The Cortland County Standard
5 Jan 1869
Correspondence. Willett, Jan. 1, 1869.
After a long and persistent effort, Mr. Jas. WHEELER, of Solon, has succeeded, with the aid of a minister, in taking and converting for his own (as the lawyers say,) one Miss JONES, of this place. In short, Jim and Soloma were married at 7 o'clock on the morning of Dec. 29th, 1868, by Rev. A. F. BROWN. The happy couple started immediately upon a bridal tour, and thus, Mr. Editor, we lose one of the best of the many good girls old Willett can boast of. May her future be one continued honeymoon, for no one is more worthy.
Soloma, may your married life
From grief and care be free;
And may you never, whilst a wife,
Estrange Jim's love from thee.
Married. HINES - HALE - At the residence of the bride's mother, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. Mr. STARKS, Mr. John E. HINES, of McGrawville, to Miss Alice L. HALE, of this village.
26 Jan 1869
Married. HITCHCOCK - VAN BROCKLIN - At the residence of the bride's parents in Oneida, on Tuesady wvening, Jan. 19th, 1869, by Rev. A. COCHRANE, Mr. I. Philip
HITCHCOCK to Miss Aggie A. VAN BROCKLIN, all of Oneida.
Correspondence. Freetown Jan. 19th, 1869. A few happy souls have been united in the Holy bonds of Wedlock, causing, of course, plenty of gossip. Mr. Judson IVES
to Miss Mary HOLLENBECK, by Rev. A. WILKINS, of Cortland, Dec. 14th 1868. On Jan. 12th, 1869, Mr. Austin WATROUS to Miss Emma TUTTLE, by Rev. L. BENNETT, all of this place.
Willett, Jan. 23, 1869. (following a death notice)..... And the mournful sound of the tolling bell had scarcely died away before our ears were greeted with the joyous ringing of wedding bells, thereby changing, as if by magic, from the solemnities of the funeral to happy rejoicings over the marriage of the favorite daughter of one of our
most esteemed citizens, (Henry WILES, Esq.,) to a wealthy gentleman of high standing in our community. Invitations had been given out to a large number of our citizens to attend the wedding, and of course, every one was but too glad to go; and when on the evening of the 18th inst., the Rev. A.F. BROWN pronounced Mr. Fred. MOONEY and Miss Dorcas WILES man and wife, each of the host of friends assembled endeavored to outvie the other in their sincere and heartfelt congratulations as to the future of the newly wedded couple, at the same time presenting to the blushing bride their bridal gifts, consisting of silver ware, Ec., Ec., to the amount of nearly $100, after which the joyous company proceeded to the supper table which was loaded with all that wealth could procure, or good taste suggest. Mr. and Mrs. MOONEY started immediately upon a bridal tour, which will include a visit to most of the eastern cities. May they have a safe and speedy return to us, and may those who have shown envious feelings towards Fred and his bride, have the good (etc remainder lost).
2 Feb 1869
Married. LOOPE - CRYSLER - On the 24th of Jan., by Rev. L. R. GRANT, Mr. L. M. LOOPE, of Cortland, to Miss Kittie R. CRYSLER, daughter of the Rev. Amos CRYSLER, of Onondaga, N.Y.
9 Feb 1869
Married. CRANDALL - ALDRIDGE - At Lisle village, Jan. 20th, 1869, by A. D. FREEMAN, Esq., Millard Fillmore CRANDALL to Miss Calferna ADLDRIDGE, both of Preble, Cortland county N.Y.
Married. PIERCE - KINGMAN - At the residence of the bride's father, McGrawville, on the 4th inst., by Rev. W. H. BATES, Mr. Sanford S. PIERCE and Miss Flora KINGMAN, daughter of Orrin H. KINGMAN.
16 Feb 1869
Married. MOORE - CALKINS - At the residence of the bride's father, February 9th, by Rev. E. C. CURTIS, Mr. George MOORE, of Cortland, to Miss Mary CALKINS, of
the same place.
Married. CARRUTH - BROOKS - At the residence of the bride's father, in Norwich, Feb. 6th, by Rev. HARROUN, Dr. Wm. S. CARRUTH, of Cincinnatus, and Amelia A.
BROOKS, of Norwich.
23 Feb 1869
Married. KENNEY - FREEMAN - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Truxton, on the 16th inst., by the Rev. David TAYLOR, Marcus E. KENNEY, to Miss Lettie A.
FREEMAN, all of Truxton.
Married. CUMMINGS - HAYNES - At the residence of the bride's father, in Preble, Cortland Co., Feb 10, by the Rev. J. B. MORSE, Mr. Orlando J. CUMMINGS, and Miss
Frank A. HAYNES.
2 Mar 1869
Married. WILES - BATES- On the 17th ult., by Rev. A. WILKINS, Mr. Clifton W. WILES, of Freetown, to Miss Anna M. BATES, of Cortland.
Married. LORING - HARMON - On the 18th ult., by Rev. A. WILKINS, Mr. Asa LORING to Mrs. Rebecca HARMON, both of Cortland.
Married. COGGSHALL - SMITH - On the 24th ult., by Rev. A. WILKINS, Mr. D. H. COGGSHALL, Jr., to Miss Clarinda F. SMITH, both of Groton.
23 Mar 1869
Married. NEWCOMB - SUNDERLAND - At Albany, on Tuesday, March 2, by the Rev. Henry DARLING, Dr. G. L. NEWCOMB, of New York, to Lizzie A., daughter of the late John R. SUNDERLAND.
6 Apr 1869
Married. WALLACE - MAHAN - In this village on Wednesday, April 5th, at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev. J. M. CRANDALL, Mr. David F. WALLACE, of Virgil, to Miss Mary A. MAHAN, of the former place.
4 May 1869
Married. SALISBURY - WHEELER - In Cortland April 28, by Rev. A. WILKINS, Mr. Nathan P. SALISBURY of Cortland, to Miss Marcia A. WHEELER, of the same place.
18 May 1869
Married. SEELEY - BOLLES - At the Presbyterian Church in this village, on Wednesday evening, May 12th, by the Rev. J. T. SEELEY, father of the groom and pastor of the Baptist church at Clifton, N.Y., Dr. J. Edwin SEELEY, of Hornellsville, N.Y., to Miss Ida E. BOLLES, daughter of Dr. H. A. BOLLES, of Cortland.
The warm pleasant day which heralded this happy event - the cool, delightful evening - the church crowded with relatives and friends and citizens of the village - all anxious to witness the interesting ceremony -the ease and grace with which that ceremony was performed - the appropriateness of the father uniting in holy wedlock his son, and bestowing a paternal blessing on his children - the joyous, social reception at the house - the warm and hearty congratulations showered upon the happy pair - and last, but not least, the table bountifully laden with choicest specimens of the culinary art - all conspired to render this one of the most pleasant events of the kind within our remembrance. And we would add our earnest hope that the future of the much-loved bride may be as smooth and free from care as has been her past.
Married. HATFIELD - HODGES- At the house of Alvin HODGES, Esq., by Rev. C. H. BEEBE, on the 9th inst., Mr. William HATFIELD, of Cortlandville, N.Y., and Miss Lydia HODGES, of Winfield.
25 May 1869
Married. WARREN - BEACH - In Binghamton, on Thursday, May 20, by Rev. G. N. BOARDMAN, D.D., Geo. L. WARREN, of Cortland, to Miss Clara E. BEACH, daughter of S. D. BEACH, Esq., of Binghamton.
22 Jun 1869
Married. KINNEY - WHITE - In Cortland Village, on the 21st inst., by Rev. A. G. HOPKINS, Mr. S. G. KINNEY, of Hudson, N.Y., to Miss Sarah E. WHITE,of the former place.
We tender to the newly married pair our best wishes for their happiness and prosperity.
6 Jul 1869
Married. LUCAS - McQUEEN - At the residence of the bride's mother, near Morrisville, N.Y., June 30, 1869, by Rev. H. F. DUDLEY, Rev. Wallace B. LUCAS, of
Meridian, Cayuga Co., N.Y. to Miss Mary J. McQUEEN.
13 Jul 1869
Married. BEMAN - SHEERAR - At he bride's home, Virgil, N.Y., on Thursday, July 8th, 1869, by Rev. J. B. SHEERAR, Mr. H. C. BEMAN, of Crawford Co., Pa., and Miss Anna SHEERAR.
20 Jul 1869
Married. PURDY - PRIDE - At Honeoye Falls, N.Y., on the 21st inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. S. A. FREEMAN, John M. PURDY to Mattie A. PRIDE. No Cards.
24 Aug 1869
Items. We learn of the marriage lately of Prof. STOWELL, of the Normal School. The bride is the sister of the Professor of Natural History in the Potsdam Normal School, whose name we are unable to ascertain.
7 Sep 1869
Married. CARPENTER - PIERCE - At the M. E. parsonage in Harford, on the 12th ult., by the Rev. Geo. A. J. LENT, Mr. Andrew J. CARPENTER to Miss Clarissa E. PIERCE, both of Harford, N.Y.
Married - WAGNER - RAINEY - At the M. E. parsonage in this village, on the 4th inst., by Rev. J. T. CRIPPEN, John A. WAGNER and Miss Rosalia E. RAINEY, both of
14 Sep 1869
Married. STURTEVANT - KINGMAN - At Cincinnatus, September 2d, 1869, by Rev. Edson ROGERS, James STURTEVANT and Cornelia A. daughter of Hon. O.
KINGMAN, all of Cincinnatus.
Married. RINDGE - DAVIS - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Killawog, on Thursday, September 7, 1869, by the Rev. E. M. BLANCHARD, Mr. Rowley E. RINDGE, to Miss Lucy A. DAVIS.
The happy pair have our heartiest wishes for their future welfare and prosperity. May fortune smile most bountifully and each succeeding year bring renewed joys and happiness, and may
Perpetual harmony their lives attend,
And Venus still the well-matched pair befriend.
May she, when time has sunk him into years,
Love her old man, and cherish his white hairs,
Nor he perceive her charms thro' age decay,
But think each happy sun his bridal day.
21 Sep 1869
Married. STRINGER - GREENFIELD - At Sperry's Hotel, in Cortland, on the 11th inst., by Rev. J. T. CRIPPEN, Mr. George STRINGER, of Ithaca, to Miss Betsey GREENFIELD, of New Hope.
Married. WOOD - STRINGER - At the same time [the 11th inst.] and place [Sperry's Hotel, in Cortland], by the same [Rev. J. T. CRIPPEN], Mr. Orrin M. WOOD, to Miss
Debbie A. STRINGER, both of Ithaca.
Married. BENEDICT - CLEMENT - At the residence of the bride's parents, in McLean, on the 16th inst., by Rev. A. WILKINS, Mr. Martin S. BENEDICT, of Cortland, to Miss Ella CLEMENT, of McLean.
28 Sep 1869
McGrawville, Sept 27, 1869. Our young friend Henry HUNTLEY, Jr., has brought to town a very estimable lady, recently Miss BOSWORTH, of Truxton, whom by the laws of the State he is permitted to call wife - nobody blames him. A pleasant infair was held at his father's house one evening last week in which numerous friends participated. Their new relations and the gifts on the occasion called forth many congratulations. May thier lives be happy, long and useful.
6 Apr 2006
28 Sep 1869
Married. WADSWORTH - LAGRANGE - In this village, Monday, Sept. 6, by Rev. A. WILKINS, Mr. Manley WADSWORTH to Miss [Lucinda?] LAGRANGE.
Married. HUNTLEY - BOSWORTH - At the residence of the bride's father, in Truxton, N.Y., Sept. 10th, by the Rev. W.H. BATES, Wm. Henry HUNTLEY, of McGrawville, to Miss [S---ia?] BOSWORTH.
2 Nov 1869
Married. TODD - SALISBURY - At the home of the bride, in this village, on the 27th ult., by Rev. J.T. CRIPPEN, Mr. Dewitt C. TODD and Miss Rose SALISBURY, both of Cortland.
Married. THAYER - ATWOOD - At the parsonage in this village, on the 24th ult., by Rev. J.T. CRIPPEN, Andrew J. THAYER of Cortland, and Miss Helen E. ATWOOD
of Virgil.
9 Nov 1869
Married. SMITH - ANGELL - At the residence of E.D. ANGELL, Esq., the bride's father, in East Virgil, on the 4th inst., by Rev. O.L. TORRY, Nathan J. SMITH and Miss Della ANGELL, all of Virgil.
No longer need the groom string his harp to the familiar old tune: -
"I want to be an Angell
And with the Angell's stand"
for this side of the "Dark River," the last line at least has become a "fixed fact." If "the angels in Heaven rejoice over one sinner that repenteth," what do the Angells on earth over such an act as this? May the blissful realities of the future be all that the young imagination has painted it.
16 Nov 1869
Married. KELLOGG - CHURCHILL - At the Messenger House, in this village, on the 18th inst., by Rev. J.T. CRIPPEN, Wm. A. KELLOGG, Esq., of Cleveland, O., and Miss Chloe I. CHURCHILL, of Scott.
Married. WHITLOCK - EGGLESTON - At the parsonage, by the same, [Rev. J.T. CRIPPEN] on the 20th inst., Hiram M. WHITLOCK, and Miss Matilda A. EGGLESTON, both of Ithaca, N.Y.
30 Nov 1869
Married. ACKLEY - HALL - In Pharsalia, N.Y., on the 25th inst., by Rev. E.W. ALLEN, Geo. W. ACKLEY, of DeRuyter, N.Y. to Miss Lucy B. HALL, of the former place.
28 Dec 1869
Married. BRIGHAM - KENT - In this village, on the 23d inst., by Rev. J.T. CRIPPEN, George W. BRIGHAM, of Knoxboro, Oneida Co., and Miss Adda M. KENT, of
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