The Cortland Democrat
13 Jan 1871
Died. HAWLEY - In Homer, on the 30th ult. Newton G. HAWLEY, aged 24 years.
Died. JONES- In this village, on the 29th ult., Mary Ellen, daughter and only child of Mr. and Mrs. Newell JONES, aged 25 years.
Died. BULLMAN - At his residence in this village, on the 4th inst. Christopher BULLMAN, aged 83 years.
Died. GAGER - In this town, on the 10th inst., Mrs. Julia W., wife of Judson R. GAGER, aged 31 years.
20 Jan 1871
Died. HAWLEY - In Homer, Jan. 17, Alzoa THOMPSON, wife of Rev. C.W. HAWLEY.
27 Jan 1871
Died. PURDY - In Cortland, on the 23d instant, Alfred PURDY, aged 65 years. Chenango papers please copy.
3 Feb 1871
Died. CHAFFY - On the 10th of January, in Cortland, Mrs. Nancy A. CHAFFY, wife of Jonathan W. CHAFFY, aged 60 years.
Died. CROSBY - In Homer, on the 19th of January, Mr. Delos F. CROSBY, aged 24 years.
Died. WELCH - In Homer on the 18th of January, Mr. Vincent WELCH, aged 45 years.
Died. EARLE - In Weedsport on the 16th of January, Wealthy, widow of the late Ward EARLE, and daughter of Deacon D. HARDY, of Homer.
Died. BALDWIN - In Preble, at the residence of Harvey CUMMINGS, on the 14th of January, Cyntha, widow of the late James BALDWIN, Esq., aged 68 years.
Died. PIERCE - In Homer on the 10th of January , Miss Grace E. PIERCE, aged nearly 18 years.
Died. WILES - Henry WILES died at his residence in Willett, Jan. 28, aged 66 years and 25 days. He was Stricken with paralysis, and died in about 30 hours.
17 Feb 1871
In Memoriam.
At a meeting of soldiers in attendance at the funeral of the late Captain James A. COFFIN, held subsequent to his burial at Grand Army Hall, at McGrawville, N.Y., Comrade J.C. CARMICHEL, of Cortland, was called to the chair and T.J. CHAFY, of McGrawville, made secretary.
Remarks were made by Comrade H.C HENDRICK, paying tribute to the noble character of the deceased and moved the appointment of a committee to draft suitable resolutions expressive of the afflictive occasion and character and service of their fallen comrade, and present the same to this meeting.
H.C. HENDRICK, L.P. DAY and Frank PLACE were apppointed said committee.
During the absence of the committee, J.C. CARMICHEL spoke in eulogy of the deceased, and of the fraternal ties that bind the survivors of the late war with one another.
The committee, through their chairman, reported the following preamble and resolutions, which were accepted and adopted:
Whereas, In dispensation of Divine Providence, one of our comrades in arms, who was spared the fatal bullet in battle, has now been mustered out of earth for promotion on high; and
Whereas, It becometh us as good soldiers, to bow in humble submission to the order of the Supreme Commander of the Universe, to find consolation in the righteous ruling of Him with whom are the issues of life and death, and trusting that he is borne in the triumphs of victory to join the great army of the faithful and the Captain of our salvation, therefore
Resolved, That as comrades in the late war we realize that in the death of Captain James A. COFFIN, we have lost one from our number who was highly esteemed for the brilliancy of his military career, for the patriotism and zeal with which he entered the service of his country, for the fidelity and distinguished self-sacrificing spirit with which he served in the darkest hours of peril, for courage in the face ofthe enemy in some of the most desparately fought battles of the war, and uncomplaining endurance in twenty-one months of prison life, that these and his many other worthy qualities as soldier-companion, have enobled him in our estimation, and enthroned him in our affections.
Transcribed by Merton Sarvay
September, 2005
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