Cortland County Standard
4 Jan 1870
Harford, January 1, 1870
Mr. Editor: -
One week ago I wrote to you, and among the items was one describing the celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the wedding day of Dr. J.H. KNAPP and lady. On that evening, among the joyous company was a young lady, a niece of the Dr. - Miss Minerva CHURCH, who has been a member of his family for the past two years. Although somewhat indisposed at the time, she was among the guests, ever ready with a cheerful word and pleasant smile, endeavering to render the occasion an agreeable one.
But how sad the change! The apparently slight indication of disease rapidly increase, and, in a day or two, it was evident to the family that they must soon part with her; and on the morning of Friday, Dec. 31, at about three o'clock, the spirit took its flight. As the mournful tones of the bell conveyed the sad intelligence to the anxious neighbors, and the words, "she is dead," passed in subdued tones from lip to lip, there were few hearts but were saddened by the thought that Minerva is no more. Not more to earth; no more as the dutiful niece, the patient, affectionate sister, the agreeable and intelligent associate, or the honored and respected teacher of the young.
But we know that she is no more to us in these earthly relations; but, may we not hope that in another more pure and holy relation she is all to us? May we not hope that as her spirit is now disenthralled from its earthly surroundings, those good qualities of heart and character that have been so ornamental here, will now expand with accelerated growth under the holy influences that surround it in that glorious region beyond the grave?
Died. SPENCER - In this village, on the 28th ult., Mr. Isaac SPENCER, aged 79 years. Mr. S. has for many years been a resident of Blodgett's Mills.
18 Jan 1870
H.L. COLLINS, Esq., whose illness we alluded to several weeks ago, died at his residence last Wednesday night. His age was 55. He had resided in Cortland some fourteen or fifteen years, and filled the office of Justice of the Peace for ten or twelve years. He was an upright man, his conduct always being governed by conscientious motives.
25 Jan 1870
Freetown, Jan. 22, 1870
A short time since, Mr. and Mrs. H.A. CURTIS, with a small child a few weeks old, went to Marathon on a visit. When they arrived, to their surprise, they found the child had died on the road - probably from a fit. Their grief seemed almost uncontrollable.
Mrs. Louisa, wife of Lester HALL, died very suddenly, not long since. Her funeral was attended by a large assemblage, she having been an old and highly respected member of the M.E. Church. Mr. HALL was quite sick at the time of his wife's death, but is now better.
1 Feb 1870
Willett, Feb 1, 1870
Died Jan. 8, at his residence in Willett, Mr. Jedediah GREEN, aged 60 years. Few men have ever lived in our town more beloved and respected than the deceased.
Alvirus FRY, Esq., buried his youngest daughter Jan.30.
A Sad Case. - On Wednesday a poor woman named Marian COBB, of Homer, Cortland County, with two children, took the cars to Petersburg, Rensselaer county. On the route, as we learn from the Albany Express, her little son fell asleep on a vacant seat. The mother supposed he would remain there until the train arrived at Schenectady, where she would have to change and paid little attention to him. Soon the child was missed, and the mother continued on her way to Albany in a state of great mental excitement. Upon arriving in the depot of that city, a dispatch stating that an unknown child had been run over at Fonda and its leg crushed was placed in the hands of the conductor of the train and it was then only too evident that the little fellow had wandered out of the car and had fallen off the platform. The mother, who is a poor woman, went back to Fonda and recovered the remains. - Syracuse Journal.
8 Feb 1870
An old lady named STODDARD hung herself in DeRuyter a few days ago. She was nearly 80 years of age.
The body of Mrs. BETTS, mother of Mrs. James CALVERT, of Cortland, was brought here this morning on the cars, from New Brunswick, N.J., for interment in our cemetery.
Mr. John O'LEARY, a young and popular Irishman, for many years a resident of this village, and a member of W.W. Hose Cp., died of consumption last Saturday evening. His funeral took place this forenoon, the entire Fire department, preceded by the Cortland Band, and followed by a procession of carriages such as Cortland rarely has witnessed, accompanying the body to the grave.
We hear that a fatal accident happened to a Mr. GOODELL, at Cold Brook, who was felling trees, when a branch struck him to the earth. Help was soon obtained, but on reaching him he was found on his knees vomiting blood, from which he died not long after. Doubtless a blood vessel was ruptured.
Last Wednesday morning, as Addison BENTON, of Virgil, was chopping wood on the farm of Chas. HUTCHINGS, the ax glancing struck the calf of his right leg, cutting a deep gash and severing the main artery. It is evident that he did not suppose himself seriously wounded, as he called to Hallet SHEPARD, who was at work near by, and sent him for help, saying that he himself would walk to the house of Wesley HUTCHINGS, which was not far away. After proceeding about twenty rods, he became weakened through the loss of blood and fell to the ground, but died immediately on reaching it. Mr. BENTON was about 22 years of age, and was highly respected. What is singular in connection with this accident, is the fact that Mr. BENTON had a premonition of his fate, as he expressed himself to one of the family that morning to the effect that he did not feel as though he ought to go out chopping, although he was unable to give any satisfactory reason for his objection.
15 Feb 1870
Died. GURNSEY - In Marathon, on the 3d inst., Lucinda, wife of Theron C. GURNSEY, aged 28 years.
Died. GATES - In Homer, on the 4th inst., Mrs. Polly GATES, widow of the late Daniel GATES, aged 87 years and 5 months.
Died. CLARK - In Homer, on the 4th inst., of inflammation of the lungs and heart disease, Mrs. Mary Jane, wife of Daniel W. CLARK, aged 38 years.
15 Feb 1870
Mrs. Chas. TOWER met with an accident last Sunday, while on her way to church in Homer, and received such serious injury that it is feared she cannot recover. In company with the family of Alanson HOBART, she was riding in a buggy, and sitting in the lap of another lady, when the horse becoming frightened, jumped to one side, throwing Mrs. TOWER to the ground, and fracturing her skull.
P.S. - Mrs. TOWER has since died.
22 Feb 1870
Major Wm. LINCOLN, of Harford, formerly of Virgil, was found dead in his bed on the morning of Sunday, the 13th inst. He was 85 years of age, and had become so feeble as to be helpless. He was highly esteemed.
Terrible Explosion
Loss of Life
About nine o'clock yesterday (Monday) morning, the cry of "fire!" rang in the wildest accents through our streets, and the accompanying shout of "at the Normal School!" filled as we knew it to be with the children of the village, showed sufficient cause for the greatest terror and anxiety. In an almost incredibly
short space of time, the hose cart, the engine, and the hook and ladder truck were at the scene, but they were not needed. The danger was over. The disaster had been caused by a more powerful agent than the devouring flames, and one more sudden in its action.
One of those awful accidents by steam, of which, however distant it may be, one cannot read without a shudder, had occurred, and the full extent of the damage was at once known. The eastern boiler of the two used for heating the Normal School, and located in a small brick building about sixty feet therefrom and in its rear, had burst, instantly killing Mr. Henry DAINS, who had the boilers in charge, and seriously injuring a young assistant, MOSSOW by name. It would be impossible to describe in full the scene of devastation which presented itself to our view.
The walls clear to the foundation had been pushed asunder, and lay in a promiscuous heap of broken bricks around; the western boiler lay uninjured upon a heap of debris; one end of the other lay ten rods distant in the garden south, the other end just over the north part of the wall, while a large section lay in the center, but spread out nearly flat; a part of the outbuildings on each side and a portion of the chimney were blown away; pieces of brick had broken two or three of the windows in the school building; the roofs of the residences on Greenbush and Port Watson streets, and the ground for many rods on the south and east - the general direction given the fragments - were covered by pieces of boards, bricks, &c.
The body of Mr. DAINS was found in the garden on the east, full two hundred feet distant, having been thrown to the height of the School building, as was witnessed by some of our citizens who were passing near by. He was immediately taken home, when it was ascertained that his body was but little torn or bruised, but scalded severely about the waist. Mr. MOSSOW, who was standing at the north end of the boilers, was thrown to the ground outside, and partially covered by fragments, from which he was rescued by a hired girl of Mr. BEMENT, who witnessed the explosion. His injuries were very severe, being badly bruised and somewhat scalded. It is a matter of wonder that he was not crushed, but we learn that he is expected to recover.
It is only from the explanations given by Mr. M. that we learn what was being done in the building previous to the explosion, but as he knows nothing about matters connected with the management of the apparatus, we can but conjecture as to the cause. It seems, however, that the steam gauge showed only 42 lbs. in the east boiler, and that Mr. DAINS requested Mr. M. to stand by the gauge while he went up to the safety valve to fix it. On reaching the position desired, he asked Mr. M., "does it come up?" (referring to the indicator) but before the answer could be given, the boiler burst, and in a moment the dreadful act was consummated.
Mr. DAINS leaves a wife and child. His mother was absent at the time, but she and his brother Adin, who resides at Syracuse, were immediately telegraphed to.
We cannot close this account without referring to the admirable presence of mind as evinced by the Normal School teachers during the excitement. The scholars were instantly ordered to their seats, and then when quiet was restored, were dismissed in the usual way.
Neither can we refrain from expressing our gratification and that of thousands of others, for the decision which led to the placing of those boilers on
the outside of the school building. [See issue of March 8 for full testimony of the Coroner's Inquest, and the issue of March 15 for a report by the Normal School Trustees.]
1 March 1870
Death of Miles GOODYEAR.
Yes; the kind, good, genial, ever-welcome, greatly beloved, venerable Doctor GOODYEAR is dead. Last week he was walking our streets, apparently as vigorous as for years past. Friday he was struck with a chill, but recovered, and though taken with vomiting Monday, he was not considered dangerously ill until noon of that day. From that time he began to decline, and about 8 o'clock this (Tuesday) morning he breathed his last. The announcement, which spread rapidly through our village, and which from the Doctor's advanced age, was and might have been expected, was received by our citizens with visible emotion, each and all seeming to feel as though a vital part of Cortland's existence were taken away. Identified with the history of this county from its infancy, an indefatigable worker in his profession, and a Christian in the truest sense of the word, Dr. GOODYEAR will exist in the memory of those now living as long as life continues, and, too, to be remembered but with blessings. He follows closely his worthy compeer - Father MUDGE. His age was 76.
The funeral services will be held at the residence of the deceased on Friday, at one o'clock P.M. The sermon will be preached by Rev. E.W. MUNDY, of Syracuse, at the Stone Church on Friday evening.
______________ .__._____________
Obituary. - The venerable patriarch of Oberlin, known to all its students and residents for a score and more years as "Father KEEP," died in that place last Saturday, Feb. 12th, at the age of 89. He has been in very feeble health for some months, but the vigor he had preserved until last summer was remarkable. His old age bore abundant witness to the conservant effects of a heart kept in sympathy with younger folks and in step with the progress of events around him. -Advance.
Mr. KEEP was pastor of the Congregational Church of Homer from 1821 to 1833, and will long be remembered as an able preacher and faithful pastor.
8 March 1870
Died. KINNEY - In Houston, Texas, Feb. 14th, Somers KINNEY, Esq., late editor of the Houston Times, at the age of 45 years.
Mr. KINNEY was a brother of the editor of the Waverly (N.Y.) Advocate.
15 Mar 1870
Mr. Daniel REED, father of Rufus A. REED, was buried in our cemetery to-day. He had been living with his son in Albany where on Friday last he died. His age was 92 years.
22 Mar 1870
Died. STONE - In Whitney's Point, N. Y., March 13, of consumption, Lydia M., wife of S. N. STONE, aged 31 years.
The above was the daughter of Elijah R. STEDMAN, of this village.
Joseph HOWE, better known as "Uncle Jo HOWE" - a resident of Taylor during the greater portion of his life and aged about 80 years, was kindling a fire at the residence of Thos. WICKS, on the 16th inst., when he suddenly fell dead from a paralytic stroke.
5 Apr 1870
Died. BURDICK - In Preble, on the 28th ult., Dr. Phineas H. BURDICK, aged 69 years.
Died. FORD - In Homer, March 23d, 1870, Mrs. Ann B. FORD, aged 58 years.
12 Apr 1870
Mr. James BALDWIN, an old and respected resident of Preble died last week. Mr. BALDWIN has for many years been a prominent and influential citizen, and his loss will be felt very much. - Tully Republican.
Died. BOYNTON - In McGrawville, on the 3d inst., Dea. Adna BOYNTON, aged 61 years.
26 Apr 1870
Died. PALMER - In this village, on the 23d inst., Minnie M., only child of Samuel and Demeris PALMER, aged three years, one month and eighteen days.
The following verses were arranged, and sung at her funeral at the M. E. Church, on Sabbath last:
Gone to the grave is our loved one,
Gone tho' in childhood's hour;
Our hearts are left
Sadly bereft,
For we shall see her no more.
She has gone down the valley,
The deep, dark valley;
We'll see our Minnie nevermore
Till we pass down the valley,
The dark, death valley,
And meet her on the other shore.
Sweetly her form will be sleeping
Under the cypress shade;
Sad tho we be,
Fondly will we
Cherish the name of our dead.
Down thro' the valley before us,
Down to the other shore;
But with the blest,
Fair land of rest,
Weeping will come nevermore.
When from our work He shall call us,
When here our warfare's o'er
She then will come
To welcome us home,
And we shall part nevermore.
When we're gone down the valley,
The deep, dark valley,
We'll be with our Minnie evermore;
For the shade of that valley,
The dark, death valley,
Can never reach the happy shore.
Died. BISHOP. - In Marathon, on the 19th ult., of brain fever, Asa B. BISHOP, in the 69th year of his age.
Died. POMEROY - In this village, on Thursday, April 21st, after an illness of four days, from inflammation of the bowels, Gussie, son of S. T. POMEROY, aged 8 years and 20 days. [see 3 May 1870]
Died. McCORMICK - In Lock Haven, Penn., on Thursday, April 21st, Mrs. Sarah McCORMICK, aged 65 years. Deceased was a sister of Daniel BRADFORD of this village.
3 May 1870
Another Watchman Called from the Post.
At the age of 59 years Rev. Almond GALPIN 'passed away' to his rest Feb. 6, 1870.
At the age of 21 he obtained pardon of his sins through the blood of Christ, and was baptized into the fellowship of the Baptist church at Groton village. Having removed to Summerhill he was chosen Deacon of that church. But God had other work for him to do. He was licensed by that church to preach, and subsequently ordained to the Gospel Ministry in 1845 in Summerhill, and served them as pastor. He served also Spafford, Vesper, Freetown, Solon, Cincinnatus and McDonough, where he died.
Bro. GALPIN was a man of deep sincerity of heart, of strong faith and steadiness of purpose. His discourses were scriptural, clear, direct, and instructive. His manner was tender and earnest. God was pleased to give him a good degree of success in his work. Four years of declining health reminded him that the silver cord was being loosed, and that the Master would shortly call him home. In his sickness he was cheerful, patient, resigned, and happy to the last. The afternoon of his departure brought no terror to the man of God. Like Jacob of old, he addressed his wife and each of his five children in words never to be forgotten, and bade them each an affectionate farewell; having commended them to God, he sank away to that "blessed sleep from which none ever wakes to weep."
Rev. Jos. D. WEBSTER presented an appropriate discourse, the bereaved church and the more deeply bereaved family mingling their tears of mourning together. The remains of the deceased lie in the beautiful cemetery of Cortlandville. "The memory of the just is blessed."
Died. LAMONT - In Dryden, April 20, Daniel LAMONT, aged 75 years.
The above was the father of J. B. LAMONT, of McGrawville.
Died. POMEROY - In this village, on Thursday, April 21, after a sickness of four days, Julien Augustus, son of S. T. and Mary E. POMEROY, aged 8 years and 26 days.
Mr. Peleg HOLMES, one of the most popular and substantial citizens of Cincinnatus, died at that place last Friday night. His funeral took place on Sunday, services being held at the Congregational church, and sermon preached by Rev. Edson ROGERS, pastor. The remainder of the churches joined in paying the last tribute to the deceased, and an unusually large attendance testified to the respect to which Mr. HOLMES was held.
10 May 1870
Died. TERPENING - In this village, on the morning of the 6th inst., after but a few hours illness, Henry TERPENING, aged 82 years.
The body was taken on Sunday to Virgil for interment.
Died. CRANDALL - In McGrawville, on Monday, April 18th, 1870, Clarence CRANDALL, aged 16 years, 2 months and 28 days.
His brief sickness of but a week's duration was exceedingly painful, yet was borne with that fortitude which only divine grace can inspire.
The last and warmly-loved child of an oft-bereaved household, his was a peculiar place in the hearts of the family. Such were his traits of character, both natural and acquired, that he made himself a warm place in the hearts of those who knew him best. Never found wanting wherever placed, always dutiful, always gentle and kind, he commanded in an unwonted degree, the respect of all and won the deep love of many.
But a death such as his, though early, is not to be mourned; for his preparation for the blessed life to come, was, through faith in Jesus Christ, complete. During a powerful revival in the Presbyterian church, he experienced, as we trust, not quite two months before his decease, the regenerating words of ........
.......................greater attractions, and thither he longed to go. Hours before his death, he was anxious for his pulse to cease, that he might meet those who had gone before and be at rest. Without tasting the bitterness of life's earthly cup, as it has been mixed for many, he passed to heavenly joys.
Died. DOUD - In McGrawville, Monday, April 25th, Reuben Griffin DOUD, aged 69 years, 7 months and 12 days.
The death of Mr. DOUD, because of its suddenness, caused such a shock to this community as has seldom been felt here. The day his eternal summons came, he seemed in better than usual health and spirits. In the afternoon he was in the field at work, when suddenly he fell upon his face. Not more than two minutes elapsed from the time he was observed at work till his son reached him to render assistance. Turning him over, life was found to be extinct. Apparently without a struggle, without pain, his spirit took its flight.
In his house he will be sadly missed. His fireside he loved. Kind, considerate, attentive, he had the affection of all who came within the family circle.
As a neighbor, he was the object of affectionate regard. Peaceable, conciliatory, obliging, he lived harmoniously with those around him.
As a citizen, he was highly esteemed by all. He was upright, conscientious, ......achable. The most of his active business life was spent here. He was not only known, but well known. A man of few words, his life was manifested in his deeds rather than his speech. When the time for action came, he was always found on the right side. For what he ... and for what he did, he will be held in grateful remembrance.
Mr. John FRYE, an Englishman and a resident of Truxton, committed suicide last Friday evening by hanging. No other cause is known or given than that he had become crazy through excessive use of liquor. He leaves a wife and one child for whom he made no provision in his will, but did for taking the body to England for burial. A coronor's inquest was called, but with what result we have not learned. On hearing of the dreadful act, we were strongly reminded of the remark made several days ago in our hearing by A.L. POMEROY, Esq., ex-Justice of Sessions, and present member of the Executive Board of Trustees. Said he - "I want it distinctly understood that we give licenses in our town." A terrible comment on the action of the Board is the suicide of Mr. FRYE.
24 May 1870
In this village, on Wednesday, May 18, 1870, Frank W. only son of Samuel and Laura D. FREEMAN.
The deceased did not enjoy firm health, but had suffered from repeated and severe attacks of disease. At the time of his death he was gradually recovering from a serious sickness, in which sometimes life had been despaired of, and which had lasted several months. But he was able to ride and to walk out, and all were hopeful that in a few days strength would return, enabling him again to prosecute the varied duties and pleasures of life.
On Wednesday evening, about 5 o'clock, he said to his wife, "I need a little exercise and will walk over to father's," which was a few rods distant from his own residence. His father was engaged at the time in some duties in the street in front of his own house, and on inquiry as to his health, was answering promptly and cheerily, "I am feeling quite well - full as well as yesterday." Presently a change had taken place; the son said, "I feel bad," then repeating, "I feel very bad," which were the last words he uttered. His father, then but a few feet from his son, sprang to him, but ere he could grasp him, his body had fallen. He lifted him up and spoke to him, but received no answer. Help was called, physicians were in attendance, all possible efforts were made to resuscitate him, but in vain. No consciousness returned, life was extinct. The spirit had taken its flight. The journey of life ended in a pleasant walk for exercise. When he looked for vigor and returning health, behold, death came! "Truly, there is but a hand's breadth between us and death." His sudden death fell with a crushing weight upon his dear wife and parents, and indeed upon the whole community. The deceased has resided in Cortland about six years, where he has made many warm friends. His life had many interesting peculiarities, to but a few of which we can allude at this time. He possessed a kindness of spirit and expression that attended him in whatever he did. As a businessman, he had the confidence of all who knew him - excelling in correctness and dispatch in business. He was an exemplification of practical temperance, good order and correct deportment.
In his death, a dear wife is bereft of a young and loving husband, a home is made desolate, parents mourn a loving and only son, a sister an only brother, and society is deprived of a young man of influence and promise.
The funeral services were attended at the house by a large number of relatives and friends. A deep and general sympathy for the bereaved seemed to prevail.
The burial services were under the direction of the Masons - a large body of that Order being present.
We are all admonished by this providence to be ready to die and go to our long home.
Through the kindness of Mr. N.H. HAYNES, we learn the particulars of a somewhat mysterious and unusually determined case of suicide, which happened in the woods of Mr. BUCHANAN, and about a mile and a half from the County Poor House. It seems that an Irishman by the name of CLEARY, as he afterwards gave it, came by train (having been furnished with a ticket by the Onondaga County Superintendent of the Poor) to Cortland, on the 12th inst., and applied to Mr. Benjamin WELCH, our Superintendent, for admission to the County House, which, of course, Mr. W. could not give. He went, however, to the Poor House, where he remained until Saturday morning, when he was informed that he could not be kept longer, and he therefore left. On Tuesday morning Mr. BUCHANAN, while searching
through his woods for some cattle, discovered among the underbrush a pair of human feet resting upon a small log, and a further examination disclosed the body lying upon its back, having fallen from the log upon which he had apparently been resting at the time of committing the fatal act. Alarm was immediately given, and Coroner BARNES being notified, a jury was impaneled, and an inquest held in the woods where the body was found. The legs, arms and neck had been terribly cut up, but none of the gashes were deep enough to sever an artery, and, as Surgeon HUGHES testified, from 24 to 48 hours had passed ere death ensued. As no letters or memoranda of any kind was found upon him, nothing further was known regarding his antecedents than what was stated to the inmates of the County House - that he had come from Rochester. Starvation could not have been the cause, as he had with him provisions for two or three days, and it is mere surmise that he was tired of life. His age was probably between 50 and 60, as his hair was nearly white.
31 May 1870
Died. POMEROY - From this place, on Sunday, May 29th, at 7 A.M., after an exceedingly painful sickness of three weeks, of inflammatory rheumatism, Wilbur Herbert ("Bertie"), son of Sanford T. and Mary E. POMEROY, aged five years and seven months, went to join his little brothers Fordie and Gussie, in "The Better Land."
21 Jun 1870
Died. BROWN- In this village , on the morning of Tuesday, June 2d [or 21?], 1870, of disease of the heart, Mary L., daughter of Isaac W. and Mary A. BROWN, aged 16 years and 1 day.
Although a sufferer for upwards of five months, during which time, though surrounded with all the medical skill that could be procured, she had been gradually sinking, and death had been expected, yea, welcomed as a relief, yet it is difficult to realize that the dearly loved daughter is indeed gone forever. Those only who have been similarly afflicted can fully appreciate the deep sorrow of the stricken parents. The funeral will be held at the residence on Thursday, at 3 P.M., from whence the remains will be taken to Homer for burial.
Died. MERRICK - In this village, June 15th, 1870, of heart disease, Mrs. Lucinda MERRICK, relict of the late Danforth MERRICK, Esq., aged 70 years and 10 days.
Mrs. MERRICK was born in Columbia, Conn., but when nearly 7 years of age removed to the eastern part of this State, after which she came into Cortlandville and has been a resident of this village for fifty years.
She was an affectionate and faithful wife, a kind mother, a friend to the poor, and an excellent and influential member of society. In her religious views she was a consistent and exemplary Universalist, ever ready in words and deeds to commend to others the beauties and divine excellencies of her glorious and elevated faith, which during her long and useful life, served as an "anchor to the soul both sure and steadfast."
As her physical strength diminished her spiritual strength increased more and still more, till she departed from this to the joys of a higher and better life.
She leaves two sons and two daughters besides other relatives to mourn her departure, and yet they rejoice that the dear one is at rest. Her funeral was attended on the 17th inst., by relatives and a large concourse of sympathizing friends to whom a sermon was preached by Rev. J.H. HARTEN, of Auburn N.Y.
28 Jun 1870
Union Valley June 23, 1870
Editor Standard: The news from this place this week, is of a more painful character [than] last. A sudden gloom has been cast over our [ ] community by the sudden death of Mrs. Mary SHUFELT, wife of Mr. [Ambrose?] SHUFELT. Tuesday she was in usual health and did her household work. About eleven o'clock that night she woke her husband, complaining of pain and difficulty breathing. Her husband immediately sent for the neighbors and a physician, but before either arrived, she called her children, and telling them to be good children, bade them adieu, and then died. I believe the Doctor called her disease neuralgia of the heart. she was a warm and estimable lady, and leaves a fond husband and three loving children and a large circle of friends to mourn her sudden death. The entire community unite in their sympathy for the afflicted family, and pray that God will grant them the consolation of His grace in their bereavement.
5 Jul 1870
We hear of the death of a young lady by the name of RAWLEY, residing about two miles from Truxton on the Preble road, from a too free indulgence in cold water, when overheated. It seems that the water was drank while she was ironing on Saturday last, and on Monday morning she died.
Union Valley, July 1, 1870.
Editor Standard: The "dark-winged messenger" has brought sorrow to our community again, and one of our former citizens has yielded to the mandate of "pass ye away." Col. Samuel L. BEEBE, who, until this last year had been one of our most valued citizens, died in Cincinnatus Sunday morning, June 26th, in the 49th year of his age. For several years he had suffered from a cancer on his arm, which had been several times removed by Dr. HYDE, of Cortland, but which had returned with increased severity. So severe, indeed, had it become, that a year ago he was forced to sell his farm and retire from business. He removed to Cincinnatus, hoping with rest and treatment to regain his health, but Death had marked him for a victim, and there was no reprieve. In February he went to Philadelphia for treatment, where he remained until June 18th, reaching home only a week before his death.
Col. BEEBE was an earnest and patriotic man, and his efforts to promote the Union cause during the late rebellion were zealous and untiring, and the readiness with which the quotas of his town were filled, was greatly owing to his vigorous efforts. His residence was formerly in Lincklaen, Chenango county, which county he faithfully represented in the Legislature of 1860. He was a consistent member of the First Congregational Church of Union Valley, and the church, as well as his family and the community, deeply feel his loss. His funeral was attended from his late residence in Cincinnatus. The discourse was preached by his former pastor, Rev. S. GARVER, of Homer. He leaves a wife and two children to mourn the loss of a kind and indulgent father; and that God may be unto them, indeed, a "Father to the fatherless and the widow's God," is the prayer of
Yours, Veritas.
12 Jul 1870
Harford, July 5, '70.
P.S. - This morning an Irishman by the name of William P. MALLORY, a workman of the railroad, living at this place, was run over by the returning excursion train from Owego, which visited Auburn yesterday. His head was entirely severed from the body, one arm cut off, and both legs crushed. Cause, strong drink.
Died. PHILLIPS - In Dryden, on the 4th inst., Deacon Daniel PHILLIPS, aged 81 years.
Died. CARPENTER - On the 5th inst., in Dryden, after a short illness, Miss Amelia Jane CARPENTER, aged 20 years.
19 Jul 1870
Died. GEE - In this village, Wednesday, July 6, Betsey GEE, relict of John P. GEE, aged 73 years.
2 Aug 1870
John P. HART, of McLean, died last Friday night of typhoid fever. In accordance with a request of the deceased, he was buried with Masonic ceremonies. Members of the Masonic fraternity from McLean, Dryden, Groton, Ithaca, Cortland and Homer participated in the ceremonies. - Dryden News.
Suicide by Drowning.
We have never been called upon to record local incidents which have so thoroughly aroused and created such a general sentiment of indignation among the citizens of our village as those we are about to narrate. And we sincerely hope that we may never be called upon to record similar ones.
Last Wednesday morning the thrilling fact that Mrs. Laura MOORE, of this place, and daughter of Julius CRITTENDEN, Esq. of Cincinnatus, and a highly esteemed lady, had committed suicide the night previous by drowning in a culvert near the Tioughnioga river, and where the water is some six or eight feet in depth, caused intense excitement in our village. Coroner BARNES, of Cincinnatus, was early notified, a jury impanneled, and an inquest taken. From the testimony given we find the following:
Mr. and Mrs. MOORE, who, with their little son boarded at the Cortland House, took a walk down Main street as far as the residence of J.A. SCHERMERHORN; she being fatigued, they turned back; in accordance with a previous request to buy her a thimble, he stopped at the jewelry store of M. MICHELSON, while she went on, and had gone as far as the next corner when he started on; he had nearly overtaken her at the store of Welch & Co., where one of the partners accosted him concerning a sewing machine, while his wife crossed the street and arrived at the Cortland House first; on his arrival, immediately after, he found the door locked, - nothing unusual; going around on the piazza to the window, he sat on the sill and talked with her; she appeared excited - was undressing, and would partly take off one garment and then commence on another; words were exchanged relative to the walk, she saying that if he could not act better he should not walk with her again - which was not said angrily; one word led to others, she remarking that she could not see why she "should be blamed and damned for what she knew nothing about," which seemed to refer to some slanderous gossip regarding her indulged by a malicious lady acquaintance. Mr. M. went to bed, and his wife putting on her hat and shawl, without a word, went out; after lying nearly half an hour, he got up and searched for her; went to the residence of his brother R.R. MOORE, on Railroad street, and aroused him; lights were procured, help obtained, and a general search began; she having once remarked that she knew a good place if one wanted to drown, the party proceeded to the railroad crossing on Mill street, where they divided, Mr. M., his brother and a couple of others going toward this culvert; a hoop skirt being found on a fence, and a hat and a shawl lying on the abutment of the bridge, led to the finding of the now dead body in water about six feet deep; the corpse was removed to the residence of R.R. MOORE, where it was viewed by the coroner's jury.
[summary of verdict: Laura J. MOORE came to her death by strangulation and drowning by her own act while in a state of temporary mental abberation caused by the belief on her part that an improper intimacy existed between her husband and one Melissa BLYE.]
Preble, July 30, 1870.
Last Friday afternoon as Mr. James MITTEN, an employee of Nicholas VAN [H.......], was cutting grain with a mowing machine and "carrying his swaths" - or mowing on one side of the grain, raised the cutter bar perpendicular and started back, holding the bar in that position with his hand. As he turned a corner, he thought his foot must have apparently hit the lever and thus put the machine in gear. The knives of course commenced to vibrate, which making a loud rattling, frightened the horses, who commenced to run. James threw the bar to the ground, and in doing so he thought the machine tipped up a little which caused him to lose his balance, and he fell from his seat (the machine being a rear cut) directly in front of the bar, which caught him and dragged him about ten rods, the knives cutting and the bar bruising him in a horrible manner. The bar then bounded over him, catching him by the toe of the boot, and dragged him some two rods until it cut his boot and toes off. Medical aid was immediately summoned and he lived in the most intense agony until 6 o'clock this morning when he died. Those acquainted with him called him a very estimable young man.
[The following items arrived too late for publication last week. - Ed.]
Harford, July 25, '70
About 3 o'clock last Friday afternoon, as Mr. Jarrison HEFFRON of this place, and a man by the name of SMITH were at work felling a tree, a limb caught, and hitting Mr. HEFFRON on the head, knocking him senseless for a few minutes. On recovering, SMITH obtained a conveyance and took him home. Drs. KNAPP, of Harford, and BARNES, of Marathon, were quickly called, but no help could be given him, and about 12 o'clock of the same night he died. He was buried on Sunday, the funeral taking place at the residence of the deceased.
Harford, July 25, '70
The infant son of Mr. J.D. PURPLE died last Friday night, the funeral taking place on Sunday at the Union church.
Edward ELDRIDGE departed this life at his residence, near Cortland, July 25th, 1870, aged 77 years and 5 months.
His remains were interred in the beautiful hillside cemetery at Cortland. The deceased was born in Sharon, Schoharie county, N.Y., Feb 26th, 1793, and was united in marriage in the year 1811 to Lucinda TAYLOR, daughter of Henry TAYLOR, of Schoharie county, N.Y., who was the sharer of his happiness, trials and sorrows, and still survives him. In 1833 he emigrated to Cortland county N.Y., where he has resided since. His time was principally occupied in the pursuit of agriculture.
During the last three months of his life his sufferings were intense, yet he bore them without a murmer, but not without a tear. He retained his senses
to the last moment.
Everything was done to alleviate his sufferings that could be by physicians and friends, but without avail. His life was prolonged by kind and good treatment. The deceased was afflicted with gangrene or black erysipelas, which is beyond the power of medical skill. As it was apparent that he could remain with us but a short time, he was asked by his eldest son how he felt in view of death's near approach. He replied "I am ready to meet my God." He was then asked by a relative what she should say to dear one absent. "Tell her I am going home to heaven."
He was a kind and affectionate father, ever ready to advise and assist each in their different vocations. He was ever ready and willing to help those in need. His home was a home for all. He was known to be a kind and noble man, highly esteemed by all who knew him. He leaves a large family and many friends to mourn his loss.
9 Aug 1870
Died. STEBBINS - In Homer, July 29th, Mr. Almus STEBBINS, aged 64 years.
Died. GARDNER - In Homer, July 31st, Mr. Henry GARDNER, aged 82 years.
23 Aug 1870
After an illness of several weeks, the wife of Maj. Aaron SAGER died last night about 12 o'clock. Funeral services at 10 A.M. Wednesday, at the Presbyterian church.
Died. POLLARD - In Hunt's Corners, on the 4th inst., Willie POLLARD, aged 6 years.
Lines on the Death of Willie POLLARD
by J.E.
A little floweret grew beneath
The tender, loving care
Of those who watched and tendered it,
So sweet, and pure, and fair.
That little floweret, "Willie dear,"
The youngest and the pet,
Was in a moment stricken down;
His morning sun has set.
I wish not to get well and play,
With smiling face he said,
When asked to take the bitter draught
But for your sakes I will.
O mother dear! do take me home,
I'm tired, I want to rest;
O do not feel so bad for me,
He calmly did request.
Dear parents, brothers, sister dear,
Think of the fadeless crown
That now encircles Willie's brow
And 'twill your sorrows drown.
An angel bright is Willie now,
And beckons you to come,
To meet him in that land of light,
That bright and happy home.
Dear schoolmates now a tribute bear,
Your brightest flowers bring,
Fair immortelles and myrtle twine,
Love's fadeless offering.
And daily strew his grave with flowers,
That loved one from your band,
So lately taken from your midst
By a bright angel band.
30 Aug 1870
Died. CARPENTER- At the residence of his son, in Taber, Fremont Co., Iowa, on Sunday, Aug. 21st, Elijah S. CARPENTER, formerly of this village, aged 78 years.
Died. GOFF - On the 10th inst., at East Homer, Mrs. Catharine GOFF, aged 82 years.
6 Sep 1870
Last Tuesday evening, Mrs. James N. BAUM, formerly Mrs. DANN, of Marathon, in this county, committed suicide by taking arsenic. She was the second wife of Mr. BAUM, to whom she had been married about five months. Coroner M.G. HYDE held an inquest the following day, when it appeared that letters had passed, both before and since her late marriage, between herself and Mr. John Q. ADAMS of that place; that the discovery by her husband of one she had written that day to Mr. A. caused or rather hastened the committal of the deed - she, it seems, having greatly feared of late that Mr. BAUM intended to leave her, and it had seriously affected her mind. Some of these letters were produced on the inquest, but have not been placed on record, and we are without the means of judging as to whether they showed criminal intimacy between the parties named. The opinions of the citizens differ on that point. The jury returned as their verdict, that "Mrs. BAUM came to her death at the dwelling house of James N. BAUM, on the 31st day of August, 1870, from taking poison (arsenic) from her own hand; that she was induced to the act by domestic infelicity and from fear of desertion by her husband."
13 Sep 1870
Died. STEPHENS - In Cortland, suddenly, Wednesday, Sept. 7th, Eliza Meachem, only child of Josiah and Mary E. STEPHENS, aged five years and four months.
"The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."
Died. BRIGGS - In Cortlandville, on Wednesday morning Sept. 7th, Joseph BRIGGS, (late of New York city), aged 45 years.
Died. WARREN - In Binghamton, Sept. 7th, Jennie, infant daughter of George L. and Clara WARREN, aged three months.
Died. LENG - In this village, on the 7th inst., William LENG, aged 75 years.
20 Sep. 1870
The trial of Mike FURGUSON for the murder of Jonathan LUNGER and his wife on the night of March 30th last, on the west shore of Cayuga Lake, at Goodwin's Point, was concluded at Ithaca Tuesday, and FURGUSON was found guilty of murder in the first degree. He was Wednesday morning sentenced by Judge MARVIN to be hanged on the fourth of November next, between the hours of nine and three o'clock.
Died. HANNUM - In Homer, on the 8th inst., Mr. Zelotes HANNUM, aged 77 years.
27 Sep 1870
Died. PARK - At New Haven, Conn., on the 31st ult., Mrs. Jane PARK, eldest daughter of Josiah P. INGRAHAM, of Homer.
Died. THOMPSON - In New York, Sept. 22d, of consumption, Mr. I. Delay THOMPSON, aged 34.
Mr. THOMPSON was formerly a resident of this vicinity, where he has a large circle of relatives. He leaves a wife (daughter of Mr. T. CONGDON, of this village,) and one child. The remains were brought to Cortland for interment.
Died. NEWCOMB - On the 24th inst., of typhoid fever, at the residence of her son-in-law, Rev. G.W. HOWLAND, in Salisbury Centre, Herkimer Co., N.Y., Louisa M.
NEWCOMB, aged 63 years, 8 months and 28 days.
11 Oct 1870
Died in Cuyler, Oct 4, 1870, Penelope PATRICK, wife of Nathaniel PATRICK, aged 77 years and 5 months.
The deceased, from her connection with the early settlement of this county, is entitled to more than a notice. She was born in Saratoga county, this State, in May 1793, and came to the town of Cuyler in Oct., 1794, with her father Nathaniel POTTER, and settled on lot 96, near the State's Bridge, being the first family that settled in what is now the town of Cuyler. Her mother died in May 1795, being the first death, leaving two children, Stephen, being two months old and first birth in that town. At this time the nearest neighbors were the WHITNEY family on lot 92, near Truxton village, four miles distant. Her father Nathaniel POTTER, was killed by the falling of a tree on lot 86 in 1799, leaving Mrs. PATRICK an orphan. Was married in 1810 to Nathaniel PATRICK, who died in 1844 on lot 86, Cuyler.
Mrs. PATRICK has reared 14 children, 11 of whom are still living. The deceased was, in many respects, a remarkable woman; possessed a strong and vigorous constitution capable of great endurance, qualifying her well to endure the hardships and privations of a frontier life. Had a vigorous mind, a very retentive memory, a great love for reading, and a mind well stored with useful knowledge and great stability of purpose. Was a good mother, a kind and generous neighbor and citizen, a kind and genial companion, which gave her great influence in her family and in the social circle. Her health had been uninterruptedly good till 1861, when she was stricken down with paralysis, one side being paralyzed to the day of her death. Thus has passed away the earliest settler of Cuyler, and one of the two last persons, surviving settlers of Cuyler, of the last century, and one of the last connecting links of the past generation and this.
18 Oct 1870
Died. McALLISTER - In Shipman, Ill., Sept. 7th, Morgan McALLISTER, aged 24 years.
The deceased was formerly of South Cortland, but for the past three years had been in the employ of the Chicago, Alton and St. Louis R.R. Co. as brakeman. On the night of the 7th ult., while passing along the top of the train, and just on the point of stepping from one car to another, the coupling broke, and the cars separating, he was precipitated to the track, where four of the cars passed over him, injuring him so severely that he died in about five hours. His remains were accompanied home by Mr. Zera TANNER, who was in the employ of the same road. We consider that the kindness of Mr. TANNER is worthy of this mention. Morgan is spoken of as upright and honest, and always at his post. His death was painfully sudden.
25 Oct 1870
Joseph WOOLSTON died at his residence in Preble, N.Y., on Monday the 17th inst., of paralysis of the heart, in the 78th year of his age.
Mr. WOOLSTON, with his father, came to this town in the year 1804, at the age of eleven, and at the time of his death was the only person, with one exception, remaining of the settlers of the town when he came. During all his life he was an active and highly esteemed citizen. For some fifty-six years he was an honored member of the M.E. church, and in his death his family, the church and the community feel how great a loss they are called upon to sustain. He had no notice of his approaching end. But all who knew him felt assured that a good man had gone home to his reward, in Heaven.
The funeral on Wednesday was attended by a large concourse of sympathizing people, who listened with hearty endorsement to a sermon preached by Rev. Horace HARRIS, from the text - "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course," &c.
Good-by, cherished father, good-by until we meet
In that beautiful city with its golden street,
Where the flowers ne'er fade on that evergreen shore,
Where loved ones are gathering to welcome us o'er.
Died. ORMSBY - In Homer, on the 18th inst., Mr. D.D.R. ORMSBY, aged 58 years.
Acquainted with the deceased since boyhood, we can earnestly testify to his kindness, integrity, and the manly qualities of which he was possessed. Indeed, we never knew a more generous, disinterested friend and neighbor. His death is indeed a personal as well as public loss.
Died. BOWEN - In this village, on Tuesday, the 25th inst., Rev. Elias BOWEN, aged 79 years and 4 months.
Funeral at the home, at 11 A.M. Thursday, Oct. 27th.
15 Nov 1870
Died. COLEGROVE - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., Aug. 6th 1870, Mrs. Elizabeth M., wife of Edward J. COLEGROVE, aged 28 years.
Five or six years ago she went down into the waters of baptism and put on Christ at the same time that her husband was baptized. She then united with the seventh day Baptist church in Cuyler, and from that day until her Divine master called her away, she lived a faithful, devoted, Christian life, witnessed a good confession, and died in the hope and full assurance of a glorious resurrection. She was a kind and affectionate woman, loved by her neighbors and all who knew her. She has left behind her an affectionate husband and a dear little girl to mourn over her death, and they have the sympathy of the entire community.
Dearest sister, thou hast left us,
Here thy loss we deeply feel;
But 'tis God that hath bereft us,
He can all our sorrows heal.
Died. HARD - In Virgil, Oct. 26, Eliza, wife of Geo. HARD, and daughter of Alvin and Malvina TRAPP, aged 21 years.
22 Nov 1870
Death of Harriet D. Kendall.
The following resolutions were passed by the Faculty of the State Normal School of Cortland (of which she was formerly a member) on hearing of the death of Mrs. Harriet D. KENDALL:
Whereas, God in His inscrutable providence has seen fit to remove from her earthly labors, in the prime and vigor of life, Mrs. Harriet D. KENDALL; and
Whereas, By this dispensation the Faculty and School with which she has been connected have been deprived of a faithful and fellow laborer, and of an earnest friend; and
Whereas, By this bereavement the mother especially, and other relatives of the deceased, have been plunged into fresh grief; therefore -
Resolved, That under this afflictive providence, recognizing the merciful hand of God, and believing that our Heavenly Father is too wise to err, and too gracious to be unkind, we most humbly and devoutly submit to the mandate - "Pass ye away."
Resolved, That in Mrs. KENDALL we recognize one who has earnestly espoused the cause of primary education, and in her efforts to prepare herself for a professional teacher, has bravely borne up against the difficulties and vicissitudes of life; and on entering upon her career of labor, evinced in a striking degree the true spirit and enthusiasm of a successful teacher.
Died. RORABACK - In this village, Nov. 11th, of Typhoid Fever, Henry RORABACK, aged 20 years and 3 months.
Died. RIGGS - In Homer, Monday, Nov. 7th, Dr. Lewis RIGGS, aged 81 years, 9 months and 21 days.
Died. ANGELL - On the morning of the 21st inst., at the residence of his son-in-law, Wilber C. MAY, of paralysis, Jerome ANGELL, aged 70 years.
29 Nov 1870
Death of Henry RORABACK.
The following resolutions were passed by the Presbyterian Sabbath school Sunday Nov. 27th, upon the death of Henry RORABACK:
Whereas, It hath seemed good to our Heavenly Father to suddenly remove by death our young and promising brother, Henry RORABACK, from our church and Sabbath-school to his home in heaven;
Whereas, This severe and sudden affliction falls heavily upon the family of the deceased, and is deeply felt by the church and Sabbath-school; therefore,
Resolved, That we, as officers, teachers and scholars of the Presbyterian Sabbath-school, extend to our brother and his family our heartfelt sympathy and fervent prayers in this their hour of trial and deep affliction, commending them to God who is the refuge and strength of His people, a very present help in
time of need.
Resolved, That in the death of Henry RORABACK the church, the Sabbath-school, and the community is deprived of one of its most promising young men.
6 Dec 1870
Died. FREEMAN - In Truxton, N.Y., Sept 30th, of consumption, Rufus FREEMAN, aged 56 years.
Died. FORBES - In Cincinnatus, November 26th, George A., youngest son of Oramel F. and Annie FORBES, aged 17 years and 7 months.
Died. HOWARD - In Tully, on the 28th ult., Joel HOWARD, aged 71 years.
Mr. HOWARD was a native of West Greenwich, R.I., from whence he removed to Pompey, N.Y., in 1828, where he was in the employ of Hon. Victor BIRDSEYE for fourteen years, as overseer and manager of his large landed estate. For the past twenty-seven years he has been a resident of Tully. By his industry, strict integrity and sterling worth he won the respect and esteem of all who knew him.
Died. DUNBAR - In Preble, on the 28th ult., Mrs. Catharine DUNBAR, aged 67 years.
Mrs. DUNBAR was a native of Ulster Co., N.Y., and removed to this county thirty-three years ago, twenty-seven of which she has resided in Preble. At the age of seventeen she united with the Presbyterian church. In her death the church has lost an active, zealous worker, a generous contributor and wise
counselor; the community, a warm-hearted, social, and highly-esteemed friend; her children, an ever kind, loving mother; her husband, an affectionate, worthy wife, whose kindness endeared her to all.
"As sets the western sun,
So sank a loving soul to rest."
Died. PHELPS - In Cortland, Oct. 17th, 1870, Mr. Benjamin C. PHELPS, aged 75 years, 2 months and 17 days.
Mr. P. was a native of Morris Co., N.Y. When he was four years of age his parents came to Truxton, where they remained a year and then removed to Homer, bought a farm and remained upon it until their death. At the age of 21 he bought a farm in Cortland which he occupied until his death.
20 Dec 1870
Brakeman Killed. - About three o'clock yesterday afternoon, Martin PEMBROOK, a brakeman on the Syracuse and Binghamton division of the Delaware and Lackawanna railroad, was almost instantly killed by falling between two cars and being run over. He was walking on the top of the cars, and in jumping from one to another fell, as stated. This accident occurred at Chenango Forks. His body was terribly crushed and mangled. The deceased was eighteen years of age, and had but recently come into the employ of the company. He was a sober and intelligent young man, and had many friends. His remains were taken to the residence of his widowed mother at Binghamton. Syracuse Journal, 15th inst.
27 Dec 1870
Died. WOODEN - In Virgil, of Typhoid Fever, on Saturday, Dec. 17, Hattie C., only daughter of John and Catherine WOODEN, aged 13 years.
"The king of shadows loves a shining mark." A cherished bud just beginning to blossom and to spread abroad fragrance everywhere, has suddenly been snatched from its parent stem and laid away in the cold bosom of earth. An only daughter, upon whom the affections of parents had been placed, - one whom they looked upon for happiness in their declining years; but alas, too fondly! Suddenly, when least expected, Death - cold, relentless Death - enters the household and takes away that graceful form, that joy-beaming countenance, leaving a vacant chair at the table and fireside, which never again can be filled as once it was.
An only sister, who leaves two brothers to mourn her loss, is gone. One, a little, infant form, who had trusted in her confidingly, and just begun his young and innocent life with her to lead and to keep him from wandering away.
Not only has a family circle been broken, not only have parents been bereft of the presence of a dear one, not only have brothers lost a loving sister, not only have the bonds of friendship been rent asunder, but a school has also felt keenly the absence and departure of one of its most promising members. All mourn the loss of a schoolmate and most obedient pupil; one whose very presence and words so kindly spoken were felt and known by all.
Of the twenty-six pupils who entered school the first day, with the determination to do a good winter's work, the prospects of none were brighter than those of Hattie. Yet she remained with us only six short days. Willingly did she obey the rules of school, willingly perform every task allotted to her when well she could. Well do we remember the last time she asked to be excused from a duty assigned to her, on account of ill health. Little did we then think it would be the last time we ever would excuse her; but such it was; it was her last illness. From that time, nearly four weary weeks of suffering, ever hoping, did she, with the kindest and best of care, endure sickness and pain.
Died. COOK - In Preble, Dec. 10th, 1870, in the 75th year of her age, Miss Eunice COOK.
She was a native of Massachusetts and migrated to this county about fifty years ago, where she has since resided. For over forty years she has been a member of the Presbyterian church, and by her consistent Christian deportment was a bright and shining light. She was one of those intelligent, genial souls that made warm friends in any circle.
Transcribed by Merton Sarvay
October - November, 2005
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