The Cortland County Democrat
2 Jan 1880
Died. BLAIR - In Cortland, N.Y., December 21, 1879, of dropsy of the heart, Samuel BLAIR, aged [68?].
Died. KNIGHT - In Scott, N.Y., December 23, 1879, of diptheria, Altheda, eldest daughter of John KNIGHT, aged 11 years.
Died. DRESSER - At Mason City, Mich., October 27th, 1879, J. M. DRESSER, Sr., aged 72 years.
Deceased was for many years a resident of Homer.
Died. BILLINGS - In Cortland, December 28, 1879, Josiah BILLINGS, aged 73 years.
Died. SMITH - In [Micanopy?], Fla., December __, 1879, of typhoid fever, Emma Calvert SMITH, wife of William SMITH and daughter of James A. CALVERT, of Cortland.
Died. SCHERMERHORN - At Glen Haven, N.Y., December 30, 1879, James A. SCHERMERHORN, aged [66?] years.
Died. KENNEDY - In Cortland, December 30, 1879, of consumption, Mr. John KENNEDY, aged 29 years.
Died. SPENCER - In DeRuyter, December 20, 1879, of interception of the bowels, Dr. Ira SPENCER, aged 74 years.
Died. YOUNGS - At the Cortland County Alms house, December 29, 1879, Mrs. Sabra YOUNGS, aged [77?] years.
Deceased was formerly from Blodgett's Mills.
9 Jan 1880
Died. MARSHALL - In Harford, January 3, 1880, Josiah MARSHALL, aged 57 years and 9 months.
On the 30th ult., at Glen Haven, James A. SCHERMERHORN, of Cortland, N.Y.
The funeral services were held at his late residence on Friday afternoon, the 2d inst. The bearers were some of the near neighbors and friends of the deceased. The remains were buried in the family plot in the beautiful "Rural Cemetery" of Cortland.
Mr. SCHERMERHORN had been a generous and steadfast supporter of Grace Church Parish in that village from its organization in 1848. It was therefore fitting that the Rector and choir thereof should pay the last solemn offices of religion at his funeral. And it was in accordance with the faithful friendship of the gentle and genuine household, that one who had ministered to the little flock during the life-time of the departed ones, should have been summoned to say a few words thereat of tribute and affection. The following are some of the remarks made at the funeral by the Rev. James P. FOSTER, now of Newark, N.Y:
James Adams Schermerhorn was born at Schenectady in 1816. His parents were Abram M. SCHERMERHORN and Mary Kent ADAMS. Our departed friend was of the generation from Jacob J. SCHERMERHORN, who came to this country with one of the Governors of the Dutch colony in 1636. The deceased was the only one and surviving child of his parents. A sister died at the age of eighteen years October 1, 1843. His father established the "Bank of Rochester" and the "Bank of Monroe", was Mayor of Rochester, Member of the State Legislature and Representative in Congress.
Mr. James A. SCHERMERHORN came to Cortland in 1841, and was admitted to the practice of law. In 1849 he married Miss Sarah M. PARKER, then the beloved, respected and successful teacher of "the old academy." To them were born four children who now survive and mourn their loss. The deceased was a genial gentleman, a faithful friend, and a business man of high integrity. Five years ago upon a pensive afternoon of the Indian summer was borne from this home, which she had endeared and consecrated[,] the devoted wife and loving mother, sister and friend, whose pure memory will ever be sweet to the souls of all who knew her. Plainly it is true of her that,
"The sweet remembrance of the just
Shall blossom when they lie in dust."
Since then that husband so bereft has lived only in the sweet memories of the past and in tears and prayers has longed that he too might be at rest. Now he, the loving father, has crossed death's tide and is with her, we hope, united in the bright beyond. Memoria in aeterna. J.P.F.
16 Jan 1880
Died. ROBERTSON - In Marathon, Jan. 9th, 1880, Mrs. Mary Ann ROBERTSON, aged 74 years. Mother of Mrs. Martin BROOKS.
Died. UNDERWOOD - In Freetown, Jan. 7, 1880, Mrs. Julia Ann, wife of Eliab UNDERWOOD, Sr., aged 64 years, 11 months and 3 days.
Died. HAKES - December 12th, 1879, Wesley HAKES, of Scott, N.Y., aged 61 years and 8 months.
Died. BROCKETT - At Mt. Carmel, Conn., Jan. 4th, 1880, Mrs. BROCKETT, wife of Charles BROCKETT, aged 60 years. Deceased was the mother of Mrs. M.M. SCHUTT, of this town.
Died. STEVENSON - At the residence of his son, Theo. STEVENSON, Jan 3d, 1880, James STEVENSON, formerly of New York city, aged 89 years.
Died. TYLER - In Cortland, Jan. 5, 1880, Hannah TYLER, mother of Merrit TTYLER, aged 82 years.
23 Jan 1880
Died. JUDD - In Marathon, Jan. 20, 1880, Mrs. Henry JUDD, in her 77th year.
Died. DENTON - In marathon, Jan. 14, 1880, Elizabeth Sayre DENTON, aged 93 years.
Died. HARRIS - In Marathon, Jan. 14, 1880, Mary M., wife of Rev. J. M. HARRIS, aged 24 years.
Died. POLLARD - In Marathon, Jan. [16?], Louis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome POLLARD, aged 4 months.
In Memoriam.
Died at her home, near Micanopy, Fla., December 26, 1879, of typhoid fever, in the 24th year of her age, Mrs. Emma L. SMITH, wife of Mr. Wilmot C. SMITH, and daughter of Jas. A. CALVERT, Esq., of Cortland, New York.
She leaves behind her attached husband and a precious little baby boy of three weeks old. For over nine years she was a consistent and useful member of the Baptist church in her native town: adorning her profession with a walk and conversation becoming Christ's House and Christ's Gospel.
She was buried in an Indian Mound, near Lake Levy - a very sweet place to sleep her last sleep. An immense circle of friends attended her funeral and escorted her remains to the grave; thus evincing, louder than words, the esteem in which she was held by them; and thus, too, showing their heart-felt sympathy with the bereaved ones.
"Safe in the arms of Jesus."
--- Gainesville, Fla., Sun
30 Jan 1880
Died January 20, 1880 after a short but painful illness Abram ROGERS, in the fifty-third year of his age. Mr. ROGERS for many years has been an active business man, farmer by occupation, born in the town of Taylor, lived on his farm, beyond the town line in the town of Cuyler, which he changed almost from a state of wilderness into cultivated fields, which brought to him and family the comforts of life, of a vigorous intellect, fine discriminating powers, fine legal mind - early training and education would have given him rank and position with the legal men of the land. In his practice in Justice courts he seldom met with defeat. A good judge of law, and happy in his application of it for several years he filled the office of Justice of the Peace with ability. In his practice in courts of Justice he handled opposing parties without gloves, he felt he must succeed - and may some times have gone too far to accomplish his purpose. When he had beaten the party opposed to his client he was ever ready to do service for the party he had defeated, whether the favor asked was legal service of from his purse, it was granted. Stricken down in the flush of his manhood's power, while the fires of life were burning brightly, few men have passed that deep and narrow stream whose boundary is forever, who would be more missed as a kind and liberal friend and neighbor in the community in which he lived.
Died. JONES - In Truxton, January 19, 1880, William JONES, aged 69 years.
Died. MOON - At the County Alms House, January 17, 1880, Mrs. MOON, aged 91 years. She entered the County House when it was first opened, and has probably been an inmate of it fifty years.
Died. EDWARDS - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., Jan. 20, 1880, Miss May EDWARDS, daughter of Simon EDWARDS, aged 10 years.
Died. PIERCE - In Truxton, N.Y., January 18, 1880, Mrs. Lillie PIERCE, aged [26?] years.
Died. BENNETT - In Homer, N.Y., January 3, 1880, Mrs. Almira STONE, wife of Lorenzo BENNETT, aged 64 years.
6 Feb 1880
Died. HARRIS - In Marathon, Jan. 14th, 1880, Mary M., wife of Rev. J.H. HARRIS, aged 24 years.
Died. GREENWOOD - At his residence in Cortlandville, Monday morning, Jan. 26th, 1880, Mr. Isaac Kinney GREENWOOD, in the 80th year of his age.
Died. PIERCE - In Truxton, Sunday, Jan. 18th, 1880, Lillie BOSWORTH, wife of Wm. PIERCE, aged -- years.
Died. GRANT - In Freetown, Jan. 29th, 1880, Mr. Russell GRANT, aged 82 years.
Died. PIERCE - In Cuyler, Jan 29th, 1880, Richard PIERCE, aged 67 years.
Died. BEAN - In Solon, N.Y., Feb. 2d, 1880, Maryette PHELPS, wife of Jacob BEAN, in the [50th?] year of her age.
Died. TARBLE - In Marathon, Jan. 28th, 1880, Mrs. Julia TARBLE, aged 68 years.
Died. BALL - At the residence of his brother, Dr. J. BALL, in Cortland, Feb. 1st, 1880, Francis BALL, of Chicago, aged 55 years.
A young man by the name of Ray DILLENBECK, residing in Whitney's Point, was killed last Monday, by a runaway team. The team he was driving started to run. Another team started to run at the same time, and the latter ran over DILLENBECK. He was picked up insensible, and died in five minutes.
Sudden Death.
We are pained to announce the sad intelligence of the sudden death by apoplexy of Mr. Isaac Kinney GREENWOOD, which took place at his residence about two miles west of this village, early in the forenoon of Monday last. Mr. GREENWOOD was one of our oldest and most highly respected citizens; and had resided on the farm where he died for fifty years. He was in about his usual health, and was at church in this village the day before his death. The morning of his death he went out and brought in some wood and sat down in a chair dying almost instantly. His death occurred on the 54th anniversary of his marriage: he having celebrated his "Golden Wedding" just four years ago. His wife survives him.
Mr. GREENWOOD's ancestors as given by the family are as follows: The first was Thomas GREENWOOD, who came to Boston about 1665, a weaver by trade, and settled in Cambridge village, (Newton), and had four sons, of whom William, the youngest, was born Oct. 14, 1693. He settled in Sherburne, Mass., and was a selectman, representative, and town clerk. The next was William, born Nov. 4, 1721, moved to Dublin, N. H., in 1762. He was a carpenter. The next was Daniel, born Oct. 1, 1749, and, married to Rebecca CHURCH, of Sherburne, Mass. They had only one child, Simon, born March 2, 1773, in Dublin, N. H. and married to Rebecca KINNEY. Simon GREENWOOD was the father of Isaac Kinney GREENWOOD, and lived in Staddard, N. H., until 1805, when he came to this county. Of the 11 children of Simon GREENWOOD only one now survives, viz. Moses GREENWOOD, of Hinkley, Ohio. - McGrawville Sentinel.
13 Feb 1880
Again we are called upon to chronicle the death of another honored and respected citizen. Elijah S. KENFIELD, the second inst., being indisposed retired earlier than usual for him, but soon feeling no better, arose, dressed himself, and after replenishing the fire, sat down in a chair and in a few moments expired. He had been complaining for a few weeks of a pain in his side, but he nor his friends thought it alarming, neither did it confine him to the house, or prevent him from attending to his business, but who, like Elijah of old, while engaged in life's active duties, steps aboard of the Lord's Chariot and is borne suddenly and sublimely to his eternal rest, not heeding the affectionate call, or sorrowing tear of relatives and friends.
Mr. KENFIELD was born in Hebron, Washington county, N.Y., Nov. 29th, 1803, but removed to the town of Homer with his parents when but eight years of age, where he continued to reside until his death. He was united in marriage to Susan OGDEN in 1833, with whom he lived happily for nearly half a century. Five children, three boys and two girls, are the fruit of their marriage, all of whom, but one, survive him, and who are honored and respected citizens. He was a good man. Honest and upright in his dealing, kind and affectionate as a husband and father, obliging as a neighbor, and although a cripple, was ever active and industrious. His funeral was attended by a large circle of relatives and friends, who by their presence and sympathy acknowledged their respect for him and that they appreciated his worth.
An able and appropriate sermon was pronounced over the remains by the Rev. M.Z. HASKINS, of Preble, N.Y., from these impressive words, "Dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return." After which his body was borne silently and tenderly to the "beautiful city of the dead" to await its final summons. We commend these bereaved to that saving grace he sought and trust that he found, that their last end may be that of the "Righteous."
East Homer, N.Y., Feb 9th, 1880
S. H.
Died. YORK - In Stockbridge, Madison county, N.Y., February 7, Rev. Wm. E. YORK, a member of the Central New York Conference, and father of Rev. W.H. YORK, of East Homer.
Died. FISH - In Cincinnatus, Feb. 5, of membranous croup, Lena, daughter of Myrton and Ella FISH, aged 1 year, 11 months.
Died. PECK - At the residence of M. L. HAWLEY in Binghamton, February 4th, Anson PECK, of Marathon, N.Y., aged 73 years 3 months and 20 days.
20 Feb 1880
Died. MAYCUMBER -In Truxton, N.Y., Feb. [2?], 1880, [M?] [??????] MAYCUMBER, youngest son of [W?][S?] MAYCUMBER, aged [11?] years.
Died. JOHNSON - In Lapeer, Feb. [8?], 1880, Laura N., youngest child of [Lee?] and [??????] JOHNSON, aged [????] months and five days.
Death of Julius C. Mautz.
Last Friday evening Julius C. MAUTZ and his cousin Amelia called at the City Hotel in Syracuse, and asked for a room in which to pass the night. MAUTZ paid for the room which was furnished to them. In a few moments afterwards MAUTZ came to the bar and obtained a glass of wine, which he carried to his room. This was the last that was seen of either of them alive. The next day at about 4 P.M., the chambermaid notified the proprietor that the door of their room was locked. The landlord, with others, effected an entrance, when a horrible sight met their view. MAUTZ lay dead in bed with a bullet hole in his temple, and Amelia lay dead on the floor at the foot of the bed. She was partially undressed, and held a hand-glass in her right hand, and a revolver in the left. A bullet hole was in her left temple, and her head lay in a pool of blood. The bodies were removed to undertaker McCARTHY's rooms, where they were identified. MAUTZ was leader of Odd Fellow's Band of this place until the organization was disbanded, when he returned to Syracuse. He was a quiet, gentlemanly appearing young man, and his early death, as well as the manner of its occurrence, is to be regretted. His cousin was enamoured of him, but it is said he did not reciprocate the feeling. It seems that the act was premeditated on her part, and that she determined to kill him rather than have him marry any one else.
Died on the 13th of February, 1880, Frank H. AVERY at Genoa, N.Y., aged twenty eight years.
Frank H. AVERY was born on the 24th day of August, 1851. He attended the Academy at Genoa until eighteen years of age, when he entered the store of his father and uncle who had been prominent merchants of Genoa for more than a quarter of a century, and there laid the foundation for those correct and thorough business habits which afterwards made him second to none in the business circle that he occupied. On the death of his father, Henry AVERY, in 1874, he succeeded to the business and continued it in a manner that endeared him to every one that came in contact with his genial ways and pleasant greeting.
In September 1878, he was married to Miss Mary ROSE formerly of Cortland village, and during the short summer of their married life he was a most exemplary and dutiful husband. He endeared himself to every one that knew him. His generosity and kindness of heart was excelled by none. He was always cheerful, every ready to please and enjoyed himself most when ministering to the wants of others. At the time of his death he was a member of the Temperence Union, and had often been called by his fellow citizens to positions of trust, and at the time of his death was clerk of the town wherein he lived. He was buried with Masonic ceremonies, there being four lodges represented. His funeral was the most largely attended of any in the village for years.
"No further seek his merits to disclose
Nor draw his frailties from their dead abode
Where they alike in trembling hope repose -
The bosom of his father and his God." |
5 Mar 1880
Died. BROWN - At the County Alms House, February 23, 1880, Levi BROWN, aged 78 years. Mr. BROWN was formerly a resident of Cuyler.
Died. CHAPIN - In Solon, Friday morning, February 20, 1880, Miss Mary E. CHAPIN, aged 45 years.
Died. HAYES - In Solon, Sunday, February 22, 1880, Martin HAYES, aged 83 years.
Died. CONVERSE - In New Berlin, February 22, Jennie B., adopted daughter of Herbert and Mary CONVERSE, of Cortland, aged 3 years and 20 days.
Died. WIGHTMAN - In Willett, of malignant diptheria, February 11, Gracie M., aged 8 years, 2 months and 5 days; February 13, Freddie M., aged 10 years and 5 months - children of William M. and Kate R. WIGHTMAN.
Died. HAMMOND - In Hillsdale, Mich., February, Joseph HAMMOND, aged 76 years. A former resident of Marathon.
Died. BOSWORTH - In Cortland, March 1st, of rheumatism of the heart, Lena Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank BOSWORTH, aged 8 years and 8 months.
Shocking Suicide.
Last Friday morning the citizens of this place were shocked by the news that Miss Julia BENJAMIN, daughter of J. Wesley BENJAMIN, had committed suicide. On Thursday evening she called at the drug store of G.H. ARNOLD and asked the clerk, Mr. Milford MAYBURY, for strychnine. The clerk sold her four grains, saying to her that "he supposed it was not necessary to inform her that it was one of the most deadly of poisons," to which remark she replied that she supposed "a little would go a long way." She went home and after tea went again upon the streets and called on some of her friends. At about 7 P.M., she met a male friend whom she asked to go home with her, as she desired to talk with him. He went with her and remained with her until about 11 o'clock, when he went home. At about 12 o'clock, Mr. BENJAMIN thought he heard groans proceeding from the direction of her apartment, and he went to her room and found the door locked. He at once forced the door open and lighting a lamp, found her in convulsions. A chair stood by the bedside, and on it was a tumbler, which contained a white sediment. Drs. DANA and HUGHES were at once summoned, and both pronounced the case one of poisoning by strychnine. All that medical skill could do was done for her, but she was seized with convulsions and died at 1:40 o'clock. On a table in the room was a sheet of paper, upon which was written, in pencil, the following note:
"Please let me have a funeral in the Methodist Church, as I am a member and was once a Christian. God forgive. This is terrible. Falsehood is wretched when told to the man one loves."
Miss BENJAMIN was a young lady of prepossessing appearance and lady-like deportment, and had many friends who sincerely mourn her. Her father is a member of the firm of Benjamin Brothers, marble dealers, and a highly respectable and much esteemed citizen of this place, who has the sympathy of all who know him. The daughter is said to have been deeply enamored of the male acquaintance who spent the evening with her before she committed the rash act, an attachment which seems not to have been fully reciprocated. The funeral took place at her father's residence, on Saturday. The deceased was 21 years of age.
6 March 1880
Harford Mills.
Mrs. Betsey BOICE, widow of William BOICE, deceased, died at the residence of her son-in-law Mr. S. CLARK, last Sunday night of apoplexy, aged about 75 years. Mrs. BOICE had for many years been a resident of this town. She was a kind neighbor and an exemplary Christian. She had seen much deep affliction, having lost several members of her family and her husband having been somewhat deranged for a few years before his death. But she bore it all with calm resignation, leaning firmly upon the arm of Him whom she had loved and served many years. Long had "the light shone brightly in the window for her." How meet it was that one so good should be blest with comparative health down to the last hours of this life, and then with scarcely a pang step quickly across the turbid stream of death, to receive the Father's welcome and the fond embrace of the loved ones who were watching and waiting on the other shore.
12 Mar 1880
Died. TILDEN - In McGrawville, Feb. 29, 1880, Mrs. Mary A. TILDEN, aged 68 years.
Died. STEWART - At the residence of her sister, Mrs. J. GRIFFITH, in East Homer, March 8th, 1880, Miss Rozanna STEWART, aged 75 years.
Died. PECKHAM - In Solon, March 3, 1880, Earl, eldest son of William A. and Helen PECKHAM, aged 4 years.
Died. CHARLICK - In New York city, on February 23d, 1880, Jane M. CHARLICK, widow of the late Oliver CHARLICK, Esq.
Died. COUCH - At his home in Homer, on Friday, February 20th, 1880, of paralysis, George COUCH, aged 78 years and 6 months.
Died. JONES - In Marathon, March 3, 1880, Thomas JONES aged 73 years.
Died. POLLARD - In Marathon, March 4, 1880, Richard POLLARD, aged -- years.
Madison. - ...Mrs. Orville BENJAMIN, of DeRuyter, died on the 28th inst. from an overdose of morphine.
Suicide in Dryden.
Horace L. ROOT, of Dryden, a well known and at one time a prominent citizen of Tompkins county, committed suicide last Saturday morning by hanging himself in P. MINEAH's Hotel barn. Mr. ROOT was seen upon the streets at 7 o'clock A.M. and thirty minutes later he was found suspended by a rope slipped about his neck and the other end fastened about a beam in the stable. An attache of the hotel was the first to discover him and at once ran to the house and obtained a knife and cut the rope but life was extinct. The person who found him says that he could not have been in the barn more than ten minutes before he was discovered. Coroner MONTGOMERY at once empanelled a jury and after hearing the evidence of a few witnesses the jury found the following verdict, "That Horace L. ROOT met his death by strangulation, caused by a rope and by his own premeditated act."
Mr. ROOT was a soldier in the late war and lost an arm in the service. He was sheriff of the county from 1870 to 1878 and was popular both as an officer and as a citizen. He was a man of genial social qualities and towards the close of his term began to acquire habits of intemperance, which at a later day probably led to financial embarassments. The funeral services were held at the residence of the family on Wall street, in Dryden, last Monday.
Here and There.
The St. Joseph (Mich.) News brings the intelligence of the death of a lady who formerly resided in this village, and who has many friends and relatives in this county. We take the following account of her death from the paper above named: "Mrs. H. S., the beloved wife of J. M. JEFFREY, of St. Joseph, died of pneumonia yesterday, February 22d, 1880, aged sixty-three years, five months and seven days. The funeral will occur to-morrow at 2 P.M., from the Congregational church. The remains will be viewed at the house. By the death of Mrs. JEFFREY the family loses a kind mother, the Congregational church a worthy member, and St. Joseph one of its best citizens. All will cherish her memory."
26 Mar 1880
Died. NORWOOD - In Harford, March 10, 1880, of pneumonia, Elizabeth NORWOOD, wife of Phillip NORWOOD, aged 62 years.
Died. HOTCHKISS - In Greenville, Calm Co., Mich., March 1, 1880, of consumption, Hezkiah J. HOTCHKISS, in the 50th year of his age. He was formerly of Cortland, N.Y.
Died. AIKEN - In Niles, Mich., Feb. 26, of typhoid pneumonia, Fanny T. AIKEN, wife of Chester ROLLO, formerly of Homer.
Died. ROLLO - In Wilmington, Del., March 6, 1880, at the residence of his son A.S. ROLLO, Morrison ROLLO, of congestion of the lungs, aged 77 years.
Tompkins. --
...... A post mortem examination of Mr. B.B. BLOOMER of Groton, who died suddenly last week after receiving a stroke of paralysis, was held on Sunday morning which disclosed the fact that death was by apoplexy of the brain. The funeral took place Sunday afternoon and was largely attended.
2 Apr 1880
From Everywhere.
Charles FRITTS, a farmer formerly living in Lansing, was killed on Wednesday of last week at Atwaters station. He was at work running a buzz saw. While throwing on the belt, he caught his arm and was thrown over on the saw. His wife died in October last, and six children, all girls, are now left fatherless and motherless.
Died. TANNER - At Blodgett Mills, Tuesday morning March 23, 1880, Mrs. Mahitable TANNER, aged 91 years and 6 months.
Died. MERRICK - In Cortland, March 23, 1880, after a brief illness, Martin MERRICK, in the 83rd year of his age.
Died. PECKHAM - At Solon, March 3d, Earl, son of William and Helen PECKHAM, aged four years two months.
Too Pure for Earth, Removed to Heaven.
This lovely bud, exquisite flower,
Crushed in the early spring,
In heaven now has tuned his lyre
And doth with angels sing.
The casket unto us so dear
Has lost its richest pearl,
The angel Death, hath drawn too near,
And claimed our darling Earl.
The empty crib, the vacant chair,
Remind us of our loss.
We're sobbing forth an earnest prayer,
God help us bear our cross!
While reprining sore; the air is stirred
As by the evening's breath,
Soft cheek to ours, and velvet head,
Give back a known caress.
"Mama your little tiny Earl
Is free from every pain,
Be good and soon you'll be with me,
We'll never part again."
I raised my drooping head,
And lo! darkness had past like dust.
My treasured gem now rests in heaven
All safe from moth or rust!
In Sympathy |
9 Apr 1880
Died. GARRISON - In Cortland, April 1st, 1880, Eunice, widow of the late Abner C. GARRISON, in the 80th year of her age.
A serious accident occurred to a man by the name of Ed GRAHAM, on Tuesday evening. From what we learn of the matter, it seems that three men with teams had been hauling loads, and on their return home toward East Homer, they were running horses, and when near the house of Mr. ROWE, on the hill, GRAHAM it is supposed, was thrown out, striking on the back of his head, rendering him insensible. He was taken to the house of Mr. ROWE, and on examination, Dr. WEBB found that his spine had been seriously injured, and that it was doubtful if he recovered. He was removed to his home about two miles west of East Homer yesterday, still in a very precarious condition. It is said that the parties were intoxicated and drove through this place in a very reckless manner during the late hours of the evening. - Homer Republican.
[We have heard it rumored that GRAHAM died from his injuries a day or two after the accident occurred. Ed. Democrat.]
Here and There.
Thomas LANG, of Virgil, well known in Cortland, was found dead in his bed on Thursday morning last. Heart disease is supposed to have been the cause of his death. He had reached the age of 82 years.
16 Apr 1880
Died. WATSON - In Homer village on Tuesday, April 6, 1880, Mrs. Ruth WATSON, wife of John WATSON, Esq., aged 73 years.
Died. GLENNY - In Homer village, on Wednesday, April 7, 1880, John M. GLENNY, aged 63 years.
Died. RICHARDSON - In Freetown, N.Y., at his residence, Mr. Elias RICHARDSON, aged 94 years.
Died. SPERRY - In Cortland, April 15, 1880, Ambrose SPERRY, in his [52d?] year. Funeral Saturday at 2 P.M.
23 Apr 1880
Died. FREEMAN - In Lapeer, April 18, Elijah FREEMAN, aged 73 years.
Died. FREER - In Cortland, April 30, 1880, Mrs. Julia FREER, aged 35 years.
Death of Dr. Maybury.
Dr. MAYBURY, whose serious illness we announced Saturday, died at his residence on Front street about six o'clock yesterday morning. He was attended during his sickness by Dr. RICHARDS, assisted by Drs. BURR and BASSETT as counselling physicians.
His funeral will take place from his late residence next Wednesday at 2:00 P.M.
Dr. Francis Thomson MAYBURY was a native of Cortland county, where he was born in July 1815. His early years were passed in Solon in the old homestead. Later, after a short clerkship in the store of Jeremiah BEAN, at Cincinnatus - who now resides in this city - he commenced the study of medicine with Drs. HYDE & GOODYEAR of Cortland. In 1842 he graduated with high honors from the Geneva Medical College.
He began practice at Freetown, in his native county, immediately after receiving his diploma, but soon removed to Cincinnatus, and afterwards to Morrisville, Madison county, where he remained until 1859 when he removed to Ottawa, Illinois. After a residence of five years at that place failing health induced him to retrace his steps. He returned to Cortland 1854 [sic], and came to this city the next year, where he has since resided. His health was such that he could not enter actively into the practice of his profession, but he was engaged in the drug trade for several years, which also had to be abandoned on account of bad health.
Dr. MAYBURY, notwithstanding he was followed through life by chronic physical disabilities, had acquired a competency which will well provide for those he has left behind him. His family was composed of his wife, his aged mother and invalid sister. His wife he married in 1843. She is a most estimable lady, and is a daughter of John KINGMAN of Cincinnatus.
In 1876 Dr. MAYBURY was elected City Treasurer, which position he held at the time of his death, having been chosen the last time, the present spring, by the Republicans, notwithstanding he was never in sympathy with them. - Binghamton Leader.
30 Apr 1880
Died at Binghamton, N.Y., on Sunday, April 20th, of pneumonia, Franklin Thompson MAYBURY, aged 65 years.
The many friends of Doctor F. T. MAYBURY in this county, as elsewhere, feel that they have lost in him a true friend; one upon whose good offices they could rely. He was one of those men whom the world would not willingly spare. Whom it seemed to his immediate friends could not be spared. While the many mourn his loss, it is with the deepest sympathy for those, from whose lives the sunshine departed with him.
The only son of John and Lydia Thompson MAYBURY, he was born in Solon, in the year 1815. He had but one sister. The residents of his native town recall his boyhood and youth with that of his inseparable friend George R. HATHAWAY. The enthusiasm of the two youths overflowing in declamation of oratory and poetry. "The pranks of those boys always together, always plotting merry mischief."
He began his business life at Cincinnatus, as a clerk in the store of Jeremiah BEAN, the most kind and devoted friend of his later years. After acquiring a knowledge of mercantile business, he concluded that he was better fitted for a professional life, and he entered the office of Drs. GOODYEAR & HYDE, as a student of medicine. He was graduated with high honors at the Medical College of Geneva, in 1841. Soon after, his marriage with the daughter of Col. KINGMAN, a highly esteemed citizen of Cincinnatus, took place. He practiced his profession for a short time in Freetown, then in Cincinnatus, and then removed to Morrisville, in Madison Co., N.Y., where he remained until 1859. He had acquired the reputation of a skillful and successful physician. He held the position of surgeon in the staff of Maj. Gen. HATHAWAY, which gave him the title of Colonel. In 1859 he removed to Ottawa, Ill., where he continued the practice of his profession until forced by ill health to resign it; then with a partner established a business for the sale of drugs and medicines.
In 1864 he returned to Cortland county with a competence which enabled him to fulfill his long cherished desire to take to a home of his own his parents and widowed sister; there with the aid of his amiable and estimable wife, he sought to make life pleasant to them by all that the most tender care and affection could bestow. This home was in Binghamton, where he resumed business as a druggist; a pleasant residence with the river in front, surrounded by tastefully cultivated grounds, its doors were always open to old friends and new. There the father died five years ago, and there with the widowed wife and the invalid sister survives the good mother; but the veil seems to have already fallen between her and the outer world while she waits the summons to the spirit land.
Had Dr. Maybury's physical, been equal to his mental strength, he must have become prominent in the first rank of his profession, with his especial qualifications, added to the primary requisites for a good physician. That he was forced to resign the practice must have been to him a grievous thing.
In 1876 he was appointed City Treasurer by the Democratic Council of Binghamton, and for the two succeeding years. He was reappointed by the Republicans when they came into power in 1880, though he was known to be firm Democrat, showing the esteem in which he was held. His efficiency, unquestioned integrity, and the pleasant manner in which he performed his duties, listening with sympathy to the complainers of the overburdened tax-payers, soothing, explaining, and sending them from the office in a better mood than when they entered it, won for him general approval and favor. Doctor Maybury's life was one of thought and feeling, active, intense. He lived much more than most men, but his life did not find expression in acts to be recorded, but in every day kindnesses, - generosity, charity, the fulfillment of all duties, great and small. Not as if they were business imposed, but, with cheerful alacrity. Keenly alive to impressions of the beautiful in nature and art, with a finely cultivated literary taste, the temperament of a poet, he occasionally indulged himself in penning his inspirations, and some of the beautiful poems which have appeared anonymously in the journals of the day, were written by him. The hymn which made a part of his funeral service was from his pen.
His social qualities, refinement, vivacity and quiet humor, made his presence welcome as a guest and companion. His genuine kindness of heart, regard for the feelings and interests of others, drew their regard in return. The kindly spirit in which he looked down upon the world was reflected back to him, and all who knew him were his friends. His was not the easy kindness that promises much and does nothing. It was zealous, active, doing all in its power, nor did this kindness blind him to injustice or wrong, betray him into yielding where he should have resisted. If he was gentle, he was also firm. It could be predicated of him that he would do what was right in every case, cost him what it would.
Dr. MAYBURY was by nature a man of honor, just, and upright, whole-souled, warmhearted, generous, liberal in thought, word and deed; unassuming, in truth, a gentleman in every acceptation of the name.
That this was the character he bore through his life, is the testimony of all who knew him. The true metal is not changed in the hands of the refiner, it is but made to shine with its own lustre.
His last illness was marked by the cheerful serenity of one at peace with God and man; looking to the higher, happier sphere of being into which he has passed.
30 Apr 1880
Wednesday afternoon, Wm. WELCH attempted to board the caboose of the work train which was backing up just north of Little York station, and falling, his left foot and ankle were crushed and his right leg was broken near the knee. He was taken to the house of Michael BUCKLEY, in Homer, and his limb was amputated in the evening by Drs. HYDE and GREEN. He died the next morning at 2 o'clock. Besides the injuries to the limbs he received internal injuries.
Elias RICHARDSON, of Freetown, Cortland county, died April 9th, 1880, in the 94th year of his age.
Mr. RICHARDSON was born in the State of Connecticut, September 28th, 1786. In the year 1811 he moved with his parents into this State, and settled in Providence, Saratoga county, where he continued to reside until the year 1823, when he removed to Freetown in this county, where he lived for the 57 years past. In the year 1813 he was married to Miss Anna BROWN of Providence, Saratoga county. The fruit of this marriage was a large family of children, eleven in all, eight of whom are still living. In 1842 this happy union was broken by the death of the faithful wife and loving mother. He was married a second time. Mrs. Milton SWEATLAND of Freetown, becoming his second wife. This new union lasted for a period of thirty-two years, when he was again bereft by the death of his companion. Mr. RICHRDSON was in many respects a remarkable man. (One of thirteen children, he survived them all, except one sister, Mrs. Asa LORING, being in her 84th year. His mother lived to the wonderful age of 99 years. His habits were always temperate, and his industriousness was proverbial among his neighbors and friends. When he moved to Freetown the large tract of land he purchased was a "wilderness," but as a result of his steady and persistent efforts, through the long years, he rendered it from its wilderness, into a state of cultivation and general improvement, making it a desirable homestead. For forty years he was a consistent member of the Baptist church, and cheerfully and liberally contributed to its support. As a christian he shewed forth most beautifully and clearly the graces of the Holy Spirit. He was unselfish in disposition, warm and generous in nature. As a husband he was loving; as a father he was tender. As a sufferer he proved himself to be perfected in the patience and possessed of the peace of the gospel of Christ, which for two score years he had honored by his devoted life.
The funeral of Mrs. Egbert PALMER was held on Tuesday the 20th. She had been a sufferer for a long time, from an affection of the lungs. On the same day Mrs. BENJAMIN died at her house in this village.
7 May 1880
Died, in Solon, April 17th, of consumption, Annie, wife of Egbert PALMER.
She was the daughter of Cornelius and Catherine Meldron GLEASON. She was born on the first of May, 1847, in Solon, where she passed her life, and will long be remembered by those who knew her and loved her. As a pupil in school she stood well in her classes. She was fond of reading, liberal in her ideas, a pleasing, sprightly, intelligent young lady; very much liked by her associates. Both she and her only sister, the late Mrs. Eugene MAYBURY, were remarkable for their fine and graceful appearance on horseback; for the skill and apparent ease with which they managed the animals they rode, often those that few men could have controlled as well.
On the twelfth of November, 1866, Miss GLEASON was married to Egbert PALMER, son of Earl and Emily Barker PALMER, esteemed residents of Solon. Mrs. Annie PALMER was a gentle, amiable, lovable woman. As a wife and mother her domestic virtues made home cheerful and happy for her husband and her only child, a daughter.
But this was not to last. In the autumn of 1878 ended in, or, aided in developing that dreadful disease against which the skill of the best physicians was found to be of no avail. She continued very ill through the winter, but in the summer of 1879 had so far recovered as to be able to ride for a short distance without her husband and little girl; and hope revived, if not of her ultimate recovery, that the end was not near. But the winter brought a gradual decline until the end came.
Those who have with alternate hope and despair watched over the victims of this most deceptive of diseases, can appreciate the feelings of her friends; especially of him whose devoted love was ever present with a considerate and tender care for her that few men know how to bestow. While her patience, sweetness, and grateful appreciation of every attention bestowed but endeared her the more as life waned away. Ready to depart she still wished to live for the sake of those she loved. And does she not live? Not alone in memory but in the land to which faith and hope point the gaze of the mourners.
Died. STEVENS - In Solon, N.Y., April 15, 1880, Diantha, widow of the late Joseph STEVENS, in the 83d year of her age.
Died. PALMER - In Solon, N.Y., Saturday morning, April 17, 1880, after a long illness, Annie C. GLEASON, wife of Egbert E. PALMER, aged 32 years, 11 months and 17 days.
Died. BROCKETT - In Lockport, N.Y., Sunday afternoon, April 4, 1880, after a very short illness, Prof. George L. BROCKETT, in the 54th year of his age.
Died. BENJAMIN - In McGrawville, N.Y., Tuesday P.M., April 20, 1880, Sarah, widow of the late Alvah BENJAMIN, in the 74th year of her age.
Died. FOSTER - At Cortland, May 4th, Mrs. Elizabeth FOSTER, mother of the late Hon. Chas. FOSTER, aged 77 years.
Died. ROBERTSON - At his residence in Cortlandville, April 27, 1880, Sylvester C. ROBERTSON, aged 66 years.
Died. WILCOX - At the residence of her son, Fred A. WILCOX, in Little York, April 21, 1880, Mrs. Cynthia WILCOX, aged 71 years.
Died. GREENMAN - In New York city, April 22, 1880, James L. GREENMAN, aged 57 years.
14 May 1880
Died. CRITTENDEN - In this village, May 7, Nancy J., wife of Leroy CRITTENDEN, aged 37 years.
Died. POTTER - At her home near Bigelow, Minn., May 5, Mrs. Ella Kidney POTTER, wife of Darius D. POTTER, aged 25 years and 18 days. Formerly of Cortland, N.Y.
Died. BISHOP - In Truxton, May 6, Mrs. Polly BISHOP, aged 92 years.
Died. BREWER - On May 9th, 1880, Mrs. Henry BREWER, aged 66 years.
Died. ROE - At Cortland, Wednesday morning, May 12, Mr. S. M. ROE, aged 79 years.
Funeral at 2 P.M. Friday at his late residence.
East River.
The decease of Mrs. A. B. UTLEY seems to put a stop to all negotiations for the sale of the Utley Miles property.
Died, in Norwich, May 10, 1880, after a lingering illness, Sarah M. wife of James H. SINCLAIR, in the 55th year of her age.
Mrs. SINCLAIR was born in Cortland, August 15th, 1825, where she resided until her marriage with Mr. James H. SINCLAIR in 1846, when she went with her husband to Oxford, removing to Norwich in the fall of the same year, where they have since resided. Her maiden name was Sarah M. CHEESEBROUGH.
For some years her health has not been good, but it was only a few months since her condition became such as to cause her friends any uneasiness. Her disease baffled the skill of her physicians, and although she suffered little pain it became evident some weeks since that she was gradually growing weaker and that the end was approaching. Possessed of wonderful energy, and being accustomed to look upon the bright side of life, she kept up good courage to the last and talked hopefully of the future. And when the end came she was calm and peaceful, passing away like one falling asleep. In December, 1876, her only child, John H. SINCLAIR, died after a painful illness, leaving a widow and two bright little girls. The deceased mourned as only a mother can, the loss of her son, but was comforted in a measure by the love she bore her little grandchildren. A kind neighbor and faithful friend, a devoted wife, and a kind and indulgent mother has passed over the dark river to join those who have been watching and waiting for her in the better land.
To the bereaved husband, who is well-known in this vicinity, and who has for thirty years past been connected with the Chenango Union, either as local editor or proprietor, we extend our heartfelt sympathy in this hour of his sore affliction.
The funeral services were held at the late residence of the deceased in Norwich, on Wednesday last, Rev. E. Bayard SMITH of the Episcopal church officiating.
Wm. H. FRIZE, a young man about 26 years of age, was married to Miss Mary E. EDWARDS last Saturday evening. In the afternoon of Sunday he exhibited to his wife a package labeled "morphine," which he told her contained what would end all his earthly troubles. She had no idea that he seriously meant what he said. Young Frize had been paying attention to Miss Edwards for some time notwithstanding the objections of his parents and he was married without their knowledge or consent. Sunday evening he went to his father's house at about 9 o'clock and his father arose and let him in. Young Frize went up stairs and went to bed. Not long afterwards his father heard an unusual noise and going into the young man's room he was found unconscious and breathing with great difficulty. Dr. DANA was immediately sent for. When the doctor arrived the young man was breathing only about three times per minute, and his pulse was hardly perceptible. The doctor immediately gave the proper antidotes and used every endeavor to restore him but without avail. He died at about 11 A.M. on Monday. The young man was always considered rather weak- minded and was subject to fits of melancholly. A few weeks since he attempted to commit suicide by taking crude opium but failed to produce the desired result. The dose of morphine taken was an unusually large one.
Coroner WEBB, of Homer, held an inquest on Tuesday. The jury found the following verdict: "That Wm. Henry FRIZE came to his death on the 10th day of May, 1880, by the taking of morphine, administered by his own hand, at his father's house in Cortland village, N.Y., with the intent to take his own life."
21 May 1880
An Impressive Ceremony.
At St. Marys church in Cortland on Monday, the 17th, was celebrated one of the most impressive rites of the Catholic church, a Solemn Requiem Mass, for the repose of the soul of Miss Mary O'LEARY, a young lady who for years has been one of its most prominent members.
The altar was heavily draped with mourning, the pillars and communion rail festooned with black and white, and the officiating clergymen wearing vestments of black. Rev. Thos. McLAUGHLIN celebrated the mass assisted by Rev. Father DOUGHERTY, deacon, and Rev. B.F. McLAUGHLIN, sub-deacon, the latter of whom delivered the sermon, paying a glowing tribute to the many virtues of the deceased and exhorting all to follow her example. The sermon was short but very effective.
The music under the direction of Mr. Frank P. TRENCH was excellently rendered by a quartette choir consisting of Misses Ella and Mary DOUD, Mr. W. J. McFEELY and Mr. TRENCH.
Schmidts, Requiem in Aeternam, Dies Irae, Sanctus and Agnus Dei from Werner, "The Dying Christian to his Soul," with the Miserere chant made up the programme.
The various church societies of which deceased was a member, with the children of the Sunday School, of which she had long been a teacher, marched in procession to the Catholic cemetery where the remains were interred.
Harford Mills.
Mrs. Annie HAY, widow of the late Lansing HAY, died in the town of Harford, May 10th, of cancer, aged 71. Mrs. HAY was born in the town of West Winfield, Herkimer county. Her maiden name was GATES. She was married to Lansing HAY, March 1826 at the age of 17. In December of the same year they moved to Virgil (now Lapeer), in Cortland county. Bidding adieu to dear home friends and young associates this youthful pair came here to seek a home in an almost unknown wilderness, whose gigantic forms cat their shadows to the very door of their log-ribbed cabin. Together they shared the trials and the hardships, the privations and the toils of pioneer life. But fortune (as she ever will) smiled upon their frugal industry, and a farm spread out in beauty to their view. Here their children first prattled and made the old home ring with their glee; matured and passed out to substantial homes of their own. During all these years Mrs. HAY faithfully performed all the duties of a faithful wife, a kind and indulgent mother, and a good and charitable neighbor. Her instruction, influence and example, among her children were such as to lead them to lives of rectitude and happiness. Her four mourning children all live in this vicinity; they are Mrs. L. E. HAY, Mrs. J. DAVIS, Mrs. H. C. GRAY and Mrs. R. JENNINGS. For many years the Christmas reunions were faithfully observed. For over fifty years Mr. and Mrs. HAY lived upon the same farm until nearly three years ago, when a shadow crossed the hearth stone and the husband and father passed away. It was then considered best to sell the farm. It was a hard trial to the mother and children to see the old farm pass into the hands of strangers. Mrs. HAY bought a home and removed to Harford Mills, where near her children, she hoped to pass a peaceful old age. But her happiness was destined to be of short duration; soon the unmistakable signs of cancer made themselves apparent; their developments were so rapid as to soon baffle the skill of the physicians. From that time on her sufferings were extreme. As her sufferings increased she nestled closer to the bleeding side of her savior, and in the contemplation of his sufferings and death sought fortitude to bear her own. Her spirit fluttered like a bird imprisoned and longed to be free from the torturing clay. The funeral services were held at the residence of Mr. R. JENNINGS, Rev. Edward TYLER officiating. Many kind friends and neighbors assembled to pay their last respects to a noble woman; sadly they followed her ashes to their last resting-place to mingle dust with dust, weeping as though almost unconscious that her spirit had taken its flight, and was now hovering nearer and nearer the Throne, basking in the ethereal light of the Father's boundless love. How soon this will be our common lot! A few more fleeting years and this family's reunion will be complete in that blissful land where the flowers bloom perennial, and the cup is not dregged with gall.
Mr. BROWN, at the Boarding Hall, died last Monday. His trouble was Bright's disease of the kidneys.
Died. HAY - At the residence of Ranson JENNINGS, in Harford, N.Y., May 10th, 1880, of cancer, Mrs. Anna Gates HAY, aged 71 years.
Died. IVES - At her home in Homer, April 28th, 1880, Miss Louisa IVES, aged 72 years.
Died. FOX - In Solon, May 5th, 1880, Cora, twin daughter of George and Etta FOX, aged nine years.
Died. SWEET - In Homer, May 16th, 1880, M. Josie, wife of A.H. SWEET, only daughter of Dr. A. L. HEAD, in the 29th year of her age.
The body of Con. CONNELL, of Lisle, whose sudden disappearance about three months ago was noticed in this paper, was found last Saturday afternoon in Fred PERRY's mill pond below Lisle village. The remains were taken to Binghamton for interment.
28 May 1880
Died. ROOD - At his home in this village, on Friday, May 14, 1880, Levi ROOD, aged 70 years.
Died. SMITH - In Cold Brook, N.Y., Friday, May 14, 1880, of heart disease, Darwin N., son of David SMITH, aged 17 years.
Died. BACON - At the County Alms House, May 12th, 1880, Mrs. Jane Ann BACON, aged 72 years, formerly of Cortlandville.
Died. KENNEY - In Truxton, May 14, Mrs. Hosea KENNEY, aged 73 years.
Died. PIERCE - In Truxton, May 16, Mr. Milo PIERCE, aged 66 years.
Died. WILLIAMS - At the residence of her son, J.G. WILLIAMS, in the town of Cortlandville, May 15, 1880, Mrs. Hannah WILLIAMS, aged 80 years.
Died. BROWN - At his residence in McGrawville, May 17, 1880, Mr. George W. BROWNE [sic], aged 63 years.
Died. POTTER - At her residence near Bigelow, Minn., May 5th, Ella P. Kidney, wife of Darius D. POTTER, aged 26 years and 18 days. Formerly of Cortland, N.Y.
Died. PIKE - In this town, May 24, 1880, Chloe, widow of the late Jesse PIKE, aged 88 years.
Died. FOOTE - In New Haven, Ct., May 14th, Merwin H. FOOTE, aged 69 years and 8 months, formerly of this village.
Near Bigelow, Minn., May 5th, 1880, in convulsions, Mrs. Ella Kinney POTTER.
Deceased was born in Stretsborough, Ohio, April 15th, 1854. She was married to D. D. POTTER, in Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 17, 1876.
Two years ago, Mr. POTTER came West to seek a home. Mrs. POTTER soon followed him to adorn the new home with the graces so peculiar to herself. Although of a retiring disposition hosts of friends have been drawn to her by the dignity of her bearing, the lovliness of her character, the sweetness of her music, and the kindness of her heart. "None knew her but to love her." At the early age of ten years she became a christian. At nineteen she became a member of the Baptist church at Cortland, N.Y., to which place her parents had removed. Her husband, seeing in her the loving kindness of the christian character, was led to give himself to Christ, and on their removal to Minn. with her united with the M.E. church at Bigelow, Minn., of which she remained a useful member until transferred to the church triumphant
The Refiner of Silver has seen in her his own image and called her to himself.
While we bow low in the afflicting Providence we realize that what is our loss is her gain.
Though she cannot come to us we may go to her.
W. E. Means.
May 10, 1880.
28 May 1880
Died, at McGrawville, May 17, George W. BROWN, member of Blodgett Mills Harmony Grange, No. 372. His is the first death that has occurred in our order since its organization four years ago.
Deacon S. M. Roe.
The session of the Presbyterian Church in this village adopted the following memorial at the last meeting.:
"The session of this church desire to put upon record their sense of the loss they have, in common with his family and the entire membership of this church, sustained in the recent death of their venerated and beloved brother, Sylvester M. ROE, for so many years their faithful and efficient associate in the office of Ruling Elder. We most gladly and heartily bear testimony to his uniformly upright, blameless and devoted Christian life, his wide and exceptional zeal in the service of his Master, the potent influence of his strong and symmetrical Christian character, and to his ardent love for this Church. We tender to his aged widow, and the surviving members of his household, our warmest Christian sympathy in their great affliction; while our prayer for the Church shall be that God will raise up others upon whom He will put a double portion of our departed brother's spirit, and who shall devote themselves with the same energy and success to the blessed work for which he has now been forever called away, and who shall one day shine with him in the stars forever and ever, because they have here turned many to righteousness."
Cortland, May 20, 1880.
4 Jun 1880
Died. GLEASON - In New York city, May 21, 1880, of consumption, Timothy GLEASON, aged 36 years, formerly of Cortland.
Died. DICKSON - In Chicago, Ill., June 1, 1880, Mrs. Augusta, wife of Andrew DICKSON, formerly of Cortland, N.Y.
Died. ROACH - In Truxton, N.Y., May 24, 1880, Mr. Wm. ROACH, aged 64 years.
Died. WILLIAMS - At the residence of her son, J.G. WILLIAMS, in the town of Cortlandville, N.Y., May 15, 1880, Mrs. Hannah WILLIAMS, aged 80 years.
11 Jun 1880
Died. PATRICK - In Afton, Chenango county, Mrs. Clarissa, wife of the late Henry PATRICK, of Cuyler, aged 85 years.
Died. GETMAN - In the Cortland county Alms House, May 23, 1880, Bartlett GETMAN, aged 75 years. Mr. GETMAN was a resident of the town of Preble.
Died. CHAPMAN - In Homer, May 31, 1880, Jared CHAPMAN, aged 47 years.
Died. CRANE - At his home in Malloryville on May 28, 1880, James CRANE, Esq., aged 72 years.
Died. WAVLE - At his residence in East Freetown, May 26, 1880, Mr. James WAVLE, aged 61 years.
18 Jun 1880
Harford Mills.
Mrs. Jacob BAKER, whose illness we mentioned last week, died at the residence of H. C. GRAY, on Sunday evening, June 13th, aged 63 years. Mrs. BAKER was living with her son, W.J. BAKER, in Auburn. On the 2d of this month she fell, receiving, as was supposed, at the time, only slight injuries. The following day she came to this place to visit old friends and neighbors. Her injuries proved to be very serious, and she was soon taken terribly ill, and her recovery was despaired of. The funeral services were held at H. C. GRAY's residence, Eld. FLETCHER officiating. She was buried at Texas, (east of Marathon). Mrs. BAKER had for many years been a member of the Christian church, and was a very amiable lady. Her husband was a member of the same church, and died only a few months ago. She expressed not only her willingness, but her anxiety, to give up this life, deeming that she had seen "enough of life's joys - full enough of its tears." Although she was absent from her home, her friends have the consolation that her lot in sickness was cast among kind and sympathetic friends and neighbors who cared for her every want.
Died. HARVEY - At the residence of his parents, in McGrawville, June 3, 1880, Bennie H., son of E. E. and Carrie HARVEY, aged 10 years.
Died. BUTTERFIELD - At her residence in Blodgett's Mills, June 6, 1880, Mrs. H.H. BUTTERFILED, wife of Moses BUTTERFIELD, aged 61 years.
Died. PIERCE - In Clinton, Wis., May 19, 1880, Mr. Henry PIERCE, aged 65 years 2 months and 5 days.
Died. KING - At her residence in McGrawville, Saturday morning, June 5, 1880, Miss Kezia KING, aged 77 years and 9 months.
Died. HUBBARD - In Homer, N.Y., June 4, 1880, Mrs. Celinda E. HUBBARD, aged 62 years.
Died. HUTCHINS - At Scott, N.Y., June 11, 1880, Mr. Phineas HUTCHINS, aged 57 years.
Drowned by Falling in a Washtub.
On Sunday afternoon, at about 4 o'clock, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. MESPAL, living in Virgil, went down cellar to see to some butter, leaving their infant son, aged 15 months, alone in the room with a washtub about two-thirds full of water.
During their absence the little one walked to the washtub and toppled over into it, completely submerging its head.
When the parents returned after an absence of 10 minutes, his life was extinct. --- Marathon Independent.
25 Jun 1880
Died, in Virgil, June 18th, 1880, Mary E. BOUTOM, at the age of 28 years, 2 months and 28 days.
Never, within the recollection of the writer, have the demands of death been more reluctantly assented to by the entire community than in this case.
Though a great sufferer at times, she bore it with more than earthly patience. As she drew near to the gates of Heaven, she seemed nearer and sweeter than ever to those who loved her most deeply. Her memory is embalmed with sweet fragrance in the hearts of the family in which she was a dearly loved member, and of the community in which her beauty of character was so well known and appreciated. Her disease was that form of consumption which is known to baffle all medical skill, consequently every effort was made by family and friends to alleviate her suffering and pain for the time being.
She was conscious until the time of her death, and made known all her wishes and desires concerning her burial service.
She was cheerful and hopeful until the last, expressed no fear of death, but would like to have lived for the comfort and happiness of her widowed mother, and of all others who might have the good fortune of mingling in her society.
She had earned a reputation as teacher, second to none, and she commanded the undivided love and affection of both parent and pupil in every district where her services had been rendered.
She was meek and peaceful in temper, modest and unassuming in manners, consequently, many times by those not intimately acquainted with her, her natural and acquired abilities were not duly appreciated.
While her friends are in deep grief over her loss, comfort is found in the thought that her burdens are put off, and by and by in the land of the immortals there will be a glad reunion, never again to be broken.
Died. CARR - In Truxton, June 5th, 1880, Mrs. D.W. CARR, aged 56 years.
Died. BLODGETT - At the residence of his son, George BLODGETT, in Blodgett Mills June 10th, 1880, Mr. Chester BLODGETT, aged 97 years.
Died. CLARK - In Cortland, N.Y., June 21st, 1880, Asariel CLARK, aged 86 years.
2 Jul 1880
Fatal Accident.
Last Friday afternoon Mr. Frank L. BROOKS, of Cortland, went to Blodgett's Mills, intending to visit his brother who works on the farm of widow BURT, one or two miles south of that village. After making calls on several friends in the village he started down the railroad track to see his brother. About half a mile below he was overtaken by the coal train, which he attempted to board. He missed his footing and fell, his right leg lying across the track. Several cars passed over the limb at the knee joint, crushing the same. He was taken to the residence of Mr. Moses BUTTERFIELD near by, and Drs. DANA and HUGHES, of this village, and Dr. HENDRICKS, of McGrawville, were sent for. The physicians decided at once to amputate the limb which was done as soon as possible, but he died before the operation was entirely finished. Mr. BROOKS was an industrious young man, son of Mr. Isaac BROOKS, of this town, and highly respected. He leaves a wife to mourn his untimely death.
Death of Dr. Woolworth.
Samuel B. WOOLWORTH, L.L.D., ex-Secretary of the Board of Regents, died at the residence of his son, Calvin WOOLWORTH, Esq., in Brooklyn, Wednesday afternoon, June 30th. Dr. WOOLWORTH was Principal of the old Cortland Academy in Homer during its palmiest days, and his death will be mourned by a very large circle of friends, many of whom were his former pupils. The funeral services will be held in the brick church in Homer, on Saturday, July 3d, at 1 1/2 o'clock P.M.
9 Jul 1880
James CRANE, formerly residing in the village of McGrawville, was murdered at Luni, Iowa, on the 27th of May, by one Samuel BISSELL, a herder of cattle. A portion of Bissell's herd had trespassed upon Crane's premises and CRANE drove them back to the herd and asked BISSELL why he allowed his cattle to damage his crops. BISSELL told CRANE he lied, and during an altercation which ensued BISSELL struck CRANE with the butt of his gun several times, killing him. BISSELL was held to bail in the sum of $500. A human life seems to be accounted of little value in the republican State of Iowa. If this had happened in Texas, the howl which the republican press would have sent up all over the country would have been heartrending. Mr. CRANE was a brother of Philo CRANE and Mrs. Ensign PIKE, of McGrawville.
Died. CHAFY - At his residence in McGrawville, Friday afternoon, June 25, 1880, Mr. Thomas B. CHAFY, aged 66 years.
Died. BROOKS - At Blodgett Mills, June 25, 1880, Mr. Frank I. BROOKS, aged 29 years.
Died. WEBSTER - In McGrawville, June 29, 1880, of dyphtheria, Eddie M., son of Frank E. and F.H. WEBSTER, aged 9 years.
Died. BROWN - In Cortland, N.Y., June 26, 1880, Isabel E. SCUDDER, wife of T. Newton BROWN, aged 58 years.
Died. WOOLWORTH - In Brooklyn, N.Y., June 30th, 1880, Samuel B. WOOLWORTH, L.L.D., aged 80 years.
Died. SIMMONS - In Homer, June 26th, after a brief illness, Mrs. Laura M. SHAW, wife of Mr. Geo. S. SIMMONS, aged 71 years.
16 Jul 1880
Fatal Accident.
Yesterday, while Mrs. Aaron SHELDON, an aged lady, residing near Groton City, was out walking she slipped and fell, breaking her leg near the hip joint. The shock produced a serious affection of the heart, causing death that evening.
Groton Journal July 8th
23 Jul 1880
Died. HONEYWELL - In Maywood, Kansas, June 23, 1880, William HONEYWELL, formerly of Summer Hill, in the 65th year of his age.
Died. COLLINS - In East Scott, June 19, 1880, Mrs. Josie E. COLLINS, aged 26 years.
Died. DODD - At his residence two miles south of Blodgett Mills, July 6, 1880, John DODD, aged 58 years.
Died. HOLLISTER - In Truxton, N.Y., June 23d, 1880, at the residence of T. N. HOLLISTER, Esq., Mrs. Zylthia HOLLISTER, in the 82d year of her age.
Died. TRIPP - In Belle Plain, Iowa, of flux, July 6th, 1880, E. Duane, son of R.W. and A. C. TRIPP, aged 1 year 7 months and 3 days.
Died. STEWART - In Cortland, N.Y., July 12th, 1880, Mrs. Euphemia STEWART, widow of the late Alexander STEWART, aged 58 years.
Died. RINGE - In Cortland, N.Y., July 2, 1880, Truman RINGE, aged 83 years.
Died. NORTHWAY - In the Cortland County Alms house, July 5, 1880, Augustus NORTHWAY, aged 74 years. Mr. NORTHWAY was a resident of Scott, N.Y.
Died. CRUMB - In Syracuse, N.Y., July 14th, 1880, of brain fever, Miss Jennie CRUMB, formerly of Cortland, N.Y., aged 20 years.
Death on the Rail.
An accident occurred yesterday near Tully, just north of the Markham Hollow crossing between Tully and Apulia stations, by which Fred SPRINGER, a flagman on the work train lost his life. As the afternoon train from Syracuse, which arrives at Tully at 2:45, was passing the engine of the work train, which was on the new track, SPRINGER was sent out with a flag and stood in front of the engine which drew the train on which he worked. The engineer signalled him to get off the track and he did so, until the engine was quite near, when, for what reason is not known, he stepped close to the track and was struck in the back by the engine of the work train and thrown a distance of several feet. His skull was so badly fractured that portions of the brain oozed out, and although he was living when picked up, he never recovered consciousness and died in about twenty minutes. SPRINGER was unmarried, and his parents reside in Jamesville, to which place the body was conveyed last night. Coroner KNAPP has been notified and left about one o'clock for the purpose of holding an inquest. Syracuse Herald, July 17.
30 Jul 1880
Harford Mills
Last Friday afternoon about sundown, Mr. Edward BARNES, who has peddled tin through the country for several years, was trying to bind some sacks of paper rags upon his wagon in front of the old hotel in Harford, he stood upon the forward part of the wagon with his back to the horses, pulling upon a rope which he had passed over the sacks and fastened to the back part of the wagon, suddenly the rope broke, letting him fall backwards between his horses upon the wagon tongue. The horses became frightened, dashed forward and commenced to run. Mr. BARNES kept his position upon the tongue by clinging to the harness. The horses came near running over several persons, but soon ran against a tree near the Congregational church. The tongue struck the tree and broke. The horses were thrown to the ground on each side of the tree. Mr. BARNES was thrown between the heavily loaded wagon and the tree and was crushed and mangled in a terrible manner, his head was badly bruised, and an iron bolt penetrated his side, tearing some of his ribs from the back bone. He was picked up insensible and died in a few minutes. He leaves a wife and two children. He was also the main dependence of an invalid brother, who bitterly mourns his loss. Mr. BARNES was industrious and economical. We understand that he had bought a farm and succeeded in paying for it; he also owned the team which he drove.
"No farther seek his merits to disclose,
Or draw his frilties from their dread abode;
(They are alike in trembling hope repose),
The bosom of his Father and his God." |
Died. BARNES - In Harford, Friday, July 23d, 1880, Edwin BARNES, aged 31 years.
Died. PETRI - In Truxton, July 18, Mrs. Harriet PETRI, wife of Nelson J. PETRI.
Died. PETRI - At Brocketts bridge, Herkimer county, N.Y., July 12, Miss Anna, youngest daughter of Nelson J. PETRI, of Truxton, N.Y., aged 16.
Died. STAFFORD - At Blodgett's Mills, Sunday morning, July 18, 1880, Mr. Clark STAFFORD, son of Hopkins STAFFORD, aged 39 years.
Died. HALL - At the residence of their grandfather, Mr. S. BINGHAM, in Solon, of Cholera Infantum, July 16 and 20, 1880, Frank and Freddie, twin sons of S.V. and Julia E. HALL, of Scranton, Pa., aged 8 months.
Died. TISDALE - In Cortland, July 27th, 1880, of diphtheria, Maud A., only daughter of Wayland D. and Rosetta M. TISDALE, aged 9 years.
Died. LAMONT - In Dryden, near McLean, Tuesday, July 27th, 1880, Emily TUCKER, wife of William LAMONT, aged 61 years.
Funeral from her late residence, Thursday, July 29th, 11 o'clock A.M.
6 Aug 1880
The funeral of Mrs. Wm. LAMONT was held at her late residence, on the 29th of July. The house and grounds were filled with sympathizing neighbors and friends. Among them were many who had known the deceased for years, and whose tears testified to her many endearing qualities and womanly worth. The services were conducted by Rev. Mr. GUTSELL. A quartette, composed of Miss Eva TOWNLEY, Mrs. Della STOUT, Messrs. GRIGGS and KNICKERBOCKER, with Mrs. D.W. ROWLEY at the organ, furnished music very appropriate for the occasion. The floral tributes from the friends of Mrs. LAMONT were a broken column, cross and pillow. At the close of the service at the house, friends were permitted to take a final look at the deceased. The patient, peaceful face reminded one of the mortal made immortal by Hood's lines:
"We thought her dying when she slept,
And sleeping when she died." |
But it bore traces of the long suffering through which she passed. The remains were followed to the Dryden cemetery by a large concourse of relatives and friends, and placed in the receiving vault to give the family a choice in selecting a lot. The bearers were V. B. GROSS, Wm. WATERS, Bernet ROBERTSON, C. H. DUTCHER, Wesley ANDREWS and Wm. DeCOUDRES. The exercises were in charge of undertaker A. A. McKEE, which is equivalent to saying that everything was done at the proper time, in the proper place, and with excellent sense and taste. The words already written give every detail of note, but they convey hardly a hint of the deep sense of loss the community feels in the death of this excellent woman, or of the profound and widespread sympathy that goes out to those specially bereaved.
The funeral of Mike FRESON occurred last Friday. He was known by all and his funeral here, though at an unseasonable hour, was largely attended. The remarks by Rev. G.W. BAYLESS were especially appropriate. His remains were taken to the home of his brother in Rochester.
Died. WRIGHT - At his residence in Cortland village, Friday, July 23, 1880, Mr. William W. WRIGHT, aged 73 years 3 months and 18 days.
Died. CHAPIN - At the residence of Hiram PECK, in Solon, Friday afternoon, July 23, 1880, Miss Triphena A., daughter of the late Hiram CHAPIN, aged 41 years.
Died. HUNT - In Lapeer, N.Y., July 26th, 1880, Louis W. HUNT, aged 20 years.
Died. DEWEY - At the residence of her son-in-law, William O. BUNN, in Homer, N.Y., August 4, 1880, of apoplexy, Anna Maria DEWEY, widow of the late John DEWEY, and only daughter of the late Captain Garret PERSON, of Leeds, N.Y. Aged sixty-eight years.
13 Aug 1880
Died. CARY - In Homer, August 1st, 1880, Lester S., son of J. S. CARY, of New York city, aged ten months and twenty-eight days. The remains were taken to Willett for interment.
20 Aug 1880
Died. THURBER - At the residence of her sister, Mrs. David HANNUM in Homer, N.Y., Aug.8, 1880, Edith M. BABCOCK, wife of Edward THURBER, of Brooklyn, N.Y., and daughter of the late Gideon C. BABCOCK, of Homer.
Died. DONAHUE - In Homer, N.Y., August 7th, 1880, Jeremiah DONAHUE, aged 58 years.
Died. DOUBLEDAY -At the residence of her brother in Brooklyn, on Thursday, August 5th, 1880, Miss R. Frances DOUBLEDAY, daughter of the late John DOUBLEDAY, of Homer.
Died. PHILLIPS - In South Cuyler, August 4, 1880, Mr. Rodney PHILLIPS, aged 69 years.
Mr. PHILLIPS was born in Rensselaer Co., N.Y., and came to Truxton nearly forty years ago.
Died. KINGSLEY - In Cortland county Insane Asylum, Aug. 14, 1880, Henry KINGSLEY, aged 82 years, formerly of Preble.
Died. HIGGINS - In Cortland, August 15, 1880, Harriet, wife of Hon. Ambrose S. HIGGINS, aged 75 years.
Died. HOXIE - At Hoxieville, Cortland county, N.Y., August 14th, 1880, of dropsy of the brain, Arthur L., son of William and Alice HOXIE, aged 9 months.
Tompkins. -
..... Eddie WHITE, a young man about 18 years of age, a son of W.B. WHITE, formerly of Freeville, was recently killed at Verndale, Minn., by being run over by a train of cars....
27 Aug 1880
Died. BARTLE - In Norwich, August 13th, 1880, Mr. Gamaliel M. BARTLE, aged 53 years.
Died. SNYDER - In Cortland, August 23, 1880, Henry SNYDER, aged 47.
South Hill.
Mr. W.S. HOXIE's youngest child was buried Sunday, 15th inst., a large number of people attended the funeral services, which was conducted by Rev. Mr. BARNUM. The beautiful child angel has gone to a "home not made with hands, eternal in the heavens."
3 Sep 1880
Neighboring Counties.
..... D.B. CARTWRIGHT, a banker at Steamboat Rock, Iowa, died in that place on the 4th inst., of apoplexy, after an illness of five days. Deceased was formerly a prominent resident of Pitcher, and represented that town on the Board of Supervisors. For several years past he has resided west, where he has prospered financially....
Sudden Death.
On Wednesday afternoon, at about two o'clock, Mrs. Ambrose P. GREENE, living on Tannery street, was taken ill with pains in the region of the bowels, and immediately began to run down. Dr. REED was called, but hie efforts to ease her were unavailing, and at about 9 o'clock P.M. she ceased to breathe. A post-mortem examination was held, when it was ascertained that the cause of her death was a weakness of the muscles of the heart, which when suddenly called upon to do an unusual amount of work, gave way under the strain.
Her funeral was held on Friday afternoon at the house, in the sympathizing presence of numerous friends. She leaves behind her a husband and one child, who have the sympathies of the community. - Marathon Ind.
10 Sep 1880
Dolphus BENNETT, an old Utica painter, died at his home yesterday, in the 74th year of his age. He was born in Homer, Cortland county, March 4th, 1807, but had resided nearly all his life in Utica. The deceased is highly spoken of by the Utica newspapers. - Syracuse Courier, Sept. 8.
Mrs. Anna DYE, of Scott, was afflicted with [sacites?] and died of that disease August 18th, 1880. She was treated by Dr. TRUMAN, of DeRuyter, and was first tapped by him February 11th, 1877, and relieved of 48 lbs. of fluid. Since that date and up to the day of her death, she had been relieved of 1,021 lbs., 4 oz. of fluid.
At a meeting held at the Cortland Normal School Sept. 3d, 1880, the C1 class of last term adopted the following resolutions:
Whereas, we have learned with deep sorrow of the death of our beloved classmate Orville SURDAM; therefore,
Resolved, that in his untimely death we deplore the loss of a fellow student of rare merit, a kind friend and genial companion, whose gentle cordiality and unobtrusiveness won the hearts of all his class-mates
Resolved, that we deeply sympathize with the widowed mother in this, her great affliction.
Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be presented to the mother and friends of the deceased, and that copies of the same be sent to the village papers and Normal News for publication.
17 Sep 1880
Died. WEEKS - In Cortland, September 12, Mrs. Sally WEEKS, aged 97 years.
Death of Henry D. Duff.
Henry D. DUFF, a young man esteemed by all who knew him, died unexpectedly at half past two yesterday morning. He had not been in good health for some months previous to his death, but was able to discharge his business obligations until Saturday. He was prostrated Friday night, and continued to fail gradually from that time to the hour of his death. Mr. DUFF was born in Cortland in 1850. When about 10 years old he came to Syracuse, and entered the employ of Howe & Gilmour, in the clothing trade. He remained with this firm three years, and then became connected with Hall, Palmer & Co., in the same business. He was with the new firm when Mr. PALMER retired, and it became Hall & Hurd, and continued with Mr. HALL after the dissolution of that firm up to the time of his death.
Mr. DUFF was a gentleman in every sense of the word, and pure and noble in character. His death will be a matter of sincere regret to all who knew this truly estimable man. - Syracuse Courier, Sept. 11.
Here and There.
Robert NEELY, Sr., of Little York, who was so badly burned a week ago last Sunday night, died the following day.
The wife of Reuben SHEARER, after a lingering and painful illness, died last week. She was a woman universally respected.
24 Sep 1880
Died. STROBECK - In Cincinnatus, Saturday, Sept. 18, 1880, of diphtheria, Stella, daughter of Peter and Sarah STROBECK, aged 13 years.
Died. MANNING - In Norwich, Sept. 6th, of heart disease, Mrs. G.H. MANNING, in the 25th year of her age.
1 Oct 1880
Died. TALLMAN - In Preble, N.Y., September 10th, 1880, of cholera infantum, Hiram C., only child of Charles and Emma TALLMAN, aged 6 months and 8 days.
Died. HOLMES - At the residence of her father in McGrawville, Sept. 20, 1880, Cora A., youngest daughter of J. Ralston HOLMES, aged 16 years.
8 Oct 1880
Died. MATTHEWS - In Homer, September 19, 1880, of typhoid pneumonia, Lydia, wife of Hiram MATTHEWS, in thee 78th year of her age.
Died. COOK - In Homer, September 21, 1880, Miss Julia A. COOK, aged 61 years.
Died. WEEKS - In Scipio, Cayuga county, September 27, 1880, Arnold P. WEEKS, aged 47 years.
The funeral of Mrs. Charles WHITE, at the hotel in this place, on Sunday last, was very largely attended, especially by her old neighbors and friends from Preble, who thus silently testified to her worth as a friend and christian. Elder HASKINS, of the Preble M.E. Church, pronounced a most able discourse.
15 Oct 1880
Died. LAMENT - In Cortland Village, Oct. 2d, 1880, Hiram A. LAMENT, aged 75 years.
Died. LUCAS - In Meriden, Cayuga county N.Y., Oct. 13, 1880, May Amelia, infant daughter of Rev. Wallace B. and Mary LUCAS, aged 5 months and 17 days.
Died. TRUAX - At the Cortland County Alms-house, Saturday, Oct. 9, 1880, David TRUAX, aged 79
Died. CHAMPLIN - In Cortland, on the 9th inst., George CHAMPLIN, aged 82 years.
22 Oct 1880
Died. MOORE - In Cincinnatus, Oct. 11, 1880, of consumption, Adelbert, son of John and Mary MOORE, aged 20 years.
Died. KINGMAN - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., Oct. 12, 1880, Oliver KINGMAN, aged 84 years and 11 months.
Passed Away.
NORTH - At Hillsdale, October 8, 1880, Mr. Orrin NORTH, in the 74th years of his age, after an active and useful life, both as a business man and a Christian.
Mr. and Mrs. NORTH were married at Cortland, N.Y., September 1st, 1831, having lived together until their lives had become almost as one; and to the verge of their golden wedding. For about twelve years past they had lived at Richmond, Va., away from all their kindred, for whom their attachments, always very warm, seemed to strengthen as their years increased; and in April last they came to Hillsdale, to make their home among and near their younger family relatives, most of the early ones having "gone before."
They had already become much attached to their new home, and had made many warm friends in Hillsdale. In the absence of Mr. NORTH, his wife was taken sick, and a telegram to him found him also sick and unable to return for a day or two. He reached home on Monday, completely prostrated, and on the following Thursday had a severe congestive chill; after which he seemed to rally, and for almost two weeks in a fair way to recover; he then began to fail rapidly, living another week, when he passed away, peacefully and without suffering. His wife has so far recovered that she was able to be at his bedside much of the time for several days. Aside from his nephew, C. E. LAWRENCE, and family, and his niece, Mrs. A. HAMMOND, and husband, of Hillsdale; his nieces, Mrs. MOULTON, of Oberlin, Ohio, Mrs. B. HAMMOND, of Whitehall, Mich., and Mrs. Hatty DAYTON, (a niece of Mrs. NORTH) of Lockport, N.Y., were in attendance through his sickness; and in addition to these, his nephew, Carlton NORTH and daughter, of Elkhart, Ind., and niece, Mrs. BRECKENRIDGE, of Toledo, and Mrs. DRAKE and husband, of Coldwater, were present at his funeral. And in "a better country, that is heavenly," he has entered our
Father's "house of many mansion," to "go no more out forever."
[There is no indication as to the place Hillside is.]
29 Oct 1880
Died. CLARK. - At Glen Haven, Oct. 16, 1880, Amelia R. CLARK, wife of William CLARK, of Denver, Colorado, (formerly of Lyons, N.Y.) aged 61.
Died. KINNEY. - At the Cortland County Alms house, Tuesday, Oct. 12, 1880, Daniel KINNEY, aged 60 years, formerly of Truxton.
Died. SMITH. - In Cincinnatus, Oct. 20, 1880, Adam L. SMITH, aged 68 years.
Died. BOLSTER. - In Cincinnatus, Oct. 21, Carl, aged 2 years 6 mos., and Hattie, aged 4 years 15 mos., youngest children of Lovel and Helen BOLSTER.
Died. HARRINGTON. - In Cincinnatus, Oct. 20, 1880, Mrs. Jane HARRINGTON, aged 70 years.
Died. FREDERICK. - In South Cortland, Oct. 24, 1880, at the residence of her son, W. D. FREDERICK, Esq., Matilda, relict of Henry FREDERICK, aged 81 years.
Died. McKOON. - At the Cortland County Alms-house, Oct.2, 1880, Wm. McKOON, aged 49 years.
Died. POWERS. - In McGrawville, on Monday, Oct. 25, 1880, Mr. Daniel S. POWERS, aged 60 years and 6 months.
Died. JOHNSON. - At the home of his son-in-law, D.C. POTTER, Oct. 17, 1880, Burke S. JOHNSON, aged 79 years and 6 months.
Died. REYNOLDS. - At Munich, Germany, Oct. 10th, 1880, of apoplexy, Mrs. Emiline B. REYNOLDS, widow of the late Robert O. REYNOLDS, formerly of this place, aged 67 years.
Wednesday evening of last week a son of Mr. Gilbert JAMESON, living on Gee hill, while leading a horse into the stable, was kicked by a colt standing in the barn, striking him on the back of the neck and killing him almost instantly.
Just as we go to press we learn that Joseph R. DIXON, Esq., of Homer, formerly editor of the Republican of that place, was run over by the cars this morning and fatally injured. He was surveying on the farm of D. H. CARVER about one mile south of Little York when the gravel train came along and ran over him cutting off one leg and injuring his head to such an extent that his physicians say that he cannot possible recover.
12 Nov 1880
Death of Joseph R. Dixon.
In our issue of the 20th ult., we announced very briefly that Joseph R. DIXON, of Homer, for many years proprietor of the Republican of that place, had been run over by the cars, and that his death was momentarily expected. At the time of the accident, Mr. DIXON, with Mr. C.H. SHERMAN, of Homer, was engaged in surveying on the railroad track of D. H. CARVER's farm near Little York. Mr. SHERMAN is unable to say just how the accident occurred. He had himself stepped off the track to allow the morning freight train, which was approaching, to pass, when he saw Mr. DIXON being rolled over and pushed toward him by the cars. Mr. SHERMAN pulled him aside. The train was stopped and the hands assisted in carrying Mr. DIXON to an adjoining field. Mr. CARVER was notified and he at once harnessed a team, and the unconscious man was brought to his home and attended by Drs. GREEN and WEBB. His right leg was cut off between the ankle and knee and his skull on the right side was fractured. He never regained consciousness and died about noon the same day.
The funeral services were held in the Congregational Church on the following Monday afternoon, the services being conducted by the Revs. ROBINSON, HUTTON, LYMAN, WILCOX and FOX. Rev. Mr.
ROBINSON delivered an appropriate and affecting discourse from the following text: "For he was a good man, full of the Holy Ghost and of Faith." The church was filled with sincere mourners beside the immediate family of the deceased.
Mr. DIXON was born in Utica, graduated from Hamilton College in 1836, moved to Cortland in 1843, and was principal of the Academy here until 1853, when he accepted the position of teacher of mathematics in Homer Academy. In 1854 he purchased the Cortland County Republican, in which business he continued until he sold the paper in 1876.
The text selected by Rev. Mr. ROBINSON was peculiarly appropriate, for in all respects, at all times and under all circumstances "he was a good man." He was of the very few men of whom it can be said that they were always scrupulously honest and just in all dealings with their fellowmen. There were those who took advantage of his genuine kindness of heart and honesty of purpose, "for he was a good man," and he could not bring himself to believe that others were less pure in intention than himself. We are glad to know that they were few however. The influence which such a character has on a community, can scarcely be estimated and it were well if every community had more such estimable and christian inhabitants.
19 Nov 1880
The Graham Case.
Mr. Editor -- I ask the liberty of calling the attention of the public, through your paper, to an act of the District Attorney, of Cortland County, which, unexplained, will only pass without severe censure when it passes without observation. Your paper of three years ago announced that William GRAHAM, of Homer, in a fit of passion or drunkenness, had kicked his wife to death. A coroner's jury called by Dr. S.C. WEBB, to determine the cause which led to the death of Mrs. GRAHAM, found that she died from injuries received at the hands of her husband, William GRAHAM. Soon afterwards the Grand Jury, of this county, found an indictment for manslaughter against GRAHAM. A discontinuance of the proceedings or a nolle prosequi, was entered by the consent of the District Attorney, at the opening of the last term of the Circuit Court. Mr. BENEDICT has allowed the case of GRAHAM to pass court after court, and finally when he had secured himself the office of District Attorney for a second term he quietly allows a man found guilty of manslaughter by a coroner's jury and by a grand jury, to go scot-free, without even the semblance of a trial. The pure execution of law is the foundation of social security, the ligament which holds civilized beings together. ......GRAHAM has no right to ask for mercy at the hands of the district Attorney, and it is not within the legitimate power of the District Attorney to grant him mercy. [There is much more.]
Died. GRACE. - At the residence of her parents in LaFayette, Nov. 13, 1880, Mary Emeline GRACE, aged 23 years.
Died. BURDICK. - At the residence of his brother, Mr. W.H. BURDICK, in McGrawville, Sunday morning, Nov. 14, 1880, Mr. Elias V. BURDICK, aged 30 years.
Died. BEEBE. - In Marathon, N.Y., Nov. 12, 1880, Dr. S. BEEBE, aged 64 years.
Died. HUNT. - In Marathon, N.Y., Nov. 14, 1880, Dr. Samuel M. HUNT, aged 83 years.
Died. BRIGGS. - In Preble, N.Y., Nov. 13, 1880, Nancy BRIGGS, widow of the late John BRIGGS, aged 88 years.
Patrick MELODY, while working in the woods last Thursday, was instantly killed by a falling tree.
Dr. S. M. HUNT, of Marathon, an old and highly esteemed citizen, died last Tuesday morning. He was the first white child born in that village.
Fatal Accident.
John SEE, of Syracuse, for some three years past, boss mason in the employ of the S. & B. Railroad Company, was killed by the cars near the railroad bridge between Homer and Cortland last Friday morning at about half past 10 o'clock. When the accident happened he was walking on the tracks towards Homer. A coal train was moving south on the west track and a passenger train was moving north on the east track upon which SEE was walking. He evidently did not hear the passenger train, and the engineer seeing his danger blew the whistle. SEE stepped from the track but at once stepped back onto the track again and was struck by the engine and thrown to one side. His son aged thirteen years and several others witnessed the accident, and the boy at once went to his father's side, but there was no sign of life. The sudden whistle of the engine behind him and knowing that there was a train on the other track, probably confused him so that he stepped back on the track thinking to cross before the train. He was taken to his home in Syracuse. Mr. SEE was a highly respected citizen and leaves a wife and six young children to mourn his loss. We understand that his family are in needy circumstances.
26 Nov 1880
Rev. Wm. BIXBY was suddenly called to Syracuse, Monday afternoon, to attend the deathbed of his son.
Died. HENRY - In Homer, November 8, 1880, [Lennie?] C., youngest son of Nathan J. and Ann E. HENRY, aged 1 year and 6 months.
Died. LANE - In Cortland, Nov. 19, 1880, Julia, wife of Henry LANE, aged 40 years.
Died. STEPHENS - In Scott, November 12th, 1880, Elisha STEPHENS, aged 85 years.
Died. TENIKE - In Homer, November 15th, 1880, Alexander TENIKE, aged [illegible] years.
3 Dec 1880
The funeral of Gillett INGALLS is to be held from his late residence, on Thursday, at 11 o'clock.
Died. INGALLS - In Vineland, N. J., Nov. 29, 1880, of paralysis, Gillett INGALLS, of Cortland, aged 63 years.
Died. HAWLEY - At his residence in Taylor, Thursday morning, Nov. 18, 1880, Mr. Francis HAWLEY.
Sudden Death.
Monday morning, while George W. MITCHELL, who resides east of this village, about two miles on what is known as Connecticut Hill, was returning to his house from feeding his stock, he dropped dead in the road from heart disease. Life was not extinct when found, and what was strange about the case was that he was warm about the heart the next morning, and his limbs were not stiff. His funeral took place Thursday. - Whitney's Point Reporter.
10 Dec 1880
Died. SOMERS - In Solon, Nov. 4, 1880, Mr. Albert SOMERS, aged 43 years and 12 days.
Died. BRINK - In Marathon, Dec. 5, 1880, Amy, relict of the late Chester BRINK, aged 74 years.
Died. PARKER - In Virgil, N.Y., Nov. 58[sic], 1880, Glenn, son of Gilbert and Catherine PARKER, aged 6 years.
Mr. Phillip BURLINGAME died at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. ALGER, on Tuesday morning. He was an old and respected citizen and the community mourn his loss.
Mrs. Eliza WICKS, of Cincinnatus, whose hip was broken some time since by a fall, an accident of which we published at the time, died after much suffering, last Saturday.
Mrs. Seneca SMITH died on the evening of the 25th ult., leaving a family of five small children, the youngest about four weeks of age. Mr. SMITH is in poor health and very straitened circumstances. Mrs. SMITH was a daughter of Mr. Nathaniel LEWIS, of this place. The funeral services were held in the M.E. Church, on the 27th ult., when the neighbors and friends were appealed to and responded with money and pledges enough to pay all funeral expenses.
Mr. Michael EHLE died on the 5th inst., at the advanced age of 82 years. The body was taken to Dansville for burial.
24 Dec 1880
Died. BURLINGHAM - In McGrawville, on Tuesday, Dec. 7, 1880, Mr. Phillip BURLINGHAM, aged 72 years.
Died. CLARK - In Truxton, Dec. 11, 1880, Mr. Edwin CLARK, aged 26 years.
Died. FULLER - At Fernandina, Fla., Nov. 24th, 1880, by injuries received by falling through hatchway of steamer, while on his return from a visit at the North, Truman E. FULLER, aged 46 years. Deceased was formerly a resident of Cortland.
Died. RIDER - At her late residence on Carroll Avenue, Chicago, Nov. 16th, 1880, Mrs. Meriva Carpenter RIDER, second daughter of the late Dr. Joel R. CARPENTER, of Homer, aged 51 years.
Sudden Death of Henry Woodruff.
Last Monday Mr. Henry WOODRUFF, for many years past a resident and a prominent business man of this village died suddenly while sitting in his chair reading. He had been feeling poorly for a week past but sat down to dinner that day and partook of the same with his accustomed relish. After dinner he sat down in an easy chair to read, while his wife went to another part of the house. Returning a moment of two afterwards she found him sitting in the chair dead. The funeral services will be held at the house at 2 P.M. to day.
31 Dec 1880
Mr. Eben ELLIS died at the residence of his nephew Stephen ELLIS, on Saturday, Dec. 18, at 9 P.M., aged 85. He was formerly a resident of Fabius, and had enjoyed almost perfect health till within the past two years. Since that time he has been a great sufferer. He leaves no nearer relatives than those with whom he spent his last days.
Transcribed by Merton Sarvay
April - May, 2007
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