Cortland County Standard
2 Feb 1869
Ira BOWEN, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Homer, died in that village on Saturday morning last. The death of Mr. B. leaves a vacancy in the Board of Excise Commissioners.
Scott, January 26, 1869.
At a meeting of Scott Lodge, I.O. of G.T., the following Preamble and Resolutions were adopted:-
Whereas, It has pleased God, whose judgments are past finding out, and whose purposes of mercy are unfailing, to remove from our circle, by death, our dearly beloved and lamented brother, George SPRINGER, therefore
Resolved, That while we recognize in this affliction a Father's hand, and bow humbly beneath the rod, we do yet most deeply feel the loss we have sustained, not only in our Order, but also in the community, where we had hoped his influence and labor might be felt for good, and where through him much might be done in the Temperance Reform. Also
Resolved, That we do most deeply sympathize with the parents and other friends of our brother in their great bereavement; and well knowing how weak and unsatisfactory is all earthly consolation, we can only beseech Almighty God to grant them the power of His healing grace, and comfort them with that love that passeth all earthly love.
16 Feb 1869
Died. KEATOR.- In Pharsalia, December 12, 1868, of cancer in the stomach, Avery A. KEATOR, aged 37 years.
Thus a good man has passed away. He lived a christian, and died in full assurance of the christian's home in Heaven.
2 Mar 1869
Died. HUNTLEY - In Taylor, Jan. 14, 1869, of diptheria, Willia A., son of Lewis and Harriette E. HUNTLEY, aged 4 years, 5 months and 16 days.
Died. HUNTLEY - In the same place, on the 5th ult., of the same disease, Hannah E., daughter of Lewis and Harriette E. HUNTLEY, aged 2 years and 17 days.
Died. HUNTLEY - In the same place, of same disease, infant son of Lewis and Harriette E. HUNTLEY, aged 11 weeks.
Died. HUNTLEY - In Cortland, on the 19th ult., of diptheria, Harriette E. HUNTLEY, wife of Lewis HUNTLEY, aged 23 years, 6 months and 19 days.
Norwich papers please copy.
Died. SMITH - At North Shade, Iona county, Mich., Dec. 30, Andrew P. SMITH, Esq., aged 51.
Mr. SMITH was a native of this town, and was for many years a resident of Allen, Allegany county, where he held various town offices and was much respected.
16 Mar 1869
Died. BROWN - In this village, on the 13th inst., at the residence of his brother-in-law N.H. HAYNES, Mr. Thomas F. BROWN, at the age of 31 years.
Mr. BROWN is a resident of the West, from whence he entered the army, serving in the capacity of bugler. Predisposed to consumption, there he became alarmingly ill, and has since been gradually sinking.
Died. SALISBURY - In this village, on the 13th inst., of consumption, Dr. Elliott E. SALISBURY, youngest son of Benjamin SALISBURY, at the age of 34[?] years.
We can speak through personal knowledge of the many excellent qualities possessed by this highly esteemed young man. His death is an unusually sad one. Only three months have passed since he was married to a most excellent lady of Rhode Island, and he had but fairly become established in business at McGrawville, where he was increasing his practice as a physician, when the destiny of all things earthly was his. We can but mourn with the grief-stricken wife, and the sorrowing relatives, and give this deserved tribute to his memory.
23 Mar 1869
David Russell HUBBARD was born in Homer, Cortland county, March 9, 1799 - died at his residence in Cortland Village, March 10th, 1869.
Few of the older citizens will read this notice without a tear to the memory of a just man, good citizen, true friend, obliging neighbor, kind relative and willing helper to the poor and needy. His mother, wife of Solomon HUBBARD, was an estimable lady, knowing much of the privations of frontier life. She was left a widow with four small children by the death of her first husband, David RUSSELL. He died of small pox, in Homer, in mid winter - and his grave could never be identified. Mrs. HUBBARD had heard the wolves howl about her door, protected only by a blanket - her cabin without chimney, and her husband absent. In after years, when the deceased who was the oldest of four children by the second marriage, had a family of his own and competence, he delighted in recitals of traditionary perils of the olden time. Many of those, we fear, are buried with him. None can tell them as he could. Though his memory was minute, he was never tedious. He was forcible, concise, witty and truthful; modest and courteous. - It was a wonder to many that, with such limited means of education in early life, he had acquired so much general information: - but he had read much and observed much. - Though frugal in his own habits, he exercised a hospitality and charity which will long be missed. He was the most lenient creditor possible. Much of our village domain formerly belonged to him. Its rapid growth is greatly due to his early disposal of lots at fair rates. No one could envy him a temporal prosperity so well deserved.
Like his honored father, Mr. HUBBARD was ever a democrat of the Jeffersonian school - but no wrangler or seeker of office. He never accepted trusts, except such as related to schools, assessments of property, or orphan's estates. These were discharged in such a way that he might as truly as any man among us have said: - "Of whose hands have I accepted a bribe, and whose sheep was shorn and I restored it not?"
For a few years previous to Mr. HUBBARD's death, his general health became gradually impaired, more as a result of increasing years than from any particular form of disease. During the last year of his life, he evinced marked signs of senility - in that form of degeneration characterized by a like failure of the
mental and physical powers, showing that the brain and nervous centres were the parts changing most rapidly from their healthful condition. This form of dying may occur earlier of later, as the part manifesting changes of structure is more or less essential to the full life of all other parts of the body. That the deceased, by an over-ruling Providence, should have been assigned this manner of departure, by which an active and vigorous intellect, with which he was so richly endowed, became so beclouded, has its only consolation in the truth that "He doeth all things well."
30 Mar 1869
Willett, March 27th, 1869.
An old lady by the name of FRY was buried about three weeks ago. - Mr. Almond TALBOT and Mr. Charles JOHNSON have each buried a child within the last two weeks. Mrs. Ira HOPKINS lies dangerously ill, and her recovery is extremely doubtful.
Taylor, March 25, '69.
Some two or three weeks ago, Mrs. Hannah MADDEN, wife of Peter MADDEN, of this village, died under rather suspicious circumstances. She had been in declining health for nearly a year, and about the first of this month she had requested to be removed to the house of her daughter, Mrs. R. BROOKS, who lives some three miles from here. On the 4th inst., Mr. BROOKS, going to take her to his house, found her insensible, which was caused, according to the opinion of Dr. R.N. BARNES, by an overdose of morphine. She died in that state. Coronor ANGELL, impaneled a jury, an inquest was held over the body, and on the examination, it was shown that the deceased having become dissatisfied with her hired girl, a Mrs. Roxana CRAFT, had requested her to leave, which, however, she had refused to do, saying that when she (Mrs. M.) was dead, she {Mrs. C.) would have a home with Peter. From this and other evidence, the jury found that deceased came to her death from an overdose of morphine, administed by Roxana CRAFT in collusion with Peter MADDEN. Warrants being issued for the arrest of the guilty parties, they were examined, but nothing was elicited to warrant the holding of MADDEN, and he was discharged. On the 23d inst., Mrs. CRAFT was examined, and gave bail for her appearance next term. Uncle Peter is a very ignorant man, is 73 years of age, having come to this place from Ireland some twenty five years ago, and has heretofore held a respectable position in society. He is not Mrs. CRAFT's first dupe, as she, though not intelligent is a very designing woman. She is about 45 years old, and has not been greatly esteemed by society.
Taylor, March 25, '69
Mrs. Charles FOSTER, after a lingering illness of two or three years from cancer, died lately.
Taylor, March 25, '69
Floyd, youngest son of P.M. SMITH, died recently.
Taylor, March 25, '69
A little daughter of G. Nelson SKINNER died very suddenly. She was a lovely child.
Died. MAYBURY - In Marathon, on Wednesday, March 24th, 1869, Frank K., only child of F.I. and M.K. MAYBURY, aged 1 year, 3 months and 13 days.
Only gone home.
6 Apr 1869
Preble, April 2, 1869.
About noon on Tuesday last, our usually quiet town was the theatre of considerable excitement, caused by the report of death by shooting. It seems that a young man by the name of Henry WICKHAM, whose parents live in Christian Hollow, but who has been in the employ of James CUMMINGS, of this place, went hastily to get a shotgun which stood in the corner of the horse barn and behind a grind stone, in order to shoot a crow, and it is supposed that in his hurry the hammer of the gun was struck against the grind stone, causing its discharge, the charge entering his left cheek directly underneath the eye. Coroner GREEN was immediately notified by telegraph, but delayed coming until the next morning. In the meantime the boy's father had arrived, the same afternoon, and being satisfied
regarding the cause of Henry's death, had taken his remains home. S.O.
20 Apr 1869
Impartial estimation of men lays aside public rank and titles and looks at character. Truth, therefore, awards honor to whom honor is due, while it leaves to infamy whatever names are made worthy of it by the vices of those who have borne them.
It is now my privilege very briefly to sketch the life of a plain, industrious, honorable farmer; and I do this as an incentive to young men to carve out for themselves a character of substantial worth.
Israel PALMER was born in Bennington, Vt., March 29, 1801, and completed the 68th year of his age the day previous to his death. In 1806 his father, Thomas PALMER, came to reside where now is the village of McGrawville, but a short distance from the last earthly dwelling of the subject of this notice. At that time this region generally was a wilderness, and this part of Cortlandville, N.Y., an almost undisturbed home of wild beasts.
The father had little more of the means of subsistence than his personal strength, and could afford to his children only very inconsiderable opportunities for literary education. Israel, however, made good use of those he had. At the age of 25, he married Sophia HASKELL, by whom he had seven children - one son and six daughters - of whom all but one daughter, who died in her fourteenth year, survive their kind, cherishing father, and live to be his mourning widow invaluable consolations - to her whose energetic co-operation has contributed largely to that intellectual and moral culture which prepares them, as parents and literary instructors, to move in their several spheres with usefulness and honor. An end so important as was that of Mr. PALMER, should be the praiseworthy ambition of every parent. In this way society is to be elevated and families made happy.
In the year 1835 Mr. PALMER was baptized by Elder W.G. DYE, then pastor of the Baptist Church in McGrawville, in his connection with which Mr. PALMER set examples, particularly in the temperance and anti-slavery causes, which make his memory worthy of respect and love with all who lament the wide-spread ruin intoxication has wrought and is working in our country, and who live as he did to rejoice in seeing the fetters of slavery, that foulest dishonor to our land, stricken from the slave and the nation and the church. He early embraced these great causes and labored untiringly, as is well known in this community, at great pecuniary and personal sacrifices, to promote them. By so doing he incurred the reproaches of the enemies of impartial liberty as well as that vast number of people who are not only on the way to the drunkard's end, but do all they can to draw others into the same fatal course; yet he had the reward of seeing many conversions by his influence.
The sermon of Elder SAVAGE at his funeral, from the text - "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord," &c., while it did justice to the grace of God, to which alone salvation is to be ascribed, accorded due commendation to this subject of its saving power.
Taylor, April 15, 1869.
A very sad accident occurred at Solon Pond grist mill to-day. Ambrose ALLEN is the owner of the mill, and has his residence within the building; and as his daughter, Miss Hannah ALLEN, a lady about sixteen years of age, was preparing to attend a friend, she discovered something wrong with the machinery and went below to adjust it. - While doing this, her dress caught in the cogs of the wheels, which, revolving, drew he in, breaking her arm at the wrist, again at the shoulder, and crushing her back. This stopped the machinery, and her father hastening to learn the cause, found her wedged between the wheels, and life nearly extinct.
Taylor, Arpil 15, 1869.
On the 13th inst., Lucinda, wife of Miles BROWN, died of dropsy. She was respected by all classes.
Taylor, April 15, 1869.
On the 14th inst., Gurley MILLS, brother of Clark MILLS, the Washington sculptor, died of inflammation of the lungs. Our whole neighborhood seems to rest under a shadow of gloom.
That infantile scourge, the scarlet fever, is quite prevalent hereabouts just now. There are numerous cases in this village - one of our own children being among the number. Several deaths have occurred, Mr. Cyrus CROSBY, of this place, losing two of his children.
27 April 1869
Mr. Chas. BOWEN, residing at Alexander, Genesee county, son of Rev. Elias BOWEN, of this village, shot his wife a few days ago, by the accidental discharge of a pistol which he was cleaning, preparatory to returning to the person of whom he borrowed it. The charge took effect in her neck, killing her instantly.
Mr. Wm. SMITH, of Virgil, met with an accident on the 11th inst., at his son's house, where he resided, which resulted fatally. He arose about three o'clock in the morning - it was his custom to arise early - mistook the door of the cellar for that of an adjoining room, and being partially blind, fell to the bottom of the cellar. He was not discovered until after the family had been up a short while, when being missed, search was instituted, and when found, life was extinct. He was 79 years of age.
Harford Mills Items.
April 19, 1869
The son of Randall MORTON, living in Babcox Hollow, a boy four years old, was drowned on Friday last in a little brook running near the house, though from recently melted snow the stream was much swollen. There are circumstances connected with this sad affair that might well challenge the annals of history to produce a parallel. The particulars, as near as can be ascertained, are these: A few moments after the boy had gone out, Mrs. MORTON, with a mother's care, looked to see if he was out of harm's way, and spying his little wheelbarrow near the brook, the thought occurred that he had fallen in, so she went down the stream a few steps when she discovered his little hand raised above some flood wood gathered there. She plunged into the water, waist deep, and lifted his head above the water, when he gasped for breath once or twice. A wagon passing at that moment was stopped by its occupants on hearing the woman's cries for help. A boy of Mr. John BARNES jumped out and went to assist her, but not succeeding, he went back to the wagon to get VanRensselaer HAY to go and help them, but he refused to do so and drove on and left her struggling there alone, trying to save her child. Almost frantic, the agonized mother struggled a half-hour, (an age to her,) till at length she succeeded in getting him out; but alas, too late to save the life she loved so fondly; she loved as only a mother can love. The excuse he made for not lending his aid I do not know. What excuse a man could make to cover the shame of such wanton inhumanity, supersedes my ability to comprehend.
[We have seen residents of Harford since, and learn from them that HAY excuses himself by saying that he had his good clothes on. Ed.]
(unknown place)
Hon. Henry STEPHENS, died at his residence in this village about noon on Saturday last, the 24th inst., at the age of 78 years. A meeting of the Bar of this village was held at the office of Judge SMITH on the same evening, and speeches made and resolutions passed expressive of their feelings, towards the deceased. We give them elsewhere. The funeral of Judge STEPHENS was held this afternoon, and was attended by an unusually large concourse of our citizens. The Rev. S.F. BACON conducted the services.
(same column)
A frightful accident occurred on Tuesday last about one and a half miles this side of Truxton village. A young man named Hezekiah ROUNDS had harnessed a young horse before a covered carriage, for the first time, to carry his mother and sister to Cortland. - Before they were ready to enter the carriage, young ROUNDS removed the bridle for the purpose of taking off the halter, when the horse, catching sight of the carriage top, became frightened and reared, throwing ROUNDS upon the ground, and trampling him until he was horribly mutilated. He lingered in great agony until late in the afternoon, when he died. This is the fourth death in the family within a year, three of which were by violence.
4 May 1869
Obituary Notice of Hon. Henry STEPHENS, of Cortland.
Remarks of W.B. SHANKLAND.
Hon. Henry STEPHENS was born at Enfield, in the State of Connecticut, in the year 1792, and was removed by his parents to Chenango county, in this State, at an early age, where he commenced the study of law in the office of Stephen RUNYAN, an eminent lawyer of that day, who soon moved to Cooperstown, Otsego county, whither Mr. STEPHENS accompanied him, and there remained until he had completed his legal education.
He then, about the year 1816, removed to Cortland village, then a small hamlet, and commenced the practice of his profession in copartnership with Oliver WISWELL, who was already settled there. He immediately acquired a large and lucrative practice, which he retained during the whole of his professional career, although he had as competitors at the Bar, such men as Hon. Samuel NELSON, Nathan DAYTON, Jonathan L. WOODS, John THOMAS, Samuel S. BALDWIN, Edward C. REED, and others.
Judge STEPHENS was remarkable for the vigor with which he enforced the rights of his clients upon the attention of courts and juries, and being well versed in the science of his profession, never allowed any legal point, in favor of his client, to escape his own attention or that of the court.
Being well versed in the practical affairs of life, he knew how to adapt his arguments to the capacities of jurers, and was therefore, an able and successful advocate, and no unjust verdicts could be wrested from him, before that body, because his known character for honesty and honor gave his arguments a force not usually accorded to a legal advocate.
The lawyers of the old school, to which he belonged , conducted trials very differently from the modern school. They struck directly at the main points at issue, and tried the cause in half the time now consumed in the trial of similar cases.
Perhaps this may, in some measure, be accounted for by the fact that legal and equitable causes were kept quite distinct; and legal and equitable actions were prosecuted in separate courts, and in almost all actions the pleadings were special, and the issue to be tried was reduced to a single point. But now, legal and equitable actions are mingled and tried together by the same tribunal, and hence much time is spent by the modern advocate in introducing into his case some equitable elements to modify the verdict, or mystify the jury.
In the fall election of 1829, Judge STEPHENS was nominated and elected as one of the representatives of Cortland county in the State Legislature. He took an active part in the debates of that session, and sustained himself well and ably in that body, and after serving many years as a Justice of the Peace, he was nominated by the Governor and appointed by the Senate in May, 1838, as first Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Cortland county, in which capacity he presided for two terms of four years, and until the adoption of the new constitution of 1846, when he retired from the Bench and was succeeded by Judge HAWKS.
During his judicial labors the Common Pleas possessed original as well as appellate jurisdiction in civil causes, and more than two-thirds of all the legal business of the county came before that court for adjudication. Such was the confidence reposed in the court, during his term of office, by suitors and counsel, that very few of his decisions were appealed to the Supreme Court, and scarcely any of those few were reversed. He was an able and upright Judge, hearing patiently all the advocates had to say in behalf of their clients, and then promptly deciding in favor of the right, without fear or favor.
One beautiful feature of his character was his treatment of the younger members of the Bar. He always took them cordially by the hand - spoke words of encouragement to them - seemed pleased at their success, and was always ready to aid them by his advice and mature experience.
Public improvements, of all kinds, always found in him a warm advocate and promoter. The railway from Syracuse to Binghamton, which passes through our beautiful and thriving village, owes its construction to him more than any other one man.
When the project for its construction was started, he at once abandoned his profession and devoted all his energies to carry out the project to successful termination. He was its first President and remained such until after the completion of the road. He then retired to the comforts of a quiet, domestic life, in the bosom of an amiable family, where he enjoyed that repose in dignified retirement so becoming the close of a well-spent life.
During the time Judge STEPHENS was engaged in his profession, his office was a favorable resort for students, who sought to become well instructed in the duties of the profession, and many of them became eminent in their calling. Amongst them may be enumerated Hon. Joseph H. BOSWORTH, late a justice of the Supreme Court of the city of New York, Hon. Horatio BALLARD, late Secretary of State, Hon. Henry S. RANDALL, late Secretary of State and author of the Life of Jefferson and numerous other able literary works, Hon. Samuel G. HATHAWAY, late of Elmira, and Robert O. REYNOLDS, Esq., now deceased, but formerly one of the most prominent advocates of Central New York.
But another and better feature of Judge STEPHENS' character remains to be mentioned; it is his religious life and good example.
In 1832 he made a public confession of his faith in Jesus Christ, and connected himself with the Presbyterian Church in this village. Previous to that period, if I mistake not, he had been somewhat skeptical on the subject of the christian faith, but after a careful and critical examination of the evidence of christianity he became convinced of its claims and homage, and ever after acted on that profound conviction. He was made a ruling Elder in the church in 1835, and retained that position continuously up to the time of his death.
18 May 1869
(From the Auburn News)
A Visit to Cortland.
The new cemetery, which was commenced about a dozen or fifteen years ago, has been laid out and improved with much taste. ..............
The monuments present a gratifying variety of style and feature, but few are of elaborate character. One inscription was noted so peculiar, as to bear transfer to your columns. It was written by the hand mouldering beneath:
Dea. William GRANT
Departed the Rudimental
For the Ultimate Life
June 21st, 1851.
Died. MINER - At DeRuyter, on the 14th inst., of consumption, Miss Celia E., only daughter of H.C. and C.B. MINER, aged 17 years, 4 months and 5 days.
25 May 1869
A child of Daniel B. MORSE, of Truxton was fatally poisoned on the 29th of April last, by corrosive sublimate, which had carelessly been kept within its reach. It died on Tuesday following.
CRANDALL - At his residence in Cortland on Monday, the 17th of May, Harvey S. CRANDALL, in the 59th year of his life.
It is fitting that more than a passing notice should be given to the death of one so respected and well known in our community.
Mr. CRANDALL was born Jan. 13, 1811, in Cheshire, Mass. In 1824, when but 13 years of age, he removed to this section of the country.
A man of sound judgment and well-formed business habits, he identified himself actively with the business interests of the community. His integrity of character won for him respect and confidence, and brought him positions of responsibility and authority which he never courted.
A striking feature of is character was his love of social, home life. His business interests often made large demands upon his time. He was never happier than when surrounded by his family, and he hurried from other engagements to the peace and quiet of the home circle.
Mr. CRANDALL, even in early life, was of a serious and thoughtful character. He was thoroughly conscientious in the discharge of every duty, and often reflected soberly upon religious subjects. It was not, however, till the age of 34 that he thought he became a Christian, when he united with the church at McGrawville under the Rev. Mr. FANCHER. He was as earnest in his religious life as he had been in whatever else he entered upon. He was scrupulously faithful in his attendance upon religious services, and thoroughly upright and christian in his conduct. It is the testimony of all who knew him that he has left behind "a good name," which is rather to be chosen than great riches.
Mr. CRANDALL's sickness dated from about two weeks before his death. amid the decay and infirmities of nature, he retained his reason unshaken. He recognized those about him and spoke with them until shortly before his death.
On the evening of Monday, the 17th, he passed away in the triumphant hope of a believer in Christ, looking for the general resurrection.
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Yea, saith the spirit, for they rest from their labors and their works do follow them.
"There is no death - what seems so is transition,
And this our mortal breath
Is but the entrance to those fields Elysian
Whose portals we call death."
Death by suicide.
Early yesterday morning, (24th inst.,) our town was electrified by the terrible intelligence that Mr. John WHITE, a gentleman well known in this community, and by business a dealer in butter, had committed suicide. Coroner POMEROY having been notified, the following gentlemen were summoned as a jury: - J.S. BARBER, foreman, Arnold STAFFORD, Harrison GIVENS, Wm. B. POWERS, Horace BAKER, Aaron SAGER, DePuy MALLERY, C.W. COLLINS, M.D. MURPHEY, J.W. BENJAMIN, L. DEXTER[,?] E.ROOD, D.H. BURR, F.G. KINNEY - who proceeded to the residence of deceased, on North Main Street, where the investigation showed the following facts:
That Mr. WHITE was 59 years of age; had resided in this county some 18 or 20 years, and in this village about 8 years; by business a butter buyer; that the failure of a New York firm, with which he was dealing, involved him in a loss of several hundred dollars; that to secure his claim he had given a mortgage on his present residence for $1,000, which was due to-day (the 24th); that he had repeatedly endeavored to borrow the money in order to satisfy the New York claim, but having failed was much depressed in mind, so much so that for the past two or three months as to incapacitate him for doing business correctly; had taken considerable medicine of late, and been at times quite ill, suffering seriously from headache; that between 8 and 9 o'clock on Sunday night he came home, the family, except his wife, being at church, and almost directly went to bed; that in the morning about 7 o'clock, he was called twice by one of his daughters, who, becoming alarmed at meeting with no response, went into his room at the third call and discovering blood on the wall and bed, aroused the family, physicians were sent for, who, on examination, decided that death had occurred several hours previously, and probably soon after his retiring. He had evidently prepared for the deed, as he was undressed, his coat spread under his head and shoulders, and having barred his left arm had with a common but very sharp pocket knife (found by the bedside) inflicted a hideous gash just above the elbow, severing the main arteries, and causing death in from three to five minutes.
The jury found in their verdict that he was "laboring under temporary aberration of mind caused by pecuniary embarrassment."
As far as we heard, Mr. WHITE was owing somewhere from $1000 to $1500, and that his residence, - a very neat, pleasant one - is worth at least $4,000, and that he had been doing a profitable business which would eventually have relieved him from pecuniary obligations. But the failure to borrow the requisite mortgage money, and the fear that he would be compelled to sell his residence, proved too great a burden for his proud, sensitive spirit to bear, too severe a strain for his nervous, excitable temperament, and the belief that death would bring relief urged him to the commission of the fatal deed.
He leaves a wife and seven grown up children, all highly esteemed, and to whom the blow is a terrible one. They have the prayerful sympathies of the entire community.
Died. RICHARDSON - In Niles, Michigan, on the 20th inst., of congestion of the lungs, Mrs. Frances Julia RICHARDSON, wife of D.S. RICHARDSON, aged 41 years.
The deceased was formerly a resident of this place and was a sister of Joseph L. ELDRIDGE, and aunt of Mrs. H.A. JARVIS. In an obituary notice, the Niles Republican says that "her natural abilities and her high social position combined to make her a leading woman. In the church and in society at large she was ever employing her energies in doing good."
Died. JARVIS - At her home in Sycamore, Illinois, on May 13, of paralysis, Mrs. Amelia JARVIS, wife of Mr. Adolphus JARVIS, in the 69th year of her age. The deceased was a native of Massachusetts, was long a resident of Cortland, N.Y., from where she removed with her family to this place about four years ago. Her death, like her life, was peaceful and happy.
Mrs. JARVIS was an aunt of our townsman, H.A. JARVIS.
1 Jun 1869
Death of John M. COUCH.
We are pained to learn of the death of John M. COUCH, Esq., which occurred at the residence of his father-in-law Dr. DAVIDSON, in Chicago, on Wednesday, the 26th inst. His disease was consumption, and having become too ill to practice in his profession of a lawyer, had left Cortland for a sojourn in the South, hoping that the balmy air of that section would restore his health and vigor. Stopping at Chicago he was told that he could live only a short time, but he still kept up good courage, insisting that he should recover. A short while previous to his death, in the afternoon of that day, on lying down he requested Dr. DAVIDSON to fix him in an easy, straight position, and in about ten minutes after gently and without a struggle breathed his last. His remains were interred in Chicago.
Mr. COUCH was a young (not yet over 30 years of age we believe) and rising lawyer, a genial, social companion, and a self-made man. His death will be sincerely regretted.
8 Jun 1869
Died. SLAFTER - In Wautoma, Wisconsin, on the 21st of May, Dea. Samuel SLAFTER, aged 79 years.
Dea. SLAFTER was father of Mr. E.P. SLAFTER, of this village, and was for fifty years a resident of this county. He removed to Wisconsin in 1859.
22 Jun 1869
Truxton, June 12, 1869.
Dea. John SEVERANCE, an old and amiable citizen here for many years, and who has been lying at the point of death many weeks, died on Tuesday last at 7 o'clock P.M.
Truxton, June 12, 1869.
Mrs. Lucy PERRY, the wife of Stephen PERRY, died very sudden on Friday last at 7 o'clock A.M., leaving a family to mourn her loss. She was a kind, religious, and industrious woman, beloved by all who knew her.
Take comfort, christians, when your friends
In Jesus fall asleep!
Their better being never ends,
Why then dejected weep?
Why inconsolable, at those
To whom no hope is given,
Death is a messenger of peace,
And calls the soul to heaven.
Walter B.
6 Jul 1869
Mr. Wm. SMITH, of Lapeer, has within the past two months buried four children, and the fifth and remaining one is seriously ill with the fever.
13 Jul 1869
Died. WARNER - In Bath, Steuben county, N.Y., on the 27th ult., Mr. Wm. J. WARNER, who for many years was a resident of the town of Preble, Cortland county, N.Y.,
aged 76 years.
10 Aug 1869
Died. CRANDALL- At his residence in McGrawville, N.Y., April 23d Harvey L. CRANDALL, aged 27 years and 5 months.
His life, though not long, was such as to endear him to an exceedingly large circle of acquaintances, friends and relatives. In his disposition amiable and equable, in his attachments tender and constant, in his bearing considerate and kind, we see why he was loved by so many and esteemed by all. The universal expression is - "He was a good man."
He was early the subject of religious instruction. The teachings and influence of a godly mother, who passed into the heavens when he was fifteen years old, were woven into all his life. Early consecrated by her in baptism, God honored his covenant.
An incident will illustrate the religiousness of his character. One morning, when about ten years of age, soon after taking his seat in school he burst into tears. When asked by his teacher the cause, he replied - "I want to go home," and when asked the reason of that, he answered - "I forgot to pray." In the bustle
and excitement of entertaining numerous guests at home, his private devotions were forgotten. His request being granted, he returned as cheerful as ever.
At what time he was made the subject of renewing grace is not known; but in a revival during the spring of '68 his religious impressions were brought into distinctness. On the 5th of July following, he, with his wife, to whom he was most devoutedly attached, joined the Presbyterian church.
His brief sickness, of two weeks duration, was borne with Christian fortitude. Though after reverses, he was just entering upon an apparently prosperous business which demanded his attention, he did not complain at being laid aside. When informed by his favorite uncle, who it seems was soon to follow him, that he probably could not recover, he was not alarmed. To his pastor he said - "It is all right; I am ready to go; my Savior is precious." On a quiet, peaceful morning, a morning so beautifully emblematic of his life, he quietly passed away to his heavenly home.
31 Aug 1869
Mr. Charles DAVIS, whose death took place in this village, August 20th, was born on Long Island, April 15, 1794. He received an ordinary education for those days, and learned the trade of a carpenter and joiner. He married Charlotte BROWN of the same place in 1815, and moved to Lisle, Broome county, - after the manner of the hardy pioneers, bringing his effects with an ox team all the way. In 1820 he moved to Marathon, Cortland Co., and resided in that and other towns of the county till the fall of 1868, when he took up residence with his son-in- law, Enoch F. WILLET, in Cortland village, and remained there until his death. He followed his trade through most of his life, but often owned farms and other property. He brought up a family of eight children - six sons and two daughters - all of whom are now living. His wife also survives him.
Mr. DAVIS was a soldier in the war of 1812. He was a man of strongly patriotic feelings. In politics he was a firm Democrat. His religious views are thus described by one who knew them much better than the writer of this: "He was a strong believer in the doctrine of the final salvation of all mankind, which comforted him in life and still more in the hour of death, as he peacefully passed away." He was a man of firm integrity, of a genial and kindly temper, and discharged all his duties as a husband, father, friend and neighbor, justly and well. Of strong frame and robust health, he never suffered from but one illness before his final one. His last illness extended to but eleven days. It will be seen by a comparison of dates above given that at the time of his death he was seventy-five years, four months and five days old, and that he had been married nearly fifty-five years.
NORTON - At Des Moines, Iowa, on the 24th inst., Mr. Joseph H. NORTON, aged 23 years.
Mr. NORTON was the youngest son of Dea. Edwin NORTON, (now deceased) of Scott, an old and prominent citizen. Joseph was for some time a student at Homer Academy, and subsequently a graduate of Eastman Commercial College, at Poughkeepsie. He left this section for the West about two years ago, - He had become extremely popular among the people of his adopted home.
Shooting Affray.
Many of our readers have already heard of the shooting on Thursday last of one Charles HEAD by officers while in the act of arresting him, of his death on the day following, and of the holding of a coroner's inquest on Saturday and Monday, and the result of that inquest. We had intended to give a statement as full as the circumstances and importance of the affair demanded, but as considerable feeling has arisen, as the true facts in the case seem but little known, and as a neighboring county is one of the interested parties, we shall merely give this week an outline of the case, promising, however, the publication next week, of the testimony given at the coroner's inquest.
On Thursday last, sheriff METHEWSON, of Chenango county, came to Cortland and obtained the services of John T. BARNES, deputy sheriff of this county, to aid him in making the arrest of Charles HEAD, who was living in Blodgett's Mills, and for whose apprehension he had a warrant issued by the District Attorney of Chenango county. Knowing HEAD to be a desperate character, they went prepared for any emergency, and found their man at work for John KINNEY, but in a field on the west side of the river, and in company with Harmon, son of Jno. KINNEY. Meeting HEAD (about one o'clock P.M.) in the road a short distance south of the church, Mr. BARNES, who was alone - (sheriff MATHEWSON being some ten or fifteen rods further south, and in a field where he had gone in order to get HEAD between them) put his hand on his shoulder and told him he had a warrant for him. HEAD quickly threw off BARNES' hand, and without a word bounded away. Both officers ran after him, each calling for him to halt, and he not obeying they fired almost simultaneously, one of the balls striking him in the lower part of the back and passing through the intestines brought him to the ground. He was taken to the house of J.J. FREER, surgeon HUGHES was called, and everything done that could be, but he died on the evening of Friday - within 36 hours after the wound was given.
On Saturday morning an inquest to be held at the house of J.J. FREER, Blodgett's Mills, was called by Coroner POMEROY, the jury being composed of the following jurors: P.H. DAVIS, A.C. GARRISON, J.S. SAMSON, Joshua BALLARD, M. ROWLEY, F. GOODYEAR, N. KINGMAN, William ALVORD, P.B. CORWIN, J.J. MAYBURY, M. STAFFORD, S.L. THOMPSON, E.CORWIN, and F.G. KINNEY. Sheriff MATHEWSON was telegraphed for, but not arriving, the inquest was adjourned to Cortland on the Monday following, where, after hearing further testimony, including that of Mr. MATHEWSON, the jury brought in a verdict in accordance with the above facts.
We cannot in justice close this statement without acknowledging the indebtedness felt by the jury to Mr. FREER, for the unusual facilities afforded and the pains taken to lessen their labors. We feel that it is good to have the performance of duties "fall in such pleasant places."
(further details were given Sept. 7)
21 Sep 1869
Mr. John R. LACY, of Dryden, died suddenly last Saturday evening. He had been out in the garden digging potatoes, and going into the house lay down upon the bed and expired almost immediately.
28 Sep 1869
On Sunday, Sept. 5th, Mr. Freeman FOSTER buried a daughter. she died of fever.
On the next Sunday [Sept. 12] the community was startled by the announcement of the sudden death of Simeon R. GRIFFIN. He was sleeping quietly at 7 o'clock in the morning, but suddenly started up in the most excruciating pain, which was only relieved by death in about an hour. He had been complaining of pains in the chest for a few days, but had even attended to business regularly, and had even walked two or three miles on business, after leaving his store on the night before his death. His disease was probably a rupture of the heart, or of some of the blood vessels that contribute to the nourishment of the heart. Dr. KNAPP, was about three miles from home, and although he was sent for immediately, and, also, Dr. GALLAGHER of Slaterville, neither of them arrived until death had taken place. He was buried on Tuesday, September 14th.
Harford has thus met with a loss that our citizens do not yet fully comprehend. Mr. GRIFFIN has, of late, been much interested in the welfare of the place, and especially was this exhibited in his exertions for the maintenance of the Society of Good Templars. - He has fitted up a good Lodge room which he has provided for them rent free, ever since the formation of the society. At the last meeting of the society the following resolution was adopted in connection with a preamble complimentary of the above mentioned characteristics of the deceased and mentioning especially his liberality toward the society:
Resolved, That we as a lodge, have in the death of brother Simeon R. GRIFFIN, sustained an irreparable loss, and that we hereby express our sympathy for the bereaved family.
On the next Thursday, Sept. 16th, the wife of James SMITH was buried. The deceased, we understand had suffered long from a cancer and also from a broken limb.
On the next Sunday, Sept. 19th, the wife of Mr. G. HARRIS, formerly of Homer, was buried. She died at the residence of her father, Mr. TAINTOR, of this place. She has been suffering from consumption for a long time.
On Tuesday, Sept. 21st, Mr. M. COOK, who occupied the farm of Mr. BURLINGAME, at the north side of this village, was buried. His disease was inflammation of the lungs, of but a few days duration. He was a man who will be missed as a kind neighbor and affectionate parent. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his loss.
28 Sep 1869
Died in Cortlandville, September 23d, Mrs. Mary HIBBARD, in the eighty-fourth year of her age.
Mary REED was born in Putney, Windham Co., Vt., Sept. 20, 1786. She was married to Dan HIBBARD, of Dummerstown, in the same county, March 25, 1810. On their marriage they emigrated to New York, making their abode for the first two years at Canajoharie, Montgomery Co. In 1812 they moved to that part of Homer, Cortland Co., which is now included in Cortlandville. In 1816 they moved to Cayuga Co., but returned to Homer, (now Cortlandville) in 1821. Dan HIBBARD, a proficient, successful and highly respected man, died in 1857. since that period, Mrs. HIBBARD resided with her son, Francis H. HIBBARD, at his well known place in the west part of Cortlandville.
Mrs. HIBBARD became a member of the Society of Friends in about 1816, and remained steadily attached to it, to the period of her death. The entire community will [......]? with us in saying ....[Many of the dates are difficult to read. The remainder of the item is nearly illegible.]
5 Oct 1869
We learn from Page GREEN, Esq. that on the 18th ult., as Harry JENNINGS, son of Rufus JENNINGS of Lisle, Robert McVEAN, grandson of A. McVEAN, Esq., and BENNETT, brother-n-law of Robert, were crossing Seneca Lake in a skiff, it was upset by some means not known, and the three gentlemen were drowned. On learning of these facts, Rufus JENNINGS started immediately to find the bodies, but thus far without success.
12 Oct 1869
Harford Oct. 9, 1869.
Mr. Asahel SAXTON, of South Harford, was found dead in his bed on Saturday last, at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. Damon MILLER. The family was absent at a picnic for a few hours, and the old gentleman remained at home. When they entered his room on their return, he was dead. Appearances indicated that the spirit had taken its flight several hours before. He was buried on Monday.
A little daughter of Mr. DOTY, engineer of Hemingway's steam saw-mill, was buried on the same day [Monday] at this village. The deceased was a pretty child of one year's growth, and as it lay arrayed in the habiliments of the grave, with a sweet smile imprinted upon its countenance, we could not refrain from lingering a moment at the little coffin, and, as we did so, the words of the Savior came freshly to our mind - "Of such is the kingdom of Heaven." How consoling the reflection would be to the bereaved parents could they look with an eye of faith beyond the veil and feel that the little spirit would receive its spiritual growth under the fostering care of angels, and in the immediate presence of Him who said, "Suffer little children to come unto Me."
Died. DOUD - In McGrawville, Cortland Co., N.Y., on Monday morning, Oct. 5, Mr. Henry DOUD, aged 72 years and 6 months.
The deceased was a son of Mr. Reuben DOUD, who married Polly GRIFFIN, of Stonington, Conn., by whom he had thirteen children, of which large family Mr. Reuben Griffin DOUD, of McGrawville, is now the only survivor.
Henry leaves no children. He was many years an industrious and prosperous farmer, and died leaving a good estate, though, on account of ill health, he has not for several years been able to conduct business transactions.
The funeral was attended on Thursday by many relatives at the house of his nephew, Mr. Samuel DOUD, where he died, and he was buried in a lot owned by himself in the new cemetery in Cortland.
19 Oct 1869
Rev. E. HOAG, formerly pastor of the M.E. church of this village, died at New York Mills on Sunday night, the 3d of October inst. Our readers will remember that in our notice of the M.E. Conference held at Syracuse last summer, the serious illness of elder HOAG was alluded to. From this he was recovering, but a relapse ensued, which finally caused his death.
Page GREEN, Esq., after an illness of about a week from typhoid fever, died at the Cortland House at three O'clock this (Tuesday) morning. Mr. GREEN was a resident of Virgil, but was attacked by the fever while on a visit to this village. a kind husband and father, his death will be mourned by his afflicted family; and an indefatigable worker in his profession, a vacancy is thus created which cannot well be filled. His remains will be interred in the Cortland Cemetery on Thursday at 11 A.M. - the funeral services being held at the Cortland House.
Died. FENTON - In Virgil, on Monday, the 18th inst., Mr. Horace FENTON, aged 80 years.
Resolutions of Respect. At a regular communication of marathon Lodge, No. 438, F. and A.M., held at Masonic Hall on Monday evening, Oct. 4, 1869, A.L. 5869, the following resolutions were offered and unanimously adopted:-
Whereas, An afflictive dispensation of an all-wise Providence has removed our worthy and venerable brother, Nathan SMITH, therefore be it
Resolved, That while we recognize with deep regret the loss his family and we, as a lodge, have sustained, we will bow in submission to His will knowing that "He doeth all things well."
Resolved, That we extend our heartfelt sympathy to the family of our deceased brother in their bereavement, at the same time extending to them the comforting assurance that he has only been summoned from labor here below to everlasting refreshment in the grand lodge above, where the Supreme Architect of the universe resides.
2 Nov 1869
Died. BROWN - In Cuyler, on the 2d ult., Miss Celestia S. BROWN, aged 26 years.
9 Nov 1869
Died. WATERS - In Cortland, on the 2d inst., Mrs. Abigail WATERS, aged 64 years.
Died. HITCHCOCK - At Homer, on the 3d inst., of typhoid fever, Noah HITCHCOCK, in the 67th year of his age.
Mr. HITCHCOCK was one of the oldest leading, substantial citizens of Homer, and his place cannot well be filled.
Departed this life, November 5th 1869, Mrs. Martha BLISS, consort of Mr. Deloyd BLISS, of Cortland, N.Y., aged 31 years.
Deceased was subjected to a protracted and exceedingly painful run of typhoid fever, which her frail physical constitution was unable to resist, and so the spirit took its departure, not to "that bourne from whence no traveler returns," but to that sphere of life beyond this, where its affinities and virtues naturally assign it, with enlarged capacities, and with freedom to become a ministering spirit to those whom she has so tenderly loved in her earth life.
Mrs. BLISS was a woman of marked character, so much so as to entitle her to more than a commonplace obituary notice. She and her husband might be appropriately taken as a model of conjugal life, so harmonious and peaceful were their domestic relations, and so entirely consecrated were they to each other's happiness.
Mrs. BLISS was born and raised in the Universalist faith, and although subjected in her girlhood, for several years, to adverse influences, she remained true to her chosen faith to the last. She was reverential and pious by nature, and devoted unreservedly to her friends. On her death bed she expressed her entire confidence in "her God," and although the mother of two beautiful and promising children, and in the possession of a happy home, she appeared to be resigned, and declared that all was for the best. A more faithful, devoted and loving wife and mother, never graced the home circle, or presided as mistress at its sacred altars. And this was not all; she was deeply profound, sympathetic, and in response to the impulses of her womanly heart, that sympathy found active expression in deeds of sweet charity and fraternal love. She was a kind neighbor, ever obliging, thoughtful of the needs of others, and ever ready to lend a helping hand to the poor and oppressed. And especially was she known among all her acquaintances as an active missionary among the sick and the afflicted. And thus she had won to herself the esteem and respect of all who knew her. She was one of those rare persons who are fortunate enough to live in the world without an enemy. Thus living, she lived respected, and had attached to herself many warm and devoted friends, as was evinced in her last illness, for her lady friends flocked to her aid, and most devoutedly sympathized with her in her affliction.
The world, we know, is skeptical with regard to a future life. A pall of impenetrable darkness hangs over the future of men in the minds of most people; but we have no doubt that, as the earthly or physical man recedes, as in the process of earthly dissolution, and as the spiritual gains ascendancy over the physical, even before the final separation occurs, the spiritual visual organs are opened, so that some of the realities are revealed, to that extent at least, that the spirits of the departed human beings may be distinctly seen and recognized. We mention this because the subject of this notice gave striking and almost conclusive evidence of the fact, that just before the new birth into the higher life, the great truths of a blissful immortality were revealed to her.
The evidences in support of an everlasting life for man, and his final triumph over all sinful conditions, are to us conclusive; and this faith which was ever cherished by the deceased, is not only a beautiful one, but well calculated to throw a hallowed light over all of life's journey, to rob death of its sting, and the grave of its victory.
16 Nov 1869
Died, at Dryden, Nov. 3d, Abram MUDGE, aged 76 years.
A man and citizen of the great moral and social worth of Esq. MUDGE should not be permitted to pass away from a community in which he has lived as long, and so honorably and usefully, as he has in this, without something more of a public notice of him than a simple record of his death. A fulsome eulogy of him would not, indeed, be at all in harmony with the simplicity of his character and his tastes, and would also, we are sure, be offensive both to him and to his friends, but very great esteem for him as a man, a citizen, and a Christian, requires of us a brief obituary.
That Mr. MUDGE was a pure, upright, good man, who worthily and honorably filled all the positions of life, both private and public, which he occupied, must, we think, be the judgment and confession of all who have known him. This is his general reputation; and his more intimate friends held him in the highest estimation for the rare virtues and graces he always exhibited in his home, and in the social circles in which he moved. It is not extravagent to say that he was a model husband and father, neighbor and friend, and that his character was so excellent and noble, and his life so Christian in spirit and aim, that all to whom he sustained these close relations, equally respected and loved him. His presence with them was always a most welcome one, and a benediction; he was so affectionate, so genial, so interacting, and at last, so patriarchal, in all his intercourse with them. Simply as a companion, therefore, whether frequent or occasional, all of us of the inner circle of his friends, feel that we have sustained a very great loss in his departure, and are sad that we are never again, on earth, to look upon his benignant countenance, and hear his kind voice; and his children and grandchildren, especially, have sustained a loss which no words can express. Many a poor family, too, will gratefully remember him for his tender sympathy and counsel, and more material aid in their special time's need; and some such, who have gone before him to the land where the distinction of rich and poor is unknown, have, no doubt, greeted him as an earthly benefactor; whilst the voice of the good Jesus has been heard saying "As much as ye have done it unto the least of these, ye have done it unto Me. Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." We know him to have been such a sympathizing helper of the poor and needy, and pray that his mantle will as benevolently occupy the important place he has vacated.
Mr. MUDGE was a wise as well as good man - an intelligent moral philosopher. In some of the higher spheres of thought and inquiry, he was even a man of much culture, though it were self-culture. He loved Nature enthusiastically, and delighted in communion with it, and through it, with the Infinite One and Father of Spirits. He not only loved nature, but he studied it carefully and intelligently , and in the most devout spirit could talk instructively of geological phenomena especially. He also loved books and read much, endeavoring to keep abreast with the advancing times and classes. He had, too, the poetic spirit in quite a noticeable degree to his friends, and was familiar with some of the best of the old English poets, and with Pope particularly; and no one could be much in familiar association with him, especially in strolls though city and country, without hearing him make frequent quotations from them, in fitting application to persons and things that he saw - passages that he had treasured up in his retentive memory, in his earlier days. So, out of Nature, out of books, and out of society, he got that general culture I have spoken of, and which secured him the reputation of being an intelligent and interesting man, wherever his acquaintance was made by appreciative persons. He could always make himself agreeable, even to intelligent strangers, into whose society he chanced to be thrown, and with whom he should come into familiar relations - his great modesty, however, frequently keeping him silent on such occasions.
Mr. MUDGE was likewise pre-eminently religious; -religious not traditionally, dogmatically, nor so much in words, as in serious, earnest thoughtfulness, and in every day life - spiritually as well as practically religious, according to the sermon on the Mount. He was a true lover of God and man, and it could be truly said of him: -
"To sect or party his large soul
Disdain'd to be confined;
The good he loved, of every name,
And prayed for all mankind."
Our departed and venerable friend, then, was an example of purity and affection in domestic life; of honesty and honor in business; of integrity and fidelity in all public trusts; of true friendship and courtesy in all social relations; of kindness and charity to the poor; and of good-will to all men. Hence, we may confidently trust that when he closed his eyes upon this beautiful world, he opened them upon another still more beautiful; that when he left friends near and dear here, he went to others equally near and dear there, who greeted and welcomed him with joy; that when he passed from the scenes of earth, many of which he loved so well, he entered upon other scenes that delight and charm him more; and that he received the plaudit - "Well done, good and faithful servant." So, whilst his departure is a great loss to many that remain, at his time of life, and with his truly Christian character, it is a great gain to him; and may all the dear family circle from which he has been taken receive the grace to say in calm trust and hope: - "Even so, Father, for so it seemeth good in Thy sight."
"Another hand is beckoning us,
Another call is given;
And glows once more with angel steps
The path that leads to heaven.
Take him, O Father! to thine arms,
And let him henceforth be
A messenger of love between
Our human hearts and Thee.
Still let his mild rebukings stand
Between us and the wrong,
And his dear memory serve to make
Our faith in goodness strong."
23 Nov 1869
Death has been busy in our midst of late. And those who have felt the icy grasp are such as have been most widely known. On the morning of last Thursday, Mr. Aretus WATERS passed away in the 72d year of his age. It was but a short time ago that we chronicled the death of his consort. On the evening of the same day (18th), after a lingering illness, Rev. Ira D. WARREN died, in the 65th year of his age. Mr. W's funeral was held on Sunday - sermon being delivered at the M.E. Church by Rev. J. T. CRIPPEN. About 200 members of the Masonic fraternity, from Homer and Cortland Lodges, accompanied the remains to the grave, where the burial service was conducted by J.T. CRIPPEN as Master. On Friday morning, the remains of Mrs. John PALMER were brought on the cars to Cortland for interment in our cemetery. Mrs. P. had been on a visit to Vineland, N.J., where her husband, whose health has for a long time been very poor, was sojourning, and while there was taken ill. she was a daughter of Mr. Anson FAIRCHILD.
The character of the little daughter of A.D. BLODGETT, the notice of whose death was given in the Standard of last week, seems to have been unusually sweet and charming, and such as drew the affection of those outside the family circle. We have frequently heard her spoken of, and generally in connection with some pleasing incident, which went far to stamp her as one of those who are too pure and angelic for earth. The Sunday before she was taken ill, she attended a Sunday School concert at the Presbyterian church, in which her part was to recite a verse from Scripture. Just previous to her being called upon, a class of the little scholars sang the beautiful song entitled "Jewels," which seemed to impress her so strongly that on going forward to recite the verse she had learned, instead of doing so, she sang the first verse of the song she had just heard, as follows: -
"When He cometh,
When He cometh to make up His jewels,
All his jewels, precious jewels,
His Lov'd and His own,
Like the stars in the morning,
His bright crown adorning,
They shall shine in the beauty
Bright gems for His crown."
This was so prettily given, and was so unexpected by the audience, that they could not refrain from expressing their delight. She afterwards recited the verse from the Bible on being reminded of her part. About a week previous to her death, as her father sat by her bedside, she asked urgently for water, the fever naturally causing her to be very thirsty, and on his replying, "Mamie, you must not ask for so much water, for it is not good for you," she sang in an affecting manner the following line: -
"Jesus the water of life will give freely, freely, freely."
And this was the last she sang upon earth. She died, a pure, stainless child, and "of such is the kingdom of Heaven."
30 Nov 1869
Aretus WATERS was born in Glossenburg, Conn., Sept. 8th, 1797, and died at Cortland Nov 17, 1879[sic], aged 72 years, 9 months and 9 days. In 1806 he removed to Fabius, Onondaga county, N.Y. Nearly fifty years ago he was married to Caroline LAW, of Paris, Oneida county. On Oct. 22d 1822, he removed to Cuyler, and in 1856 came to Cortland, where he died.
He has been a man of great energy and physical endurance, and was by occupation a farmer. His father, the head of a family of twelve children, lived but just to commence life in the then new country. Of the great family, but three remain - Joseph, Survetus and Nathaniel. - Three of them having been called from life within the past three months. The deceased had never made a public profession of religion, but has been, especially in his later life, a praying man. He leaves a family of nine boys and one girl; to them he has ever been one of the kindest of father's, always endeavoring to lead them in the paths of sobriety, industry and integrity.
He also leaves a wife to mourn the loss of one of the best of husbands.
He has shown during the last year of his life that he accepted the offer of redeeming grace, and nearly his last words were, "I have lived long enough. This to me has been a beautiful world, but I am going to one still more beautiful." And when his sons from the West had come, and he had recognized them, he said, "Now I am ready, I desire death O, so much!"
The most of his time during his illness his mind his mind has been correct and he realized all that was going on around him, but occasionally he would wander in his imagination, and would seem to think that he was in his boyhood days. He would call those around his bed by the names of those he had known in his youth, and who are long since dead. One of his young relatives he called by the name which he had called his wife when he and she were young. He seemed to forget age and infirmity, and once more live in the happiness of youth. A short time before he died he fell into a quiet, natural sleep, and never woke. Without pain the sleep of life was changed to the sleep of death.
Thus quietly closed a long and useful life,
"Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep
From which none ever wake to weep."
His funeral was attended on Friday, Nov. 19th. Service at the house, conducted by Rev. Mr. WILKINS.
NOTE.- Our item of last week in reference to the death of Mr. WATERS, spoke of the death of his "consort." It should have read sister. - Ed.
Death has also been in our midst, and has taken the alike the old and the young. Mr. G.N. SKINNER's folks buried their only son, a short time ago. He was a bright little fellow about ten months old. Thus God has transplanted another precious flower from the earth to bloom in a more congenial clime.
The parents have the heartfelt sympathy of friends and neighbors, and many prayers have ascended to the throne of grace for their eternal welfare.
14 Dec 1869
L. Hibbard WHITTLESEY, editor and proprietor of the Northern Pennsylvanian, died at his residence in Gt. Bend, Dec. 7th, 1869, aged 25 years 11 months. His remains were taken to Union where they were interred with the solemn and imposing ceremonies of Masonic Knighthood. - Pennsylvanian.
Mr. WHITTLESEY was the step-son of Mr. Peter BRIDGMAN, a well known resident of Cortland.
21 Dec 1869
Died. ALLEN - In this village, on the 12th inst., Mrs. Matilda ALLEN, aged 63 years.
28 Dec 1869
Palmer KINNE, formerly a resident of this county, and for the last thirty-four years a resident of the State of Illinois, died at the house of Orrin STAFFORD, in the town of Victor, DeKalb county, on the 15th day of November, 1869. - Syracuse Journal.
Transcribed by Merton Sarvay
September - October, 2005
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