Deaths. SPENCER - In this village, on the 28th ult., Mr. Isaac SPENCER, aged 79 years. Mr. S. has for many years been a resident of Blodgett's Mills.
Deaths. CARY - In DeRuyter, on the 11th [sic] inst., James CARY, aged 85 years.
Deaths. WARFIELD - In Groton, Dec. 21st, after a very brief illness, Catharine T., wife of Joshua WARFIELD, aged 76 years and 5 months.
Deaths. GOODHUE - In Ithaca, Jan. 1st, 1870, Frances O., daughter of David and Pauline GOODHUE, formerly of Dryden, aged 20 years.
Deaths. BEDDELL - In Dryden, Dec. 23d, 1869, Abijah BEDDELL, aged 62 years.
Deaths. NIVER - Nov 14, 1869, at the residence of David BENHAM, in Hart, Oceana Co., Mich., L.A. NIVER, of McLean, Tompkins Co., N.Y., aged 64 years, 11 months and 23 days.
Deaths. CROCKER - In Marathon, Jan. 5th, Mrs. Almeda V. CROCKER, daughter of G.L. CORWIN, aged 23 years.
Deaths. WENTWORTH - In Taylor, on the 21st inst., Ray Chadbourne WENTWORTH, son of Homer and Harriet WENTWORTH, aged nine years, eight months and two days.
Deaths. BROWN - At the residence of his son, T.N. BROWN, in Cortland, on the 13th inst., Mr. I.T. BROWN, aged 85 years and 7 mo.
Deaths. CADWELL - In this village on the 23d inst., Reuben CADWELL, aged 70 years and 23 days.
Deaths. DRAISS - In this village, on the 27th inst., Ellis Mathews DRAISS, infant son of Adam DRAISS, aged 10 months and 10 days.
Deaths. LEWIS - In Dryden, Jan. 25th, Eleanor, wife of Amos LEWIS, aged 73.
Fatal Accident. - Mr. Addison BENTON, of Virgil, met with a fatal accident last Wednesday morning. He, together with some of his neighbors, were chopping in the woods on Wager Hill. Soon after they commenced work, Mr. BENTON came to Mr. SHEPPARD who was at work only a short distance from where BENTON had been chopping, and said to SHEPPARD that he had cut his leg and he guessed that he had cut it pretty badly, and thought he would go home. Mr. BENTON started for home but before he got out of sight, Mr. SHEPPARD saw him fall, when he ran to his assistance, but life was almost, if not quite extinct when he reached him. Upon examination it was found that the axe had cut quite a gash in his leg just below the knee severing the main artery. Mr. BENTON was a son of Isaac BENTON, and was universally respected in the community where he resided. He was about 20 years of age.
Deaths. John O'LEARY, died Feb 5th 1870, aged 25 years, 7 months, 12 days.
Cortland, Feb. 9th, 1870
Mr. Editor:
Allow me to occupy a short space in your paper on behalf of the Firemen of this place, relative to the loss of an esteemed and beloved Brother, John O'LEARY, whose remains we followed to the grave yesterday morning. John was born in Ireland and came to this country with his parents when quite young, being only six years of age. His parents settled in Pennsylvania, where they resided a short time, removing to this place some sixteen years ago.
He was one of the thirteen who organized our "Hose Co." and from the moment of its existence to the time of his death he had taken a zealous interest in its welfare, never seeking office in the Co. He declined all such offers considering the position of a private in the ranks alike honorable.
No member was more prompt in attendance and no one bore the hardships incident to a Fireman's life with more fortitude and resignation; ready and willing to aid in protecting property and promoting the good of the Company, establishing by these humble and honest efforts, a reputation as a model companion.
The exposure at the fire of Mr. Jas. S. SMITH's house, which at the time seemed but trivial, was probably the forerunner of the disease that cost him his life.
He had for a long time been employed by Mr. Ira V. HICKS, as a blacksmith or wagon ironer. We are informed by Mr. HICKS that he was ever faithful, a strictly temperate, honest and reliable man. He was a good son, the pride of his mother in her declining years, an affectionate brother, and a friend to all. How true it is that death loves a shining mark. It has left space with us that cannot be filled. It has robbed Father, Mother, Sister and Brother of a treasure tha made their home a paradise. We are again warned of the frailty of life. It is short at best; let us strive to perform our duty fearlessly and faithfulley. Let Mother and Sister bow in submission
of Him who holds the destiny of each of us in His hand, saying "not my will but Thine be done, for he doeth all things well."
About to be Married---Killed Four Days Before the Wedding--- We chonicled, last week, the death of Addison BENTON, of Virgil, Cortland county, who died from a wound in his leg made by an axe. We obtain further particular of the sad case from a friend of the young man's, who resides in Jefferson street. Mr. BENTON was chopping in the woods when his axe glanced and swinging about entered his leg just below the knee. The main artery was at once severed, but instead of stopping the flow of blood above the wound by compression, the young man thinking he was badly hurt started to run after a sleigh that was going from the woods. He caught it, was taken in, and still no adequate efforts were made to stop the flow of blood. He was engaged to be married the following Sabbath to a most estimable young lady living near his father's house. Directing the driver to take him to the house of his betrothed, he arrived there a short time after the accident. He was taken from the sleigh in an almost insensible condition, and only gasped twice after being taken into the house. He literally bled to death. The case is a sad one; his betrothed was almost distracted with grief. Young BENTON was much respected for his social qualities and manly virtues. - Syracuse Courier.
Serious accident at Homer. - A serious accident occurred at Homer, Sunday, by which a lady, Mrs. Charles C. TOWER, sustained serious, if not fatal injuries. Mrs. TOWER was proceeding to church in a buggy, in company with the family of Mr. Alanson HOBART, and was sitting in the lap of another lady, when the horse became frightened and shied to one side, giving the carriage a sudden jerk, throwing Mrs. TOWER out upon the ground. She struck her head, fracturing her skull. At the lastest accounts, Mrs. TOWER was not expected to live, as the injuries were of a most serious nature. - Syracuse Journal.
We learn that Mrs. TOWER has since died.
Death of E.A. ALBRIDGE - The Winona [Minn.] Republican of the 26th ult., comes to us announcing the death, in that city, on the 8th ult., of Mr. Edwin R. ALBRIDGE, of McGrawville, in this county. Mr. ALBRIDGE fell a victim to that dread disease, consumption, with which he had suffered for many years. Last October he thought he would visit Minnesota for the benefit of his health and see if he could not stay the hand of the destroyer, but too late. Mr ALBRIDGE was the McGrawville correspondent of the Cortland Democrat under the nom de plume of "Guess So," which some of our readers will doubtless remember. He leaves a wife and several chldren at their home in McGrawville, who are said to be in very needy circumstances. His age was about 38 years. - Marathon Gazette.
Deaths. GILES - In Homer, Feb. 23d, Mr. Gilbert GILES, aged 70 years.
Deaths. SHIRLEY - In Homer, on the 1st inst., Eddie G., infant son of Wm. and Mary SHIRLEY, aged 7 months.
Deaths. NORTHRUP - In Homer, on the 1st inst., Mary S., daughter of James NORTHRUP, aged 20 years.
Deaths. WATROS - In Homer, on the 5th inst., Miss Jennie WATROS, aged 11 years.
Deaths. BURR - In Homer, on the 2d inst., Mr. Timothy BURR, aged 75 years.
Deaths. SEARS - In Homer, on the 6th inst., Mr. Francis SEARS, aged 62 years.
Deaths. DALTON - In this village on the 10th inst., Mr. Richard DALTON, aged 80 years.
A very long tribute to Dr. GOODYEAR was included in the issue of 18 Mar 1870. Some specifics: born in Hamden, New Haven county, Conn.; his father died when Miles was four; his mother lived to be 86; the youngest of several children; all the other children predeceased him; at age 14 came on horseback to Genoa, N.Y.; in 1812 substituted for a brother drafted to serve in the war; practiced in Danby, Tompkins county a year; a daughter died at Portage, Wis., the fourth of them to die; celebrated his Golden Wedding Anniversay Jan 29th, 1867;survived by one daughter, five grandchildren and wife [maiden name Polly GOODYEAR]
We learn from Mr. N.A.P.KINNEY, of Scott, that a young man by the name of Jesse WAKEFIELD, about 16 years of age, committed suicide at the residence of his father, George WAKEFIELD, about a mile and a half east of the Corners, on Sunday afternoon last, by hanging. Being missed about supper time, search was made, when he was discovered in an upper room, but too late to rescue him. No satisfactory cause has been assigned. A Coroner's inquest is being held today. - Standard.
Mr. Daniel REED died in Albany last Friday, and was buried in the Cortland Cemetery last Tuesday. His age was 92 years. He was the father of Rufus A. REED, with whom he has long lived.
Deaths. BURDICK - In Preble, on the 28th, March, Dr. Phineas H. BURDICK, aged 69 years.
Deaths. MORE - In Marathon, March 27th, Clarissa, consort of the late Edward MORE, aged 81 years.
Deaths. SMITH - In Troy, March (illeg.) Henry Sprague, son of Harvey and Anna SMITH, aged 28 years, 6 months and 14 days.
(At a meeting of the Bar):
The Committee reported the following resolutions:
Resolved, That we have received information of the death of Alvah D. WATERS. District Attorney of Cortland County, with unaffected sorrow, and mourn his loss to the profession, of which he was an ornament, and to the County of which he was an efficient officer.
Resolved, That we recognize in the deceased a young man of integrity, who by his untiring industry had achieved an enviable reputation, opening to his view a future full of promise, and earning for himself the esteem of all, for the ability with which he discharged his public duties.
Resolved, That while we thus recognize the public services of the deceased, we admire and bring due tribute to his personal character, and to the urbanity and courtesy which marked his entire course with all.
Resolved, That we tender to his widow and relatives, our incere sympathy in their bereavement and as a token of our respect to his memory, we will in a body attend his funeral.
Deaths. HAIGHT - In East Homer on the 23d inst., Mr. Jabez HAIGHT, aged 61 years.
Deaths. LAMONT - In Dryden, April 20th, Daniel LAMONT, aged 75 years.
Deaths. UNDERHILL - At his residence in New York, on the evening of May 3d, 1870, Barnes UNDERHILL, father in law of William HULBERT. - at the advanced age of 91 years.
Deaths. SELLEN - In West Groton, May 6th, 1870, Mrs. Maria SELLEN, aged 78 years.
Thy friendly smile we see no more; Thy mortal journey now is o'er; To brighter realms of endless day, Thy weary spirit's winged its way.
Deaths. TERPENING - In Cortland, May 6th, 1870, Henry TERPENING aged 82 years.
Deaths. DELANEY - In Cortland, May 6th, Ellen DELANEY, aged about 70 years.
Deaths. For the parents and friends of Little Fannie SMITH, who died April 18, 1870, aged 2 years, 10 months and 23 days.
You've laid her body in the grave; She's resting there - how calmly; Her spirit's gone to Him who gave You, your dear, darling Fanny. With aching hearts and tearful eyes, You've watched your dear one suffer; Alas! no tears, no groans, nor sighs. Could save her fro Death's slumber. Your household joy, your pride, your pet Your precious and your only, Forever's gone, and you are left, So desolate and lonely. She was so gentle, mild and sweet, So patient and enduring; So kindly all her friends did greet, So loving and confiding. Oh! how you miss her prattling tongue, And smiling beautious face; Her joyous welcome when you come, Her loved kiss and fond embrace. When strngth and life were almost gone, Faint and weak her voice had grown, "Papa, say Fanny a little prayer," She whispered. Hallowed hour. Angelic spirit, free from sin; Waiting the appointed hour - The Reaper came, and gathered in, For Paradise - a flower. And thus she passed away from earth, Calm as a gentle zephyr; Your angel child resigned her breath, To dwell with her Redeemer. E.F. BUELL
Deaths. POMEROY - May 29, Wilber Herbert, second son of S.T and Mary POMEROY, aged 5 years and 7 months.
Died. In this village, June 15th, Mrs. Lucinda MERRICK, widow of the late Danforth MERRICK, aged 70 years.
The funeral will take place to-day at 2 o'clock P.M. Rev. M. HARTER, of Auburn, will conduct the services.
Died. BROWN - On Tuesday, June 21, Mary L. BROWN, aged 16 years 1 day.
Died. MERRICK - In this village, June 15, 1870, of heart disease, Mrs. Lucinda MERRICK, relict of the late Danforth MERRICK, aged 70 years and 10 days.
Mr. MERRICK was born in Columbia, Conn., but when nearly seven years of age removed to the eastern part of this State, after which she came into Cortlandville and has been a resident of this village for fifty years.
She was an affectionate and faithful wife, a kind mother, a good neighbor, a friend to the poor, and an excellent and influential member of society.
In her religious views she was a consistent and exemplary Universalist, ever ready in word and deeds to commend to others the beauties and divine excellencies of her glorious and elevated faith, which during her long and useful life served as an "anchor to the soul both sure and steadfast."
As her physical strength diminished her spiritual strength increased more and still more, till she departed from this to the joys of a better and higher life.
She leaved two sons and two daughters, besides other relatives, to mourn her departure, and yet they rejoice the dear one is now at rest.
Her funeral was attended on the 17th inst., by relatives and a large concourse of sympathizing friends, to whom a sermon was preached by Rev. J.H. HARTER, of Auburn, N.Y.
Died. SHAW - In Summer Hill, on Saturday, July 2, William Tennent SHAW, aged 76 years.
Died. BURVEE, In McGraawville, June 29, Nicenah, Daughter of Orande and Lydia BURVEE, aged 2 years, 2 months and 14 days.
Died. CALLAHAN - In this Village, June 30, Mary, wife of John CALLAHAN, aged 52 years.
15 Jul 1870
Died. TANNER - In harford on the 30th ult., Emma, wife of Daniel TANNER, and daughter of P. KNICKERBOCKER, aged 22 years.
22 Jul 1870
Died. STANTON - At McLean, July 14, of a long and protracted illness, Mrs. Abigal C. STANTON, wife of Augustus T. STANTON, aged 68 years.
Died. BARRY - In Cortland, on Monday July 11, John Francis, son of Thomas and Ellen BARRY, aged six months and one day.
[From the Syracuse Standard]
Murder at DeRuyter. - On Saturday morning, July 16, at half-past six o'clock, the body of Dennis GRIFFIN, a laborer on the Midland Railroad, was found in a pit on
section 26, about two and a half miles east of DeRuyter village. When found the body lay on its face, about three and a half feet from the side of the pit, which is twelve and a half feet deep, the head toward the south side of the pit. The back part of the skull, in a line even with the upper portion of the ear, was entirely crushed in, evidently by a heavy blow, and there was a slight contusion on the face, near the eye.
A.V. BENTLEY, Esq., acting as Coroner, summoned a jury. Drs. SPENCER and MUDGE testified as to the injuries. It was proven that the deceased passed SCOTT's Hotel about nine o'clock the evening previous, and a few moments later another man passed in the same direction, walking faster than GRIFFIN. This was the last seen of the deceased. It was known that GRIFFIN had some fifty or sixty dollars in his possession. Four cents only were found on the body. The verdict of the Coroner's Jury was that the deceased came to his death from causes to them unknown. The pit where the body was found was about one-half mile from the highway, and was the usual path to GRIFFIN's boarding-place. GRIFFIN had spent the day in the village endeavoring to collect a debt. He was an intemperate man. The position of the body, the blow on the back part of the head, the fact of his money being gone, all prove conclusively that he met his death by foul means. A good deal of excitement exists over the matter in DeRuyter, especially in the immediate neighborhood, and the opinion is universal that he was murdered.
Death of Col. Samuel L. BEEBE. - The many friends of Mr. BEEBE, in this county, will be pained to learn that he died in Cincinnatus, Cortland County, on the morning of June 26, from the effects of a cancer on his arm, which had troubled him for years and which had several times been removed by Dr. HYDE, of Cortland, but had returned with increased severity. In February he went to Philadelphia for treatment, returning but a week previous to his death. Col. BEEBE was formerly a resident of Lincklaen, in this county, and represented the county in the Legislature of 1860. He was universally esteemed for his many good qualities, and his loss will be mourned by a large circle of relatives and friends. He was in the 50th year of his age. - Chenango Union.
Suicide. - Mrs. Laura MOORE, wife of C.H. MOORE, Esq. of this place committed suicide by drowning herself in the Tioughnioga river, last Tuesday night. The
circumstances as near as we have been able to learn are as follows: Mr and Mrs. MOORE, were taking a walk on Main st., about 8 o'clock in the evening, and when
near Mr. SCHERMERHORN's residence, Mrs. MOORE turned around and strted back on a run to her room in the Cortland House, where they boarded, and locked herself in. Mr. MOORE soon after went to the room and finding the door locked, went out on the piazza and sitting down in the window conversed with her for some
minutes, when he entered the room from the window, and undressing himself retired for the night. - Mrs. M. had also commenced disrobing, preparatory to retiring for the night. After taking off one of her shoes, she took her hat and shawl and left the room. Not returning, in the course of half an hour, Mr. M. dressed himself and went to the residence of his brother, Mr. R.R. MOORE, who resides on Railroad st., and inquired for her, but was informed she had not been there. Mr. MOORE, returned to the Cortland House, and not finding her in the room and fearing that she had destroyed herself, aroused some of his neighbors, who went to the river in search of her. Mr. MOORE, his brother and Mr. G.L. WARREN, found a hoop skirt hanging on the fence near the first railroad bridge, at the north end of the village, and on the butments of the bridge, her shawl neatly folded, together with her waterfall was found. Mr. WARREN, upon stepping to the other side of the bridge saw Mrs. M. standing in a
stooping position in the water, with a piece of a limb of a tree in her hand. Mr. Geo. JONES, of the Cortland House, waded in and with the assistance of Mr. P. VAN
BERGEN succeeded in bringing the body on shore. An inquest was held on Wednesday by Coroner BARNES, of Cincinnatus. The deceased was a daughter of Mr. Porter CRITTENDEN, a highly respected citizen of Cincinnatus.
The following is the verdict of the Coroner's Jury: -
An inquisition indented and taken at the MESSENGER House, in the town of Cortlandville, in the County of Cortland, the 27th day of July, 1870, before me, N.R. BARNES, one of the Coroners for the county aforesaid, on the view of the body of Laura J. MOORE, who is now lying dead at the house of R.R. MOORE, upon the oaths and affirmations of E.F. WILLETT, E.O. FISH, Samuel FREEMAN, J.J. PEASE, H.M. PURDY, M.D.MURPHY, D.J. SPERRY, R. CHAMPLIN, P. Bacon DAVIS, Aaron SAGER, Wm. S. HUNTER, O. Darwin OWEN, good and lawful men of the State of New York duly chosen, who being then and there sworn and charged to inquire on behalf of the people of the State aforesaid, when, where, and how, and after what manner the said Laura J. MOORE came to her death, do upon their oaths of affirmation say that the said Laura J. MOORE came to her death by strangulation and drowning by her own act, while in a state of temporary mental abberation, caused by a belief on her part tha an improper intimacy existed between her husband and one Melissa BLYE.
[Aug. 5 inquest testimony:
Laura J. MOORE's maiden name was Laura J. CRITTENDEN, and would have been 35 years old on that date; nicknamed Jennie. They had a little boy 6 years old 19th Oct. Melissa BLYE was Mrs. Henry BLYE.]
[Aug. 12 issue of the newspaper had much comment on the fact Melissa BLYE was subjected to a "coat of tar and feathers"]
Sad Accident. - A young man named Harrison HEFFRON, living in the town of Harford, came to his death by the limbs of a tree falling upon him, on Friday last. He was in the woods, about three-fourths of a mile from the house, with a man by the name of William SMITH, felling tres for the purpose of peeling bark. About four o'clock they fell a tree, which in falling struck another, bending it partly over, breaking off quite a number of limbs, which, flying back struck HEFFRON on the head, knocking him down and burying him under the brush. SMITH came to the rescue, and pulled him out, finding him insensible. After drenching him with water, he became conscious and was willing to remain there alone while SMITH went for assistance. Dr. John KNAPP, of Harford, was sent for, and arrived about the time HEFFRON had been removed to the house. Dr. BARNES of Marathon was also called during the evening, and everything which could be done for him, was done. He died about 2 o'clock Saturday morning. He was about 26 years of age and one of the most exemplary young men in the neighborhood. Marathon Independent.
Died. COURTNEY. - In Marathon, N.Y., July 16th, 1870, Carracena A., wife of Oscar COURTNEY, aged 33 years.
Died. ELDRIDGE. - At his residence in the town of Cortlandville, July 25, 1870, Mr. Edward ELDRIDGE, aged 27 years and 5 months.
Here and There.
- Dr. Robert C. OWEN, formerly a resident of Homer village, died in Bloomington, Ill. on the 24th ult.
Died. - STEBBINS - In Homer, July 29, Mr. Almus STEBBINS, aged 64 years.
Died. - BISHOP - On Sunday morning, July 17, at the residence of L. B. TATT, Pontiac, Mich., Mr. Hiram BISHOP, aged 70 years.
Died. GARDNER - In Homer, July 31, Mr. Henry GARDNER, aged 82 years.
Died. - ELDRIDGE - Edward ELDRIDGE departed this life at his residence near Cortland, July 25, 1870, aged 77 years and 5 months.
His remains were interred in the beautiful hillside cemetery at Cortland.
The deceased was born in Sharon, Schoharie county, N.Y., February 26, 1793, and was united in marriage in the year 1811, to Lucinda TAYLOR, daughter of Henry TAYLOR, Esq., of Schoharie county, who was the sharer of his happiness, trials and sorrows, and still survives him. In 1833, he emigrated to Cortland county, where he has resided since. His time was princpally occupied in the pursuits of Agriculture.
During the last three months of his life his sufferings were intense, yet he bore it without a murmur, but not without a tear, retaining his sense to the last moment.
Everything was done to alleviate his sufferings that could be by physicians and friends, but without avail. His life was prolonged by kind and good treatment. The deceased was afflicted with gangrene or black eyrsipelus, which is beyond the power of medical skill. As it was apparent that he could remain with us but a short time, he was asked by the eldest son how he felt in view of death's near approach. He replied "I am ready to meet my God." He was then asked by a relative what she would say to a dear one absent.
"Tell her I am going home to heaven."
He was a kind and affectionate father ever ready to advise and assist each in their different vacations. He was ever ready and willing to help those in need. His home was a home for all. He was known to be a kind and noble-hearted man, highly esteemed by all who knew him. He leaves a large family and many friends to mourn his loss.
Suicide of Mrs. BAUM. - Our village was thrown into considerable excitement on Wednesday morning last by the news that Mrs. Patience G. BAUM had committed
suicide by taking arsenic.
Coroner HYDE of Cortland was summoned as soon as possible, and upon his arrival the following named gentlemen were enpaneled as a jury: - Samuel M. HUNT, Foreman, W.H.VUNK, Eli B. HUSTED, J.B.VAN DYKE, Joseph BARKER, Patrick MALLERY, Albern H. BARBER, R.F. WILLARD, Henry CASLAR, Robert ROOKS, D.D. HUNT, J. COMSTOCK.
We would be glad to publish the testimony in full, but it is extremely lengthy, and would fill our entire sheet. We have therefore, read it carefully and elicit the following facts: -
Mrs. BAUM had been unwell for several days, and on Tuesday evening ate very little supper.
About 8 o'clock in the evening she sent for one of the neighbors to come in, who found her vomiting and complaining of a pain in the lungs. She not getting any better, Dr. MAYNARD was called about ten o'clock, who soon discovered symptoms of poison. Several remedies were administered, and at the suggestion of Doctor MAYNARD, Dr. REED was also called. She denied having taken poison, but soon after the arrival of Dr. REED, a paper was found in the bed marked "Arsenic". A vial was also found in the stove.
Upon being again questioned she admitted that she had taken arsenic, and said she procured it three years ago, of Geo. SWIFT. Every effort was made to save her life, but she gradually grew worse, and died about 3 o'clock Wednesday morning.
Several witnesses testified to her having told them previous to this that she wished she were dead, and gave her reason for so wishing, that she expected the family would be broken up; that she had overheard conversation between Mr. BAUM and his brother to that effect, &c.
Mr. BAUM testified to intercepting a letter which she gave her boy to deliver between 5 and 6 o'clock on Tuesday evening, and the boy testified to the same thing, and that when he informed his mother that Mr. BAUM had the letter she remarked that it would kill her.
She also told Dr. REED that she had no intention of taking poison until the day upon which she took it.
The verdict of the jury was as follows: -
"That the said Mrs. Patience G. BAUM, the deceased, came to her death at the dwelling house of James N. BAUM, aforesaid, on the 31st day of August, 1870, from taking poison, (arsenic) from her own hand, that she was induced to the act by domestic infelicity, and from fear of desertion by her husband."---Marathon Independent
Died. LIVINGSTON - Aug. 19, John A., infant son of Hugh S. and Phebe A. LIVINGSTON, aged 3 years, 8 months and 11 days.
Died. CARTY - In Groton, Aug. 19, wife of John CARTY, agd 55 years.
Died. BRIGGS - In Cortland, on Wednesday morning, Sept. 7, Joseph BRIGGS, late of New York, aged 35 years, 9 months and 27 days.
Died. WARREN - In Binghamton, Sept. 7, Jennie, infant daughter of Geo. L. and Clara WARREN, aged 8 months.
Died. STEPHENS - Suddenly, Wednesday morning, Sept. 7, daughter of Joseph and Mary STEPHENS, aged 5 years.
Died. LORD - At his residence in Georgetown, Aug. 21, of typhoid fever, Rev. Isaiah LORD, of the Central N.Y.Conference.
Died. McMAHON - In Marathon, Sept. 6, Michael McMAHON, aged 41 years.
Died. SMITH - In Lapeer, the 24th of July last, Mr. Abram SMITH, in his 80th year.
Mr. SMITH was born July 20, 1791, in Herkimer County N.Y., but removed to Solon, in Cortland county, 1795, and ten years afterwards he removed to the town of Marathon, where he subsequently held many offices of trust and responsibility. He was an honest, industrious, energetic man, and contributed his full share of labor and toil in clearing off the primeval forests and making the desert to bud and blossom with food for man and beast, and died in full faith of blessed immortality.
Thus has another of the early pioneers passed away. He had outlived almost all contemporaries of a new generation - had come upon the busy scenes of active life with whom he was a comparative stranger.
He, an octogenarian, well might exclaim, "I see the same blue arch of Heaven indeed spread out over me - the same mountains rear their lofty summits and the same streamlets run along their base - but all else has changed."
Died. HOBART - In Homer, Aug. 14, 1870, Mrs. Anna HOBART, widow of the late Capt. Joseph HOBART, aged 80 years and 20 days.
Died. HANNUM - In Homer, on the 8th inst., Mr. Zelotes HANNUM, aged 77 years.
Died. BROCKWAY - In Owego, Aug. 31, after a prolonged and suffering illness, Mrs. Clarissa BROCKWAY, aged 64 years.
The deceased and her surviving husband, Mr. Joseph BROCKWAY, were for many years residents of this town, where they were both extensively known and highly respected.
Mrs. BROCKWAY was a most worthy Christian lady, exemplifying in all her relations the reality and worth of her religious faith, which she professed in early life, uniting herself with the Presbyterian Church, which relation she honorably and scrupulously maintained to the close of her life, joyously triumphing over her last enemy in the fullest assurance of a blessed immortality.
Died. PARK - At New Haven, Conn., Aug. 31, 1870, Jane PARK, eldest daughter of Josiah P. INGRAHAM, of Homer.
Died. THOMPSON - In New York City, the 22d inst., J. Delay THOMPSON.
Died. NEWCOMB - In Saulsbury Centre, Herkimer County, on the 24th inst., Louisa M. NEWCOMB, relict of Jno. A. NEWCOMB, deceased, aged 63 years 28 days. Her remains were brought here for interment.
7 Oct 1870
Died. WILCOX - In Cortland Sept 30, Rozella WILLCOX, Relict of the late Asher WILLCOX age 77 years.
Died. McALLISTER - At Shipman, Ill., the 9th inst., Morgan McALLISTER, aged 24 years.
Mr. McALLISTER left Cortland some three years since, and found employment on the Chicago and St. Louis Railroad. While passing from one car to another as the train was in motion, he made a mis-step, falling between the cars and four passing over him. We learn that Mr. McALLISTER was a faithful employee, always at his post and doing his duty. His remains were brought home and services held in the Christian Church at south Cortland.
Died. ROUNDS - In Virgil, Sept. 18, Catharine ROUNDS, aged 57 years.
Died. WOOLSTON - In Preble, Monday, the 17th inst., of paralysis of the heart, Joseph WOOLSTON, in the 78th year of his age.
Mr. WOOLSTON, with his father came to this town in the year 1804, at the age of eleven; and at his death was the only person with one exception, remaining of the settlers of the town whenhe came. During all his life he was an active and highly esteemed citizen. For some fifty-six years he was an honored member of the M.E. Church, and at his death, his family, the church, and the community feel how great a loss they are called upon to sustain. He had no notice of his approaching end. But all who knew him felt assured that a good man had gone home to his reward in heaven.
The funeral was attended by a large concourse of sympathizing people, who listened with hearty indorsement to a sermon preached by Rev. Horace HARRIS, from the text, "I have fought a good fight; I have finished my course."
Good bye, cherished father, good bye until we meet In that beautiful city with its golden street Where the flowers ne'er fade on that evergreen shore, Where loved ones are gathering to welcome us o'er.
Died. PIERCE - In TRuxton, on the 23d inst., Mrs. Mary U. PIERCE, wife of Sabin S. PIERCE, aged 28(?) years.
The funeral was held at the Baptist church in Truxton on the 25th inst. Sermon to a large congregation of relatives and friends was preached by Rev. J.T. CRIPPEN, of Cortland, from 1 Cor., xiii, 12, "For now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face: now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known."
PIERCE. The notice for the death of Mary U. PIERCE was repeated in the Cortland County Democrat Nov. 4 and Nov. 11. The notice in Nov. 4 clearly indicates she was 38 years old.
Died. ORMSBY - In Homer, on the 18th ult., Mr. D.D.R. ORMSBY, aged 58 years.
Died. ANDREWS - In Cuyler, Oct. 27, Mrs. Phoebe, wife of harlan ANDREWS and daughter of Benjamin BROWN, Esq.
Died. BORABACK - In this village (illegible) Henry BORABACK, aged 25 years and three months.
The funeral will take place Sabbath afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Died. BURT - Oct. 12 at his home near Blodgett's Mills, N.Y., Thomas BURT, in the 48th year of his age.
The subject of the above notice was born in Pittsfield, Mass. and removed to Virgil thirty years ago, where he resided till his death. He was a man strictly honest and of industrious habits, charitable to the needy, kind and affectionate in his family. For more than a year he had been in declining health, though nothing alarming till the early part of the summer, when he expressed his conviction that he should not recover, and manifested an interest to be prepared for his last change, whenever it should come.
He leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loss.
Died. ANGELL - At the residence of his son-in-law, Wilber C. MAY, in this village, the 21st inst., Joshua ANGELL, aged 70 years.
Died. WHITE - At the residence of his son, Augustus WHITE, in Cincinnatus, Nov. 21, Aaron WHITE, formerly of Killawog, aged 71 years.
Died. QUIVEY - In Cincinnatus, on the 16th inst., of typhoid fever, Charlie A., only child of Dr. A. and mary L. QUIVEY, aged 5 years and 4 months.
Died. ANDREWS - In Cuyler, Sunday evening, Nov. 20, Emma, wife of Grant ANDREWS, aged 24 years.
Died. LEE - In this village, Nov. 26, Arathusa LEE, wife of Patrick LEE, aged 74 years.
Died. DWYER, In this village, Nov. 28, Thomas DWYER, aged 75 years.
Died. NORTHRUP - In Homer, Dec. 1st, Mr. Lorin NORTHRUP, aged 60 years.
Died. HILL - In Willett, Nov. 21st, 1870, Mrs. Polly HILL, in the 8th [sic] year of her age.
Died. WOODEN - In Virgil, the 17th inst., Hattie C., only daughter of John and Catherine WOODEN, aged 13 years.
Died. LITTLE - In Marathon, Dec. 10, Lovina, wife of Ira L. LITTLE, Esq., aged 41 years.
Died. JOHNSON - Lewis JOHNSON died at his brother's residence in Willett, Dec. 4, in the 67 year of his age.
Died. AYERS - In Harford, on the 8th inst., Celestia, eldest daughter of Albert and Marietta AYERS, aged 4 1/2 years.
Died. DUNBAR - In Preble, Nov. 28, 1870, Catharine, wife of Elam DUNBAR, in the 68th year of her age, of dropsy of the heart.
Two weeks previous to her death Mrs. DUNBAR fell and fractured a limb, but was thought to be doing well by both her physician and friends, till within a short time of her death, and, indeed, no thought was entertained of her being dangerous till she was actually struggling with the messenger.
Mr. DUNBAR was born in Ulster county, this State. She made a public profession of her faith to the Redeemer in her youth, For more than fifty years she walked in companion with God's people. Although she had arrived near to the allotted age of man - three score years and ten - yet she was young in spirit and took a deep interest in the welfare of all around her. There was a warmth and enthusiasm belonging to her nature that, in connection with her high tone of Christian emotions and sympathies, kept her awake to every good and noble enterprise.
She greatly loved the Church, and delighted in all the services of the sanctuary; like the Psalmist, she felt that "that a day in the Courts of the Lord was better than a thousand." In her domestic and social relations she was a pattern of gentleness, consideration and benevolence. To come under her roof and share her hospitalities, one could but feel at home and be reminded of the warm affection and gentle influence of MOTHER. As a member of Christ's household, she was ever ready to "do what she could." She was a tender and affectionate mother, a faithful and devoted wife, and with glad remembrance with the family group - father and children - and other relatives and acquaintances, speak of her many virtues and kndnesses. In her death not only has a link been sundered that bound the family ties, but a chasm has been made in various circles, which it will not be easy to fill.
The summons came suddenly and unexpectedly, but it found her ready, "and was prepared to (illegible)"
---Last Wednesday morning Mr. Frank HOLLISTER, residing about four miles west of this village, committed suicide by hanging himself. He was stopping at the house of his brother, Mr. R.L. HOLLISTER - about one half mile distant from his own - and got up about three o'clock in the morning saying that he was going home. Not long after Mr. R.L. HOLLISTER found him dead in the barn. He had procured a rope and fastened one end to a rafter and standing on the haymow he fastened the other end about his neck and jumped off. Mr. HOLLISTER had exhibited symptoms of insanity for some weeks past, and his family had procured the necessary papers to be made out preparatory to placing him in the Utica Asylum, Mr. HOLLISTER leaves a family.
The winter winds do sadly blow and strike a mournful thrill Through every heart that bends beneath the Lord's all powerful will: For like a lily from its stem, still radiant and bright, The spirit of dear John to Heaven has taken flight. Dear John, thou hast left us here for brighter realms on high, To seek the guerdon of thy worth beyond the starry sky; But; yet, we follow thee in mind across life's mystic main, For cheering hope, her promise brings, that we shall meet again. Like young anemones, fair form, your mind expanded bright, Diffusing fragrance from its fold when cheered by wisdom's light; But now, alas, the flower has drooped and winter winds have torn The jewel from the casket lone and left the case forlorn. Ah, many are the youthful hearts that mourn your absence now, And saddened is the shade that clouds your lonely parents' brow; No more shall they behold the smile that shed its beams of love, Until they meet you in tha blest home of seraphim above. They miss you, John, at the hearth and round the festive board, But solace whispers them there is spread a banquet of the Lord's, - A banquet where the angels serve the joys to seraphs given, And where the good alone can taste the purest bliss of Heaven. Katie Drake.
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