Married. MESPELL - HUBBARD - At the residence of the bride's parents in Dryden, Dec. 13, 1883, by Rev. J. A. ROBINSON, of Cortland, Miss Anna HUBBARD, and Will M. MESPELL.
Married. BUTTS - CASAR - At the home of the bride's parents, in Peruville, Dec. 20, 1883, by Rev. E. H. WADE, Mr. Searles BUTTS, of McLean, and Miss Viola CASAR.
Married. LYMAN - HALL - In Three Rivers, Mich., by Rev. C. S. FOX, Dec. 17, 1883, Frank H. LYMAN, of Kalamazoo, formerly of Cortland, to Miss Carrie HALL, of Decatur, Mich. No cards.
Married. MOXEY - HILL - At the home of the bride, Dec. 24, 1883, by Rev. W. H. YORK, of Preble, Mr. Walter MOXEY, to Miss Sarah J. HILL, both of Otisco Valley, N.Y.
Married. ADLAM - MOSS - In Preble, Dec. 25, 1883, by Rev. W. H. YORK, Mr. John ADLAM to Miss Alice P. MOSS, both of Otisco Valley, N.Y.
Married. BENNETT - DAVENPORT - At the M.E. Parsonage, Preble, N.Y., Jan. 1, 1884, by Rev. W. H. YORK, Mr. J. D. BENNETT, to Miss Retta M. DAVENPORT, both of East Homer, N.Y.
Married. CRANE - POLLARD - In Lapeer, Dec. 25, 1883, by Rev. O. L. TORRY, Mr. Marvin CRANE, to Miss Myra POLLARD, both of Lapeer, N.Y.
Married. KINNEY - BABCOX - In Lapeer, Dec. 25, 1883, by Rev. O.L. TORRY, Mr. Fred Jay KINNEY, to Miss Adella H. BABCOX, both of Lapeer, N.Y.
Married. DAVERN - FANNING - At St. Mary's Catholic Church in this village, Dec. 25, 1883, by Rev. B. F. McLOGHLIN, Mr. John T. DAVERN, of Albany, formerly of this place, to Miss Josephine FANNING, of Cortland.
Married. ULSHOEFFER - TICKNOR - At the residence of James UNDERWOOD, at Binghamton, N.Y., Dec. 23, 1883, by Rev. W. W. DAVENPORT, of Binghamton, N.Y., Mr. John H. ULSHOEFFER, of Cortland, N.Y., and Miss Addie V. TICKNOR, of Harford, N.Y.
Married. DAVERN - McGINNIS - At the Catholic Church in Marathon, Dec. 26, 1883, by the Rev. J. L. MEAGHER, Mr. William A. DAVERN, of Marathon to Rose A. McGINNIS, of Cincinnatus.
Married. SWART - ROOD - At the home of the bride, Jan. 1, 1884, by Rev. L. P. HOWARD, Mr. George H. SWART, and Miss Hattie ROOD, both of Harford, Cortland Co., N.Y.
Married. DAVIS - SMITH - In North Fenton, Dec. 24, 1883, by Rev. S. H. WOOD, Mr. Francis M. DAVIS, of Taylor, to Miss Myra C. SMITH, of Greene.
Married. ELSTON - MORRISON - At the home of the bride, Jan. 14, 1884, by Rev. W. H. YORK, Mr. Volney ELSTON, of Arizona Ter., to Miss Susie MORRISON, of Preble, N.Y.
Married. VanHORNE - PERSONS - In Rutland, Humboldt Co., Iowa, Jan. 1, 1884, by Rev. Reuben PERSONS, formerly of McGrawville, John L. VanHORNE of Bradgate, and Miss Hattie PERSONS, of Rutland, youngest daughter of the officiating clergyman.
Married. PALMER - KEENE - In Laporte, Ind., Nov. 14, 1883, Ernest M. PALMER, and Miss Hetty, only daughter of Dr. Lorenzo S. KEENE, formerly of McGrawville.
The bride is one of LaPorte's most estimable young ladies, and the groom has an excellent reputation.
Married. SAGER - BRIDGEFORD - Jan. 16, 1884, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. A. J. GROVER, West Dryden, N.Y., by Rev. J. E. RHODES, Mr. Aaron SAGER, of Cortland, N.Y. and Mrs. Julia G. BRIDGEFORD.
Married. SMITH - STEVENS - Jan. 16th, 1884, by Rev. D. B. GRANT, at his residence in McGrawville, Mr. Frank L. SMITH, of Solon, to Miss Dottie G. STEVENS, of Truxton.
Married. PEEK - BREED - In Truxton, N.Y., January 2nd, 1884, by Rev. J. A. RICH, Mr. Willis PEEK and Miss Ida B. BREED, both of Truxton, N.Y.
Married. GODDARD - PITTS - At the residence of Mrs. H. E. PITTS, January 2nd, by Rev. Dr. PARKE, Miss Linnie PITTS to Arthur G. GODDARD, of Binghamton, formerly of Cortland.
Married. DORAN - STODDARD - At the M. E. parsonage, in Ottawa, Ill., Dec. 25th, by Rev. George S. YOUNG, Mr. Clarence L. DORAN, formerly of Cortland, to Miss Mary L. STODDARD, both of Rutland, Ill.
Married. KENYON - ELLISON - In Cortland, N.Y., on Jan. 16th, 1884, by Rev. J. L. ROBERTSON, Mr. Floyd KENYON to Miss Maria ELLISON, both of Cortland, N.Y.
Married. MURPHY - ROBINS - In Moravia, Jan'y 15th, 1884, by Rev. George H. BAILEY, Franklin B. MURPHY, of North Platte, Nebraska, and Miss Ida E. ROBINS, of Summer Hill.
Married. BLUNDEN - RUSSELL - In Preble, Feb. 2nd, 1884, by Rev. W. H. YORK, Mr. Edward BLUNDEN [remainder lost in paper crease]
Married. CARRUTHERS - LIVINGSTON - At the M. E. parsonage in Cincinnatus, N.Y., Feb. 3d, 1884, by Rev. M. Z. HASKINS, Mr. John CARRUTHERS and Miss Libbie Palmer LIVINGSTON, both of McGrawville, N.Y.
Married. JONES - YOUNG - At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. John YOUNG, Jan. 24th, 1884, by Rev. T. F. HARRIS, Mr. William N. JONES, of Truxton, and Miss D. YOUNG, of East Homer.
Married. WICKS - PHILLIPS - At the residence of the bride's parents, Jan. 23d, 1884, by Rev. S. E. WILCOX, assisted by Rev. Rev. Mr. PHILLIPS, of Binghamton, Mr. Milton D. WICKS, of Binghamton, and Miss Louise E. PHILLIPS, of Homer.
Married. HILES - LAMONT - At the home of the bride's mother, in Cortland, by Rev. J. A. ROBINSON, Wednesday, Jan. 23d, 1884, Mr. Gideon HILES, of Dryden, and Miss Allie LAMONT.
Married. UTLEY - WHEELER - At the residence of the bride's father, in Little York, Jan. 24th, by Rev. Wm. A. ROBINSON, Mr. David E. UTLEY, of Blodgett's Mills, and Emma C. WHEELER, of Homer.
Married. MURRAY - MOTT - In Marathon, Jan. 1st, 1884, by Rev. Mr. ROGERS, Mr. Henry MURRAY, of Lincklaen, to Miss Rose MOTT, of Lapeer, Cortland Co., N.Y.
Married. HUNTLEY - RUGGLES - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Windsor, N.Y., Wednesday evening, Jan. 23d, 1884, by Rev. A. G. MILLER, Mr. Chauncey D. HUNTLEY, formerly of Cincinnatus, and Miss Jennie L. RUGGLES, both of Windsor.
Married. LEACH - GREENE - At the residence of the bride's father, Burrill GREENE, in Willett, Wednesday evening, Jan. 16th, 1884, by Rev. J. F. McLAURY, of Marathon, Mr. Willie B. LEACH, of Texas Valley, to Miss Hattie GREENE, of Willett.
Married. COOK - FOX - In Brookfield, Dec. 31st, 1883, by Rev. J. G. BROOKS, Mr. Adelbert D. COOK, of Pitcher, to Miss Libbie V. FOX, of Taylor.
Married. HART - CUTLER - In Scott, Jan. 24th, 1884, by Rev. S. A. BEMAN, of Union Springs, Mr. Wallace HART, of Summer Hill, and Miss Alice, daughter of Mr. Dwight K. CUTLER, both of the former place.
Married. COGSWELL - MARITT - At the home of the bride's parents, on Elm street, Wednesday evening, Jan. 23d, 1884, Mr. Newell COGSWELL and Miss Ella[?] M. MARITT.
Married. BELL - BRAZIE - At the residence of M. W. FRIZE, on Crandall St. Jan. 28th, 1884, by Rev. H. T. SELL, John H. BELL, of Westfield, N.Y. and Miss Libbie BRAZIE, of Seward Valley.
Married. BEARD - PECK - At the home of the bride's parents in Cortland, Feb. 6th, 1884, by Rev. W. H. ANNABLE, Mr. Robert H. BEARD to Miss Carrie M. PECK, daughter of Lyman PECK, Esq.
Married. SWAN - McCARTHY - In Saint Mary's Church in this village, Jan. 30th, 1884, by Rev. T. McLOGHLIN, Mr. Harry SWAN, of Cleveland, O., to Miss Kittie McCARTHY, of Cortland.
Married. COOK - LEWIS - At the residence of the bride's brother-in-law, Mr. E. D. GRAVES, Cortland, N.Y., Wednesday, Feb. 20, 1884, by the Rev. Jas. W. PUTNAM, Truman B. COOK, of Topeka, Kansas, and Miss Nettie LEWIS, of Cortland.
Married. VanBUREN - CALKINS - At the residence of Mr. J. D. CALKINS, Feb. 27, 1884, by Rev. James W. PUTNAM, J. C. VanBUREN, and Miss Jennie R. CALKINS, both of Cortland.
Married. WEBSTER - WOOD - In Preble, Feb. 24, 1884, by Rev. W. H. YORK, Mr. Chas. H. WEBSTER, and Miss Ella WOOD, both of Borodino, N.Y.
Married. NILES - FRALICK - In Upper Lisle, Dec. 13, 1883, by Rev. R.O. WILLIAMS, Mr. Ceylon E. NILES, of Upper Lisle, and Miss Lizzie FRALICK of Marathon.
Married. STREIFF - BROWN - In Upper Lisle, Feb. 22d, 1884, by Rev. R. O. WILLIAMS, Mr. Matten STREIFF, of Triangle, and Miss Mary C. BROWN, of Marathon.
Married. DADA - DIXON - In Weedsport, Feb. 20th, by Rev. Edward P. DADA, of Richford, Winthrop E. DADA, of Ransom City, Dakota, and Anne M., youngest daughter of Charles DIXON, of Weedsport.
Mr. and Mrs. DADA carry the best wishes of their numerous friends for their happiness to their new home in the far West.
Married. COON - KINNEY - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Blodgett's Mills, Wednesday, Mar. 5, 1884, by Rev. James W. PUTNAM, Mr. Hamill T. COON, of Homer, and Miss Hattie F. KINNEY, of the former place.
Married. BRADLEY - CLARK - In Plymouth, N.Y., Feb. 5, 1884, at the residence of George A. COOLEY, Esq., by Rev. S. STEPHENS, Mr. Alfred BRADLEY, of Plymouth, and Miss Jennie M. CLARK, of Cincinnatus.
Married. SHERWOOD - DONLEY - On Feb. 24, 1884, Mr. Charles SHERWOOD, of Marathon, and Miss Libbie DONLEY, of Binghamton.
Married. COURTNEY - EARLEY - At the residence of the bride's parents, Feb. 27, 1884, by Rev. J. F. McLAURY, Earnest L. COURTNEY, to Miss Edith L. EARLEY, all of Marathon.
Married. JOHNSON - PARKER - At the residence of the officiating clergyman, in Savannah, N.Y., Feb. 27, 1884, by Rev. E. C. COWLES, Mr. Daniel JOHNSON, to Miss Lydia W. PARKER, both of Harford, N.Y.
Married. GRISWOLD - GRIFFIN - In Lapeer, March 2, 1884, by the Rev. O. L. TORRY, William A. GRISWOLD, of Richford, to Miss Sarah R. GRIFFIN, of Ithaca.
Married. VanPATTEN - BALDWIN - At the residence of the bride's parents, Feb. 27, 1884, by Rev. W. H. YORK, Mr. Lorenzi VanPATTEN, and Miss Emily C. BALDWIN, all of Preble, N.Y.
Married. LASON - HOVEY - At the residence of the officiating clergyman, Rev. S. W. SCHOONOVER, on Wednesday, Feb. 27, 1884, Mr. Geo. LASON, and Miss Ella HOVEY, all of Virgil, N.Y.
Married. WAKEFIELD - BURNS - At the Dexter House, Mar. 9, 1883 [sic], by Rev. H. T. SELL, Mr. James WAKEFIELD, of Erin, Chemung Co., to Miss Mary BURNS, of Bennetsburg.
Married. CARPENTER - ANDERSON - At the residence of the bride's uncle, Dr. R. C. HEWETT, of Louisville, Ky., Feb. 13th, 1884, Mr. Herbert S. CARPENTER, of New York city, son of Frank B. CARPENTER, the artist, to Miss Cora ANDERSON, daughter of the late John Foster ANDERSON, of the former city.
Married. ROOD - BUSH - In Truxton, N.Y., March 8th, 1884, by Rev. J. A. RICH, Mr. Everett E. ROOD, and Miss Mary E. BUSH, both of Taylor, N.Y.
Married. WEBB - WOOD - At the residence of Mr. Marvin R. WOOD, at South Cortland, N.Y., March 12th, 1884, by Rev. John B. CALVERT, Mr. Niles Freeland WEBB, of Orange Co., and Miss F. Adelle WOOD.
Married. BEAUDRY - JONES- At St. Mary's Catholic Church in Cortland, on March 18th, by Rev. Father McLOGHLIN, Mr. G. F. BEAUDRY, of Cortland, N.Y., to Miss Hattie A. JONES, of Baldwinsville, N.Y.
Married. ROBBINS - WOOD - At McGrawville, N.Y., on Wednesday, March 19th, 1884, by Rev. H. T. SELL, Mr. Edwin ROBBINS, of Cortland, N.Y., to Miss Linnie A. WOOD, of McGrawville, N.Y.
Married. SMITH - PEASE - In Moravia, March 19th, 1884, by Rev. R. C. FOX, Mr. Charles B. SMITH and Miss Addie M PEASE, daughter of Mr. J. J. PEASE, all of Moravia.
Mr. PEASE was formerly a resident of Cortland.
Married. SMITH - EGGLESTON - At the residence of the bride's parents in German, March 25, 1884, by Rev. J. A. PUDNEY, Mr. Stirling A. SMITH, of Taylor, to Miss Hannah F. EGGLESTON, of the former place.
Married. BLISS - BRONSON - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Smithville, March 19, 1884, by Rev. Oliver COOPER, Mr. Delos BLISS, of Willett, to Miss Lizzie M., daughter of Oscar BRONSON.
Married. SMITH - SMITH - In Cortland, on April 8th, 1884, at the residence of Mrs. L. K. SHANKLAND, by Rev. J. L. ROBERTSON, Mr. Chas. R. SMITH, of Scranton, Pa., and Miss Jean L. SMITH, of Cortland.
Married. JORDAN - MARK- In Cuyler, Feb. 20th, by Rev. J. A. PUDNEY, Mr. Frank E. JORDAN, of Taylor, and Miss Eva MARK, of Cuyler.
Married. BURDICK - LARGE - In Cuyler, March 27th, by Rev. J. A. PUDNEY, Mr. Sidney S. BURDICK, of DeRuyter, and Miss Florence LARGE, of Cuyler.
Married. MASTEN - WHEELER - At Chenango Forks, March 18th, 1884, by Rev. F. A. DONY, Mr. Arthur B. MASTEN, of Kattleville, and Miss Alice WHEELER, of Lapeer.
Married. NIVER - BIDWELL - At Cortland, N.Y., April 15, 1884, by Rev. Wm. H. ANNABLE, Mr. Wm. NIVER, of Groton, and Mrs. Lucy BIDWELL, of Cortland.
Married. PALMER - NICHOLS - At Clinton, N.Y., April 13, 1884, by Rev. Mr. GOLDEN, Mr. G. C. PALMER, of New Hartford, N.Y., to Mrs. P. P. NICHOLS, of Cortland.
Married. GRAHAM - HOBART - At the home of the bride, April 24th[?], 1884 by Rev. D. B. GRANT, Mr. Eugene N. GRAHAM, of Cortland, to Miss Minnie L., daughter of D. B. HOBART, of East Homer.
Married. KANE - RILEY - In this place, May 13, by Rev. T. McLOGHLIN, Mr. John KANE, to Mrs. Eliza RILEY, both of Solon, N.Y.
Married. GRANT - HEBRON - At the home of the bride, in McConnellsville, Oneida Co., N.Y., April 8, 1884, by the Rev. L. R. GRANT, of Williamstown, Oswego Co., N.Y., Herbert H. GRANT, son of the officiating clergyman, and Miss Alice HEBRON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvy HEBRON.
Married. HITCHCOCK - BROWN - May 1st, 1884, at the home of the bride, by Rev. D. B. GRANT, Mr. Floyd HITCHCOCK, of Cortland, to Miss Cora M., daughter of Reuben D. BROWN, of McGrawville.
Married. RAWLEY - PUDERBAUGH - In McGrawville, May 7th, 1884, by Rev. D. B. GRANT, Mr. James H. RAWLEY, of Solon, to Mrs. Adella L. PUDERBAUGH, of Freeville.
Married. TURNER - DUNLAP - In Buffalo, April 30th, 1884, by Rev. Jno. W. BROWN, D.D., rector of St. Paul's Cathedral Church, Mr. H. F. TURNER, of Cortland, and Miss Clara Louise, granddaughter of the late Mrs. H. K. DUNLAP, of Ovid, N.Y.
Married. WALLACE - HOTCHKISS - At the residence of the bride's mother, in this village, May 20th, 1884, by Rev. Geo. ADAMS, Mr. J. Hub. WALLACE and Miss Clara O. HOTCHKISS.
Married. SMITH - BRANCH - In Cortland, N.Y., Wednesday, May 14th, 1884, by Rev. Frank S. HINMAN, assisted by Rev. J. L. ROBERTSON, Mr. Milton A. SMITH, of Canandaigua, N.Y., to Miss Nettie L. BRANCH, of Cortland.
Married. MAXSON - STEVENS - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Homer, May 14th, 1884, by the Rev. William A. ROBINSON, Mr. Byron MAXSON to Miss Lottie M. STEVENS.
Married. GREEN - HARRIS - In Norwich, April 30th, Mr. Thomas GREEN, of McGrawville, to Miss Naomi E. HARRIS, of Lincklaen.
Married. WOOD - BARTHOLOMEW - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Dryden village, Thursday, May 8th, 1884, by Rev. C. O. HAMMER, Mr. Frank H. WOOD, of Homer, and Miss Mary BARTHOLOMEW, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel BARTHOLOMEW.
Married. KENNEY - DAY - At No. 221 W. 15th Street, in New York city, May 27th, 1884, by Rev. A. H. BURLINGAME, D.D., Mr. Amos L. KENNEY, of Truxton, N.Y., and Eilen R., daughter of the late Rev. Samuel DAY, of Homer, N.Y.
Married. BLISS - HINMAN - In the town of Marathon, by Rev. Geo. A. COLE, Mr. Charles W. BLISS, of Killawog, to Miss Bertha K. HINMAN, of Marathon.
Married. PHINNEY - EATON - At the residence of Wesley HOLL, Cuyler Hill, N.Y., by Irving BURDICK, Esq., Mr. Phillip PHINNEY, of Cuyler, and Mrs. Sarah H. EATON, of Lincklaen.
Married. SHERIDAN - ARNOLD - In Cortland, N.Y., on May 29th, 1884, by Rev. J. L. ROBERTSON, Mr. Andrew SHERIDAN and Miss Delinda ARNOLD, both of South Cortland.
Married. GOODWIN - TRAVER - At the residence of the officiating clergyman, June 12th, 1884, by Rev. James W. PUTNAM, Frank GOODWIN and Hattie TRAVER, both of Dryden.
Married. CHAPMAN - CARTER - At the home of the bride's father, Geo. CARTER, Esq., by Rev. J. F. WARNER, Wednesday, June 11, 1884, Clarence W. CHAPMAN to Miss Maggie C. CARTER, all of Marathon.
Married. ROBACHER - WILLIAMS - In Killawog, June 18, 1884, by Rev. J. F. WARNER, Mr. A. C. ROBACHER, of Marathon, to Miss Cassie WILLIAMS, of Killawog.
Married. REILLY - KELLY - In Marathon, June 18, '84 by Rev. J. F. WARNER, John R. REILLY to Miss Maggie KELLY, all of Marathon.
Married. WILSON - TARBLE - At Presbyterian parsonage, Marathon, June 19, by Rev. J. F. McLAURY, Mr. John H. WILSON, of Rome, N.Y., to Miss Alice TARBLE, of Hunt's Corners.
Married. BLANCHARD - HAMMON - At the residence of the officiating clergyman, No. 23 Orchard St., June 28th, 1884, by Rev. James W. PUTNAM, William Edward BLANCHARD and Eva Louise HAMMON, both of Cortland.
Married. BRIGGS - FRISBIE - In Scott, June 25th, 1884, at the residence of Mr. Elias T. FRISBIE, the father of the bride, by Rev. Wm. A. ROBINSON, of Homer, Mr. Walter BRIGGS, of Preble, and Miss Fannie D. FRISBIE.
Married. BECKWITH - DUNTZ - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Harford, June 18th, by the Rev. Mr. FLETCHER, Miss Ella M. DUNTZ to Mr. Wellington BECKWITH, of McLean, N.Y.
Married. McMASTER - VanDUSEN - At the residence of the bride's grandfather, at Newark, N.Y., on Friday, July 4th, by the Rev. L. FOFFIN, Mr. James Lawrence McMASTER, of Homer, and Miss Clara T. VanDUSEN, of Newark, N.Y.
Married. GALUSHA - WHITE- At the residence of the bride's parents, June 25th, 1884, by the Rev. J. G. MASON, Mr. Fred H. GALUSHA, of Homer, N.Y. and Miss Mary E. WHITE, of Menlo Park, N. J.
Married. GREEN - PERKINS - At Menlo Park, N. J., Friday, July 4th, by the Rev. J. G. MASON, Mr. Albert GREEN, of Upper Lisle, to Miss Emma L. PERKINS, of Willett.
Married. CANTINE - SCHOONOVER - At the Congregational parsonage, Moravia, N.Y., July 4th, 1884, by Rev. Geo. H. BAILEY, Devere B. CANTINE and Miss Hattie SCHOONOVER, both of Summer Hill.
Married. PHILLIPS - TURNER - In Preble, N.Y., July 8th, 1884, by Rev. W. H. YORK, Mr. Earnest PHILLIPS, of Nanticoke, N.Y., to Miss Ida TURNER of East River, N.Y.
Married. SPILLER - HOTCHKISS - At the residence of the bride's mother, in Homer, July 16, 1884, by Rev. Wm. A. ROBINSON, Mr. Wm. P. SPILLER, of Ledyard, N.Y., and Miss Martha HOTCHKISS, of Homer.
Married. HARRINGTON - KENYON - July 21st, 1884, at Whitney's Point, N.Y., by Rev. L. W. PECK, D.D., Edgar L. HARRINGTON and Carrie A. KENYON, both of Cincinnatus, N.Y.
Married. McMASTER - VanDUSEN - At the residence of the bride's grandfather, at Newark, N.Y., on Friday, July 4th, by the Rev. L. COFFIN, Mr. James Lawrence McMASTER, of Homer, and Miss Clara T. VanDUSEN, of Newark, N.Y.
Married. GALUSHA - WHITE - At the residence of the bride's parents, June 25th, 1884, by the Rev. J. G. MASON, Mr. Fred H. GALUSHA, of Homer, N.Y., and Miss Mary E. WHITE, of Menlo Park, N. J.
Married. GREEN - PERKINS - At Menlo Park, N. J., Friday, July 4th, by the Rev. J. G. MASON, Mr. Albert GREEN, of Upper Lisle, to Miss Emma L. PERKINS, of Willett.
Married. CANTINE - SCHOONOVER - At the Congregational parsonage, Moravia, N.Y., July 4th, 1884, by Rev. Geo. H. BAILEY, Devere H. CANTINE and Miss Hattie SCHOONOVER, both of Summer Hill.
Married. PHILLIPS - TURNER - In Preble, N.Y., July 8th, 1884, by Rev. W. H. YORK, Mr. Earnest PHILLIPS, of Nanticoke, N.Y., to Miss Ida TURNER of East River, N.Y.
Married. BRANT - PRAY - At the residence of A. MAHAN, Esq., in Cortland, Cortland Co., N.Y., by the Rev. J. A. ROBINSON, rector of Grace Church, Cortland, Frank Eugene BRANT and Emma Eliza PRAY, both of Oswego, N.Y.
Married. ECCLESTON - POTTER - At the M. E. parsonage, in Newark Valley, N.Y., July 19th, 1884, by Rev. T. P. HALSTED, Frank ECCLESTON, of Cortland, N.Y., and Miss Ida A. POTTER, of Richford, N.Y.
Married. JOHNSTON - BROOMFIELD - At the M. E. parsonage, in East Homer, N.Y., Aug. 17th, 1884, by Rev. T. F. HARRIS, Mr. John P. JOHNSTON, of Preble, N.Y., and Miss Harriet BROOMFIELD, of Truxton, N.Y.
Married. JOHNSON - MOUSE - At the office of Bouton & Champlin, in Cortland, N.Y., Aug. 14, 1884, by Lewis BOUTON, Justice of the Peace, Andrew JOHNSON, of Cincinnatus, and Mary M. MOUSE, of Homer.
Married. CHRYSLER - BOGARDUS - At the residence of the bride's parents in Cuyler, N.Y., Aug. 16, 1874 [sic], by Rev. J. STANTON, Mr. William A. CRYSLER [sic] and Miss Nettie BOGARDUS, all of Cuyler.
Married. BLANCHARD - PERRY - At the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. H. PERRY, in Taylor, N.Y., September 10, 1884, Erastus J. BLANCHARD and Nettie B. PERRY.
Married. WILSON - BLOOMER - At the residence of the bride's brother, in Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 10, 1884, by Rev. James W. PUTNAM, Mr. E. M. WILSON, of Trumansburg, N.Y., and Miss May H. BLOOMER, of Cortland.
Married. FRINK - BOLSTER - At the M.E. parsonage, East River, N.Y., September 11, 1884, by Rev. T. F. HARRIS, Mr. Charles H. FRINK, of Lamont, Ia., and Miss Eliza BOLSTER, of Truxton, N.Y.
Married. CLARK - THORINGGTON - At the residence of the bride's parents at Taylor Center, N.Y., September 17, 1884, by Rev. C. HAYNES, Mr. Frank J. CLARK, of Union Valley, N.Y., and Miss Nina L. THORINGTON, of Taylor Center, N.Y.
Married. HAKES - JUSTICE - At the residence of A. J. COOK, Esq., son-in-law of the bride, Cincinnatus, N.Y., September 10, 1884, by Rev. M. Z. HASKINS, Col. Peres HAKES, of Albion, N.Y., and Mrs. Mary Ann JUSTICE, of Pitcher, N.Y.
Married. BLANCHARD - PERRY - At the residence of the bride's mother, in Taylor, N.Y., September 10, 1884, by Rev. M. Z. HASKINS, Mr. Erastus J. BLANCHARD, of Cincinnatus, N.Y., and Miss Nettie B. PERRY, of Taylor, N.Y.
Married. HERON - TURNER - At the Baptist parsonage in Homer, N.Y., by Rev. J. Barton FRENCH, September 15, 1884, Mr. Christopher HERON and Miss Josie TURNER, both of Cortland, N.Y.
Married. JOHNSON - WIRE - At the residence of Manson WIRE, Esq., father of the bride, September 18, 1884, by Rev. M. Z. HASKINS, Mr. John R. JOHNSON, of Cortland, N.Y., and Miss Arietta M. WIRE, of Taylor, N.Y.
Married. NYE - BATTERSON - In Elmira, N.Y., September 18, 1884, Mr. A. NYE, of Cortland, and Miss H. BATTERSON, of Elmira, N.Y.
Married. DEVOLL - RATHBUN - At Hotel Howland, in Whitney's Point, N.Y., September 22, 1884, by Rev. C. E. TAYLOR, Mr. Merritt DEVOLL and Miss Claribel RATHBUN, both of Cincinnatus, N.Y.
Married. FOSTER - TOAN - In Moravia, N.Y., September 17, 1884, by Rev. G. W. VARNUM, of Painted Post, N.Y., Mr. Will V. FOSTER, of Cortland, and Miss Edith M. TOAN, of Moravia.
Married. CONWAY - SCHELL - In Tully, N.Y., on Friday, September 19, 1884, by Rev. S. BALL, Mr. Michael CONWAY, of Tully Valley, and Miss Lydia E. SCHELL, of Preble.
Married. POLLEY - FOSTER - In Harford, N.Y., by R. BLODGETT, Esq., October 5, 1884, Mr. Edward POLLEY and Miss Olive FOSTER, both of Richford, N.Y.
Married. SINGER - GILLEO - At the Messenger House, in Cortland, N.Y., October 8, 1884, by Rev. J. L. Robertson, Mr. Frank C. SINGER and Miss Eva GILLEO, both of North Lansing, N.Y.
Married. HULL - ATCHISON - At the residence of the bride's mother, in Homer, October 1, 1884, by Rev. William A. ROBINSON, Mr. Henry M. HULL and Miss Jennie ATCHISON, both of Homer.
Married. PETRIE - PETRIE - At the bride's home, in Truxton, N.Y., October 2, 1884, by Rev. J. STANTON, Mr. Frank J. PETRIE, of Cuyler, N.Y., and Mrs. Abbie A. PETRIE, daughter of Norman S. CRANDALL, Esq.
Married. COGSWELL - JINGMAN - In Binghamton, N.Y., September 25, 1884, by Rev. Eben HALLEY, Mr. Arthur K. COGSWELL, of Cincinnatus, and Miss Nellie C. KINGMAN, of Binghamton.
Married. NORTON - O'CONNELL - In Cortland, N.Y., at the residence of B. F. TAYLOR, October 6, 1884, by Rev. J. A. ROBINSON, Mr. Charles L. NORTON and Miss Maggie O'CONNELL, both of Cortland, N.Y.
Married. MERRICK - MOORE - In Homer, October 8, 1884, by Rev. D. B. GRANT, at the residence of William MOORE, his daughter, Sarah J. MOORRE, to Elwin H. MERRICK, of Homer.
Married. KEENAN - McGILLIVRAY - At the home of the bride, in Troy, Pa., October 9, 1884, Mr. James T. KEENAN of Ithaca, N.Y., to Miss Mary McGILLIVRAY.
Married. ROCKWELL - FISH - At the residence of Chas. A. FISH, father of the bride, October 1, 1884, by Rev. Edson ROGERS, W. Clark ROCKWELL of Taylor and Miss Jennie R. FISH of Cincinnatus.
Married. TICKNOR - GLOVER - October 1, 1884, at Whitney's Point, N.Y., by Rev. L. W. PECK, D.D., Oscar TICKNOR, of Triangle, N.Y., and Estella A. GLOVER, of Cincinnatus, N.Y.
Married. ROBINSON [sic] - WARWICK - In Cortland, N.Y., on Wednesday, October 15, 1884, by the Rev. J. A. ROBINSON, Clarence B. SPERRY and Maggie WARWICK, both of Cortland, N.Y.
Married. McMASTER - MARTIN - In Cortland, N.Y., at the residence of F. M. KENYON, October 8, 1884, by Rev. W. H. ANNABLE, Mr. Henry McMASTER, of Hudson, Mich., and Miss Sadie M. MARTIN, of Cortland.
Married. RUSHMORE - ALBRO - In Cuyler, N.Y., October 11, 1884, at the residence of A. MORSE, by Rev. J. CLARKE, Mr. Frank RUSHMORE, of Canisteo, Steuben county , N.Y., and Miss Sarah E. ALBRO, of Cuyler.
Married. PIERCE - GLAZIER - On October 9, 1884, in Cortland, N.Y., by Rev. J. L. ROBERTSON, Mr. Edgar S. PIERCE and Miss Lillie R. GLAZIER, both of Virgil, N.Y.
Married. TICHNOR - GLOVER - In Whitney's Point, N.Y., October 1, 1884, by Rev. L. W. PECK, Mr. Oscar TICKNOR [sic], of Triangle, N.Y., and Miss Estella A. GLOVER, of Cincinnatus, N.Y.
Married. KNOBEL - WHITE - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Homer, N.Y., Wednesday, October 15, 1884, by Rev. William A. ROBINSON, Mr. Thomas KNOBEL and Miss Ella WHITE.
Married. LANE - WILLIAMS - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Homer, N.Y., Thursday, October 9, 1884, by Rev. William A. ROBINSON, Mr. Henry W. LANE, of Friendship, N.Y., and Miss Elma WILLIAMS.
Married. COVEY - KETCHUM - In Oxford, N.Y., October 9, 1884, by Rev. A. B. LOOMIS, Mr. Herbert L. COVEY and Miss Anna E. KETCHUM, both of Cuyler.
Married. ESMAY - STEADMAN - At the home of the bride's mother, McLean, N.Y., October 15, 1884, by Rev. David KEPP-L [sic], of Groton, N.Y., Mr. Lewis ESMAY and Miss Carrie F. STEADMAN, both of Auburn, N.Y.
Married. FREEMAN - BOUTWELL - In Truxton, N.Y., at the home of the bride, October 14, 1884, by Rev. A. J. LYON, Mr. Samuel FREEMAN, of Cortland, N.Y., and Miss Miranda BOUTWELL, of Truxton.
Married. WEBB - ROBERTSON - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Cortland, N.Y., October 22, 1884, by Rev. J. L. ROBERTSON (the father of the bride), Mr. Benjamin L. WEBB and Miss Anna M. ROBERTSON, both of Cortland.
Married. WAVLE - WATROUS - By the Rev. Geo. H. BINGHAM, at his residence in Cortland, N.Y., October 23, 1884, Mr. Ira J. WAVLE and Miss Ida E. WATROUS, both of Freetown, N.Y.
Married. BALL - HARDENBURG - In Harford, N.Y., October 15th, 1884, by Rev. A. D. STOWELL, of Newark Valley, Mr. James R. BALL, of Berkshire, and Miss Ella R. HARDENBURG, of Harford.
Married. CARLEY - FEETER - At the residence of the bride, on Wednesday, October 22d, 1884, by Rev. Charles SHEARD, Mr. Alburtus A. CARLEY, of Marathon, N.Y. and Mrs. Anna B. FEETER, of Manheim, N.Y. No cards.
Married. CHATTERTON - HASKELL - At Cortland, N.Y., Oct. 29th, 1884, by Rev. Wm. H. ANNABLE, Mr. Wm. J. CHATTERTON and Miss Della HASKELL, both of Virgil, N.Y.
Married. BROWN - JENKS - At Cortland, N.Y., Oct. 25th, 1884, by Rev. Wm. H. ANNABLE, Mr. James H. BROWN and Miss Nina JENKS, both of Scott, N.Y.
Married. SQUIRES - PARKER - At Cortland, Nov. 5th, 1884, by Rev. Wm. H. ANNABLE, Mr. Jerome SQUIRES, Esq. of Cortland and Miss Abbey D. PARKER, of Lapeer, N.Y.
Married. PHELPS - HAMILTON - At the hotel of Mr. C. H. SMITH, in Truxton, N.Y., Oct. 30th, 1884, by Rev. T. F. HARRIS, Mr. Charles N. PHELPS, of Brimfield, Ohio, and Miss Carrie C. HAMILTON, of Oneida, N.Y.
Married. WRIGHT - BRONSON - In Cuyler, N.Y., by Rev. Thomas FISHER, of DeRuyter, Mr. Charles WRIGHT and Miss Emma Julia BRONSON, both of Cuyler, N.Y.
Married. TAFT - DAVIS - At the residence of the bride, Oct. 23d, by Rev. J. F. WARNER, Mr. Seymour S. TAFT, of Willett, to Miss Sarah T. DAVIS, of Killawog.
Married. PHILIPS - GUTCHES - At the M. E. parsonage in Newark Valley, N.Y., Oct. 30th, 1884, by Rev. T. P. HALSTEAD, Mr. Waltmar A. PHILIPS, of Richford, N.Y., and Miss Mary GUTCHES, of East Homer, N.Y.
Married. SHERMAN - KENNEDY - In Locke, Nov. 5th, 1884, by Rev. J. N. TALLMAN, of Moravia, Mr. Erastus SHERMAN, of Locke, and Miss Mary KENNEDY, of Summerhill.
Married. HAZZARD - WALLACE - At the home of the bride's parents in Spafford, by the Rev. Mr. RHODES, of Borodino, N.Y., Mr. Earl F. HAZZARD, of Scott, N.Y., to Miss Eureka J. WALLACE, of Spafford, N.Y.
Married. WILLMARTH - FENNER - At the residence of the bride's parents, November 19, 1884, by Rev. William N. ROBINSON, Mr. R. E. WILLMARTH, of Cortland, and May B. FENNER, of Homer.
Married. HILE - MESPELL - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Dryden, N.Y., Wednesday, November 12, 1884, by Rev. J. R. DRAKE, Mr. Orrin HILE, of McLean, N.Y., and Miss Luella MESPELL, of Dryden.
Married. WHITMARSH - POTTER - At the residence of Hiram FOSTER, in Cuyler, N.Y., Sunday, November 16, 1884, by Sterling A. SMITH, Esq., Mr. Charles V. WHITMARSH and Miss Sally POTTER, both of the town of Cuyler.
Married. POTTER - HYER - In Taylor, N.Y., November 14, 1884, by Sterling A. SMITH, Esq., Mr. Hollis POTTER and Miss Ella HYER, both of Cuyler, N.Y.
Married. PICKETT - HAYES - In DeRuyter, N.Y., November 16, 1884, by Elder T. FISHER, Mr. Henry H. PICKETT, of Fabius, N.Y., and Miss Adda A. HAYES, of Cuyler, N.Y.
Married. CROMBIE - SHEVALIER - At the home of the bride, in Marathon, N.Y., November 26, 1884, by Rev. O. H. McANULTY, Mr. William C. CROMBIE to Miss Jennie L. SHEVALIER.
Married. PERRY SMITH - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Taylor Center, N.Y., November 20, 1884, by Rev. C. HAYNES, Mr. Elmer O. PERRY, of Taylor, N.Y., and Miss Carrie M. SMITH, of Taylor Center.
Married. CRAFT - SILVERNAIL - In McDonough, N.Y., November 15, 1884, by Rev. A. W. BARROWS, Mr. Gilbert CRAFT, of Taylor, N.Y., and Miss Nellie SILVERNAIL, of Pitcher, N.Y.
Married. PARKER - WICKS - In Preble, N.Y., December 7, 1884, by Rev. W. H. YORK, Mr. Elias B. PARKER, of Truxton, N.Y., to Miss Mary E. WICKS, of Homer, N.Y.
Married. RANDALL - PENDELL - In Lisle, N.Y., November 28, 1884, at the home of the bride, by Rev. F. L. DREW, Mr. H. C. RANDALL, of Cortland, and Miss Anna E. PENDELL.
Married. SWART - KETCHAM - At the home of the bride, in Harford, N.Y., Tuesday, December 2, 1884, by Rev. O. P. LEGGE, Mr. Will SWART to Miss Alice L. KETCHAM.
Married. TEACHOUT - AYLSWORTH - In Bainbridge, N.Y., November 19, 1884, by Rev. G. A. PLACE, Mr. Charles TEACHOUT, of Union Valley, N.Y., to Miss Jennie AYLSWORTH, of West Bainbridge, N.Y.
Married. HOLLISTER - GROSS - At the residence of the bride's mother, Dec. 2, 1884, by Rev. D. B. GRANT, Mr. Harlan P. HOLLISTER to Ella E. GROSS, both of McGrawville.
Married. SHELEY - KLOCK - At the residence of Corwin CUMMINGS, in Preble, N.Y., December 10, 1884, by Rev. W. H. YORK, Mr. William R. SHELEY, of Cape Vincent, N.Y., and Miss Emma KLOCK, of Preble, N.Y.
Married. MASTER - YORK - In Preble, N.Y., December 17, 1884, by Rev. W. H. YORK, Mr. Fred C. MASTER to Miss Lydia A. YORK, both of Spafford Hollow, N.Y.
Married. BROWN - HAZARD - At the Baptist parsonage in Homer, N.Y., by Rev. J. Barton FRENCH, December 14, 1884, Mr. George BROWN and Miss Alma HAZARD, both of Scott, N.Y.
Married. ADAMS - GARDNER - At the parsonage, Tuesday evening, December 11, 1884, by Rev. J. F. WARNER, Mr. Burt ADAMS and Miss Carrie M. GARDNER, all of Marathon, N.Y.
Married. PRITCHARD - HARRINGTON - At the residence of Mr. Edmund POTTER, December 14, 1884, by Rev. M. J. OWEN, Mr. Chauncey PRITCHARD, of Cincinnatus, N.Y., and Mrs. H. HARRINGTON, of Rochester, N.Y.
Married. MAIN - SPORE - At the Moravia House, in Moravia, N.Y., December 18, 1884, by Rev. Geo. H. BAILEY, Mr. Geo. E. MAIN, of Homer, N.Y., and Miss Effie M. SPORE, of Sempronius, N.Y.
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