The Cortland Democrat
22 Sep 1840
Died, In Cortlandville, on the 6th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Mr. Nathan DRESSER, in the 26th year of her age.
20 Oct 1840
Died, In Cortland Village, on the 11th inst., a child of Mr. Quartus NOBLE, aged 2 years.
10 Nov 1840
Died, In Preble, on the 7th inst., Jacob Henry, son of Mr. Barnet EGBERTSON, aged 12 years. His death was occasioned by a wound of the brain made with a ball from a gun, fired by a young man at a dog near the house of Mr. S. THOMPSON. The boy was looking through the window when the gun was fired off, it being loaded with 3 balls and some shot. The balls struck some stone in the road which turned their direction, and they all passed into the house in different places, one of which entered the window where the boy stood and fractured the skull and depressed the bone. Drs. BLANCHARD and BURDICK performed an operation and removed a number of pieces of bone, hair and some portions of his cap, but the brain was so injured that the little sufferer only lived to the 4th day after the accident. The writer desires that this may warn people to be more careful in firing near dwellings.
17 Nov 1840
Died, In Hardwick, Mass. Oct 13th, Mrs. Sophronia, wife of Mr. Stillman CLARK, aged 42.
5 Jan 1841
Died, In Cortland village on the first day of January, after a lingering illness Helen Augusta, daughter of Joel B. and Elizabeth HIBBARD, aged 12 years 6m. and 25 days.
19 Jan 1841
Died, - In this village, on Sabbath morning, the 10th inst., Mr. Lewis THOMAS, clerk for Messrs C. M. HAWLEY & Co., and son of John THOMAS, Esq. of Cortland
Village, aged 19 years.
Seldom do we meet a young man of more promise. His talents were of no ordinary character, and remarkably well adapted to merantile pursuits. His stainless honor, his vivacity and steadiness of purpose, his frank and manly deportment commanded the highest regard, and endeared him to his most intimate associates. By his death, society has lost a bright ornament. He made no public profession of religion, but his moral character was spotless, and his mind drank deep of religious feeling. A few days before he was taken sick, he expressed feelings, and made known a reslution, which give his friends strong reason to hope that he possessed riches in heaven, and has gone there to enjoy them. The youthful social circle, in which his talents and virtue made him conspicuous, has received a shock at a point so central and sensitive, as to send a moral lesson, a loud warning through its ranks. - Hamilton Palladium.
9 Mar 1841
Died In Cortland Village, on the 4th inst., Miss Sarah Ann Amelia, daughter of Mr. Seepta RINDGE, aged 14 yrs.
26 May 1841
Died, - In this Village, on the 20th inst. Miss Margaret A. WHITMORE, aged 18 years.
16 Jun 1841
Died, In this Village, on the morning of the 4th inst., Mrs. Lydia BASSET, wife of the late Joshua BASSET, and formerly of Red Hook, Dutchess county, in the 77th year of her age, after a short and severe illness.
7 Jul 1841
Died, In Cortland Village, on the 3d of July, Mrs. Eliza, wife of Mr. John HUTCHINSON, aged 38 years.
18 Aug 1841
In our columns will be found the account of one of the most heart rending disasters which has ever occurred on the American waters in the destruction of the steamboat Erie, and the loss of upwards of 170 passengers.
But what will give a peculiar interest to this awful catastrophe, in the eyes of our readers is the fact that our own county has been called upon to furnish its quota to the dead of the Erie. Among those who perished were two sons of Judge LYNDE of Homer, young men of high promise and were just starting in the world with prospects such as surround but few young men of our country. To intellectual and moral qualities of a high order, to personal accomplishment, high ambition, untiring industry - to wealth and hope and youth what could be added? All are swept away - and with them the hopes, the pride, and the happiness of their bereaved family.
Mrs. LYNDE, the wife of the eldest brother James LYNDE, it will be seen was rescued. - She is the daughter of Asa BABCOCK, Esq. of Truxton, in this county.
NOTE: in a list of those lost from the ERIE disaster are: Chas J. LYNDE, Milwaukie and Watts S. LYNDE, Homer N. Y. In the list of those saved is Mrs. LYNDE, Milwaukie.
25 Aug 1841
There is a very lengthy obituary for Charles James LYNDE and Watts S. LYNDE, sons of Hon. Tilly LYNDE, of Homer, in the Cortland Democrat 25 Aug 1841 which I
will not copy unless requested.
8 Sep 1841
Died, In Cortland Village, on the 3d inst., Charles A. PATTERSON, son of Mr. Jas. PATTERSON, aged 18 years.
15 Sep 1841
Died, In Cortlandville, after a short but severe illnes, Mrs. Nancy, consort of Mr. Elisha D. RANSOM, in the 24th year of her age. She bore her illness with Christian fortitude and died rejoicing in the hope of a blissful immortality. She has left a large circle of friends and relations to mourn her untimely death.
Died, In Cortlandville, on Tuesday 14th inst. James Orville, only son of Mr. Elisha D. RANSOM, aged one month and fifteen days.
Died, In this village, on the 13th inst, Lewis Chandler, an infant son of James S. LEACH, Esq.
6 Oct 1841
Died, In Solon on the 3d inst., Mrs. Nancy, wife of Christopher L. MADISON, aged 46 years.
3 Nov 1841
Died, At Rochester on the 29th ult., Mrs. Sarah C. SHIPMAN, wife of Doct. Daniel M. SHIPMAN, aged 24 years.
10 Nov 1841
Died, At Preble October 29, Mr. Thomas HOWARD, in the 70th year of his age.
Died, at Port Watson, on the 9ht inst., Mr. John CRANDALL, aged 25 years.
23 Feb 1842
Died, At his residence in Cortland Village on the 19th inst., Solomon HUBBARD, Esq. in the 76th year of his age.
Mr. HUBBARD was born in Brimfield, Mass. on the 9th of August 1766. He was one of the first settlers of this town, having located in Homer about the year 1794. For nearly fifty years which he has lived among us, he has sustained an exemplary character in all the relations of life, and his loss will be most sensibly felt by the community.
23 Mar 1842
Died, In Truxton, on the 16th inst., Mrs. Sally C. HOOKER, wife of Increase M. HOOKER, aged 65 years. Mrs. H. was the daughter of the late Deac. John CLARK, of Harford, Vt., and while yet in her father's house, consecrated herself to Christ, by whose blood she hoped to be cleansed from all sin; and afterwards lived and died in the fellowship of his church. Trusting in her Redeemer, and sustained by his grace, she bore a long and painful illness with great patience, marking the steady approach of death with composure, and looking down to the grave as a resting place of her emaciated body from all further pain, and forward to the resurrection to life eternal as the
consumation of her hope, and completion of her felicity in the presence of God and the Lamb.
6 Apr 1842
Died, In Cortland Ville, on the 21st ult. Hamilton E., son of Nathan CHAPIN, in the 4th year of his age.
Died, In the same place [Cortland Ville] on the 2d inst., Amaziah B., son of N. CHAPIN, above, aged 6 years.
13 Apr 1842
Died, In Cortland Village, on the 29th ult., Sarah Elizabeth, infant daughter of Rufus A. and Sally J. REED, aged one year and seven months.
"Ere sin could blight, or sorrow fade, ---
Death came with friendly care,
The op'ning bud to heaven convey'd,
And bade it blossom there."
Much of the rest of 1842 was missing, as was all of 1843 and the first part of 1844. - Mert Sarvay
[First part of year missing]
22 May 1844
Died, At Marathon, on the 15th inst., Mr. Orry NICHOLS, in the 94th year of his age. He emigrated to this state in the early part of his life, from Connecticut, and died "an honest man, the noblest work of God." He raised a numerous family, who are deprived of the counsels of an affectionate father, and community of a useful citizen.
Died, At West Creek, Indiana, on the 18th of April last, of consumption, Miss Mabel WELLS, formerly of this place, aged 21 years. Through her sickness she manifested a Christian reconciliation to the will of God.
29 May 1844
Died, In South Cortland, on the 27th inst., Mr. Thomas McKEE, aged 60 years.
3 Jul 1844
Died, In Cortlandville, on the 29th ult., Francis, son of Henry S. RANDALL, aged 21 months.
10 Jul 1844
Died, In this town, on the 30th ult., Miss Hannah HAWLEY, daughter of Mr. Samuel HAWLEY, aged 19 years.
31 Jul 1844
Died, In Truxton, on the 16th inst., Arnold HICOCK, Esq., aged 61 years.
4 Sep 1844
Died, Another Revolutionary Soldier Gone! - In Willet, on the 15th ult., Mr. Archibald CAMPBELL, aged about 95 years.
Mr. CAMPBELL has been active and useful in many battles, with WASHINGTON, WAYNE, and GREENE, and once, at the taking of a fort in possession of the British, he saved his life by placing his head between the legs of a British officer, who struck at him while he was attempting to prevent the firing of a cannon.
Died, In this village, on the 31st ult., Mrs. ______SWEET, wife of Stephen SWEET, Jr., aged 38 years.
18 Sep 1844
Died, In Logansport, Ind., on the 3d inst., of congestive fever, Mr. Lyman LEGG, formerly of this village, aged 50 years.
Died, In Syracuse, on the 6th inst., Miss Meriva LEARNED, formerly of this village, in the 20th year of her age.
9 Oct 1844
Died, In Cincinnatus, on the 30th of August last, Mr. Enoch BLACKMAN, aged 82 years. Mr. B. was a soldier of the Revolution, enlisting early under the banner of his country, and became an active participant in some of the most thrilling scenes of that eventful period. As a christian, he was humble and sincere, and for the few past years of his life, an exemplary member of the Congregational church. He retained the possession of his mental faculties up to the moment of his exit, and died without a struggle, in the hope of a glorious immortality hereafter.
Transcribed by Merton Sarvay
April / May, 2005
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