The Cortland Democrat
1881 - 1882
The Cortland Democrat gives birth "announcements" more often. Here are the ones noticed in 1881 and 1882:
11 Mar 1881
We learn of the birth of a daughter at Mr. Hiram BAKER's, living at Mr. Isaac BLOOMER's.
22 Apr 1881
Harford Mills.
Mr. Samuel A. JAYNE is now rejoicing, like Zachias [sp?] of old, over a little son and heir; his first and only; [illegible] in his old age, when his hair is thickly sprinkled with the snows of sixty winters. Let other despairing Samuels take courage.
17 Feb 1882
Born unto Mr. and Mrs. Frank PRICE, on the 14th inst., a son, which the Squire claims is the finest in town.
24 Feb 1882
Harford Mills.
Behold, a son is given to the tribe of Dan. Now take courage, Dan, and "Try-on."
Also, another schoolmam, at Mr. Henry VINCENT's. It weighs 11 pounds. We suggest they call it Evangelana.
10 Mar 1882
Harford Mills.
To Mr. and Mrs. Bert SESSIONS, a baby, their first and only. If they have made no mistake; it is a boy.
24 Mar 1882
Little York.
Mr. H. KNAPP, of East Scott, is happy over the arrival of a bran new lttle girl. This is the third birth within eight rods of the post-office and in six weeks time.
31 Mar 1882
Blodgett's Mills.
A baby girl, at Henry REYNOLDS', causes that gentleman to look supremely happy.
Harford Mills.
Another "squall" up at Will JOHNSON's. This time it is a boy. Grandpa Phile's grin is broader than ever. Better turn the damper now, Will.
All faces are wreathed with smiles down at Mr. Jay ALLEN's. It is a girl, and weighed eight pounds.
26 May 1882
Little York.
Born, May 22d, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. RUST, of Cold Brook. W. W. SALISBURY and wife are the happy grandparents, and it is to them we extend our [illegible] joyfully.
9 Jun 1882
Mr. William STEWART's people are rejoicing in the birth of a son on may 27th. Also a son at Mr. Price ROUND's.
16 Jun 1882
Little York.
Wesley HUFFMAN was the recipient of a little stranger last week, and it was number nine in the neighborhood since the first of February they of course are very pleased. It weems to be an epidemic along Cold Brook this year. - Next!
28 Jul 1882
Little York.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank ALVORD last week. They live in Cold Brook near the red school house. This is number seven within a radius of a half mile and ten on the Cold Brook street since the first of February. Next?
25 Aug 1882
Charles N. ROBINSON is exceedingly happy. It's a boy.
22 Sep 1882
Burnet E. MILLER, of this place rejoices over the arrival of an infant daughter.
3 Nov 1882
Harford Mills.
After long and anxious endurance, of several years of fond hopes deferred, Mr. and Mrs. Abny BAIRD are at last made happy, by an eight pound baby. Abny proudly contended to have its hair parted on one side, but the old ladies stubbornly refused and decided to part its hair in the middle. Of course Mr. BUSHNELL will bring forward the piece of goods, which he promised Abny
about a year ago, in case of such an event as this.
Transcribed by Merton Sarvay
October, 2007
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