Died. SINCLAIR - At the residence of his father, James H. SINCLAIR, in Norwich, on Tuesday afternoon, December 20th, of typhoid fever, Mr. John H. SINCLAIR in the 27th year of his age.
Died. FITZGERALD - In the County House on the 27th ult., Mrs. Mary FITZGERALD, aged 72 years.
Celia R. SMOKE,, the girl who obtained the heavy judgment against Reuben H. JEWELL of Ulysses, for personal injuries, died last week. The deceased was only eighteen years of age...
Death, the white winged destroyer has again visited us and summoned an old and respected citizen. On Friday, Jan. 5th, 1877, of typhoid pneumonia, after a short illness of forty-eight hours Isaac S. BRYANT in the 74th year of his age. Although Sunday, the day of the funeral was a stormy, dreary day, a goodly number of citizens and friends of all denominations, came from far and near to express by their presence and saddened countenances the friendship and respect they felt for the deceased. Rev. A. M. BENNETT delivered a very appropriate discourse from Matthew 24,44.
The deceased sought the Savior in his youth, and in his old age he cast his burdens on that friend that sticketh closer than a brother. He held an office of trust in this town, that of U.S. Mail carrier, and how well he performed that duty may be seen from the fact that in the whole 5 years that he has held that office
there was but one time that the mail was not changed and then he was but a few rods from the cars. It was in the early morning run and did not stop at its usual time. But his work is ended and many will miss from the village streets the bent form and the pleasant voice of the Old mail carrier of Truxton village. He has gone to that bourne from which no traveler returns, and the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest.
H. R. L.
Died. HOPKINS - In Twylor, Dec. 1, 1876, Jonathan HOPKINS, aged 94 years and 8 months. He was the oldest resident in town.
Died. HOLCOMB - In DeRuyter, Dec. 29, 1876, Orlando HOLCOMB, aged 66 years.
Died. JENCKS - In DeRuyter, Jan. 2, 1877, of heart disease, Mrs. Col. E. D. JENCKS, aged about 72 years.
Died. NEAL - In Cuyler, Jan. 4, 1877, Darius NEAL, aged 74 years.
Died. BRYANT - In Truxton, N.Y., Jan. 5, 1877, Mr. I. S. BRYANT, aged 68 years.
Died. SHURTLIFF - In Truxton, Dec. 26, 1876, Mrs. Ann SHURTLIFF, aged 50 years.
Died. BOIES - In Cortland, N.Y., Dec. 29, 1876, Laura CLEVELAND, widow of the late Orsemus BOIEES, aged 83 years.
Died. DICKENSON - At Willard Asylum, Ovid, Seneca county, N.Y., Dec. 25, 1876, Mrs. Mary DICKENSON, aged about 40 years.
Died. BREWER - In Elmira, N.Y., Dec. 31, 1876, of consumption, Edgar A. BREWER, eldest son of Mr. A. BREWER, of Homer, N.Y., aged 37 years.
Died. WEAVER - On Friday, Dec. 29, 1876, at Homer, N.Y., Elizabeth Teft WEAVER, widow of the late Joshua WEAVER, in the 85th year of her age.
Died. KELSEY - In Syracuse, N.Y., Jan. 1, 1877, Thomas T. KELSEY, a former resident of Homer, N.Y.
Died. SMITH - In Homer, N.Y., on Wednesday evening, Jan. 2d, 1877, of diptheria, Ora L., youngest daughter of Philo F. and Elizabeth H. SMITH, aged 6 years, 3 months and 23 days.
Died. MOORE - In this village, Jan. 11th, 1877, Rensselaer R. MOORE, aged 56 years.
Died. DWIGHT - At his residence in Cincinnatus, on the 11th inst., Solomon DWIGHT, aged 62 years.
Died. HULBURT - At Marathon, N.Y., Jan. 12, 1877, of consumption, Miss Lulu HULBURT, aged 16 years.
Died. WESTMORELAND - In Cortland, Jan. 15, 1877, William WESTMORELAND, aged 81 years.
Truxton. - M. C. SKEELE, mentioned in our last as recovering, died the 14th of January, 1877. Like the candle, burning to the socket, now flickering with hope, then sinking lower and lower, till at last it goes out. He was one of the firm of Skeele & Conick, manufacturers of the boss butter packages, and one of the proprietors of the steam saw mill, Truxton, N.Y.; an energetic business man, and will long be missed by the people of Truxton and vicinity. His funeral takes place on Wednesday.
Truxton. - William H. McKEVITT, son of Mr. Alexander McKEVITT, formerly of this place,died in Syracuse, of consumption, January 14th, 1877, and was brought to Truxton, on Tuesday, for burial. When the war broke out in 1861, although young inyears, he was one of the first to enroll his name, and served two years in the 23d Regt., N.Y. Volunteers. He had four brothers, and the whole five were in the Union army at one time. One was killed at Gettysburg, and two others have died from wounds and injuries received while battling for their country. Of the whole five, only one is left, and out of a family of nine children, only four remain. We were glad to see so many of the old friends and neighbors of this afflicted family present to assist and to show that sympathy that only the bereaved can appreciate. He left a wife and one child to mourn his loss. Many hearts are warm with sympathy for them all. H.R.L.
Sudden Death. - Last Wednesday Mr. Ethan A. PIERCE and lady, of Truxton, were visiting in Preble. The chimney of the house in which they were visiting took fire, and Mr. PIERCE ran upstairs with a pail of water, came down and went out the front door. Soon after, he was found lying dead in the snow in front of the house. It is supposed that death was caused by heart disease, and that the excitement hastened it.
Died. BRANCH - At the Cortland county Alms House, Jan. 19, 1877, Irene BRANCH, formerly of Virgil, aged 66 years.
Died. BUCHANNAN - In Woodstock, McHenry county, Ill., Dec. 29, 1876, John F. BUCHANNAN, formerly of this place, aged 62 years.
Died. JOHNSON - At McGrawville, N.Y., January 25, 1877, Sarah, wife of Mr. Nathan JOHNSON , aged 38 years.
Another Probable Victim. - It now seems more than probable that another of the unidentified victims of the terrible Ashtabula disaster will be recognized in the brother of Mr. E.J. HOLDRIDGE, of Virgil, Cortland County, whose parents live in that vicinity. The missing man was due over that road at about the time of the accident, since which nothing has been heard of him. It can only be a question of time, when all the victims will be known, unless it be some lone one without friends or relatives near. - Syracuse Sunday Times.
Horrible Accident. - On Friday afternoon last, as the first extra coal train was nearing Freeville, the engineer saw a man sitting on one of the rails,
recognized him as one of the section men and supposed that before the train would reach him he would leave the track, but as he did not move the engineer blew the whistle to get him off, and at the same time reversed the lever to his engine and tried to stop the train, but without success.
When the whistle blew the man attempted to get off the track, but was not quick enough, the engine and several cars passing over him. He was mangled in such a manner that death ensued immediately.
The man was Mark McAVOY, who lives between Dryden and Freeville, on the creek road.
The wheels of the cars must have struck him on the right side, as that side is literally ground up, not a piece larger than his hand remaining. His head and left side were scarcely bruised, save that the cloth-[remaining article not copied]
Died. CHILDS - In Scott, January 29, 1877, Harold CHILDS, aged 16 years.
Died. SKELLIE - In Scott, February 4, 1877, William A. SKELLIE, aged 22 years.
Died. HOWELL - At Beloit, Wis., on Sunday, December 21, 1876, Elizabeth G., wife of Arch. HOWELL, Esq., formerly of Homer, N.Y.
Died. KELLEY - In Marathon, on Wednesday evening, January 31, 1877, of consumption, Wallace KELLEY, late editor of the Marathon Independent.
Died. PIERCE - Died suddenly in Preble, Jan. 18, 1877, Mr. Ethan PIERCE, of Truxton, son of the late Col. Jude PIERCE, aged 56 years.
The funeral services were held in the First Presbyterian church in Truxton, Sunday, January 21st, when a very large assembly testified to their respect for the departed, and to their sympathy with the family and friends in their sudden and severe affliction.
Freetown. - Mr. Kilnorne IVES died Wednesday, Jan. 31st, aged 72 years. The funeral was held at the Baptist Church, Thursday.
The DeRuyter New Era of last week says: Our usually quiet village was startled and shocked on Monday of this week by the announcement that Benny NEFF had accidentally fallen into the reservoir on Lincklaen street, and was drowned. By some means the stone covering the entrance to the resevoir had been pushed aside, and while the lad was playing he accidentally fell in. Some of our citizens were immediately on the spot, and Mr. Daniel STILLMAN descended into the reservoir and succeeded in recovering the body, after which efforts were made to revive him, but life was extinct.
Tompkins. - Mrs. Lois HATHAWAY died in Groton City on the 27th of January, of cancer of the breast. This is the sixth person that has died in this locality of that terrible malady during the past three years...
Died. HALL - At the residence of his son-in-law, Benjamin SMITH, in this village, Samuel HALL, formerly of North Adams, Mass., Feb. 11, 1877, aged 89 years and 6 months.
Died. GREENE - In Prophetstown, Whiteside county, Ill., Jan.26, 1877, Wm. GREENE, in his 75 year, of typhoid pneumonia, after a short illness of six days.
Died. ROBINSON - In Ecorse, Mich., Feb. 2, 1877, Mr. Philo ROBINSON, formerly of Homer, aged 86 years.
Died. KINNEY - In Buffalo, N.Y., on Tuesday evening, Feb. 6, 1877, Samuel N. KINNEY, aged 59 years. A brother of Dea. L. KINNEY, of Homer.
Died. FAINT - In Taylor, Feb. 12, 1877, Rachel, wife of Geo. FAINT, aged about 65 years.
Died. GREENE - In Meadville, Pa., Jan. 19th, 1877, of diptheria, Carlotta R.J., daughter of H. Cooley and Helen M.B. GREENE, formerly a resident of Blodgetts Mills, N.Y.
Died. HIBBARD - In Cortland, Feb. 22d, 1877, Mrs. Nellie E. HIBBARD, aged 20 years.
Died. BISHOP - In Cortland, Feb. 13, 1877, Harriet, wife of Luman BISHOP, aged 62 years.
Died. SCHERMERHORN - In Cortland, Feb. 15th, 1877, Eunice H., wife of the late Daniel SCHERMERHORN, aged 71 years.
Died. KENNEY - In Truxton, on the morning of Feb. 20, 1877, of asthma, Mr. Alonzo KENNEY, aged 53 years.
Died. BEMIS - At the Cortland County Alms House, Feb. 26th, 1877, Mrs. Anna BEMIS, aged 73 years. Mrs. BEMIS was formerly a resident of Cuyler.
Died. MULLINEX - In the Cortland County Alms House, Feb. 29 [sic] 1877, Thomas A. MULLINEX, aged 80 years. Mr. MULLINEX was formerly a resident of Scott, N.Y.
Died. CHAFFEE - At McGrawville, N.Y., Feb. 17, 1877, Thomas J., infant son of T. J. and Mary H. CHAFFEE, aged 1 year, 1 month and 17 days.
Tompkins. -
Edwin O. SMITH, of Lansing, was found in his barn Wednesday morninng of last week in a dying condition. A kick from a vicious colt, crushing in the skull, was the cause of his injury and subsequent death, which occurred before he could be removed from the barn to the house...
Accident in Willet. - A most terrible and fatal accident occurred on Friday, the 2d inst., at the saw-mill owned by Mr. W. WELLS, of Pitcher, and situated in Willett village. Mr. Roswell LORD, the sawyer, was the unfortunate victim --
There being no one present at the time of the accident, the particulars of the affair are inferred from the manner and condition in which his body and the mill were found. about half-past eight A.M., on the day above mentioned, Mr. C.D. FINN, a cabinet maker, whose place of business is just across the way from the mill, heard a loud voice from that direction, and hastened to the spot. He found the circle saw and carriage in motion, which he immediately stopped. Mr. LORD was lying on the opposite side of the carriage from the saw, his face toward the floor, his head from the saw, and about fifteen feet from it. There was blood on the guard of the saw and upon a cross-beam about seven feet above, and a little in front of it. The appearance of the teeth plainly indicated that they had done the mischief. Dr. McBIRNEY was summoned, and soon appeared upon the scene. An examination of his person revealed a deadly wound on his left leg at the knee. The saw, having entered from the left side and by a long vertical gash, tore the joint completely out, leaving only the patella and a small piece of flesh to connect the upper limb with the lower. There were several pieces of bone and a pool of blood upon the floor where he was found. It appears that he was in the operation of drawing a log into the mill, when for an unknown reason he stepped closse to the saw, which was in motion. This having executed the fatal deed, he fell forward and in some way hit the lever,
which gave motion to the carriage and shoved him to the place where he was found. When Mr. FINN arrived, he was in an unconscious condition, from which he did
not recover until a period of two hours, when he asked (in substance) how badly his limb was hurt. He was then asked how the accident happened; his answer was
"by and by," passing again to an unconscious state, and so remaining until death ended his suffering, at 6 P.M. Mr. LORD was a gentleman 72 years of age, respected as a citizen and an accommodating neighbor. He had served in the mill as sawyer for a period of five years up to the day previous to this sad accident. A wife and six children mourn the loss of a kind husband and father.
Cor. Standard & Journal.
Widow Polly IVES, wife of the late Deacon Jesse IVES, died on Monday, the 5th inst., aged 95 years.
The many friends of Mrs. E. B. HUSTED of Messengerville, will regret to learn that she is very ill with no hope of recovery.
LATER - As we go to press we understand that she breathed her last yesterday. She was aged fifty years. The funeral will take place on Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the M.E. Church in this village. - Independent
Died. SHERMAN In Brimfield, O., Feb.14th, Capt. Harris SHERMAN, aged 85 years, 11 months and 14 days.
Died. CASS - At his residence in Taylor, N.Y., on the evening of March 3d, 1877, Mr. Allen CASS, aged nearly 65 years.
Died. MAYBURY - In Marathon, N.Y., March 2, 1877, Hortense M., second daughter of B. R. and C. V. MAYBURY, aged 1 year, 1 month and 13 days.
Died. GILBERT - In Cortland March 1st, 1877, of paralysis, after a short illness of about twenty-two hours, Margaret wife of Royal GILBERT, aged 64 years.
Died. PATRICK - In Cuyler, N.Y., March 2, 1877, of inflammation of the brain, Anna B. PATRICK, aged 14 months and 13 days.
Died. STIMSON - At Genoa, N.Y., March 10, 1877, Lucius STIMSON, formerly of Cortland, N.Y., aged 69 years.
Died. WHITE - At Canastota, N.Y. March 6, 1877, at the residence of her son, Edwin R. WHITE, Eliza N. WHITE, aged 90 years and 7 months.
She was the widow of Brainard WHITE, who died in Litchfield county, Conn., in 1832.
Died. GATES - In Jamestown, N.Y., February 26, 1877, of inlammatory rheumatism, Mary E. GATES, aged 24 years.
She was a daughter of Mr. John KNAPP, formerly of Homer, N.Y.
Died. MILES - At her home in the town of Homer N.Y., March 4th, 1877, Mrs. Abilena, wife of Philo MILES, deceased, aged 79 years.
Died. IVES - In Homer, N.Y., March 5, 1877, Mrs. Jesse IVES, aged 95 years.
Died. STORY - In Cortland, N.Y., on Thursday, March 8, 1877, Stephen STORY, in the 92d year of his age.
Died. BROOKS - In Union Valley, on the 22d inst., Osborn J. BROOKS aged 24 years.
Died. CASS - In Taylor, March 8, 1877, of softening of the brain, Allen CASS, aged seventy years.
Freetown -- Mrs. Mina FULLER, wife of Charles FULLER, died on the 2d inst., aged 27 years.
Died. FREDERICK - At South Cortland, N.Y., March 17, 1877, Tillie, daughter of W.D. and Harriet FREDERICK, aged 14 years.
Died. VANDENBURG - At his home in Preble, N.Y., Friday evening, March 17, 1877, Robert VANDENBURG, aged 42 years.
Died. RORAPAUGH - In Cincinnatus, March 18th, 1877, Mr. Jaduthon RORAPAUGH, aged about 74 years.
Died. BASSETT - At Cincinnatus, March 18th, 1877, Mrs. Chas. BASSETT.
Died. FOSTER - In Lisle, March 16th, 1877, Willie, son of Miles R. FOSTER, aged 2 years and 6 months.
Died. HUSTED - In Messengerville, Tuesday, March 6, 1877, Mrs. Polly HUSTED, aged 50 years.
Died. SMITH - In Lapeer, Tuesday, March 6th, 1877, Mrs. Rachel SMITH, aged 83 years.
Died. BARNES - In Homer, March 22, Mrs. Emogene COTTON, wife of Mr. Barney BARNES, aged 29 years.
Died. LEWIS - At Loveland, Iowa, March 9th, 1877, of Consumption, Fannie, wife of Pardon LEWIS, formerly of Truxton, N.Y.
Leonard WOODRUFF, who has been gradually sinking away for some weeks, died at his home, Tuesday night, (Mar. 27th,) at the advanced age of 79 years. We think he was the first native-born citizen of Keeney Settlement, which place has always been his home. He was a most respected citizen and neighbor, and many an one will regret they can no longer "drop in" and hear "Uncle Leonard" tell a story - especially those in regard to the early settlers. He was, when he had his health, a great lover of hunting, and many a laughable scene would he tell you of, which he and others had encountered while going over these pleasant hills and valleys in search of game. He was a member of the M.E. Church of Keeney Settlement for many years, and died, as he had lived, trusting in the Lord. He was the father of seven children, five of whom (and a companion) still survive him.
Died. HALLSTEAD - In Marathon, March --, 1877, Mrs. Hannah HALLSTEAD, aged 43 years, 11 months and 4 days.
Died. UNDERWOOD - In Scott, N.Y., March 18th, 1877, Timothy W. UNDERWOOD, aged 64 years, 7 months and 21 days.
Died. WOODWARD - In Homer, N.Y., April 3d, 1877, of heart disease, Isaac D. WOODWARD, aged 75 years.
Died. EGGLESTON - At Cortland, N.Y., on the 10th instant, Lena Moore EGGLESTON, infant daughter of Joseph E. and Alta M. EGGLESTON, aged 7 months.
Died. TOPPING - At East Homer, N.Y., March 23d, 1877, of scarlatina, Willie, only son of B.N. and Viola TOPPING, aged 18 months and 4 days.
SKEEL - In Homer, Sunday, March 30, 1877, William W. SKEEL, aged 80 years.
William W. SKEEL was born in the town of Duanesburg, Schenectady County Jan. 22, 1797. His ancestors were of the celtic race, descended from the ancient Britons and spoke the Welsh language, and was from inheritance and position distinguished in that principality. At the age of five years he accompanied his father and mother to their new home in Tully - now Preble. His educational advantages were confiened to a few years' attendance at the common school, when he was called to perform the more rugged duties of life, making himself useful in performing various kinds of productive labor.
In 1821 he lived in Amsterdam, on the north side of the Mohawk River, and was for a time under the employ of Nicholas HILL, who was engaged in running a ferryboat between the villages of Amsterdam and Florida. His son, Nicholas HILL, Jr., whom he regarded with great favor, was pursuing his law studies in Albany. He often spoke of the young man who in after years was known as one of the most accomplished of American jurists.
In 1823 he purchased sixty acres of land in the town of Barre, Genesee - now Orleans county. He assisted at the raising of the first frame house built in the vallage of Albion.
In 1856 he removed to Homer and purchased his late residence on Cold Brook.
In 1858 he was elected to the office of constable, and was re-elected every succeeding years. He was thorough in his duties, having no superior as a collector of doubtful debts.
In January, 1868, he was appointed court crier, and held the position up to the time of his decease.
He was firm, frank and honest. In all acts, public and private, he yielded alone to the voice of rectitude and conscience, without regard to consequences. He possessed an ardent, active
temperament; a discriminating judgment, and a clear, and a clear, retentive memory. Indeed, he had a most remarkable memory.
He obtained from Floyd HOWELL in an early day a map which embraced the military lots. He studied it so thoroughly that he understood the whole plan as well as their position with such exactness that were the numbers blotted out, he could at any period of his life, have made a new map, named and numbered the lots.
He knew and could relate more historical data and incidents of pioneer life than any other known descendant of that noble band of adventurers.
He retained his faculties in a remarkable degree. It was, however, evident to his friends for at least two past years that he was rapidly declining and would soon pass away. Like the strong oak that has withstood the winds and storms of centuries, finally bends and breaks - so has fallen this aged man, his work accomplished here on earth, he enters upon the new life with a record bearing few spots ir blemishes.
Homer. - Death has again invaded the family circle and laid his cold impress upon one of its members. Isaac D. WOODWARD died on the 2nd inst., at the ripe age of 75 years. He came to Homer upwards of half a century ago. Upon his first visit he walked in from New hampshire having been sent by his father to make the first payment on the land upon which he subsequently settled, and upon which he continuously lived until he died. Mr. WOODWARD was married Jan. 17, 1825, and lived to celebrate its golden anniversary. He early united with the Congregational church of Homer, of which he continued a faithful and consistent member. He was warm and sincere in his attachments, generous and hospitable to the poor. He sypathized with the oppressed of every climate and entered warmly into every measure which he believed to promise any relief to the suffering, or any advancement to the well being of his rae. He was one of a family of eight sons and four daughters, only two of whom remain. He leaves a widow and five children to mourn his departure.
Died. JENCKS - In DeRuyter, on the 8th inst., Elmer D. JENCKS, aged 87 years.
Died. JONES - At his home in Willett, N.Y., April 5, 1877, Mr. Wm. JONES, aged 79 years.
Died. HALLSTEAD - In Marathon, N.Y., March 1877, Mrs. Hannah HALLSTEAD, aged 43 years, 11 months and 4 days.
Died. DAVIS - In Cortland, N.Y., April 2d, 1877, at her daughter's, Mrs. PRICE, Charlotte, widow of Chas. DAVIS, aged 78 yers.
Died. MOORE - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., April 1st, 1877, Wilber MOORE, son of John MOORE, aged 20 years.
Died. DICKINSON - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., April 2d, 1877, at the residence of her son, C.R. DICKINSON, Mrs. E.C. DICKINSON, aged 76 years.
Died. KINCAID - In Cortland, N.Y., April 13th, 1877, Emily M., wife of Rev. William M. KINCAID, aged 24 years.
Suicide in Willett. -- On the morning of the 14th inst. the citizens of the southern part of Willett were startled by the announcement that Mr. H. SHAPLEY had committed suicide. He was a gentleman about twenty-three years of age, married, and occupying a place known as the BLISS farm. He generally took deeply to heart any trouble or dissension which might arise, to which fact is attributed the cause of this singular and sudden affair. On the evening of the 13th inst. Mr. SHAPLEY requested his hired man to bring a cahin from a certain place and leave it in the wood-house. This being done he made preparations for going to Marathon on the following morning, and accordingly arose alone about four o'clock. He then procured the chain which he had in readiness, and going to his ice-house stepped upon it, as appeared from the muddy track which he left, and from it clambered into a maple tree which stood near by. Winding one end of the chain three times around a limb of the tree which hung over a brook, and fastening the other end to his neck, he dropped into the air. In this position he was found by the hired girl, who was the first to arise. She immediately informed the inmates of the house, who hurried to the scene and were obliged to saw the limb of the tree to lower his body. Although there were slight indications of life after he was taken down, he was past recovery.
- Cor. Standard
.... Mrs. David A. MORTON, of Groton died very suddenly of heart disease on Tuesday night of last week...
.... Robert REED 2d, age 24, of Ithaca, died on Monday morning. Deceased accidentally drove a rusty nail into his leg a short time ago which so poisoned his whole system that death was the result....
Died. HUNT - In Scott, N.Y., April 13, 1877, Dayton, only child of Wm. D. HUNT, Esq., in the 21st year of his age.
His death was sudden and unexpected. "Surely there is but a step between me and death."
Died. BALDWIN - In Preble, April 18, 1877, Jennie E. BALDWIN, wife of Henry BALDWIN, aged 34 years.
Mrs. BALDWIN was a woman of lovely character, and her death will cause a void in the hearts of a large circle of friends and neighbors.
Died. POMEROY - In Brooklyn, April 10, 1877, Julius R. POMEROY, in his 52d year.
Mr. POMEROY was a member of the law firm of Chambers, Pomeroy & Boughton, of New York city, and had a large and extensive practice in the higher courts, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. He was married in 1858 to the only daughter of the late John SHERMAN, of Homer.
Died. WIRE - In Taylor, N.Y., April 9, 1877, Carried, only child of Alice and Gerry WIRE, in the 12th year of her age.
We are pained to learn of the death of the wife of Dr. J.C. NELSON, of Truxton, which occurred on Tuesday afternoon last. Mrs. NELSON had been in poor health for some time and her death was not entirely unexpected. She was an accomplished lady and leaves a large circle of friends to mourn her departure.
Died. JEPSON - At Cazenovia, April 23d, 1877, Mrs. Charlotte E., wife of E.P. JEPSON, aged 40 years, 11 months and 24 days.
Died. BRAYTON - In Cortland, April 15, 1877, John BRAYTON, aged 28 years.
Died. STEVENS - In Truxton, April 18th, 1877, of scarlet fever, Mary Maude, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orrin STEVENS, aged 2 years, 4 mos., and 3 days.
Died. PECK - In Cortland, N.Y., April 30th, 1877, Lyman PECK, aged 73 years, 4 months and 5 days.
Funeral Friday at 11 A.M., at his late residence on Greenbush Street.
Died. WARREN - In McGrawville, April 28th, Mr. Otcar [sic] L. WARREN, aged 25 years.
Died. KATLINE- At Altamonte, Orange Co., Florida, April 22d, 1877, of lingering consumption, Delia L. KATLINE, in the 39th year of her age.
Died. GIFFORD - In Cuyler, April 30, 1877, of typhoid pneumonia, Elihu GIFFORD, aged 69 years, 3 mos. and 1 day. Albany papers please copy.
Died. WOODWARD - In Cortland, N.Y., May 4th, 1877, William C. WOODWARD, aged 68 years.
Died. HASKINS - In South Cortland, N.Y., on Sunday morning, May 6, 1877, Lena M., daughter of Frank and Maggie HASKINS, aged 6 years, 7 months and 11 days.
Died. HASKINS - In South Cortland, N.Y., on Wednesday morning, May 9th 1877, Nellie F. daughter of Frank and Maggie HASKINS, aged 3 years, 8 months and 9 days.
Friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend the funeral from her parents' residence, South Cortland, on Friday, May 11th, at 1 P.M.
Died. KINNE - In Cortland, May 10th, 1877, Charles W. KINNE, aged 48 years.
On Friday morning last, Lena, a little daughter of Mr. Frank HASKINS, of South Cortland, aged seven years, was taken suddenly ill, the disease proving to be spottd fever. Everything that medical attendance could accomplish was of no avail, the disease culminating in the death of the littlesufferer at eight o'clock on sunday night, and the funeral taking place on Tuesday. Scarcely had the grief-stricken parents returned from the newly closed grave of the loved one when her sister, Nellie, a couple of years younger, was also taken ill of the same disease. Again were the utmost and untiring exertions of the parents brought into requisition in fruitless attempt to baffle the approach of the fell destroyer, alas! only to be doubly defeated. Nellie, their last and only darling, has been called away to join her sister, and leave in their hearts that aching void which only those who suffer such a loss can know. She died on Tuesday night.
Widow STEVENS, mother of Hon. Edmond STEVENS, died on the 3d inst. in the 90th years of her age. She had lived to a good old age, enjoyed excellent health, and finally passed away to the better world without one sigh or one regret.
William WOODWARD died on the 3d inst. after a long illness. Mr. WOODWARD was one of eight brothers, three of whom have died within the past six weeks, Alpheus G., Isaac D. and William, neither of whom were able to attend the other's funeral. He was industrious and persevering in all duties of life. His age was about 68 years.
Orrin HUGHIT, formerly of Genoa, Cayuga Co., and recently of Cortland, died at the residence of widow BURR, in this town, Tuesday morning, May 1st, aged 72 years. Mr. HUGHITT was the father of Judge HUGHITT, of Auburn, where the remains were taken for interment. - Dryden Herald.
Death of C.W. KINNE. - Mr. Chas. W. KINNE, who has been confined to his rooms in the Messenger House, in this village, for some weeks past, with fever, died yesterday (Thursday,) morning, at 4 1/2 o'clock. The funeral takes place to-morrow (Saturday), at 2 o'clock P.M. A more extended notice will appear next week.
Died. STEVENS - In Truxton, May __, 1877, Maudie, youngest child of Orin STEVENS.
Maudie was small and frail, but very bright and lovely. She was only two years four months and three days old, but she could talk and sing very nicely. She knew a number of children's hymns and songs, among them "I have a Father in the promised land" which she sung very distinctly. Never very strong, Scarlet fever found her an easy prey, and her parents and little sister are left in lonely sadness.
Died. CUDWORTH - In Cortland village, on the 16th inst., Mrs. Persa B., widow of the late Leavitt CUDWORTH, in the 65th years of her age.
Died. CRANE - In McGrawville, N.Y., May 4th, 1877, Rienzi A. CRANE, age 19 years.
Died. BURNETT - At the Cortland County Alms-House, May 11, 1877, Mr. John BURNETT, aged 68 years.
Died. CRONK - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., May 7, 1877, at the residence of G.M. HARRINGTON, Stephen CRONK, aged about 22 years.
Died. LORING - In Cortland, N.Y., May 14, 1877, Capt. Asa LORING, of Cortland, aged 85 years.
Died. THOMPSON - In Cortland, May 16th, 1877, Mr. Isaac P. THOMPSON, aged 85 years.
Died. ROGERS - In Groton city, N.Y., April 25, of Malignant diptheria, Lorena, daughter of P.C. and E.H. ROGERS, formerly of Ithaca, aged 6 years, 2 months and 8 days.
Died. STONE - At Glen Haven, on Thursday, May 10, 1877, Josiah W. STONE, of Homer, in the 70th year of his age.
Died. BURDICK - In Scott, May 8th, 1877, Frank P. BURDICK, adopted son of Hiram D. BURDICK, Esq.
Died. RANDALL - In Cortland, May 19, Eunice P. RANDALL, aged 71 years.
Died. PRICE - In Virgil, May 13, 1877, of spotted fever, infant son of Morris and Emma E. PRICE, aged 3 months and 12 days.
Died. FOSTER - In Cortland, N.Y., Wednesday, May 23, 1877, Hon. Charles FOSTER, aged 56 years.
Funeral at 3 o'clock P.M., on Saturday, May 26th, at his late residence.
Died. GURLEY - In Cortland, May 23d, Mrs. Harriet E. GURLEY, aged 56 years.
Funeral services at her late residence Friday, May 25th, at 2 P.M.
On Friday last a very sudden death occurred at Upper Lisle. Mr. Wright FISH of that place, while getting ready to attend a funeral, was attacked by a numbness in his side, and in forty minutes from the time this feeling commenced, he had breathed his last. It is supposed to have been a stroke of paralysis. - Marathon Ind.
D. D. UFFORD has been at Syracuse most of the time for the past week, taking care of his father, who has been sick with the typhoid pneumonia,
Beach UFFORD, the father of D. D. UFFORD, died Friday night and was taken to North Pitcher, Chenango Co., N.Y., on Sunday last, where he was buried. A large concourse of Mr. UFFORD's old friends and neighbors attended the funeral.
Died. HATFIELD - In Homer, May 8th, 1877, of diptheria, Dill A., only child of Charles A. and Caroline E. HATFIELD, aged 2 years 7 months and 24 days.
Died. WEBSTER - In Virgil, N.Y., May 30, 1877, Stephen WEBSTER, aged 93 years.
Died. WAVLE - At his residence, in Taylor, N.Y., May 21st, 1877, Mr. John WAVLE, aged 76 years.
Died. ELSTER - In Virgil, N.Y., May 25, 1877, Gideon G. ELSTER, aged 78 years.
Died. BROOKS - In McGrawville, N.Y., May 25, 1877, Rev. Seth D. BROOKS, aged 73 years, 8 Months and 12 days.
Died. HATHWAY - In Cortland, N.Y., Monday, May 28, 1877, L. Verdine HATHWAY, aged 29 years.
At the hour of midnight, May 28th, 1877, L. Verdine SQUIRES, the wife of J. R. HATHWAY, enters into her heavenly rest. It is sad that one so young and of so truly beautiful a character should die. 'Tis hard to have a life shedding light and joy and peace everywhere close so soon. Always kind and true and gentle her union with the Baptist church in her youth, marked the rapid unfolding of these christian graces which were at the first so largely planted in her heart. Quietly but most faithfully, during her short married life, she performed all the duties of a christian wife and mother. The home was the brightest spot on earth, and its duties and cares became pleasures when performed with one so dearly loved.
There was a long interval of physical wasting away between life and death. During the entire period she was an example of christian patience and cheerfulness. Though hopeful of recovery until the last week, she received the assurance of her physician that she could not live with the calmness and composure of one whose hope is well staid in Christ.
On last Friday evening, it seemed as if her hour of release was very near. Her friends gathered about her to kiss her last "good-bye" and hear her utter the sweet words, "I am happy." She requested that they should sing the hymn, "O how happy are they," and that her pastor who was by her should pray that she might depart as one falling asleep. It seemed to those who stood by her bedstead as though a tired dove with panting breath was winging its way over a restless sea, pausing at intervals, to look for a resting place, and then resuming her flight. But the night passed and the succeeding day, and still another day and night and yet she lingered. At last, Monday night, and as the midnight hours were drawing near, with her friends about her, the lines of struggle faded away and great peace came into her face. The panting breast was still. The tried child was in her Father's arms. In the home, in the church and society, there is now a vacant place which can never be filled and many sad hearts mourn the loss of the life and memory so precious to all who intimately knew her.
She has gone from the church on earth. Gone up to the general assembly and church of the first born which are written in heaven. Gone, but not lost; dead but living.
"When the good and true depart What is it more than this? That man, who is from God sent forth Doth yet again to God return? Such ebb and flow must ever be, Then wherefore should we mourn? ------------...-----------
Card of Thanks. - We desire to express our heartfelt htanks to the people of Little York and vicinity, who so promptly aided and assisted us in the terrible calamity which deprived us, in a moment of time, as it were, of all that we possessed, our home and our five little children. We would also extend our sincere thanks to the people of the neighboring villages of Homer, Cortland, and Preble for their aid and sympathy in the hour of our great bereavement.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DONEGAN.
Died. JONES - In DeRuyter May 28, 1877, Charles JONES, aged 67 years.
Died. HEATON - On Thursday, June 5, 1877, at the residence of H.J. MESSENGER, her son-in-law, at Cortland, N.Y., Mrs. S.L. HEATON, widow of the late Hon. Nathan HEATON, formerly of Harford, Cortland county, N.Y., in the 80th year of her age.
Died. DAVIS - In McLean, June 6th, 1877, of dropsy of the heart, Mrs. Joseph DAVIS, aged 62 years. Funeral - Saturday at 10 o'clock, A.M.
Died. KNAPP - In Jamestown, N.Y., on Thursday, May 17, 1877, John KNAPP, formerly of Homer, aged 70 years.
Died. BABCOCK - At Scott, May 29th, of cancerous tumor of the stomach, D. Austin BABCOCK.
..... On Saturday about noon, while a young son about 5 years old, of major A. SMITH's was at Marce P. CRANDALL's, a neighbor who resides near the Rake Factory near DeRuyter, he was kicked in the head by a horse, and so severely injured that his life is despaired of. It seems that the boy, Freddie, went into the barn where the horses were, and was playing around them when one of the horses becoming frightened jumped upon him breaking his leg and afterwards kicked him in the head. Dr. COON was called, and afterwwrds Dr. TRUMAN of DeRuyter, and Dr. NELSON of Truxton. The wound in the head was of a very serious nature, and grave doubts are entertained of his recovery. Just as we go to press we learn of the death of Freddie.
Freetown. -- Mrs Perry GROSS died last Tuesday, the 29th ult., after a sickness of fourteen months. The funeral services were held at the house on Thursday, by Rev. A.S. DURLING. The remains were taken to Marathon for interment.
Blodgett's Mills. - The sad news of Mrs. REAS's death came to us very unexpectedly, last week Thursday. Her health had been so much better of late, that her friends and neighbors were much encouraged, but life is very uncertain, and with only a few days of sickness, she has gone to meet her Savior. She has been a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church at Cortland for about thirty years, and highly respected by all who knew her. Her loss will be deeply felt, and we would extend our heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved husband and friends. The funeral services were held at the house, Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock, Rev. T. STREET officiating.
Died. BROWN - In Cuyler, Cortland Co., N.Y., May 28th, of spinal disease and consumption. Mrs.Janet SHIPMAN, wife of Leander BROWN passed from the earthly to the heavenly in the 34th year of her age.
Patiently and cheerfully she awaited her appointed hour.
Homer. - On Tuesday, the 5th of June 1877, another pure spirit was usheered into the unseen realms of the vast unknown. Nina R. DARBY, only daughter of William H. and Olive A. DARBY, aged 7 years and 11 months, died of scarlet fever, very suddenly, after an illness of only a few days duration. Two little feet have gone out to cross the bridge that spans the visible with the hidden world beyond. Two little hands went groping through the thick darkness of death's midnight, trying to pierce the misty veil that is hung before the portals of the eternal mansion. The little hand that has been so confidingly placed in tha of the parent, will never meet a parent's pressure again - it is now cold in death! The eyes that once looked so tenderly and lovingly, are now forever closed to the scenes that surround us here, but are offered to her in the beautiful flower-lined lands in the radiant realms above. And now among the roses of another and a fairer land is playing that bright eyed one, whose life went out with the unfolding petals of June's roses, amid the sweet fragrance cast upon the morning air.
Lightly fold the little hands O'er the breast forever stilled. Gently close the loving eyes Never yet with anguish filled. Gently speak and softly tread, For little Nina pure is dead.
----------.--------- Obituary.
Died. BRUSIE. - Died in Marathon, June 20th, at her daughter's residence, Mrs. Lester ROBINSON, Nancy, wife of John BRUSIE, aged 72 years.
Died. HOWARD - In Homer, N.Y., May 26, 1877, Edward HOWARD, son of Robert HOWARD, aged 4 years and 6 months.
"No further seek his merits to disclose Or draw his frailties from their dread abode There they alike in trembling hope repose, The bosom of his Father and his God." Communicated.
The remains of Mr. Elisha SHELDON are expected to reach here from West Virginia to-day (Wednesday).
Died. HARTER - In Otisco, Sept. [12?], 1877, Isaac HARTER, aged 61 years.
Died. BEATTIE - In Webster, Iowa, Aug. [28th?], 1877, suddenly with Erysipilis in the head, George J. BEATTIE, aged 47 years, formerly of Truxton, N.Y.
Died. [EGBERTSON?] - In Preble, Sept. 23, 1877, [??????] [EGBERTSON?], aged 82 years.
Died. LOVELESS - In Homer, Sept. 2, 1877, Fay H. LOVELESS, aged 8 years and 5 months.
Died. WAVLE - In this village, Tuesday, Sept. 18th, 1877, Mr. Andrew WAVLE, aged 61 years.
Died. MORRIS - In Solon, N.Y., Thursday, Sept. 20th, 1877, Mrs. Roxanna, wife of Mr. Hugh MORRIS, aged 30 years.
Died. WHITE - In Homer, Wednesday, September 26th, 1877, Walter WHITE, aged 71 years.
Died. GILBERTSON - At the County House, September 27th, 1877, Mrs. Mary GILBERTSON, formerly of Solon, aged 70 years.
Died. TOWNE - In Langdon, N.H., Sept. 9th, 1877, Ruth TOWNE, widow of the late [Arihelana ?] TOWNE, and sister of Hosea KENNEY, of Truxton, aged 93 years and 9 months.
Died. LAWN - In Cortland, Sept. [26th?], 1877, Mrs. Mary LAWN, in the 86 year of her age.
Died. JOHNSON - In Cuyler, September 24th, 1877, of typhoid pneumonia, Clark, only son of David and L.C. JOHNSON, aged 21 years, 11 months and 24 days.
Died. PERSONS - October 2, 1877, with infirmities of age, while visiting his son, C.A. PERSONS, of Cortland, Ephraim PERSONS, of McGrawville, aged 68 years.
Died. GRACE - In Collingwood, Onondaga County, N.Y., Oct. 10th, 1877, Stephen L. GRACE, aged 24 years. Deceased was formerly a resident of Cortland.
Died. GATTEY - In Virgil, Oct. 10, 1877, Embury GATTEY, aged 50 years.
Died. BENEDICT - At the Cortland County Alms House, Oct. 12, 1877, George BENEDICT, aged 58 years.
Died. LYNDE - Died at Clinton, Ill, Oct.1, 1877, Myron T. LYNDE, aged 38.
Formerly a resident of Cortland and Marathon.
On Saturday morning, the 13th inst., little Freddie Eugene, only child of Smith E. BROCKWAY, at the age of four months, passed over the beautiful river to the brighter land of promise.
Lightly fold the little hands, O'er the heart forever stilled. Gently close the loving eyes Never yet with anguish filled. Gently speak and softly tread For Freddie Eugene is dead.
Died. FANNING - In Preble, Oct. 16th, 1877, Michael FANNING, aged 17 years and 8 months.
Died. CAMERON - In Cincinnatus, Oct. 11th, Mrs. Eleanor CAMERON, aged 93 years and 8 months.
Died. BEDEN - In Cortland, N.Y., Oct. 21, 1877, Mr. Thomas T. BEDEN, aged 77 years, 5 months and 25 days.
Died. BONNEY - In Cortland, N.Y., October 22d, 1877, Mr. Edward BONNEY, aged 44 years.
Died. KING - At the home of her father in Cortlandville, N.Y., Oct. 9, 1877, Mrs. Theresa KING, wife of James H. KING, of Genoa, N.Y.
Died. PIERCE - In McGrawville, N.Y., Oct. 26th, 1877, Cora, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N.L. PIERCE, aged 3 years.
Died. BABCOCK - In Scott, N.Y., Oct. 26th, 1877, Georgie, only son of Wm. N. and Olive BABCOCK, in the 5th year of his age.
Died. ADAMS - In Tully, N.Y., Nov. 3, 1877, Abram ADAMS, formerly of Cortland, N.Y., aged 84 years.
Died. WALES - In Preble, N.Y., Nov. 3d, 1877, Mr. Wainwright WALES, aged 70 years.
Died. ELY - At New Berlin, N.Y., Nov. 5, 1877, Elizabeth BIRDSALL, wife of the Hon. Noah ELY, aged 88 years.
Died. MEAD - In South Waverly Oct. --, 1877, Belle MEAD, daughter of Lyman MEAD, Esq., formerly of
The death of little Belle MEAD is one which makes us marvel at the faith of a child even when we mourn her loss. She was perfectly willing to go to meet her Savior, and assured of meeting Him. She sent messages of love to the members of the South Waverly Sabbath School, to which she belonged. For a child not brought up under religious influences she showed a remarkably clear understanding of the saving power of Jesus.
Gone to Christ, safe in His arms, No pain for thee, no wild alarms: Safe passed in through the "gates ajar," In Jesus' crown another star.
Died. SPENDLEY - In Binghamton, November 10, 1877, Lizzie Weston SPENDLEY, oldest child of R.H. and Fanny J. SPENDLEY, aged 9 years, 2 months and 4 days.
Died. KEEP - In Homer, Saturday, Nov. 3, 1877, Timothy KEEP, aged 76 years.
Died. ROWE - In McGrawville, N.Y., Sunday, Nov. 4, 1877, Mr. Rufus ROWE, aged 76 years.
Died. SIMMONS - In Homer, N.Y., Wednesday night, Nov. 7th, 1877, Gideon H. SIMMONS, aged 53 years.
Died. GILLETT - In Summerhill, N.Y., Nov.1st, 1877, of typhoid fever, Mr. Charles GILLETT, aged 28 years.
Died. HURLBURT - In Homer, N.Y., Nov. 14, 1877, Mrs. Sybil S. HURLBURT, grandmother of Mrs. B.A. BENEDICT, aged 94 years.
Funeral takes place at 2 o'clock this afternoon, from the residence of B.A. BENEDICT, Esq., of this place.
16 Nov 1877 [altho the newspaper is dated 1876, the notices are dated 1877]
Suicide. - Last Thursday Mr. Abner A. WILBUR, residing about two miles west of Willet, committed suicide by hanging himself with a trace chain in his barn. He was discovered and taken down while his body was yet warm, but life was extinct. His friends had noticed for a day or two previous that something was wrong with him, but they had no apprehensions that he would endeavor to kill himself. He was 66 years of age. This is the third case of suicide that has occurred in Willett within the past year and a half, and with this similarity: all three suicided by hanging, and each of them used a chain as the instrument.
Died. NEAL - In Phoenix, N.Y., Nov. 10th, 1877, Mrs. Mary NEAL, widow of the late Darius NEAL, of Cuyler, in the 72d year of her age.
Died. PERKINS - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., Nov. 20th, 1877, George H. PERKINS, aged 39 years.
Died. YATES - In Harford, Nov [16th ?], 1877, Betsey Ann HAMMOND, wife of Martin YATES, in the 33d year of her age.
Died. McUMBER - In McGrawville, N.Y., Sunday, November 18th, 1877, Mr. Moses McUMBER, aged 69 years.
Died. MARBLE - In New York City, Thursday morning, Nov. 15th, 1877, Laura E., wife of E.J. MARBLE, Esq., aged 35 years.
Died. MUNCEY - In Cuyler, Nov. 9th, 1877, of inflammation of the bowels, Deacon Arza MUNCEY, in the 53d year of his age.
Died. HOLDEN - At his late residence, in Cortland, Nov. 26th, 1877, Dr. Geo. L. HOLDEN, aged 42 years.
Died. LAWRENCE - In this village, November 24th, 1877, at the residence of her son-in-law, R.H. DUELL, Mrs. Julia A. LAWRENCE, relict of Col. Donastus LAWRENCE, aged 76 years.
Died. PURINGTON [sic] - In McLean, Thursday, November 29th, 1877, Terza Long PURINTON, relic of Rev. Thomas PURINTON, aged 83 years.
Died. CARPENTER - In Preble, Nov,26th, 1877, Marshall R. CARPENTER, aged 18 years and 8 months.
Died. GOEWEYE - In Truxton, Nov. 25th, 1877, Mr. Abram GOEWEYE, aged 71 years.
Died. NORCOTT - At the Cortland County Alms House, Nov. 29th, 1877, Miss Lydia NORCOTT, formerly of Cortlandville, aged 58 years.
Mr. John SOUTHWORTH, of Dryden, said to be the wealthiest man in Tompkins County, went to bed last Sunday evening in usual health and was found dead in his bed on Monday morning.
..... Mr. Peter V. SNYDER, of Dryden, was attacked in his barn by a vicious ram on Wednesday morning of last week and so severely injured that he died last Sunday. Mr. SNYDER was 74 years of age, and universally respected in the town where he resided.
Died. PERSONS - In Cortland, N.Y., Monday, Nov. 26th, 1877, Clarence E. PERSONS, son of C.A. PERSONS, aged 17 years.
Died. QUINLAN - In Homer, on the 7th inst., of Consumption, Mrs. Bridget QUINLAN, wife of Patrick QUINLAN, aged 49 years.
Died. SMITH - At Secor, Woodford Co., Ill, Nov. 23rd, 1877, Noah R. SMITH, aged 56 years, formerly of Homer.
Died. RICE - In McGrawville, Dec. 8th, 1877, Mrs. Maria RICE, aged 96 years.
Died. JACOBS - In McGrawville, Dec. 6th, 1877, Miss Frances JACOBS, aged 42 years.
Sad Accident. - On Tuesday of last week, a little daughter of Charles HART, living near Southwick's mill, was fatally burned. Her mother having an occasion to step into a neighboring house, left the child with two other children, one of four years and the other an infant. The older one was playing with some loose paper, and lighting some at the stove, accidentally set the little girl's clothees on fire. A lady living in the adjoining house, hearing the children screaming, went in and extinguished the burning clothes, but not till the child was terribly injured. She lingered for about thirty-six hours, when death came to her relief.
Homer Republican.
Died. NEWCOMB - In New York City, Sept. 26th, 1877, Archie, aged 2 years and 3 months, and Nov. 7th, 1877, Percy, aged 6 years and 5 months, children of Dr. G. L. and Lizzie A. NEWCOMB. Interment at Woodlawn.
Died. FINN - At her home, in this village, December 27th, 1877, of Consumption, Mary FINN, aged 20 years.
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