Cortland Republican
1815 - 1821
7 Jul 1815
[Died.] - At Preble, on the 28th ult. of a consumption, which she bore with Christian fortitude, Mrs. Sarah CROFOOT, wife of Mr. Ebenezer CROFOOT, in the 51st year of her age. She has left a husband and ten children and a numerous connection, to mourn her loss. [Communicated.]
14 Jul 1815
Died - In this town, on Tuesday morning last, Miss Clarissa KINNEY, aged 15 - daughter of Moses KINNEY, esq.
"Tell them, tho' 'tis an awful thing to die,
'Twas e'en to thee - yet the dread path
once trod,
Heaven lifts its everlasting portals high,
And bids the pure in heart behold their God!"
[Died] - At Preble, on the 2d instant, an Infant Child, of Mr. Joseph MARSHALL.
5 Aug 1815
Died - On Saturday last, Mr. Loren KINNE, aged 20 - son of Moses KINNE, Esq. of this town.
16 Sep 1815
Died - On Sunday the 10th inst. Mrs. Hannah SCOTT, - aged 35.
24 Nov 1815
Died - Suddenly, in this town, on Sunday morning last, Mr. Banajah AMES.
26 Jan 1816
Died - On Tuesday morning last, Mrs. ---- GRAY, wife of Mr. Darthick H. GRAY, of this town.
16 Feb 1816
Died - On Sunday last, Mr. ------, MILES, aged 65.
23 Feb 1816
Died - On Saturday morning last, Mrs. Sally CRARY, aged 34 - wife of Mr. Spencer CRARY of this village.
10 May 1816
Died - At Hamilton, Madison county, the 11 of April 1816, Mrs. Orilla KING, consort of Gen. Nathaniel KING, aged 30.
[Died] - At Preble, on the 20th day of April, Mrs. Polly WHITLOCK, wife of Daniel C. WHITLOCK, in the 28th year of her age. - She has left an afflicted husband and three small children, and numerous other connexions, to mourn their loss.
[Died] - At the same place [Preble], on the 28th April, Wm. H. STONE, in the 8th year of his age, son of Levi STONE, of that place.
14 Jun 1816
Died - At Marcellus, Onondaga county, on Friday the 31st of May last, Mrs. Margaret ALLEN.
So strong were the suspicions that she came to her death by poison, that on Tuesday June 4th, her body was dug up, and examined by a number of physicians, who were unanimously of opinion, that the cause of her death was owing to her having taken large quantities of corrosive sublimate; and, from the circumstances, it is suspected that her husband was the person who administered it with a view to take her life. We understand he has been apprehended for the crime.
[Died] - In this town, on the 5th inst. Mr. Edward FITZGERALD, aged 51. He was found dead in the highway, near his house, a short time after he left it. He is supposed to have died in a fit of epilepsy; a disease to which he had long been subject. He was a professor of religion, and was hopefully prepared for so sudden an exit, and for a happier world. He has left a widow and six children. Cort. Repos.
28 Jun 1816
Died - In this town, on the 21st inst. Mrs. --- HOAR, wife of Deacon Jacob HOAR, aged 28 years.
5 Jul 1816
Obituary. Casualty. - On the 27th ult. a number of men working on a road in Solon were felling trees, one of which in its descent struck a young man by the name of Truman WARD - and hurled him into eternity. His father witnessed the direful scene. He left a wife about 16 years old to lament the loss of her youthful husband.
[There were no notices of deaths in any of the newspapers until 1 Nov 1816.]
27 Dec 1816
On the 17th inst. Obadiah BOIES, Coroner, was called to view the body of Mrs. Cindrilla M'CARTHY, wife of Mr. Thomas M'CARTHY, of Truxton, who had that afternoon put an end to her existence, by hanging herself. From the testimony it appeared that she had been at times insane, for a number of years; and had frequently attempted to destroy herself previous to that time. She had been but a few minutes missing, when she was found hanging by a small skein of yarn, in the chamber of her own house, with her feet and legs on the floor.
3 Jan 1817
Died - In this village, on Monday night last, Mr. Enoch RICE, aged 37. Mr. RICE was apparently well in the evening, and retired to bed at a pretty late hour - about one o'clock he expired, without a struggle or a groan!
[Died] - In Cincinnatus, on the same night [Monday night last], and near the same hour [one o'clock], Mr. William SMITH, aged 69. He was walking about the house, the moment before he fell down dead!
We do not recollect ever to have heard of an instance of sudden death, similar to these - two men, but a few miles distant from each other, and nearly at the same instant, took their departure "for that undiscovered country, from whose bourne no traveller returns," without a moment's warning. - The former was
in the vigor of health and manhood - the latter we believe had no other indisposition than the infirmities of age.
7 Mar 1817
Died - In this town, on the first instant, Mr. Asahel MINER, aged 39.
[Died] - On the same day [the first instant], Mr. Erastus SPALDING, aged 45.
[Died] - On the 3d inst. Mrs. Mary RICE, (wife of Deacon Eliphalet RICE,) aged 65.
[Died] - On the same day [3d inst.], Mrs. Betsey STEADMAN, (wife of Mr. Justus STEADMAN,) aged 54.
14 Mar 1817
Died - At Genoa, on the 29th January, George HUNTLEY, youngest son of Mr. David HUNTLEY, aged four years and nine months. His death was occasioned by an immoderate draught of whiskey. He expired in about twelve hours after taking the deadly draught.
28 Mar 1817
Died - In this town on Tuesday last, Mr. Darius KINNEY. His death is said to have been occasioned by a small burn upon his hand.
18 Apr 1817
Died - In Homer Village on Sunday last, the wife of Mr. Elizur KINNEY.
7 Jun 1817
Died - In the village of Manlius, on Thursday morning the 22d ult., after a long and painful illness, Mr. Leonard KELLOGG, Senior Editor and
proprietor of the Manlius Times, aged 36 years. He left a large circle of friends and relatives, to lament his untimely exit.
[Died] - In this town, on the 28th ult., Mrs. Priscilla WASHBURN, wife of Isaiah WASHBURN, aged 60.
14 Jun 1817
Died - In this town, on the 9th inst. Mr. WORDEN, formerly from Genesee County, aged 33 years.
[Died] - On the 13th a child of the deceased [Mr. WORDEN] aged about one year.
5 Jul 1817
Died - In this Village, on the 30th ult. Hiram, the son of Mr. Jacob WHEELER, aged two years.
[Died] - In this town on the 4th inst. Mr. ----KYES, aged about 70.
12 Jul 1817
Died - In this village, on the 7th inst., A child of William MALLERY, Esq.
[Died] - In Preble, on the 3d inst. Mrs. Elizabeth SUMMERS, in the 56th year of her age.
Drowned in the same place [Preble], on the 8th ult. Peter EGBERTSON, aged about 13 years.
6 Sep 1817
Died...At Lansing on the 7th August last, Daniel BACON, Esq., in the 46th year of his age, after a severe and painful illness of four weeks, which he bore with surprising fortitude. He has left behind a numerous and respectable circle of friends and acquaintances to lament his loss. He was an affectionate husband; a kind and tender parent; a useful and respectable citizen. In him liberality, economy, industry and honesty were combined; and if real worth and an approving conscience are a passport to the beatific regions, we trust he has met with approbation of a merciful God.
20 Sep 1817
Died... In Connecticut, on the 12th ult. Luther BARSTOW, Attorney at Law, late of Homer Village.
[Died].... In Port Watson, two twin children of Mr. Sewell B. FLETCHER, one on Monday and the other on Thursday last.
25 Oct 1817
Died... In Port Watson, on Tuesday the 16th inst. a Child of David WHEELER, aged one year.
[Died] - In Cortland Village, on the 17th inst. an infant child of Charles W. YNDE.
1 Nov 1817
Died...At Sidney Plains, in Delaware County, on the 28th of September last, Mrs. Jane JOHNSTON, wife of Col. Witter JOHNSTON of that place, and sister to the editors of this paper [B. S. and D. CAMPBELL], in the 46th year of her age.
29 Nov 1817
Died - In this town on the 28th inst., a child of Major McCAPES, aged 10 days.
10 Jan 1818
Died.... In Homer Village, on the 6th inst., Lyman, second son of Joshua BALLARD, Esq. - aged 8 years.
14 Feb 1818
Died.... In Wheatsborough, Huron county, Ohio, on the 25th of December last, Mr. John BAKER, formerly an inhabitant of this town. His death was occasioned by a hurt which he received the day before, in assisting to raise a log house.
21 Feb 1818
Auburn, January 21.
Died - On the 11th inst. Mrs. Deborah PENICK, aged 31 years, (wife of Mr. Wait PENICK, and daughter of Capt. Edward WHEELER, all of this town,) after a lingering illness of two years, from schirrous enlargement of almost the whole substance of the liver. After death, she was opened by Doct. PITNEY,
assisted by Doctors William C. BENNET, COOLEY and LAWRENCE, and about six quarts of water taken from the cavity of the abdomen. The liver was then taken out and weighed - its weight was 34lb. 4 oz.* All the other viscera were sound.
*The ordinary weight of a healthy liver in an adult is from 3 to 4 lb.
21 Mar 1818
Died....At Pompey, on the 14th instant, Charles BALDWIN, Esquire, Attorney and Counsellor at law. He was a young man of spotless character, and prospects the most brilliant. To rare natural endowments, he added the most valuable acquisitions of learning; and gave indubitable evidence of future usefulness and glory. Endeared to his friends by all that was virtuous and worthy, in the most indissoluble bonds of affection; and esteemed by all who could boast his
acquaintance, his loss is deeply and poignantly deplored.
4 Apr 1818
Died... In this village, on the 24th ult., Mr. Samuel INGALS.
In Homer Village, on the 1st instant, Mrs. Patty ROSS, wife of Townsend ROSS, Esq.
6 Jun 1818
Melancholy Event. On Thursday the 4th inst., at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, during a heavy thunderstorm, the house of Mr. David CAYE, about four miles from this village, was stuck by lightning, near the top of the roof, which it considerably shattered, and descended to the eaves. There was no other injury done to the house, and its course could not be traced any further. Stephen CRANE, a boy about twelve years of age, son of Mr. John CRANE of this town, who was
standing leaning against the door post on the opposite side of the house, was struck, and instantly expired. His hair was singed and the blood was settled round his neck, which were the only marks of violence upon him. There were only two other persons in the house, Mr. CAYE and his son, who were sitting within three or four feet of the deceased; they received a pretty severe shock, but were not materially injured.
11 Jul 1818
Distressing Casualties. On the second inst., as Mr. Edwin WELLS, aged 20, only son of Gurdon WELLS, Esq. of German, Chenango co., was standing in the door of his father's house, attempting to draw the charge from a gun, the breech slipped off the threshold, and the contents of the gun, were discharged through his head carrying with it the brains, which it scattered in all directions.
Mr. WELLS was a valuable young man, and universally esteemed, when living, when dead is most sincerely lamented.
On the same day, a child of Gideon CURTIS, of this town, aged two years and eight months, fell backward, into a pail filled with scalding lie. Although it was taken out immediately, it was so badly scalded that it expired the following day.
Died - In Homer Village, on the 4th instant, Mrs. Dorcas COYE, wife of David COYE, Esq. aged 32.
[Died] In Truxton, on the 6th, Mrs. Lydia McKNIGHT, aged 67.
[Died] In Homer, on the 8th, Miss Polly HURLBUT.
25 Jul 1818
Died - In this town, on the 15th instant, Mrs. Nancy WEBB, wife of Mr. Elisha WEBB, aged 34.
[Died] On the 10th, the wife of Mr. George W. GOBLE.
26 Sep 1818
Died.... At Lansing, on the 11th inst., Gen. Henry BLOOM, sheriff of the county of Tompkins.
10 Oct 1818
Accident. On the 2d inst., Mr. Bradford CHURCHILL, of Truxton, fell from the steeple of the Baptist meeting house, now erecting in that town - a distance of 50 feet, and was so severely bruised that he died on the 5th inst.
31 Oct 1818
Died.... In this town on the 19th inst., Mrs. MILLER, mother of Gen. Daniel MILLER, aged 71 years.
[Died] On the 25th, Noah, the youngest son of Mr. David JONES, aged three years.
7 Nov 1818
Died... In this town on the 28th ult., after a distressing illness of only 27 hours, Noah Nelson JONES, son of David JONES, Esq. aged 3 years and 6 months. He was attended by three physicians, Messrs. SEARL, OWEN and LYNDE. The disease being violent and obstinate, and of so sudden and fatal termination, and the cause doubtful, they were permitted to open the body. - The result, however, was in some measure inconclusive. Two worms were found in the duodenum near the stomach, and some degree of inflammation, in the same part of the intestine. The deceased was the 10th child and 5th son - was remarkably sprightly and active. His loss is very much lamented by his parents, brothers and sisters, and all others acquainted with him. Thus God disappoints the fondest expectations of parents, especially those who set their hearts on fading earthly objects.
14 Nov 1818
Distressing Event.
On Sunday evening the 8th instant, a melancholy circumstance happened in Cincinnatus, the particulars of which, as far as we have been able to learn, are as follows: - On that evening, Mr. Arnold THOMAS and his wife were unfortunately drowned, while crossing the Otselic River, in the night. They, together with Mr. BURLINGAME and two young ladies, were returning from the house of God, where they had been to offer to that God, before whose Throne they were so shortly to appear, the pious oblations of their grateful hearts. We are informed that where they crossed, the water was deep, and a great number of loose logs swam on the top, and extended across the river. On these rolling logs boards had been laid, and thus formed a temporary bridge, on which people were in a habit of crossing. The bridge separated, and they were precipitated into the river. Mr. BURLINGAME, with much difficulty, succeeded in saving himself and the young ladies. The deceased were taken out, after remaining in the water about an hour and a half. They were much respected, and have left a family of small children to lament their unfortunate and premature exit.
Died - In this town, on the 8th instant, a daughter of Mr. Isaiah WASHBURN, jun., in the fourth year of her age.
At Quincy, on the 28th ult., Mrs. Abigail ADAMS, the amiable consort of President ADAMS, in the 74th year of her age.
In the village of DeRuyter, N.Y. on Tuesday morning the 25th ult., after a distressing illness, patiently endured, about four months, Mrs. Charlotte AYLSWORTH, wife of Mr. Sylvester AYLSWORTH, merchant of that place; and daughter of Capt. Frank BROWN of Smithbury, Connecticut, in the 29th year of her age.
9 Jan 1819
Died - In this village, on the twenty-ninth ult., an Infant Son of Doctor Levi BOIES.
4 Feb 1819
Died....At Scipio Cayuga County, on Monday the 25th ult., in the 48th year of her age, Mrs. Editha STEPHENS, consort of Dr. Josiah STEPHENS, of that place, and mother of Mrs. R. RANDALL and Henry STEPHENS, Esq., of this village.
An eloquent and impressive discourse was delivered by Elder Nehemiah COY, to a numerous audience, from Psalms 50,15.
"And call upon me in the day of trouble:
I will deliver thee, and thou shall glorify me."
"Tell them, tho' 'tis an awful thing to die,
'Twas e'en to thee - yet the dread path once trod,
Heaven lifts its everlasting portals high,
And bids the pure in heart behold their God."
25 Feb 1819
Died - In Locke, on the 5th instant, Charles C. ROLLO, youngest son of Mr. John H. ROLLO, of that town, in the 4th year of his age.
[Died] In this town, on the 21st, of a consumption, Miss Jane TURNER, daughter of Deacon Alexander TURNER, aged 28 years.
[Died] In Truxton, on the 24th, of consumption, Mrs. Polly M'CLUER, wife of Mr. David M'CLUER, of this village.
4 Mar 1819
Died....In this town on the 28th ult., a child of James BURNHAM, aged one year.
[Died] In Groton, on the 28th, an infant son of Mr. William ROLLO, aged 2 months.
11 Mar 1819
Died - At Lawrens, Otsego county, on the 17th ult. Mr. Jeremiah JENKS, father of Mr. Anthony JENKS, of this village, aged 89 years. He never wore spectacles, and never employed a physician until the day of his death. The day before he died, he was able to walk two miles without help. - He lived only 12 hours after taken sick. Cortland Repository.
22 Apr 1819
A remarkable death and deliverance.
On the fifteenth instant as Mr. Stephen POTTER, his son Allen, and Mr. Barton CAPRON were repairing the floom of Mr. POTTER's saw-mill, in the town of Solon, they considered it necessary to remove a certain stick of timber, and by this removal, the dam suddenly gave way, and carried the floom with it; on which they were at work, by which Mr. POTTER and son were thrown into the current, among the timber. Mr. CAPRON, providentially caught hold of the corner of the mill, and thus was saved. Mr. POTTER was carried the distance of about eighteen rods under the timber and planks, and when on the point of relinquishing all
hopes of deliverance; expecting in a few moments to be in eternity, the mass of timber parted over his head and formed a vacancy through which he escaped. His on
after about three fourths of an hour was found under the timber (which after floating about twenty-five rods, was stopped by a large tree which lay across the stream) a lifeless corpse. Thus infinite wisdom mark'd the path but sovereign power controlled its force, and restored the father to his family, whilst the son, the blooming youth, aged seventeen years, eight months and nineteen days, in an unexpected hour was taken out of time into eternity.
6 May 1819
Died....At Sacket's Harbor, on the 14th ult. Lieut. Lewis GERMAN of the U.S. navy, and son of Gen. Obadiah GERMAN, of Chenango. He was a brave and meritorious officer - second in command on Lake Ontario, and nobly defended his country in the late war, under the gallant HULL and BAINBRIDGE, on board the Constitution frigate, when the Guerriere and Java British frigates were taken.
22 Jul 1819
Died - In Portland, Chautauque co. on the 5th inst., Mrs. Mary CAMPBELL, relict of the late Hugh CAMPBELL, and mother of the editor of this paper, in the 70th year of her age. The evening of her life was as tranquil as the meridian had been virtuous. She had no wish to remain longer - she felt happy in exchanging the unreal pleasures of this world, for the more perfect enjoyments which she confidently anticipated in another. Without a pang she witnessed the ravages which time was making with her mortal part - without fear she beheld the approach of death. No gloomy doubts disturbed her last moments. And when she was fully prepared to obey the summons of God, death
"cut the fatal hair;
"The struggling soul was loos'd, and life
dissolv'd on air."
[Died] On the 8th inst. in this town, Mrs. Anna AUSTIN, wife of Asa AUSTIN, aged 37 years, she was a respectable member of the church and has left an affectionate husband and numerous family to mourn their loss.
29 Jul 1819
Died - In Locke, on the 18th inst. about 9 o'clock in the evening, Mr. Hosea CURTIS, in the 80th year of his age; he ate his supper as usual and went to bed in perfect health, was a few minutes after, taken with a fit, as supposed, and expired in about ten minutes. He had lived 60 years with the wife of his youth and raised a numerous family.
12 Aug 1819
Died - On Thursday the fifth instant, Maria, only child of Mr. William BARTLIT, of this village - aged two years.
9 Sep 1819
Died - In this town, on the 26th ult., Mr. Jonathan BROWN.
[Died] In Locke, on the 28th, Mr. Samuel BENNETT, of Perrinton, Ontario county, aged 64, and on the 31st, his wife Paulina, aged 58, and were both buried in one grave. - They were on a visit at the house of their brother, Capt. William WATTLES, where both were attacked with the bilious, which terminated with the typhus fever. They were both born in one town, and had lived together about 38 years.
[Died] In Homer, on the first inst., Mrs. RICKERT, at an advanced age.
23 Sep 1819
Died - At Waterloo, on the 15th inst., Col. John CHAMBERLAIN, formerly of this town, and one of the judges of the court of common pleas, in this county.
[Died] On the same day [15th inst.], in this town, a son of Mr. Prosper CRAVATH, aged about 10 months.
[Died] On the 8th, Mrs. Anna KYES, aged 78.
14 Oct 1819
Died - This morning, at sunrise, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Polly WISWELL, wife of Oliver WISWELL, Esq. of this village, aged 33. Her funeral will take place to-morrow, at 10 o'clock, A.M.
11 Nov 1819
Died - On the 10th instant, Deacon Eliphalet RICE, an old and respectable inhabitant of this town.
18 Nov 1819
Died - In this town on the evening of the 13th inst. Col. James BENNET, aged 64, leaving a wife and a large family of children, to lament the loss of a tender husband, a kind and benevolent parent, and one of those early patriots that were signalized by gaining the liberty which they now enjoy.
Col. BENNET held a commission in the army of the revolution. He was early enrolled under the banner which waved with various prospects for a number of years, amidst the perils of our revolution. He was engaged in a number of the bloody contests that signalized our emancipation; and whether the American eagle retired amidst carnage and destruction from a superior force, or triumphed over our oppressors, and waved victory to its followers, and liberty to its
country, his hand was always ready to support the pillar of freedom.
His neighbors and friends, in disposing of his remains, have demonstrated their respect for the man, and those who have broken the shackles of slavery. He was duly interred by his Masonic brethren, with the usual ceremonies of that order.
25 Nov 1819
Died - At Ithaca, on the 6th instant, Charles V. M'CLUNG, Esq. aged 22 years. His remains were on Sunday committed to the earth in Masonic order, attended by a large concourse of brethren.
16 Dec 1819
Died - In Portland, Chautauque co., on the 14th ult., Miss Elizabeth CAMPBELL, sister to the editor of this paper, aged 42. Almost from her infancy, she had been the subject of a most distressing malady, which had deprived her of all the pleasures of the world, and rendered life gloomy and burdensome. For about 25 years, she had been afflicted with fits of a most violent nature, with which she was often visited three or four times a day; in consequence of which she had frequently experienced very serious accidents. On the 7th ult., in one of these fits, when the family were not present, she fell, with her face and breast into a very hot fire, where she was supposed to have lain about a minute. On being taken from the fire, she immediately recovered from the fit, and for half an hour appeared to suffer the most excruciating agony, when she sunk into a stupor that continued until death kindly relieved her from her misery, and from a world in which she had experienced more than an usual portion of the afflictions that fall to the lot of mortals.
27 Jan 1820
Died - In this town, on the 13th inst., Mr. Elihu RUSSELL, aged 66, and almost deaf and dumb. His death was occasioned in the following distressing manner:- On the 24th of December, he fell through a hole in the loft of Messrs. W.& R. RANDALL's Ashery in this village, into a potash kettle of boiling lye. He was immediately taken out; but his back, one arm and one side were so severely scalded that his life could not be saved.
26 Apr 1820
Died - In this town, on the 20th inst., a child of Mr. Jacob MALTHIE, aged three years.
31 May 1820
Died - In this town on the 28th inst., Mr. Moses BUTTERFIELD, aged 56.
7 Jun 1820
Died - In this town on the 4th inst., the Rev. Elnathan WALKER, pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Homer Village. He was amiable in his deportment, a sincere disciple of the cross, and has left a character without a blemish.
14 Jun 1820
Died - In Victor, Ontario co. on the 21st ult., Nathaniel CAMPBELL, Esq. formerly of Florida, Montgomery co. in the 30th year of his age.
[Died] In this village, on the 9th inst., a child of Mr. Oliver BONNY.
21 Jun 1820
Died - In this town on the 19th inst., Mr. Daniel HARLOW, aged 30.
5 Jul 1820
In Groton, Tompkins county, (N.Y.) on the 1st inst. by suicide, Josiah WETMORE, aged 29 years. The circumstances of his death were shocking; - On account of some domestic trials, he had, for some time previous, intimated an intention to seek a release from them, by taking his own life. He had, for a number of weeks endeavored to drown his troubles by excessive drinking; but this method did not succeed, as it made him more fretful and unfitted him for sustaining his troubles. The idea of leaving the companion of his youth and four helpless children unprovided for and of rushing, uncalled, into the presence of his maker, together with the remonstrances of his friends, were not sufficient to direct him from his awful purpose. He procured a quantity of opium; and, after showing it to his wife and some neighboring women who were at his house, and declaring what he intended to do with it, eat it in their presence. Their attempts to get it from him were in vain. Medical aid was soon obtained, but his resistance prevented them from getting anything down him till it was too late. Awful profaneness mark'd some of the last sentences which he uttered!
Aurora Republican.
9 Aug 1820
Died - In this town, on the 27th ult., Capt. Revilo FORD aged 40. His death was occasioned by the falling of a limb upon him, two days before, while chopping in the woods.
[Died] In this village on the 17th inst. Mrs. Sina M'NIEL, relict of the late Mr. Samuel M'NIEL, of this village, aged 65 years.-
Her death was occasioned by falling down the cellar stairs, while engaged in some domestic concerns. The side of her neck was very much bruised, and she received also, a severe wound to the forehead. -
She survived the dreadful accident which occasioned her death about four hours.-
Her remains were interred in the burial ground of Christ's church in this village on the 19th inst. when an appropriate sermon was delivered by the Rev. Mr. BUSH of Oxford. Rep. Herald
16 Aug 1820
Died - In this town, on the 4th inst. Mr. Benjamin COREY, aged 60 years.
[Died] In Preble, on the 10th, Mr. Milo CRAVATH, aged 16.
[Died] In Homer, on the 10th, a daughter of Capt. Rufus BOIES, aged 6 years.
[Died] On the 13th, a child of Mr. Samuel CRANDALL, aged about 10 months.
30 Aug 1820
Died - In Freetown on Friday the 25th inst., of consumption, Miss Amelia ROBERTSON, aged 23.
6 Sep 1820
Died - In Homer, on the 4th inst. a son of Deacon Jacob HOAR, aged about 10 years.
18 Oct 1820
Died - At the mouth of the Arkansas, Mrs. BERRY, wife of Mr. Jairus BERRY, of Cortland co, N.Y.
22 Nov 1820
[Died] On the 16th inst., of a consumption, Miss Patty HUBBARD, daughter of Solomon HUBBARD, Esq. of this village - aged 16 years.
7 Mar 1821
Died - In Virgil, on the 3d inst., of a consumption, Mr. Oliver BALL.
14 Mar 1821
Died - In Port-Watson, on Tuesday the 6th inst. Mrs. Mary GODFREY, wife of Mr. Jonathan GODFREY, aged 61. She died in full belief of Jesus Christ. Com.
25 Apr 1821
Died - Suddenly in this village, on Sunday morning last, a child of Peleg BABCOCK, Esq. aged 8 months.
Cortland County Deaths 1821 to 16 May, the end of the film, from the Cortland Republican. If there were any later editions of this newspaper, they were either not filmed, or not saved.
Transcribed by Merton Sarvay
June, 2006
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