The Cortland County Democrat
4 Jan 1878
Died. HICKS - In Homer, Dec. 23d, 1877, Jacob HICKS, aged 75 years, 7 months and 4 days.
Died. BUTLER - Mrs. Leva BUTLER, widow of E.C. BUTLER, died at her home in the town of Homer, N.Y., Nov.
21st, 1877, aged 65 years.
Died. SMITH - At her residence, in Taylor, N.Y., Dec. 29th, 1877, Mrs. Hannah M. SMITH, aged 39 years, 2
Died. BARBER - At Taylor Centre, N.Y., Nov. 4, 1877, Walter BARBER, son of Albert D. and Sabrina BARBER.
Died. CHAPMAN - In McGrawville, N.Y., Dec. 24th, 1877, Nellie P. CHAPMAN, aged 17 years and 2 days.
Mr. J.T. WILLIAMS, of this village, died soon after 10 o'clock this (Friday) morning of congestion of the heart. He was sick only a few hours previous to his death, which was not known to be approaching until about two hours before it occurred. He was 64 years old in March last.
11 Jan 1878
Fatal Accident. - The Oneida Union, under date of Jan. 3, contains the following account of a terrible accident furnished by a DeRuyter correspondent.
On Saturday evening last the people of DeRuyter were startled by a sad and shocking accident. Hiram A. BABCOCK and T. McGUIRE, employees on the construction of the C.,C.& D.R.R. [Canastota, Cazenovia & DeRuyter] were returning from their work about half past six o'clock P.M. Mr. BABCOCK was driving his team, hitched to a heavy dump wagon, in which the two were riding. It being very dark, one of the horses stepped off a sharp steep bank and fell, pulling the other horse and the wagon after him. The wagon upset, turning completely over. McGUIRE was standing up at the time the horse fell and jumped as the wagon went, striking on his head and shoulders, cutting an ugly gash in his head and otherwise bruising himself badly. On gaining his feet he found both horses down and tangled in the harness. Hearing no sound from BABCOCK, he commenced looking for him and found him under the wagon,
lifeless, and a portion of the wagon resting upon him. McGUIRE endeavored to raise the wagon and pull him out, but could not. He went to the house of Mr. [ANTIES?] nearby and procured help. In extricating the body they discovered that the neck was broken. The body was taken to the home of the deceased and a
coroner's jury summoned, who rendered a verdict that the deceased came to his death by the accidental
upsetting of the wagon. Mr. BABCOCK was formerly a resident of Elmira, N.Y. He leaves a wife and one
child. Mr. McGUIRE is a resident of DeRuyter and although seriously injured is not dangerously so. The
accident took place about three miles north of DeRuyter village, on the Shed's Corners road.
The terrible tragedy enacted at the house of William GRAHAM, who resides near the Preble line, on the 18th, of December, which subsequently resulted in the death of his wife, has created very great excitement. The inquest held by Coroner WEBB, brought out evidence which though, in the main was of a circumstantial character, tended strongly to fasten the crime upon GRAHAM. The Jury rendered a verdict of manslaughter in the third degree, and he was held to answer the charge. W.H. WARREN, Esq., his counsel, in order to allow GRAHAM to return to his home, pledged himself that he should appear before Judge SMITH and give bail, which he accordingly did in the sum of $1,500.
18 Jan 1878
Died. STONE - In Cortland, N.Y., January 8th, 1878, of scarlet fever, Bennie M. STONE, aged 3 years, 7 months and 2 days.
Died. STONE - In Cortland, N.Y., January 9th, 1878, of scarlet fever, Baby STONE, aged 2 years and 14 days.
Died. STONE - In Cortland, N.Y., January 10th, 1878, of scarlet fever, Vinnie Maud STONE, aged 5 years, 6 months and 2 days.
Died. STONE - In Cortland, N.Y., January 11th, 1878, of diptheria, Frank D. STONE, aged 34 years, 3 months and 3 days.
Died. RYAN - In Virgil, January [1x]th, 1878, of Consumption, Mr. Irving RYAN, aged [24?] years and 4
Died. SHERMAN - In Homer, January 4th, 1878, Samuel SHERMAN, in the 86th year of his age.
Died. WICKWIRE - In Cortland, January 15, 1878, Raymond C., only son of Mr. and Mrs. C.F. WICKWIRE,
aged 6 years.
Neighboring Counties
Tompkins - Jacob SAVOCOOL, 2d, of Groton, who recently cut his foot while chopping wood, died from the effect of his injury on Tuesday of last week.
On Monday, the 6th inst., Mr. George H. LADD's folks buried their infant son, which was a very severe loss to them. We tender to the parents our sympathy in their affliction.
The funeral services of Erving RYAN were held yesterday, the 14th inst., at the Baptist church. Rev. Mr. OLSCHIFFER preached the sermon by the request of the deceased.
The funeral of Mrs. Ardel Johnson OSTERHOUT is held today at the residence of her father, Mr. Charles JOHNSON, in the west part of the town.
Jacob HICKS is dead. How the thought falls upon the startled senses. How the pen partakes of the emotions of the hand that guides it in chronicling the sad event. That face indicative of the good man we shall see no more. That hand - the hand of friendship we shall never grasp again.
Mr. HICKS was born in Pomfret, Connecticut, May 18, 1802. His father, Capt. Zephaniah HICKS, was originally from Rhode Island, but came from Connecticut to Homer in 1805, locating on the southeast corner of States Hundred, Lot 17. He was an active, energetic, high-minded man, generous, obliging and courteous. After he had passed the meridian of life, he removed to Michigan, where he died at a venerable age. Jacob was then in the third year of his age. As he grew to boyhood, his educational advantages were limited to a brief attendance at the district school of that early period. While yet a young man he purchased sixty acres of land on Lot 27, and there within about 100 rods of his boyhood home he erected a house and with a strong arm and a determined will began to clear the land.
In 1824 he was united in marriage to Miss [Opaedia?] STODDARD, of Pomfret, who still survives him.
In 1842 he united with the Baptist church in Homer, and continued until his decease a consistent member.
His life was one of great industry. He passed through all those trials, privations, hardships and dangers, to which the early pioneers of the country were then subject. Quiet and regular in his habits, he was esteemed as a kind neighbor, a citizen of uprightness and integrity, and in his own family he was greatly endeared as a faithful, loving husband and an affectionate, warm-hearted father.
His political principles were strong; his devotion to the Democratic party was ardent and sincere.
His nature was a genial one. He loved a good story and relished a joke as warmly as any man. In the company of his wife and children he took especial pleasure and manifested a love for them akin to worship, and they in return left nothing undone to brighten the path of his declining years.
He had many memories of the earlier life of this region - the log-hut times of Homer - when a generous act was appreciated and meanness was despised.
He had no organic disease. His great energy and constitutional vitality began to show marked symptoms of continuous decline some two years since. While returning from the house of a neighbor, he was attacked with a partial paralysis of his limbs and was subsequently followed by a number more, and from which he never rallied. Great debility followed and he kept his room for the remaining months of his life. The decline was gradual up to the last weeks of his illness, when he failed more rapidly until twenty minutes past two o'clock, on the morning of the 23d day of December, 1877, at the advanced age of 75 years, 7 months and 4 days, when he passed quietly and serenely away over the beautiful river.
His funeral was largely attended. An able and impressive sermon was preached by Rev. W.F. BENEDICT, from words chosen by the deceased, Rev. 14:13.
On the casket, which contained the remains, we noticed a miniature sheaf of wheat, emblematical of his industrious life and a wreath of Christmas roses, typical of the purity of his love for the Savior.
25 Jan 1878
Two Groton Ladies Killed.
It is seldom our fortune to have to record so terrible a calamity as that which has befallen the family of Mr. Thomas McCARGAR, of this town. His daughters, Mary E. and Hattie A. McCARGAR, were killed in a railroad accident which happened near Tarriffville, Ct., on Tuesday evening. It seems that they had been from Winstead, Ct., where they have both been engaged in teaching in the Union School, to Hartford, to attend a Moody and Sankey meeting. While returning home, after the meeting, a trestle bridge gave way under the heavy train. Two engines, baggage and three passenger coaches went down. The engines touched the shore, and the coaches went through the ice, into three feet of water. At this writing seven bodies have been recovered, and others are believed to have been killed. The McCARGAR girls were among the killed. Their bodies were brought to Winstead, and from there will be forwarded to this place. They are expected to arrive tomorrow morning.
These ladies were both well known, and of most excellent reputation in this place. Their many friends will be pained beyond measure to learn of this terrible calamity, while the family will have the unbounded sympathy of the whole community. - Groton Journal.
Died. CHAFFY - In Cortland, Jan. 16, 1878, Mr. Jonathan CHAFFY, aged 71 years.
Died. DECKER - In Harford, N.Y., Jan. 9, 1878, Mrs. DECKER, wife of Peter E.N. DECKER, very suddenly.
Died. JOHNSON - At Harford Mills, N.Y., Jan. 3, 1878 of dropsy, Mrs. JOHNSON, wife of Esquire JOHNSON.
Died. TANNER - In Harford, N.Y., Jan. 21, 1878, Mrs. TANNER, mother of Daniel TANNER.
Died. CURRIE - In Preble, N.Y., Jan. 10, 1878, David L. CURRIE, aged 19 years and 7 months.
Died. PIERCE - In Cortland, N.Y., Jan. 18, 1878, Freddie, only child of Willie and Sarah PIERCE, and
grandson of Henry McKEVETT, Truxton, N.Y., aged 2 years and eight months.
We have laid our little Freddie
To rest, beneath the sod,
His spirit gently wafted
To its home on high, with God.
We shall see no more that winning smile,
Mama's pride and joy,
The tiny hand that waved a kiss
From papa's darling boy.
In the home that was so cheerful
We see the vacant little chair,
The toys that once amused him
And the shoes he used to wear.
We shall miss our darling Freddie,
Our sorrow, none can tell,
But we know that God hath taken him
He who doth all things well.
1 Feb 1878
Died. HUNT - In Scott, Jan. 20th, 1878, Mrs. Lydia HUNT, aged 79 years and 15 days.
Died. SCHELLINGER - In Truxton, Jan. 23d, 1878, of diptheria, Hattie SCHELLINGER, daughter of Levi
SCHELLINGER, aged 8 years and 3 months.
Died. PRATT - In Preble, Jan 7th, 1878, of Typhoid Pneumonia, Miss Esther G. PRATT, aged 71 years.
Died. MOONEY - At his residence, in Willett, N.Y., Jan. 25th, 1878, Mr. Lewis MOONEY.
Chenango -
....Randall FRANK, an account of whose shooting himself in the mouth we published last week, died on
Wednesday afternoon, from the effects of the wound. His remains were taken to Westerly, R. I., for interment, his son from the West and other relatives accompanying them, leaving on the Thursday evening
Paul, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAYS, residing on Union street, died last night with scarlet fever. He was a bright little lad of 5 or 6 years of age and had only been sick two or three days.
8 Feb 1878
A Horrible Death.
Mr. Theodore ROBINSON, of Lansing, died this morning from injuries received yesterday. Mr. ROBINSON was engaged in his father's grist-mill, near the Asbury Church, and yesterday morning, about 11 o'clock, while attending to his duties, his clothing became entangled in an upright shaft running at the rate of 160 revolutions a minute. A man named Charles HUMPHREY, who was in another part of the mill, heard ROBINSON's cries of pain as he was whirled about by the awful power that held him in its cruel grip, and rushed to him and endeavored to extricate the form that was fast losing humanshape. In his attempts to release ROBINSON, HUMPHREY had his left leg broken by a blow from the boot of the whirling man, and the sickening ride was continued nearly fifteen minutes before the water was shut off and the great wheel stopped. The mangled body of the miller was then conveyed to a house some rods distant from the scene of the accident and tenderly cared for. Notwithstanding that the poor
man must have been thrashed around in that fearful manner at least many thousand times, life did not
leave the broken and limp body until 5 o'clock this morning. The force with which the shaft whirled may be faintly imagined by the marks made in the work-bench by his boots as they struck it from time to time. There are at least sixty indentures in the wood that look as though they had been made with a heavy blow from a hammer. The clothing was stripped into ribbons, which wound about the man and held him fast to the shaft so that no force could get him loose until after the machinery was stopped. The boots, heavy and strong, were ripped and torn to pieces in what seemed to be a minute after ROBINSON got in the shaft. The deceased was a single man, about 31 years old, the son of Mr. Samuel ROBINSON, of South Lansing, and a young man esteemed by the residents of that town. - Ithaca Journal, Feb. 2.
15 Feb 1878
Died. SOUTHWORTH - At the residence of her son, Leonard SOUTHWORTH, in the town of Homer, Feb. 4, 1878, Mrs. Lucy SOUTHWORTH, aged 84 years.
Died. COOK - In Fon Du Lac, Wis. Nov. 9, 1877, of hemorrhage of the stomach, Edwin A. COOK, aged 66
Mr. COOK was a former resident of Cortlandville.
Died. SEBOLD - In Cortland, N.Y., Feb 10, 1878, of brain disease, Paul H. SEBOLD, youngest child of
Ferdinand SEBOLD and Jennie (Nason) SEBOLD, aged sixteen months.
Mrs. Lucy SOUTHWORTH died on the morning of the 5th inst., at the residence of her son, Leonard SOUTHWORTH, at the advanced age of 84 years. She was a native of Pitcher, Chenango Co., but came to Homer at an early day. She had been a member of the Methodist Church for upwards of half a century. Her confidence in her Redeemer, and her faith in the Christian Religion, were always pre-eminently prominent in her mind. Ripe in years, she was ready to depart; yet she patiently waited the approach of the dark angel, and when death suddenly swung his scythe, she calmly passed over the unruffled river to the better land. Her name and virtues are affectionately enshrined in the memory of her many friends. Rev. Mr. YORK, of East Homer, pronounced an excellent funeral discourse on the 6th, which was followed by some pre-eminently appropriate remarks by Frank HINMAN, when her remains were placed in the vault at Glen Wood.
22 Feb 1878
Died. BENEDICT - At his residence, in Cortlandville on Wednesday, Feb. 13th, 1878, Horace BENEDICT, aged 71 years.
Died. LEAVENS - At his home, in Decatur, Mich., on Tuesday, Feb. 12th, 1878, Edward LEAVENS, aged 21
Died. SHAW - At his residence, near Moravia, Feb. 15, 1878, Rev. Ezra D. SHAW, formerly of Summerhill.
Died. BABCOCK - In Scott, Feb. 12th, 1878, Ezra BABCOCK, in the 86th year of his age, and on the 61st
anniversary of his marriage.
Miss Eliza C. DEVOE, died on the 16th inst. of cancer, at the age of 37 years. She possessed a well balanced mind, a clear and discriminating judgment, and will be greatly missed by a large circle of relatives and friends.
....Little Michael KILROE, aged about four years, son of Patric KILROE, who resides on Rexford Street,
Norwich, while playing with some children of a neighbor, on Thursday morning last, was shockingly burned by his clothing taking fire from playing with matches. His screams brought assistance, but not until his clothing was completely burned from his body. Dr. STUART was called, who did all in his power to alleviate the sufferings of the little fellow, whose injuries about the chest and head were evidently
fatal. He died in the afternoon.
29 Feb 1878
Died. MAYBURY. - In Blodgett's Mills, on Wednesday evening, Feb. 29th, 1878, of pneumonia, Mrs. Dorcas
MAYBURY, mother of R.R. MAYBURY, in the 76th year of her age. [I believe Wednesday was the 27th - MES]
Died. BLODGETT. - In Grand Rapids, Mich. January --, 1878, Mr. Stephen J. BLODGETT, formerly of Cortland
county, aged 66 years.
Died. TALLMAN. - In Syracuse, Feb. 22d, 1878, Wm. E. TALLMAN, formerly of Homer, aged 63 years.
Died. DUFFY - In Cortland, Feb. 28th, 1878, James DUFFY, aged 75 years. Funeral at the Catholic church,
at 11 A.M., Saturday.
Died. RICE - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., Feb. 21st, 1878, of cancer, Mrs. Hannah RICE, wife of Stillman RICE, aged 77 years.
Died. HARRIS - At his residence in Willett, N.Y., Feb. 18th, 1878, Mr. Edmund HARRIS, aged 79 years.
Death of Wm. E. TALLMAN.
Mr. TALLMAN, was born in Tully, N.Y., and resided in that place until about twenty years ago. In 1852 he was elected as one of the representatives of Onondaga county in the assembly. Soon afterwards he moved to Preble in this county, where he engaged in farming and milling. He held the office of supervisor of that town for two or three terms. Eight or ten years ago he moved to Phelps, Ontario county, returning to this county five or six years ago, making his residence in Homer. In the spring of 1877, he removed to Syracuse where he continued to reside up to the time of his death which occurred last Friday at the age of 63 years. Mr. TALLMAN was a man of more than average ability, possessed of strict integrity, a genial companion, and withal a good citizen. He leaves a widow but no children. His remains were taken to Tully for burial.
dated 8 Mar 1878, but the actual date was 9 March
The messenger of death has also visited our little place as well as our neighboring towns and left us in mourning and tears. Old Mrs. MAYBURY while visiting at her daughter's was taken sick and died. She only moved from here last fall. Her remains were taken to Solon.
Mr. FREEMAN's people lost their eldest daughter only a few days ago. Her sickness was only of a few days and it seemed almost an impossibility for us to realize Lizzie was to us no more. But we know our loss is her gain. She was one of God's loved ones and was ready to die, having lately been converted at the revival meetings held at Cortland. What a comfort is this to the bereaved father and mother. They have our deepest sympathy. Lizzie was about fifteen years old, beloved by all who knew her, a bright active scholar, and will be very much missed by many.
Died. DEVOE - In Homer, Feb. 18, 1878, Eliza C., daughter of Abram DEVOE, aged 37 years.
Died. FREEMAN - In Blodgett's Mills, Feb. 23d, 1878, of scarlet fever, Lizzie A., daughter of Allen B. and Mary FREEMAN, aged 15 years, 1 month and [12?] days.
dated 15 Mar 1878.actual date was 16 March (leap year)
Died. GREENE - In Marathon, March 5th, 1878, Mrs. B.F. GREENE, aged 29 years, 4 months and 20 days.
Sad Accident in Taylor.
The Taylor correspondent of the Cortland Standard contains the particulars of a sad accident which occurred in that town. We quote: -
A sad accident, resulting in the death of Willis, the only child of M.C. WIRE, a boy about 14 years of age, occurred at the sugar bush of Mr. WIRE on Tuesday afternoon last. Rev. Mr. SALSBURY, pastor of the Wesleyan church (of which both Willis and his father are members) had gone up to the bush, and was at the boiling house where Mr. WIRE was at work, Willis being busy "gathering." When the thunder shower came up Willis drove the team into the house for shelter, and while it continued the time was very pleasantly passed by all these in friendly talk. As the rain was nearly over, Willis climbed up and took down from overhead a rifle, and handed it to Mr. S., saying, "I'll give you a mark," and taking up the ax, went out and hewed off a spot on an old stump as a "mark," and then another spot on a standing beech. Then, on his father's suggestion that he had better finish gathering, Willis drove the team to the platform at the north end of the house, where he had left the sled, while Mr. S. sat
down to reload the rifle, which was a "globe sight," and in letting the hammer down upon the cap his thumb struck the sight, releasing the hammer and discharging the rifle, the ball from which struck Willis, as he stood talking with his father, fairly on the right side of the head, upwards and back from the ear, penetrating the brain and fracturing the skull on the left side. Dr. BARNES was called but said immediately that it was a hopeless case. Willis died the same morning. Mr. WIRE assures your correspondent that no blame or accusation of carelessness can be brought against Mr. S., as there was a dense cloud of steam and smoke between him and Willis, completely hiding both Willis and the team from sight. Mr. S. sat with the butt of the rifle in his lap and the barrel well elevated, and but for the rapid rise of the ground between them, in a safe position. The funeral was held Sunday. Rev. Messrs. [illeg.] of Blodgett's Mills officiating, and friends attending from the neighboring towns. The sympathy of the community is with both families.
22 Mar 1878
Blodgett's Mills
Mrs. LINCOLN, daughter of Mrs. D. BROWN, died last Friday. She, with her two children, came from Michigan a few years ago hoping thereby to benefit her health. She has lost her little girl since, nor had she improved any to speak of in health. Her husband has been in Michigan most of the time and was there at the time of her death. She had made many friends and will be very much missed. Funeral was at the house of her mother's, Tuesday, at 11 o'clock.
Died. WAKEMAN. - In Marathon, Friday afternoon, March 15th, 1878, after a protracted illness, Mrs. Emeline WAKEMAN, mother of Mrs. R.R. MAYBURY, aged 64 years.
Died. SHEVALIER. - At Messengerville, March 16th, 1878, Mr. Isaac SHEVALIER, aged 47 years.
Died. GREENE. - In Marathon, March 5th, 1878, Mrs. Emma A. GREENE, 29 years 4 months and 2 days.
Died. HUNT- In Greene, February 20th, Mrs. Anna, widow of the late Hon. Alvah HUNT, aged 73 years.
29 Mar 1878
Died. JOHNSON - In Homer, March 16th, Terressa JOHNSON, in the 76th year of her age.
Died. DOBBINNS - In Homer, on Monday, March 18th, 1878, Johanna, wife of Mr. John DOBBINS, aged 37 years.
Died. DOWD - In Cortland, the 24th inst., Mrs. Anna DOWD, wife of Bernard DOWD, aged 40 years.
Died. CHAPMAN - In McGrawville, December 14th, 1877, Nellie CHAPMAN, aged 17 years.
Mr. Uri UNDERWOOD, of Solon, was taken suddenly ill last week and died on Friday. It has since been reported that the immediate cause of his death was from eating forty hard-boiled eggs at one meal. His death, and all the circumstances surrounding it, have occasioned so many stories to be set afloat in that locality that his wife has decided to have the remains taken up and a post-mortem examination held. [see East Freetown item in 5 April 1878 newspaper]
Orrin WELCH, a prominent citizen of Syracuse, well known in this county, died last week and was buried last Sunday. He had held many important positions in public life and was unanimously respected and esteemed. He was a brother of Mrs. Jonathan HUBBARD, of this village.
5 Apr 1878
Died. MAYBURY - In Solon, March 30, 1878, George H. MAYBURY, aged 38 years.
Died. PIERCE - In Truxton, March 12, 1878, of typhoid pneumonia, Mrs. William PIERCE, aged 68 years.
East Freetown
The report that Uri UNDERWOOD ate forty hard boiled eggs, which caused his sudden death has created considerable excitement in this section, but it cannot be relied upon as the truth, as Mrs. UNDERWOOD informs me that he did not eat any eggs on the day he was taken ill, so the cause of his sudden death is not known. She has not decided whether she will have the remains taken up and a post-mortem examination held or not, but probably she will not.
.... Charles SWEAZY, a former resident of Groton, was killed on Thursday, March 14th, by being run over by the cars, while acting as brakeman on the Buffalo, New York and Philadelphia railroad. His remains were taken to Groton and buried in the Rural Cemetery.
12 Apr 1878
Died. VanBERGEN. - In Cortland, on the 10th inst., Eliza C., wife of Peter VanBERGEN, aged 54 years.
Funeral to-day, (Friday), at 1 o'clock P.M. Utica papers please copy.
Died. McCONNELL. - In Cortland, April 10, Mary Ann G., wife of Michael McCONNELL, aged 71 years. Funeral
services will be held at the residence of Dr. Jay BALL, to-day (Friday) at 2:30 P.M.
Died. JACOBSON. - In Willett, Cortland Co., March 7, Rilla, relict of Jacob JACOBSON, aged 74 years, 6
months and 11 days.
Frank TILLINGHAST, son of B.F. TILLINGHAST, Esq., of this village, died in New York last week, and his remains were brought here for interment. He was a young man of excellent character and leaves a large circle of friends to mourn his loss.
Here And There.
Stephen H. SHERWOOD, formerly a resident of this place, died at the residence of his mother, Mrs. T.M.
DORWIN, in Syracuse, March 30.
19 Apr 1878
Died. WILES. - In Freetown, N.Y., April 10, 1878, Nancy WILES, in the 61st year of her age.
26 Apr 1878
Died. HOPKINS.- In Cincinnatus, after two days' illness, Jane, daughter of Mr. Dennis HOPKINS, aged 16
Died. PARK.- In Cortland, N.Y., Friday, April 5, 1878, Mrs. Hannah PARK, aged 68 years.
Died. SEEBER.- In Willett, March 27, 1878, Henry SEEBER, aged 41 years.
Died. MARTIN.- In Freetown, April 15, Wm. MARTIN, aged 57 years.
3 May 1878
Died. GEE. - In Washington, D.C., April 18th, 1878, Olive M., infant daughter of Fred A. and Olive M. GEE, formerly of Cortland.
Died. CRAIN. - In Virgil, N.Y., April 23d, 1878, of consumption, Mr. Sylvester CRAIN, aged 68 years.
Died. KENNEY. - In Hannibal, Oswego County, April 20th, 1878, Moses KENNEY, a brother of Hosea KENNEY,
Truxton, N.Y., aged 64 years.
Mr. A. G. BENSON's Death.
Mr. A.G. BENSON, formerly head of the old firm of A.G. & A.W. BENSON, of this city, died of paralysis on Wednesday evening at his home on Bay Shore, L.I. Mr. BENSON was the originator of the scheme which led to the introduction in this country of the product known as guano. He found that the Lobos Islands, lying 500 miles distant from our Pacific coast, contained guano deposits, of great value for agricultural purposes, and did not, so far as he knew, come within the jurisdiction of any government. Having been assured by Daniel WEBSTER that if he placed the American flag on the islands he would be sustained by the Government, Mr. BENSON sent out a fleet of eighty vessels, but the Peruvian Government, taking the ground that her jurisdiction was invaded, the vessels were seized and the expedition broken up. A few years later, Captain JARVIS and others, while in command of some of Mr. BENSON's vessels, went to the islands in question, and two companies, the American and United States Guano companies, were formed. Mr. BENSON was also instrumental in establishing the Wall Street Ferry. An
opening was cut through the steep sides of Columbia Heights and a stone arch thrown across, thus forming
the present Brooklyn terminus of the ferry. Mr. BENSON leaves five sons and a daughter. - New York World April 20.
Mr. BENSON and his family were well known in this vicinity. He owned a farm some four or five miles west of Homer in the town of Summerhill, where he and his family were accustomed to spend the summer months. His wife, nee Philomena ROLLO, died some two or three years ago.
Mr. L.B. PALMER, of McGrawville, who has been ill for a long time, died Sunday last. He was universally esteemed, and will be greatly missed in this community.
The funeral services of Mr. Sylvester CRAIN were held at his residence on Friday of last week. The Rev. Mr. GUTSEL, pastor of the Methodist Church, conducted the services. Mr. CRAIN has been a resident of this town for about twenty-six years and engaged as a wagon maker and undertaker.
Although a man of slender build, he has always been a hard working, industrious man until some time last winter. As I noticed in a former report, he received injuries by falling from a roof of his house, which, aided by consumption, finally resulted in his death on the 23d inst. He leaves a wife, one son and two daughters. One of the daughters, Mrs. George H. LADD, resides here; the other, Mrs. CHAPLIN, resides in California. We have known Mr. CRAIN ever since he came among us, and although differing with him on most of the questions of the day, we have ever found him to be a man whose word was to be taken under all circumstances. In religion he was a believer in the doctrine of Universal Salvation. In politics, a Democrat. In his death the town has lost a good citizen, and we tender to the family our sympathy in their affliction.
....A little waif by the name of Lida, who has been kindly taken care of by Mr. W.S. WILSON, who lives at the Corner of the Lake, fell into a well on Tuesday, and was drowned before assistance could be rendered. The well is situated in a shed at the rear of the house, and is about ten feet deep, with four feet of water. The little girl had been playing about the well in the morning, but about noon Mrs. Harriet LINDERBERRY, Mr. WILSON's housekeeper, not hearing the child, went out to see what was the matter and discovered her in the well. She immediately gave the alarm. WILSON and Wint. LINDERBERRY rushed to the rescue, but the well being too small to allow any man to go down into it, several minutes elapsed before the child could be drawn out by the aid of a garden rake. Although she had been in the water but a short time life was extinct and all efforts at resuscitation proved unavailing. The parents of the child are unknown, as she was taken from an asylum in Binghamton of Elmira.
Court of Appeals Decision.
In September, 1875, the Homer and Cortland Gaslight Company were engaged on Greenbush St., in digging trenches for the purpose of laying gas mains, and to prevent people from driving into the trenches, they had a rope stretched across the highway at a short distance from the place where they were at work. Mr. Geo. H. MAYBURY, of Solon, undertook to drive up the street and was caught by the rope, which he did not see, and was severely injured. He brought an action against the company in the Supreme Court to recover for the injuries sustained, which was tried at the Special Circuit in 1876, and judgment was rendered in favor of Mr. MAYBURY for $1,900. The defendants appealed to the General Term, which court affirmed the judgment. The defendants then appealed to the Court of Appeals, which court has also affirmed the judgment of the circuit. Mr. MAYBURY died recently from the effect of the injuries. The case was very ably conducted throughout the entire litigation by W.H. WARREN for MAYBURY, and by Messrs. WATERS & KNOX for the Gaslight company. We understand that there is more litigation liable to grow out of the transaction.
10 May 1878
Died. HEFFRON. - In this village, May 5th, 1878, Flora A. HEFFRON, of Etna, aged 22 years.
Died. HARRINGTON. - In Taylor, Cortland county, N.Y., April 26th, 1878, Willie HARRINGTON, aged 3 years, 9 months and 22 days.
Died. HOLMES. - In Buchanan, Mich., April 23, 1878, Mr. F.W. HOLMES, in the 50th year of his age.
Death of Rev. Dr. MATTESON.
The death of Rev. L.J. MATTESON, which occurred at half-past ten o'clock on Sunday evening last, has cast a gloom over this community that will be hard to break away. During the past winter, the Rev. Dr. MATTESON had conducted a long series of revival meetings at the Baptist Church in this place, and labored with an earnestness and zeal almost beyond the power of man, and as a reward for his labors, a large number of converts were received into the Baptist Church. Through the latter part of these meetings his health became somewhat impaired, and continued to remain so. On the 17th of April he was taken with chills, which forced him to take to his bed, the result of which terminated in a severe attack of fever and his death. About a week before his death, he became confident that his earthly labors must soon cease, and called his family to his bedside and made known to them the plan he had marked out for their protection. His friends lived in hopes of his immediate recovery, but alas, "He, who doeth all things well," had judged otherwise, and at half-past ten on Sunday evening last, his spirit passed away from this life to be received into the Celestial City above. Although he had been among us but four short months, yet the labors he had performed in the church and community, placed his name in almost every household, where it has been received as a true comforter.
Dr. MATTESON was born at Laurens, Otsego Co., N.Y., in 1834. He prepared for college at the Delaware Literary Institute, at Franklin, N.Y., and entered Madison University at the age of 20, graduating from the College when he was 24, and from the Theological Seminary when 26. He married about a month after graduating from the Seminary, Miss Nellie BAKER, of Hamilton, who survives him. His first pastorate was at Watertown, N.Y., where he remained 4 years; his second was at Sing Sing, N.Y., where he also remained 4 years; his third at Brattleboro Vt., where he remained 6 years; his fourth at Troy, N.Y., where he remained 2 years, and his fifth at Cortland. The degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred upon him by his Alma Mater in 1874, and he was the Financial Secretary of the institution between one and two years after leaving Brattleboro and before going to Troy. He came to Cortland January 3d, 1878.
The funeral was attended from the Baptist Church in this place, on Wednesday of this week. The remains of the late pastor were lying in state at the Church for a few hours previous to the services, where all who wished could view the placid countenance of a man whom the church and community had learned to love and respect as a true and noble expounder of God's words.
At 2:15 the organ commenced to play a dirge and the mourners wended their way to the seats just in front of the coffin. At the conclusion of this, a male quartette consisting of Messr. ERCANBRACK, TAGGERT, Prof. STOWELL, and Mr. M.A. RICE, sang a hymn, "Affliction as a Storm of Deep," followed by reading of scripture by Rev. J.W. FORD, of Homer, prayer by Rev. W.M. KINCAID; then the quartette sang, "Shall we Meet Beyond the River." Brief remarks were then made by Prof. S. BURNHAM, of Madison University, Rev. G.W. IZER, and Rev. C.N. PATTINGILL, pastor of the Baptist Church, Fayetteville, and prayer by Rev. Dr. STREET. The quartette then sang a chant, "Passing Away," and the congregation was dismissed.
The floral decorations of the church were beautiful and appropriate.
On the platform at the foot of the coffin was a cross composed of callas, apple blossoms, and white lilacs at the foot, near the left was a crown of callas, white lilacs and apple blossoms. A small cross on the platform, near the foot of the casket, of daffodils and white lilacs. At the head of the casket, there was a pillow of callas, tea roses, geranium leaves, and white foget-me-nots, with the words "Our Pastor," in blue forget-me-nots; at the foot an anchor of callas, apple blossoms, white lilacs and snow drops.
The entire church and organ were heavily draped in mourning, and on either side of the platform against the wall were placed the words "In the Vineyard" and "Now at Rest in Jesus."
The funeral, which took place on Wednesday afternoon was largely attended, a considerable number of friends being present from abroad. Nearly all the business places were closed during the funeral, out of respect to the dead pastor.
The remains were placed in the family plot of Mr. James S. SQUIRES, where they will remain until arrangements can be made to remove them to a permanent resting place.
Dr. MATTESON leaves to mourn his loss a wife and two children, a boy aged 15 and a girl aged 10.
17 May 1878
Died. SHORT.- In McGrawville, N.Y., May 2, 1878, Manassah SHORT, aged 69 years.
Died. DICKINSON - In Freetown, N.Y., may 6, 1878, M. William DICKINSON, aged 77 years.
Died. HALL - In Freetown, N.Y., may 19, 1878, and infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Berdett HALL.
Died. MARSHALL - In Cortland, May 6, Anna MARSHALL, aged 5 years.
Died. PARK - In Cortland, May 9, 1878, harry Clifton, son of John S. and Alda J. PARK, aged 5 years and 5 months.
Died. TRAPP, In Virgil, may 5, 1878, of cancerous affection of the stomach, David R. TRAPP, aged 63
24 May 1878
Died. NOBLE - Died at the Cortland County Alms House, May 9, 1878, Mrs. Caroline NOBLE, aged 69 years.
Died. SESSIONS - In Lapeer, May 13, Mrs. Nancy SESSIONS, aged 89 years and 9 months.
Captain H.D. GARDNER died at McLean on the 14th inst. Captain GARDNER was a prominent citizen and was well known in this vicinity. His remains were taken to North Marshfield, Massachusetts, for burial.
31 May 1878
The funeral services of a little daughter of Mr. Frank BRISTOL were held at his residence in the MORSE district, on Monday afternoon, Rev. GUTREL, of the M.E. officiated. This was a case upon which good physicians had differed in opinion. A post-mortem examination was held Monday morning by Drs. TRIPP and HYDE, which revealed the fact that the child died of an enlargement of the liver.
A large audience gathered to attend the funeral. The body was buried in a private burial lot near Mr. BRISTOL's residence. This is a severe blow to the parents, it being the second child they have lost within a year. We tender them our sympathy. Quite an excitement was created at the funeral by the sudden and dangerous illness of a Mrs. WILCOX, living in the district, who for some time, was supposed to be dying. She was taken home and Dr. TRIPP summoned, and after the lapse of time was restored to consciousness and is now very ill.
Died. DAYTON - In Homer, N.Y., May 20, 1878, Allie S., only daughter of G.W. and Helen L. DAYTON, aged eight years.
Died. OTIS - At his residence in Brooklyn, N.Y., May 20, 1878, Austin W. OTIS, a former resident of
Truxton, N.Y., and well known throughout Cortland county.
Died. LEWIS - In Homer, N.Y., May 21, 1878, Miss Evelyn LEWIS, aged 66 years.
Died. ROSE - On Sunday, May 12, 1878, at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. George H. LAWRENCE, in Salina, N.Y., Mrs. Magdaline ROSE, widow of Nathan ROSE.
7 Jun 1878
Died. BRISTOL. - In Virgil, May 26, 1878, of cancerous tumor of the liver, Ella Louise, daughter of Frank and Ophelia BRISTOL, aged 6 years and 10 months.
Died. CLARK - In Groton City, May 18, 1878, Francis, son of F.B. CLARK, aged 13 years.
Died. FERGUSON - In Homer, on Tuesday evening, May 28, 1878, Lytle FERGUSON, Esq.
14 Jun 1878
An old soldier of the war of 1812, Horace ADAMS, of Triangle, died last week, aged ninety-two years.
Died. KEEP - At Lockport, on Thursday, May 30, Frances RHODES, widow of the late William KEEP, Esq., formerly of Homer.
Died. HENNESSERY - In Truxton, N.Y., May 28, 1878, Miss Mary HENNESSERY, aged 21 years.
Died. ELLISON - At the residence of her father, Cortland, N.Y., May 29, Mrs. Julia A., daughter of
Dea. J.D. CHAFY, and wife of John ELLISON, of Waverly, N.Y., aged 32 years.
Died. PIERCE - In Truxton, June 11, 1878, Mrs. Polly PIERCE, aged 90 years, 3 months and 19 days.
Died. WELCH - In Homer, June 7, 1878, Almira, wife of Lucas WELCH, aged 76 years.
Died. WRIGHT - In Cortland, N.Y., June 8, 1878, of dropsy of the heart, Hattie J., wife of E.P. WRIGHT
and daughter of Wm. S. CLOYES, aged 28 years.
Tompkins. -
.... James WALPOLE, an Irishman, seventy-seven years of age, living near the track of the Southern Central Railroad in Groton was struck by the evening train last Saturday and instantly killed. He was attempting to drive some chickens off the track when the accident occurred. The old man was struck by the cow-catcher and thrown some distance. Both legs and one arm were broken and his skull crushed in.
Mr. Z. RUSSELL, brother of Mr. Allen RUSSELL, died very suddenly last week of palsy. The funeral services were held on Sunday.
21 Jun 1878
Died. BRADLEY - In Groton, N.Y., Tuesday, June 11, 1878, Mrs. Urania BRADLEY, aged 54 years.
Died. BURNHAM - In Groton, June 12, 1878, Mrs. Marcia BURNHAM, mother of Wm. H. BURNHAM and grandmother of
Mrs. Dr. WEAVER, in the ninety-second year of her age. Formerly of Homer.
Mr. Ransom ROWLEY, formerly of Freetown, a man well known in this vicinity, died at his residence near Cuba, June 6.
Murder and Suicide in Locke.
A young man and wife by the name of WILKINSON, of Summer Hill, Cayuga Co., who were married some time last winter, engaged to work for Mr. Aaron HOUSER 2 1/2 miles north of Groton village, for the summer. Affairs went apparently all right for a time until Mr. HOUSER, becoming dissatisfied, turned WILKINSON off, who on going away said to his wife that he would return for her, to which she objected, saying that she did not care to go with him. He returned on Sunday afternoon when he again asked her to accompany him, she refusing to do so he drew a revolver and fired at her heart, the ball struck a button, glanced and passed through the side following the ribs. She then ran out of the house he following. When Mrs. HOUSER interfering to prevent his following his wife he aimed the pistol at her when she pushed the door against his arm thereby saving herself. WILKINSON then overtook his wife, and putting his arm about her, asked if he had hurt her, she replying, yes you have shot me, when he replied that he would not hurt her any more and placing the pistol at her side shot her through, killing her instantly. He then fled in the direction of the Frank POWERS place, near which he placed the pistol to his own heart and completed the foul deed commenced, by taking his own life. Dryden Herald.
Fatal Accident.
Wm. BOGAN, aged twenty-one years, was killed on the Binghamton road, below Jamesville, last Tuesday afternoon. He had been sent out with a second trackhand to spike fresh plates. A fireman on a train going south saw BOGAN lying on the track ten rods ahead, as the cars were rounding a curve. Thinking at first that a stick of wood lay there, the fireman did not at once ring the bell. An instant later he saw his mistake and blew the whistle. BOGAN did not move, and the cow-catcher struck him on the side and threw him into the ditch. The train was backed up and the man picked up still alive. The companion of BOGAN was found, and either would not or could not tell how the unfortunate fellow came to be lying there where he was first seen. The wounded man was taken to Homer before a physician could be found, but there medical aid was too late.
Cortland County Births 1878 from the Cortland Democrat
21 Jun 1878
....George W. ADAMS, of South Plymouth, had a surprise party at his residence about ten o'clock Friday
morning last, when his wife gave birth to three bouncing boys, whose weights were 6 lbs.9oz., 6lbs.8oz. and 5lbs.1oz., respectively, aggregating 18 lbs. 2oz. From what we learn, the boys have apparently come to stay, all doing finely, as is also the mother....
28 Jun 1878
Ah! It's a Boy!
Last Wednesday afternoon an interesting episode happened at Cortland. Syracuse University students and resident alumni will remember J.H. SHULTS, who graduated at the University in'76 and married Miss Grace HUBBELL, who also graduated at the same institution in the same class. In '76 - let's see; ah, that was nearly two years ago! How time flies, two long years! Well, better late than never. Prof. SHULTS now fills the chair of English language, history, physics and Greek in the Normal School at Cortland. It was Wednesday at 2 P.M., when a new student applied for admission in the Professor's class; after a somewhat hasty examination the young man passed and is now hard at work on the first principles in the chemical department. - Syracuse Standard, June 21.
Cortland County Deaths 1878 from the Cortland Democrat
28 Jun 1878
Died. CLARK. - In Carpentersville, N.Y., Silas CLARK, aged 76 years.
Mrs. B. ALLEN died at Mr. John SHEARER's last week and was buried in the cemetery. Mrs. ALLEN was sister of Mrs. SHEARER and not their daughter, as was stated in last week's correspondence.
Charles SIMONS, who resided on the Homer Gulf road near Dresserville, while turning the pulley of a circular saw on Friday last, slipped and fell forward striking his head against the saw. His head was nearly split in two. He was a prominent citizen and highly esteemed in the community where he resided.
5 Jul 1878
We learn that Edward KING, of Otisco, a student in Homer Academy, who was severely beaten by a drunken man while on a visit to his home, died a few days since from the injuries sustained on that occasion. The proper authorities will undoubtedly take prompt measures for a thorough investigation of the matter.
Suicide of Andrew ROOD.
About half-past five o'clock on Wednesday morning of this week, Mr. Andrew ROOD, residing on the east side of North Main street, in this village, committed suicide by shooting himself with a pistol. He had just arisen and gone to the barn for kindling wood, as his wife supposed, when she was startled by the rapid firing of the pistol. Hurrying on a portion of her clothing, she ran to the barn where she found her husband lying on his side, his right hand still grasping a small seven-shot revolver. Her shrieks aroused the neighbors, numbers of whom quickly ran to her assistance, Dr. H.O. JEWETT, who resides immediately opposite Mr. ROOD's, being among them. An examination by the doctor shewed that three balls had taken effect, one of which had penetrated the skull. The wounded man was taken into the house, where, about ten minutes afterwards, he expired. He was unconscious when first discovered and remained so. Mr. ROOD had for some time past manifested depression of spirits through financial troubles, but on the evening before had appeared very cheerful. He purchased the pistol last Saturday thinking, as he told his wife, that he might need it to defend himself. Nothing was thought of this, however, at the time, as he had other guns in the house. His age was 39 years. Dr. S.C. WEBB, Coroner, will hold the usual inquest.
12 Jul 1878
Died. PENDLETON. - In Cincinnatus, June 24, 1878, Mr. W.B. PENDLETON, aged 54 years.
Died - In Cortland, July 4, 1878, Jerry WOOD, aged 54 years.
Died. UNDERWOOD - In Solon, N.Y., July 5, 1878, Mr. Franklin UNDERWOOD, aged 26 years.
Died. KENNEY - At Truxton Village, N.Y., on Sunday afternoon, July 7, 1878, Mrs. Lauretta Lucas KENNEY,
aged 67 years.
Was It Murder.
Edward J. KING Killed by a Stone,
Thrown by "Poke" WHITE.
The correspondent of the Journal, writing from Tully, says: "Coroner KNEELAND held an inquest upon the body of Edward J. KING at the home of the deceased, in the town of Otisco, on the morning of July 3d, to ascertain whether he came to his death from the effects of a blow, received from the hands of Burdick WHITE, commonly called "Poke" WHITE, a resident of Preble. The jury convened at ten o'clock Wednesday morning, and after a thorough examination by Doctors MUNSON, of Otisco, and DALLAS, of Syracuse, the case was laid before the jury, who reserved their verdict till one o'clock, Saturday, Jul 6. The circumstances of the crime, as we glean them, are as follows: The deceased, Edward J. KING, is the son of a well-to-do farmer, residing in the town of Otisco, is eighteen years of age, has been attending the academy at Homer, where he was progressing rapidly in his studies, with bright prospects in the future. On the afternoon of June [11?], he in company with his room-mate, Mr. Henry TUTTLE, started for home on foot. When they had proceeded as far as the Wheaton schoolhouse, they passed by WHITE, who at the time was standing by the side of the road, near the fence. Immediately afterward WHITE came out into the road and picked up a stone, throwing it at TUTTLE, who dodged it. WHITE then picked up another stone and threw it at KING, hitting him on the back of the head, KING falling like a dead man, and striking upon his face. WHITE says, "There goes one - now for the other." KING was picked up and carried into John LONE's house, where he soon recovered his senses sufficient to be taken to his home, one mile north of Vesper. KING was able to be about the house for a few days, but was subsequently taken worse, and died Monday afternoon, Jul 1, at half-past eleven o'clock. It is a hard blow on the parents who have lost a noble son, the joy of the father's household.
Subsequent to the throwing of the stone WHITE was arrested on a charge of assault and battery and taken before Justice FRENCH, of Vesper. He was convicted on the charge and sentenced to imprisonment for one year, at the Onondaga penitentiary, where he now is. The people of Tully and vicinity anxiously await the verdict of the jury on Saturday.
There are strong grounds that a charge of a much graver nature may be brought against WHITE. - Syracuse Courier, July 6.
19 Jul 1878
Died. BANGS. - In Summer Hill, July 5, 1878, Clara, wife of L.B. BANGS, and daughter of Alonzo CAMPBELL,
aged 27 years.
Died. GLEASON - Luke GLEASON died at his residence in Cortland, N.Y., July 12, 1878, in the 72d year of his age.
Died. KENNEY - At Truxton, N.Y., July 7, 1878, Lauretta L., wife of Deacon Hosea M. KENNEY, aged 67
The deceased, daughter of Simeon and Eunice LUCAS, was born at Cortlandville, April 25, 1811, and married August 10, 1841. She leaves a husband; two sons and two grandsons to mourn her loss.
She made a public profession of her faith in Christ June 19, 1831, and united with the Baptist church in Truxton in 1842, in which she has ever maintained a consistant walk. Though feeble health often prevented her attendance at the sanctuary, yet she always manifested a marked interest in the prosperity of Zion.
As a Christian wife and mother, she was earnest, faithful and devoted. Her work was done quietly, but well.
During her last protracted illness, though a great sufferer, she exhibited the same Christian meakness and fortitude which characterized her life. She would say, "It is all for the best - my trust is in Jesus." Her often repeated wish was that her departure might occur on the Sabbath, and He, in whom she trusted, granted that desire and took her home to rest where Sabbaths have no need.
A Shocking Suicide.
Last Saturday John RYAN, Jr., of Virgil, was arrested on a warrant issued by Justice JONES of Cortland, charged with the crime of rape, committed on the person of RYAN's adopted daughter, aged about 14 years. The girl came here with several other children some few years ago from the Five Points Mission in charge of Rev. Mr. FOOTE. She was adopted by Harvey SPENCER, then a resident of this place. Some seven or eight years ago SPENCER moved to Iowa taking the child with him. SPENCER met with severe losses in the west and came back to Virgil some months since bringing the child with him. She was finally adopted by John RYAN, Jr., and went to live with him. She charges that the crime was committed in April last. The examination of RYAN commenced on Saturday and was adjourned that evening to Thursday. In the meantime RYAN had been occupying quarters on the upper floor of the jail. On Thursday morning when Sheriff BORTHWICK went on his accustomed rounds through the jail he found RYAN lying on the bed in his cell with his throat cut from ear to ear. Two ordinary pocket knives were found on the floor near the bed. The Sheriff thinks that he must have committed the deed in the fore part of the night. Coroner WEBB held an inquest yesterday afternoon. RYAN was about 40 years of age and owned a farm in Virgil where he resided.
26 Jul 1878
Died. MARKHAM - In Preble, N.Y., July 20, 1878, suddenly, Chester MARKHAM.
Died. HOWARD - In Eldora, Hardin county, Iowa, July 8, 1878, of quick consumption, Lena DEXTER, wife of
Alfred HOWARD, aged 27 years.
Died. JONES - At her residence in Willett, N.Y., July 20, 1878, Miss Phoebe JONES.
....Thomas PURDIE, Sr., of Smyrna, while mowing on his farm in that town, about nine o'clock, a week ago
Tuesday morning, was prostrated by sunstroke, and died in about an hour. Deceased was seventy-six years of age, and leaves a wife, two sons and two daughters to mourn his death.
Fatal Accident.
Henry JAYNE, son of Seneca JAYNE, residing in the town of Sempronius near the Scott gulf, met with a fatal accident on Saturday afternoon of last week. He was working on the farm of Daniel GRIFFIN and for some purpose took his gun to the field with him and on returning to the house at night, he undertook to put the gun into the hay rack of the wagon in a manner which caused it to discharge its contents, the cartridge passing through his wrist and on through his body. He was immediately taken home and everything done for him that could be, but he lived only about twenty- four hours.
He was a young man about 21[?] years of age, of sober and industrious habits. He has been a student of the Union School in this place a number of terms, and was considered one of the most promising young men in the school. - Moravia Register.
2 Aug. 1878
[MARKHAM, HOWARD AND JONES deaths repeated]
Died. GEE. - At Hamilton, Mo., July 16, 1878, Mrs. Deborah, wife of Israel GEE, aged 64 years, formerly
of Cincinnatus, N.Y.
9 Aug 1878
Mr. Abejah DURKEE died Tuesday morning, the 6th. He was a well known resident of the village.
Died. HOLLENBECK - In Preble, N.Y., July 29, 1878, Fred HOLLENBECK, son of Jno. L. HOLLENBECK, aged 19
years and 5 months.
16 Aug 1878
From Everywhere.
Jeremiah McCARTHY, aged thirty years, was drowned in Owasco lake, Sunday, by the capsizing of a boat.
Shocking Accident.
We have a meagre account of a terrible accident said to have happened on Sunday last a little west of Groton village. The particulars as we have them are as follows: a thirteen-year-old son of B. KNAPP in company with another boy, was shooting at a mark, located on one side of a strip of sowed corn, on the opposite side of which was the dwelling. Young KNAPP's grandmother was standing in the doorway, and the charge, missing the mark, passed through the corn and entered the neck of the old lady. She staggered back, fell upon the bed and expired. The deceased was the mother of Mr. Wilbur B. KNAPP of Cortland.
Died. LANE - At the Cortland County Alms House, August 9, Mary LANE.
Died. BURDICK - At the same place [Cortland County Alms House], August 10, Sophia BURDICK, aged 67 years.
Died. HUNTER - In Cortland, N.Y., August 11, 1878, of Typhoid fever, Stephen Richard HUNTER, aged 62 years.
Died. PLACE - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., August 13, 1878, Mrs. Julia A. PLACE, wife of W.R. PLACE, age 62 years.
23 Aug 1878
Died. PUTNAM - In Truxton, N.Y., August 19, 1878, Mr. John P. PUTNAM, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. William PUTNAM, aged 17 years and 11 months.
Died. EWERS. - In Syracuse, Wednesday evening, August 14, 1878, Mrs. Malinda ELDREDGE EWERS, aged 80 years.
Deceased was a sister of Joseph S. ELDREDGE, and aunt of Mrs. H.A. JARVIS, of this place.
Miss Ida TAYLOR died the 1st; the funeral services were held at the Baptist church Monday. Possessing a frail constitution which gave promise of but a short life at best, death has put an end to her sufferings at the age of 20 years. She will be sadly missed by her friends to whom her gentle christian character endeared her. Mrs. Alneenan TAYLOR, her mother, lies very sick.
30 Aug 1878
Passed to spirit life, from his residence in Homer, August 17, 1878, Henry SCHMIDT, aged 46 years. He was born in Baden, Germany, in 1832, and emigrated to this country in 1853; and has resided most of the time since in Homer. His love for freedom and free institutions was early developed in his clear strong mind, and he longed to breathe the air where liberalized freedom left the person as well as the intellect unfettered by unnatural restraint. With a clear and penetrating insight into revealed truth, a clear and beautiful faith was in him also, united to a pure spirit of love for others. He early became a believer in the true spiritual philosophy, whose beautiful truths gave him a happy passport to the world of spirits. He was positive in all the noble characteristics of his life, honest, industrious and attentive to all of his life duties. Spiritualism with Mr. SCHMIDT, was no theory - no belief - it was knowledge - a truth. And he believed death to be the sunrise of the soul to the immortal life. His widow and eight children survive him. He has been a great sufferer, having been afflicted for many years with a bone tumor on the spine, and for several of the last months of his life, the lower portion of his system was perfectly paralyzed. He knew that his last hour was surely approaching, and he awaited with perfect christian recognition its coming. He made as far as possible all needful arrangements, and requested Bro. Alexander BATES, to have his funeral services conducted by a spiritual brother, but his last wish was unexpectedly prevented, and hence, his obsequies were attended by Rev. A.S. BALL of the Methodist Episcopal church.
But he has gone - gone up higher, as a star-mind of earth to put on his native immortality, where in the beautiful Summer Land he will await the coming of dear friends, when they too pass over the river.
And it may be in the future,
That with them he will roam,
Though silent and unnoticed,
Around their cherished home.
Died. CARPENTER - In Homer, on August 19, 1878, Freddie E., youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. William
CARPENTER, aged two years.
Died. SCHMIDT - In Homer, August 17, 1878, Henry SCHMIDT, aged 46 years.
Died. BROWN - In Delavan, Wis., August 5, 1878, Geo. W. BROWN, aged 63 years. Formerly of Homer.
Died. NORTHROP - In Marathon, August 25, 1878, Mr. Henry S. NORTHROP, aged 73 years.
Died. HIBBARD - In Cortland, N.Y., August 21, 1878, Mrs. Laura HIBBARD, widow of Frank H. HIBBARD, aged 56 years.
Died. HAWLEY - At East River, N.Y., August 26, 1878, Erastus HAWLEY, aged 82 years.
6 Sep 1878
Died, in Cortland, N.Y., Aug. 21, 1878, Laura Augusta, wife of the late Francis H. HIBBARD, aged 56 [?] years.
The above notice tells of the departure of our friend and neighbor, but it seems fitting that a few words be spoken regarding the life so eminently worthy that has gone out from our midst.
Some one has said, "Life is a business, not good cheer." And surely in this one we have a complete exemplification of this fact. Thrown upon her own resources at the early age of eleven years, whatever success she attained must be the fruit of personal diligence and perseverence.
Having an inherent desire for an education, she engaged in the enterprise, and in good degree satisfied the ambition. Being an extensive reader and close observer her fund of knowledge never diminished, but was ever added thereunto until she became more than ordinarily well versed in matters of politics, finance, history, literature, art and whatever completes a practical education.
For one whose advantages were circumscribed she possessed rare culture. an ardent lover of the beautiful, its outcroppings were manifest in her home. Especially was she fond of flowers, and amid cares and anxieties derived great pleasure and satisfaction from their cultivation. Her floral gifts to the children and aged, for the sick room and burial casket were without stint and almost without number.
Herself and husband were united in rendering home an attractive and genial place to their children, hoping thereby to incite them to not only motives of integrity, but to pure and cultivated tastes and ambitions.
Her patience was remarkable, enduring though injury was done to her; her kindness and sympathy to the last, worthy of imitation, and in the spirit of her Master. Long weary months of pain and suffering were meted out to her, during which she greatly deplored her helpless condition, often expressing a desire to be at rest, yet a spirit of Christian faith and resignation possessed her, fittingly expressed in the following lines read at her burial service:
"Pain's furnace heat within me quivers,
God's breath upon the flame doth blow,
And all my heart in anguish shivers,
And trembles at the fiery glow;
And yet I whisper, As God will;
And in his hottest fire hold still.
He comes and lays my heart, all heated,
On the hard anvil, minded so
Into his own fair shape to beat it
With his great hammer, blow on blow;
And yet I whisper, As God will;
And in his mighty hand hold still.
He takes my softened heart and beats it,
The sparks fly off at every blow;
He turns it o'er and o'er and heats it,
And lets it cool and makes it glow;
And yet I whisper, As God will;
And at his heaviest blows hold still.
Why should I murmur? For the sorrow
Twas only longer lived would be;
Its end may come, and will, to-morrow,
When God has done his work in me;
So I say, trusting, As God will;
And trusting to the end hold still.
He kindles for my profit purely
Affliction's glowing fiery brand;
And all his heaviest blows are surely
Inflicted by a master hand;
So I say, praying, As God will;
And hope in him, and suffer still."
Finally the hour of release came, and her spirit left its wasted, worn out home of clay, for more enduring mansions on the other shore.
Having spent her life in this community, it is an open book - yet only partly open, for she sought not publicity, only to live worthily and well in her own private sphere, doing cheerfully and gladly the common practical duties nearest at hand, which enter so largely into a well-ordered home. Her face we behold not, her voice we hear not, and yet she lives. In her habits of industry and self-sacrifice, genuine womanliness, tenderness of heart, Christian principle and benevolence yet she speaks to us, and in the memory of these graces her family and friends have bequeathed them a rich legacy.
13 Sep 1878
Died. BUCHANAN - In McGrawville, September 4th, 1878, Mrs. Sally BUCHANAN, aged 35[?] years.
Died. HUNT. - In Marathon, September 8, Mrs. Asa HUNT, aged _ years.
In Memoriam.
Another and one of the best citizens of Cortland county has gone to his rest.
The death of the Honorable John GILLETT of Scott, occurred on the 6th instant at the advanced age of ninety-four.
He emigrated from Connecticut to the town of Scott (then Preble), in the year1805. In the process of years, he became the owner of a large, well cultivated farm, on which he erected a commodious dwelling, and extensive out houses. He was an agriculturalist from choice; and he was a prosperous one. He amassed a handsome income, and spent the evening of his life surrounded with all the sources of enjoyment.
He loved his home, for it was endeared to him by the associations of youth, of ripened manhood, and a serene old age.
He was a man of more than medium intelligence, and in his early years, he drew around him the partialities of his townsmen. Scott was erected from Preble in 1815, and he was its first Postmaster. He was several times elected supervisor, and to several other town offices. For about twenty years, he was a justice of the peace. In 1823 he represented this county in the Legislature. In 1844, he represented Cayuga and Cortland, in the Electoral College, and cast his vote for James K. POLK. In April 1833, he was appointed one of the Judges of the old Court of Common Pleas, and remained upon the bench until the establishment of the present County Courts, in 1847, a period of over fourteen years of continuous service. There was scarcely a year while in the vigor of his manhood, that he was not in some official station, and all this period public confidence, and in his intelligence and integrity, was unshaken. Judge GILLET [sic] was a constant reader of the current publications, and was a keen observer of men and events. He possessed firmness of mind, resting upon positive convictions.
He had a dignified person; a manly presence; and a genial manner. Beyond the circle of his home, he has left a large circle of endeared friendships, which will not soon be forgotten.
In his active duties while sitting as a Judge, his great good sense - his clear discernment - his comprehension of mind, - his exemption from partialities to persons, and above all his exalted integrity were conspicuous. He was almost the last of that noble generation of men, who have left the impress of their characters, upon the public affairs of the county, in the early years of its history.
The writer of this obituary, knew Judge GILLET well, and it is a tribute of friendship to record the virtues of departed worth. An unusually large number of endeared friends attended the funeral exercises, which were conducted by the Rev. J.A. ROBINSON of the Cortland Episcopal church.
Mr. R.B. NEWCOMB, a highly respected citizen of this place, died suddenly, in a fit, on Friday last. He has for several years past been engaged in the harness business, and by his honorable deal won many friends who mourn his loss.
John GILLETT died Sept. 6th, at his residence, cold Brook, aged 94 years. He emigrated from Norfolk, Connecticut, in 1805, and located on the farm where he died 1807 [sic]. During his long and busy life he has enjoyed the respect of community and ably discharged the duties of many public offices. He was the first Post-master appointed in Scott after the organization of the town in 1815. An office which he held several years though mostly doing the business by deputy, as the office was at Scott Corner. Under appointment he was Associate Judge of the County Court for fifteen successive years. He filled the office of Justice of the Peace for a period of twenty years and that of Supervisor and other town offices at divers times, until within a very few years. In 1823, he and Daniel SHERWOOD, of Marathon, represented this county in the Legislature, it being the first time we sent two members. He was once chosen a Presidential Elector. His father was an officer of the Revolution, and instilled in his youthful mind, the firm principles of Democracy. Many will remember the dignity and precision with which he presided at a county convention four years ago. It was his pride, that he had never failed to vote at an election, or even a town meeting, when in the county, since he first began to vote. Even last spring, when the stormy blasts kept many an younger man home, he braved the storm for three miles and cast a vote. He was twice married, and leaves a sorrowing wife, who has shared his joys and sorrows or about thirty years. The funeral obsequies took place on Sunday, and were conducted by Rev. J.A. ROBINSON, of Cortland, and was most numerously attended by citizens from the adjoining towns. Thus has been gathered to his fathers, one of the pioneers of this county.
20 Sep 1878
Died. PIERCE - In Truxton, on Tuesday, September 10, 1878, Arthur PIERCE, son of Sabin S. PIERCE, aged 22 years.
Died. NEWCOMB - In Homer, on Friday evening, September 6, 1878, R.B. NEWCOMB, aged 54 years.
Died. HUBBARD - In Homer, Sunday morning, September 8, 1878, Lyman HUBBARD, aged 80 years.
Died. STOUT - In Cortland, on Monday, September 16, 1878, of typhoid fever, George L. STOUT, aged 26
the Killawog Inquest.
The Coroner's Jury empaneled to investigate the cause of the death of the man found in a cove of the river near Killawog some days wince were unable to establish his identity. The verdict describes the body as being that of a man from thirty to forty years of age, five feet eight inches high, dark sandy hair, blue eyes and well developed physique.
The Binghamton Republican of Wednesday says: -
There was not a cent of money, nor a jack knife, nor anything of a cent of value in the pockets except a tin match-safe; and some brass studs were in the shirt-bosom. in one coat pocket was found some bread and butter; and in another pocket was a scrap of an Albany Evening Journal with the name of Osborn E. BUMP printed upon it. The Coroner has followed up the clue of this name, and learns that some time ago a tramp called at Mr. BUMP's house, and the kitchen girl wrapped up a luncheon in the piece of paper and handed it to him. This and some other circumstances seem to establish the identity of the corpse as an unknown tramp.
Mrs. E.R. RINDGE, wife of the station agent at Killawog, was left in charge of the station about eight days before the body was discovered, and this man (the tramp) came in and inquired when the next train would go north. That was between two and three o'clock in the afternoon, and the tramp stayed in the depot from fifteen to twenty minutes. Mrs. RINDGE took particular notice of him because she did not like his appearance, and felt much relief when he started off on foot up the track toward Marathon.
The body was found below Killawog. The cove where it lay is in the farm of Ferris HILL. The circumstance shows that the tramp countermarched after Mrs. RINDGE lost track of him, and walked the other way, perhaps in the night. The most probable theory of death is, that he fell through the railroad trestle bridge, became stunned in falling by the wound over his eye, and perished in the water - not by drowning by filling with water, but by smothering with his face in the water.
Death of C.R. PECK.
We copy the following from the Plattsburgh, N.Y. Sentinel of September 13. Dr. PECK was the son of Rev. F.B. PECK of this place:
At a regular meeting of Protection Hose Co., No. 5, held at its rooms in Plattsburgh, N.Y., September 5, 1878, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, It has pleased almighty God to terminate the earthly career of Dr. C.R. PECK, an active and respected member of this organization,
Resolved, That since Dr. PECK's connection with this company up to the time of his last illness, he has, by his gentlemanly deportment, his kindness of heart and zeal in the discharge of his duties as a Fireman, won the respect and esteem of all with who he has been associated,
Resolved, That as fellow mourners we tender our heartfelt sympathy to the afflicted family, from whom a devoted son and brother has been taken.
27 Sep 1878
Died. MERRILL - In Elmira, August 16, 1878, Renselaer MERRILL, in his 80th year, formerly a resident of McGrawville.
Died. VanBUSKIRK - In Preble, Sept. 20, John L. VanBUSKIRK, aged 68 years.
Died. GROUT. - In Scott, Sept. 15, 1878, of a lingering and painful illness, Mary M., wife of Arthur S. GROUT, aged 36 years.
Died. SMITH. - In Blodgett Mills, on Thursday, Sept. 19, Mr. Leroy SMITH, aged 71 years.
Died - In Cortland, on Monday, Sept. 16, Edward Erving, only child of Erving and Laura E. ANDREWS, aged 4 months.
Died. BENJAMIN - In this village on Saturday, September 21, 1878, Miss Jennie E., eldest daughter of S.M. BENJAMIN, aged 18 years.
Thus briefly we record a death which awakens a deep and widely extended sympathy with the bereaved parents. Possessed of many personal charms, bright and cheerful in temperament, amiable and lovely in character, the deceased attracted the admiration of all who met her in casual acquaintance, and won the warmer affections of those who knew her more intimately. she was truly beloved of a large circle of schoolmates, companions and associates.
Miss BENJAMIN had been in feeble health for the last two or three years, and for the last few months she had been gradually but constantly declining, in spite of the utmost efforts of
affectionate care and medical skill to arrest the disease, till finally on Saturday morning last, in the most quiet and peaceable manner possible, she sank away into the embrace of death, entered into rest, with evident signs that her spirit was cheered by the bright visions of the blessed, higher life beyond the grave.
Mr. Timothy LEIBER, with his wife and family, returned from a visit to Syracuse a few days ago. They had been at home but a few days, when their three children, aged nearly two, three and one-half, and five years were stricken down with that dread disease, diptheria. One died last Sunday, the other the next
day, and their bodies were interred in one grave. The last child lingered until 10 o'clock Saturday morning, when he breathed his last. Thus, in the space of one short week, one family has been deprived of three children who were the pride and joy of a fond mother's heart. They will be missed by friends so dear, but never will their voices, their parents cheer in the future as in the past, for in this life, they know they have seen the last. They have the sympathy of the community, in this, their hour of
affliction, for verily their cup of sorrow is indeed full.
5 Oct 1878
George HOFFMAN, of Tully, Poisoned by Arsenic. - His Wife and Son Arrested for Administering the Poison.
Sunday afternoon about two o'clock, George HOFFMAN, a laborer living about two miles south of Vesper, died very suddenly, and under circumstances that led to the belief that he had been
poisoned. Deputy Sheriff BENNETT was informed of the affair and proceeded to make an investigation, which elicited the following: HOFFMAN was a laborer, and had not lived peaceably with his wife for some time. They were in very poor circumstances, and constantly quarreled. Last Thursday Mrs. HOFFMAN went to a neighbor's house, where she remained until after her husband's death. Sheriff BENNETT also learned that a son of HOFFMAN, aged 14 years, had purchased of a merchant at Vesper an ounce of arsenic, telling him that he wanted it for the purpose of killing rats. Upon being questioned the boy admitted that he bought it to poison his father. Young HOFFMAN was arrested Sunday evening and brought to Tully, where he made the following statement to the sheriff. He said that his mother sent him after the arsenic, and on his way home from Vesper she met him on the road and took the paper of arsenic from him, and after examining it she told the boy to take it home, and if his father had not been to tea, to give it to him that night, and if he had to give it to him Sunday morning. She told him to put it in the pot and steep it with the tea. He did as directed by his mother, and the "old Man" drank half a cup and left the table. In a short time he was taken very sick, and one of the children went for the mother, telling her their father was very sick and wanted her to come home immediately. To this request she paid no attention, until a second messenger, the boy who bought the arsenic arrived.
On her way over she told her son if he ever told she would "kill him the minute she set eyes on him;" and they could not hang him, as he was too young.
After hearing this statement the sheriff arrested Mrs. HOFFMAN. She took her arrest very composedly and when asked if she wanted counsel, said, "No, what do I want a lawyer for, I aint done anything."
After the arrest of the mother and son, J. FLITCHER, justice of the peace of Tully, sent the following dispatch to Coroner DALLAS, of this city:
Tully, September 29, 1878.
To A.J. DALLAS, Coroner:
a corpse lies here. Death supposed to have resulted from arsenic poisoning.
In response to the above telegram Coroner DALLAS went to Tully yesterday to hold an investigation. He found Mrs. HOFFMAN and her son under arrest at the Empire House, Tully.
The coroner empanneled the following jury: Daniel VALE, John A. HOXY, William DWINNELLE, John WILLIS, Theodore S. COLES, Joseph WILLIAMS, Chester BLAIR, John COUGHNEY, William D. SMITH.
After viewing the body the inquest was adjourned to Thursday, October ed, at 11 A.M. Coroner DALLAS caused the stomach and liver of the murdered man to be removed and brought them to this city for analytical examination. to the coroner, the son of the murdered man, who is under arrest, made a statement, which contradicts the one made to the sheriff. Young HOFFMAN says he procurred the arsenic himself, and administered it to his father at breakfast. He denies that his mother told him to get the poison or give it to his father. he says he did it of his own responsibility. when asked why he poisoned his father, he replied that he did so because his father had beat, choked, kicked and maltreated his mother, and had turned her out of doors. He said that his father had always abused his mother, and that he poisoned him so that he couldn't do so any more. Young HOFFMAN who, by his own confession is the murderer of his father, is a young man of little intelligence. he presented a very unprepossessing appearance and his clothes hung in rags on his body. The coroner gave orders to purchase him a new suit of clothes, as his rags did not cover his nakedness. The family are very poor, and live in a little hut that could hardly be dignified by calling it a house. HOFFMAN was a day laborer, working at odd jobs whenever he could obtain work. He was sixty-seven years old. Mrs. HOFFMAN is forty-two years old, and is
the second wife of HOFFMAN, by whom he has had nine children. The affair has created intense excitement in Tully, and is the all absorbing topic of conversation. It is generally believed that the boy poisoned his father at the instigation of his mother, and that the first story that he told was true. Mrs. HOFFMAN and the boy will be confined in the Empire House at Tully until after the coroner's examination. Syracuse Courier Oct. 1.
Mrs. George HOFFMAN, under arrest for murdering her husband in Tully, was formerly a resident of Homer, and will be remembered by many old residents there, who knew her as Rebecca VALENTINE, which was her maiden name.
The tea given to Mr. HOFFMAN, murdered last Saturday at Tully, has been analyzed by Dr. W.M. SMITH, who found it to contain large quantities of arsenic. The contents of the stomach are also being analyzed. Mrs. HOFFMAN still acts unconcerning. She and her son are confined at the Empire House at Tully. - Syracuse Herald [Sep?] 2.
Died. WEAVER - In Pitcher, N.Y., September 20, Mr. George M. WEAVER, aged 41 years.
Died. BABCOCK - At his residence in Milton, Rock county, Wis., Mr. L.P. BABCOCK, aged 76 years.
Deceased was the father of Mr. Oscar A. BABCOCK, of Homer.
Died. BABCOCK - In Ridott, Ill., September 14, 1878, Ross BABCOCK, aged 69 years.
Mr. BABCOCK was born in Cortland county, in March 1809.
Died. BOYDEN - In Lenox, Iowa, September 18, 1878, Francis M. BOYDEN.
County papers please copy. Deceased was formerly a resident of Willett, and Cincinnatus also, and a member of the Free Masons at Upper Lisle.
Died. WENDELL - At Blue Island, Cook county, Ill., September 22, of spinal paralysis, at the residence of her son-in-law, Monroe FRANK, Esq., Mrs. Anna B. WENDELL, wife of the late Wm. WENDELL, of Ballston Spa.
Died. INMAN - At the County Alms House, Asa INMAN, (known as F. SEABOLD), Sept. 30, 1878, aged 54[?] years.
The Grand Jury of Onondaga county have found an indictment for murder against Burdick WHITE, of Preble, for the killing of Edward J. KING, who was at the time a student in the Homer Academy. WHITE was intoxicated and threw a stone at KING, hitting on the head. KING lived only a few days. WHITE is said to be only about 19 years of age. He plead not guilty.
Fatal Accident. - The noon passenger train moving south on the D.L. & W. railroad, ran over a woman at the crossing between Homer and Cortland yesterday. The engineer says that she stood
beside the track and after the whistle blowed, stepped deliberatly on the track, facing the engine. The engine was reversed, but she was so near the train that it could not be stopped in time to avert the calamity. she was instantly killed, the bones in her limbs being broken in several places. She was about 55 years of age, poorly dressed, and supposed to be the wife of an umbrella mender who stayed Sunday night at the County House. Coroner WEBB, of Homer, was notified, but had not arrived at the hour of going to press. In the issue of 12 Oct 1878:
At the Coroner's inquest held in this village last Friday on the body of the woman who was killed by the cars at the crossing north of this village the day previous, it was elicited showing that the woman's name was HORRIGAN and that she was a resident of Palmyra and had relatives in Truxton. The Coroner's Jury exonerated the employees of the railroad from all blame in the matter.
12 Oct 1878
Died. COLE - In Cuyler, September 30, Charles COLE, aged 26 years.
Died. ROSE - In Cuyler, September 29, of diptheria, Calvin ROSE, aged 13 years.
Died. ALEXANDER - At East Homer, October 5, 1878, Melvina A., wife of Leonard ALEXANDER, aged 70 years.
Died. BEDEN - At the residence of her son-in-law, M. M. WATERS, Esq., in Cortland, N.Y., October 5, 1878, Mrs. Sarah BEDEN, aged 82 years.
18 Oct 1878
Death of Rev. Dr. STREET.
This community was shocked on Thursday morning by the information contained in a telegram from Oswego announcing the death of Rev. Dr. STREET, pastor of the Presbyterian church of this village. Dr. STREET officiated at the marriage of Mr. E.H. BREWER of this place and Miss Ainslie, at Onondaga Valley, on Wednesday, and in company with Rev. O.H. SEYMOUR, formerly of this place, took passage on the 8 P.M. train, at Syracuse, for Oswego, to attend the Synod, now in session, at that place. Both gentlemen occupied the same seat, and Dr. STREET seemed in his usual cheerful frame of mind. Just after the train left Fulton, Dr. STREET's head fell upon the shoulder of Rev. Mr. SEYMOUR, who immediately inquired if he was in pain. Receiving no reply, a physician who happened to be on board, was at once summoned, who pronounced life extinct. The body was taken to Oswego, and given in charge of the undertaker. Mr. H.F. BENTON, of Cortland, was in the city on business and knowing that Dr. STREET was
expected on that train, called at the hotel where he was to stop, late in the evening and inquired if he had arrived. He was then for the first time informed of his death. The body arrived in Cortland in charge of Mr. BENTON and Col. CARMICHAEL on the noon train on Thursday. The loss which the church and community sustains in the death of Dr. STREET, is almost irreparable. The funeral services will take place at the house Saturday afternoon at two o'clock. Memorial services will be held in the Presbyterian church Sunday morning at eleven o'clock.
George F. DANA died at the ORMSBY residence, on Thursday morning of last week, in this village. For some years he has kept the jewelry store of the late D.D. ORMSBY. He was stricken
with consumption in the very morning of life, and died aged 26 years.
Edward CHOLLAR died very suddenly of typhoid fever at Syracuse on Friday night. He has been engaged for the past six months by the Murray Brothers and had just secured a promising place in Syracuse. He was a young man of fine habits and well advanced in his studies. Truly, death leaves a shining mark.
Mr. Edward CHOLLAR, aged eighteen years, son of Isaac N. CHOLLAR, of Homer, came to this city and entered into business relations with his brother on Monday, October 14th, in the hardware store of Burhans & Black. Thursday noon he complained of a severe headache and aching bones, and went to the residence of Mr. W.E. BANNING, 175 East Fayette street, where he immediately retired to bed. Dr. BABCOCK was summoned and found the patient prostrated with a severe case of malarial typhoid fever. He continued rapidly to grow worse, and despite the most strenuous efforts of his physicians, Drs. HUBBELL and BABCOCK, died Friday night at six o'clock. Funeral services were held at the residence of W.E. BANNING, 175 East Fayette street, Saturday afternoon. The remains were taken to Homer for interment. -
Syracuse Courier.
Three young men who were engaged in the delightful occupation of "tramping" attempted to board the coal train moving north, at Lisle last Wednesday evening. One of them, Thos. MANNING, of Utica, slipped and fell under the cars and his left foot was cut off. He died a day or two subsequently from the effect of the shock and the loss of blood. His mother and sister who appeared to be respectable came in answer to a telegram. MANNING was about twenty years of age and in rather poor health.
Died. GRANT - At her residence in Pitcher, N.Y., Oct. 7th, 1878, Mrs. Amy A. GRANT, wife of Russel GRANT aged 62 years.
Died. CORNELL - At Rickard CORNELL's, in Cincinnatus, N.Y., Oct. 14, 1878, Mrs. Mary CORNELL, aged 81 years.
25 Oct 1878
Died. DANA. - In Homer, October 17, at the residence of Mrs. D.D.R. ORMSBY, Mr. George DANA, aged 26 years.
Died. WARNER - In New Haven, Connecticut, October 12, 1878, Hiram F. WARNER, aged 58 years, formerly of Homer.
Died. CARPENTER - At her residence 582 Carroll Av., New York, at 2 o'clock P.M., Oct. 14, Mrs. Beulah CARPENTER, wife of the late Dr. J.R. CARPENTER, aged 79 years, 5 months and 9 days.
Died. BAUM - In Freetown, Oct. 18, 1878, wife of Joseph BAUM, aged 64 years.
1 Nov 1878
Neighboring Counties.
Tompkins. - From the Ithaca Democrat:
....William WOODBURY, a respected citizen of Groton, and in 1850 a Member of Assembly from this county, died in that village on Monday, at the advanced age of eighty-two....
Died. WILSON - In Homer, October 8, 1878, Mrs. Mary WILSON, aged 61 years.
Died. MERCHANT - in the town of Truxton, October 15, 1878, Mrs. Ebenezer MERCHANT, aged 73 years.
Died. In Groton City, October 15, 1878, Mrs. Sarah SMITH, formerly of Homer, aged 54 years.
Died. PLATT - In South Norwalk, Conn., October 21, 1878, Rev. Dennis PLATT, aged 79 years. Mr. PLATT was for eleven years pastor of the Congregational Church in Homer.
Died. MIX - In Blodgett Mills, Cortland county, N.Y., Oct. 19, 1878, of paralysis, Edwin MIX, an old resident of Ithaca, aged 74 years.
Died. DURKEE - In McGrawville, October 21, 1878, Mrs. Polly M. DURKEE, wife of Charles DURKEE, aged 35 years and four months.
Died. SEYMOUR - In Cortland, October 19, 1878, Mrs. Anna SEYMOUR, aged 81 years.
Died. RUSSELL. - At Messengerville, Oct. 12th, Mrs. Jane RUSSELL, aged 46 years.
Died. WARFIELD - In Truxton, October 23, 1878, Mr. Henry WARFIELD, aged 58 years.
Died. BOUTON - In Virgil, Saturday, October 26, 1878, Mr. Nathan BOUTON, aged 76 years.
Suicide. -- Last Saturday afternoon, Andrew GEROW, who has made this town his home at odd spells for some years past, committed suicide by hanging himself in the barn of Amasa ROGERS. He was seen to take a rope from a wagon and enter the barn about one o'clock P.M., but those who saw him had no suspicion that he intended to hang himself. At about 3 P.M., he was found suspended, with one end of the rope tied to a beam and the other end about his neck. He was taken down but life was extinct, his neck being broken in the fall. He was a harmless sort of a man, and made his home at times with two or three different families in town. For some weeks past he had been living with Mr. ROGERS, who lives on the cross-road between Cortland and Homer, doing chores for his board. He left no family and no property, and was about 55 years of age. The body was taken to the Alms House on Sunday and was buried in the cemetery belonging to that institution, on Monday.
8 Nov 1878
Died. CLARK - In Homer village, October 26, 1878, Mrs. Eunice CLARK, wife of Philetus CLARK, Esq., aged 71 years.
Died. ANGEL - In Lincklaen, October 8th, 1878, after a painful illness, Mrs. Julia M., wife of Mr. Zadoc Y. ANGEL, aged 45 years, 5 months and 17 days.
Died. WATERS - In Cuyler, November 4th, 1878, Mrs. Esther Ann WATERS, aged 39 years. Funeral services were held in the Presbyterian church in McGrawville on Wednesday the 6th inst.
Died. WATERS - In Truxton, N.Y., October 3d, 1878, of disease of the lungs, heart and liver, Mrs. Chas. WATERS, aged 39 years.
Died. FOSTER - In Orleans, N.Y., Oct. 18, 1878, Deacon Leonard FOSTER, in the 73d year of his age.
Died. EELLS - Suddenly, in California, on the 5th of September, Rufus S. EELLS, aged 51 years.
Mr. EELLS had left his home in San Francisco for the purpose of commencing operations upon a valuable gold mine, of which he had become the proprietor, and on retiring for the night complained of feeling a little tired. In the morning he was found a corpse. He was a son-in-law of A.H. CARPENTER, Esq., of Homer village.
The funeral services of Deacon Nathan BOUTON were held at his residence on Tuesday, October 29th. Rev. Mr. KNISKERN[?], of the Presbyterian church of this place, officiated. Deacon BOUTON was born in this town July 27th, 1802, and has always resided in town. His main occupation has been that of a farmer. In religion he was a member of the Presbyterian church, uniting with the church at the age of twenty-four, and has always lived a consistent christian life; was of a liberal disposition, giving
of his means to support the Gospel and all the various benevolent enterprises, and was always engaged in the work of temperance reform. In politics he was a republican, and in the year 1858 he was elected a member of the State Legislature and served with credit to himself and his constituents. He has also
served the people as a civil engineer for forty years, surveying every line in town except three; also taught a select school in the village for ten consecutive winters. The last work of his life was writing a complete history of the town of Virgil, which embraces the most important events from its early settlement; also giving an elaborate account of the centennial celebration - the manuscript of which is now in the hands of the publisher. In the death of Dea. BOUTON our town has lost a good citizen.
Blodgett's Mills.
Mr. Miner MERRICK, Sr., aged 76 years, died November 1. The funeral was held at the Methodist church Sunday, November 3. Services were conducted by Rev. G.W. IZER, of Cortland, assisted
by Mr. BAMETSON, of this place. There was a very large attendance at his funeral of neighbors and friends. He was one of the oldest inhabitants here. He leaves only one son, Miner, Jr. His two daughters died several years ago. He also had a son killed at the battle of Gettysburg. His widow survives him.
15 Nov 1878
Died. DICKINSON - In Binghamton, November 7th, 1878, Andrew W. DICKINSON, aged 28 years. Deceased was a son of L.E. DICKINSON of Freetown.
Died. COOK - At the residence of her son, Mr. Weaver COOK, in Homer, October 9th, 1878, Mrs. Mary COOK, aged 96 years.
Died. SOUTHWORTH - In the town of Homer, on the 2d of November, 1878, Jane, wife of Leonard SOUTHWORTH, aged 57 years.
Died. DALTON - At the County Alms House, November 7th, 1878, Mrs. Ida DALTON, aged 31 years.
22 Nov 1878
Died. HAMILTON - At the residence of his son-in-law, R.A. McGRAY, at Smithville, Chenango county, N.Y., November 12, 1878, Henry HAMILTON, aged 78 years.
William WEBB, son of Dr. WEBB, of this place, died of consumption on Friday night of last week. He was taken from those he loved in the very manhood of his life.
Blodgett's Mills.
Mr. Merrick SMITH, the third of our aged citizens, died November 10th, aged 68 years. He has resided here 35 to 40 years, upright in his business, respected by all, and a worthy member of the church, at which place his funeral was largely attended on Tuesday afternoon. Services were conducted by Elders E. BARNETTSON and J.H. NASON.
Run Over by the Cars. -- Last Monday evening the engineer of the passenger train moving north on the Syracuse and Binghamton road saw a man standing on the track at the Port Watson street crossing in this village. In another second the engine struck the man, throwing him from the track. When the train reached the depot the engineer told what had happened and several persons went back to the crossing where the man was found. It proved to be George TODHUNTER, who for several years past has lived with Mr. George BROWN, about a mile south of Blodgett's Mills. The man was in an insensible condition and was taken to the Jail, where he was examined by Dr. BOLLES. Four ribs on his right side were found to be broken near the spine and were forced inward. TODHUNTER died at about 8 1/2 P.M. the same evening. He was about 45 years of age and was unmarried. He was in the habit of going on a spree occassionally and it is supposed that he was intoxicated at the time of the fatal occurrence.
The sad news reached Allen RUSSELL on Tuesday evening of the death of his daughter, Mrs. John WILSON, of Homer, N.Y.
29 Nov 1878
Died. HAMILTON - At Smithville, Chenango Co, N.Y., Nov. 12, 1878, Henry HAMILTON, aged 78 years. He was a former resident of Homer.
Died. WHEATON - In Northfield, Minn., Nov. 24, 1878, Laura, wife of Myron WHEATON, aged 65 years.
Deceased was a sister of Lewis B. PLUMB of this place. Her remains were brought to Cortland on Wednesday for interment.
6 Dec 1878
Died. BROWN. - In Cuyler, Nov. 28[?] 1878, of diptheria, Byron D. BROWN, aged 11 years, 9 months and one day.
Died. BALDWIN. - At the residence of his son, E.H. BALDWIN, in the town of Cortlandville, on the 26th ult., of organic disease of the heart, Mr. Ornan BALDWIN, aged 70 years.
Our Upper Lisle correspondent spoke last week of the mysterious death of Freeman UTTER near that place. We have since heard it accounted for as follows: A week or two since Mr. Marion RICH, who occupies Mr. JOHNSON's farm in Lapeer, after being in Marathon in the evening went home, put out his team, closed the barn door and entered the house. A few minutes after he went to the window and saw his barn doors open. He went and got his gun and returned to the window in time to see a man
leading off one of his horses, Mr. R. fired and the man fell, but soon got up and ran and it is surmised he was UTTER. He recently served a term in Albany Penitentiary for the burglary of Potter's store at Killawog, and was a notoriously bad character. Mr. RICH recovered his horse immediately. - Marathon
13 Dec 1878
Died. SMITH - In Cortland, N.Y., November 18th, 1878, at the residence of her son, Linus A. SMITH, Mrs. Aurelia SMITH, in the 83d year of her age.
Died. ADAMS - In Cortland, December 5th, 1878, of pneumonia, Sarah WOOLSTON, wife of Major J.J. ADAMS.
Died. GIVENS - In Dryden, on the 29th ult., Mrs. Amelia, wife of Charles GIVENS, aged 29 years.
Died. KINGMAN - In McGrawville, N.Y., December 7, 1878, John W. KINGMAN, aged 59 years.
Here and There.
Orin UTLEY, a wealthy farmer residing at Carpenterville near East Homer died Wednesday morning aged 80 years.
....As we go to press we learn that Miss Ella BURDICK, daughter of William R. BURDICK, of McDonough, and sister of Lewis J. BURDICK, formerly of Norwich, committed suicide on the 3d inst., by drowning, her body being found on Wednesday morning in the fish pond on the premises of J.P. HILL, in that village.
Deceased had been in poor health for a number of years, was subject to fits, and at times partially deranged; and fears have long been entertained by her friends that she might take her own life. Her age was about twenty-five years.
20 Dec 1878
Died. HULBERT - At the County Alms House, Dec. 11, 1878, Dudley HULBERT, aged 77 years.
Deceased was a former resident of Cuyler, N.Y.
Died. MAIN - In Chicago, Dec. 5, 1878, at the residence of Alonzo SNIDER, 198 South Leavitt street, Eva H., wife of William B. MAIN, aged 23 years.
The deceased was formerly a resident of Virgil, and the remains were brought to that place for burial last week.
James LUNDERGUN, residing about two miles north of Cuyler, came to Cortland on Wednesday. His team came home without him about midnight. LUNDERGUN was found in the river just above the iron bridge one mile this side of Cuyler at 12 o'clock Thursday. He was dead. It is a mystery how he came in the river and the citizens of Cuyler are investigating the matter.
27 Dec 1878
We are again called to record the death of an aged pioneer, Orrin [sic] UTLEY, which occurred on Tuesday, December 10, 1878. A good man in the fullness of days has passed away. The completeness and richness of a well-rounded life constituted the crowning glory of the patriarch, who at the advanced age of eighty years and six days, has gone to receive his reward.
Orin UTLEY was born in Hampton, Windham county, Conn., December 4, 1795. In 1805, when but seven years old, he moved with his parents to Homer, locating on East River, where he continuously lived for a period of seventy-three years. His father purchased fifty acres of land and engaged himself in farming and distilling, having erected a small distillery a few rods east of the road, near the mouth of a small ravine, where he obtained the necessary water facilities. In 1823, Orin
purchased of his father nine acres of land, embracing , also, the distillery, and commenced distilling liquor on his own account. He continued the business for only a few years. The original site and portions of the foundation are still visible to the observer. The worm was stolen and carried away only a few years since. The old boiler, a relic of the past, still remains on the ground. His father died in August 1825. The next year he purchased of the heirs the balance of the farm. His next purchase embraced fifty acres known as the BOWEN lot. Soon after, he purchased another fifty acres of the DILLS, best known as the "Familiar lot." In 1843, he purchased the GRINNALL farm, containing one hundred and twenty-three acres. In 1858, he purchased fifty acres of John MARVIN. In 1864, he purchased the Thomas EARL farm, containing one hundred and fourteen acres, upon which his son, A.B. UTLEY, has since resided. In 1876, he purchased thirty three acres known as the EDGCOMB lot. His last purchases was in 1877, when he secured sixty acres from the SHERMAN farm. His real estate, assessed valuation, reaches $40,000.
Mr. UTLEY was universally regarded as a man of candor, sincerity and sterling integrity. His extensive landed possessions and his bonds and mortgages never lifted him above the position he had chosen to occupy. He never distressed an honest poor man, and , it is said, never prosecuted a man for debt. He was charitable to those whom he regarded as deserving, and always condemned fashionable folly.
In religion he was a Universalist, and his views were intelligently and tenaciously held. He acted and talked his religion.
In politics he was a Democrat. His last vote was given to General Geo. B. McCLELLAN, for President, in 1864, since which time he has not acted with any party.
He was a man of positive convictions, clear mind, great energy, of marked economy, and of unusual industry.
He leaves only one heir, A.B. UTLEY, to whom his large estate descends.
His health had been declining for a number of years; had frequently been near the other shore, but he would as frequently rally and partially recover, until Friday previous to the
Tuesday on which he died, when nature showed the most positive signs of yielding to the Dark angel, and thus he continued to fail until the final moment, when he quietly passed over the beautiful river and was at rest.
He was buried on the ground where some of the family relatives repose, nearly east of the residence of H.L. CARPENTER.
Mrs. UTLEY, wife of the late Orin UTLEY, survived her husband but a few days, passing away on Saturday morning last, December 21st, at the advanced age of eighty-three years.
Died at Rondout on the Hudson, on the morning of December 22d, 1878, at the residence of her son-in-law, the Rev. William M. KINCAID, the pastor of the Baptist church at that place, Mrs.
Julia M. PURINTON, at the age of forty-six years.
Thus has closed the earthly pilgrimage of one whose memory will be embalmed in the tears of hundreds of households in this and adjacent communities. In the exhibition of all the graces of
a Christian character in her daily life, she was distinguished. Kindness to the afflicted was a well-known trait in her useful labors.
While in health, the later years of her life were filled up in ministrations to the sick, in the wide circle of attached friends. She was an ornament in the church of her adoption, and
her departure will be felt as a sad bereavement. She was steadfast in her religious faith, and it grew brighter as the shadowy scenes of earth gathered over her. She was anxious to go, and enter into the enjoyments of the heavenly rest.
In early youth she was married to Thomas PURINTON. It was a happy union. It was sadly terminated by his sudden death in April 1868, in the disastrous crash at Carr's Rock, on the Erie railroad. This was followed by the death of the daughter Emily, the wife of William M. KINCAID, in April, 1877, and in the succeeding August occurred the death of the young daughter of this marriage.
Cora, the wife of Seymour M. BALLARD, is the only surviving child of this widowed mother, now gone.
"Gone to begin a new and happier story,
Thy bitter tale of earth now told and done;
These outer shadows of that inner glory
Exchanged forever,- O thrice blessed one!"
Died. SAMSON - In Cincinnatus, Dec. 14, 1878, Johnny, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. I.S. SAMSON, in the 9th year of his age.
Died. HIGBEE - In Homer village, at the residence of L.A. PHILLIPS, December 13[?], 1878, Mrs. Mary HIGBEE, aged 72 years.
Died. PLUMB - In Homer village on Dec. 17th[?] 1878, Samuel PLUMB.
Died. HOLLAND - In Cheshire, Ontario Co., N.Y. Dec. 12th[?], Rev. Elihu G. HOLLAND formerly of Solon, N.Y., aged 61 years.
Died. EDGCOMB - In this village, Dec.28[?], 1878, James G., only child of Geo. W. and F. [Euda?] EDGCOMB, aged 6 months and 21 days.
Transcribed by Merton Sarvay
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