Died, In DeRuyter, Madison co., on the 25th ult., of dropsy on the brain, Melissa Lavantia, daughter of Henry VAIL, aged 22.
Died, In this village, on the 11th inst., of consumption, Miss Chloe BANGS, aged 19 years.
Died, In this village, on the 5th inst., Henry, son of H. F. PIERCE, aged 1 year and 8 months.
Died, In this village, on the 6th inst. Norton, son of David N. BARBER, aged 6 months.
Died, At Vincennes, Indiana, on the 25th of January last, at the residence of her brother, John C. HEBERD, Mrs. Eunice EARLL, aged 30 years.
Died, In East Virgil, on the 16th inst. of dropsy in the head, Joseph G. GRAY, son of William GRAY, aged 16 years.
Died. At East Homer, on the 2d inst., Mr. John WRIGHT, a Revolutionary Soldier, aged 85 years. (See ALBRIGHT, 19 Mar 1845 issue)
Died. In this town, on the 5th inst., Mr. James SIMONS, aged 74 years.
Died. In Scott, on the 26th of February last, after a short but severe illness. Mary, wife of Joseph CARVER, of Niles, Cayuga co., aged 22 years.
She died in the full triumph of faith in God, as she said a few hours before she died, that she was making a happy exchange from a world of trouble to that of bliss and immortal glory.
Died, in East Homer, on the 2d inst. Mr. John ALBRIGHT, a Revolutionary Soldier, aged 85 years. (An error having occurred in the publication of the above, two weeks ago, we now correct it.)
Died, in Solon, March 17th, Miss Sevilla MARSH, aged 34 years.
Miss MARSH had for a number of years been a member of the Presbyterian Church. In her life she adorned her profession, and in her last moments she could say, "Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." Where the deceased was known, she was known as a Christian.
At Cincinnatus, March 23d, Mrs. L. G. BOYD, wife of J. B. BOYD, aged 28 years.
Mrs. BOYD had been a member of the Presbyterian Church of this place from her youth. She had endeared herself to us, by her interest in all those things that stood connected with the interests of others, and the cause of Christ. She excelled, perhaps, in making her home a home of piety, and still cheerful. She in life filled a place of usefulness, in the neighborhood and the community. The religion which she so well exemplified in life was her strong support, and comfort in death. In her death all feel afflicted. Though she is gone, the recollections of what she was while here must continue with us, to stimulate us to duty. In the midst of life and health, at an unexpected moment, in a few brief hours, death robbed the community of one of its ornaments, and the cause of Christ on earth of one of its praying members. But while God has seen fit to take her from the temple below, the thought that he has added one more to beautify the temple on high, forbids that we should murmur.
Died, At Port Watson, on the 31st ult., Mr. Samuel CRANDALL, aged 67 years.
Died, In this town, on the 15th ult., Dea. Daniel MILLER, aged 71 years.
Died, At McClean, Tompkins co., on the 30th ult., Mr. Hezekiah HOTCHKISS, aged 32 years.
Died, At Delta, Oneida co., on the 27th of February, the Rev. W. W. NINDE, formerly pastor of the Methodist Church, in this village.
Died, In this village, on the 1st inst., Mary Hibbard, daughter of William P. RANDALL, aged 10 months.
Died, At Lodi, Seneca co., on the 28th day of March last, Mrs. Maria MALLERY, wife of Lyman MALLERY, and daugher of Widow Rachel FREER, of this village, aged 49 years.
Died, At his residence in Truxton, on the 11th inst., Mr. Levi GODDARD, aged 42 years.
Died,In this town, on the 20th inst., Miss Ophelia PLUMB, aged 22 years.
Died, In Tully, on the 20th inst., of erysipelas, J. M. Aurora VanDUSEN, aged 2 years and 3 months.
Died, In this town, on the 27th ult., at the residence of his father, James CHAPIN, Dr. Henry CHAPIN, of Waterloo, aged 27 years.
Died, In this town, on the 7th inst., Mr. Suel B. FLETCHER, aged 65 years.
Died, In Spencer, Tioga co., on the 6th inst., Mrs. Samantha, wife of Daniel P. ROSE, and daughter of James CHAPIN, of this town, aged 29 years.
Died At Poughkeepsie, on the 19th inst., of small pox, Charles R. , youngest son of Samuel G. HATHAWAY, Esq., of Solon, aged 19 years.
Though far from his relatives, he received every care and kindness that could alleviate his sufferings; and gave proof in his last illness, and a death of Christian resignation, of qualities that, had he lived, would have done honor to society.
Funeral services will be held at the Baptist Church, in Solon, on Saturday, June 28th, at 2 o'clock P. M.
Died, In this town, on the 27th ult., Julia, daughter of Norman OLIN, aged 5 years and 5 months.
Died, In this town, on the 12th inst., Mr. Nathan BLODGETT, aged 68 years.
Died, At Watertown, Jefferson co., Wisconsin, on the 25th of June, Smith W. PECK, son of Stephen N. PECK, of Solon, aged 25 years.
Funeral services will be held at the First Baptist Church in Solon, on Saturday, the 19th inst., at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. It is expected that the sermon will be preached by Eld. John PECK.
Died, In this town, on the 20th inst., Miss Eliza M. JOY, aged 25 years.
Died, In Solon, on the 20th ult., Mr. Richard MAYBURY, at the advanced age of 91 years.
Mr. MAYBURY had done service for his country, as a soldier during the war for Independence. He was one of the earliest settlers of this town [Solon], having resided here nearly forty years. Living, he enjoyed the confidence of a large circle of friends and descendants, and, dying, gave evidence of the truth of the Christian Religion, by a firm reliance on the mercy of a crucified Redeemer.
Died, In Jackson, Washington co., N. Y., on the 30th of July, Miss Anna Mary DUNHAM, aged 19 years.
She was formerly a member of the Cortlandville Academy, and was sister to Rev. H. R. DUNHAM, of this village.
Died, In Homer, on the 13th inst., Mrs. Rebecca HOTCHKISS, widow of Samuel HOTCHKISS, aged 70 years. Mrs. HOTCHKISS and her husband were among the earliest
settlers of that town.
She died on the farm that they took possession of nearly half a century ago, when Homer was a wilderness. In her family she was a pattern of maternal tenderness, conjugal fidelity and affection. To her associates and the community about her, she was endeared by her cheerful and amiable deportment and the charities of life. As a Christian she was ever a shining and unclouded orb. Her Christian influence was always felt in any circumstances in which she was placed. For thirty years she had professed the new birth, and been connected with the Christian Church, and to human human eyes walked prayerfully and watchfully before her God.
She was a lovely example of Christian character. She has died in a good old age, and left among the living nothing but respect for her memory and affection for her person.
After she was conscious that the Destroyer had taken hold of her, and there was no escape, to the inquiry of a Christian relation, "How does death look to you?" her cheerful reply was "O, very pleasant." She died with full confidence in Christ, and a happy hope of a glorious resurrection.
Died, In this town, on the 16th inst., Hannah W., daughter of Norman OLIN, aged 6 months.
Died, In this town, on the 19th inst., Mrs. Silence, wife of Chester KINNEY, aged 70 years.
Died, In this village, on the 30th of August, Miss Asenath DARBY, aged 28 years.
Died, In this town, on the 9th inst., Sarah B., wife of William P. RANDALL, and daughter of Dan HIBBARD, Esq. aged 24 years.
Died, at Middletown, N. J. on the 29th of August, of Consumption, Harriet Sloan, wife of Rev. A. C. MILLSPAUGH, and daughter of Daniel SLOAN, Esq. of Bloomingburgh, Sullivan co., aged 33 years. Mrs. MILLSPAUGH was an intelligent, warm-hearted and devoted follower of the blessed Savior. In early life she consecrated herself to him. She was eminently adapted to fill the station of pastor's wife. Her mind and amiable temper rendered her exceedingly dear to all with whom she had intercourse. The unusually large assemblage on the occasion of her funeral, and the deep sympathy maifested, prove clearly that her loss was greatly felt, and her worth extensively
During her last illness she discovered a sweet resignation to the Divine pleasure, and a confident faith, that caused her to triumph in Christ. she realized his supporting arm conducting her down through the dark "valley and shadow of death".
And after affectionately urging a friend that had endeared herself by many kindnesses, to let the vanities of earth go, and make Christ her refuge, she calmly lifted her eyes towards heaven, beaming with love and joy, while she whispered sweetly:
"Rock of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee"and in a moment, without a struggle or a groan, she "fell asleep."
"How mildly beamed the closing eyes; How gently heav'd the expiring breast. So fades a summer cloud away; So sinks the gale when storms are o'er."Her bereaved husband, who has been called in less than a year to lay children and wife side by side in the dust, desolate and alone in the world, mourns not without a good hope of meeting again in "a better country." She lived the life, and we confidently believe, died the death of the righteous.
"Why should we mourn departed friends, Or shrink at death's alarms? 'Tis but the voice that Jesus sends To call them to his arms." -[N. Y. Christian Intelligencer]
Died, At Attica, on the 12th inst., Mr. Williams HAMILTON, formerly a residence of this village, aged 48 years.
Died, At Alden, Erie co., on the 15th inst., Mr. Hezekiah FOSKIT, Jr., formerly a resident of this village, aged 32 years. He has left a wife and one child mourning their inestimable loss.
Died, In this town, on the 4th inst., Mrs. Polly R. PLUMB, aged 58 years.
Died, Of Appoplexy, in Newark, Tioga Co., N. Y. on the 22d Oct., Rev. Caleb WHITING, late of Virgil, in this county, aged 61 years.
Br. WHITING possessed a strong mind, has labored much in the cause of God, and many have been converted from the error of their ways through his instrumentality.
"The chamber where the good man meets his fate Is priveleged beyond the common walks of life Quite on the verge of Heaven."
Died, In this town, on the 2d inst., Mrs Amanda, wife of Chauncey MAHAN, aged 33 years.
Died, In Truxton, on the 1st inst., Mr. Axel F- - - - [UNREADABLE], aged 76 years. [perhaps Faner?]
Died, At. McLean, Tompkins co., on the 12th inst., Mrs. Fanny M., wife of A. R. TIMBY, aged 28 years. Her sickness of which she died was but short, but her end was in great peace.
"Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from henceforth; yea, saith the Spirit, they rest from their labors and their works do follow them."
Died, In Homer, on the 12th inst., Mrs. Lydia SANDERS, wife of Mr. Jacob SANDERS, in the 71st year of her age.
Died, In Virgil, on the 24th ult., John, son of Wm. MARSHALL, of this village, aged 11 years.
Died, In Tully, Onondaga co., on the 3d inst., Miss Sarah Ann WEED, aged 14 years.
"And thou hast left me, my daughter. No more can I listen to thy cheerful voice no more can I gaze upon thy sweet countenance no more can I clasp thee to my heart, and rejoice that thou art mine for death has taken thee!I have tenderly watched thee from thy infancy, and have witnessed the development of every budding beauty. When a few years had fallen upon thy brow, thou wast lovely as the fairest of earth's children. Thy spirit was pure and spotless as the snow flake, and thy mind was a garden, in which naught but the most beautiful and fragrant flowers flourished.
Hark! I hear a low whisper it is the monitor within the still small voice that speaketh comfort to my soul. I will obey it, for it tells me to cease my complaint that I have yet a friend my Savior is not dead.And through his atoning grace my beloved is happy. Why then should I mourn as one without hope? For but a little time will elapse ere we shall meet, where there shall be no death nor sin - where the parting hand is never extended, and where farewell is a word forgotten."
Died, On Thursday morning, the 18th inst., after a short and severe illness, Mrs. Ursula BALLARD, wife of Asa BALLARD, Esq., of this village, and daughter of Maj. Adin WEBB, in the 35th year of her age.
In this death many losses are united. To the husband and children it is a bereavement remediless from any earthly source. She has left a large circle of relatives and friends, who mourn her departure with the tenderest emotions. She early made a confession of religion, and at the time of her death, was a member of the Presbyterian Church. During her sickness, and in the conscious prospect of approaching death, she possessed "the faith and patience of the saints."
Amidst all her bodily sufferings, she exhibited uncommon fortitude and tranquility of mind; frequently expressed her willingness to die, and finally sunk to rest, calmly and gently "as summer evening's latest sigh." Truly may it be said, "if ever christianity apperas in its power, it is when it erects its trophies on the tomb: when it takes up its votaries where the world leaves them, and fills the breast with immortal hope in dying moments." The large and solemn audience which attended the funeral obsequies, on the following day, the tears and lamentations of relatives and endeared friends, fully attested the worth of the deceased in the community where she had dwelt from childhood.
Died, In this town, on the 22d inst., Mr. William STEWART, aged 25 years.
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