Cortland County Standard
16 Jul 1867
Died. MINTURN - In this village, on the evening of the 7th ins., Carrie MINTURN, wife of L.S. CRANDALL, aged 17 years and six months.
To the bereaved husband, our esteemed friend and contemporary, we feel an earnest sorrow. He has indeed, met with an irreparable loss. Her never-failing kindness, gentle demeanor, and sweet, winning ways charmed all with whom she came in contact, gained her many friends, and made her the guiding star of him who now mourns his loneliness. Such women make men gentlemen. Their presence smooths the rugged paths of life, lessens the rigor of daily toil, renders home happier, and this beautiful world yet brighter.
"Happy, happier far than thou,
With the laurel on the brow;
She makes the humble hearth
Lovely but to one on earth."
The deceased had been ill for several weeks, but was convalescent, and friends and relatives were looking forward in the fullness of hope to her perfect recovery, when a sudden relapse made her home desolate. A large concourse of saddened acquaintances attended her funeral, and offered their heartfelt sympathy to the grief-stricken husband. - May her spirit-influence guide and guard him in the future, as her love and gentleness have in the past.
Died. KETCHUM - At the residence of D.W. CARR, in Cortland , on the morning of the 14th inst., of congestion of the brain, Willie, son of George B. and M.W. KETCHUM, of Buffalo, aged 7 years and 4 months.
Unusually sad are the circumstances connected with the death of this bright little boy. With a younger brother he was visiting the family of Mr. CARR, who but a day or two previous to his death had written to their parents of their perfect health and happiness, when about 11 o'clock on the Saturday forenoon Willie was taken sick, and though all was done that could be, on the morning following, after an illness of only about sixteen hours, breathed his last.
May God have especial pity on his parents, and enable them to bear this sudden and great change from happiness to sorrow with christian fortitude.
23 Jul 1867
Died. MUNGER - At the residence of her son, Geo. NOTTINGHAM, in this village, on the 3d inst., of heart disease, Mrs. B.G. MUNGER, aged 63 years.
10 Sep 1867
Died. Died in Dryden, N.Y., September 3d 1867, with cancer, Margaret, wife of Daniel LAMONT, aged 70 years.
17 Sep 1867
Died. HOWELL - In Tully, August 14, 1867, Betsey HOWELL, widow of Nicol HOWELL, Esq., formerly of Blandford, Mass., aged 79 years.
She had been afflicted with a cough for more than twenty years, but continued to be active in her family and devoted mother to her children after the death of their father. Often said to me this summer, "I shall not live to see the winter." Her mind seemed to be on a future world, where there is no sickness nor sorrow. She was able to go to Canastota in the cars to see her son, spent a few days. Came back to Tully to die. Lived two days after she came home. I was by her in her sickness, saw the last look of that dear sister. The afternoon before she died she asked me to read the 14th Chapter of St. John. Wished me to sing; I was so affected I could not. She said I would like to sing myself; seemed happy; conversed with her son upon the importance of seeking an interest in Christ. She seemed to be lost. Said, "Who is here?" I said to her it is your sister. "Is it my dear sister?" - the last words she ever said to me. She soon left this world of sorrow to join in singing the praise of her Redeemer in the mansion above.
24 Sep 1867
The letters show that death has removed some from every field. From Dryden, it was our beloved brother, Alvin BAILEY, pastor of the church, who died in may last. Brother BAILEY was of a peculiarly amiable and lovely character. His mind was highly cultivated, his taste refined. He possessed a generous and hopeful spirit. He was sound in doctrine, wise and safe in council. He was an able and instructive preacher, who has been widely and favorably known for thirty years or more among the members of the church. His sickness was short and severe, and he died in the midst of his usefulness. We tender the sympathies of the Association to his deeply stricken wife and children. Even friends cannot estimate the loss of such a man. It is a loss to the wife, a loss to the children, a loss to the church, and to the world, but a gain to the departed. His death was peaceful and happy in the Lord.
Died. BURNAHM - At Blodgett's Mills, on Wednesday, the 11th inst., James BURNHAM, in his 75th year.
Mr. B. moved to this county 51 years ago, and has been long and favorably known to our entire community.
22 Oct 1867
Resolutions on the Death of Alice ALGER
The funeral service of Miss Alice, daughter of Joseph C. ALGER, was held in the Methodist church, last Sabbath morning. The capacity of the church was by far too small for the great number that assembled to sympathize with the afflicted. Being an exemplary and esteemed member of the Order of Good Templars, the organization to which she belonged , together with the members of Lincoln Lodge, of Cortland, joined in paying the last, sad tribute of respect to her faithfulness and integrity.
At a meeting of the Lodge of which she was a member, the following resolutions were unanimously passed:
Whereas, it has pleased Him "whose ways are not as our ways," and whose inscrutable purposes none may question, to enter our fraternal circle and call hence, by an afflicting dispensation of His providence, our very worthy and highly esteemed sister, Alice ALGER; therefore be it
Resolved, That, while we recognize with humble submission the Divine prerogative in thus admonishing us, of the shortness of time, and the instability of human hopes, we still deeply and sincerely mourn the loss of her who, by kindness of manner, by purity of example, and integrity of purpose, will ever be held in sacred remembrance.
19 Nov 1867
Died. GATES - In Solon , Sept. 6th, Mrs. Henrietta GATES, aged 26 years.
The dear one that has been so untimely removed from our midst, leaves a husband and two small children, besides a large circle of near friends to mourn her irreparable loss.
Her last illness was short, but her sufferings were intense. She lived the life of a Christian, and when death came, she calmly said, "Here, Father, take my hand."
26 Nov 1867
Suicide by Drowning.
Blodgett's Mills, Nov. 25.
Dear Standard: An intense consternation was created in this community yesterday, (Sunday,) by the discovery of the body of a woman named Adeline LAMOREAU, floating in the river about eighty rods above the dam. She left the house of Mr. RAYMOND - where she was temporarily staying - as was supposed, to go to the house of a neighbor; but as she did not return as soon as was expected, inquiry was made at said neighbor's, but she had not been there. A few minutes later, the body was discovered in the river by persons who were walking on the river bank for recreation. It was immediately taken ashore, and in a short time was returned to the house of Mr. RAYMOND.
Deceased left the house near ten o'clock, A.M., and the body was found about 3 o'clock P.M. No signs of life were perceptible, although judging from appearances, she had not been in the water more than half an hour.
Deceased has been in ill health for several weeks, and was subject to fits for many years past, which had seriously affected her intellect. For a short time past she had been in depressed spirits, and though she left no writing to declare her purpose, it was found that she had so arranged her apparel, both in her
trunk and on her person, as to indicate clearly that suicide was premeditated. The jury of inquest called to-day by the coroner, Dr. T.C. POMEROY, found a verdict in accordance with the facts above stated. Adeline was 29 years of age, and had lived at or near this place since her childhood, and those who knew her best, speak of her as of gentle, kind disposition, and truthful. She leaves an aged mother, and brothers, and one sister, to mourn her untimely death. H.
Died. PECK - In Stouffville, Canada West, of heart disease, on the 13th inst., Lucius Burdett, son of Lyman and Almira PECK, of Solon, aged 28 years.
The departed was born in Solon, Nov. 3, 1839. From his earliest youth he began to show marked traits of intellectual and moral worth. At 18 years of age, under the labors of Rev. E. HOUSE, of Oneida Conference, he gave his heart to God and his hand to the M. E. Church, of Freetown. For some seven years past he has resided in Canada, where he has been successfully employed in teaching, and where he suddenly fell in death. He inherited rather a frail constitution than otherwise, which he thinks was an incentive to have life's work well done at an early period. He was a model young man and a mature christian. At the time of his death he belonged to the Sons of Temperance, was a member of the Wesleyan branch of our church in Canada, and an efficient S.S. Superintendent. His loss is deeply felt in all the circles where he moved, but in none more so than in the home circle, and by one with whom in heart at least he was united for life; but the flower of hope was nipped in the bud and withered all its joy. In his last birthday letter to his mother, he pays a just tribute of gratitude for her early prayers in his behalf. In death he was calm and tranquil as summer evenings, - his work of life being all done, and he ready for his exit. His remains were brought to his early home to sleep with his kindred dust.
"The great work laid upon his manly years
Is done, and well done. If we drop our tears,
Who loved him as few men were ever loved,
We mourn no blighted hopes, nor broken plan
With him whose life stands rounded and approved
In the full growth and stature of a man."
Cortland, Nov. 21, 1867. E. HOAG.
17 Dec 1867
Died in Preble, on the evening of Dec. 6, Hon. Henry B. VAN HOESEN, aged 39 years.
The announcement of this sudden and unlooked for death of one of our prominent citizens, will carry sorrow and grief to many throughout our county. Mr. VAN HOESEN stood before community as a man of almost unblemished character. Widely known in business and political circles, he was ever marked as a man of strict integrity and uprightness. Possessed of more than ordinary abilities, he stood high in the political organization to which he was attached, and in the confidence of the people. Mr. V. was acting Justice of the Peace when he died, had been President of the County Agricultural Society, and was sent to the State Legislature in the fall of '63. He was one of the few who are firmly wedded to principle, and despised most heartily everything which looked in the direction of truckling for office. As a moral and religious man, his influence was always positive, rather than neutralized or negative. He was a staunch temperance man, and longed and labored for the happy day, when Judges and Excise men might have principle and moral courage sufficient to close the scores of dram shops which are but so many traps throughout the county, to snare and ruin our beloved youth. He was an Elder in the Presbyterian church, the Superintendent of the Sunday School and a strong pillar in society. His vacant place in both church and community, will be long and deeply deplored, and not easily filled. His illness (the typhoid fever) was brief, but not
painful. He sank rapidly and surely from the first, in spite of the careful watching of friends and the skillful and unremitting attention of physicians, both at home and from abroad. He was engaged about his business as usual on Thursday, and three weeks from the following evening he passed quietly away. His mind was clear till nearly the last, and as his life had been that of an honest citizen and a faithful Christian, his end was peace.
Transcribed by Merton Sarvay
September, 2005
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