Death of Major BARNUM - We regret to learn that Major E. Kirby BARNUM, U. S. Army, eldest son of the late David BARNUM, Esq. died yesterday, after a lingering illness of seventeen weeks. Maj. BARNUM has been about thirty years in the army, and during the Florida war rendered his country valuable service, having served through the entire campaign. He was about to depart from New York with his regiment at the commencement of the Mexican war, when he was thrown from his horse, and fractured his leg, which laid him up for a long time. - After recovering from this accident, and as he was again about to leave for the army, he was taken sick at Oswego New York, from which place he was removed to this city a few weeks since, and yesterday died, surrounded by his relatives. He was well known in this city and throughout the country, and highly esteemed.
Died, In this village, on the 31st inst., Miss Mary M. CAMPBELL, daughter of Densmore CAMPBELL, of this place, aged 23 years.
Died, Of the Croup, at Racine Wisconsin Territory, Frances Eliza HOYT, aged 2 years 8 months and 26 days.
Died, In McLean on the 26th ult., Mary Ann wife of A. R. TIMBY, aged 25 years.
At a regular meeting of the McLean Lodge, No. 313, I. O. of O. F. held at their Lodge Room, Feb. 2d 1848, the following resolutions were adopted:
Resloved, That in the death of the affectionate wife of our worthy brother, A. R. TIMBY, this Lodge do hereby humbly acknowledge the sovereign pleasure of Almighty God, whose ways though to us mysterious are yet ways of wisdom.
Resolved, That we do hereby express our condolence and most sincerely sympathise with our brother in this his great bereavement, and may the Great Father of all give grace and bind up the wound which his own merciful hand has occasioned.
Resolved, That a copy of the resolutions be placed in the possession of the afflicted family.
Resolved, That a copy of the same be published in the Ithaca Journal, the Ithaca daily and weekly Chronicle, and Cortland Democrat.
Harvey HOLDEN N. G. J. H. BOYNTON, Secy.
Died, In Truxton, on the 16th ult., Charles M., son of Alansford A. and Sarah STEBBINS, aged 6 years.
Died, In this village March 2d 1848, William Alleyn, only son of Wm. O. and Catherine E. BARNARD, aged 3 years and 8 months.
To a mother's fond affection, To a Father's doting love, God lent a precious treasure From the Cherub band above; Rob'd in innocence and beauty, 'Twas a messenger of joy, And the full hearts glad contentment, Dreamed of no sad alloy, To see each charm unfolding, Like summers opening flowers, Was to them the dearest pleasure That beguiled the fleeting hours. But soon as morn was breaking, The sunlights gilded ray, The dread Destroyer's footstep Came stealing o'er the way, That fair young brow, how cold it grew! That soft black eye, how dim! And cheek and lip, how pallid, Where the ruddy hue had been. Ah! the being loved, how fondly, Had yielded up its breath, And lay a peaceful sleeper, In the strong embrace of death. The rosebud in his little hand, The green leaves round his brow, They laid him in the quiet grave And there he sleepeth now
Died, In this town, on the first inst., Mrs. Abigail, wife of Ransom MALLORY, Esq. in the 57th year of her age. Her sickness was short but excruciating, which she bore with patience and christian resignation. In the death of this truly good woman, a kind husband has lost a devoted and affectionate companion; and the community in which she lived one whom to know was to respect and love. May heaven's choicest blessings rest with the bereaved in his afflictions and with all who mourn her loss.
[A lengthy obituary of the death of Capt. T. HULBERT in Truxton on the 20th of May 1848 in his 58th year is not copied here. He was an early settler of that town.]
Died, In Smithfield, the 8th ult., at the residence of her mother, Mrs. Julia E., wife of Samuel R. FORD, of Newark N. York, aged 26 years. [This was followed by a lengthy eulogy, not copied here]
Died, At Boston, Mass, June 6th 1848, Mr. Phineas BLAIR, Counselor at Law, in the 64th year of his age.
Died, In Fredonia, Chatauque Co., N. Y., on the 15th ins., Mrs. Elizabeth CRANE, late of Eaton Madison Co., relict of Mr. Curtis CRANE, and Grandmother of the Hon. David CROFOOT, at the advanced age of 97 years.
Died, In this village, of putrid sore throat, two interesting and promising children, only son and eldest daughter of B. W. and C. A. BAUM - Cynthia Jane died June 27th, aged 5 years, 5 months; Oliver Stanton, died July 10th, aged 4 years 2 months.
Died, In Cortlandville on the 2d inst. Nancy Caroline daughter of Geore K. and Harriett B. STILES, aged four years and eight days.
Died, In Truxton, on the 15th ult. Mr. James FAIRBANKS aged 21 years.
Died, Of fever, on the 26th of July 1848, Dr. Samuel ELDER, in the 63d year of his age, at his residence on Fairmount Prairie de Long, St. Clair county, Ill. Dr. E. was a native of Chester, Mass., and by his own exertions had risen to an eminence high in his profession. He possessed a more than ordinary mind, and was devoted to scientific pursuits, and contributed largely in the promulgation of science and literature. He was a graduate of Dartmouth College, and for nearly forty years had followed the practice of medicine and surgery with untiring industry, the last fifteen years of his life he spent in St. Clair county. His loss will be deeply regretted by a large circle of relatives and acquaintances.
Died, In Homer, on the 7th inst., William Ru---s, son of R. A. and S. J. REED, aged one year and 6 months.
Died, In Cortlandville, on the 28th ult., Miss Mary Ann KEENEY, a member of Cortlandville Academy, aged 17 years.
At a meeting of the young ladies of Cortlandville Academy, assembled on the occasion of the death of one of their number, Miss Henriette E. WOODARD presiding, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted. Whereas, The dispensation of an allwise Providence has removed from our midst, one whom we loved, Miss Mary Ann KEENEY.
Resolved, That we receive with painful emotions the sad intelligence of the death of our former friend and schoolmate, and while we recognize the hand of God in this sudden and mysterious Providence, we will ever cherish with affection her memory.
Resolved, That we sympathize deeply with the parents in this sad bereavement, which has deprived them of one they had fondly cherished, and tenderly loved. Resolved, That these resolutions be published and a copy of them sent to the relatives of the deceased.
[There followed an article headlined "Thoughts on the death of a sister by a member of the Cortlandville Academy."]
Died, In Cortland village, on Saturday October 7th Mr. Oren STIMSON, aged 51 years.
Large vacancies have been made in the family and church, and community, by the death of this man. He came from Munson, Massachusetts to this county in its earliest settlement. He gained the confidence of the community and has repeatedly held various offices of civil trust in the town, county, and state. He was
extensivly known as a merchant and gained the reputation universally for aught the writer of this article ever heard, of uprightness and honesty in deal. About 17 years since, he made a public profession of religion, connecting himself with the Presbyterian church. He has been a consistent supporter of the institutions of the gospel, and a
liberal contributer of the various objects of christian benevolence.
He will be remebered and greatly missed in the church on account not only of the pecuniary support he rendered but his judicious counsel and christian influence. None however feel his death so deeply as the members of his own family. He was kind and attentive as a husband - affectionate and honored as a father. His children are at the ages at which they need paternal influence and control. He left his wife and children with entire resignation, and committed them to Him who has pledged himself to be a God to the widow and the fatherless. The family need, and I trust enjoy the sympathies of the community. To them the event has been keenly
afflictive and mysterious. They may however be comforted by the thought that death to him was gain, and also by the words of the Savior: "what I do thou knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter."
Died, At the residence of his son, in Spring Prairie, Wisconsin, on the 9th ult., Hon. William BERRY aged 67 years.
Judge BERRY was formerly a resident of Homer, in this county, where his official integrity, his urbanity in his general intercourse with society, and his kindness as a neighbor, secured him the affection and confidence of a large circle of acquaintances.
Died, In this village, on the 22 ult. Mrs. Celia Ann TERRY, aged 23 years.
Died, In Preble, on the 3d inst., Gen Martin PHELPS, aged 62 years.
Gen. PHELPS was extensively known in the county, having taken a deep interest in matters pertaining to the good of the community in which he lived. He was truly a benevolent man, and contributed much of his substance to support the poor around him. The cause of temperance and religion lay nearest his heart. He held during his residence of 40 years in Preble, some of the most important offices in the gift of the people, and his loss to the community and society will be
deeply felt by all with whom he had intercourse. He has left a wife, son, and two daughters, who very sensibly mourn his loss. He died in the hopes of glorious immortality.
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