Married. ALLEN - BOICE - In Lapeer, N.Y., at the residence of the bride's parents, Dec. 24, 1885, by the Rev. J. B. DRAKE, Mr. Freeman A. ALLEN, of Dryden, N.Y., to Miss Lucy BOICE.
Married. CALDWELL - BABCOCK - In Cortland, N.Y., at the residence of Mr. Edgar P. HOLDRIDGE, Dec. 25, 1885, by the Rev. George H. BRIGHAM, Hon. A. B. CALDWELL, of Arlington, Reno Co., Kansas, (formerly of Homer, N.Y.) to Miss Anna E. BABCOCK, of this village, daughter of Sam'l BABCOCK, Esq., of Fredericksburgh, Va., and late of Homer.
Married. COURTRIGHT - WIGHT- In Flemingville, N.Y., at the Methodist parsonage, Dec. 23, 1885, by the Rev. Mr. SHEPHERD, Mr. James B. COURTRIGHT to Miss Cora M. Dunning WIGHT, adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. WIGHT, all of Weltonville, Tioga Co., formerly of Blodgett's Mills, N.Y.
Married. PERRY - BANJAMIN - In DeRuyter, N.Y., at the residence of Mr. Frank PERRY, Dec. 22, '85, by Elder T. FISHER, Mr. William J. PERRY, of Truxton, N.Y., to Miss Jennie E. BENJAMIN, of DeRuyter, N.Y.
Married. WHEELER - DAVIS - In North Pitcher, N.Y., at the residence of the bride's father, J. M. DAVIS, Dec. 24, 1885, by the Rev. O. W. WEBSTER, Mr. Romeo WHEELER, of Cortland, N.Y., to Miss Minnie DAVIS.
Married. WILSON - WADSWORTH - At the residence of the bride, Dec. 24, '85, by the Rev. D. B. GRANT, of McGrawville, Mr. Eddie WILSON, of Truxton, N.Y., to Miss Jennie WALSWORTH [sic], of Solon, N.Y.
Married. BUMPUS - DELLOW - In Marathon, N.Y., at the residence of Wm. DELLOW, Dec. 23, 1885, by the Rev. J. L. RACE, Henry A. BUMPUS, of DeRuyter, N.Y., to Miss Hettie M. DELLOW.
Married. JENNINGS - SPENCER - In Marathon, N.Y., at the home of the bride, Dec. 30, 1885, by the Rev. J. L. RACE, Andrew M. JENNINGS, of Lapeer, N.Y., to Miss Jullia A. SPENCER.
Married. KIESEWETTER - GOODELLE - In Vesper, N.Y., at the home of the bride's parents, Dec. 30, 1885, by the Rev. E. S. MORRIS, of Tully, P. Hugo KEISEWETTER [sic], M.D., of Scott, N.Y., to Miss Emma J. GOODELLE.
Wednesday Dec. 30th, Mr. Charles KINGSBURY and Miss Cicely MARK were made one by Rev. Chas. HAYNES, at Fabius. Charley is happy and greets his friends with a pleasant smile.
John LADD, the young lad of Brookfield, found New Year's day, in all probability, the happiest day of his life, for upon that day, he and Mrs. Amanda OLIVER were united in marriage. Thus in one day he has taken the responsibility of caring for a wife and five small children.
January 1st, a large number of friends and relatives gathered at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. ROGERS to witness the marriage of their daughter Eleanor, to Mr. Ned C. ROCKWELL. The ceremony was performed by Rev. M. J. OWEN. The presents were many and varied. We extend our congratulations to the happy couple.
Married. HALAY - RICHARDS - At Virgil, N.Y., Jan. 2, 1886, by Rev. George HARRISON, Mr. Vader HALAY to Miss Deet RICHARDS, all of Virgil.
Married. DWIGHT - COON - In Lincklaen, January 6, 1886, by Eld. E. A. POOLE, Mr. P. L. DWIGHT, of Cincinnatus and Miss Ettie COON, of Lincklaen.
Married. GRANT - WHEELER - In Norwich, Dec. 30, 1885, Mr. Ransom GRANT, and Mrs. Hattie A. WHEELER, both of Cincinnatus.
Married. ROCKWELL - ROGERS- At the residence of the bride's parents in Taylor, N.Y., Jan. 1, 1886, Mr. Ned C. ROCKWELL, and Miss Eleanor ROGERS, both of Taylor.
Married. KINGSBURY - MARK - At the M. E. parsonage in Fabius, N.Y., Dec. 30, 1885, by Rev. Charles HAYNES, Mr. Charles KINGSBURY and Miss Cicely MARK, both of Union Valley.
Married. FULLER - CLARK - In Homer, Dec. 23, 1885, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. A. CLARK, parents of the bride, by the Rev. Wm. A. ROBINSON, of Homer, Mr. Eugene H. UNDERWOOD and Miss Mary L. STOKER, both of East Scott. [sic: obviously some sort of typographical error!]
Married. LONG - O'BRIEN - Dec. 30, 1885, Mr. John LONG, of Preble, and Miss Maggie O'BRIEN.
Married. JOHNSON - TERPENNING - In Virgil, Dec. 25th, 1885, by Rev. George HARRISON, Mr. Ambrose JOHNSON and Miss Nettie TERPENNING.
Married. NIX - KENNEDY - In St. Mary's Catholic church, Cortland, N.Y., on Dec. 30th, 1885, by Rev. Father McLOGHLIN, Mr. Jas. NIX and Miss Julia KENNEDY, both of this place.
Married. NIVER - BIGSBY - In Homer, N.Y., Jan. 1, 1886, by Rev. J. L. ROBERTSON, Charles H. NIVER, of Cortland, N.Y., and Carrie A. BIGSBY of Homer, N.Y.
Married. TRYON - BLOOMER - At the parsonage in Harford, Dec. 26, 1885, by the Rev. O. F. LEGGE, William F. TRYON, of Lapeer, and Nettie BLOOMER, of Virgil.
Married. WILCOX - BAILEY - In McLean, Jan. 1886, by the Rev. S. P. WAY, Mr. Charles E. WILCOX and Miss Nora R. BAILEY, both of Virgil, N.Y.
Married. MILLER - BARBER - At the residence of William COCHRAN near Glen Haven, N.Y., Jan. 5, 1886, by Rev. F. O. BURDICK, Mr. LaFayette Hise[?] MILLER to Miss Alzina Lucinda BARBER, of Scott, N.Y.
Married. NYE - FOSTER - In Homer, Jan. 6, 1886, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John FOSTER, parents of the bride, by Rev. Wm. A. ROBINSON, Mr. Millard S. NYE, of Cortland, and Miss Anna E. FOSTER, of Homer.
Married. RADWAY - ACKERMAN - In Truxton, N.Y., Jan. 6, 1886, by Rev. A. J. LYON, Fred A. RADWAY, of Otisco, and Nellie J. ACKERMAN, of Truxton.
Married. WATERS - HAIGHT - By Rev. A. J. LYONS, Jan. 7, 1886, Wm. WATERS, and Florence HAIGHT, both of East Homer.
Married. JENNINGS - SPENCER - At the residence of Ezra LATHROP, Marathon, Dec. 30, 1885, by Rev. J. L. RACE, Andrew M. JENNINGS, of Lapeer, and Julia SPENCER, of Marathon.
Married. BUMPUS - DELLOW - At the home of the bride, Dec. 25, 1885, by Rev. J. L. RACE, Henry A. BUMPUS, of DeRuyter, and Hattie DELLOW, of Marathon.
Mr. Dewitt FREEMAN and Miss Mary VanBUSKIRK were married at Groton on Friday last.
Married. BROOKS - LEACH - In Marathon, N.Y., Jan. 13, 1886, by the Rev. A. BROOKS, Mr. William L. BROOKS, son of the above, to Miss Esther A. LEACH, both of Marathon.
Married. HALL - HASKINS - In Keeney's Settlement, N.Y., at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. C. HAYNES, Henry W. HALL to Miss Carrie Belle HASKINS, both of Keeney's Settlement.
Married. OSTERHOUT - HARE - At the residence of Mr. H. E. WOODEN, No. 46 Union St., Cortland, Jan. 9th, 1886, by Rev. C. C. WILBOR, Judson OSTERHOUT, of Truxton and Matilda HARE, of Homer.
Married. WITHEY - McELHENY - In McGrawville, N.Y., Jan. 6, 1886, at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev. W. D. FOX, John E. WITHEY to Miss Addie McELHENY, both of McGrawville.
Married. BELL - MOTT - At the residence of the bride's father, Wm. MOTT, East Homer, Jan. 14, 1886, by Rev. T. F. HARRIS, William BELL of Cortland and Miss Mina E. MOTT of East Homer.
Married. WHITE - MERRIL [sic] - At the M. E. parsonage East Homer, Jan. 16, 1886, by Rev. T. F. HARRIS, Alonzo WHITE of North Pharsalia and Miss Mary M. MERRILL of Cuyler.
Married. HOLL - HASKINS - At the residence of the bride's parents in Keeney Settlement, N.Y., January 14, 1886, by Rev. C. HAYNES, of Fabius, Mr. Henry W. HOLL, of Fabius, N.Y., and Miss Carrie Belle HASKINS, of Cuyler, N.Y.
Married. MILLER - DUDDERIDGE - At the residence of Thomas DODD, in Truxton, N.Y., January 20, 1886, by Rev. T. F. HARRIS, Mr. George M. MILLER, and Miss Lizzie DUDDERIDGE, all of Truxton.
Married. BURT - FREER - At the residence of the bride's brother W. S. FREER, in Blodgett Mills, N.Y., Jan. 21st, 1886, by Rev. W. H. BUNNELL, Mr. William F. BURT and Miss Ella M. FREER, all of Blodgett Mills, N.Y.
Married. YOUNGS - KEYS - On Saturday, Jan. 30th, 1886, by Rev. A. H. TODD, Wilbur YOUNGS of Taylor, to Emma O. KEY [sic], of Texas Valley.
Married. SEEBER - CARR - At the house of A. W. GATES, February 2nd, 1886, by Rev. H. T. SELL, J. H. SEEBER, of Freetown, and Miss Mary CARR, Cortland.
Married. JOHNSTON - BRENNAN - At St. Mary's church, Cortland, Jan. 27, 1886, by Rev. B. F. McLAUGHLIN, Mr. Hugh JOHNSTON, of Homer, N.Y. and Miss Mary BRENNAN, of Cortland, N.Y.
Married. WINTER - COOK - In Cortland, N.Y., at the home of the bride's father, Feb. 3, 1886, by Rev. H. T. SELL, Wm. P. WINTER and Jenne M. COOK.
Married. LUTHER - KINGSLEY - At the M. E. parsonage, McGrawville, January 28, 1886, by the Rev. W. D. FOX, Mr. John LUTHER, of Pharsalia, N.Y. to Miss Anna E. KINGSLEY, of McGrawville.
Married. KEELER - FRITZ - On February 1, 1886, by Rev. O. L. TORRY, Mr. Orrin Lewis KEELER, of Kirkwood, Broome county, N.Y. to Miss Lettie L. FRITZ, of Marathon, N.Y. [see 12 Feb, 1886 "Marathon" notice.]
Married. DECKER - BEECH - At the M. E. parsonage, Harford, N.Y., February 3, 1886, by Rev. O. P. LEGG, Mr. Frank DECKER, of Michigan Hill and Miss Ada BEECH.
Married. FLESHER - VanBUSKIRK - At the residence of Mr. Thomas FLESHER, in Groton, N.Y., by Rev. W. HUNT, Mr. Thomas FLESHER and Miss Jennie VanBUSKIRK, of Jacksonville.
Married. VanBROCKLIN - DANA - At the home of the bride's parents, in this place, February 24, 1886, by the Rev. J. L. ROBERTSON, Mr. Charles E. VanBROCKLIN and Miss Anna DANA, oldest daughter of Dr. H. T. DANA, all of Cortland.
Married. CHENEY - BAILEY - At the M. E. parsonage in Virgil, Feb. 5, 1886, by Rev. Mr. McMULLEN, Mr. Benjamin CHENEY and Miss Dora BAILEY, all of Virgil, N.Y.
Married. BALLOU - WINTERS - At the M. E. parsonage in Virgil, Feb. 18, 1886, by Rev. T. E. McMULLEN, Mr. Chas. L. BALLOU and Miss Julia A. WINTERS, both of Virgil, N.Y.
Married. HARSHBERGER - SMITH - At the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Dr. R.[?] L.[?] SMITH [line missing] city Iowa and Miss Florence E. SMITH, by Rev. H. T. SELL.
Married. SNYDER - WEEKS - At Milford Centre, Otsego county, February [?], by Rev. Reuben H. WEEKS, Duane H. SNYDER, of Sharon Springs to Miss Mary H. WEEKS, daughter of the officiating clergyman and grand daughter of the late Rufus A. REED, formerly of this town.
Married. ROBINSON WRIGHT - At Christ church, Walton, N.Y., March 9th, 1886, Mr. Wm. P. ROBINSON, of Cortland, and Miss Gertrude M. WRIGHT, of Walton.
Married. LAYNE - KENNEDY - At St. Mary's Catholic church, in Cortland, N.Y., on Monday, March 8, 1886, Mr. Daniel LAYNE, of Binghamton, and Miss Julia KENNEDY, of Cortland.
Married. UPTEGROVE - CONRAD. - March 9, 1886, by Rev. E. Woodward BROWN, Charles UPTEGROVE, of Marathon, N.Y., to Anna L. CONRAD of the same place.
Married. GRINNELL - ARNOLD - At the Methodist parsonage in Dryden, by Rev. J. R. DRAKE, Feb 22, 1885 [sic], Ira W. GRINNELL, of Solon, N.Y., and Rosella I. ARNOLD, of Newark Valley.
Married. JONES - PATRICK - At the home of the bride March 11th, 1886, by the Rev. T. F. HARRIS, Mr. David M. JONES of Deerfield, N.Y., to Miss Nellie A. PATRICK, of Truxton, N.Y., youngest daughter of Hon. Stephen PATRICK.
Married. HAIGHT - HARRIS - At the M. E. parsonage, East Homer, N.Y. March 14, 1886, by Rev. T. F. HARRIS, Mr. George E. HAIGHT and Miss Etta E., daughter of Rev. T. F. HARRIS, all of East Homer, N.Y.
Married. ISAACS - GARDNER - In McGrawville, March 17, 1886, by Rev. D. B. GRANT, Mr. Fenton G. ISAACS, to Miss Nettie A. GARDNER, both of McGrawville, N.Y.
Married. PECK - SMITH - At the residence of the groom in Scott, N.Y., on March 4, 1886, by Rev. F. O. BURDICK, Mr. A. T. PECK to Mrs. Abbie C. SMITH, of Sempronius.
Married. HATHAWAY - ALLEN - In Lincklaen, the 14th inst. by Eld. E. A. POOLE, Devillo B. HATHAWAY and Ella M. ALLEN, both of Cuyler, N.Y.
Married. MARICLE - TOTMAN - At the residence of the bride's parents, McGrawville, N.Y., March 17, 1886, by Rev. W. D. FOX, Mr. Fred H. MARICLE and Miss Carry E. TOTMAN, all of McGrawville.
Married. ALVORD - SAWYER - At the M. E. Parsonage, McGrawville, N.Y., March 11, 1886, by Rev. W. D. FOX, Mr. Charles M. ALVORD, of Cortland, N.Y., and Miss Emogene SAWYER, of Solon, N.Y.
Married. VanBUSKIRK - SHORT - At the home of the bride, March 23 [?], 1886, by Rev. W. D. FOX, George VanBUSKIRK, of Cortland, N.Y., and Miss Linda SHORT, of McGrawville.
Married. WOODS - MEACHAM - At Devonshire farm Marathon, N.Y., March 10, by Rev. A. H. TODD, Prof. John S. WOODS, and Nettie E., eldest daughter of E. DeLoss MEACHAM.
Married. ALLEN - McMAHON - At the M.E. Parsonage, Lisle, N.Y., March 17, by Rev. J. H. BOYCE, Mr. John P. ALLEN, of Texas Valley, and Miss Lizzie McMAHON, Cortland county, N.Y.
Married. WALKER - WARNER - In Homer, N.Y., April 7, 1886, at the residence of Mr. Duane FISK, by Rev. Wm. A. ROBINSON, Mr. George H. WALKER, of Toronto, and Miss Minnie A. WARNER, of Scott.
Married. ALVORD - MAXSON - At the residence of the bride's brother in Scott, N.Y., April 7, 1886, by Rev. F. O. BURDICK, Mr. Fred Holmes ALVORD, of Riverton, Clay Co., Iowa, to Miss Maud Louise MAXSON.
Married. ACKELS - CLUTE - At Virgil, March 31, 1886, by Rev. George HARRISON, Mr. W. ACKELS, of Homer, to Miss Julia A. CLUTE, of Virgil.
Married. KELLY - MOORHEAD - At Lapeer, April 6, 1886, by Rev. George HARRISON, Mr. Thomas J. KELLY, of Lapeer, to Miss Susie MOORHEAD, of Virgil.
Married. MOORE - SMITH - In Marathon, April 7, 1886, by Rev. A. H. TODD, James MOORE, of Upper Lisle, and Minnie SMITH, of Willett.
Married. CUDWORTH - ALGER - At the residence of the bride's father, April 15, 1886, by Rev. W. D. FOX, Mr. Boarman L. CUDWORTH, of Cortland, N.Y., and Miss Flora H. ALGER, of Cortland, N.Y.
Married. ARNOLD - WEBB - At the residence of DeWitt MESSENGER, March 30, 1886, by Rev. C. C. WILBUR, Mr. Lucien ARNOLD and Miss Eva WEBB, all of Cortland.
Married. TAYLOR - WILSON - At the Methodist parsonage, Homer, by Rev. Thomas STACEY, April 15th, Mr. Samuel D. TAYLOR, of Oswego, N.Y., and Mrs. Hattie A. WILSON, of Cortland.
Married. JOHNSON - BRICK - At the Congregational church in Newark Valley, N.Y., April 12, 1886, by Rev. Jay CLIZBE, Mr. George JOHNSON, of Marathon, N.Y., and Miss Mary BRICK, of Newark Valley.
Married. LEWIS - SCIPLES - In Owego, April 21, by Rev. Geo. FORSYTH, Nathaniel LEWIS, of Virgil, N.Y., and Mary J. SCIPLES, of Owego, N.Y.
Married. McAULIFF - KELLEY - At St. Mary's church Tuesday morning April 27, 1886, by Rev. Father McLOUGHLIN, David McAULIFF, of Homer, and Miss Anna KELLEY, of Cortland.
Married. McKEEL - HARRINGTON - At St. Mary's church, Cortland, N.Y., May 10th, 1886, by Rev. Father McLOUGHLIN, Mr. George A. McKEEL, and Miss Mary HARRINGTON.
Married. CHAMPLIN - ROBINS - At Cortland, May 6, 1886, by Rev. H. T. SELL, Henry M. CHAMPLIN and Rose ROBBINS [sic], both of Summer Hill.
Married. PLUMB - RICE - In Cortland, on Tuesday, May 11, 1886, by Rev. Dr. H. A. CORDO, Mr. Frank E. PLUMB, and Miss Pearl N. RICE, all of Cortland.
Married. DAVIS - SEWARD - In Homer, N.Y., May 12, 1886, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. Wm. A. ROBINSON, Mr. F. E. DAVIS and Miss Lulu May SEWARD, both of Homer.
Married. MEADE - DONEGAN - In this village, May 18, by Rev. Father McLOGHLIN, Mr. Mina MEADE and Miss Mary DONEGAN, both of Cortland.
Married. NIXON - JONES - At the residence of the bride's father, Truxton, May 20, 1886, by Rev. Mr. LYON, Robert NIXON, of Cortland, and L. Emma JONES, daughter of David JONES, late of North Gage, near Utica.
Married. WHEELER - DOWD - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Virgil, by Rev. Mr. THOMAS, A. H. WHEELER, of Sennett, N.Y., and Iva C. DOWD, of Virgil.
Married. BROOKS - ALLEN - By Rev. C. W. BROOKS, at his residence in Watkins, N.Y., on Wednesday April 28th, 1886, Mr. John BROOKS, and Miss Delia ALLEN, both of Cortland.
Married. COLE - KINNEY - In Cortland June 2nd, 1886, by Rev. Dr. CORDO, Mr. Frank A. COLE, and Miss Nettie L. KINNEY, both of this village.
Married. GRISWOLD - ZOFFIE - In Syracuse May 21, 1886, by Rev. Mr. GREEN, Mr. Frank GRISWOLD of Cincinnatus, to Miss Mabe ZOFFIE, of Syracuse.
Married. BAILEY - GRISWOLD - In Cortland, N.Y., May 19, 1886, by Dr. H. A. CORDO, Mr. Monroe BAILEY and Miss Nellie J. GRISWOLD.
Married. PHILLIPS - CARR - At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. David CARR, in East Homer, N.Y., June 6, 1886, by Rev. T. F. HARRIS, Mr. Nicholas R. PHILLIPS, of Richford, N.Y., and Miss Adah D. CARR, of East Homer, N.Y.
Married. BABCOCK - LEE - At the residence of the bride's parents in Cuyler, N.Y., by Rev. C. HAYNES, Mr. John W. BABCOCK, of Keeney Settlement, N.Y., and Miss Lora D. LEE, of Cuyler, N.Y.
Married. WHITE - WOOD - In Marathon, Thursday, June 3d, 1886, Mr. Mark WHITE, formerly of Cincinnatus, and Miss Mary WOOD, of Marathon.
Married. WHITE - WOOD - In Marathon, June 2, by Rev. E. W. BROWN, Marcus WHITE and Miss Mary WOOD, all of Texas Valley.
Married. HARRINGTON - TORRY - At the M. E. Parsonage in Willett, N.Y., May 30th, by Rev. A. C. SPERRY, Mr. D. A. HARRINGTON, of Cincinnatus, N.Y., to Miss Cory N. TORRY, of Freetown, N.Y.
Married. PARKER - WHITNEY - At Blodgett Mills, N.Y., June 13, 1886, by Rev. S. BURGESS, Mr. Charles W. PARKER, of Virgil, N.Y., to Miss L. WHITNEY, of Cortland.
Married. GOODELL - CALLEN - At the residence of Mrs. E. B. GOODELL, in McGrawville, N.Y., Wednesday evening, June 17, 1886, by Rev. W. A. HUNTINGTON, Mr. Alfred GOODELL, and Miss Mary CALLEN, both of McGrawville.
Married. LANNIGAN - LEE - At St. Mary's Catholic church, June 23d [?], 1886, by Rev. Father John McLOGHLIN, Mr. Thomas LANNIGAN and Miss Katie LEE, both of this place.
Married. BRINK - SEAMEN - At the residence of the bride's parents in Cortland, N.Y., June 22d, 1886, by Rev. J. L. ROBERTSON, Mr. Samuel G. BRINK and Miss Ida SEAMEN, both of Cortland.
Married. TUBBS - FITTS - In Dresserville, N.Y., at the house of the brides parents June 30th, 1886, by Rev. J. L. ROBERTSON, Mr. George A. TUBBS, of Cortland, and Miss Alta FITTS.
Married. CONNER - KITSON - At Jersey City, N. J., on Wednesday, June 23, 1886, by Rev. W. H. PARLY, D.D., Rev. William M. CONNOR [sic], of McGrawville, N.Y., to Miss Carrie KITSON, of Jersey City.
Married. HUBBARD - PALMER - At Hartford, Conn., Friday, June 25, 1886, by Rev. George I. SANBORN, Mr. Martin L. HUBBARD, of Brooklyn, N.Y., to Miss Ella M. PALMER, of Hartford, Conn., formerly a teacher in Cortland.
Married. HUNTER - PITTAM - At the residence of Mr. H. S. DIBBLE, on Tuesday June 29, by Rev. John ARTHUR, Mr. Jas. HUNTER, to Mrs. Eliza PITTAM, both of Utica, N.Y.
Married. PICKETT - STOKER - At the residence of the bride's father, June 30, 1886, by Rev. W. H. GILES, of Moravia, N.Y., Mr. Wallace F. PICKETT, and Miss Dora L. STOKER, both of Scott, N.Y.
Married. SKEEL - SHERMAN - At Blodgett Mills, N.Y., June 19, 1886, by Rev. H. T. SELL, Mr. Vern W. SKEEL and Miss Ellen A. SHERMAN, both of Blodgett Mills.
Married. PATCHELL - CALVERT - At the residence of the bride's father, James A. CALVERT, in Cortland, N.Y., July 7, 1886, by Rev. John D. CALVERT, brother of the bride, D. W. Tilford PATCHETT, of Corning, and Anna M. CALVERT, of Cortland.
Married. HALE - KEYES - In Cortland, July 9th, 1886, by Rev. John ARTHUR, Mr. Chas. E. HALE and Miss Iona KEYES, all of this place.
Married. HAMMON - NEWMAN - In Manheim, June 30, 1886, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. A. J. FELSHAW, Mr. E. I. HAMMON, of Homer, N.Y., to Miss Jennie NEWMAN, of Manheim, Herkimer county, N.Y.
Married. MAYBURY - NEELY - At the M.E. Parsonage, in McGrawville, N.Y., July 12, 1886, by the Rev. W. D. FOX, Mr. E. B. MAYBURY, and Mrs. Mary NEELY, both of Solon, N.Y.
Married. MOON - CLEGG - At Virgil, N.Y., Saturday, July 10, 1886, by Rev. George HARRISON, Mr. Fred D. MOON, and Miss Ella U. CLEGG, both of Freetown, N.Y.
Married. HOLMS - HICK In McDonough, June 14, by Rev. A. W. BARROWS, Gilbert HOLMS, to Emma HICK, both of Cincinnatus.
Married. LETTS - ROSEKRANS - At the residence of the bride, July 14, 1886, by Rev. T. STACY, Mr. Fred G. LETTS, and Miss Mattie B. ROSEKRANS, of Homer.
Married. KENYON - CALLEN - At the residence of the brides mother, on Monday July 19th, 1886, by Rev. Jas. A. CLARK, Mr. Charles T. KENYON, of Howard City, Howard Co., Nebraska, and Miss Carrie H. CALLEN, of Lee Park, Nebraska.
Married. SCOTT - BURGETT - At South New Berlin, Aug. 5, 1886, by the Rev. J. C. ZIMMERMAN, Mr. Frank SCOTT and Miss Addie BURGETT, both of Cortland.
Married. WADHAMS - HOMER - In Lapeer, August 15, 1886, by Rev. O. L. TORRY, Mr. Christopher H. WADHAMS, of Cortland, N.Y., to Miss Amelia J. HOMER, of Lapeer, N.Y.
Married. RUSSELL - PARKER - In Preble, N.Y., at the Methodist Parsonage, Aug. 7th, 1886, by the Rev. W. H. PEARNE, Mr. Silas RUSSELL, of Freetown, N.Y., and Miss May PARKER, of Newton, Wis.
Married. BROADUS - WEBB - At Grace church, Cortland, N.Y., August 24, 1886, by Rev. John ARTHUR, Mr. S. Wilbur BROADUS, of Bowling Green, Va., and Miss Emily L. WEBB, of Cortland.
Married. CALLEN - WHITE - At the bride's sister's Mrs. E. BABCOCK, of Sempronious, Aug. 25, 1886, by Rev. E. HOUSE, George E. CALLEN, of Preble, to Miss Carrie N. WHITE, of Auburn.
Married. SMITH - PERRY - At the home of the bride's parents in Cortland, N.Y., on September 1st, 1886, by Rev. C. C. WILBUR, Geo. L. SMITH, and Miss Cora PERRY, both of this place.
Married. WEBB - HUBBARD - At the bride's residence Cortland, N.Y., September 1st, 1886, by Rev. John ARTHUR, Mr. Walter L. WEBB, of Baltimore, Md., and Miss Mary T. HUBBARD, of Cortland.
Married. WEBB - HUBBARD - In Cortland, September 1st, at the residence of the bride's grandmother Mrs. Jonathan HUBBARD, by the Rev. John ARTHUR, Miss Mary Tremain HUBBARD to Mr. Walter L. WEBB, of Baltimore, Md. No Cards.
Married. SMITH - CAMPBELL - At the residence of Mr. PUGSLEY, Lake street, Dryden, N.Y., on August 23, 1886, by Rev. J. R. DRAKE, Mr. Wm. H. SMITH and Miss Nettie CAMPBELL, both of Harford, N.Y.
Married. WHITE - MERRILL - In DeRuyter, July 15, 1886, by Rev. H. W. WILLIAMS, Morell WHITE and Hattie MERRILL, both of Cuyler.
Married. PERRY - DEAKIN - In Elmira, N.Y., August 2d, 1886, by Rev. A. W. SPOONER, Ransom J. PERRY, M.D., of Harford, N.Y., and Miss Lottie DEAKIN, of Elmira.
Married. GRANGER - COX - In Lee, Mass., Aug. 5th, by Rev. R. DeWitt MALLARY, Miss Clara S. COX to Edmund R. GRANGER of Harford Mills, N.Y.
Married. HARE - DOING - In Norwich, Tuesday evening, August 31, 1886, by Rev. L. C. HAYES, Robert H. HARE, of Homer, and Grace O. DOING, of Norwich.
Married. PIERCE - COOK - In Norwich, Sept. 1st, 1886, by H. C. BOSWORTH, justice of the peace, Mr. Norman L. PIERCE, of Walton, N.Y., and Miss Carrie A. COOK of Union Valley, N.Y.
Married. ALLEY - NEWKIRK - At the home of the bride's mother, in Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 7, 1886, by Rev. John ARTHUR, Mr. Edward ALLEY and Miss Elizabeth NEWKIRK, both of Cortland.
Married. TUTHILL - CARPENTER - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Union Valley, August 11, by Ira S. CRANDALL, Esq., Mr. Emerton B. TUTHILL and Miss Carrie CARPENTER, both of Union Valley.
Married. McNIFF - McCUNE - At St. Mary's church in Cortland, Oct. 5, 1886, by Rev. B. F. McLOGHLIN, Mr. B. H. McNIFF and Miss Winifred McCUNE, both of Cortland.
Married. DAVIS - McCHESNEY - At the M.E. parsonage, East Homer, N.Y., October 2, 1886, by Rev. T. F. HARRIS, Mr. Fred S. DAVIS and Miss May McCHESNEY, both of Truxton, N.Y.
Miss Ella VEEDER of this place and a Mr. STEADMAN of Groton, were married on Wednesday last at McLean.
Married. CARMER - ROSA - At the residence of the bride, in Homer, N.Y., Sunday, October 10th, 1886, by Rev. H. T. SELL, of Cortland, H. A. CARMER, Esq., formerly of Cortland, but now of Washington, D.C., and Miss Ella E. ROSA, of Homer.
Married. ALLEN - HINMAN - At the residence of the bride's father, in Summer Hill, October 13, 1886, by Rev. Chas. CURTIS, J. Guernsey ALLEN and Delphine HINMAN, both of Summer Hill.
Married. SEE - SHERWOOD - In Cortland, Wednesday, October 6th, 1886, by Rev. H. T. SELL, .[?] S. SEE, of Newark, N.Y., and Georgie A. SHERWOOD, of Cortland, N.Y.
Married. COADY - HAWYER - At the residence of the bride's father Mr. Wallace HAWYER, Oct. 6, 1886, by Rev. T. F. HARRIS, Mr. Michael F. COADY of McGrawville and Miss Blanch D. HAWYER, of Chiningo, N.Y.
Married. ROGERS - BABCOCK - In DeRuyter, Oct. 13, 1886, by Rev. J. CLARKE, Mr. Metson D. ROGERS, of Union Dale, Pa., and Miss Estelle V. BABCOCK, of Scott, N.Y.
Married. REENEY - VanDAUZER - In Cazenovia, September 22d, by Rev. Mr. BIRNIE, Mr. Joseph W. RENNEY [sic], of Cortland, to Miss Florence VanDAUZER of Manlius.
Married. McKEE - GRISWOLD - At the parsonage in Homer October 13, 1886, by Rev. T. STACEY, Mr. Lawson E. McKEE, and Miss Alice M. GRISWOLD, of Cortland.
Married. PRICE - PERRY - At the residence of E. A. PERRY, October 13th, by Rev. T. STACEY, Rev. Frederick B. PRICE, of Kansas city, Mo., and Miss Ella PERRY, of Homer.
Married. STEDMAN - TEEDER - At McLean, Sept. 29th, by Rev. S. P. WAY, Smith S. STEDMAN, of McLean, and Mrs. Ellen M. TEEDER, of Virgil.
Married. HOWARD - FREELAND - In this town Oct. 19, by Rev. H. A. CORDO, Mr. W. B. HOWARD and Miss Nellie FREELAND, all of Cortland.
Married. PECK - PENDLETON - At the residence of F. J. DOUBLEDAY, in this place Oct 20, by Rev. W. H. ANNABLE, of Syracuse, Mr. Jay PECK and Hattie E. PENDLETON, both of this place.
Married. CROSLEY - BABCOCK - At the Methodist Episcopal parsonage in Scott, N.Y., October 20, 1886, by Rev. W. H. ROBERTSON, Myron M. CROSLEY and Marian M. BABCOCK, both of Scott.
Married. PIKE - ALLEN - At the W. M. parsonage in Taylor, N.Y., October 9, 1886, by Rev. M. J. OWEN, Mr. Charlie A. PIKE, of Taylor, to Miss Celia ALLEN of South Otselic, N.Y.
Married. WARREN - HAWYER - At the residence of the bride's father, in Cheningo, N.Y., Wednesday, October 27, 1886, by Rev. T. F. HARRIS, Mr. John H. WARREN to Miss Beatrice D. HAWYER, both of McGrawville.
Married. WITHEY - ROUNDS - At the residence of the bride's mother in Solon, N.Y., October 20, 1886, by Rev. W. W. CONNOR, Mr. Herman R. WITHEY and Miss Charlotte B. ROUNDS, both of Solon, N.Y.
Married. HOVER - TILLOTSON - At the residence of Mr. Moses BUTTERFIELD, at Blodgett Mills, October 26, 1886, by Rev. John NASON, Mr. Cortland L. HOVER, of Candor, N.Y., and Miss Sarah Jane TILLOTSON, of Blodgett Mills, N.Y.
Married. MILLER - BRYANT - At the Lewis House in the city of Binghamton, Oct. 20th, by Rev. J. F. WARNER, Mr. Elmer E. MILLER and Miss Matie E. BRYANT, both of Marathon, N.Y.
Married. PERKINS - WARNER - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Cincinnatus, Tuesday, Oct. 26, 1886, by the Rev. Edson ROGERS, Mr. J. Floyd PERKINS, of South Otselic, and Miss Nora Estelle WARNER of Cincinnatus.
Married. HAMMOND - DIVER - At the Baptist parsonage in Cincinnatus, October 23, 1886, by Rev. D. BURROWS, Mr. Fred. H. HAMMOND of East Freetown to Miss Alaee DIVER, of Solon.
Married. HOWARD - PRESTON - At the residence of the bride's father in Homer, N.Y., October 13, 1886, by Rev. T. F. HARRIS, Mr. Thomas R. HOWARD, of Preble, and Miss Hattie J. PRESTON, of East Homer, N.Y.
Married. SITES - WEAVER - At the home of the bride's parents, in Pitcher, N.Y., October 20, 1886, by Rev. E. ROGERS, Charles F. SITES, of Texas Valley, to Celia WEAVER of Pitcher.
Married. GOODCHILD - BABCOCK - At the parsonage, in Homer, October 19th, by Rev. T. STACEY, Mr. Oliver GOODCHILD, of Hatfield, Mass., and Miss Anna M. BABCOCK, of Truxton.
Married. CROSLEY - BABCOCK - At the Methodist Episcopal parsonage, Scott, N.Y., October 20, 1886, by Rev. W. H. ROBERTSON, Myron H. CROSLEY and Marian M. BABCOCK, both of Scott, N.Y.
[repeat of 29 Oct 1886]
Married. FRASER - BENTLY - At the residence of the bride in Cortland, October 26, 1886, by Rev. T. STACEY, Mr. Simeon T. FRASER, of Homer, and Miss Alice C. BENTLY, of Cortland.
Married. DAVIS - ROBINSON - At the residence of S. TAFT, Killawog, N.Y., Oct. 30, 1886, by Rev. E. N. SABIN, Mr. J. B. DAVIS, of Bath, and Miss Jennie N. ROBINSON, of Cortland, N.Y.
Married. ALBEE - PECK - At the bride's parents, in Cortland, N.Y., October 28, 1886, by Dr. H. A. CORDO, Mr. William E. ALBEE, of Minneapolis, and Miss Louise N. PECK, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. PECK, of Cortland.
Married. SAULSBURY - UNDERWOOD - In Freetown, N.Y., October 27, 1886, by Rev. E. H. DICKINSON, Mr. William SAULSBURY, of Chittenango, N.Y., and Miss Helen L., daughter of Flander UNDERWOOD, of Freetown.
Married. HARVEY - WARNER - At the residence of the bride's parents in Pitcher, N.Y., October 27 1886, by the Rev. C. H. MOXIE, of Bradford, N.Y., Mr. E. Eugene HARVEY of Cincinnatus, to Miss Mary G. WARNER, of Pitcher, N.Y.
Married. GRANT - LULL - In German, at the residence of the bride's parents, October 27, 1886, by the Rev. D. BURROUGHS, assisted by the Rev. O. COOPER, Mr. Charles W. GRANT, of Cincinnatus, to Miss Florence M. LULL, of German.
Married. GOODALE - CARSON - At the residence of Mrs. ALLEN, in Freetown, N.Y., Monday evening, November 1, 1886, by Rev. Mr. BUNNEL, Mr. Giles GOODALE, of Lapeer, N.Y., and Miss Ellen CARSON of Freetown, N.Y.
Married. JOHNSON - HUTCHINGS - In Marathon, Nov. 4, 1886, by Rev. E. N. SABIN, Mr. Wesley JOHNSON, and Miss Emma HUTCHINGS.
Married. WARREN - HAWYER - At the residence of the bride's father, October 27, 1886, by Rev. [?] F. HARRIS, Mr. H. WARREN, of McGrawville, N.Y., and Miss Beatrice D. HAWYER, of Cheningo.
Married. VANHOESEN - STONE - In Homer, November 10, 1886, at the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev. William A. ROBINSON, D.D., Mr. Arthur L. VanHOESEN, of Syracuse, and Miss Mary E. STONE, of Homer.
Married. JONES - THAYER - At the residence of Mrs. Jennie A. TOWER, on Greenbush-st., Cortland, N.Y., Nov. 10, 1886, by Rev. Geo. H. BRIGHAM, Mr. John W. JONES and Mrs. Ada M. THAYER, both of Cortland.
Married. SMITH - COLE - Nov. 11th, at the residence of the bride's father Mr. Wesley FRY, of Willett, N.Y., by Rev. A. C. SPERRY, Mr. Jasper SMITH, of Upper Lisle, to Mrs. Ella L. COLE, of Willett.
Married. COURTNEY - BAYS - Married November 17, 1886, at Marathon, by the Rev. E. Woodward BROWN, Mr. George A. COURTNEY of Virgil, to Miss Minnie BAYS of the same town.
Married. PUDNEY - PUDNEY - At the residence of the bride's parents, Nov. 18, 1886, by Rev. J. L. ROBERTSON, Mr. Thomas N. PUDNEY, of Utica, and Nellie M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. PUDNEY, of Cortland.
Married. WRIGHT - BACON - At Frankfort, Ky., Oct. 7, 1886, Lieutenant Walter K. WRIGHT, U.S.A., and Pattie Rodman BACON.
Married. GLANN - BANTA - In Corbettsville, Broome county, N.Y., Nov. 23, 1886, Mr. J. J. GLANN, of Cortland, and Miss Minnie BANTA, of Corbettsville.
Married. HART - HINES - At Athens, Pa., Wednesday, Nov. 17, Josiah HART, of Cortland, N.Y., and Mrs. Fannie HINES, of Athens., Pa.
Married. CHASE - ROUNDS - At the residence of the bride's parents in Taylor, Nov. 18h, by Rev. Edson ROGERS, Mr. Wellington CHASE of Coldwater, Mich., and Miss Edith A. ROUNDS.
Married. FOSTER - NORTHRUP - At the residence of the bride's mother, in Virgil, N.Y., Dec. 1, by Rev. Mr. SWITZER, of Virgil, Mr. John J. FOSTER, of Dryden, and Miss Louisa NORTHRUP.
Married. UNDERWOOD - THOMPSON - At the residence of the bride's parents, November 24, 1886, by the Rev. W. D. FOX, assisted by Rev. W. H. PEARNE, Mr. Jay B. UNDERWOOD of East Scott, N.Y., and Miss Estella M. THOMPSON, of Preble, N.Y.
Married. HARDENBERG - WAVLE - In Harford, November 24, by Rev. A. D. STOWELL, of Newark Valley, Mr. John D, HARDENBERG and Miss Mary DeFrancis WAVLE, both of Harford.
Married. VanTUYL - BLODGETT - In Cortland, Dec. 8, 1886, by Rev. Dr. CORDO, Charles H. VanTUYL, of Hector, Schuyler county, N.Y., to Miss Libbie M. BLODGETT, of this place.
Married. ROBERTSON - BALDWIN - At the residence of the bride's father, Penfield, Ohio, Dec. 6, 1886, by Rev. L. ROBERTSON, of Cortland, N.Y., father of the groom, John L. ROBERTSON, of Emporia, Kansas, and Flora E. BALDWIN, of Penfield, Ohio.
Married. JAYNE - CLARK - At the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. J. C. HAYNES, in Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 8, 1886, James A JAYNE, of Cortland and Lillian J. CLARK, of Minneapolis, Minn.
Married. SALISBURY - HOBART - In Homer, December 12, 1886, by Rev. Wm. A. ROBINSON, D.D., Mr. W. Wallace SALISBURY, Jr., and Miss Agnes C. HOBART, both of Homer.
Married. GREENE - STOCKWELL - At the home of the bride's father, Mr. William STOCKWELL, in Marathon, December 15, by Rev. E. Woodward BROWN, Louis I. GREEN [sic] of Whitney's Point, to Katie E. STOCKWELL, of Marathon.
Married. POTTER - VOSBURG - At Freetown, by Rev. W. H. BUNNELL, Francis POTTER of Blodgett Mills, and Hattie VOSBURG of Freetown.
Married. STILLMAN - CHURCH - Near South Otselic, December 18, 1886, by Perie [?] Fitz Randolph, Mr. George Russell STILLMAN, of Cuyler Hill and Miss Olive M. CHURCH of South Otselic.
Married. ELLIOTT - BROWN - At Marathon, N.Y., December 28, 1886 by Rev. F. Woodward BROWN, Mr. O. L. ELLIOTT of Ithaca, N.Y. to Miss Ellen BROWN daughter of the officiating clergyman.
Married. HARRIS - GOODALE - At the residence of George GOODALE, in Lapeer, on Saturday, Dec. 25, 1886, by Rev. Mr. TYLER, Frank E. HARRIS, of Whitney's Point, and Miss Carrie B. GOODALE, of Lapeer.
Married. RANDALL - MORTE [sic] - At the home of the bride, in Homer, Dec. 25th, 1886, by the Rev. Mr. WALRATH, of Homer, Alphe D. RANDALL, of Cortland, to Fannie MORSE.
Married. MACUMBER - NEWKIRK - At the residence of the bride's mother, in Cortland, N.Y., Dec. 29, 1886, by Rev. John ARTHUR, Mr. George J. MACUMBER and Miss Kate NEWKIRK, all of Cortland.
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