The Cortland County Democrat
3 Jan 1879
Died. GILBERT - In Homer, N.Y., on Sunday evening, December 22, 1878, J. T. GILBERT, aged 53 years.
Died. LAMBERT - In Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec. 20, 1878, of typhoid fever, Mrs. Viola M. LAMBERT, wife of J.H. LAMBERT, formerly of Cortland, N.Y., aged 22 years.
Died. TOTMAN - At the National Soldiers' Home in Dayton, O., Dec. 22, 1878, Calvin TOTMAN, aged 83 years, formerly of Lapeer, N.Y.
Died. COLE - At the Cortland County Alms House, Dec. 26, 1878, Mrs. Jane COLE, aged 76 years, formerly of Virgil.
Died. KENNEY - In Truxton, N.Y., Dec. 28[?], 1878, Hattie M., wife of Manly L. KENNEY, and daughter of F.B. CORWIN, of Cortland, aged 32[?] years.
Died. JOHNSON - In this town, December 29, 1878, Mr. Joseph JOHNSON, aged 71 years.
Died. BENNETT - In East Homer, December 28, 1878, Mr. Asa BENNETT, of typhoid fever.
Died. COLE - At the residence of Geo. H. HOLMES, in Cincinnatus, December 30, 1878, of consumption, Frank R. COLE, aged 26 years.
Died. PARK - In Vassar, Mich., Prof. Lucius A. PARK, aged 41 years.
Prof. PARK was Principal of the Union School at Vassar, and was formerly a teacher in the Cortland Academy.
Died. TUTTLE - In Freetown, N.Y., Dec. 27, 1878, Lottie, wife of Harvey TUTTLE, aged 25 years.
Died. WILLMAN - On the 22d of December, 1878, at his home in Saratoga, Howard county, Iowa, Rollin J. WILLMAN, aged 39 years 9 months and eight days. Mr. WILLMAN was a former resident of Freetown. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his loss.
Died. CARNCROSS - At Taylor Centre, N.Y., Dec. 21, Lewis CARNCROSS, aged 70 years.
Died. ALLEN - In Pitcher, Dec. 27, 1878, Isaac B. ALLEN, aged 82 years.
10 Jan 1879
Mr. Orin UTLEY and Roxy WOOD, his wife, completed life's mortal journey the 10th and 21st insts., respectively, at the advanced age of 80 and 83 years.
Mr. UTLEY was a native of Conn., she of this State. He came to Homer with his parents when but seven years of age and settled at East River, where he continued to live until called to his reward.
She came from Herkimer county to this county at the age of 14 years.
They were brought into association when quite young, attending district school together, in Truxton at or near the spot where the Pelham School House now stands, to reach which, they had to go a distance of four miles.
She [reminded?] me that while at school they spent some of the happiest days of their life, the remembrances of which renewed her age.
Sometime in 1833 he, making a purchase of his father of nine acres of land, upon which a distillery had been previously built, commenced business for himself, to which he gave his entire attention until his father's death, which occurred August 1825. Then purchasing of the heirs the remaining portion of the farm he engaged himself in farming. By industry and the practice of the most rigid economy he amassed quite a fortune.
Prior to their marriage, which occurred in 1825, Mrs. UTLEY was engaged in teaching school, in which profession she gained a credible reputation. She was well qualified to take the position of wife and mother, a position she filled with honor and becoming dignity. Possessed of a strong mind, a warm and sympathizing heart and a genial nature she exercised a controling influence, and won the esteem of all with whom she was brought into association. Her devotion to home interests and her industry were proverbial, in this it was hard to tell which of the two excelled.
Although their lives extended nearly across a century; covering a most interesting period of our national history; its infancy; its remarkable growth, whose tower of strength and proportions challenges the admiration of the world, they have witnessed its trials and triumphs, its conflicts and victories; they have witnessed the rapid and wonderful developments of science, of discovery, and of invention. Lightning harnessed to its magnetic forces employed as messengers fleeter than the swift footed horse; the enlistment of the gigantic power of imprisoned steam; the spanning of the continent with railways and one across his own possessions; the application of machinery to all textile fibres swifter and more delicate than human fingers; the organization of a system of education which is a crown of glory to the nation; the rise and fall of Empires. And yet during this wonderful period only twice has he crossed the line of his adopted county, once when he came to this State, again when an occasion called him to auburn, and besides he never rode a mile in the cars although four to six trains daily crossed his possessions, and but a few times was he seen at church.
He was honest, industrious, and a good citizen. He never refused to lend money with ample security, he never distressed the poor, and was never a "busybody in other men's matters," hence his financial success, hence his worth. In religion he was an Universalist in creed, of primitive type. He held tenaciously the vicarious atonement and a change of heart as important. At the age of 18 years of age he gave some attention to his soul's interest and for him his friends entertained a hope.
Mrs. UTLEY experienced a change of heart at the age of 18 years and sustained the character of a true Christian for 65 years. Her recital to me, some months before her death, of her religious experience, satisfied me that she had found the "Lord gracious." Subsequent interviews but confirmed my convictions.
In truth it may be said of them as of Saul and Jonathan. "They were pleasant in their lives and in their death they were not divided," as he preceded her but eleven days and 26 minutes. At the time appointed for his funeral services she was so low it was thought best to defer the sermon indefinitely.
Their funeral services were attended by Rev. Mr. WESTGATE, of Cortland, on the 22d day of December 1878, who pronounced an able and impressive discourse over the remains. Excellent music was furnished for the occasion by the Amphion Quartette club of Cortland, N.Y.
A. B. UTLEY their only son and heir has the gratitude of all the friends for his untiring devotion to the welfare and comfort of his aged father and mother. All that could be done for their relief and comfort was cheerfully and readily performed. We shall long remember the last scene of devotion, when mother and son with clasped hands, united with their physician, for the blessing offered upon her son. May her counsel be ever heeded,
and their prayer answered. S.H.
East Homer, N.Y., Dec, 28, 1879.
Death of Edgar A. PALMER.
The death of Edgar A. PALMER, of which the announcement will be found in the appropriate place, is one which will occasion general regret. Mr. PALMER was one of the most upright, popular and promising of our young men, an exemplary member of the M.E. church, a faithful student of Cornell University, and formerly of the Normal School, and one of the most valued members of Excelsior Hook and Ladder Company, to whose interests he had always been devoted, and to whose efficiency he had largely contributed. He was attacked by typhoid pneumonia, on the 27th ult., and died on Friday last. The funeral was held at the M.E. church on Monday morning, the service being conducted by Rev. Mr. IZER, Presiding-Elder HARD, and Rev. Thos. TOUSEY, of Ithaca. Two delegates from the M.E. Sunday-school at Ithaca, in which Mr. PALMER was a teacher, and two members of his class were also present to represent the school, in which he was highly esteemed. Appropriate memorial services were also held in the school last Sunday. The Cortland Fire Department to the number of over sixty attended the funeral, and many other friends were present to pay their last tribute of respect to his memory.
The Young Men's Debating Club, with which Mr. PALMER was connected when in the Normal School, at a regular meeting on the 3d inst., passed the following resolutions:
Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God to terminate the earthly life of our friend, Edgar A. PALMER, an honorary and honored member of this society; therefore,
Resolved, That by his death the Y.M.D.C. has lost an efficient, faithful and respected representative; and
Resolved, That, bowing to the will of Him who doeth all things well, we extend to the sorrowing relatives and friends our sincere sympathy; and
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the relatives of the deceased; that they be entered upon our records, and published in the Cortland Standard.
F. PECK } Com. Y.M.D.C.
Here and There
The community in which she lived were pained to learn last week that Mrs. Delos FREEMAN, of Lapeer, who had been of unsound mind for some time, had in one of the spells taken a dose of corrosive sublimate. The dose was taken on Monday night, December 24, and she lived until Thursday morning, January 2. Dr. HOWLAND attended her and did all in his power to save her without avail. - Marathon Ind.
17 Jan 1879
Died. WEBB - In Utica, N.Y., Jan 10th, 1879, Roxana Hill LEE, wife of J.B. WEBB, aged 61 years, sister of Mrs. Henry BREWER, of Cortland.
Died. BODFISH - In Fabius, N.Y., Jan. 7, 1879, of diptheria, Johnnie, son of Benjamin and Abby BODFISH. He was born in Cortland March 8, 1875.
Just as the sun had set, the reaper took the ripened grain into the garner of the Lord. As we looked at him as he lay in his long sleep, we felt to say, "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord." Although he cannot come back to father, mother, and brother, they may go to him.
24 Jan 1879
On Sunday last, immediately after the close of worship in the different churches, the funeral services of Mr. George H. LADD were held in the residence of Mr. Agustus LADD. Rev. Mr. GUTSELL, pastor of the M.E. Church, officiated. The deceased has been a resident of this town for about thirteen years, and was, I think, the oldest person in town, having reached the age of 98 on the tenth of October last, and up to within a short time has been able to be around town, dying on Friday last of old age. Deceased had outlived all of his own family. Mr. Geo. H. LADD, A. H. LADD, and Mrs. J. C. SEAMANS of this place being his grandchildren. Mr. A. H. LADD has provided a good home, and with the others have made his declining years pleasant to him. In religion he was a believer in the doctrine of Universal Salvation, of temperate habits, and those who acquainted with him in his business life, say that he was a man of integrity. At the close of the services a very touching and appropriate piece styled, "Fire in the Grate," was sung by Miss Sarah CARPENTER and Mrs. M. L. SHEERAR. The body in charge of the Undertaker, Mr. E.A. CRAIN, and accompanied by the Ladd Bros. will be taken to the town of Parish, Oswego Co., his former residence, and will be buried with the usual ceremony of the masonic order, of which deceased had been a member for nearly seventy years.
31 Jan 1879
In my last report to you in regard to the death and burial of Mr. Geo. W. LADD, there was a mistake in regard to the masonic funeral which did not take place as expected, the society taking no part.
Died. PRICE - In Virgil, N.Y., January 11, 1879, of typhoid pneumonia, Bertie D., infant son of Ephraim E. and Allice PRICE, aged 5 months and 9 days.
Died. WILDMAN - At Saratoga, Iowa, December 22, 1878, of consumption, Mr. Rollin J. WILDMAN, a former resident of Cincinnatus.
Died. POTTER - In Taylor Center, January 10, 1879, Miss Mary L. POTTER, aged 68 years.
We learn that Mr. John McKINNEY received a telegram on Wednesday evening, announcing the death of his oldest son Robert, living in the State of Iowa.
7 Feb 1879
Died. BUCK - In Hillsdale City, Mich., Dec. 25, 1878, Philander BUCK, in the 46th year of his age.
Deceased was formerly a resident of Cortland, N.Y.
Died. KLOCK - In Preble, N.Y., Jan. 20, 1878 [sic], Theron H. KLOCK, aged 45 years.
Died. GOFF - On East Hill, N.Y., Jan. 12, 1879, Mrs. Betsy GOFF, aged 64 years.
Died. FISK - In Homer, N.Y., Jan. 23, 1879, quite suddenly, Mrs. Angeline FISK, of Scott, N.Y.
Died. BENNETT - In East Homer, N.Y., Dec. 28, 1878, Asa BENNETT, aged 19 years.
Died. ANDREWS - In Cuyler, N.Y., Jan. 29, 1879, Clyde, youngest son of Harlan and Mary ANDREWS, aged [2?] years and 4 months.
Died. MORDENT - In Cuyler, N.Y., Jan. 31, 1879, of diptheria, Kinsley M., youngest son of Henry and Melissa MORDENT, aged 11 years and 7 months.
Died. GIVENS - In Cortland, N.Y., Feb 3, 1879, Amasa GIVENS, aged 43 years.
Died. DRISCOLL - At her residence, about three miles south of this village, January 31, 1879, Mrs. Kate DRISCOLL, wife of Patrick DRISCOLL, aged 35 years.
14 Feb 1879
Died. BARTLETT. - In Perry, Wyoming county N.Y., January 25th, John W. BARTLETT, aged 66 years, formerly of Homer.
Died. RULISON. - In Cleveland, O., January 96 [sic], 1879, Georgianna Blandina, wife of Rev. N. T. RULISON, and daughter of Dea. Amos RICE, formerly of Homer, aged 36 years.
Died. HAKES. - In Jamestown, January 31, 1879, Mrs. Rebecca HAKES, aged 69 years.
Died. ROBERTS. - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., January 29, 1879, Ezra ROBERTS, aged 76 years.
Died. BURDICK. - In the town of Cuyler, February 2, 1879, of consumption, Hannah, wife of Cyrus BURDICK, aged 28 years.
Died. FISH. - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., February 2, 1879, of consumption, Jefferson FISH, aged 20 years.
Died. WEBB. - In Brooklyn, N.Y., February 4, 1879, Mary BABCOCK, wife of Albertus WEBB, and daughter of the late Gideon C. BABCOCK, of Homer, aged 36 years.
Died. JENNINGS. - In Harford, February, 1879, Mrs. Hannah JENNINGS, aged 80 years.
Mrs. RICE, widow of the late Jonathan RICE, died very sudden on Monday, aged 72 years. Funeral services Wednesday at Baptist church.
On Thursday of last week the body of an infant son of Mr. Isaac LEWIS, living in Cortland, was brought here for burial. The funeral services were held at the house of Mr. Nathanial LEWIS.
Blodgett's Mills.
Mrs. LOMAREE, a former resident of this place and mother of Mr. A. LOMAREE, was buried here on Saturday last.
Little York.
William EARL, a resident of this place, was found dead in his bed on Sunday morning. It was his 79th birthday. He retired the previous night in usual health and was heard by the family in the early morning looking at the clock. Coroner HENDRICK was notified and on examination was satisfied that he came to his death from natural causes. He leaves five sons and two daughters. Rev. A. B. EARL, the noted evangelist, is a brother. His funeral took place on Wednesday and he rests in Glenwood cemetery.
21 Feb 1879
Died. KINNEY - In this village, on Saturday, the 15th inst., of pneumonia, Josaph KINNEY, aged 63 years.
Died. LOMEREE - At the County House, February 7, Mrs. Polly LOMEREE, aged 75 years. Deceased was formerly a resident of Cortland.
Died. BURGESS - At the County House, February 14, Nehemiah BURGESS, aged 80 years. Deceased was formerly a resident of Truxton.
Died. COURTNEY. - In Truxton, N.Y., February 14, 1879, Eliza COURTNEY, daughter of John and Ann COURTNEY, aged 9 years.
Died. SCUTT - In Cortland, N.Y., January 27th, 1879, Henry SCUTT, aged 78.
Died. SEELEY - In Marathon, Feb. 13, Mrs. Caroline SEELEY, aged 40 years.
Mrs. Ira SEELEY died at her residence on Front street last Thursday. The funeral was held at the Methodist Church Sunday. Revs. O.M. MARTIN and O.L. TORREY officiated.
The funeral of Mrs. Isaac MILLER, which took place at the Episcopal church on Monday evening, was largely attended. The Episcopal minister from Cortland preached the funeral sermon.
28 Feb 1879
Died. MOFFATT - In Black Rock, Buffalo, Feb. 17th, 1879, of heart disease, Isophene L. VanVALKENBURG, wife of John MOFFATT, aged 36 years.
Died. DYON - In Watseka, ILL., Feb. 19th, Mary E. Woodward DYON, daughter of Dr. G.N. WOODWARD, formerly of this place.
Died. TERRY - At the residence of her sister, Mrs. Lydia A. STROWBRIDGE, in Cortland, N.Y., Mary Elizabeth, wife of James C. TERRY, aged 35 years.
Died. WHITE - In Cincinnatus, Feb. 11, 1879, Mrs. Euphemia WHITE, wife of Isaac WHITE, aged 70 years.
Died. UNDERWOOD - In Solon, N.Y., Feb. 18, 1879, of typhoid pneumonia, Amos UNDERWOOD, son of Joseph UNDERWOOD, aged 22 years.
Died. BOIES - In this village, Tuesday Feb. 25, 1879, Mrs. Celia G. BOIES, aged 87 years.
Funeral from her late residence at 2 o'clock P.M., on Friday Feb. 28.
Killed by the Cars.
[Syracuse Evening Herald, Friday, Feb.21]
Last night, when the Binghamton express from this city reached Apulia, the track hands who were testing the wheels and filling the journals with oil, thought they discovered blood on one of the trucks. A thorough examination with the aid of lanterns was instituted. The investigation ended in the discovery of a quantity of clotted blood and some shreds torn from a coat. The train had to go on, but the agent at Apulia, aided by some trackmen, started back along the track with lanterns. The night was very stormy and bitterly cold. The search was necessarily very slow and lonesome. When the searchers reached Mill's Cut, through which the bleak wind was howling, and a blinding flurry of snow was blowing, they discovered parts of a human body, horribly mangled. The form was mutilated beyond recognition, but the identity of the dead man was established from the clothing. It was a Mr. BUTTERFIELD of Apulia, aged about twenty-one. The dreary task of collecting the remains was at last finished and they were removed to Apulia. The accident must have occurred as the express was dashing though the cut. The night was so stormy and the wind was blowing so bad that nothing could be seen or
heard, and nothing was known of the accident until the discovery of the clots of blood on the car when the train stopped at Apulia.
[From the Syracuse Evening Herald of Feb. 22.]
Yesterday afternoon Coroner DALLAS went to Apulia and held an inquest in the case of Frederick BUTTERFIELD, killed in Mile's Cut on the Binghamton road, Thursday night. ............ The inquest elicited some interesting particulars concerning the death of the young man. He is married and lives with his father-in-law, Mr. CAMP, in the town of Tully. Thursday afternoon, in company with two of his brothers-in-law, he attended an auction at Mr. ANDREWS' near Apulia. After the auction he was somewhat intoxicated from cider, and he got into a quarrel. The CAMP boys tried to get him to go home with them, but he was cross, and said that he was going to Mr. GILBERT's for supper, and after that he would take the train and go to East Homer, where he formerly lived, and that they would never see him alive again. The boys arrived home at seven o'clock. Mrs. BUTTERFIELD became so alarmed at her husband's absence that a man was sent to Mr. GILBERT's, but nothing had been heard of him there. Inquiry was then made at Summit Station, but nothing could be learned conserning him. The search was given up for the night, and the next morning the family was shocked by the news of his death. When the deceased left Mr. ANDREWS he walked north on the track until struck by the night express. He was terribly cut up, the body being torn to pieces, and rendered unrecognizable, except from the clothing. The Coroner's jury returned a verdict in accordance with the published facts and did not censure anyone.
7 Mar 1879
Died. GARNER - In Cuyler, February 17th, 1879, Mr. Frederick GARNER, aged 79 years.
Died. BRONSON - In Cortland, N.Y., March 2d, 1879, of pneumonia, Horace F. BRONSON, son of Horace L., and Theresa D. BRONSON, aged 10 months.
Died. HENDERSON - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., Feb. 21st, 1879, Mrs. William HENDERSON, aged about 70 years.
Died. FREEMAN - In Truxton, N.Y., Tuesday, March 4th, 1879, very suddenly, of dropsy of the heart, Mr. James FREEMAN, aged 60 years.
Deceased was a brother of Samuel FREEMAN of this village.
Alonzo TERRY's wife died quite suddenly Sunday last. We have been unable to learn the particulars.
14 Mar 1879
Died. REID. - In Cortland, N.Y., March 2, 1879, John Arthur, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. E.M. REID, aged 1 year and 4 months.
Died. BATES. - At the residence of her son-in-law, E. Austin BARNES, in Syracuse, on Saturday, March 1, 1879, Amanda, wife of Stephen S. BATES, of Homer, aged 60 years.
Died. HEBERD. - In Homer, on Monday, February 21, 1879, Lucyette Earl, wife of Augustus L. HEBERD, aged 64 years.
Died. WELCH. - In Homer, March 10, 1879, Lucas WELCH, aged 81 years.
Died. WILLCOX. - Died in Chicago, March 19, 1879, Edwin F., son of John F. and L. Augusta WILLCOX, of diptheria and pneumonia, aged 3 years and 4 months. Funeral at the residence of H.J. MESSENGER, Cortland, N.Y. Utica papers please copy.
Died. GRAHAM - In Cortlandville, January 30, 1879, at the residence of her son, Erastus GRAHAM, Mrs. Mary Writer GRAHAM, wife of Richard GRAHAM, aged 96 years.
Mrs. GRAHAM was born in Cooperstown, Otsego county. She had resided in Cortland and Homer about seventy years. Since the death of her husband, which occurred nearly thirty years ago, she had lived in the family of her son, who had cared tenderly for her in her declining years. She had six children, only two of whom survive her.
Neighboring Counties.
....Abraham TANNER, who was born in Rensselaer county in 1793, served as a soldier in the war of 1812, and settled in Dryden more than half a century ago, died in that village on Sunday of last week. He was a blacksmith, a farmer and a tavern-keeper at various times during his life. He was appointed postmaster at Dryden by President Tyler and held the office until a few years ago. He was also a Justice of the Peace for a long time. Mr. TANNER was an exemplary Christian and was also the last survivor of the first Methodist Society organized in Dryden. His funeral took place on Tuesday of last week, Rev. Mr. KEPPEL officiating. His remains were buried in Green Hill Cemetery.
Madison. -
.....A little four-year-old son of C.R. PALMER, whom our correspondent spoke of two weeks ago as being sick with an attack of trichnae, died last week. The little lad had been sick about two months and suffered terribly. we believe it is the first case of the kind ever reported in this section.
21 Mar 1879
Died. HONEYWELL. - In the town of Summer Hill, on Thursday, March 6, 1879, of typhoid pneumonia, Isaac HONEYWELL, aged eighty-seven years, eight months and twenty-six days.
Died. CRAFT - At Taylor Center, N.Y., March 14, 1879, of heart disease, Mr. Horace CRAFT, aged 68 years.
Died. UPSON - In Cortland, N.Y., March 20, 1879, Mrs. Katie P. UPSON, formerly of Pensacola, Florida.
The funeral services of Mrs. Gracie Bloomer ELSTER, wife of Wellington ELSTER, were held at the M.E. Church on Wednesday of last week, Rev. Mr. OLCHAFFER officiated. The deceased was nineteen years of age, and had been married about two years when consumption marked her as a victim. We tender to Wellington our sympathy.
28 Mar 1879
Died. HINTON. - In Homer village, at the residence of Mrs. Paris BARBER, on Saturday morning, Mar. 15, 1879, Emma Louise, infant daughter of T.H. and Emma J. HINTON, of Syracuse.
Died. MAASBERG. - In Utica, N.Y., March 16, 1879, Augustus MAASBERG, Ph.D., formerly of Homer village, aged 73 years.
Died. KNAPP. - At the County Alms House, March 19, 1879, Caroline A. KNAPP, aged 29 years.
Died. BELL. - In Lapeer, March 18, Mrs. Mary BELL, aged 58.
Died. BLISS. - In Lapeer, March 23, Jennie, daughter of S. S. BLISS, aged 18 years.
Died. HOPKINS. - In Lapeer, March __, Cyrus HOPKINS, aged 87 years.
Died. BETTS. - In New Brunswick, N. J., at the residence of Mr. C. B. STOUT, March 19, 1879, Miss Mary S. BETTS, daughter of the late Hiram and Lydia BETTS, of Cortland, N.Y., in the 55th year of her age.
Mr. James CASEY died at his residence on William street, on Sunday morning last. He was a dutiful husband and an honest citizen. He leaves a wife and one child, to whom we tender our heartfelt sympathy. His funeral took place on Tuesday at the Baptist Church. From here he was escorted by the Masonic fraternity, of which he was a member, to that silent, dismal vault which bears the inscription - Glenwood. Here the solemn rites and ceremonies of the order were said, after which he was placed in the vault to swell the number of silent sleepers already there. The members then accompanied the bereaved wife to her home. the Cortland lodge F.& A.M. have sent material aid, and several of its members were also present at the funeral.
4 Apr 1879
Died. REED - In Oakdale, Cal., March 2, 1879, Mrs. Amanda REED, formerly of Homer village.
Died. KNAPP - At the County House, March 19, 1879, of consumption, Caroline A. KNAPP, aged 28 years.
Died. HITCHCOCK - In Homer on Saturday morning, March 22, 1879, Abel HITCHCOCK, aged 68 years.
Died. BOYNTON - In Cortland, March 30, Hattie, only child of Fitz and Annie C. BOYNTON, aged 5[?] months and 26 days.
11 Apr 1879
Died. PRATT - In the town of Cortlandville, on Wednesday, April 2d, 1879, of pleura-pneumonia, Franklin PRATT, aged 66 years.
Died. TUTHILL - In Homer, on Monday, March 31, 1879, at 5 o'clock P.M., of dropsy, Emorette, wife of Sanford TUTHILL, aged 73 years.
Deceased was a sister of Samuel HOTCHKISS of this place.
Died. KEELER - In Cortland, April 4th, 1879, Clara, only child of James and Flora C. KEELER, aged 10 months and 5 days.
Died. NORTHRUP - At the residence of her son, in Blodgett Mills, March _, 1879, Mrs. NORTHRUP, aged 100 years and 6 months.
Died. SKEELE - In Cortland, N.Y., April 7, 1879, Maria SKEELE, aged 65 years.
Died. HENDERSON - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., on Feb. 21, 1879, Mrs. William HENDERSON.
Mrs. HENDERSON was the mother of the late Andrew J. HENDERSON, an attorney at law of the city of Syracuse. Her maiden name was Rebecca FRITTS. The deceased was born in Schoharie Co., N.Y., March 18, 1812, and in early life used to every luxury that wealth could procure, for her ancestors were people of liberal education and moved in the highest circles of society in the county in which they lived. In later life at the age of twenty years she came to Cortland county, where since which time she has almost constantly lived. At the age of twenty-three years the deceased was married to Mr. William HENDERSON, of the then town of Cincinnatus, which place is now more properly designated as Merrill's Creek in the town of Marathon. The morning of their married life dawned brightly upon this young couple, and bid fair for a brilliant future. Mr. HENDERSON was a young man of large business qualifications. At the time of his marriage at the age of twenty-six years, he was a free-holder of four hundred and fifty acres of land situated on the State road on Merrill's creek, in the then town of Cincinnatus, on which he kept a dairy of fifty cows, also a hotel and blacksmith shop. Mr. and Mrs. HENDERSON were blessed with a family of five children, one daughter and four sons. But alas for human expectations. Of this family but two survive, the daughter, Miss Addie A. HENDERSON and Horace HENDERSON. Under all these heart-rending afflictions, the gentle and affectionate wife and mother bore up with remarkable fortitude, although keenly sensitive by nature and almost crushed in spirit as each loved one passed on the other side. At the advanced age of 67 years, she retained her faculties of mind with clearness although physically weak. Mrs. HENDERSON was highly esteemed by all who knew her. How dear that form! those eyes, those lips, over which the grave has closed - how sacred. How vain to say to us, "that loved one is a spirit - a bright essence gone to mingle with the great sea of spirit life!" Alas! how cold and vague to the mourning heart is all this! We want to see her again; we want again the eye, the smile, the voice, the self, warm, winning, living. But Christ promises us in that immortal life, not alone the soul and spirit, but the bodies of our friends. He consecrates our earthly love by promising to restore it to us by-and-by, glowing with freshness and stamped with the seal of immortality.
The remains of Col. Robert Tennant SHAW, who was well known in this vicinity, and who died in St. Louis, March 2d, after a brief illness, were brought to this village on the Sunday morning train, being in charge of relatives from Washington. Funeral services were held at the residence of Maj. A. SAGER, in the forenoon of the same day. His age was 67.
Hon. A. CARLEY who has been failing in health for some time past, died at his late residence yesterday at 7 A.M. The funeral will be held Friday at 2 P.M. His death is one that will be felt throughout this entire section. He was in his 82d year.
18 Apr 1879
Died. BOOTHE - In Marathon, March 25, Lulu M., only daughter of Hiram and Minerva BOOTHE, aged 3 years, 4 months and 19 days.
Died. SANDERS. In Elmira, April 10th, of diptheria, Annie May SANDERS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.M. SANDERS, aged 13 years.
Died. SHEFFIELD. - At Norwalk, Conn., April 4, 1879, Thomas P. SHEFFIELD aged 63 years. Brother of B. H. SHEFFIELD, of Homer. Interred at Newport, R. I., on the 7th.
Died. McKEVITTE. - In Syracuse, April 11, Miss Kate A., daughter of Alex McKEVITTE, formerly of Truxton, N.Y., aged 25 years.
25 Apr 1879
Died. ROOD [?] - In Homer, on Wednesday, April 16th, Chapin L. HOOD[?], aged 22 years.
Died. GROVENER - Rev. Cyrus Pitt GROVENER, the first President of New York Central College, located at McGrawville, N.Y., died at Albion, Michigan, Feb.11, 1879, in the 87th year of is age.
Died. RICE - In Cincinnatus, April 10, 1879, of pneumonia, Stillman RICE, aged 86 years.
Died. COY - In Kaneville, Ill., April 7, 1879, John COY, aged 90 years and 6 months.
Mr. COY was a soldier of 1812 and formerly a resident of Pitcher, N.Y.
Died. BABCOCK. - In Keeney Settlement, April 8, 1879, Mrs. Polly BABCOCK, aged 76 years.
Died. POLLARD. - In Marathon, April 4, 1879, Olive M. POLLARD, aged 20 years.
Died. BABCOCK - In DeRuyter, Wednesday, April 16, 1879, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. BABCOCK, aged 5 months.
Died. DEXTER. - At the Dexter House, Cortland, N.Y., April 10, 1879, Mr. Ira DEXTER, aged 76 years.
The funeral of Chapin L. ROOD was largely attended on Thursday. He was a young man of fine promise, and his loss is keenly felt by all who knew him.
2 May 1879
Died. KINNEY - In this village, April 21st, Sarah A., wife of Daniel KINNEY, aged 54 years.
Died. PLACE. - In Marathon, April 23d, Mrs. Ella A. WEBSTER, wife of Elbert PLACE, aged 25 years. Mrs. PLACE graduated from our Normal school in 1875.
Died. COLLINS. - In this village, April 29th, of pneumonia, Frank W., youngest son of Charles W. and Mary E. COLLINS, aged one year and four months.
Died. DUTCHER. - In this village, April 18th, Emma, wife of Geo. H. DUTCHER, aged 32 years.
Died. PHILLIPS. - In DeRuyter, April 19th, of bronchitis and disease of the heart, Isaac PHILLIPS, aged 70 years.
Died. BUSH. - In Randolph, N.Y., April 10th, Mrs. Diantha BUSH, aged 73 years. Mrs. BUSH was daughter of Deacon Noah HITCHCOCK, formerly of Homer.
Died. WHIPPLE. - In McLean, April 28, 1879, David WHIPPLE Sr., aged 87 years.
Died. SHIRLEY. - In Syracuse, April 17th, Mrs. Sarah BEECHER, widow of the late Cornelius SHIRLEY, formerly of Homer, in the 80th year of her age.
Died. ROHRBACHER. - In Marathon, April 24, Jane ROHRBACHER, aged 65 years.
Died. VAIL. - In Truxton, April 26, of pneumonia, Mr. John VAIL, proprietor of the Truxton House, aged 42 years.
Died. DYKE. - At Covington, Tioga Co., Pa., April 28, 1879, of typhoid pneumonia, Mrs. Adeline M. DYKE, aged 60 years. Deceased was the mother of Mrs. G. A. SEARS, of Cortland.
Died. BENTON. - In Cortland, N.Y., on Sabbath morning, the 27th day of April, 1879, in the 51st year of her age, Harriet STEPHENS, wife of George C. BENTON, of Chicago.
Mrs. BENTON was the daughter of the Hon. Henry STEPHENS, for a long period one of the most prominent and influential citizens of the county, and who died about ten years ago. Born in Cortland, where she passed her early years, Mrs. BENTON became endeared to a large circle of relatives and friends by the mild lustre of her affectionate nature and Christian character. For several years past her married life has been spent in Chicago, in an attractive home, and where she exemplified in the church and in enterprises of benevolence the Christian graces which had ever embellished her character. Her departure will awaken the tender sensibilities and regrets of numerous friends at her recent home in the West, and her kindred and friends here feel their berevement with the keenest sorrow; while the husband, and the daughter at the age of twelve, are the only survivors of a charming family circle now severed by death and covered with mourning.
9 May 1879
Died. COOMBS - In Cortland, May 1, 1879, Frankie W., only child of Walter and Katie COOMBS, aged 1 year, 1 month and 16 days.
Died. DICKINSON - At his residence in Onondaga Valley, April 27, 1879, Obadiah DICKINSON, aged 82 years and 6 months. Deceased was the father of Mrs. A. D. BLODGETT.
Died. HUNTINGTON - In Preble, May 2, 1879, of Consumption, Mr. Reuben HUNTINGTON, aged 74 years.
Died. SMITH - In this Village, May 4, of pneumonia, Fanny, widow of the late Horace SMITH, in the 68th year of her age.
Died. BRADFORD - In Lock Haven, Pa., April 28, 1879, Miss Susan BRADFORD, aged 58 years. Deceased was a sister of Mr. Daniel BRADFORD, of this village.
Died. KNIGHT - In McGrawville, April 29, 1878 [sic], Rachael M. KNIGHT, wife of M.C. KNIGHT, aged 61 years.
Died. TRIPP - In Dryden, May 7, 1879, James TRIPP, aged 87 years.
Neighboring Counties.
..... Mrs. Rebecca KELLOGG, who was for many years a resident of Dryden, died in Kansas on the 9th of April, in the 58th year of her age.
Here and There
Mr. Irving N. BOWMAN, of Syracuse, formerly a resident of Homer, died the 30th of April, at the residence of his cousin George LOCKPORT. His health had been feeble for some years, a portion of which time had been passed in Colorado where he failed to receive benefit.
16 May 1879
Mr. William WAKELEY, who has been sick for some time, died on Saturday morning. Monday his remaines were sent to Sherburne, N.Y. for interment.
Died. EARLE. - In Weedsport, April 12, 1879, at the residence of her uncle, Hon. Leonard F. HARDY, Elva D., daughter of the late Ward T. and Wealthy H. EARLE, and granddaughter of the late Deacon HARDY, of Homer, aged 10[?] years.
Died. CHAPMAN - In McGrawville, May 7, 1879, of consumption, Mrs. Henriette M. CHAPMAN, aged 46 years.
Died. BABCOCK - In Solon, May 2, 1879, Mr. Isaac BABCOCK, aged 49 years.
Died. PRESTON - In Lincklaen, April 29, 1879, Mr. Wm. PRESTON, aged 49 years.
Died. BROOKS - In Springville, Pa., of Typhoid Pneumonia, May 1, 1879, Lydia W., wife of Leander BROOKS, formerly [a resident] of Taylor.
Died. THORNTON - In Marathon, May 7, 1879, Mrs. Catherine THORNTON, aged 76 years.
23 May 1879
Mr. Stephen FRISBIE, a well-known printer of this village, died very suddenly at his residence on Saturday evening last. He had suffered from ill-health for a number of years, and it was known that he could not recover... In this weakened condition an attack of hemorrhage from the lungs proved fatal in a few minutes. His age was twenty-nine.
Died. BURGESS. - At California Junction, Iowa, May 9, with diptheria, Jessie Ada, only daughter of D. and L.E. BURGESS, of Marathon, aged three years and nine months.
Died. THOMPSON. - In Homer, May 11th, 1879, Mrs. Rebecca, widow of Eliphalet THOMPSON, aged 74 years.
Died. FRISBIE. - In this village, Saturday, May 17th, of consumption, Mr. Stephen T. FRISBIE, aged 29 years.
30 May 1879
Suicide in Preble. -- Frederick POOR, a highly respectable citizen of Preble, aged 64 years, committed suicide by hanging on Wednesday. Our correspondent sends us full particulars, but too late for this issue.
Died. CARPENTER. - In DeRuyter, May 15th, 1879, of heart disease, Mr. John CARPENTER, aged 82 years, 1 month and 11 days.
6 Jun 1879
Died. HOBART - In Groton City, May 27, 1879, Harry W. HOBART, aged 71 years.
Died. FENEY - At the Cortland County Alms-house, May 23, 1879, Mrs. Mary FENEY, aged 50 years.
She has been an inmate of the alms-house most of the time during the past 26 years.
Died. MITCHELL - In Preble, May 14, 1879, Mrs. Miriam MITCHELL, widow of Mr. Robert MITCHELL, aged 68 years.
Died. BENTON - At the residence of Mrs. TERPENNING, Virgil, May 15, 1879, Mrs. BENTON, relic [sic] of Stephen BENTON, deceased, aged 92 years.
Died. HULBERT - In New York City, at her residence, on the morning of May 30th, Mary Elizabeth, wife of William HULBERT, and sister-in-law to Jerome and George A. HULBERT, of Marathon.
Died. MEACHAM - In Freetown, May 20, 1879, Elizur MEACHAM, aged 78 years.
Died. BISHOP - In this village, on Friday, May 30th, of pneumonia, Luman BISHOP, in the 70th year of his age.
Soon after noon yesterday and while the Sells' Brothers circus was parading Main street, Mr. Edward KENNEDY, a young man fifteen years of age, son of James KENNEDY, was viewing the parade from a seta on the window sill of the second story of Firemen's Hall, with his feet on the outside, when in leaning out to look farther down the street he lost his balance and fell to the pavement below, a distance of sixteen feet, striking on the left and back part of his head. He was taken into the store of Smith & Kingsbury and Dr. J.W. HUGHES summoned, who pronounced the injury a fracture of the skull. The young man was taken home where he died about four hours later, having been unconscious from the time of the accident.
Mr. Alonzo WEEKS died of dropsy last Wednesday at his residence on Grove street. Nearly all of his life he had been a resident of Scott.
Mr. Chas. A. GILES, son of H.T. GILES, of Homer, died in Buffalo on the morning of Friday, May 23d. He had resided in Elmira for some years previously and was a member of the Lodge of Odd Fellows there. Being ill he left that place to obtain medical treatment elsewhere, and it seems went to Buffalo, where, after four days confinement to the house, he died. The Homer Republican of last week says that his remains were brought to Homer and buried on the Sunday following by the Odd Fellows of Homer and Cortland, being accompanied by the presiding officer of the Lodge in Elmira to which young GILES belonged, and that the advantages of membership in a beneficent society were never more strikingly illustrated than in this case. The only clue given in Buffalo to his identity was afforded by his traveling card which he had taken from the Lodge, and which enabled the authorities there to give the requisite information to his whereabouts.
Mrs. John RANKIN, wife of Ex-Mayor RANKIN of Binghamton, formerly a resident of Homer, died May 31st, at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, at the residence of Mr. R's brother. Her remains were brought to Binghamton for burial, the funeral being held on Wednesday, June 4th.
20 Jun 1879
Died. CALLEN - In Preble, June 5th, 1879, Mrs. Lydia CALLEN, aged 78 years.
Died. FORD - In Homer, May 5th, 1879, of apoplexy, John FORD, aged 75 years.
Died. COTTRELL - In Scott, June 5th, 1879, of diptheria, Lottie M., youngest daughter of John B. and Sarah M. COTTRELL, aged 12 years and 9 months.
Died. MADDEN - In Taylor, June 1st, 1879, Mr. Peter MADDEN, in the _ year of his age.
Died. PEEBLES - In Marathon, June 9th, 1879, Mr. Joseph PEEBLES, aged 80 years.
Died. THOMPSON - In this place, on June 15th, 1879, Maude, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.F. THOMPSON, aged 14 days.
Died. KINNEY - In this village, on Wednesday, June 4, 1879, of paralysis, Mr. Buell KINNEY, aged 73 years. For about three years past the deceased has been a great sufferer, and death for him was a release. He was a brother of Joseph KINNEY, lately deceased.
Died. ODELL - In this village, on Tuesday, June 17th, 1879, Mrs. Jane M. ODELL, aged 60 years.
Died. CRAWFORD - In this village, on Wednesday, June 18th, 1879, Mr. David D. CRAWFORD, aged 71 years.
Funeral at his residence at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon.
Died. SHEVALIER - In Virgil, on Tuesday, the 17th inst., Richard SHEVALIER, aged 70 years.
Died. HOTCHKISS - In Cortland, June 19th, 1879, Jas. P. HOTCHKISS, aged 49 years.
27 Jun 1879
Died. BEEMAN - In Etna, Tompkins county, N.Y., June 11th, of dropsy, Richard BEEMAN, formerly of Homer, aged 63 years.
Died. WAKELY - In Homer, June 12th, Electa, daughter of the late William WAKELY, aged 39 years.
Died. POTTER - In Scott, May 30th, of diptheria, Erlow H., son of Harlan E.J. and Libbie M. POTTER, aged 4 years, 9 months and 14 days. Also on June 8th, of the same disease, Rosa A., daughter of the same parents, aged 9 years, 6 months and 3 days.
KEATOR - Died at his residence in Cortland village, N.Y., on the 25th day of June, 1879, Thomas KEATOR, Esq., in the 78th year of his age.
He was born in Roxbury, Delaware county, N.Y., where in early life he entered into and carried on the business as a merchant until 1854, when having, by untiring industry and perseverance, achieved a handsome competency, he removed to this place. In 1854 he organized and set in motion The First National Bank of Cortland and became its first and has been its only President to the time of his death.; and the whole responsibility of its management has during the whole period of its existence rested almost entirely upon him. His career as a merchant, financier and banker, has been one of marked and uninterrupted success. In all his transaction and dealings he was honest, upright and consciencious, and had the confidence and esteem of the entire circle of his acquaintance. He was kind and liberal to all who needed his assistance, an interesting and agreeable companion, a kind and indulgent father and husband, and a true and steadfast friend, and his loss will be deeply felt by all class of community. In all the relations of society he discharged his duties well; and now at the close of a sell-spent life he has gone peacefully to his rest, sustained and soothed by an unfaltering trust, and like one who in the language of the poet has wrapped the drapery of his couch about him and lain down to pleasant dreams.
Blodgett Mills.
Mr. James SPRAGUE and wife, of South Cortland, and Mr. George DARMAN and wife, of Virgil, were in town last Sunday to attend the funeral of Mr. SPRAGUE.
Death by Drowning.
The Syracuse papers of Monday contain particulars of the death, by drowning in Onondaga lake last Saturday afternoon, of Miss Olive C. HOLMES, youngest daughter of Judge S.N. HOLMES, of that city, and Alfred T. SANFORD, son of Prof. Heman H. SANFORD, formerly teacher in Homer Academy, and now of Chicago University, in company with Amy HOLMES (an elder sister of Olive) and Arthur HOWES, of Syracuse, they were boating on the lake, Miss Olive HOLMES and Mr. SANFORD occupying a boat together, and in changing positions they both stepped to the same side of they boat which was quickly overturned and they sank at once and disappeared from sight. Since then the utmost efforts to obtain the bodies have been made but thus far they have been without avail, The circumstance has cast a gloom over the city.
Mr. Thomas KEATOR, President of the First National Bank of Cortland, and a resident of this village for nearly twenty-five years, died about eleven o'clock on Wednesday evening, the 25th inst. Mr. KEATOR had been in poor health for several months past, having been confined at times to his bed, and death had been expected, His age was seventy-five years and seven months. Funeral Saturday afternoon at four o'clock.
4 Jul 1879
Here and There.
Mr. Enos STIMSON, of Syracuse, formerly of Homer, who has been ill for some time past, died at the former place last Friday. His remains were brought to Homer on Monday for interment.
Mr. Chas. E. FISKE, formerly a resident of Cortland, died at Denver, Colorado on the 29th ult.
Died. HAYNES - In Cincinnatus, June 25th, Nicholas HAYNES, aged 87 years. The deceased was the father of ex-sheriff HAYNES.
11 Jul 1879
Died. RICHARDSON - In this village, July 10th, 1879, Mr. B.W. RICHARDSON, aged 68 years.
Died. KELSEY - In this village, June 22d, 1879, Mrs. Pamelia KELSEY, aged 87 years.
Died. WATROUS - In Freetown, Saturday, June 28th, 1879, Roscoe,
only son of Leonard J. WATROUS, of diptheria, aged 8 years and 10 months.
Died CADWELL - In Cortland, (North Main St.,) June 9th, 1879, Mrs. Amanda CADWELL, aged 74 years.
Died. BINGHAM - At the county poor house, June 17th, 1879, Mrs. Mary BINGHAM, aged 73 years.
Died. SCHERMERHORN - At the residence of G.W. RECKARD, in Cortland, N.Y., Friday evening, June 20th, 1879, Miss Martha SCHERMERHORN, aged 91 years and 7 months.
Died. STUART - At the residence of his son-in-law, William H. WARREN, Esq., Cortland, N.Y., June 28th, 1879, William J. STUART, aged 95 years.
Mr. STUART was born in Milan, Dutchess county, and was an officer in the war of 1812, for his services in which he had for many years drawn a pension. He was forty years a Justice of the Peace in his native town. For the past ten years he had resided with his son-in-law in Cortland.
On Wednesday, the 2d inst., the body of Miss Olive C. HOLMES was found in Onondaga lake, it having been discovered floating on the surface. And on the Thursday following the body of Alfred T. SANFORD was found in the same manner. The funeral services of the pair were held in the Central Baptist Church of Syracuse Saturday forenoon. The remains of Mr. SANFORD were brought to Homer and interred in the cemetery there, where other services were held.
A telegram from Groton, N.Y. announces the death of Rev. Jay Spicer BACKUS, D.D., the well-known Baptist divine, at the age of 70 years. The deceased was born in Washington county, February 17, 1810, but soon removed with his parents to Freetown, Cortland county. In 1856 he became pastor of the First Baptist church of this city, soon after the destruction of the edifice by fire. He was largely instrumental in its rebuilding and the strengthening of the church. In 1863 Dr. BACKUS became secretary of the American Baptist Home Missionary Society, which place of important trust he held for ten years, resigning on account of ill health. Paralysis was the cause of death. The deceased was a brother of Prof. Thurman J. BACKUS, of Vassar College, who married a daughter of the late J.J. GLASS, of this city. Syracuse Courier, July 3.
18 Jul 1879
From Everywhere.
Horatio P. JONES, and aged and influential farmer of Groton, died suddenly on Wednesday night of last week, in his wagon while returning from Cortland in company with his wife. The
cause of death was heart disease.
Mr. Martin MINER died at Homer last Wednesday in the eightieth year of his age. We believe that Mr. MINER had always lived in Homer, and could truthfully be called the oldest resident.
Mr. Samuel TYLER died on Tuesday, the 15th inst., at his residence in the west part of the town. Deceased had been in usual health up until noon, but was taken with a fit and died immediately. He leaves a wife and one son, Mr. J.M. TYLER, and a daughter, Mrs. D. P. GRISWOLD, both living near South Cortland.
Mr. Samuel P. TYLER, of Virgil, while engaged in grinding mowing machine knives, Tuesday, at about 10:15 A.M. fell in an apopleptic fit, and died shortly after noon. He had attained his 58th birthday, on Sunday last. - Dryden Herald.
Died. REED - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., July 12, 1879, Mary E., wife of M.D. REED, aged 39 years.
25 Jul 1879
Died. SEYMOUR - In Harford, Cortland Co., July 11, 1879, Abigail, widow of the late Albert SEYMOUR, of Connecticut Hill, in the 81st year of her age.
1 Aug 1879
Died. SCOTT. - In Scott, N.Y., on the 14th inst., of diptheria, Eddie, youngest son of Oscar W. and Tryphena E. SCOTT, aged 9 years, 3 months and 2 days.
Died. BARBER. - In Scott, N.Y., on the 20th inst., of diptheria, Frank W., adopted son of Clark J. and Malissa BARBER, aged 17 years.
Died. MERRIAM. - In Ocala, Florida, July 7th, 1879, William O. MERRIAM, formerly of Homer.
Died. FLETCHER. - In Osage City, Kansas, June 13th, 1879, Mrs. Lucy Ann, wife of Hosea FLETCHER, aged 61 years, 9 months and 27 days.
Just as we go to press a telegram from Syracuse announces the startling news that Thomas J. CHAFFEE, of McGrawville, was found dead in his room at the Temperance Hotel in that city. It is supposed that the deceased committed suicide by taking poison, and that the cause was recent financial difficulties. Friends left this (Thursday) evening to bring home the remains.
8 Aug 1879
Died. STANLEY. - In Lapeer, Aug. 1, 1879, Mrs. Frances E. STANLEY, wife of Ransom STANLEY, aged 48 years, 7 months and 25 days.
Died. HENRY. - At East Homer, N.Y., July 29, 1879, Orilla HENRY, wife of Olin HENRY, aged 65 years.
Died. RUSSELL - At the Cortland County Alms-house, July 24, 1879, of epilepsy, Alvira RUSSELL, formerly of Cortlandville, N.Y., aged 30 years.
Died. ROUNDS. - In Taylor, N.Y. of the 29th day of July, 1879, Miss Hattie E. ROUNDS, of ulceration of stomach, aged 20 years 1 month and 26 days.
15 Aug 1879
Mr. Levi G. BRADFORD, formerly a resident of Little York, died on the 15th of July in Hammond, St. Croix county, Wisconsin. Mr. B., some thirty-five years ago, was better known in the northern part of this county by his middle name, Gray, and as a common school teacher of good repute.
Suicide of Thomas J. Chaffee.
As we were going to press last week, we received and published a telegram stating that Mr. Thos. J. CHAFFEE, of McGrawville, had committed suicide at the Temperance Hotel in Syracuse. It appears that he registered at the hotel about eleven o'clock Wednesday evening, though he had been noticed about the hotel for an hour previous. He was assigned to room No. 106, and at once retired. On Thursday, seeing that he did not leave his room, the chambermaid, about one o'clock, rapped on his door, but hearing nothing from him, Prof. RUDOLPHSEN, who had a room adjoining, and whose attention was called to the circumstance, mounted a chair and looking over the transom saw the form of Mr. CHAFFEE lying in bed. Mr. TALBOTT, the proprietor of the hotel, was at once informed, a boy was put over the transom and the door unlocked. Mr. CHAFFEE was found lying in an easy position, partially on his right side, and dead. Coroner DALLAS was called, and on examination a bottle of morphia was found by the bedside, from which enough had been taken to kill two men. The coroner expressed the opinion that he had been dead at least six hours.
The following letter was found on the body:
Dear Wife - I hope you will forgive me for this rash act. I know that God forgives me. The next world cannot be worse than this. I go to meet little Tommy. I have no fear of death, for God knows that I have struggled against everything. I have been destroyed by those who have been to all appearances my best friends. My mother will sympathize with me, and she is the only one that I expected sympathy from. I die with no regret whatever. I have no fear of the future for it cannot be any worse than it is here. I have studied the Bible a great deal and find from its teachings that all men will finally be saved. I want no sermon but a prayer at my grave by the Rev. S. N. WESTCOTT, as he is a Mason. Do all you can for my beloved children.
From your husband,
McGrawville, N.Y.
Evidently the letter was written before the deceased left McGrawville, showing that the intention to commit suicide possessed him previous to leaving home on Wednesday morning. He went away with a horse and buggy, driving as far as Homer, where he took the cars to Syracuse. He told his wife that he was going to "seek employment, and if he did not find it he would die in the attempt."
Coroner DALLAS empaneled a jury which rendered a verdict that the deceased "came to his death from a dose of morphine while laboring under a temporary aberration of mind."
The body was conveyed by undertaker Geo. L. MAYNARD to his rooms on Jefferson St., and was afterwards taken in charge by Mr. P.W. CHAFFEE, a brother, to whom a telegram had been sent, and Mr. R.H. GRAVES, who accompanied it on Friday morning to McGrawville, where it was brought for burial.
Mr. CHAFFEE was thirty-five years old, and leaves a wife and three little children.
Died. PALMITER. - At the County Alms-House, Sunday, Aug. 5, 1879, Noyes PALMITER, aged 68 years.
Died. PRICE. - In this village, on Saturday, Aug. 9th, 1879, Mrs. Sarah PRICE, aged 84 years.
Died. BROWN. - At Richmond, McHenry Co., Ill., Aug.12th inst., Mrs. Jane BROWN, aged 92 years. The deceased was the mother of ex-sheriff Isaac W. BROWN, of this place.
Died. STANLEY. - In Lapeer, Aug.1st, inst., Frances, wife of Ransom STANLEY, in the 49th year of her age.
Died. SMITH. - In Freetown, Aug. 7th inst., Nancy M., relict of Dudley SMITH, aged 67 years.
Died. COONRADT. - In Marathon, Aug. 7th inst., Mrs. Mary A. COONRADT, aged 40 years.
22 Aug 1879
Died. HUNT - In Marathon, August 15, after a protracted illness, Mrs. Duray HUNT, aged 39 years.
Died. BURR - In Cortland, August 19, Mr. A.G. BURR, aged 66 years.
Died. FRANCIS - In Virgil, N.Y., August 18, 1879, of cancer of the stomach, Mrs. Roswell FRANCIS, aged 76 years.
We chronicle the deaths of two old residents of this town. Mr. George HOUSE died on Wednesday, the 13th inst. Mr. HOUSE had resided here, living in what is known as the Morse district, for fifty years. His funeral was largely attended at his late residence, on Friday last. Rev. Mr. GUTSEL, pastor of the M.E. Church, officiated. He leaves a wife, with whom he has lived for nearly fifty years, and five children to mourn his loss. Deceased was nearly seventy-seven years of age. In religion he was a believer in the doctrine of Universal Salvation. In politics, a Democrat. As a neighbor we have found him just. To the bereaved family we tender our sympathy.
Mrs. Roswell FRANCIS, living in the same school district as Mr. HOUSE, died on Tuesday of this week, aged seventy-six years. Deceased had been in poor health for a number of years, and died of cancer in the stomach. She had lived in married life with Mr. FRANCIS - who still survives - for the space of fifty-five years, and leaves five children living. She had been a member of the Baptist Church of Virgil for fifty years. None knew Mrs. FRANCIS but to admire her as a consistent Christian woman.
Sad Accident.
Geo. Johnson's Heroic Death.
On Monday news reached us of the death, by drowning, in Cazenovia lake about noon of that day, of Mr. George JOHNSON, while endeavoring to rescue Charles WATERS, a boy about ten years old, and son of Geo. W. WATERS, the Elmira artist, who had accidentally fallen overboard from the steamer Lake View shortly after she had left her dock at the camp ground. The following from the correspondence of the Syracuse Evening Herald of Tuesday, gives the full particulars of the accident and the noble attempt at rescue, and pays a just tribute to the heroism and character of the devoted JOHNSON.
"It seems that the little boy Charley WATERS, when last seen upon the boat, was standing leaning against a bar which closes the entrance to the boat when in motion. This bar is fastened by two bolts on each end. It is supposed that the little fellow was playing with one of these bolts, when drawing it too far the rail fell and the boy was precipitated into the lake. Mr. JOHNSON, the unfortunate but heroic young pilot, heard the splash, and without waiting for the boat to stop rushed astern, took in the situation at a glance, pulled off his coat and bravely plunged into the lake. The momentum of the boat was considerable, so that while poor JOHNSON was making powerful strokes toward the sinking boy - and he was an excellent swimmer - the boat was rapidly leaving him. Seats and benches were thrown overboard, but they were too far off to prove of any avail. It was apparent that JOHNSON over-extended himself in swimming to the boy, as it was observed on his arrival that he was much distressed and exhausted. At this period he evidently resolved to swim with his precious burden to the shore. The boy's arms were around his neck, while he feebly struggled forward. His efforts slowly became weaker and weaker until both disappeared beneath the waves.
"It is rare that in a whole lifetime one is able to record such a noble, self-sacrificing, heroic act as this. The memory of such a gallant and holy deed will live long after George JOHNSON's remains have crumbled away to dust. He had not lived long in Cazenovia, but he had early made himself a popular young man. Possessed of a fine presence, a manly, pleasant countenance, courteous in his demeanor, and gentlemanly in all his actions, he commanded the respect of every one who knew him. He has now immolated himself upon the altar of humanity.
After a search of about an hour and a half, the remains of both were recovered in only about six feet of water. They were taken to the Lake View Hotel, where they await the arrival of Mr. JOHNSON's parents, who reside at Cortland, as well as the father of the little boy, who lives at Elmira. The mother is stopping at the hotel and is much overcome with grief. The coroner, Dr. A. D. SMITH, has summoned a jury who are at this time deliberating. It is expected that the verdict will be strongly condemnatory of the careless way in which the Lake View authorities have hazarded the lives of passengers upon their boats. For many years they have carried thousands of helpless passengers, mostly women and children, without a single small boat or a single life- preserver."
Mr. JOHNSON was formerly a resident of Cortland, and in the employ of Miller & Sherwood, grocers, where his courtesy made him popular with their customers. His parents now reside here, and on Tuesday his funeral was attended from their residence at 138 North main street.
The body of Charley WATERS was taken to Elmira for burial.
5 Sep 1879
Died. McGRAW. - At Riverside Gardens, Binghamton, September 1st, at 2:30 P.M., Hamette AUSTIN, wife of D.C. McGRAW, aged 54 years and 7 months.
Died. McCARTHY. - In Cortland, Aug. 29, 1879, Kitty, only child of Dominique and Anne McCARTHY, aged 2 years and 2 months.
Died. BARNARD. - At Greene, Chenango Co., N.Y., August 31st, Mrs. W.O. BARNARD, in the 58th year of her age.
The remains of the wife of Dewitt C. McGRAW, of Binghamton, formerly Clerk of Cortland county, were brought to Cortland Wednesday morning for interment, and were met at the depot by many of our citizens and accompanied to the cemetery. Mrs. McGRAW was the daughter of Mr. Asa AUSTIN, of Cortland, now deceased.
Death of Mrs. W.O. BARNARD.
This estimable lady, who, after visiting relatives and friends in this section, went to Greene, Chenango county, on the 21st ult., to visit Mr. R. P. BARNARD, while there was taken ill and on Sunday morning of the 31st ult., she died. From the Thursday previous telegrams were rapidly dispatched to her husband at Topeka, Kansas, where he at the time happened to be, but he could not arrive before Sunday night, or several hours too late. Tuesday morning her remains, accompanied by relatives and friends from Greene, were brought to Cortland for burial, the funeral services being held in Grace church and conducted by Rev. Mr. TAUNT, of the Episcopal church, Greene.
Kind-hearted, sympathetic, courteous and hospitable, and of noble presence yet winning in manner, Mrs. BARNARD was peculiarly fitted to adorn and make cheerful the home, and had endeared herself to a large circle of friends. Her death, occurring under such circumstances, and far away from home, was a sad, heart- crushing blow to her husband and family, to whom the deepest sympathy of all those who knew them is earnestly extended.
Mr. BARNARD had planned to return to Cortland in the near future, and again take up his residence among us, as he had never considered himself but a temporary absentee from this place, where he had resided for so many years, but the death of his wife may change his intention, though it is hoped not. Mrs. BARNARD would have been fifty-eight years old in October next.
12 Sep 1879
Died. ALLEN. - In Lowell Vt., Aug. 20, 1879, Mrs. Celia ALLEN, sister of Mr. Hosea SPRAGUE, of Homer, aged 76 years.
Died. BARKER. - In New Haven, Conn., Aug. 27, 1879, Mr. Oliver E. BARKER, brother of Mrs. S. S. BATES, of Homer, aged 62 years.
Died. POWERS. - In this village, Aug. 27, 1879, Eugene W. POWERS, aged 35 years.
Died. LINDERMAN. - In this village, on the 7th inst., of heart disease, Mrs. Elsie A. LINDERMAN, of Lansing, Cayuga Co., N.Y., aged 43 years.
Died. CLARK. - At the County House, Sept. 9th, 1879, Mary A. CLARK, formerly of Virgil, aged 76 years.
19 Sep 1879
Died. HEATH - In the town of Cuyler, Sept. 12, Luther E. HEATH, aged 35 years, 6 months.
In the death of Mr. HEATH, Cuyler lost a highly respectable and honorable citizen.
Died. ALMY - At Yankton, Dakota, August 28, 1879, after a protracted illness, George W. ALMY, formerly of Homer, aged 60 years.
26 Sep 1879
Died. WAKEFIELD. - In Chesterfield, Va., September 4th, 1879, of typhoid fever, M. Eudora WAKEFIELD, only daughter of H.G. WAKEFIELD, formerly of Homer, aged 17 years.
Died. GOULD. - In this village, on Wednesday, Sept. 24th, inst., of typhoid fever, Nellie F. GOULD, aged 21 years.
Died. COLLIGAN. - In this village, on the 17th inst., of heart disease, Annie F. COLLIGAN, aged 17 years.
Her memory is the most precious where she was most intimately known. During a painful illness, she was an example of Christian patience and cheerfulness.
Were the hope that is us dead,
Then would thy death cast a gloom
O'er hearts that have lived in thy smiles,
That cling to thee in the tomb.
But we know that an angelic hand
Hath wafted thy soul to the sky;
We see thee 'midst the Virgin band
We, too, will be there by-and-by.
'Tis only a step from us to thee,-
To-morrow and we may be there;
A moment and Time is Eternity,
Oh! think of thy loved ones here.
3 Oct 1879
Died. COWLES - At her residence in McGrawville, on Friday morning the 19th inst., Miss Lucy COWLES, aged 60 years.
Died. MILLER - In Cortland, September 20th, 1879, of consumption, Frederick MILLER, aged 20 years.
Died. STARBIRD - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., Sept. 28, 1879, Mrs. Sarah STARBIRD, wife of Horace STARBIRD, aged 49 years.
10 Oct 1879
Death of Hon. Horatio Ballard.
The Hon. Horatio BALLARD died at his residence in this village on Wednesday at about 12 o'clock noon. Judge MARTIN adjourned court out of respect to the memory of the deceased to Thursday morning, and in the evening the members of the bar met in the court room and adopted suitable resolutions expressive of their sympathy with the bereaved family, and the respect and esteem felt by every member of the bar for their deceased brother. The resolutions and an obituary notice will appear next week. The funeral services will take place at 2 P.M. to-day (Friday).
17 Oct 1879
Horatio Ballard. Funeral and Memorial Resolutions.
The funeral of Hon. Horatio BALLARD was held at his residence in Cortland, on Friday afternoon last. The services were of the simplest character, consisting of an invocation by Rev. Mr. ROBINSON, prayer reading of Scripture and remarks by Rev. Mr. HUTTON, and singing by a quartette composed of Messrs. A. D. BLODGETT and F. EDWARDS, Mrs. SEARS and Mrs. J. A. GRAHAM. [Following was a brief abstract of Mr. Hutton's remarks.]
Died. JAQUIN - In Lapeer, October 3, 1879, Alice, wife of Alonzo JAQUIN, aged 18 years.
Died. FORSYTH - At the County Alms House Saturday, October 11, 1879, Mrs. Mary FORSYTH, aged bout 80 years formerly of this town.
Died. BLASHFIELD - In Homer, October 11, 1879, Polly, relict of Wm. BLASHFIELD, aged 83 years, 7 months. For over forty years deceased had been totally blind and for two years and five months an helpless paralytic.
Died. BAKER - In Cortland, Oct. 4, 1879, of apoplexy, Horace BAKER, aged 69 years.
24 Oct 1879
Died. HART - At Locke, Oct. 9, Polly, wife of Ira HART, aged 80 years, 4 months and 2 days.
Died. FOWLER - In Homer on Friday, October 3d, 1879, after a lingering illness, John FOWLER, aged 56 years.
Died. HAMMOND - In Scott, on the 6th inst., of Diphtheria, Mable L., only daughter of Frank and Armeda E. HAMMOND, aged 4 years 7 months and 17 days.
Died. FREDERICKS - In Homer, October 7th, 1879, Mrs. Mary Antoinette FREDERICKS, aged 36 years.
Died. BOUTON - In Virgil, Oct. 6, 1879, Lyman H. BOUTON, aged 58 years and nine months.
Died. BOORUM - In Brooklyn, N.Y., Tuesday, Oct. 14, 1879, John Lowe, son of the late Cornelius and Catherine BOORUM. He was formerly a resident of Homer, N.Y.
Died. NEWCOMB - In New York, on Friday, Oct. 17, 1879, Ernest, infant son of Dr. G. L. and Lizzie S. NEWCOMB, aged one year and ten days. Interment at Woodlawn.
Neighboring Counties
...... George BOICE, of Slaterville, died suddenly last Sunday under most distressing circumstances. BOICE was only 24 years of age, but he had for some time been in the habit of occasionally going on a spree, which usually lasted several days. On Wednesday of last week he began one of these debauches which he continued until Saturday. While trying to assist his father Eli BOICE, about the barn Saturday evening he suddenly became frantic and attempted to dash out his brains against the barn door. The unfortunate young man was secured and carried into the house. He was soon after seized with spasms and died before morning.
Coroner HENDRICKS was in town Tuesday the 14th inst., and took up the body of Mrs. Lovica POPE, holding an inquest over the same. Mrs. POPE died very suddenly about three years ago at the residence of her niece, Mrs. BARNARD, in Chitanango [sic]. She died about 4 P.M., and the remains were at once started for this place for interment, being brought in a one-horse hearse driven by her niece's husband, arriving at this place about 11 o'clock A.M. on the day following. Relatives who lived near by were not notified of her death until one week after her burial, and it is surmised that she was another victim of SHROUDER and his wife, who are now in jail at Morrisville, under an indictment for poisoning Mrs. SHROUDER's own mother, the lady with whom Mrs. POPE was living at the time of her death. Mrs. POPE was a resident of this town for a great number of years, and had some property in bonds and mortgages which they have been unable to find since her death. The stomach of the remains was taken out by Dr. SMITH, of Syracuse, to be analyzed. Coroner HENDRICKS dismissed the jury until Monday the 27th inst., when Dr. SMITH will report the result of his analysis and other evidence will be taken.
31 Oct 1879
Died. ARNOLD - In Homer, Oct. 28, 1879, of Consumption, Oliver ARNOLD, aged 83 years.
Died. MAYBURY - In Grand Rapids, Mich., Oct. 23, DeForest, only son of F. I. and M. K. MAYBURY, formerly of Marathon, N.Y., aged 7 years and 4 months.
Died. RINDGE - In Cortlandville, N.Y., Oct. 27, 1879, Mrs. Betsy RINDGE, wife of Truman RINDGE, aged 66 years.
Died. HOPKINS - In Chesterfield County, Va., Oct. 23, 1879, of Typhoid fever, Willie L., youngest son of Melvin HOPKINS, formerly of Homer, N.Y., aged 17 years and 8 months. Standard please copy.
After Three Years.
Arsenic Found in the Remains of Mrs. Lovinia Pope.
Is Frances SHROUDER Guilty of the Murder of Her Great Aunt? -
The Coroner's Inquest.
As has been stated, Frances SHROUDER, who is now confined with her husband, George SHROUDER, in Morrisville jail, awaiting trial for the murder of her mother, is also suspected of having poisoned her father, Charles O. BARNARD, and her great aunt, Mrs. Lovina POPE. Mrs. POPE, who was living at the house of the BARNARD's, in Chittenango, died very suddenly in July, 1876, under what now appears to be peculiar circumstances. The sickness of Mrs. POPE was attended with violent retching which indicated poisoning. Her death occurred on Saturday afternoon at four o'clock, and the next morning, Sunday, at three o'clock the old man BARNARD crowded the remains into a coffin, and hitching one horse to the dilapidated old village hearse drove to Truxton, where he arrived at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. A grave was hastily dug and the old woman was put under the ground without any ceremonies. When BARNARD arrived at Truxton he took the body to the residence of Alvah RISLEY, upon whose property Mrs. POPE held a mortgage. He said that services were held at his house the evening before, and it was not necessary to hold further exercised. BARNARD did not want the coffin opened, saying that the weather was warm and that the remains were partly decomposed. Mr. RISLEY would not permit the interment until he saw the body, and BARNARD was compelled to unscrew the coffin lid. The sudden and mysterious death of Mrs. BARNARD gave rise to the suspicion that Mrs. POPE was poisoned, and two weeks ago to-day, the grave was opened and a portion of the remains removed and submitted to Dr. Wm. M. SMITH, the chemist, of Syracuse, for examination. Dr. Smith's analysis disclosed traces of arsenic which confirmed the opinion that Mrs. POPE did not die a natural death. After Mrs. Pope's demise the BARNARDs were noticed to have money in quite large sums. Mrs. POPE held a mortgage of over a thousand dollars and possessed $800 in United States bonds, and it is surmised that the Barnards disposed of her to obtain her property. As Frances at the time spent considerable money it is thought she was implicated in putting the old lady out of the way. Shortly after 11 o'clock yesterday the inquest conducted by the coroner of Cortland county. Dr. H. C. HENDRICK, of McGrawville, was resumed at Truxton, with the following gentlemen as jurors: Amos L. KENNEY, Joel CALL, D. W. CARR, G. W. TOWLE, John WHEELER, W. S. MAYCUMBER, Willard PIERCE and William JONES. The inquest created considerable excitement in Truxton, and when the Courier reporter arrived at the village, the hotel, the "Truxton House,", where the investigation was held, was filled with an inquisitive crowd, who had collected to hear the testimony. Every seat in the room in which the inquest was conducted was occupied and the doors opening into the apartment were blocked by village people, who stood with uncovered heads and conversed in whispers and nods as the proceedings progressed. District Attorney John E. SMITH, of
Madison county, was present and conducted the examination for the people.
Alvah RISLEY, upon whose property Mrs. POPE held a mortgage, testified that, when the remains of Mrs. POPE were brought to Truxton, BARNARD told him that she died at his house. The last correspondence between Mrs. RISLEY and Mrs. POPE occurred the latter part of December 1875. It was with reference to the mortgage. Mrs. RISLEY bought the POPE farm of a man named HUGHES and assumed the payment of the mortgage. One payment was made to the postmaster and the others to Mrs. POPE personally. BARNARD did not say when he brought the remains to Truxton that the mortgage had been sold. Three payments have been made at the Truxton post-office and none of these have been taken up. Last Saturday Dr. BILLINGTON and Bickner C. WALRATH, of Chittenango, came to Truxton. They had the mortgage and the bond accompanying it, and the doctor stated that he was the administrator of the estate of Charles O. BARNARD. Dr. BILLINGTON, as administrator, claimed the payments. Dr. BILLINGTON said that the in presence of three witnesses Mrs. POPE gave the papers to the BARNARDs. It was not stated to which one of the BARNARD family the mortgage was presented. The assignment was not a written one, but simply verbal. Dr. BILLINGTON was paid no money. Mrs. POPE was over 80 years old and a sister of Barnard's mother. BARNARD, when he brought the body to Truxton remarked to Mr. RISLEY that Mrs. POPE "dropped off suddenly." The reason that BARNARD gave for wanting her buried so soon was that the weather was so warm the body was decomposed. BARNARD left Chittenango about three o'clock in the morning, and stopped at Fabius on the way to Truxton and fed the horse.
Dr. William Manlius SMITH, to whom a portion of the remains of Mrs. POPE were given for analysis, was sworn, and said the arsenic most common was known as white arsenic, and when chemists spoke of the drug as arsenic, they referred to the metal. Arsenic, the doctor stated, was a mineral, and very easily oxidized, and when oxidized was poisonous. From two to three grains of arsenic would produce death. The poison distributes itself throughout the body and is quite as likely to be found in the heart as in any other part. The arsenic, after it dissolves in the system, can be gathered and re-crystalized. After the remains have become decomposed the presence of arsenic can be discovered. Cases have been reported when arsenic has been found as late as ten and eleven years after death. Dr. SMITH said that he came to Truxton the 14th of September, and secured a part of the body. The stomach was gone and the back-bone protruded. The skin was entirely gone. The first portion of the remains taken was from the pelvis. A quantity of the decomposed matter was removed also, some not completely decomposed tissue from each side of the spinal column and a portion of the clothing that lay directly under the abdomen. In the situation of the liver, a piece of tissue that was not entirely decomposed about two inches square was secured. Three jars were taken, one containing clothing and two tissues. Arsenic, Dr. SMITH informed the jury was a preservative of the human body, in the measure.
The inquest adjourned at half-past twelve until a quarter past one, when Dr. SMITH resumed his testimony. He made an examination of a portion of the remains. The part taken from the abdominal cavity, a granular mass, he diluted with distilled water and placed it in a filter. It took two days for an ounce to pass through. The liquid was boiled with hydrochloric acid and copper. a slight discoloration of the copper was produced. The copper was placed in a small glass tube, which was heated over a flame. A slight sublimate was obtained and under a microscope proved to be of a crystalline character. The quality was so small that it could not be tested other than by the microscope. Dr. SMITH was positive it was arsenic and was willing to swear that poison was in the body. He could not give any idea of the amount in the entire body and that which he had obtained could not be weighed as the quantity was so small. Dr. SMITH took a piece of the cloth from between the limbs to ascertain if it contained arsenic. Dr. SMITH has not concluded his analysis yet. He used but a small quantity of the tissues taken from the body and tried but one test. He will continue his examination and try other tests. At the first session of the inquest that was held on the day that the body of Mrs. POPE was disintered, September 14, Mr. RISLEY said BARNARD brought the remains to his house in July or August, 1876, one Sunday morning about 11 o'clock. Frederick GARNER was employed to dig the grave. BBARNARD proposed burying Mrs. POPE without opening the coffin, but Mr. RISLEY objected, saying he could not consent to the burial without seeing the remains. The reason for this demand was that Mrs. POPE held the mortgage on his property. BARNARD said that services were held at his house the evening before, and "the weather was warm and he was afraid that the body would not keep." The mortgage was for between $1,380 and $1,400.
Delevan W. CARR and Frederick GARNER were examined as to the burial and the remarks made by BARNARD.
Dr. J.C. NELSON testified in regard to the symptoms and indications of arsenical poisoning.
Mr. RISLEY made three payments at the post-office, amounting in all to about four hundred dollars. Two of these were to the postmaster, K. C. ARNOLD, and one to J. C. WEIGAND, the deputy postmaster.
Mrs. A. HANNAHS, a niece of Mrs. POPE's, who resides in Utica, as soon as she heard of the arrest of Frances SHROUDER for the murder of her mother, sent the following letter to the postmaster at Truxton:
Utica, October 6th, 1879.
P.M., Truxton:
Will you write me answers to the following questions in reference to the payment of the mortgage on the farm owned by Mrs. L. POPE? Has Charles O. BARNARD (now dead), of Chittenango, collected any of the payments, and if so, when, and how many, and the amount? Of course you have the receipts. Also, has the mortgage been paid up? If so, when and to whom paid? If not, how much is still due? Mrs. POPE was my aunt, and Mr. BARNARD and family coaxed her there by offering to board her for $1.50 a week. On account of the recent poisoning case, and owing to the very suspicious circumstances of her sickness and burial, I am trying to find out what I can, for no one has had any control of her property except the BARNARDs. She willed it to a benevolent society several years before she died, but as part of it was in Government bonds, and no one has the vouchers, unless they can be found among old Mr. SEVERENCE's papers (as he bought them for her), there has nothing been done about it. I am not benefited, but I am anxious that justice should be done, and so wrote to
know whether she did collect the yearly payments.
Address, Mrs. A. HANNAHS, 27 Cottage street, Utica, N.Y.
Mr. WEIGAND, the deputy post-master [of Utica] replied [to Mrs. HANNAH] and received the following in reply.
Utica, October 10, 1879.
Dear Sir: Your postal was received this A.M. If Mr. David SEVERANCE or Octavia, his sister, is still living in Truxton, I wish you would ask them if among their father's papers they remember ever seeing an account or memorandum of government bonds to the amount of $800. Aunt POPE lived in their family for a long time, and he used to transact business for her. I thought it barely possible there might be somewhere the numbers of those bonds. Aunt POPE as the Truxton people will remember was very saving (if not penurious) and always kept her own in her own control. Not one of her heirs was to be benefitted by her will, but I always claimed if she paid her debts she had a perfect right to do as she pleased with what she had accumulated as she had no child or any one dependent upon her. Mr. BARNARD offered to board her for $1.50 per week, and she went. As I could not afford to board her here in the city for less than $2.50. Her death and burial were very suspicious, as she died at 4 P.M. Saturday, and Mr. B. started before daylight Sunday morning for Truxton. They (the BARNARDs) admitted having given her morphine and keeping her under its influence constantly for several days before she died, but claimed the doctor ordered it. Mother was notified a week or more after her death. She was the only one left of the family and is still living. The last will was written here. She made no change except appointing an executor. It was not possible to compel BARNARD to give up the property without a lawsuit and I did not have money to do that. One thing might have been done which was not. The legatee, a benevolent society in Philadelphia, should have been notified but was not. Now, I have done, so hoping they may get what she willed them in every will she ever made. I am very weak but as soon as I saw that poisoning case I resolved to do what little I could toward finding out about her property, for I am more and more convinced that aunt was foully dealt with. They admitted to mother and I that she was determined to leave them and no doubt would have come back here, but that BARNARD promised to take her to Truxton to visit Mr. SEVERANCE and others and put her off from day to day until he carried her in a box. A traveling merchant, by the name of PAYNE told us a message she sent by hem. These things are what compel me to try and see what can be done now justice has overtaken the family. I am sorry my writing is so shaky. I thought I would give you a brief sketch, as above. I know the payments were made annually at the post-office. Mr. RISLEY wrote me that soon after aunt's death.
25 Cottage street, Utica, N.Y.
The witness from Chittenango did not arrive owing to some misunderstanding, and after examining the five gentlemen referred to, the coroner adjourned the inquest to November 11th. The next move will be to exhume the body of the old man BARNARD, and if arsenic or poison of any kind is found in his remains, Frances SHROUDER will rest under the suspicion of having committed a triple murder, and will enjoy the reputation of a modern Borgia.
Syracuse Courier.
7 Nov 1879
Robert McALLISTER, of South Cortland, committed suicide by cutting his throat Wednesday morning, at about four o'clock. He went out of the house shortly before that hour, and when his family went to look for him, he was found just around the corner of the house dead. The instrument used was an ordinary pocket knife, with which he had made an incision on each side of the throat, severing the veins. He had shown some signs of insanity for some days past, and had been carefully watched by members of the family. Mr. McALLISTER was a man of more than ordinary intelligence, and was well posted on all subjects. He was between fifty and sixty years of age. The coroner held an inquest on Wednesday, and the jury found a verdict substantially in accordance with the above facts.
South Hill.
Mr. Philip KNOX was buried Oct. 24th, aged eighty-eight years. Before his death his mind wandered back to the days of his youth, and to Orange county from whence he removed to this place about thirty years ago. He also labored under the delusion that the place was sold and he was not at home, and could not conceive how John and Nancy could part with the old home; they are his son and daughter, and have for a long time been unceasing and untiring in their tender care of the dear old father who has at last "reached home."
South Hill.
Mr. D. D. YOUKER has been to Montgomery county to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Nancy SNELL. He returned on the 1st inst., accompanied by his daughter Minnie.
14 Nov 1879
Died. HATCH - In Cortlandville, November 2, 1879, Sarah P. HATCH, aged 73 years.
Died. PALMER - At Messengerville, N.Y., Nov. 3d, 1879, Robert H. PALMER, aged 70 years.
Deceased was born in the town of Silver Lake, Pa., and came to Messengerville at the age of eight years. He was the father of I.H. PALMER, Esq.
Died. MARICLE - In Harford, N.Y., Oct. 19th, 1879, of inflammation of the bowels, Frankie, eldest son of Mr. Frank
MARICLE, aged 12 years.
Died. RYAN - In Cortland, Nov. 13, 1879, Thomas RYAN, aged 68 years.
Accidentally Shot.
About half past four on Thursday last, Eddie TORRY, aged about 17, son of Tracy TORRY, while hunting near Peter WILES', one mile this side of Texas, in attempting to climb a fence, fell, causing his gun to be discharged, the load penetrating his right leg between the hip and the knee, and lodging in his left. He managed to drag himself by his hands about twelve rods to the road where he was found by Wm. R. PLACE and Homer WILLIAMS about 7 o'clock. He was immediately carried to Peter WILES' and physicians brought as soon as possible. His parents were notified and came soon. He died about 11 o'clock.
Cincinnatus Register.
21 Nov 1879
Died. BENNETT - In Homer, November 3d, 1879, Mrs. Almira, wife of Lorenzo BENNETT, Esq., aged 64 years.
Died. WILCOX - In Sangerfield, Oneida Co., N.Y., Nov. 4th of typhoid fever, Emily R. WESTCOTT, wife of Herbert F. WILCOX,
aged 27 years and 17 days. Mrs. WILCOX was a sister of Rev. S.N. WESTCOTT, of McGrawville.
Died. GLAZIER - In McGrawville, Nov. 6, 1879, Joseph A. GLAZIER, aged 57 years, 8 months and 19 days.
Died. ROOD - In Homer, Nov. 12, 1879, Mrs. Gusta H., wife of Levi ROOD, aged 68 years.
Died. TARBLE - In Marathon, Nov 12, 1879, James G. TARBLE, aged 83 years.
Died. BENEDICT - In Cortlandville, Oct. 29, 1879, Dea. Albert BENEDICT, aged 77 years.
28 Nov 1879
Died. BURDICK. - In Leonardsville, Madison county, N.Y., on the 19th of October, 1879, of Dropsy, Electa, wife of Hiram D.
BURDICK, of Scott, N.Y., aged 48 years.
Died. CRAFT. - In East Homer, November 18, 1879, Mrs. E. CRAFT, aged 76 years.
Died. UNDERHILL. - At the residence of her son, Mr. Judson UNDERHILL, in Cortland, Nov. 7th, Mrs. Betsey UNDERHILL,
formerly of Greene, aged 69 years.
Died. WAGNER. - In Cincinnatus, Nov. 20, 1879, of diptheria, Master Willie WAGNER, aged 12 years, youngest son of Charles
Died. HAKES. - At East Gaines, Orleans Co., N.Y., Sunday, Nov. 2, Lucy Ann, wife of Perez HAKES, aged 70 years. Formerly of Cincinnatus, N.Y.
Died. STEELE. - At the residence of her son in Preble, N.Y., Mrs. Mary STEELE, aged 70 years.
Funeral Friday the 28th inst., at the church in Cortland, at one o'clock P.M.
Died. NEY. - In Homer, Nov. 23[?], 1879, Charles H., infant son of Almon T. and Mary H. NEY.
Died. TAYLOR. - In Marathon, Nov. 19, 1879, Mrs. Elizabeth TAYLOR, wife of Ambrose TAYLOR, aged 63 years.
Died. JOHNSON. - In Lapeer, Nov. 23, Royal JOHNSON, aged 73.
Mr. Erskine SMITH, a well known and respected citizen of Lapeer, committed suicide by hanging himself last Sunday evening. We have been unable to learn further details.
Here and There.
Rev. Father RENNEHAN, of Marcellus, formerly of Marathon, died at his home in the above mentioned place last week and the funeral services were held last Friday. A large number of priests were in attendance and the services are described as being very impressive. Father RENNEHAN was highly respected wherever he was known, both as a man and as a conscientious and able priest. Father McLAUGHLIN, of this place, was present at the services.
.... The remains of Clinton BOWKER, who died at Lincoln, Neb. in May 1872, were taken to Groton for final interment, and buried there last week....
5 Dec 1879
Died. BROWN - In Freetown, November 25, 1879, Julia Esmay, wife of Milford BROWN.
Dr. E. LOOMIS, an aged and respected citizen of this place, died last Sunday evening at his residence on Cortland street. He leaves behind quite a reputation as a doctor. For some years past he has been in the drug business, being in too feeble health for regular practice. He has, however, answered the calls of a few friends until within the last few weeks which he has been confined to his bed. He was ever ready to give needed advice and counsel to those who were in need. His funeral took place Tuesday, and his remains now rest in that silent city - Glenwood.
Arthur COLLIGAN, son of Henry COLLIGAN who resides on Elm street in this village, with three other lads, went skating on the ice on the pond near Mudge's Mills last Thursday. The ice was rotten, and young COLLIGAN and two others broke through into the water. The fourth boy pushed a sled to their rescue, and two of the boys caught hold of it and were drawn out. COLLIGAN had become tangled in the grass and weeds and could not avail himself of the assistance offered. One of the boys summoned assistance from the Mill as soon as possible and COLLIGAN was taken from the water in an unconscious condition, and too late to be resusitated. His heart was still beating, and although every effort possible, was put forth to bring him to, it was of no avail. Had it not been for the chill produced by remaining in the water he would probably have been restored to life. The little fellow was only 10 years of age, and the only child of his parents, whose grief at their loss can hardly be imagined.
12 Dec 1879
Died. POWERS - At the residence of her sister Mrs. WOOD, in Homer, on the 27th of Nov., Elizabeth POWERS, aged 57 years.
Died. LOOMIS - In Homer, November 30th, 1879, Dr. Ezra LOOMIS, aged 72 years.
Died. DOBBINS - In Homer, December 1st, 1879, Mrs. Ellen DOBBINS, aged 70 years.
Suicide in Marathon.
Last Tuesday evening, Mrs. Frank DENNIS, a colored lady, residing in Marathon, committed suicide by jumping off the bridge into the river. Her body was found lying on a rift about one mile north of Killawog the next morning, and brought to Marathon. Coroner REED impanelled a jury, and after taking evidence in the case, the jury found that "deceased came to her death by drowning in the Tioughnioga river while under the influence of liquor." The husband of the deceased is said to be an honest, industrious man, while the deceased was addicted to the use of opium and alcohol. The funeral was held on Saturday.
19 Dec 1879
Owing to the death of his daughter, which occurred on Thursday morning, the party advertised to be given by J.C. WEAVER at his hotel in Cincinnatus on Jan. 1st, 1880, will not take place, and those who have received cards of invitation will please consider the same countermanded.
Death of A. B. TURNER.
Alonzo S. TURNER, one of the best and most favorably known young men of this city, died yesterday. During City Chamberlain O'CONNOR's and STOWELL's administration, Mr. TURNER was Deputy Chamberlain; and the principal man in the office, and thus every person who paid taxes in this city, formed the acquaintance of "Lon" TURNER, as he was familiarly called, and among his acquaintances "none named him but to praise." He was always kind, considerate and obliging; never in a hurry, but always ready for business, and able to dispatch it promptly and accurately. He was a faithful official and an honest man. In thought, in conversation and in conduct he was pure and upright, and by his acquaintances and friends he will always be remembered as a young man whose habits and example can safely be imitated and followed by both the young and the old.
Mr. TURNER was in the twenty-eighth year of his age. He was the son of Stephen TURNER, of Veteran, and a nephew of ex-Mayor Robert T. TURNER of this city, at whose home he died.
Funeral services will be held at the residence of ex-Mayor TURNER, to-morrow at 11 o'clock, after which the remains will be taken to Veteran for burial. - Elmira Free Press. Dec. 5.
26 Dec 1879
Died. DOUD - At her residence in McGrawville after a short illness, Mrs. Betsey DOUD, relict of the late Reuben G. DOUD, in the 78th year of her age.
Died. MILLER - In Buffalo, November 15, 1879, at the residence of his son-in-law, Dr. John BOURDMAN, Dr. Abraham MILLER, aged 75 years.
Dr. MILLER was a native of this town and eldest son of the late Gen. Daniel MILLER, one of the first settlers of Cortlandville.
Died. BALL - At her residence in Homer, Calhoun Co., Mich., Dec. 3,1879, Sarah COGSWELL, wife of Mr. Orrin BALL, aged 73 years.
Deceased was formerly a resident of Cortland County, a sister of Linus COGSWELL, also deceased, and of Mrs. Eliza C. STEADMAN who survives them.
Died. WEAVER - In Cincinnatus, Dec. 17, 1879, Miss Delia WEAVER, youngest daughter of J.C. WEAVER, aged 12 years.
Died. FISH - In Cincinnatus, Dec. 17, 1879, Betsy J., wife of Charles FISH, aged 45 years.
Died. HOWE - In McGrawville, on Thursday the 18th inst., after a short illness, Mr. Lafayette HOWE, aged 55 years.
Died. ROYCE - In McGrawville, on Tuesday, December 23, 1879, Mrs. Belle F., wife of Frank L. ROYCE, in the 33d year of her
Died. MAYBURY - In Solon, on Tuesday the 16th inst., after a long illness, Effie, only daughter of Jerome MAYBURY, aged 18 years.
Died. O'DONAHUE - On December 16th, 1879, John O'DONAHUE, formerly of Solon, N.Y., aged 81 years.
Transcribed by Merton Sarvay
February - March, 2007
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