. FISHER, Ezra D. TORREY and Miss Maggie Ann STEELE, both of Cuyler, N.Y.
Married. DAYGER - JORDAN - At the residence of A. H. JORDAN, in the town of Taylor, by the Rev. H. C. ANDREWS, Mr. Solomon DAYGER to Miss Florence A. JORDAN.
Married. CARTER - COOPER - At the residence of the Rev. E. TYLER, and by him, Nov. 23, 1880, Simon W. CARTER, of Marathon, and Mrs. Sarah COOPER, of Freetown, N.Y.
Married. STERNS - DAYGER - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Truxton, by Rev. Mr. WEST, Mr. William STERNS, of Georgetown, to Miss Addie DAYGER, of Truxton.
Married. WILCOX - BARBER - At the Clinton House, Ithaca, Nov. 25, 1880, by the Rev. Milton HAMBLIN, Minnie M. WILCOX, of Sempronious, N.Y., to Isaac F. BARBER, of Scott, N.Y.
Married. BARBER - CHRYSLER - At the Clinton House, Ithaca, Nov. 25, 1880, by the Rev. Milton HAMBLIN, Sarah N. BARBER, of Glen Haven, N.Y., to Olner P. CHRYSLER.
Married. McCARTHY - LIDELL - At the Catholic church in Cortland, November 6, 1880, by Rev. B. F. McLOUGHLIN, Mr. John McCARTHY, of New York city, and Miss Alice M. LIDELL, of Taylor.
Married. HATHWAY - WELCH - In Trinity Church, Iowa City, Iowa, Dec. 1, 1880, by Rev. C. Compton BURNETT, Mr. Jerome R. HATHWAY, of Topeka, Kansas, to Miss Hariet E. WELCH, of Cortland, N.Y.
Married. WILKINSON - VANDERMARK - At the residence of the officiating clergyman, in Moravia, December 4, 1880, by Rev. S. A. BEMAN, Mr. Titus WILKINSON, of Summer Hill, and Miss Delaphine VANDERMARK, of Locke.
Married. TRAPP - GLEASON - At the residence of the bride's parents, in McLean, N.Y., Dec. 2, 1880, by Rev. Chas. F. WHITCOMB, Frank E. TRAPP, of Virgil, and Miss Emily C. GLEASON, of Groton.
Married. SMITH - BOUTON - At the residence of Dr. F.O. HYATT, Cortland, N.Y., Dec. 7th, 1880, by Rev. Elijah HORR, Jr., Dr. George H. SMITH and Miss Mary A. BOUTON, both of Cortland, N.Y.
Married. METZGER - FRANCIS - In Groton, Dec. 8, 1880, by the Rev. F. PURVIS, Miss Ella METZGER to Mr. D. W. FRANCIS, both of Groton.
Married. PENIRD - CASE - In Groton, Dec. 13, 1880, by Rev. G. B. RICHARDSON, Will PENIRD and Miss Emma CASE, of Summer Hill, N.Y.
Married. KNAPP - ROSE - At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. L. R. ROSE, by Rev. W. H. YORK, assisted by Rev. Joseph ZARTMAN, Mr. Edward H. KNAPP to Miss Hattie M. ROSE, both of East Homer.
Married. GLOVER - LANDERS - In Smithville, Dec. 9th, by Rev. Mr. MITCHELL, Mr. Frank GLOVER, of Cincinnatus, to Miss Eva LANDERS, of Smithville.
Married. DODD - SMITH - At the residence of Alfred SMITH, in Solon, N.Y., Dec. 22d, 1880 by Rev. M. Z. HASKINS, Mr. George F. DODD, of Truxton, and Miss Ida C. SMITH, of Solon.
Married. WILCOX - MARICLE - At the residence of Martin MARICLE, Dec. 23, 1880, by Rev. M. Z. HASKINS, Mr. C. C. WILCOX and Miss Minnie P. MARICLE, both of McGrawville.
Married. BLANCHARD - WOOD - At the Baptist parsonage, in Truxton, Dec. 24th, by Rev. F. H. GATES, Wm. BLANCHARD and Mary WOOD, both of Cuyler.
Married. WINNIE - STEVENS - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Solon, Dec. 25th, by Rev. F. H. GATES, Wyman W. WINNIE, of Cuyler, and Hattie STEVENS, of Solon.
Married. SALISBURY - TARBELL - At the residence of the bride's father, [Judge?] TARBELL, on Wednesday, Dec. 22, 1880, by Rev. George BAYLESS, Charles SALISBURY and Ida M. TARBELL, both of McGrawville, N.Y.
Married. HAMMOND - BRYANT - At the Baptist parsonage, Whitney's Point, N.Y., by Rev. B. T. DAVIES, Mr. Samuel D. HAMMOND and Miss Sate V. BRYANT, all of Marathon.
Married. JONES - ROANBRACK - At the M. E. parsonage in Dryden, Dec. 22, 1880, Miss Libbie JONES, of Venice, to Mr. Emory ROANBRACK, of Moravia.
Married. KENYON - MEACHEM - In St. Peter's church, Auburn, Wednesday, Dec. 15, 1880, by the Rev. John BRAINARD, D.D., George Grosvenor KENYON, of Syracuse, and Florence, daughter of the late Rev. Thomas G. MEACHEM.
Married. UPSON - ETZ - In this village, Dec. 29, 1880, by Rev. A.J. HINTON, Mr. Arthur C. UPSON to Miss Jennie ETZ, both of Cortland.
Married. PENNOCK - WEBSTER - At the residence of the bride's parents, Dec. 25, 1880, Mr. Fred M. PENNOCK, of Ithaca, to Miss Cora WEBSTER, of Freeville.
Married. BRUSIE - HOMER - At the residence of the bride's parents, Dec. 25th, 1880, by Rev. C. H. BASFORD, Miss Rosa HOMER and Delevan BRUSIE, both of Cortland county.
Married. HOLLENBECK - WOODMANCY - At the Cortland House, Dec. 19, 1880, by Rev. J. W. PUTNAM, George HOLLENBECK, of Greene county, N.Y., and Miss Sarah WOODMANCY, of Tully, N.Y.
Married. WILLIAMS - WHITE - At Blodgett's Mills, N.Y., Dec. 25, 1880, by the Rev. J. NASON, Edwin WILLIAMS and Hannah WHITE, both of Lansing, Tompkins county N.Y.
Mr. Clarence SQUIRES and Miss Mary BLAIR were married at the residence of the bride's parents, Wednesday evening, December 22d.
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