The Cortland County Standard
25 Jun 1867
Married. ALGER - CONGER - At the residence of the brides father, in Cortland, on Wednesday, June 26th, by Rev. Philo COWLES, Mr. Silas ALGER, to Miss Ellen A. CONGER, all of the above place.
Commencing life together in the beautiful month of June, they have the earnest wishes of many friends, that their future may be likewise. Although not personally acquainted with the above parties, yet their pleasant remembrance of the printer, weilds an influence the most genial. We Hope that
"Of a tenor will be their after life,
No day discolored with domestic strife,
No jealosy, but mutual truth believed,
Secure upon, and kindness undeceived."
16 Jul 1867
Married. LOCKE - GILBERT - In Cortland, July 4th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. A. WILKINS, Mr. H. D. LOCKE to Miss Mary F. GILBERT.
24 Sep 1867
Married. LARRABEE - BEATTIE - In Cortland, August 14th, by Rev. A. WILKINS, Mr. H.R. LARRABEE to Miss A.J. BEATTIE, both of Truxton.
Married. SUMNER - BUELL - At the same place (Cortland), Aug. 27th, by the same (Rev. A. WILKINS), Mr. E. P. SUMNER to Miss Mary J. BUELL, both of Cortland.
8 Oct 1867
Married. WOOD - CHASE - In Cortland, on the 2d inst., by Rev. A. WILKINS, Mr. Charles L. WOOD to Miss Emily CHASE, all of Cortland.
Married. HASKINS - PIKE - In the same place (Cortland), by the same (Rev. A.WILKINS), on the 3d inst., Mr. Frank HASKINS to Miss Maggie O. PIKE, all of Cortland.
Married. TELLER - KANE - In Grace Church, this place, on Wednesday, October 9th, by the Rev. R. B. VAN KLEECK, D.D., the Rev. George B. TELLER, to Helen
McDonald, only daughter of the late Captain K. KANE, U.S.A.
As an upright, honorable, genial and pleasant gentleman, and an earnest christian, Mr. TELLER has won for himself the regard and kind good-will of all with whom he has come in contact, and he and his chosen bride have the sincerest wishes of very many friends that they may ever receive Heaven's chicest blessings.
15 Oct 1867
Married. JONES - GURLEY - On the 9th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. S. F. BACON, Mr. B. B. JONES to Miss Jennie C. GURLEY, both of Cortland.
Schoolmates together in our "shaver" days, and intimate acquaintances during later years, we have found Benton Bridegroom JONES to be a kind, genial, obliging and whole-souled companion. A lawyer by profession, and somewhat acquainted, though not publicly so, with the pen editorial, he has always
manifested what we considered an unconquerable repugnance to facing the
"Light that lies in woman's eyes,"
but the pleasant, winning ways of one of Cortland's fairest daughters, proved a power irresistible, and the above announcement shows where lies the victory. We suppose that hereafter his legal knowledge will embrace more fully that of the rights of wives, including, of course, the right of suffrage.
Considering him an addition, at least, to the ranks of those whom marriage knows, we gladly extend to him the earnest hand of welcome, on his admission into the great and world-renowned Order of Matrimonial Brotherhood.
12 Nov 1868
Married. FAIRBANKS - BISHOP - In Truxton, Nov. 6th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. A. L. GREENE, Dr. J. K. FAIRBANKS, of Pittsfield, Mass., and Miss Lizzie M. BISHOP, of the former place.
26 Nov 1867
Matrimonial - A large and fashionable assemblage gathered at St. James Church last evening to witness the matrimonial union of Mr. George W. SILCOX and Miss
Clara H., daughter of John GROFF, Esq. The bridal party entered the church while the "Wedding March" was being played, at the conclusion of which the ceremony
common to the Episcopal Church, was performed by the rector, Joseph M. CLARKE, D.D. The newly married couple with a large number of invited guests repaired
to the residence of Mr. GROFF, on Onondaga street, where the happy couple were the recipients of many hearty congratulations for their future welfare. The array of presents was beautiful. The newly wedded pair left for the east on the midnight train on their bridal tour. - Syracuse Journal, Nov. 21.
Mr. George SILCOX, the bridegroom above mentioned, has many acquaintances in this section, his parents residing in Homer, and himself a former resident of Cortland, and a "type-sticker" in both places. The bride is spoken of as a good-looking, most excellent and accomplished young lady, and therefore, we can congratulate friend George, as well as Miss GROFF. They have our earnest, fraternal wishes for a happy, long life, and a life-long happiness.
10 Dec 1867
Married. SMITH - MAHAN - At the residence of the bride's father, on the 5th inst., by Rev. J. M. CRANDALL, Mr. H. P. SMITH, of Syracuse, to Miss Hattie MAHAN, of Virgil.
Another Cortland printer deprived of liberty, but not of the pursuit of happiness. The latter he cannot fail to secure, as he has the assistance of a most excellent and highly-esteemed help-'m-eat. We can say to "Yours fraternally, H.P.S.," that "here's our heart and there's our hand, we're glad you've joined our
Gideon's band," and that you have the out-spoken kindly wishes of frequently numerous circles and semi-circles, quadrilaterals and parallelograms of friends and relatives, especailly of the latter, for your pleasant enjoyment in the matrimonial-blissful state of material matrimony, matrimonially considered as more than merely a matter of matrimony.
31 Dec 1867
Married. MITUS - POTTER - In Pompey, on the 25th inst., at the house of James COBB, by the Rev. A. S. HALE, Mr. George MITUS, of Syracusse, to Miss Libbie
POTTER, of this place.
Transcribed by Merton Sarvay
June, 2005
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