Married - HARRIS - CRANDAL - In Cortland, January 1, 1889, by Rev. Edward TAYLOR, D.D., Mr. George H. HARRIS of Syracuse to Miss S. Elizabeth CRANDAL, of Cortland.
Married - SALISBURY - DILLENBECK - At the home of the bride in Triangle, Broome county, December 25, 1888, by Rev. Mr. YOUMANS, Mr. William E. SALISBURY, of Willett, N.Y., and Miss Viola DILLENBECK.
Married - RIPLEY - KIBBE - At the M. E. parsonage in McGrawville, Monday evening, December 24, 1888, by the Rev. A. C. SMITH, Mr. Charles RIPLEY, of Oregon Hill, Pa., and Miss Emily Z. KIBBE, of McGrawville, N.Y.
Married - SMITH - CUMMINGS - At the home of the bride's mother, 152 North Tioga-st., in Ithaca, N.Y., Dec. 27, 1888, by Rev. G. W. CHANDLER, Mr. Simon P. SMITH, of Cortland, N.Y., and Miss Hattie B. CUMMINGS, of Ithaca.
Married - HAWKINS - HARVEY - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Cuyler, N.Y., December 25, 1888, by Rev. D. BURROUGHS, Mr. Will HAWKINS and Miss Carrie HARVEY, both of Cuyler.
Married - HAMMOND - RYAN - At the M. E. Parsonage, Marathon, January 3, 1889, by Rev. E. N. SABIN, Mr. Frank HAMMOND of Texas Valley, to Miss Ella RYAN of Willett.
Married - RYAN - HAMMOND - At the M. E. Parsonage, Marathon, January 3, 1889, by Rev. E. N. SABIN, Mr. John RYAN, of Willett, to Miss Matie HAMMOND, of Texas Valley.
Married - CLARK - BONNEY - At the residence of the bride's brother in DeRuyter, N.Y., January 9, 1889, Mr. James G. CLARK, and Miss Anna BONNEY, both of Cortland, N.Y.
Married - McGUIRE - O'NEILL - At St. Mary's church, Cortland, N.Y., Tuesday, January 1, 1889, by Rev. John McLOUGHLIN, Christopher McGUIRE of Cortland, to Miss Kitty Ann O'NEIL [sic], of Skaneatles.
Married - CONWAY - TURNER - In Cortland, N.Y., Jan. 9, 1889, by Rev. John J. McLOUGHLIN, Mr. John CONWAY and Miss Annie TURNER, both of Cortland.
Married - INNIS - CLEARY - In Cortland, January 6, 1889, by Rev. John J. McLOUGHLIN, Mr. Robert B. INNIS and Miss Louise E. CLEARY, both of Cortland.
Married - LARISON - STEWART - At the residence of the parents of the bride, in Homer, December 27, 1888, by Rev. William A. ROBINSON, D.D., Mr. Howard J. LARISON and Miss Stella STEWART, both of Homer.
Married - ANDREWS - PEACOCK - At the Baptist parsonage in Homer village December 27th, 1888, by Rev. A. J. WALRATH, Samuel F.ANDREWS of Homer village and Mary E. PEACOCK.
Married - CLOUGH - FISH - At the home of the bride's parents in Willett, Jan'y 1, 1889, by Rev. D. W. SWETLAND, Mr. G. H. CLOUGH of Upper Lisle and Miss Cora FISH.
Married - JOHNSON - PRESTON - In Cortland, at the home of the bride, Jan. 1, 1889, by Rev. S. R. WHITE, Stephen H. JOHNSON, of McGrawville, and Flora A. PRESTON of Cortlandville.
Married - HANES - SPENDLEY - In Cortlandville, N.Y., Dec. 28, 1888, by Rev. J. A. ROBINSON, Mr. Zina A. SPENDLEY and Miss Catherine S. HANES.
Married - SCHOONMAKER - BALDWIN - At the residence of William BALDWIN, Cuyler, N.Y., Dec. 26, 1888, by Rev. Petrie R. BURDICK, Mr. James SCHOONMAKER and Miss Lettie M. BALDWIN of Cuyler.
Married - NOYES - VEEDER - In Virgil, N.Y., December 25, 1888, by Rev. John ARTHUR, Mr. Geo. H. NOYES and Miss Hattie P. VEEDER.
Married - HOOD - MURRAY - At the residence of the bride's parents in Cincinnatus, Jan. 8, 1889, by Rev. Edson ROGERS, Mr. Francis HOOD of Saginaw, Mich., and Miss Jennie Y. MURRAY.
Married - ALLEN - DANIELS - In Taylor Center, Jan. 7, 1889, by Rev. J. A. PUDNEY, Mr. Harris ALLEN and Miss Anna DANIELS.
Married - BROWN - BENNETT - In Cortland, N.Y., Jan. 3, 1889, Mr. David BROWN and Miss Elsie BENNETT, both of Cortland. [see Feb. 1 marriages]
Married - BABCOCK - BROWN - In Cuyler, N.Y., Jan. 1, 1889, by Rev. Henry MEEKER, Mr. Eugene BABCOCK and Miss Ella BROWN.
Married - KINYON - YEAW At Shattuckville, Mass., at the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev. Henry H. PAINE, Jan 9, 1889, Mr. Charles M. KINYON of Scott, N.Y., and Miss Alice L. YEAW of Skattuckville [sic].
Married - MILLER - VORHIS - In Cortland, N.Y., Jan. 8, 1889, by Rev. Geo. P. AVERY, Mr. David H. MILLER and Miss F. Belle VORHIS, both of Catherine, N.Y.
Married - GARDNER - LEE - At the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Mary LEE, in Cuyler, January 16, 1889, by Rev. L. H. SWINNEY, Mr. Grant R. GARDNER and Miss Hattie E. LEE, both of Cuyler.
Married - JAQUINN - PETERSON - At the parsonage in Cheningo, N.Y., January 13, 1889, by Rev. H. L. BOWEN, Mr. Alonzo P. JAQUINS [sic] of Taylor and Miss Hattie M. PETERSON of Lincklaen.
Married - BABCOCK - BROWN - In Cuyler, January 1, 1889, by Rev. Henry MEEKER, Mr. Eugene BABCOCK and Miss Ella BROWN, both of Cuyler.
Married - WRIGHT - HUNTLY - At the residence of Mr. HENDERSON, on Clinton street, January 16m, by Rev. A. N. DAMON, Mr. Rollin E. WRIGHT, of Homer, N.Y., and Miss Adelia [or Adella] HUNTLEY [sic], of Otisco, N.Y.
Married - WILLIAMSON -- STOKER - At the residence of the bride's father, January 16, by Rev. A. N. DAMON, Mr. Ashbell P. WILLIAMSON, of Homer, and Miss Nellie STOKER, of Cortland, daughter of Benjamin and Catharine STOKER.
Married - LANGHAM - GAY - By Rev. F. T. KEENEY, at the residence of the bride's mother, Vesper, on Sunday, January 20, Benjamin F. LANGHAM, of Homer, to Miss Jennie L. GAY, of Vesper.
Married - BROWN - BURROUGHS - At New Hope, Cayuga county, N.Y., January 16, 1889, by Rev. H. C. MOYER, Mr. Geo. E. BROWN, of Scott, N.Y., and Miss Minnie A. BURROUGHS, of New Hope.
Married - SHERWOOD - HEATH - In Groton, January 23, 1889, by Rev. W. A. SMITH, Edwin E. SHERWOOD, of Groton, and Miss Jennie HEATH, of Groton City.
Married - McCARTHY - FITZGERALD - In Cortland, N.Y., January 23, 1889, by Rev. John McLOGHLIN, Mr. Jerry McCARTHY and Miss Nellie FITZGERALD.
Married - BROWN - BENNETT - In Cortland, N.Y., Jan. 3, 1889, by Rev. I. Edgar RIDER, Mr. David J. BROWN of Cortland, and Miss Elsie Louise BENNETT of Upper Lisle, N.Y.
Married - MOE - BROWN - At the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Willis JOHNSON, in Harford, N.Y., January 30, 1889, by Rev. Z. EVANS, Mr. J. Prescott MOE, of Peruville, N.Y., and Miss Mary D. BROWN, of Harford, N.Y.
Married - CHASE - HOTCHKISS - At the residence of the bride's mother on Fulton street, in Homer village, on Thursday, January 24th, by the Rev. A. N. DAMON, Miss Augusta E. HOTCHKISS, to Mr. Duane CHASE, of Coldwater, Michigan.
Married - LOOPE - BARNUM - In Blodgett Mills, February 3, by Rev. A. C. SMITH, Mr. John LOOPE and Mrs. N. A. BARNUM, both of Blodgett Mills.
Married - MAYNARD - WINTER - At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William WINTER, 55 Lincoln Ave., Cortland, N.Y., January 30, 1889, by Rev. H. A. CORDO, Mr. James A. MAYNARD and Miss Ida L. WINTER, both of Cortland.
Married - TWENTYMAN - YOUNG - In this village, January 31, 1889, by Rev. John ARTHUR, Mr. Thomas C. TWENTYMAN, of Truxton, and Miss Ella Elizabeth YOUNG of Cortland.
Married - HILES - VUNK - At the home of the bride's father in Virgil, January 30, 1889, by Rev. O. J. PURINGTON, Mr. G. Avery HILES of Dryden and Miss Minnie VUNK.
Married - FOSTER - WILLIAMS - In Scott, January 31, 1889, Mr. Adelbert FOSTER of Sempronius, N.Y., to Miss Sarah WILLIAMS, of the first named place.
Married - DODGE - ELLIS - At Moravia, N.Y., February 5, by Rev. W. L. BATES, Melvin W. DODGE of Cortland, N.Y., to Myra E. ELLIS of South Spafford, N.Y.
Married - COLLIER - INGERSOLL - At the residence of Wm. COLLIER, in Lisle, January 23, by Rev. F. L. L CE [LUCE?] [LACE?], Ernest COLLIER of Lisle, to Miss Bertha INGERSOLL, of Upper Lisle.
Married - SMITH - BROWN - In Maine, N.Y., January 30, 1889, by Rev. L. R. STONE, Fred A. SMITH, of Taylor Centre, to Miss Laura E. BROWN, of Maine.
Married - REMAW - SHAPPER - In Cortland, N.Y., February 3, 1889, by Dr. H. A. CORDO, Mr. George N. REMAW and Mrs. Mary M. SHAPPEE [sic], both of Cortland.
Married - CORCORAN - RYAN - In St. Mary's church Cortland, February 13, 1889, by Rev. J. J. McLOGHLIN, Mr. Hugh CORCORAN and Miss Anne E. RYAN, all of Cortland.
Married - MARSH - GAYGER - At the home of the groom in Harford, N.Y., February 5, 1889, by Rev. Z. EVANS, Mr. Seymour MARSH, of Harford, and Mrs. Sylvia E. GAYGER, of South Hill, Tompkins county, N.Y.
Married - HULL - LELAND - In Homer, N.Y., February 6, 1889, by Rev. Wm. A. ROBINSON, D.D., Mr. Harry HULL and Miss Esther LELAND, both of Homer.
Married - FRANKLIN - RYDER - In Cortland, February 20, 1889, by Edward TAYLOR, D.D., Mr. Clark FRANKLIN to Miss Bertha RYDER, both of Cortland.
Married - McMAHON - BRISTOL - At the home of the bride in South Cortland, February 13, 1889, by Rev. O. J. PURINGTON, Mr. Thomas McMAHON, of Cortland and Miss Addie BRISTOL.
Married - RANDALL - BRIGHAM - In Marathon, February 20, 1889, by Rev. A. H. TODD, Mr. Simon RANDALL, of Ithaca and Miss Hattie BRIGHAM, of Marathon.
Married - UNDERWOOD - LEACH - At the M. E. parsonage in McGrawville, N.Y., Wednesday evening, February 20, 1889, by Rev. A. C. SMITH, Mr. Fred UNDERWOOD, of Freetown, and Miss Ida LEACH, of Willett.
Married - MATHERS - SMITH - At the residence of the bride's father, February 20, 1889, by Rev. A. N. DAMON, Mr. John A. MATHERS and Miss Abbie B. SMITH, daughter of Abel and Mary SMITH, of Homer, N.Y.
Married - BLANCHARD - MISNER - In Texas Valley, N.Y., February 25, 1889, by Rev. O. L. COOPER, Mr. John R. BLANCHARD of Cincinnatus, N.Y., and Miss Nora MISNER of Texas Valley.
Married - VANDENBURG - MILLER - In Homer, N.Y., February 26, 1889, by Rev. A. N. DAMON, Mr. Niles H. VanDENBURG of East Scott, N.Y., and Miss Hattie B. MILLER of Virgil, N.Y.
Married - HOLTON - ALEXANDER - At the residence of Mr. Willis ALEXANDER in Lafayette, N.Y., February 27, 1889, Mr. George L. HOLTON of Cortland, N.Y., and Miss Ione ALEXANDER of Lafayette.
Married -WILSON - HUGHSON - At the M. E. parsonage, in Willett, N.Y., February 27, 1889, by Rev. D. W. SWETLAND, Mr. J. D. WILSON and Miss Orrena HUGHSON, all of Syracuse, N.Y.
Married - LOOPE - STEVENS - In Taylor Centre, N.Y., Feb. 26, 1889, by Rev. John PUDNEY, Mr. Charles LOOPE and Miss Grace STEVENS.
Married - RYDER - MAYNARD - In Cortland, N.Y., March 5, 1889, Mr. George RYDER of St. Paul Minn., and Miss F. Belle MAYNARD, of Cortland.
Married - BALL - LEGGE - In Cortland, N.Y., February 27, 1889, by Rev. O. P. LEGGE, uncle of the bride, Mr. James BALL, of Proctor, Pa., and Miss Hettie LEGGE of Cortland.
Married - MEACHAM - ALDRICH - At the residence of the bride's parents in Cortland, N.Y., February 27, 1889, by Rev. Geo. P. AVERY, Mr. Linus D. MEACHAM and Miss Carrie B. ALDRICH, all of Cortland.
Married - WOOD - RICE - At the residence of the bride's parents in Cortland, N.Y., Feb. 28, 1889, by Rev. Geo. P. AVERY, Mr. Charles H. WOOD of Phoenix, N.Y., and Miss Viola May RICE of Cortland.
Married - BEACH - SILVERNAIL - In Cincinnatus, February 24th, by Rev. D. BURROUGHS, Mr. Ernest BEACH, of Upper Lisle, and Miss Ida SILVERNAIL, of Cincinnatus.
Married - GRIFFEN - VENN - In Syracuse, Saturday, March 2, 1889, by Rev. Wm. A. RICE, Miss Maria VENN, of Cortland, to Adelbert GRIFFEN of Borodino.
Married - SHERMAN - GRISWOLD - In Virgil, March 13, 1889, by Rev. Mr. PURINGTON, Mr. Byron SHERMAN and Miss Ida GRISWOLD.
Married - PARKER - CADY - At the residence of Lewis WILCOX, Cortland, N.Y., March 12, 1889, by Elder H. I. NEWITT, Mr. Henry N. PARKER of Georgetown and Mrs. Martha CADY of Cortland, N.Y.
Married - CHIDSEY - KNIGHT - At the residence of the bride's mother on South Main street, March 20, 1889, by Rev. John ARTHUR, Mr. Chas. A. CHIDSEY and Miss Georgina KNIGHT, all of Cortland.
Married - CLEAVES - MOSES - In Holden, Mass., March 19, 1889, Prof. E. C. CLEAVES, of Cortland, N.Y., and Mrs. Abbie MOSES of Holden.
Married - MARTIN - DODD - At the residence of the bride's parents in the town of Truxton, N.Y., March 14, 1889, by Rev. A. C. SMITH, Mr. Frank MARTIN, of New York city, and Miss Anna I. DODD.
Married - MINEAH - ANDREWS - At the home of the bride's parents, 32 Owego street, Cortland, March 20, 1889, by the Rev. Wm. L. BATES, Mr. James MINEAH, of Iowa, and Miss Myrtie E. ANDREWS, of Cortland.
Married - RHODES - BALDWIN - At the home of the bride, in Lincklaen, N.Y., March 20, 1889, by Rev. Mrs. Perie R. BURDICK, Mr. Ernest R. RHODES, of Binghamton, N.Y., and Miss Maggie BALDWIN, of Lincklaen, N.Y.
Married - JACOBS - STROBRIDGE - In Freetown, N.Y., March 20, 1889, by Rev. Mr. CARTER, of Blodgett Mills, N.Y., Mr. J. R. JACOBS and Mrs. Ann STROBRIDGE.
Married - WELLS - BABCOCK - At the Arnold House, in Cortland, N.Y., March 28, 1889, by Rev. Geo. P. AVERY, Mr. Cornelius WELLS and Mrs. Mary BABCOCK.
Married - REAS - MILLER - At the home of the bride in Virgil, March 28, 1889, by Rev. O. J. PURINGTON, Mr. Jas. REAS and Miss Libbie MILLER, both of the above place. No cards.
Married - JENNINGS - PRICE - At the home of the bride in Virgil, March 28th, 1889, by Rev. O. J. PURINGTON, Mr. Charles JENNINGS of Harford, and Miss Mary G. PRICE.
Married - PRICE - KINNEY - At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester KINNEY, of Cortland, N.Y., March 20 [?], 1889, by Rev. Wm. H. LATIMER, Mr. Ephraim E. PRICE and Miss Rose J. KINNEY, both of Cortland.
Married - JOHNSON - MAYCUMBER - At the home of the bride's brother in Syracuse, N.Y., March 28, 1889, by Rev. D. W. THURSTON, Dr. H. P. JOHNSON of Cortland, N.Y., and Miss Cora MAYCUMBER of Syracuse.
Married - SEAMANS - BAKER - At the M. E. parsonage in Virgil, N.Y., April 6, 1889, by Rev. O. J. PURRINGTON, Mr. J. Ernest SEAMANS and Miss R. DeEtte BAKER, both of Virgil.
Married - MITCHELL - CORBIN - In Bennettsville, N.Y., April 9, 1889, by Rev. D. LAMPHEAR, Rev. Uri MITCHELL of Cortland, N.Y., and Miss Isbel CORBIN of Bennettsville.
Married - CHAPMAN - ROBERTSON - In Lapeer, N.Y., March 31st, 1889, by Rev. O. L. TERRY, Mr. Fred. CHAPMAN of Homer, and Mrs. ROBERTSON, of Lisle, N.Y.
Married - FOSTER - DURKEE - At McGrawville, Sunday evening, April 7, 1889, by E. C. PARKER, William FOSTER of Blodgett Mills, and Mrs. Amy DURKEE of McGrawville.
Married - CLARK - VANDENBURG - In Homer, on the 3d inst., by Rev. A. J. WALWORTH, Mr. Dorr CLARK and Miss Bertha VANDENBURG, both of Preble.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius SEAMANS gave a reception to their many friends Saturday evening in honor of the marriage of their son Ernest. The presents were many and useful and the refreshments were elegant.
Married - BOSWORTH - HOLMES - In Solon, N.Y., April 14, 1889, Mr. Herbert BOSWORTH and Miss Lily HOLMES, both of Cortland, N.Y.
Married - BOSWORTH - HOLMES - At the residence of Miss Elizabeth HATHAWAY, in Solon, N.Y., April 17, 1889 [sic], by the Rev. James A. ROBINSON, of Cortland, N.Y., Mr. Herbert E. BOSWORTH, of Norwich, N.Y., and Miss Elizabeth Katharine HOLMES, of Cortland.
Married - COOK - TAYLOR - At the residence of the bride's parents, Lincoln avenue, Cortland, N.Y., April 20, 1889, by Rev. George P. AVERY, Mr. Elmer E. COOK and Miss Elida B. TAYLOR, all of Cortland.
Married - FRENCH - SHORT - At the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. William G. SHORT, in Montclair, N. J., April 23, 1889, Mr. Albert FRENCH and Miss Elizabeth Bassett SHORT.
Married - CONNELL - JOHNSON - At the M. E. parsonage in Homer village, by Rev. A. N. DAMON, April 7, 1889, Miss Ernestine M. JOHNSON, daughter of Frank and Mary JOHNSON, of Polkville, N.Y., to Daniel CONNELL, of Marathon, N.Y.
Married - MOTT - VROOMAN - In Sempronius, N.Y., April 23, 1889, by Thomas D. COMERFORD, Esq., Justice of the Peace, Mr. William E. MOTT and Miss Maud VROOMAN, both of Scott, N.Y.
Married - SAXTON - PERRY - At the Baptist parsonage in McGrawville, N.Y., Wednesday, April 17, 1889, by Rev. S. H. WHITE, Mr. Charles F. SAXTON and Miss Louisa A. PERRY, both of Cortland.
Married - BOSWORTH - POTTER - In Blodgett Mills, N.Y., April 25, 1889, by Rev. S. BURGESS, Mr. Arthur W. BOSWORTH, of Cortland, N.Y., and Miss Bertha M. POTTER, of Blodgett Mills.
Married - KANE - KELLEY - At St. Mary's Catholic church, in Cortland, N.Y., April 24, 1889, by Rev. John J. McLOUGHLIN, Mr. Patrick KANE and Miss Lizzie KELLEY, both of Cortland.
Married - STEPHENS - HOWLAND - In Cortland, N.Y., April 30, 1889, by Rev. B. F. WEATHERWAX, Mr. Austin C. STEPHENS and Miss Carrie HOWLAND, both of Cortland.
Married - DAY - CLEVELAND - At the home of the bride, Hunts Corners, N.Y., April 24, 1889, by Rev. J. W. LYON, Mr. Carroll DAY and Miss Esther CLEVELAND, both of Lapeer, N.Y.
Married - BRYAN - MACK - At the residence of the bride, Groton avenue, Cortland, N.Y., April 27, 1889, by Rev. G. P. AVERY, Mr. Claude H. BRYAN and Mrs. Celestia MACK, both of Cortland.
Married - CARPENTER - BROWN - In Cortland, N.Y., April 30th, 1889, by Justice of the Peace Jerome SQUIRES, Mr. Orville E. CARPENTER and Miss May BROWN.
Married - WARD - SHEEDY - At St. Mary's Catholic church, in Cortland, N.Y., Wednesday morning, May 8th, 1889, by Rev. Father John J. McLOGHLIN, Mr. John J. WARD and Miss Nellie SHEEHY [sic], all of Cortland.
Married - HULBERT - SMITH - In Cortland, N.Y., May 1, 1889, by Rev. George P. AVERY, Mr. Bert H. HULBERT and Miss Myrta L. SMITH, both of Cortland.
Married - MAUCH - DeHAVEN - In Cortland, N.Y., May 5, 1889, by Rev. J. L. ROBERTSON, Mr. Albert MAUCH and Miss Myrtle DeHAVEN, both of Norristown, Pa.
Married - DAVIS - WILCOX - At Marathon, May 1, by Rev. A. H. TODD, Mr. Fred DAVIS and Miss Orrie M. WILCOX, of Willett.
Married - EATON - SEWARD - In Homer village, April 30, 1889, at the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev. Wm. A. ROBINSON, D.D., Mr. Frank W. EATON and Miss Lena M. SEWARD, both of Homer.
Married - SCOVILLE - HAMILTON - In Harford Mills, N.Y., by Rev. I. L. FLETCHER, Mr. George SCOVILLE and Miss Minnie HAMILTON, both of Harford Mills.
Married - LOOMIS - DORMAN - At the home of the bride in Guilford, N.Y., Wednesday, May 8, 1889, by Rev. Mr. FRISBEE, Mr. Arthur D. LOOMIS, of McGrawville, and Miss Belle DORMAN, of Guilford.
Married - NICHOLS - JAQUINS - In Marathon, May 19, 1889, by Rev. A. H. TODD, Mr. Byron W. NICHOLS and Miss Laura V. JAQUINS, of Taylor.
Married - HOUGH - BROWN - In Harford, N.Y., May 22, 1889, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. BROWN, Mr. John S. HOUGH of Albion, N.Y., and Miss Mattie P. BROWN of Harford.
Married - WIGHTMAN - BLAIR - At the bride's home, May 22, 1889, by Rev. A. H. TODD, Mr. Dudley A. WIGHTMAN to Miss Celia M. BLAIR, both of Marathon.
Married - PHELPS - ALLEN - At Killawog, May 23, 1889, by Rev. A. H. TODD, Mr. Fred E. PHELPS to Miss Martha A. ALLEN, of McLean.
Married - ROOKS - CHURCH - At Upper Lisle, May 29, by Rev. L. B. WEEKS, Mr. Chas. A. ROOKS of Marathon, and Minnie E. CHURCH of Upper Lisle.
Married - HOLLENBECK - DALTON - At the home of the bride in Preble, June 5, 1889, by Rev. Timothy WILLIS, Mr. Frank HOLLENBECK and Miss Ida DALTON, both of Preble, N.Y.
Married - QUACKENBUSH - BUELL - At the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. N. A. MAY, in Cortland, N.Y., June 12, 1889, by Rev. H. A. CORDO, D.D., Mr. Fred. H. QUACKENBUSH of Rome, N.Y., and Miss Carrie E. BUELL of Binghamton, N.Y., formerly of Cortland.
Married - CORAM - NOTTLE - In Cortland, N.Y., May 29, 1889, by Dr. H. A. CORDO, Mr. Arthur CORAM and Miss Clara J. NOTTLE, both of Cortland.
Married - O'LEARY - O'BRIEN - In Truxton, N.Y., June 11, 1889, by Rev. Father JOYCE, Mr. Charles O'LEARY of Cortland and Miss Josie O'BRIEN of Truxton.
Married - PORTER - DAY - At the residence of the bride's parents in Upper Lisle, June 12, 1889, Miss Allie DAY of Upper Lisle, to Dr. Eugene H. PORTER of New York City.
Married - SHAVER - TALBOT - In Cortland, N.Y., at the Methodist parsonage, June 14, 1889, by Rev. Geo. P. AVERY, Mr. J. Wm. SHAVER, of Marathon, N.Y., and Miss Cora TALBOT, of Hunt's Corners, N.Y.
Married - MUNSON - REED - At the residence of the bride's mother, June 12, 1889, by Rev. Geo. P. AVERY, Mr. Charles L. MUNSON and Miss Jessie L. REED, all of Cortland, N.Y.
Married - BENEDICT - RITTENBERG - In Binghamton, N.Y., June 13, 1889, by Rev. Manly S. HARD, Mr. William G. BENEDICT, of Binghamton, and Miss Elizabeth RITTENBERG, formerly of Cortland, N.Y.
Married - THORINGTON - WHITE - In Taylor Center, June 9, 1889, by Rev. John PUDNEY, Mr. Gideon THORINGTON, of Cheningo, and Miss WHITE, of Pharsalia.
Married - ELLSTER - STILLMAN - In Virgil, N.Y., June 18, 1889, by Rev. O. J. PURINGTON, Mr. Dore ELLSTER and Miss Gertie STILLMAN, both of Virgil.
Married - ROGERS - ROBISON - In Cortland, N.Y., June 26, 1889, by Rev. John ARTHUR, E. L. ROGERS and Miss Adalenah, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Smith ROBISON, both of Cortland.
Married - BLACKWELL - POTTER - In Cortland, N.Y., June 26, 1889 by Rev. H. A. CORDO, D.D., Mr. Ernest H. BLACKWELL, of Albany, N.Y., and Miss Jennie G. POTTER of Cortland.
Married - RUST - LYTLE - In Cortland, N.Y., June 26, 1889, by Rev. J. L. ROBERTSON, Mr. Elmer E. RUST of Weedsport, N.Y., and Miss Mary C. LYTLE of Cortland.
Married - LUMBARD - BAGG - In Moravia on Thursday, June 13th, Miss Jennie BAGG of Homer, to Samuel LUMBARD.
Married - NEAL - BENJAMIN - In Edgar, Neb., June 4th, 1889, Mr. Chas. T. NEAL, formerly of Taylor, and Miss Dus BENJAMIN, both of Edgar, Neb.
Married - NICHOLS - FURBER - At the residence of Mrs. D. CLARK, in Homer on Wednesday evening, June 26, by Rev. A. N. DAMON, Mr. James FURBER of Marathon, to Miss Hattie M. NICHOLS of Homer, N.Y.
Married - SMILEY - WHEELER - In Cortland, Sunday, June 30, 1889, by Rev. G. P. AVERY, Irving SMILEY and Miss Edith WHEELER, both of Cortland.
Married - RYAN - HOBART - In Homer, June 29, 1889, by Rev. Wm. A. ROBINSON, D.D., Mr. Howard J. RYAN and Miss Ella M. HOBART, both of Homer.
Married - KEELER - MORRIS - In Homer, June 30, 1889, by Rev. Wm. A. ROBINSON, D.D., Mr. Emmett D. KEELER of Cortland, and Miss Nellie MORRIS of Lafayette.
Married - CLARK - PALMER - At the residence of L. F. GEE, in Elm street, McGrawville, N.Y., Thursday evening, June 27, 1889, by Rev. L. R. GROVES, Mr. Arthur Jay CLARK, of Cortland, and Miss Eva PALMER, of McGrawville.
Married - HOLDRIDGE - HOWARD - At the M. E. parsonage in Cortland, Wednesday evening, July 3, 1889, by the Rev. Geo. P. AVERY, William HOLDRIDGE and Miss Ellen HOWARD.
Married - HASKINS - SAULSPAUGH - In Cortland June 25, by Rev. G. P. AVERY, Mr. Chas. J. HASKINS and Miss Ellen SAULSPAUGH, both of Cortland.
Married - SALISBURY - MORRIS - At the home of the bride's parents in Homer, July 4th, 1889, by Rev. W. A. ROBINSON, Mr. James SALISBURY of Little York and Miss Flora MORRIS.
Married - PIMM - GWILT - In Homer, July 4, 1889, by Rev. W. A. ROBINSON, Henry PIMM and Miss Minnie GWILT, both of Homer.
Married - MARTIN - PERRY - In Owego, June 27, Mr. Benjamin B. MARTIN of Cortland and Miss Lottie PERRY of Owego.
Married - FICHLER - PRICE - In Syracuse, June 22, by Rev. J. E. JOHNSON, Mr. Henry FICHLER of Syracuse and Lottie A. PRICE of Cortland.
Married - SHEVALIER - VanWAGONEN - At the home of the bride's parents in Kyserike, N.Y., July 2, 1889, by Rev. Herman HAGEMON, Dr. Dix A. SHEVALIER of New York and Miss Cynthia VanWAGONEN.
Dr. SHEVALIER was formerly a resident of Cortland county and a graduate of the Normal school.
Married - FINCH - WATERS - In Cortland, N.Y., July 5, 1889, by Rev. Geo. P. AVERY, Mr. Chas. A. FINCH and Miss Carrie A. WATERS, both of Cortland.
Married - DeCLERQ - RANNEY - At the residence of the bride's father in Cortland, N.Y., July 3, 1889, by Rev. George P. AVERY, Mr. Herbert L. DeCLERQ and Miss Hattie E. RANNEY, both of Cortland.
Married - RUTTER - FICAL - In Colorado Springs, Col., June 5, 1889, Mr. Andrew E. RUTTER of Colorado Springs and Miss Hattie E. FICAL, formerly of Cortland, N.Y.
Married - MORRIS - CHAMBERLAIN - At the home of the brides parents in Oakland, Cal., June 26, 1889, by Rev. Geo. W. IZER, of San Francisco, Mr. Harry MORRIS and Miss Harriette V. CHAMBERLAIN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. S. CHAMBERLAIN, formerly of Cortland, N.Y.
Married - FULLER - OLIVER - In Cincinnatus, July 3, 1889, by Rev. D. BURROUGHS, Mr. Irving FULLER of Taylor, and Miss Hattie OLIVER of Cincinnatus.
Married - DARLING - KNIGHT - In Cortland, N.Y., July 11, 1889, by Rev. John ARTHUR, Mr. Herbert B. DARLING and Miss [?] Fannie E. KNIGHT.
Married - WADSWORTH - KINNEY - At Cortland, N.Y., July 17, 1889, by Rev. S. H. HASKELL, of Norway, N.Y., Mr. Arthur E. WADSWORTH, and Miss Edith M. KINNEY, both of Cortland, N.Y.
Married - AUGUSTINE - FICHTER - At the home of the bride's brother in New York City, June 19, 1889, by Rev. S. B. ROSSITER, Mr. Clark B. AUGUSTINE and Miss Ella C. FICHTER, of New York.
Mr. AUGUTINE was formerly a resident of Cortland, N.Y.
Married - HOLL - CARDNER - At the home of the bride's father in Cuyler, N.Y., July 3, 1889, by Rev. L. R. SWINNEY, Mr. Jay HOLL of Cuyler, and Miss Ella A., daughter of Benjamin D. CARDNER.
Married - OUT - SALISBURY - At the residence of Mr. Silas H. SEYMOUR in New Woodstock, July 10, 1889, by Rev. O. G. H. PHILLIPS, Mr. Matthias M. OUTT [sic], of Preble, and Miss Fidelia SALISBURY, of Homer.
Married - WOODRUFF - WESTCOTT - At the home of the bride on South Main street, in Homer village, Thursday evening, July 1 l, by Rev. A. N. DAMON, Mr. James W. WOODRUFF, to Miss Ida M. WESTCOTT, both of Homer.
Married - BOOTH - HAMMOND - In Homer village on Thursday, July 23, 1889, by Justice E. L. STONE, Mrs. Ursula HAMMOND of Cortland, to Mr. O. Levi BOOTH of Canastota.
Married - JAQUINS - OLIVER - At Union Valley, July 21, 1889, by Ira S. CRANDALL, Esq., Mr. Charles L. JAQUINS of Lincklaen and Miss Lillie OLIVER of Cuyler.
Married - GREENE - CLOUGH - At the residence of the bride's father, in the town of Cortland, N.Y., by Rev. U. MITCHELL, Charles L. GREENE, of Whitney's Point, N.Y., to Lida L. CLOUGH, of Cortland.
Married - JONES - DAVIS - In Blodgett Mills, August 4, 1889, by Rev. A. C. SMITH, Walter JONES, of Syracuse and Miss Lillie DAVIS, of Blodgett Mills.
Married - BLISS - GROSS - In Cortland, N.Y., April 12 [sic], 1889, by Rev. G. P. AVERY, Mr. Ray G. BLISS and Miss Bertha E. GROSS of Cortland.
Married - MAHER - McKINLEY - In Clayton, N.Y., Aug. 6, 1889, by Rev. Father BRICE, Mr. James P. MAHER of Cortland, N.Y., and Miss Alice M. McKINLEY, of Clayton.
Married - HALBERT - COLEGROVE - At the home of the bride's parents in Lincklaen, N.Y., Wednesday, August 7, 1889, Dr. M. J. HALBERT, of Cincinnatus, N.Y., and Miss Delia COLEGROVE.
Married - DALTON - CLARK - In Ballston Springs, N.Y., August 8, 1889, by the Rev. Mr. HART, Deacon Robert DALTON to Miss Anna CLARK, both of Cortland.
Married - CORCORAN - DOWD - In St. Mary's church in this place, Aug. 22, 1889, by Rev. J. J. McLOGHLIN, Mr. Charles CORCORAN and Miss Lizzie DOWD, both of this place.
Married - CARD - FITZGERALD - In the Methodist Episcopal church, Oneida, Aug. 19, by Rev. C. T. MOSS, Mr. Frank V. CARD, of Dryden, and Miss Mattie E. FITZGERALD, of Kenwood, N.Y.
Married - SUITS - DWYER - At St. James' church, Cazenovia, Aug. 13, by Rev. James L. MEAGHER, Mr. F. D. SUITS, of Cortland, and Miss Nellie DWYRE [sic] of Cazenovia.
Married - FOX - BURDICK - At Lincklaen Centre, N.Y., Aug. 18, 1889, by Rev. Perie R. BURDICK, George B. FOX of Glen Haven, and Miss Lilla A. BURDICK of Scott.
Married - PALMER - MAY - At the M. E. Parsonage in Watkins, N.Y., Aug. 28, 1889, by Rev. W. M. BENGER, Mr. A. O. PALMER of Havana, N.Y., and Mrs. Nora A. MAY of Cortland, N.Y.
Married - TURNER - JOHNSON - In Cortland, N.Y., Aug. 21, 1889, by Rev. John McLOGHLIN, Richard J. TURNER and Miss Minnie JOHNSON.
Married - HALBERT - ALLEN - In Cincinnatus, Aug. 29, 1889, by Rev. D. W. SWETLAND, Fred E. HALBERT of Taylor, and Miss Carrie E. ALLEN of Cincinnatus.
Married - SEAMANS - HUTCHINGS - In Cortland, N.Y., September 11, 1889, by Rev. E. P. HUBBELL, of Wellsville, N.Y., Mr. Geo. A. SEAMANS and Miss Luna A. HUTCHINGS, both of Cortland.
Married - GOUGH - BARKER - At the home of the bride in Vesper, N.Y., by Rev. F. T. KEENEY, September 4, 1889, Mr. Jay GOUGH of Preble and Miss Minnie L. BARKER.
Married - WELTY - BENEDICT - At the home of the bride's parents in McLean, by Rev. J. W. BARR, September 12, 1889, Mr. Philip M. WELTY of Cortland and Miss Bettie BENEDICT.
Married - HALE - MOTT - In Sempronius, September 7, 1889, by Rev. L. H. BEMAN, Mr. Ervin HALE of Sempronius, and Miss Adah MOTT of Scott, N.Y.
Married - COWAN - POPE - In Cortland, N.Y., September 12, 1889, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Rebecca POPE, by Rev. Geo. H. BRIGHAM, Mr. Frederick COWAN, and Miss Etta F. POPE, both of Cortland.
Married - FORD - McDONALD - In Cortland, N.Y., September 5, 1889, by Rev. Ure MITCHELL, Mr. Edward A. FORD and Miss Maud E. McDONALD, both of Binghamton.
Married - VanBUREN - BORDEN - In Cortland, at 116 Clinton Avenue, September 21, 1889, by Rev. Edward TAYLOR, D.D., Mr. Frederick D. VanBUREN to Miss Grace V. BORDEN, both of Cortland.
Married - HILT - MOON - At Brown's Hotel in Marathon, N.Y., September 18, 1889, by Rev. L. B. WEEKS, Mr. Frank J. HITT [sic], OF Cortland, N.Y., and Miss Kittie L. MOON of Marathon, N.Y.
Married - RICHARDSON - CONINE - At the home of the bride in Homer, N.Y., September 18, 1889, by Rev. E. B. STULL, Mr. Lloyd E. RICHARDSON of Cortland, N.Y., and Miss Millie L. CONINE of Homer, N.Y.
Married - DICKERSON - KEYES - In Ithaca, N.Y., July 20, 1889, by W. S. TOTTEN, Esq., Mr. Henry DICKERSON and Miss Cora B. KEYES, both of Harford, N.Y.
Married - GATES - LARRABEE - In Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 19, 1889, by Rev. H. A. CORDO, D.D., Mr. Floyd E. GATES and Miss Hattie E. LARRABEE, both of Cortland.
Married - COX - SAUNDERS - September 30, 1889, at the home of the bride's parents S. E. SAUNDERS, in Homer, N.Y., by Rev. A. J. WALRATH, Mr. S. Everett COX, of Omaha, Neb., and Miss Jessie L. SAUNDERS of Homer.
Married - JOINER - DAINS - In McLean, N.Y., September 25, 1889, by Rev. J. W. BARR, Mr. Horace JOINER and Miss Emma DAINS, both of Harford.
Married - BABCOCK - HOLDRIDGE - In Cranford, N. J., Sept. 24, 1889, by Rev. Geo. H. BRIGHAM of Cortland, N.Y., Mr. Charles H. BABCOCK of Minneapolis, Minn. and Miss Florence Louise HOLDRIDGE of Cranbrook, N. J., formerly of Cortland, N.Y.
Married - WATERS - BENJAMIN - In Grace church, Cortland, N.Y., September 30, 1889, by Rev. John ARTHUR, Mr. Newton H. WATERS of Homer, N.Y., and Miss Louise S. BENJAMIN of Cortland.
Married - CONRAD - DeMOND - At the Baptist parsonage, in Cincinnatus, September 14, 1889, by Rev. D. BURROUGHS, N. I. CONRAD of Marathon, to Alice M. DeMOND of Cincinnatus.
Married - WATSON - BECKWITH - At the Baptist parsonage in Cincinnatus, September 22, 1889, by Rev. D. BURROUGHS, Mr. Benjamin WATSON and Miss Clara L. BECKWITH, both of Cincinnatus.
Married - SMITH - WIRE - In Taylor, N.Y., October 3, 1889, by Rev. W. H. ROBERTSON, Mr. Ira E. SMITH, of DeRuyter, N.Y., and Miss Blanche WIRE, of Taylor.
Married - WILSON - SESSIONS - In Syracuse, N.Y., October 2, 1889, by Rev. J. C. ANDREWS, Miss Hattie I. SESSIONS of Harford, N.Y., and Mr. Henry E. WILSON, of Marathon, N.Y.
Married - BALDWIN - WOODIN - In Blodgett Mills, N.Y., October 2, 1889, by Rev. H. J. MILLARD, of Pennsylvania, Mr. George A. BALDWIN of Montrose, Pa., and Miss May E. WOODIN of Blodgett Mills.
Married - HUTCHINGS - TERPENNING - In Cortland, N.Y., September 29, 1889, by Rev. O. J. PURRINGTON, Aaron HUTCHINGS of Virgil, and Jessie C. TERPENNING.
Married - MOSS - BASSETT - At the residence of the bride, Wednesday, October 2, 1889, by Rev. L. C. SMITH, Wellington J. MOSS of Cortland, and Alice L. BASSETT of Moravia.
Married - FISH - ACKERMAN - At the Baptist parsonage in McGrawvil1e, N.Y., September 29, 1889, by Rev. I. E. USHER, Mr. Charles FISH of Tully, N.Y., and Miss Alma ACKERMAN of McGrawville, N.Y.
Married - McELHENY - BURLINGHAM - At the M. E. parsonage, in McGrawville, N.Y., September 28, 1889, by Rev. A. C. SMITH, Mr. Frank McELHENY and Miss Edith BURLINGHAM, both of Cortland.
Married - WOOLLAND - SHAFT - In Cortland, October 12, 1889, by Rev. Edward TAYLOR, D.D., Mr. William H. WOOLLAND to Miss Jennie Etta SHAFT, both of Cortland.
Married - SMITH - ADAMS - In Cortland October 6, 1889, by Rev. G. P. AVERY, Aretus M. SMITH, of New Hope, N.Y., and Emma J. ADAMS of Groton City, N.Y.
Married - JOCHLES - KLEIN - In Cortland, October 8, 1889, by Rev. Adolph RODIN, of Philadelphia, Pa., Abram H. JOCHLES and Emily KLEIN, of Cortland.
Married - BAILEY - WOOD - In Cortland, September 26, 1889, by Rev. G. P. AVERY, Charles D. BAILEY and Miss Minnie A. WOOD, both of Cuyler.
Married - FOSTER - ACKLES - In Homer, October 3, 1889, by Rev. Wm. A. ROBINSON, D.D., Mr. Edison FOSTER of Homer, and Miss Ida M. ACKLES of Preble.
Married - RYAN - WOOD - At the M. E. Parsonage in Marathon, N.Y., October 9, 1889, by Rev. L. B. WEEKS, Mr. George M. RYAN and Miss Jennie B. WOOD, both of East Homer, N.Y.
Married - SIMMS - WILSON - In Cortland, N.Y., October 15, 1889, by Dr. H. A. CORDO, Mr. William H. SIMMS, of Syracuse, N.Y., and Mrs. Mary Alice G. WILSON, of Cortland.
Married - ROGERS - NEWKIRK - In Cortland, N.Y., Oct. 21, 1889, by Rev. John ARTHUR, Mr. H. L. ROGERS and Mrs. Jenney NEWKIRK, both of Cortland.
Married - HUNTER - SHULTS - In Virgil, N.Y., Oct. 22, 1889, by Dr. H. A. CORDO, Mr. Harry C. HUNTER of Winton Place, O., and Miss Kittie E. SHULTS of Virgil.
Married - CLEGG - GLEASON - At the residence of the bride's parents in Freetown, N.Y., Wednesday, October 16, Miss Jennie CLEGG of this place to Mr. Solomon H. GLEASON of Ludington, Mich.
Married - PIKE - EASTBROOK - In Cortland, October 16, by Rev. Geo. BRIGHAM, Mr. Jessie PIKE, of N. Norwich, Chenango county, and Miss Alice EASTBROOK, of Homer, N.Y.
Married - HILSINGER - SMITH - In Lapeer, N.Y., October 22, 1889, by Rev. O. L. TORRY, Mr. A. D. HILSINGER, of Marathon, N.Y., and Miss Elmina A. SMITH of Lapeer.
Married - DUNLAVEY - O'CONNOR - In Cortland, N.Y., October 15, 1889, by Rev. J. J. McLOGHLlN, Mr. Richard DUNLAVEY of Ithaca, N.Y., and Miss Annie O'CONNOR, of Cortland.
Married - RILEY - COSTELLO - In Cortland, N.Y., October 24, 1889, by Rev. J. J. McLOGHLIN, Mr. William D. RILEY, and Miss Mollie COSTELLO, both of Cortland.
Married - MARSHALL - JONES - At the home of the bride's parents, in Cortland, N.Y., October 30, 1889, at 12 M., by the Rev. G. P. AVERY, Mr. John G. MARSHALL and Miss Alice E. JONES, both of Cortland.
Married - DIETRICH - ASHCROFT - At the M. E. Parsonage in Marathon, October 19, 1889, Samuel H. DEITRICH [sic] to Miss Frankie J. ASHCROFT.
Married - SWEET - MOTT - In Sempronius, N.Y., October 17, 1889, by Thos. D. COMERFORD, Justice of the Peace, Mr. Gilbert H. SWEET AND Miss Alice M. MOTT, both of Scott, N.Y.
Married - STEELE - PRATT - In Gloversville, N.Y., October 30, 1889, by Rev. W. E. PARK, D.D., Mr. Hamilton H. STEELE and Miss Lillian PRATT, daughter of Prof. H. A. PRATT, both of Gloversville.
Married - TANNER - PADDOCK - In Auburn, N.Y., October 29, 1889, by Rev. Frank H. HINMAN, Mr. Walter J. TANNER, of Dryden, and Miss Jennie PADDOCK, of Syracuse.
Married - REYNOLDS - STOEL - In Riverview, N.Y., November 6, 1889, Mr. E. E. REYNOLDS of Cortland, and Miss Addie STOEL, of Riverview.
Married - HEMINGWAY - DAVIS - At McLean, N.Y., November 6, 1889, by Rev. W. L.BATES of Moravia, Mr. Orlando G. HEMINGWAY and Miss Nellie G. DAVIS, both of McLean.
Married - DUSTAN - PIKE In Cortland, N.Y., at the residence of Mr. Frank HASKINS, November 1, 1889, by Dr. H. A. CORDO, Mr. Royal C. DUSTAN and Miss Esther I. PIKE, both of Leadville, Col.
Married - M'KEVITTE - HAWE - On Friday, November 8, at 10 Paulmier Place, Jersey City, N. J., by the Rev. Wheelock H. PARMLY, D.D., Mr. Charles A. McKEVITTE to Miss Frances Virginia HAWE of New York city.
Married - COON - BELL - At the home of the bride's parents November 7, 1889, by Rev. A. N. DAMON, Mr. John COON and Miss Sarah J. BELL, both of Homer, N.Y.
Married - FOX - MALLORY - In Homer, November 15, 1889, by Rev. Dr. ROBINSON, Mr. Charles H. FOX, of Homer, and Miss Mary MALLORY of Glen Haven.
Married - BARNARD - DANA - In Cortland, N.Y., November 20, 1889, by Rev. J. L. ROBERTSON, Mr. George L. BARNARD of Cazenovia, N.Y., and Miss Charlotte DANA of Cortland.
Married - BELL - RYAN - At the M. E. Parsonage in Virgil, N.Y., November 13, 1889, by Rev. O. J. PURINGTON, Mr. Wm. H. BELL and Miss Clara E. RYAN, both of Virgil.
Married - SMITH - BLUE - In Cortland, N.Y., November 14, 1889, by Rev. Geo. P. AVERY, Mr. Leroy C. SMITH, of Cortland, N.Y. and Miss Minnie BLUE, of Virgil.
Married - DALEY - LEWIS - In Cortland, N.Y., November 20, 1889, by Rev. Geo. P. AVERY, Mr. Stephen DALEY, of Preble, N.Y., and Miss Clara Belle LEWIS, also of Preble, N.Y.
Married - BENNETT - OCKERMAN - At the home of the bride's parents in Chenango Forks, N.Y., November 14, 1889, Mr. W. W. BENNETT, of Cortland, N.Y., and Miss Agnes OCKERMAN.
Married - HAZZARD - BAILEY - In German, November 14, 1889, Mr. Arvin HAZZARD, of Smithville Flats, and Miss Mary BAILY [sic] of Willett.
Married - FOX - STRAIL - At the home of the bride's parents in Tully, N.Y., November 20, 1889, by Rev. Mr. WISEMAN, Mr. John FOX, of Preble, and Miss Kittie STRAIL.
Married - SIMPSON - BIGSBY - In McLean, N.Y., November 27, 1889, by Rev. J. W. BARR, Mr. Henry J. SIMPSON and Miss Minnie A. BIGSBY, both of Homer, N.Y.
Married - BLANCHARD - SEAMAN - At the bride's home in Cortland, N.Y., November 27, 1889, by Rev. J. L. ROBERTSON, Miss Lottie E. SEAMAN and Frank J. BLANCHARD, all of Cortland.
Married - BEACH - THOMPSON - At the home of the bride in Pitcher, November 13, 1889, Mr. Fred BEACH of Texas Valley, and Miss Lina THOMPSON.
Married - PEASE - HILL - In Lapeer, November 17, 1889, by Rev. O. L. TORRY, Mr. Clarence PEASE and Miss Lizzie E. HILL, both of Hunt's Corners, N.Y.
Married - BURR - EVANS - In Binghamton, November 28, 1889, by Rev. G. M. COLVILLE, Mr. Nelson G. BURR, aged 72, formerly of Homer, and Miss May EVANS, aged 22, both of the first named place.
Married - ISAACS - GUTCHES - In Washington, N. J., November 28, 1889, Mr. J. ISAACS to Mrs. Frank GUTCHESS [sic], both of McGrawville.
Married - HAYES - SMITH - In Marathon, N.Y., Wednesday, December 4, 1889, at the home of the bride's mother, on Front street, by Rev. Frank HINMAN, of Auburn, Mr. E. W. HAYES and Miss Dorcas SMITH, both of Marathon.
Married - BUNDY - CLARK - At the M. E. parsonage in Ithaca, N.Y., November 27, 1889, by Rev. Edward M. MILLS, Mr. Warren W. BUNDY, of Cortland and Miss Emma J. CLARK, of Ithaca.
Married - BURNS - ROGERS - At the residence of Mrs. M. A. QUIVEY, November 27, by Rev. F. M. WARNER, Mr. Edward BURNS, of Greene, N.Y., to Miss Sara E. ROGERS, of Cincinnatus, N.Y.
Married - CASE - McSWEENY - In Homer on Saturday, November 30, by Rev. A. J. WALRATH, Miss Nellie McSWEENEY [sic], of Homer, to Mr. Charles CASE of Sempronius.
Married - VanDUSEN - FAIRBANKS - November 27, 1889, Rev. J. M. BARTHOLOMEW, George VanDEUSEN [sic], of Cortland, to Miss Martha E. FAIRBANKS of Auburn.
Married - GRISWOLD - STAFFORD - In Blodgett Mills, N.Y., December 4, 1889, by Rev. O. J. PURINGTON, Mr. John C. GRISWOLD of Harford, N.Y., and Miss Jennie STAFFORD of Blodgett Mills.
Married - LAWRENCE - WELLS - In Fulton, N.Y., December 4, 1889, by Rev. W. D. CHASE, Mr. Hoel LAWRENCE of Cortland, N.Y., and Mrs. Elizabeth WELLS, of Fulton.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry HALL attended the GRISWOLD - STAFFORD wedding Wednesday, December 4.
Married - WILDEY - TANNER - At the residence of the bride, December 12, 1889, by Rev. W. A. SMITH, Merton R. WILDEY of Homer, and Flora M. TANNER of Groton.
Married - THEOBALD - PATRICK - In Cuyler, N.Y., December 12, 1889, by Rev. Mr. MEEKER, Mr. Adelbert D. THEOBALD of Herkimer, N.Y., and Miss Stella PATRICK of Cuyler.
Married - JENKS - BARBER - At the M. E. parsonage in Tully, December 19, 1889, by Rev. F. T. KEERNEY, Mr. Ray M. JENKS of Cortland and Miss Eva I. BARBER of Scott, N.Y.
Married - OLNEY - HAMMON - At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. David HAMMON, the parents of the bride, in Homer, N.Y., December 11, 1889, by Rev. Wm. A. ROBINSON, D.D., Mr. Dumont OLNEY, of Sempronus [sic], N.Y., and Miss Lydia A. HAMMON of Homer.
Married - VROMAN - GREENE - At the bride's home in Willett, N.Y., Dec. 18, 1889, by Rev. D. W. SWETLAND, Mr. Len H. VROMAN of Triangle, N.Y., and Miss Clara A. GREENE.
Married - MAYCUMBER - BANKS - In Preble, N.Y., December 19, 1889, by Rev. W. D. FOX, Mr. Eugene MAYCUMBER and Miss Dell BANKS, both of Preble.
Married - HOWE - LEMMON - At Paine, Orleans county, N.Y., December 25, 1889, Mr. Will HOWE of Cortland and Miss Anna LEMMON of Paine.
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