Died, At Truxton, on the 17th inst., Mary E., wife of Lytle FERGUSON, in the 38th year of her age.
Death of Joel B. HUBBARD.
Our village, last evening, was suddenly filled with gloom, by the painful intelligence of the death of our much esteemed townsman, Joel B. HUBBARD. He died at Milwaukee, Wisconsin Ter. on the 22d of Jan last. He was engaged in the erection of a manufacturing establishment at that place, and while upon one of the beams of the building, accidentally fell about 15 feet, and was so much injured, that he survived only about four hours.
It is not too much to say, that the death of scarcely one of our citizens, would occasion so deep sorrow as this. For public spirit and enterprise, he stood at the very head of this community. He was the father of our excellent Academic Institution. His wholesome influence was felt in every movement of benevolence
and good will to man. He was the friend of his race. His industry, correct habits, and christian character, distinguished him as a citizen. The memory of his virtues and good deeds will not be forgotten.
But what shall we, what can we say, to his heart stricken wife and children? Nothing that we can offer, can assuage the grief of this dreadful hour. We
commend them to Him 'who has given and has taken away.' As a citizen, he was beloved, and his domestic virtues were a model for imitation.
Died, In this village, on the morning of the 19th inst., of inflammation upon the Lungs, Mr. Asahel LYMAN, in the 62d year of his age.
The deceased was born in Chester, in the State of Massachusetts, and became a resident of this place in 1815, where he was engaged in mercantile business for about 25 years. His habits were uncommonly domestic. He scarce ever mingled in the scenes of public life, and traveled very little.
Careful in his business, and frugal in his expenditures, he leaves a handsome estate for his wife and children. His death will be deplored, especially by his immediate neighbors, for he possessed a cheerful and obliging disposition. A number of years ago, he united with the Presbyterian church, and became a ready and liberal supporter of the institutions of religion. In the efforts, which have been made from time to time, in this village, to advance the interests of education, he has also given his aid. Proverbial for his attachment to his wife and children, - to them his death, will be long and deeply mourned. The unusually large assemblage at the funeral on Sabbath morning, showed the deep sensation created by his death.
Died, In the town of Cortlandville, on the 6th inst., Mrs. mabel HARDING, aged 64 years.
Died, In South Cortland on the 4th inst., of the Croup, Isaac W., only son of Isaac HOYT, Jr. aged 4 years.
Died, In Virgil, on the 10th inst., Jeremiah CHASE, a Revolutionary Soldier, aged 93 years.
Died, In this village, on Saturday evening last, Horace, son of James S. LEACH, aged 8 months.
Died, In Groton, Tompkins co., on the 27th ult., John BROWN, a revolutionary soldier, aged 88 years.
Died, In Solon, on the 25th ult., Nancy, wife of William RANDALL, aged 39 years.
Died, In Truxton, on the 31st inst., Mr. James GODDARD.
Died, In Buffalo, on the 13th inst., Mary, youngest daughter of Tercius EELS, aged about three years.
Died, At Port Watson, on the 20th ult., James Grosvner, only son of Lester and Delight ROYCE, aged 18 years.
Died, In Camillus, Onondaga co., on the 8th inst., of typhus fever, Mr. Benjamin LeROY, formerly of Preble, in this county, agd 56 years.
Mr. LeROY was a good man and a consistent Christian. He was well known in this county, and his loss to the community in which he lived will be deeply felt. He was a well informed man, and took a lively interest in every object that contributed to the good of society, and to the future well-being of his fellow men. He was father of D. C. LeROY, esq., of Syracuse. He died in the hopes of a blessed immortality.
Died, On the 22d inst., of croup, Frank, son of DeWitt BALLARD, aged 1 year and 8 months.
Died, In this village, the 17th inst., Hellen Eliza, daughter of Russell and Jane C. GOODELL, aged 3 years and 2 months.
Died, In this town, on the 5th inst., Mr. Gilbert EDGCOMB, a revolutionary soldier, aged 85 years.
The brave men who fought for the liberty and independence which our country now enjoys, are fast passing away, and the time is not far distant when not one of them will be left to tell of the hardships and privations which its present happiness and prosperity cost them. Mr. EDGCOMB was born on the 2d of March
1762, at Groton, Conn. At the age of 15 he enlisted in the service of his country for three years; he served out his time faithfully, and was regularly discharged.
On the 6th of Sept., 1781, while at work in the field, hearing the alarm guns of Fort Griswold, he immediately left his work, and hastened to the Fort. A short time after his arrival, the fort was summoned to surrender, but the enemy received from Col. LEDYARD this reply: "We shall defend the fort so long as there is a man alive!" After a fierce and obstinate struggle, the enemy scalled the walls, and reached the interior of the fort, which was soon followed by a surrender. Then an indiscriminate slaughter took place, and out of the 160 men who were defending the fort, 30 only escaped unhurt. He, with his fellow prisoners, then had his hands tied behind his back, and was put on board a small sloop; from thence, he was transfered to a man-of-war, where he had to lie on a wet cable, with his hands bound, for the space of fifteen days. He was then placed in the old Sugar House, in New York city, where he was daily threatened with impressment. Remaining there until after the surrender of Cornwallis, he was exchanged, after suffering incredible hardships. He landed in New Jersey, and at length reached his native place, where he remained till 1820. He then removed to Cortland, New York, where he died, in full prospect of a blessed immortality.
New London (Conn.) papers please copy.
Died, In Willett, in the 17th inst., of fever, Miss Alinda H. PALMER, in the 22d year of her age.
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