Truxton Items, Jan. 13, 1869 On Wednesday evening of last week, as Mrs. Lydia KNOWLES, relict of the late Daniel KNOWLES, was walking on the street, and while in front of the residence of Mr. Alexander LANSING, she was suddenly attacked with apoplexy and fell to the ground. She was immediately taken into the house of Mr. LANSING, and medical aid summoned and the usual restoratives applied, but all to no purpose, as she continued unconscious until about 2 o'clock, when she expired. Mrs. KNOWLES had reached the ripe old age of 72. She leaves a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn her loss.
Deaths. FRANCIS - On the 10th inst., Lucy Jane FRANCIS, daughter of Mr. Richard FRANCIS, of Virgil. Aged 27 years.
Virgil Items Jan. 26, 1869. I have to record this week the sudden death of Mr. John OLMSTEAD, who was walking behind a load of wood within a short distance of his house, last Friday afternoon, fell dead in his tracks. He was seen and picked up shortly afterwards by some of his relatives, who were only a short distance behind him, on their way to pay him a visit. Medical aid was immediately sent for, and upon arrival decided that the cause of death was water around the heart. Mr. O. was an active member of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, and as such enjoyed the fullest confidence of the brethren. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loss. A very large congregation atended the funeral, which was held at the Presbyterian Church. A very appropriate address was delivered by Elder TORREY, of the M. E. Church.
Preble Items. Feb. 6th, 1866 [typo error]. We are having a great deal of sickness, principally among the children. The scarlet fever is raging in our midst. Robert VanDENBURGH lost his only boy, who was about four years of age; he was sick but about four days. Mr. Orrin PRATT lost his youngest girl, Carrie, aged seven; she was buried Sunday. The fever is raging in almost every family where there are children, and every day we hear of new cases. It seems to be almost uncontrolable. Our physician reports between fifty and sixty cases that he has under his charge, and he is having remarkable good luck thus far.
Preble Items. Feb 6, 1866 [typo error]. Randall McCUMBER buried his wife last Friday, after an illness of about three weeks. She was 22 years of age.
Truxton Items. Feb 24, 1869. Again I have to inform you of another death, of one of our oldest and most esteemed citizens. Some three months ago Mr. William L. BUCK went west to spend the winter with his children, expecting to return again in the Spring. After spending some two months with a daughter in Columbus, Ohio, he went to Clinton, Iowa, where his only son resides. His health had been failing for some time previous to his going to Clinton, having on one or two occasion, bled profusely at the nose, from the effects of which he became very much reduced, and continued to fail gradually until the morning of the 18th, when he grew suddenly worse, bleeding profusely at the lungs, and died at 5 P. M. of the same day, at the age of 72 years. Mr. BUCK had been a resident of Truxton for over fifty years; had accumulated a handsome property; was a member and one of the main supports of the Presbyterian Church, who, with the whole community, will miss his smile and kindly greeting.
Solon Items. The wife and three children of Mr. HUNTLEY, a new resident of this town, have died of diptheria within the last four weeks.
Harford Items. Mr. James PARKER departed this life at his residence in Richford, on Thursday, Feb. 25th, and was buried in Lapeer near his former home, last Sabbath. He leaves a large circle of mourning friends and relatives.
Mr. Peter HITCHCOCK, who resides on North Main street, in this village, was awakened last night, about one o'clock, by a noise at his front door. Upon going to the door he found Mr. Luke VanHOESEN, a young man who has divided his time about equally for the last few months between the inside and the outside of Sheriff
BROWN's stone house. VanHOESEN desired to be admitted, but Mr. HITCHCOCK declined to entertain him at that hour of the night. VanHOESEN went round to the back side of the house and broke into the kitchen, and was kicking away at the sitting room door, when Mr. HITCHCOCK ordered him to desist or he would shoot him.
VanHOESEN, however, paid no attention to this threat, and Mr. HITCHCOCK dischargd his pistol, the ball taking effect in VanHOESEN's left side, between the
first and second ribs. HITCHCOCK says it was dark and that he was unable to see VanHOESEN, but that he aimed in the direction in which he supposed VanHOESEN to be, not intending to hit hime, but thinking to frighten him away. HITCHCOCK went for Sheriff BROWN, who called in some neighbors, and the wounded man was made as comfortable as circumstances would permit. The above is the substance of HITCHCOCK's story.
Dr. JEWETT dressed the wound, and we understand that he is of the opinion that VanHOESEN cannot recover. He has been removed to the Cortland House, where he will be well cared for.
The following is the substance of VanHOESEN's deposition taken before Squire HUNTER this morning:
"I went to HITCHCOCK's house about 12 or 1 o'clock, slightly intoxicated, and was told to go away; I kicked and pushed the door some, and went in; HITCHCOCK did not hold the door; there was no light in the room; HITCHCOCK stepped back a few feet and shot me; James CLARK was on the front steps; I went in the back door."
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Since writing the above we have been informed that VanHOESEN is not expected to live but a few hours at best. [The Cortland Democrat 12 Mar 1869]
Obituary. [exerpts] David Russell HUBBARD was born in Homer, Cortland county, March 8th, 1799 - died at his residence in Cortland Village, March 9th 1869. . . . His mother, wife of Solomon HUBBARD, was an estimable lady, knowing much of the privations of frontier life. She was left a widow with four small children by the death of her first husband David RUSSELL. He died of small pox, in Homer, in mid winter - and his grave could never be identified. In after years, when the deceased who was the oldest of four children by the second marriage, had a family of his own and competence, he delighted in recitals of traditionary perils of the olden time. . . . .Much of our village domain formerly belonged to him. . . . . Like his honored father, Mr. HUBBARD, was ever a democrat of the Jeffersonian school.. . . . For a few years previous to Mr. HUBBARD's death, his general health became gradually impaired, more as a result of increasing years than from any particular form of disease. During the last year of his life, he evinced marked signs of senility.
Truxton Items. March 17, 1869. Since we last wrote you, the dread messenger, death, has been claiming more of his aged victims, and has removed from our midst, two of our oldest citizens. Mrs. John WICKS, died on the 5th inst., after a brief illness, aged 75. Mrs. WICKS, had been a resident of the town seventy-three years, and for more than fifty years a member of the Presbyterian Church of this village.
Truxton items. March 17, 1869. On the evening of the 15th, about 8 o'clock Mrs. Elijah BOUTWWELL, who had been in her usual health and had been conversing, freely with the family, and a son-in-law who had called in, stepped into an adjoining room for something and not returning as soon as expected, her daughter went in to see if anything had happened her, when she was found lying on the floor quite dead. From all appearance, death must have been instantaneous. Mrs. BOUTWELL had reached the mature age of seventy-five years, and leaves a partner nearly ready to join her at the age of ninety.
Resolution on the Death of Dr. E. E. SALISBURY. - The funeral service of Dr. E. E. SALISBURY was held at the house of his fatherin Cortland village, on the 15th inst.,attended by many friends and relatives. [resolution from McGrawville Good Templars follows]
Another of the old men of Homer has passed Time's River, and is at rest. Deacon J. L. CLAPP, died on Saturday, the 13th inst., at the advanced age of seventy-two years. His health had been failing for several years, and his friends had long been prepared for the sad event, which they knew could not be long put off. He possessed many of the excellent qualities father, husband, citizen and christian. With scrip in hand, and feet sandalled for the journey, he quietly and peacefully departed for the land beyond the River.
Taylor Items. March 24, 1869. There has been quite an excitement in this place, occasioned by the sudden death of Mrs. Hannah MADDEN. There was strong suspicion that she came to her death by foul means, and a Coroner's Inquest was held by Coroner ANGELL of Union Valley. The Jury brought in a verdict that the deceased came to her death by an overdose of morphine, administered by Roxana CRAFT in collusion with Peter MADDEN. The Coroner issued a warrant for their arrest, and held an examination of the prisoners; he discharged MADDEN, and Mrs. CRAFT gave bail for her appearance at the next term of Court to be held at Cortland, MADDEN being one of her sureties. It seems, by the evidence before the Coroner's Jury, that Mrs. CRAFT had been in the family of MADDEN near one year; that Mrs. MADDEN had suspicion that all was not right between Roxana and the old man. She settled with Mrs CRAFT and discharged her, (Mrs. MADDEN doing all of the business, Peter being quite ignorant). Mrs. CRAFT said she was hired for a longer time and refused to go, saying "that when the old lady died she was going to have a home there," and who could blame her. Mrs. CRAFT has never held an envious position in society, and MADDEN was always known as Uncle Peter, an ignorant, but a well meaning man. He raised a large family of children who were all connected with good families. All of his children except one, died of consumption. MADDEN emmigrated from Ireland some 20 or 25 years ago.
Another old Pioneer has gone to his rest. Jared BABCOCK died on the 28th ultimo, at the advanced age of 83(?) years. Mr. BABCOCK located in Scott in 1804, where he remained some four years, when he enlisted in the mercantile trade in Spafford, and was the first merchant in that town. He subsequently removed to Homer, where he remained until the close of his long and honorably spent life.
Mr. Daniel JOSLYN, a much esteemed and venerated citizen, died the 5th inst., after a brief illness of a few days.
A young man who accidentally shot himself in Preble last week, resided in Chris.... Hollow. He had been in the employ of .... CUMMINGS, of Preble, for some time. was henry WICKHAM. The charge ... entered his left cheek just below the ... causing death. His remains were taken .... for interment.
Obituary. As the sun sank to rest on Monday evening, the 5th inst., the spirit of Daniel JOSLYN departed to the radiant home of his Redeemer. His death, like his life, was calm and peaceful. He passed away to the other world like one
"Who wraps the drapery of his couch around him, And lies down to pleasant dreams."
On the same day on which Mr. JOSLYN bid farewell to all sublunary affairs [the 5th inst.], and his spirit took flight for a higher and happier home, the soul of the venerable pioneer Joel R. BRIGGS, passed on wings celestial to the brighter land of promise. In 1807 he came in from Otsego County and located in the town of Homer, on Lot 50. He was never fortunate in accumulating property. Though industrious and economical in the disposition of his earnings, the balance of account was not infrequently against him. Though not a fatalist, misfortune clung to him with a fatality which he could not shake off. And yeet he bore all his trials - all of afflictions with the meekness of a christian. All the sympathies of a warm impulsive heart clustered around his, and he was ever ready to divide the last loaf with the needy. After his locks had been whitened by the frosts of four score years, and the wrinkles of venerable age had gathered on his brow, the hand of disease fell heavily upon him, and from which he never recovered.
A member of the church militant, consistent in his profession, he lived hopefully, and at last, when the venerable patriarch had reached the age of eighty-four years, resigned and willing bowed his head to the unerring mandate of death's dark angel, and passed from earth to heaven.
Resolution of Respect.
At a meeting of the members of Rainbow Lodge, No. 281, I.O.of G.T., in McGrawville, April 5th 1869, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted, expressive of their estimation of the character and example of the late Israel PALMER Ec.
Deaths. FORSHEE - Died in McGrawville, on the 23d ult., of Inflammation of the lungs, Isaac Augustus FORSHEE, aged 40 years.
Deaths. MAYBURY - In Marathon, Mar. 24(?), 1869, Frank Kelsey, only child of F.I. and M.K. MAYBURY, aged one year three months and 3 days.
Deaths. BAUM - In Marathon, on the 8th inst., Lucinda, wife of Oliver BAUM, aged 37 years.
Homer items? Mrs. Curtis WEBB died on Thursday last, at the advanced age of seventy-two years.
On the 15th inst., Miss Hannah ALLEN, of .....r, was severly injured by her dress becoming entangled in some machinery in her (father)'s grist mill. One of her arms was ...... in two places, and her back was con....bly crushed. When rescued, life was .......extinct.
Mrs. KINGSBURY, widow of the late William KINGSBURY, died on the 18th inst., aged seventy-six years. In her life many of the higher virtues shone pre-eminent. She was, indeed, a good woman. Respected while living-remembered when dead.
Mackerville (McGrawville) We have had a number of deaths here lately, and some of our best citizens, and now we have a record of the death of Harvey L. CRANDALL, a noble young man. Less than a year ago he experienced religion, and has lived a christian life, but he has gone to his reward. Peace to his remains.
A frightful accident occurred between Homer and Truxton on Tuesday, A young man named Hezekiah ROUNDS had harnessed ...ung horse before a covered carriage, for ... first time, to carry his mother and sister to Cortland. Before they were ready to en.... the carriage, ROUNDS removed the ....dle for the purpose of taking off the halter, ..en the horse, catching sight of the carriage top, became frightened and reared, and ...., throwing ROUNDS upon the ground and trampling him until he was horribly mutilated. He lingered in great agony until late in the afternoon, when he died. This is the death in the family within a year, ... of which were by violence.
Homer. - On the 30th day of April, another pure and sainted spirit was ushered into the unseen realms of the great unknown. The highly accomplished and universally loved daughter of J. P. INGRAHAM died after a long and severe illness, extending back for nearly two years, rendering her for long and weary months a crippled invalid. She possessed an active, well balanced and well disciplined mind, and a noble, good, and pure heart. - Just emerging from the fresh budding beauty of a rosy healthful girl, to the hallowed graces of glorious womanhood, when our dear young friend was stricken with the heavy hand of disease. Slowly, but surely the roseate flush of early beauty faded from her cheek; day after day, the insidious foe, envious of mortal bliss, preyed more closely upon her vitals; - Fading, still fading, as the still moments of time crept on; hoping against hope, friends looked on until the last feeble, dying agonies were hushed in the insensiblities of death. - Thus in the morning of life a sweet and lovely flower falls into an early tomb. But while indulgent and kind friends mourn their loss, and while those eyes which oft beamed with sweet expression of love and kindness, are closed in death.
"She has gone from all the woes of earth to rest."
We will not mourn - we will not repine, for well we know that Louisa INGRAHAM, in the 23rd year of her age, has gone from this beautiful world of ours, to a still more beautiful clime, where the stars look out with a sweeter radiance, and where the Sun and Moon illumine with a richer splendor the portals of the Eternal Mansion. There, amid the radiant flowers, she has put on the robes of immortality, and basks again with the freshness and beauty of immortal youth.
Obituary Notice of Hon. Henry STEPHENS, of Cortland.
Hon. Henry STEPHENS was born in Enfield, in the State of Connecticut in the year 1792, and was removed by his parents to Chenango county, in this State, at an early age, where he commenced the study of law in the office of Stephen RUNYAN, an eminent lawyer of that day, who soon after removed to Cooperstown, Otsego county, whither Mr. STEPHENS accompanied him until he completed his legal education.
He then, about the year 1816, removed to Cortland village, then a small hamlet, and commenced the practice of his profession in copartnership with Oliver WISWELL, who was already settled there. He immediately acquired a large and lucrative practice, which he retained during the whole of his professional career, although he had as competitors at the Bar, such men as the Hon. Samuel NELSON, Nathan DAYTON, Jonathan L. WOODS, John THOMAS, Samuel S. BALDWIN, Edward C. REED, and others. (More details of his life follow.)
COLE. Died in this village, on the 4th inst., Mr. Charles P. COLE, aged 36 years.
Mr. COLE, was for many years Editor of the Cortland Gazette & Banner. He possessed more than ordinary abilities, and under other and different circumstances might have won considerable reputation as a newspaper publisher. But like all of us he had his faults. Let us hope that all is well with him in that undiscovered country whither we are all journeying. Mr. COLE left a wife and two children. The remains were removed to Syracuse for interment this morning.
Deaths. At Homer, N. Y. on the morning of the 30th of April, Louise A., youngest daughter of J. P. INGRAHAM, in the twenty-third year of her age.
Obituary, CRANDALL - At his residence in Cortland on Monday, the 17th of May, Harvey S. CRANDALL, in the 59th year of his life.
Mr. CRANDALL was born Jan. 13, 1811, in Cheshire, Mass. In 1824, when but 13 years of age, he removed to this section of the country.
Mr. CRANDALL's sickness dated from about two weeks before his death. Amid the decay and infirmities of nature he retained his reason.......(rec)ognized those about him and spoke with them until shortly before his death.
On the evening of Monday, the 17th, he passed away in the triumphant hope of a believer in Christ, looking for the general resurrection.
Suicide - Last Monday morning the citizens of this place were startled by the report that Mr. John WHITE - a prominent butter dealer residing on Main street, had committed suicide. The report was found to be too true. Coroner Pomeroy was notified and a jury was empannelled. Several witnesses were sworn and the following facts elicited: He had taken a walk on Sunday evening and returned home between 8 and 9 o'clock, no one being home except Mrs. WHITE, who has been an invalid for some time. He very soon retired. In the morning between 7 and 8 o'clock, one of his daughters went into his room to awaken him and found him dead. In the opinion of the physicians he had been dead some time when found. Dr. HUGHES, in his testimony before the coroner says: "I was called in the morning, foudn the body of John WHITE lying dead; the gash in his left arm was made with a knife. It is just such a gash as a man could inflict with his right hand. The cut would cause death within 5 to 10 minutes."
He evidently contemplated the commission of the act. He had undressed himself, and placed his coat in the bed underneath him. The knife used was his own - a common pocket knife - very sharp. The jury rendered a verdict that the deceased "came to his death by reason of a wound in his left arm made by himself," and that he was "laboring under temporary aberration of mind caused by pecuniary embarrassment."
Mr. WHITE was known to be laboring under pecuniary embarrassment. A mortgage of $1,000, upon his house and lot fell due last Monday, and he was wholly unprepared to meet it. He had conversed with the writer of this several times last week about the matter, and we noticed that he was greatly disturbed and worried. Mr. WHITE was an exemplary citizen and highly respected in community. We extend to the bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy in this hour of affliction. The funeral took place yesterday. The deceased was 59 years of age.
Upon hearing of the death of John M. CROUCH, Esq., the members of the Bar of Cortland county met in commemoration of the sad event, at the office of HOLMES & PALMER, in this village, May 31st, at 2 P.M., to express their respect for the deceased, their sorrow at his death, and their condolence with his bereaved family and friends.
Harford, June 1st 1869. Last week we were pained by the death of one of our oldest inhabitants, Mrs. BURGESS, aged 94 years. The funeral services were held at the Union Church, Rev. Mr. DELONG, of Binghamton,officiating.
Harford, June 1st, 1869. On Saturday morning Mr.Lyman BOICE, of Richford, a former resident of this town, committed suicide by hanging - cause, insanity.
Deaths. SLAFTER - In Wautoma, Wisconsin, on the 21 ult., Deacon Samuel SLAFTER, father of E.P.SLAFTER, Esq., of this place. aged 79 years. He moved into this county in 1818, settled in Homer. Re-moved in 1827 to Virgil, and remained there until 1859, then went to Wisconsin where he died. - He was Deacon of the Virgil Baptist church for many years, after a full ripe age has gone to his rest and reward.
County Items. Solon June 28th, 1869. On the 12th inst., Wm. RANDALL one of our most respected citizens, passed away from the cares and perplexities of this life after a protracted and painful illness. A few days previous to his death Mrs. RANDALL was suddenly stricken down, and in a little more than two weeks from the death of Mr. RANDALL, she also, laid down the burden of life. The children of the deceased have the heart-felt sympathy of the whole community.
The Trial of PETER HITCHCOCK. [more than four columns of testimony] Prisoner was idicted at the March Session for having killed Luther VAN HOESEN on the 12th day of March, 1869.[guilty of manslaughter in the 3d degree; sentenced to Auburn Prison for three years.]
County Items. McGrawville. The funeral of Jairus DAVIS was attended in this place yesterday; the sermon was delivered by Rev. Mr. CADY. Mr. DAVIS was born in Norway, Herkimer Co., N.Y. in 1816, of poor but respectable parents, giving them all the benefit of his labor, until he was twenty-one years of age, when he removed to the town of Solon in this county, where he married a daughter of Stephen N. PECK, and by industry, economy, and perseverance, he accumulated a good property. He died at Bath, Steuben Co., N.Y., July 25th, 1869.
Marathon. Mahala L., wife of Mr Thurston WILCOX, died very suddenly last Thursday about noon. She was in her usual health up to about three o'clock of the morning in question, when she was taken violently ill with cramping, which continued until about daylight when she passed into a stupor from which she never returned to consciousness. Her remains were followed to their last resting place by a large course of relatives and friends. Her age was forty-one years.
Mrs. Lana BROCKWAY, of Killawog, and a (sister of Mrs. BARNES?), of Whitney Point, (was visiting?) at Mr. PRITCHARD's, in Solon, (...... in her bed room?) on the morning of (the 6th?). Some of the family hearing a fall (soon after?), went in and found that she had (sunk?) back in her chair and expired almost immediately. She was subject to heart disease. Her funeral was attended at Killawog (on?) Sunday last by a large concourse of mourning relatives and friends. - Broome Gazette.
Deaths. NORTON- At Des Moines, Iowa, on the 24th ult., Mr. Joseph H. NORTON, aged 23 years. Mr. NORTON, was the youngest son of Deacon Edwin NORTON (now deceased) of Scott. He was at one time a student in the Homer Academy, and subsequently graduated at Eastman's Commercial College in Poughkeepsie.
Obituary. Mr. Charles DAVIS, whose death took place in this village, August 20th, was born on Long Island, April 15th, 1794. He received an ordinary education for those days, and learned the trade of carpenter and joiner. Her married Charlotte BROWN, of the same place, in 1815, and moved to Lisle, Broome County, after the manner of the hardy pioneers, bringing his effects with an ox team all the way. In 1820 he moved to Marathon, Cortland County, and resided in that and other towns of the same county till the fall of 1868, when he took up residence with his son-in-law, Enoch F. WILLETT, in Cortland Village, and remained there until his death. He followed his trade through most of his life, but often owned farms and other property. He brought up a family of eight children - six sons and two daughters - all of whom are now living. His wife also survived him.
Mr. DAVIS was a soldier in the war of 1818. He was a man of strongly patriotic feelings. In politics he was a firm Democrat. His religious views are thus described by one who knew him much better than the writer of this: "He was a strong believer in the doctrine of the final salvation of mankind, which comforted him in life and still more in the hour of death, as he peacefully passed away." He was a man of firm integrity, of a genial and kindly temper, and discharged all his duties as a husband, father, friend, and neighbor, justly and well. Of strong frame and robust health, he never suffered but from one illness before the final one. His last illness extended but eleven days. It will be seen by a comparison of dates that at the time of his death he was seventy-five years, four months and five days old. But he had been married nearly fifty-five years.
Last Thursday Sheriff MATHEWSON, of Chenango Co., visited this place in search of a man by the name of Chas. HEAD, for whom he had a warrant. Learning that HEAD was living in Blodget's Mills, the Sheriff requested deputy Sheriff BARNES of this place, to assist him in making the arrest. On arriving at Blodget's Mills, they found HEAD at work in a field. BARNES met HEAD in the highway at about 1 P.M., and placing his hand on HEAD's shoulder informed him that he had a warrant for him. HEAD broke away from BARNES and run, the officers joining in pursuit, and at the same time calling upon him to stop; he not complying both officers shot at him at about the same time, and brought him to the ground. Dr. HUGHES was sent for, and upon examination it was found that one of the balls had struck him in the lower part of the back, passing through the body, and lodging under the skin near the navel. HEAD was taken to the house of Mr. J.J. FREER, where he died on Friday evening. On Saturday Coroner POMEROY empanneled a jury, and an inquest was held at the house of Mr. FREER, at Blodget's Mills. The inquest was continued in this village on Monday. The following named persons composed the jury: P.B.DAVIS, A.C. GARRISON, J.S.SAMSON, Joshua BALLARD, M. ROWLEY, F. GOODYEAR, N. KINGMAN, Wm.ALVORD, P.B. CORWIN, J.J. MAYBURY, M. STAFFORD, S.L.THOMPSON, E. CORWIN, and F.G. KINNEY. The jury seemed to be unable to decide from the evidence which of the officers fired the fatal shot, and accordingly rendered a verdict substantaially according to the above verdict.
Deaths. LUCE - In Lapeer, on the 29th of August last, Ebenezer LUCE, in the 78th year of his age.
Deaths. BATES - In Cortland, on Monday, Sept. 7th, Augustus BATES, son of Lemuel BATES, Esq. aged 31 years.
Deaths. ROCKFELLOW - In Homer, Sept. 4, 1869, Mr. Henry ROCKFELLOW, aged 66 years.
Deaths. CLARK - At Groton City, Aug. 31st, Irving W., son of Franklin B. and Jane A. CLARK, aged 3 years, 4 mos. and 5 days.
Deaths. DeVINNEY - In Groton, Aug. 28th, Arthur S., son of Francis DeVINNEY, aged 17 years.
Deaths. BENHAM - At West Dryden, Sept. 5th, M.B., wife of James BENHAM, aged 28 years, 6 mos., and 23 days.
Sudden Death of Simeon R. GRIFFIN, Esq. of Harford. - Last Sunday morning, the citizens of Harford, were startled by the unexpected announcement of the sudden death of Simeon R. GRIFFIN, Esq. Mr. GRIFFIN had complained the night previous of a slight pain in the arm, which became more violent towards morning, when a physician living near by was sent for, but before medical aid arrived, Mr. GRIFFIN breathed his last. The deceased was one of the most respected citizens of Harford, and had been for many years a resident of that town. How stikingly is the word of the Scripture exemplified in this sudden taking away of one of our most esteemed friends, verily "in the midst of life, we are in death." We met the deceased in this village last Friday, and remarked upon his healthy robust appearance.
Deaths. HUBBARD - In Preble, on the 3d inst., Mr. Rufus B. HUBBARD, aged 52 years.
Deaths. DICKINSON - In Council Bluffs, Iowa, Sept. 17th, Albert N. DICKINSON, aged 40 years.
Deaths. HIBBARD - At the residence of her son, F. H. HIBBARD, Esq., Mrs. Mary HIBBARD, widow of the late Daniel HIBBARD, aged 83 years.
Deaths. O'DONNELL - In East Homer, Sept. 26, Miss Maria O'DONNELL, aged (28?) years.
CALVERT - At New Brunswick, New Jersey, Sept. 23, of typhoid fever, Mrs. Olive B., wife of Mr. James A. CALVERT, aged 47 years.
PERRY - At East Homer, Sept. 26th, Mrs. Abigail PERRY, aged 86 years.
PARK - In Utica, on Tuesday morning, Sept 21st., Mrs. Mary, wife of Lee PARK, (formerly of McGrawville, Cortland Co.) aged 81 years and 13 days.
Here and There. (????) KINNEY, who has for some weeks resided with his son at Kinney Settlement, was found dead in his bed on Tuesday (???) the 7th inst. His age was 92 years.
RICE - In this village, Oct 1, 1869, Emily A., wife of M.A. RICE, Esq., aged 37 years.
VAN HOESEN - In Preble, Sept. 30, 1869, Mr. Thos. S.
VAN HOESEN, aged 47 years.
CASE - In Summer Hill, Sept. 16th, William J. CASE, aged 22 years and 5 months
BROKAW - In Groton, Sept. 19th, Eliza BROKAW, aged 60 years.
HAMLIN - In Groton, Sept. 19th, Rebecca, wife of Shubal HAMLIN, aged 60 years.
Obituary. Died, at the Cortland House in this Village, on Tuesday, October 19th, Page GREEN, Esq., aged 68 years.
Mr. GREEN, was born in the town of Onondaga, on the eighteenth day of October 1806. His father, Archelaus GREEN, was a Clergyman of the Universalist order, and reared a family of four children, two of whom are still living - John GREEN, of this village, and Archelaus GREEN, who now resides in Michigan. When the deceased was five years of age, Archelaus GREEN, the father, moved his family from Onondaga to Virgil, where he remained until his death. Mr. GREEN's advantages of an educational character were limited to those derived from an attendance at common school. During his minority he worked three years at Cortland and one year at Cincinnatus. When about twenty one years of Age he married Tirzah MERRILL, daughter of John MERRILL of Cortland, and from that time till his death he resided in Virgil. Mr. GREEN worked at farming during the first few years of his married life, and when about thirty years of age, he commenced trying cases in justice courts, and from that time till his death he was occupied the greater part of the time in the trial of causes, and in the preparations incident thereto in the various courts in the county. It is estimated that Mr. GREEN has been connected with the trial of over two thousand causes. Mr. GREEN, was not, strictly speaking a member of the legal profession: he had never been admitted to the bar; but his experience and extensive practice combined to produce a respect for his judgment even among those best read in the profession. He was true to his client from an honorable sense of the responsible position he occupied. Indefatigable in his efforts, he labored zealously, and esteemed no personal hardship too great for endurance, if thereby he advanced the interests of his client. Mr. GREEN was emphatically a self-made man; left in the world upon his own resources, he succeeded by energy and persevering industry in acquiring a competency, and in connecting himself with the well being of the town and county in which he resided for more than half a century. His ties of friendship were strong and enduring, as the recipients of his numerous acts of kindness for many years bear abundant witness. In the death of Mr. GREEN, Cortland county has lost one of her most active, energetic men, one who has long been favorably known, in both public and private life. But he is gone - we shall see his form and hear his familiar voice among us no more; we shall miss him in the private walks of life, where his
friendships were firm and enduring; in the court room where his voice has often been heard; and in the busy scenes of life, in which he actively participated. On the eleventh day of October, while engaged in the trial of a cause in this village, in the vigor of his intellect, and in the full strength of his physical powers, the deceased was taken ill, and was laid, for almost the first time in his life, upon a sick bed. Skillful physicians were summoned, who pronounced him attacked with typhoid fever, in its most malignant form. Death had laid his hand upon him as his victim, with so firm a grasp as to utterly baffle the skill of the physicians, and the tender and watchful care of his wife and children. He bore his painful illness with composure, and when his time come to die, he seemed anxious to depart. During a portion of the time previous to the night on which he died, Mr. GREEN was delirious, but for the last few hours he seemed perfectly to comprhend his situation, and gave his solemn parting words, and passed away, leaving his wife and children to mourn the loss of a loving husband, and a kind and affectionate parent, and numerous friends to sorrow at his unexpected death.
"Friend after friend departs; who has not lost a friend? There is no union here of hearts that hath not here an end. Were this frail world our only rest, Living or dying none were blest."
Deaths. MUDGE - In Dryden, November 3d, Mr. Abram MUDGE of Cortland, aged 76 years.
Deaths. WATERS - In Cortland October 3d, Mrs. Abigal WATERS, aged 64 years.
Deaths. CHESEBRO - In Cortland, November 4th, Emilus CHESEBRO, aged 23 years.
Deaths. COOK - In South Cortland October 31st, Electa M. COOK, aged 18 years.
Deaths. HITCHCOCK - At Homer, November 3d, of typhoid fever, Noah HITCHCOCK, in the 67th year of his age.
Deaths. BLISS - In Cortland, November 5th, Martha, wife of D.L. BLISS, aged 32 years.
Deaths. WATERS - In this village, on Thursday morning the 18th inst., Mr. Aretus WATERS, in the 72d year of his age.
Deaths. WARREN - On Thursday evening the 18th inst., Elder Ira D. WARREN, in the -- year of his age.
Deaths. PALMER - In Vineland, N.J., on the 17th inst., Mrs. John A. PALMER, daughter of Mr. Anson FAIRCHILD of this village.
Deaths. BLODGETT - In this village, on the 12th inst., Mary E., infant daughter of Alonzo D. and Ellen D. BLODGETT, aged 4 years and 6 months.
Deaths. MARSH - In McLean, Oct. 27th, Mrs. C.H. MARSH, aged 23 years.
Deaths. BARNES - In Solon, Nov. 16, 1869, Aaron BARNES, aged 52 years.
Deaths. KEEP - In Homer, Nov. 28, 1869, Prudence, widow of the late Chauncey KEEP, aged 80 years.
Obituary. Died, in this village, on the nighht of the 5th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth G. HABEN, wife of Mr. John J. HABEN, aged 38 years.
Her illness, a fever of severe type, complicated with phlebitis or inflammation of veins, lasted about two weeks. The deceased was of foreign birth, her parents coming to this country in her early childhood. Mr. HABEN came with his family to reside in this town thirteen years since. Mr. HABEN leaves seven children whose commendable demeanor, at home and abroad, present a rare model of true family culture, and offers a worthy commentary on the virtues and practical christian graces of the deceased. Mrs. HABEN fitly adorned the position accorded her in the family circle, and nothing can better perpetuate her excellent traits of character and worthy example as a mother than the continued good conduct of her well disciplined children. She has finished a good work on earth and gone to her better rest.
Deaths. TOLBERT - On Sunday night, the 5th, at the Sperry Hotel, Alfred, infant son of Alfred and Hannah TOLBERT, aged 18 months and 14 days.
Deaths. WELD - In Binghamton, Nov. 30th, of Scarlet Fever, Cora A. WELD, oldest daughter of E.S. and V.A. WELD, aged 7 years 9 months and 15 days.
Deaths. TOLBERT - In this village, on Thursday morning, Cassie, infant daughter of Alfred and Hannah TOLBERT, aged three years and five months.
Deaths. OWEN - In Auburn, DEc. 17th, 1869, Mary Van Etten, wife of Israel H. OWEN, and mother of O.D. OWEN and Mrs. H.P. RANDALL of this palce, aged 53 years, 6 months and 12 days.
Deaths. SEEBER - In Freetown, on the Morning of the 14th Dec. 1869, Martha SEEBER wife of James Henry SEEBER.
HARRIS - At Harford, Sept. 17th, 1869, Emeline F. HARRIS, wife of G.F. HARRIS, and daughter of Mr. Erving TAINTER, of Harford, aged 30 years and 8 months.
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