Death of Abel E. BROOKS, Esq. - This young gentleman, who, it will be remembered by our citizens, studied law with Shankland & Couch, and was admitted to the Bar in May last, went from here last fall to Omaha, Nebraska, where he commenced the practice of his profession. Yesterday morning a telegram, dated at Omaha, Sunday morning, was received here, which was as follows:
"A.E. BROOKS was dangerously burned this morning. Recovery doubtful.
Died. GRANT - In Cortlandville, on Wednesday, the 22d inst., Ira GRANT, aged 65 years.
Died. WHITNEY - In Taylor, January 13, Frank B., also on he 26th inst., Fred A., with scarlet fever, twin sons of J.N. and Emily WHITNEY, aged two years and ten months.
Died. DODD - On Saturday, march 14th, at the residence of his brother-in-law Mr. James SAMPLE, 1 Hampden street, Brooklyn, Mary Louisa, youngest daughter of the late John DODD, of Arcade, Wyoming Co., N.Y., aged 23 years and 6 months. Her remains were removed to Arcade for interment.
She died rejoicing in the Christian's hope. "I am willing to live," she said, "but I prefer to go. There is nothing here worth living for. Tell my Christian friends and acquaintances to live more faithful than I have done, and to my unconverted friends say 'Prepare for death.'"
Died. TANNER - In Dryden, on Sunday, the 29th inst., Wm. T. TANNER, aged 77 years.
Mr. TANNER was the father of the TANNER Brothers of this village, and has been a resident of Dryden for 51 years.
Died. BAKER - In this village, on Friday the 27th inst., Mrs. Rhoda, wife of Kasson BAKER, aged 76 years.
Died. BAKER - At their residence on Mill street, Cortland, on the 27th ult., Mrs. Rhoda BAKER in the 66th year of her age.
The deceased was a native of Connecticut. Her maiden name was Rhoda PATTERSON. By her first husband, who died in 1841, she had seven children - five of whom are living. She had been the wife of Mr. BAKER 20 years - residing in Cortland. Her last hours were full of suffering. Death seemed a relief. Her surviving husband has not long to tarry. The forces of life are nearly exhausted. The funeral services of Mrs. BAKER were attended by a large company of kind neighbors and friends and a few of the scattered kindred who were able to attend service conducted by Rev. A. WILKINS, who made a few remarks on the Scriptural words, "Cast me not off in time of old age, forsake me not when my strength fails."
EMERSON - On the morning of the 14th ult., Mr. Samuel EMERSON, aged 83 years.
Mr. EMERSON was one of the oldest pioneers of Cortland county. He lived on the farm, where he died, fifty-six years. He was long and favorably known in the business circles of Dutchess and Orange counties, and along the line of the Hudson River. The deceased was a quiet, unostentatious gentleman, a kind husband, a tender father, and a genial friend. With a heart of kindly instincts, he gave liberally to those that needed his help.
O tender heart that is still, You will falter with trouble no more, Nor know of the good or the ill Of a frantic world's uproar! Nor heed the great or the small Of a strange, bewildering life, That often seems dust and ashes all, And is [inpatly?] a vapid strife.
Died. PLACE - At Cincinnatus, on the 6th inst., of brain fever, Arthur PLACE, aged ten years and four months.
The above was the brother of Col. Frank PLACE, County Clerk.
Died. BOIES - At the residence of his grandmother, in this village, on the 14th inst., Guy L. BOIES, of consumption, in the 20th year of his age.
Died. BUCHANAN - In this town, on the 12th inst., of internal cancer, Mr. James BUCHANAN, aged 51 years.
Died. PEARN - At his residence, in Kingston, N.Y., on the 30th ult., Rev. N. PEARN, aged 74 years.
His remains arrived in this village on Monday morning and were taken to the residence of Harmon HUBBARD, his son-in-law. In the afternoon the funeral services were held in the chapel of the new M.E. Church, and a sermon preached on the occasion by Rev. E.C. CURTIS. Mr. PEARN was for two years a resident of this village.
Died. BIRDLEBOUGH - In Pitcher, N.Y. on the 9th inst., Lucius, only child of J.H. and Addie BIRDLEBOUGH, aged one years, one month and three days.
Too frail and pure for earth thou wert, And now that thou art gone, With saddened, anxious hearts we wait The coming of the dawn.
Died. STUART - Wednesday morning, the 13th inst., at the house of his son-in-law, in Cortland, Mr. Archibald STUART, aged 87 years.
The deceased was a native of Scotland; emigrated to this country 27 years ago; settled in Groton, where he lived about twelve years, - the rest of the time he spent in Cortland. His end was peace, his own was the first death which occurred in the family since his emigration. He was one of our oldest citizens.
Died. PERKINS - At Little York, in the town of Homer, Mrs. Sabrina PERKINS, wife of Ebenezer PERKINS, in the 67th year of her age.
She was a native of Otsego county, in this State, where she spent her early life, and was married to Mr. PERKINS in 1824. The following year they removed to Cortland county. They were both received into the fellowship of the Baptist Church in Virgil and baptized in 1826. The deceased has lived a consistent christian life unto the day of her death. She was always ready to drop a word in the ear of some one about her precious Savior. Her hope seemed a living hope, sure and steadfast. For several years of the lst of her life she was a great sufferer until her nature was worn out. She bore all her affliction with a patience becoming a christian, - often expressing a desire to "depart and be with Christ, which is far better." Her last hours were extremely happy and full of heavenly prospect. An afflicted husband and large circle of friends mourn her departure.
A sermon was preached at her funeral by Rev. A. WILKINS, from the text - "If this earthly house were dissolved, &c., we have a building of God.," &c, 2 Cor 5:1, after which her remains found rest in the beautiful cemetery at Homer.
Died. TAYLOR - In this village, on the evening of the 14th inst., Sarah A., wife of Mr. Charles C. TAYLOR, aged 39 years.
Mrs. TAYLOR's funeral took place this afternoon, and the large concourse of our leading citizens attending it is evidence of the high esteem in which the deceased was held.
Died. TAYLOR - In this village, on the evening of the 14th inst., Sarah A., wife of Mr. Charles C. TAYLOR, aged 39 years.
Mrs. TAYLOR's funeral took place on the 16th inst., and a large concourse of our leading citizens attending it was evidence of the highest -------- the deceased was held.
Died. CHAFY. - In this village, on the 27th inst., Orange R. CHAFY, aged six months and nine days.
Died. BABCOCK - At Cincinnati, Ohio, June 17th, of consumption, at the residence of Rev. C.A. CLARK, Almeron A. BABCOCK, aged 33 years.
The deceased was born in the village of Homer in the year 1835, where nearly all his life he has resided. About 14 years ago he was baptized into the baptist church in this place by Rev. H. HARVEY, since which time he has been a very useful and consistent member - beloved by all who knew him. For nearly three years his health has been giving away, and about four weeks ago he started with his wife and little boy for the State of Missouri, where he hoped to find some relief from its very healthful climate. Arriving at Cincinnati June 3d, he was taken so much worse, that his friends immediately telegraphed for his father to come to him, who was fortunate enough to reach him three days before he died. His death was truly the death of the Christian - peaceful and happy. His remains were brought home last Saturday, and his funeral rites took place Sunday afternoon, at the Baptist church, conducted by the pastor, assisted by Rev. S.S. DAY and Rev. A.W. CORNELL, pastor of Calvary church, the whole under the able appearance of the Free Mason Fraternity, of which he was a beloved and honored member.
We learn that on the afternoon of Saturday last a man was found dead in a field near Truxton. Coroner GREEN of Homer was called, and held an inquest on the body, the particulars of which we have not been able to learn. Rumor has it, however, that it was caused by sunstroke, superinduced by the previous imbibing of whisky. [see next item]
Items. The name of the man who was found dead near Truxton village on the 4th inst., was Runyon R. GARDNER, a German, who had passed several days previous drinking and fighting.
Died. GEE - At Monroe Centre, Ohio, on the 27th ult., John P. GEE, formerly of Cortlandville, aged 76 years.
Mr. GEE was one of our most exemplary and valuable citizens. A life of industry and sobriety makes his death at the same time a loss and a legacy and consolation to his family and fellow citizens.
Died. HUNTINGTON - In Truxton, on the 8th inst., Marvin HUNTINGTON, aged 70 years.
Death of Levi GOODRICH - Levi GOODRICH, an old and much respected citizen of this town, died suddenly at his residence last Saturday evening, nearly 88 years old. His was a long life of activity and usefulness. Born at Wethersfield, Conn., Dec. 9, 1785, he moved to Pittsfield when six years old. Ever since his early manhood, and up to the time when his strength began to fail him he was prominent in every matter of business and social improvement. He built and owned the block on North Street known as the Goodrich Block, had many large contracts on the Harlem Railroad, and built the Pittsfield and North Adams Railroad. He never held any public office of importance, as he had a strong aversion to so doing. Twice, once under Gov. BRIGGS, and once under Gov. MORTON, he received, but refused a commission as Justice of the Peace. He became a member of Dr. TODD's church in 1842, and from that time onward was known as a consistent and earnest Christian. During the last years of his life he was a great sufferer, but his cheerfulness and patience never failed him. Only the Thursday night before his death, while lying upon his bed in sleeplessness and pain, he was heard to sing clear through to the end, the beautiful hymn, "When I can read my title clear," &c. In the fullest and highest sense of the apostle's words, for him to live was Christ, to have died is gain. We can write no better epitaph to his memory than the simple words pronounced by his pastor, "he was a good old man." - Berkshire (Mass.) Eagle.
Mr. GOODRICH was the father of Horace P. GOODRICH, of this village.
Died. PERRY - At Jordan, Sunday, Aug. 16th, of cholera infantum, Nellie C., infant daughter of Isaac N. & Hattie C. PERRY, aged 4 months and 9 days.
Died. BAUM - In Canandaigua, on the 13th ult., Nancy, daughter of Wm. SQUIRES, Esq., of Marathon, and wife of Jas. N. BAUM, of the latter place, aged 32 years, 10 months and 21 days.
Died. HASKELL - In this town, on the 20th inst., Mr. Seth HASKELL, aged 79 years.
Death of Dr. A. B. SHIPMAN. - We learn through private advice received this morning, that Dr. A. B. SHIPMAN, of this city, died at Paris on the 15th inst. His remains have been embalmed and are enroute for this city, and will arrive in New York by the steamer due the first of next week. We are not advised as to the cause of his death. His demise will cast a shadow over a large circle of friends and acquaintances in this city and elsewhere. - Journal.
For many years Dr. SHIPMAN was a resident of this village, and of late years, during his residence in Syracuse, he has often been called to Cortland to attend those who in former years had felt the beneficial result of his skill, and ever looked to him as not only a wise and medical adviser, but a generous, disinterested friend. His death will be sincerely mourned by many of our citizens.
From the Milwaukee Evening Wisconsin.
Died. MUDGE - In this village, on the 26th of October, of typhoid fever, Hannah C., wife of E. MUDGE, in the 51st year of her age.
We have known the deceased since boyhood. And no lady of our acquaintance possesses in a greater degree the esteem and good will of their associates than did she. Kind and ready in sickness, a genial , generous neighbor, her death is earnestly mourned.
Died. DYE - Elder Walter G. DYE, died at his residence in McGrawville, October 21st, 1868, in the 68th year of his age.
He was a native of Rhode Island, and came with his parents to Woodstock in this State, where he was converted and baptized by Rev. John PECK, at thirteen years of age. Thirty-eight years of his life was devoted to preaching and gathering souls into the fold of Jesus. Fourteen years he has served the church at McGrawville. His labors have been greatly blessed of God in the conversion of souls. His life was a beautiful exemplification of the religion he taught. He loved the church even unto death, speaking words of cheer for them, while his own head lay on his dying "pillow." About two months elapsed after he preached his last sermon before his death. His mind was clear to the last. His last days were peculiarly happy; so peaceful and resigned, so joyous and triumphant in God.
"Sweet is the scene when Christians die, When holy souls retire to rest."
Died. STILSON - In this village, of consumption, on the 23rd ult., Mr. Edward STILSON, aged 29 years.
He was greatly esteemed.
We are informed that a young woman named Alice SIMPSON, whose parents reside at Blodgett's Mills, but who has of late been in the employ of one of our citizens residing near this village, committed suicide last Saturday night by taking arsenic. She was immediately taken home and every effort was made to prevent death from ensuing, but in vain. Yesterday morning she died. She gave no other reason for the committal of the act than that she was "tired of life," and no other has been discovered.
Willett, Dec. 19, 1868.
Col. Elijah WHEELER died on the morning of the 8th inst., and was buried on the 11th. The funeral services were held at the residence of E.F. NICHOLS, where a large concourse of mourning friends had assembled, who listened to a sermon by Rev. HOLYROID of Cincinnatus, after which the corpse was deposited in our church yard, but is to be removed in the Spring to Cortland.
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