The Cortland Democrat
1883 - 1888
The Cortland Democrat gives birth "announcements" more often. Here are the ones noticed in 1883 through 1888:
2 Feb 1883
Born unto Mr. and Mrs. A. D. REESE, a daughter Jan. 20th.
Master ____ BREWER, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. BREWER, of this place, is making things lively at the home of his parents. He put in an appearance last Monday.
27 Apr 1883
Harford Mills.
We noticed, the other day, that Mr. Austin CLINTON was stepping very much lighter and looking more cheerful than we have seen him since town meeting. Upon inquiry, we learned that it was a girl. Three boys and a girl. Good!
29 Jun 1883
Harford Mills.
We at last have the pleasure of tallying one for Mr. John WILCOX - it is a bouncing boy and John is hapy [sic].
27 Jul 1883
Harford Mills.
We had almost forgotten to say that Mr. and Mrs. CHAPPLUS were the happy recipients of a new baby, late last Friday evening. It is a girl. CHAPPLUS tells us they got it up to 8 pounds, when in
full regalia. We think the little couple must have taken good care of it, y-e-s!
10 Aug 1883
James R. SHERMERHORN, Esq., set up the cigars last Wednesday. It's a boy and weighs 10 pounds.
24 Aug 1883
Mr. Jay LATHROP's people are rejoicing in the birth of a daughter.
14 Sep 1883
Mr. Will McKINNEY is setting up the cigars over the birth of a daughter born the 7th inst.
15 Feb 1884
Fred TURNER is just as happy a man as promenades the stony pavements of Cheningo all because he has an 8 1/2 pound boy.
29 Feb 1884
Add one more to the list of residents in this place, it is a girl, Hobart CUMMINGS is the lucky one.
21 Mar 1884
Mr. Harmon OLMSTED is rejoicing over the birth of a son. We notice also the arrival of a son at Mr. Monroe BAKER's.
28 Mar 1884
East Scott.
Something new at Erastus GRIFFIN's - a boy.
4 Apr 1884
Oh! - We came near forgetting to mention that we had a very communicative caller at our house on Friday March 28th, he weighed 8 1/2 pounds. He "kicked" against having a long robey dress put on, and protested stoutly that he should have a pair of pants and a whip. Sealed proposals are now in order for a
[by 'Tattler', the correspondent for the paper.]
9 May 1884
Mr. CLARK, editor of the Standard, is a very fortunate man. He has not only been very successful in business but fortune smiles upon him in other ways. Last Monday the fickle dame made him a
present of a ten pound printer's devil. Whether or not it will be named after the Standard building we have not sufficient information to form a belief.
23 May 1884
Mr. GILBERT had a stranger come to his house on the morning of the 11th, and he could not be driven away, it was a boy, weight, 10 pounds.
30 May 1884
On Friday of last week, a new comer rapped for admittance at the home of Frank PELTON. Of course it was admitted. It's a girl.
13 Jun 1884
Mr. John HEHER, engineer of the village steamer, is the proud and happy father of a nine pound boy, which arrived on Sunday last.
25 Jul 1884
East Scott.
Lyman CHURCHILL is next best man this week - it's a daughter.
15 Aug 1884
Blodgett's Mills.
Mr. R. D. PIERCE is rejoicing over - well - over a ten-pound boy. How proud grandpa DARLING is!
19 Sep 1884
Blodgett's Mills.
How happy Mr. MERRICK is, and well he may be for it is a grand- daughter and its name is baby ATWOOD.
26 Sep 1884
A ten pound baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. Burdette TOPPING last Sunday.
17 Oct 1884
East Scott.
Two new comers this week. A boy at Ed WAGNER's and a girl at Fred MULINEX.
19 Jun 1885
A girl baby put in an appearance at the house of Jesse L. JUDD, Esq., last Monday. This is the first episode of the kind in a married life of about seventeen years. A Democratic administration has so far proven to be fruitful of good results.
17 Jul 1885
Holly JOHNSON's youngest son has been in partnership with him in the manufacture of wagons since Saturday night. Weight seven and one half pounds.
24 Jul 1885
A nine pound girl arrived at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G. I. PROUDEN, on Tuesday last.
31 Jul 1885
An eight pound girl is stopping with Mr. and Mrs. G. F. BEAUDRY.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McSWEENEY, were delighted one day last week over the arrival of a healthy ten pound boy baby. He bids fair to be a Democratic orator.
Born, at Mr. William CONRAD's, a daughter; mother and child are doing well.
14 Aug 1885
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin PECK, of Homer, are rejoicing over the birth of twin boys. Mr. PECK is an employe in the office of the Homer Republican. The boys weigh eight pounds each.
21 Aug 1885
Harford Mills.
We are happy to learn that Mr. Frank OSBORN is the delighted papa of a handsome eight pound girl.
28 Aug 1885
Willis DeLONG is a happy man, it's an eight pound boy.
9 Oct 1885
An eight-pounder, of the male persuasion, put in an appearance at the residence of editor CLARK yesterday. He will undoubtedly be editing an eight page paper in the near future and shouting for Blaine, of Maine. Brother CLARK is doing his level best to keep the Republican majority up to the usual standard in this county.
29 Jan 1886
Born at Mr. Clinton FRANCIS', a daughter; at Mr. WEBB's a son.
Geo. M. SKINNER must now be the happiest man on earth for, by a recent addition to his family, he has become the father of fourteen children.
The chorister of the M. E. church, Mr. Charles FORD, was absent from his accustomed place, last Sunday morning. An inquiry brought forth the fact that he was teaching a new man the ways of the world of song. Wight ten pounds.
12 Feb 1886
Richard TYLER, Jr., is claiming the finest ten pound girl, born Saturday morning. Mother and child doing well.
19 Feb 1886
Mr. and Mrs. Fred SMITH are the happy possessors of a girl baby, that made its appearance one week ago last Wednesday.
19 Mar 1886
Timothy LANSDOWN's face wears a happy smile on account of the advent into his family of his ninth child, it weighing 4 pounds, and a girl.
7 May 1886
Mr. Price ROUNDS, who is rejoicing in the birth of a son, is also alarmed at the dangerous condition of the mother.
Another young farmer at Frank SKINNER's. It made its appearance April 25. Frank is intent upon raising a family.
Sumner WEBSTER sets up the cigars this week. It is a girl and Sumner is happy.
There is a new visitor at Mr. Charles T. PECK's on Greenbush St., and it has come to stay. It is of the feminine gender, a solid "ten-pounder," and a regular household favorite. Charles has our congratulations.
14 May 1886
Melvin McLAUGHLIN sets up the cigars for the boys and most cheerfully too, and why should he not? for its a democrat.
28 May 1886
Frank CORWIN is the happy father of an infant heir.
4 Jun 1886
"Jim" SHERWOOD has a very large smile on his face as he responds to the title of "Pa." It is a girl and arrived at his home on the 3d inst. Weight eleven pounds.
18 Jun 1886
Mr. Fred. RYAN is rejoicing over the birth of a daughter, born Wednesday last.
23 Jul 1886
George BRIGGS rejoices over the arrival of a ten-pound girl.
And now Melvin WINGLER is the happy man. It's a girl, and arrived July 10th.
Harry HAMMOND is the happy father of a bouncing boy. Born Saturday morning last.
30 Jul 1886
John B. MORRIS is happy over the arrival of a nine pound boy baby.
Justice M. Stanley BIERCE had another $1,000 present last Sunday. It is a boy.
20 Aug 1886
Eugene CORNUE is proud of the young stranger; It is a boy ---
W. J. PERKINS, Esq., passed around the cigars quite freely, on Wednesday morning. It's a girl.
27 Aug 1886
Jerome BUSH rejoiceth over the advent of a boy into his family.
10 Sep 1886
Mr. Jerome FITTS was aroused from his slumbers on Saturday night Sept. 4th, by a young man who wished to find some place to stay and work for his board and clothes, and Jerome being a friendly sort of a man received the young lad with open arms and as the weight of the young chap was only 10 pounds he thinks he is boss and if he stays with him he will no doubt in time learn to call him "Dad."
1 Oct 1886
J. H. RYAN is rejoicing over the advent of a ten-pound boy.
8 Oct 1886
Frank CLARK is the happy father of a baby girl.
22 Oct 1886
Burt ADAMS is the happy father of a son born Oct. 9th.
5 Nov 1886
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. RENIFF are the happy parents of a wee bit of a boy baby.
3 Dec 1886
Irving WATROUS' face is now wreathed in smiles. Why? you enquire. Because he's pa, and its a nice boy at that.
17 Dec 1886
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Will ELWOOD, Dec. 7th, a son.
Ed. BLISS' family has been increased by one during the past week.
7 Jan 1887
Another girl at Dewitt SMITHS's.
11 Feb 1887
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Willis KETTLE, Saturday Feb.5, a daughter.
25 Mar 1887
An eleven pound boy put in an appearance at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. HATHWAY, last Monday.
8 Apr 1887
Little York.
Herbert TUCKER is the recipient of an eight-pound boy, born March 31st.
6 May 1887
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. GRISWOLD are rejoicing over the birth of a daughter, born April 27th. Mother and daughter are doing well. Daniel will please remember our cigar.
13 May 1887
Born unto Mr. and Mrs. George SEAMANS, on the 9th inst., a son. The mother reported to be in a dangerous condition.
Noah ROOD is happy at last. He ought to be because he had a legacy fall to him a few days ago, the size of which we, as yet, have been unable to learn. [This was later denied. See 23 Sep 1887.]
17 Jun 1887
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred. FREEMAN, June 11th, a daughter.
8 Jul 1887
South Hill.
Last week Friday we noticed a strange hailow pervading the atmosphere around Higginsville. We wondered was the house on fire or were they making soap. But after diligent search we discovered that it issued from Frank BURT's countenance. Cause: a big, bouncing blue-eyed baby boy -- weight 10 lbs. Mother and child are both doing well.
5 Aug 1887
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clinton FRANCIS on Monday last, a son. Mother and child are doing well.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth HOTCHKISS, a son.
26 Aug 1887
Mr. and Mrs. Delancey FISK, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene SHUFELT, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert POTTER, are each the happy parents of a daughter.
23 Sep 1887
Mr. and Mrs. Noah ROOD are the happy parents of a bouncing boy. [see 13 May 1887]
30 Sep 1887
Mr. and Mrs. Mart. MILLER are rejoicing over the advent of a bouncing baby boy.
28 Oct 1887
Ernest COURTNEY is the possessor of a baby girl, born Tuesday of last week.
Root THORINGTON's family has been increased by one. It's a nine pound girl.
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. LANSDOWN, of Pitcher Springs, will be pleased to hear of the advent of a daughter in their home.
18 Nov 1887
A stranger stopped at Utt PHILLIPS' Thursday. He is liked so well that they propose to keep him until he is twenty-one at least.
Blodgett's Mills.
Melvin GOODELL is the happy father of a fine baby girl.
2 Dec 1887
Another HILL in town. He expects to stay with Perry HILL for twenty-one years.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew BROOKS, Thursday, Nov. 17th, a daughter.
23 Dec 1887
This time Frank PULFORD is the happy man. It's a girl, and the gentleman in question passes out the cigars in right royal style.
6 Jan 1888
A. J. GODDARD, Esq., of this village, has grown about a foot in height since the arrival of an 8 1/2 pound gossoon at his house.
20 Jan 1888
Mr. Owen KENDALL is rejoicing over the advent of a 12 pound boy, who arrived at his residence at No. 5 Duane street, last Sunday.
17 Feb 1888
Theodore TRAVIS is a happy man. Why? Because it is a boy.
Mr. L. J. FOSTER and wife are rejoicing over the birth of a son, born Tuesday last. Mother and child are doing well.
Mr. W. B. HOWARD of North Church St. is rejoicing not a little over the advent of a baby girl last Wednesday morning. With a smile on his genial countenance that cannot be concealed he cheerfully sets up the cigars.
16 Mar 1888
W. D. TUTTLE, Esq. is passing around ten cent cigars because it's a bouncing boy.
23 Mar 1888
Frank CORWIN is once more a happy man. It occurred on Friday last, and it's a girl.
30 Mar 1888
Born. GLANN - To Mr. and Mrs. James J. GLANN, on Monday, March 26, 1888, a daughter, weight eight and one-half pounds.
Born. HUNTLY - To Mr. and Mrs. C.R. HUNTLY, of Taylor, a daughter.
13 Apr 1888
Blodgett's Mills.
A wee daughter has come to grace the home and make glad the hearts of Mr. and Mrs. Lord KENNEY.
20 Apr 1888
Born, on Monday last, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. BARKER, a son.
4 May 1888
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jay TERPENNING, a daughter, April 25th.
25 May 1888
A brand new girl at Milton BAKER's .
1 Jun 1888
John F. DOWD, Esq., is rejoicing over the arrival of a bran new 10 lb. boy. John expects to see him elected Chief of the Department soon.
8 Jun 1888
Rev. John ARTHUR, rector of Grace Church, is the happy father of a ten pound Episcopalian, who put in an appearance Thursday morning.
29 Jun 1888
A new arrival at Bert POTTER's and it is a 5 lb. boy.
20 Jul 1888
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Darius SNELL, July 8th.
27 Jul 1888
The many friends of Dr. F. B. BROOKS, of Syracuse, formerly of this place, will be pleased to hear that he is the father of a daughter.
3 Aug 1888
Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. K. BENNETT, July 30, a daughter.
10 Aug 1888
Births. STAFFORD. To Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. STAFFORD, of this place, August 5, a daughter.
Births. HOOKAWAY - To Mr. and Mrs. Walter HOOKAWAY of Cortland, N.Y., August 3,1888, a son.
Births. SPERRY - To Mr. and Mrs. Elmer A. SPERRY of Chicago, Ill., July 28, 1888, a daughter.
Births. RAUFLER - To Mr. and Mrs. Charles RAUFLER, of Cortland, N.Y., August 5, 1888, a son.
Births. WEBB - To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur WEBB, of Cortland, N.Y., August 3, 1888, a daughter - Helen.
Births. KELLY - To Mr. and Mrs. John J. KELLY of Cortland, N.Y., August 2, 1888, a son.
Births. VanSLYKE - To Mr. and Mrs. A. H. VanSLYKE, of Cortland, N.Y., August 5, 1888, a son.
21 Sep 1888
Births. SULLIVAN - To Mr. and Mrs. Florence SULLIVAN of Cortland, N.Y., Sept. [x4?], 1888, a son.
Births. BALLARD - To Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. BALLARD of Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 9, 1888, a son.
Births. HACKETT - To Mr. and Mrs. John HACKETT, of Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 7, 1888, a son.
Births. THOMPSON - To Mr. and Mrs. George THOMPSON of Scott, N.Y., Sept. 6, 1888, a son.
Births. NILES - To Mr. and Mrs. Willard NILES of Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 5, 1888, a son.
Births. ROETHIG - To Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. ROETHIG of Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 12, 1888, a daughter.
Births. DOTY - To Mr. and Mrs. James DOTY of Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 4[?], 1888, a son.
Births. PHILLIPS - To Mr. and Mrs. Charles PHILLIPS of Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 11[?], 1888, a daughter.
Births. NICHOLS - To Mr. and Mrs. Willis NICHOLS of Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 10, 1888, a daughter.
Births. SQUIRES - To Mr. and Mrs. Frank SQUIRES of Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 16, 1888, a daughter, Henrietta.
Births. KINSMAN - To Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. KINSMAN of Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 17, 1888, a son.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jared FISH, September 15th, a son. All expect he will grow up and, with the other two, vote the Democratic ticket.
12 Oct 1888
Births. THOMPSON - To Mr. and Mrs. John THOMPSON, of Cortland, N.Y., September 28, 1888, a daughter.
Births. GREEN. To Mr. and Mrs. John GREEN, of Cortland, N.Y., September 25, 1888, a daughter.
Births. KINSMAN - To Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. KINSMAN, of Cortland, N.Y., September 15, 1888, a son.
12 Oct 1888 Supplement.
Births. BENEDICT - To Mr. and Mrs. Irving A. BENEDICT of Cortland, N.Y., September 24, 1888, a son.
Births. MORRIS - To Mr. and Mrs. Samuel MORRIS of Cortland, N.Y., September 23, 1888, a daughter.
Births. DICKINSON - To Mr. and Mrs. Elmer DICKINSON of Freetown, N.Y., a son.
19 Oct 1888
Blodgett's Mills.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. JACOBS, Oct. 5.
16 Nov 1888
Births. BIRDSEYE - To Mr. and Mrs. John C. BIRSDEYE, of Albany, at Cortland, November 12, 1888, a daughter.
23 Nov 1888
Births. LAMONT - To Col. and Mrs. Daniel S. LAMONT, of Washington, D.C., November 17, 1888, a daughter.
Births. KEENAN - To Mr. and Mrs. James KEENAN, of Cortland, N.Y., November 7, 1888, a son.
21 Dec 1888
Blodgett's Mills.
A baby boy at Mell GOODSELL's.
Transcribed by Merton Sarvay
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