The Cortland County Democrat
7 Jan 1881
Died. JOHNSON - At the Cortland County Alms-house Dec.2d, 1880, Rhoda JOHNSON, age unknown. Residence, Homer.
Died. KELLY - At the Cortland County Alms-house Dec. [??], 1880, John KELLY, aged 41 years. Residence, Lapeer.
14 Jan 1881
The circumstances surrounding the death of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. ROOD, of this village, are very peculiar and deserve more than a passing notice. They have for a number of years lived in this village, and for some time have been in infirm health. On Monday evening, about nine o'clock, while Mrs. ROOD was applying a rheumatic remedy to her husband's limb she started up and said she could not see anything, and at once became unconscious, having been attacked with apoplexy, from which she never rallied, but died about 5 o'clock yesterday morning. On Tuesday evening Mr. ROOD started to attend to the chores about the house and carried a hod of ashes out to sift them. It is supposed that in returning to the kitchen he in some manner slipped and fell in such a way as to break his neck. The noise of the fall was heard by those in the house and he was at once brought into the house, but he was dead when he was reached. Mr. ROOD was in his 82d year, and his wife in her 81st. Dr. EATON, the attending physician, at once summoned Dr. S.C. WEBB, the Coroner, who, on examination, decided that the cause of death was accidental, and that no inquest was necessary.
Harford Mills.
Mr. Peter D. VINCENT died in the town of Richford about one mile south of this place Jan. 6th, of pleurisy and inflammation of the lungs aged 67 years. The burial and funeral services took place on Sunday the 9th at Fabius, Onondaga Co., the former home of Mr. VINCENT. The relatives desire us to return their sincere thanks for the assistance so kindly rendered by the neighbors and friends. Mr. VINCENT moved from Onondaga Co. about 12 years ago. He has been an industrious and accomodating neighbor; he was indulgent and liberal in his family. About four years ago, when the shrinkage in values taxed to the utmost, the resources of farms, Mr. VINCENT failed in business, leaving some creditors unpaid. Since that time, sorrow seemed to mark him for her own. For two years past, declining health and mental trouble, has told heavily upon his physical frame. But death came somewhat unexpectedly and put an end to his affliction. He has passed to his silent home; there none will envy him his calm repose; or seek to disturb his quiet rest. At such times, atmosphere of memory seems strangely clear; and fond recollections of by-gone years; the lost one's deeds and words of love; or harsh reproaches that may have fallen from our own lips, come vividly back, fearfully near our aching hearts. Perhaps from some of us, the last detracting poisoned arrow has just been sprung; but now, those remaining in the quiver, how ready we break and fling them away. His errors, his frailties, his shortcomings, if he had them, how willing are we to forgive, who of us, if we could, would give him one single pang more; yet we are finite, but God is infinite in His goodness, in His love and in his forgiveness; who dare say then, that the watchful Father, will not meet each weary husk fed prodigal of earth, and lead him to the feast of the Lamb that was slain to save a lost world.
"He turned to many a withered hope, to years of grief and pain,
And the cruel wrongs of a bitter world flashed o'er his boding brain;
He thought of friends, grown worse than cold, of persecuting foes,
And he asked of Heaven if ills like these, must mar his last repose."
Mr. J. H. HALLOCK died on Tuesday, Jan. 11 at 10 o'clock, of congestion of the brain. He came in our midst last spring as a lawyer, and in this brief time had gained the highest esteem of all, by his upright and gentlemanly behavior. His early death is deeply lamented by all.
21 Jan 1881
Died. GEE - At Washington, D.C., on Sunday, Jan. 9, 1881, Fred A., youngest son of Olive M. and Fred A. GEE, aged 8 years, 6 months and 28 days.
We notice the death of Mr. William GIVENS of Gee Hill since our last report.
An accident which resulted in the death of a twin daughter of Mr. Frank RICE, who resides on the Chemung in the town of Taylor, occurred one day last week. Mrs. RICE placed a pan of live coals in one of the rooms of her house just before going to a neighbor's on an errand. When she returned the little girl was found to be so severely burned that she died the next day. The child was only four years of age.
28 Jan 1881
Here and There.
The body of Myron D. REID, who died suddenly in Elmira last week, was taken to Cincinnatus last Saturday for burial.
Myron D. Reid's Death.
Myron D. REID, of Cincinnatus, Cortland county, was a brother of Mrs. Arthur [VESZIE?] who lived at 419 Walnut street. He was an adopted son of Henry HILL, of Southport, and between forty and fifty years of age. He was a widower with one child about six years of age. For three or four weeks past he has been visiting friends in this neighborhood. He had been engaged in writing yesterday morning and ceasing about noon, he pushed his chair back from the desk and died. Coroner MORESSY summoned the following named: A. B. AUSTIN, foreman; Dr. R. E. MURRAY, Florence E. DONAHUE, J. J. WAGNER, William HOWARD, J. B. VanHOUTER, jurymen, and will hold the inquest this evening. --- Elmira Free Press, Jan.21
Died. WINNIE - At the residence of her uncle, Mr. John KENFIELD, in Homer, Jan. 21, 1881, Nettie M. WINNIE, aged 19 years.
Died. ROWE - At her residence near McGrawville, after a painful illness, Jan. 20, 1881, Mrs. Cornelia ROWE, aged 51 years.
Died. LEE - At the residence of Melvin CONGER, in this town, Jan. 22, 1881, Patrick LEE, aged 74 years.
A little child of Mr. George ELLIOT died of scarlet fever on Wednesday, and was buried on Friday, the 21st. The funeral was held at the Baptist Church.
Tompkins. - Mrs. William MURRAY died at Lansingville on Sunday of last week. Deceased had been speechless as well as entirely helpless for several years, and her death was a not unwelcome release...
4 Feb 1881
Died. SMITH - In Cortland, Feb. 3, 1881, of pneumonia, Aunrey Delos, only child of Dorr C. and [Molly?] SMITH, aged 14 months and 9 days.
Died. CROSBY - In this village, Feb. 1, 1881, Cyrus S. CROSBY.
Died. DUNN - In DeRuyter, Jan. 25, 1881, Edward E. DUNN, aged 34 years, formerly of Cortland.
Aubrey Delos SMITH, the only child of Dorr C. and Nellie A, SMITH, died last Tuesday at four o'clock in the afternoon at the residence of her parents, in this village. Aubrey Delos was but a little over fourteen months of age, but he had already with his welcome ways made a resting place for himself in the bosoms of all who knew him, and his death has made desolate many hearts beside those of his fond parents and grand-parents who loved him only to well.
We are again called to register the death of one of the oldest inhabitants of Truxton, and on Thursday, the 2d inst., the friends and relatives will assemble to pay the last tribute of respect to the earthly remains of Mrs. Dorinda RISLEY, wife of Alvah A. RISLEY, Esq. Mrs. RISLEY has been sick for a long time, and although her death was not unexpected, yet she went very sudden at last. She leaves a devoted husband and a loving daughter, (Mrs. P. D. MULLER,) to mourn her loss, besides a large circle of friends and relatives. She was a woman who mingled very little in society, and was ever found at her post of duty as a wife and mother.
11 Feb 1881
Died. CRANDALL - In Cortland, February 10th, 1881, of scarlet fever, Richard S. CRANDALL, only son of Hon. and Mrs. Hiram CRANDALL, aged 13 years, 10 months and 24 days.
Died. BROWN - At Taylor, N.Y., Feb. 7, 1881, Mary BROWN, aged 26 years.
Died. DAYTON - In Lockport, N.Y., Saturday morning Jan. 29, 1881, Harriet E., widow of the late Judge Nathan DAYTON, of Lockport, in the 84th year of her age. Interment at Lockport.
Mrs. DAYTON was born in this town and lived here many years. She visited not many months since at the residence of Mr. W.R. RANDALL.
Died. RILEY - At Cortland, N.Y., February 1st, 1881, of scarlet fever, Maggie RILEY, aged 9 years.
Died. COLE - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., January 30, 1881, Mrs. Margaret COLE, wife of Ray G. COLE, aged 78 years.
Died. FULLER - In Fulton, Oswego county, January 27th, 1881, of consumption, Truman C. FULLER, aged 24 years.
Deceased was a nephew of Madison WOODRUFF, Esq., and formerly a resident of this town.
Maggie RILEY, the nine year old daughter of Thos. and Anna DRENNAN, died at the residence of her parents, Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 1st, at 4 o'clock.
Little Maggie, on account of her [c????ble] qualities of heart and mind, made many friends with those she came in contact with. She leaves many little friends and playmates who deeply mourn her loss. In school, Maggie was one of the most diligent of her class, and she advanced rapidly for one so young.
Maggie was an affectionate happy child, and is sadly missed by her parents and sisters.
18 Feb 1881
Died. BURDICK - In Cuyler, Feb. 4th, 1881, of complicated disease, Mrs. Sarah E. Spencer BURDICK, relict of Joseph L. BURDICK, aged 64 years, 9 months and 10 days.
Died. DORAN - In Cortland, Feb. 5, after a brief illness, Mrs. Mary DORAN, aged 67 years.
Died. MUMFORD - In Cortland, Jan. 22, 1881, Delia N., wife of Thomas MUMFORD, aged 51 years.
Died. WHEATON - In Northfield, Minn., February 5, 1881, Hattie WHEATON, aged 26 years.
Her remains were brought to Cortland for interment. She was a niece of L. B. PLUMB, of this place.
Carrie May, only child and dearly-loved daughter of N. and M.E. ROBINSON, formerly of Virgil, N.Y., died at Minisola, Ill., of typhoid fever, Nov. 17th, 1880, aged 18 years.
All our memories of her are sweet, contented, gentle, uncomplaining in suffering. Satisfied with the love of the friends about her; - happy with her books and music, she was a lovely presence in our midst. Without her our household is desolate, our hearts broken, and our lives blighted.
We cannot depict her life and character in words more appropriate than the following by the gentle poet Whittier, whom she adored:
The blessing of her quiet life,
Fell on us like the dew,
And good thoughts where her footsteps pressed,
Like fairly blossoms grew.
Sweet promptings unto kindest deeds,
Were in her very look;
We read her face, as one who reads,
A true and holy book.
And half we deemed she needed not,
The changing of her sphere,
To give to Heaven a shining one,
Who walked an angel here. |
25 Feb 1881
Harford Mills.
Miss Della COURTRIGHT died at Harford Mills, Feb. 16th, of consumption, aged 17 years.
Died. KENDALL - At Olmstead Falls, Ohio, Mrs. Harriet KENDALL, wife of the late Abner M. KENDALL, aged [?5] years.
Mrs. KENDALL was for many years a resident of Homer.
Died. BROWN - In Cortland, Feb. 15th, 1881, Daniel BROWN, aged 87 years.
Died. TERRELL - In Cortland, Feb. 20, 1881, Garry TERRELL, aged 79 years.
Blodgett's Mills.
Mrs. TAYLOR, wife of A.W. TAYLOR, died on Friday last, and the funeral was held at the house on Sunday at 1 P.M.; burial in the Cortland cemetery. Mrs. HITCHCOCK preached the funeral sermon.
Mrs. LEACH, mother of George LEACH of Cortland was buried here on Saturday last. She died at her daughter's in Taylor.
Mr. Smith BOOTH died on the 17th inst. and was buried on the 19th. The funeral services were held at the M.E. Church, of which the deceased had been a member for fifty years, and was, at the time of his death nearly 77 years of age.
Mr. James BENNETT died on Tuesday morning of last week, after a lingering illness.
4 Mar 1881
An accident occurred on the Southern Central railroad last Saturday morning. The passenger train moving south was thrown from the track by a broken rail one mile south of Berkshire. The passenger coach was thrown on its side and the baggage car was thrown partly into a ditch. Mr. A.J. SWEET, a passenger residing in Dryden, ran out of the rear end of the coach and was thrown off and killed. Mrs. Frank MAPES, of Owego, received some bruises about the hand and hips.
Died. WILLSON - At the residence of Dr. Geo. P. CADY, Nichols, N.Y., on Wednesday morning, Feb. 2d, 1881, Miss Susan WILLSON, aged 76 years.
11 Mar 1881
Mrs. Charles VanBUSKIRK was buried on Sunday, from the house of her father-in-law, Mr. Leonard VanBUSKIRK.
We notice the death of a former resident of this town, Mrs. Josephus BYRAM, of Binghamton, of cancer of the mouth. Mrs. B. was the daughter of the Hon. Timothy GREEN, and was nearly fifty-four years of age. The body is to be brought here for burial. Mr. BYRAM and his daughter Alice will spend some time with his brother-in-law, Mr. Nelson WATROUS.
Miss Anna GLEASON while at church Sabbath evening was taken very ill. Dr. TRIPP was called Monday evening, who pronounced the case to be incurable. The disease was scarlet fever and congestion of the brain terminated fatally on Tuesday evening. The funeral services were held Wednesday. Rev. SCHOONOVER officiated. The deceased was a sister of Mrs. William TYLER.
Blodgett's Mills.
Died, on Monday morning, March 8th at his residence in this place, Rev. Marcellus BARNUM. Mr. B. has been in poor health for the past year and for the past few days had been confined to the house, but on Sunday was better and was out, went to bed feeling better at about half past 12, in the morning got up and shortly after fell down and died instantly.
18 Mar 1881
In Memoriam.
The death of Mrs. Mary DONNELLY of Truxton, N.Y., which occurred at her home on Monday, Feb. 23, has cast a gloom and a feeling of universal sadness over the community where she has lived and spent all of her short life.
Mrs. DONNELLY was the oldest daughter of John McCARTHY, Esq., and was [29?] years of age at the time of her death.
She was a great favorite in her home, and universally admired and respected; and now that she is gone, the vacancy left by the death of "Mary," as she was familiarly called, cannot be filled.
The afflicted family of Mrs. DONNELLY has the sympathy of the entire community, in their great bereavement; and husband, sisters, father and brothers have sustained a loss that does seem, indeed, unendurable; society has lost an unusually amiable, cheerful and pleasant lady, and the Catholic church has lost one of the most faithful, consistent and intelligent members.
The funeral services were held at the church in Truxton, March 2d, at 10 A.M., when a very appropriate and touching tribute was paid to the memory of the deceased by the pastor, Rev. Father B. F. McLOUGHLIN; after which she was interred in the Cortland Catholic Cemetery; and the long line of mourners, who made up the large funeral procession that followed the deceased to her last resting place, attest in a very forcible manner the fact, that humanity had lost one of its most amiable, kind and unselfish members. May her soul rest in peace.
FORCE - In this village, at the residence of Mrs. M. R. DOUD, on Sunday morning, March 6, 1881, Fannie C., daughter of the late James M. and E. G. FORCE, aged 24 years.
Thus briefly we record an event which touched a widely extended feeling of sympathy to our community.
Modest and retiring in her manner, yet bright and cheerful in spirit; amiable and gentle, tender and true in all her intercourse with others, Miss FORCE won the esteem of all who knew her, and the warmest friendships of her more intimate associates. The sad, mysterious providence, that has taken her out of this world, has stricken many hearts with sorrow. But she was cheered and sustained in her passage through "the valley of the shadow of death," by the christian's faith and hope, and we trust that her departure from this life was but an entrance into a higher and more blessed life.
"Another hand is beckoning us,
Another call is given;
And glows once more with angel steps,
The path which leads to heaven." |
Died. BUTLER - At the Cortland county alms-house, Feb. 28, 1881, Bashara BUTLER, aged 90 years, formerly and for many years a resident of Homer, N.Y.
Died. CAMBELL [sic] - In Salem, Conn., Feb. 23, 1881, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Olive H. CAMPBELL, wife of Dea. Carver CAMPBELL, formerly of Cortland, aged 78 years.
Died. CARR - In Truxton, N.Y., Feb. 25, Dennis CARR, oldest son of Dennis CARR, aged 26 years.
Died. HENRY - Suddenly, at his residence, 180 East 19th street, New York City, March 5, 1881, John T. HENRY, aged 71 years.
Died. SALISBURY - In Scott, N.Y., on Friday, March 4, 1881, Lucretia, wife of Nathan SALISBURY, Esq., in the [89th?] year of her age.
Died. VanBUSKIRK - In Preble, N.Y., March 4, 1881, Abbie, wife of Charles L. VanBUSKIRK, aged 80 years.
Died. HUMES - On Wednesday, Feb. 23, 1881, in New York city, Charles F., only surviving son of the late James HUMES, in the 26th year of his age.
Deceased was a nephew of Chas. TURNER, of Cortland, and a brother-in-law of Mrs. Anna D. HUMES, also of Cortland.
Died. MORSE - In Virgil, N.Y., March 9, 1881, Mr. John M. MORSE, aged [86?] years.
Died. WOODARD - In Cortland, March [14?], 1881, Mrs. Hannah M. WOODARD, in the [??] year of her age.
25 Mar 1881
It is with feelings of the deepest regret that we find it a duty to record the death of the Rev. Marcellus BARNUM. He did not fall asleep as one
"That wraps the drapery of his couch about him,
And lies down to pleasant dreams,"
but suddenly, and in the midnight hour, God summoned him. He had "fought a good fight, he had finished his course," and truly he had "kept the faith;" but his death has left a vacancy in the heart of his dear companion and little boy, which nothing but Christ can fill. His funeral, which occurred the 10th inst., was largely attended. We noticed the Grange badge of mourning above the kind heart stilled forever, as he lay in his coffin so peacefully, in his last, long sleep; the white seemed emblematical of the snowy purity of the soul gone to the great Master, and the black of the "darkness of affliction's night." He has disappeared from our earthly view, not as some brilliant meteor flashing for a moment athwart our gaze, and then shooting suddenly into darkness and oblivion, but rather like some pure orb of genial radiance, whose setting will be surrounded by a long twilight of gentle teaching, cheerful example, and kindly remembered virtues.
1 Apr 1881
A very sad accident occurred in the family of Mr. BERNSTEIN, who lives about three miles south of this village near the Baker school house, on Monday afternoon. Mr. BERNSTEIN has quite a family of children, who were playing about the house, and the youngest, about two and a half years old, sat in a chair playing with a pair of shears, when it accidentally fell out of the chair to the floor, striking on the point of the shears so as to penetrate it near the heart. The child only breathed a few times after being picked up. It was a sad blow to Mr. and Mrs. BERNSTEIN, and they have the sympathy of the whole neighborhood. The remains will be taken to Syracuse for interment; Mr. BERNSTEIN being of the Jewish faith, and there being a Jewish synagogue there.
8 Apr 1881
John FELLOWS died on Sunday afternoon, at 5 o'clock.
15 Apr 1881
Mrs. CASTLE, a near relative of Mrs. A.H. BENNETT, died at their residence on Clinton street on Saturday and was buried on Monday.
Died. WHITE - In Detroit, Mich., April 9, 1881, Jane, widow of the late John WHITE, of Cortland, aged 68 years. The remains were brought to Cortland for burial on Tuesday.
Died. BENEDICT - In Cortland, April 8, 1881, Orilla BENEDICT, aged [31?] years.
Died. ROBINSON - In Marathon, April 3, Lester ROBINSON, aged 46 years.
Edwin SHIELDS, a young man aged about 22 years, who was working at Phineas STILLMAN's died very suddenly last Thursday night. It seems that the young man has been somewhat troubled with the heart disease, and before retiring that night, he complained of palpitation of the heart, but after taking some simple remedies felt relieved. In the night, Mr. STILLMAN heard noises in the room occupied by Mr. SHIELDS and went immediately there, and the young man died just as he entered the room. ---DeRuyter New Era.
22 Apr 1881
Mrs. LOOMIS died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. A. L. HUTCHINS, on the 7th inst.
It is with deep sympathy that we announce the death of little Ray, only child of George and Mary LADD. This affliction seems the more severe as it is the third that they have lost, each one being their only child at the time of its death.
We also learn of the death of a little girl, an adopted child of Mr. Manly WILCOX, a daughter of William CUMMINGS of South Cortland. The funeral at South Cortland the 14th inst., Rev. Mr. HUTTON officiated.
Died. GATES - At his residence, in Cuyler, N.Y., April 15, 1881, of typhoid pneumonia, Stephen GATES, in the 62d year of his age.
29 Apr 1881
Jennings BENNET an old resident of this town died at his residence about six miles south of this village Saturday afternoon.
Another of Virgil's old settlers has gone, Mr. Marenus TERPENING, died, on the 22d, at the advanced age of 94 years, the deceased has lived with his son Dea. Levi TERPENING for a number of years and was a man respected by the people.
Died. MERRIFIELD - At her residence in Mendota, Ill., April 18, 1881, of spinal meningitis, Marcia, wife of Hon. Oscar C. MERRIFIELD, and daughter of Dea. John CUDWORTH, of this town, aged 41 years.
Mr. and Mrs. MERRIFIELD were married by Rev. A. WILKINS, and resided in Fayetteville, Vt., until within a few months, when they moved to Mendota.
Died. BENJAMIN - At the residence of his son-in-law Daniel TURNER, in Marathon, N.Y., of paralysis and heart disease, Mr. Joshua BENJAMIN, of Freetown, N.Y., aged 75 years.
Died. DEYO - At Cortland, N.Y., Monday, April 25, 1881, Josie A., wife of Prof. I.T. DEYO, aged 30 years.
Died. MORRIS - In Willett, N.Y., April 22, 1881, William R., son of Hugh MORRIS, formerly of Solon, N.Y., aged 3 years, 7 months and 11 days.
It is with deep sympathy that we announce the death of Mrs. J. T. DEYO, wife of Prof. L. T. DEYO, of the Normal School, which occurred on Monday morning last. Mr. and Mrs. DEYO had been married less than a year, and her unexpected death, under the circumstances, makes the sad blow all the more grievous. She had been seriously ill for some days, but it was not thought dangerously till the Saturday before her death, when she began to fail rapidly. Brief services were held at the residence of Mr. Jonathan HUBBARD, where Mrs. DEYO died, on Monday afternoon, Rev. Mr. ROBINSON officiating. The remains were taken to Binghamton on the 3 o'clock train for burial.
6 May 1881
A Fatal Accident.
Charles Bell, of Preble, killed in Syracuse -
his remains brought home for burial
East Washington street, between Market and Mulberry streets, was the scene of a fatal accident yesterday afternoon, at half-past two o'clock. One of S. Rouse's ice wagons was standing on the east side of the street in front of Meyer's Hotel facing east, and the driver, Charles BELL, was sitting on the seat holding the horses. John CONWAY, another man engaged in delivering ice with BELL, was in the bar-room in the basement of the hotel. The train on the Central Hudson, known as the Third Emigrant, due at this time, approached and the horses becoming frightened, began to back up. BELL applied the whip to cause them to start up, when they swung around, throwing the forward end of the wagon toward the track. The engine, No. 227, George RICE, engineer, struck the hub of the wheel, overturning the wagon and throwing one horse down. BELL was thrown down from the seat, and fell in such a position that his left hand rested on the track and was crushed. His skull was fractured at the base from one ear to the other by the fall, and the blood spurted from his nose, mouth and ears. He also bled profusely at the back of the head. BELL was taken into the hotel and Drs. J.P. and W.H. DUNLAP were summoned. They could do nothing for the man, and at fourteen minutes of three o'clock BELL died. He did not once recover consciousness. The body was taken to undertaker McCARTHY's rooms. The wagon was hurled across the sidewalk and turned upon its side. The tongue was broken and the box crushed. Strange to say, neither of the horses were injured. The wagon was partly full of ice. BELL came from Preble, Cortland county, where his wife and child, a little girl, still reside. He worked for Mr. ROUSE last year, and this was his second season. He was about thirty years old, and a faithful employee. BELL was the man who was robbed on the 23d of April of $8 by Hattie OWENS, the female pickpocket. Coroner KNAPP held an inquest over the remains of BELL at McCARTHY's undertaking rooms last night. Two witnesses were sworn. J.G. MEYER, proprietor of Meyer's hotel, and L. A. FOX, who testified as to the facts as stated above. The jury found that the deceased came to his death as the result of an unavoidable accident. The remains will be taken to Preble for interment.
Syracuse Courier, May 4.
A Remarkable Death.
Joseph GREEN, a resident of Willett, and father of J.I. GREEN, of this place, met with an accident which resulted in death last Tuesday. Some men were at work painting his house, and told him if he would go and get a pole they would clean his chimney out. Mr. GREEN started and went down to the river after the pole, but did not return. The men soon became alarmed and went after him. They found him lying by the bank of the Otselic, dead with a gash cut in his forehead by the axe. It is surmised that he either fell on the axe or that it glanced and struck him while chopping. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon at one o'clock.
Whitney's Point Reporter.
13 May 1881
Died. HITCHCOCK - At his residence in Blodgett's Mills, N.Y., April 29, 1881, Rev. Stephen HITCHCOCK, aged 86 years.
Died. LEACH - In Solon, N.Y., April 26, 1881, Mrs. Annette LEACH, aged 44 years.
Died. UPSON - At Oglethorpe, Ga., on Saturday, May 7, 1881, of Measles, Albert G. UPSON, formerly of this place, aged 32 years.
Died, at Nunda, Livingston Co., N.Y., Saturday night, May 7th, 1881, Hon. Ambrose S. HIGGINS of this place, aged 76 years.
Thus we record the passing away of one of our older residents and most esteemed citizens. Mr. HIGGINS was born Aug. 16th, 1805 in Hillsdale Columbia Co., N.Y. He was married to Miss Harriet NILES of the same place in 1827. And in 1830 he came into the northern part of this county locating at first in Preble, where he resided for about three years. After this he resided in Homer for about two years, and then moved into the town of Scott where he resided for some eighteen years, holding most of the time local offices of honor and trust, and was highly esteemed as a citizen and a neighbor. In 1854 the year that the Syracuse and Binghamton R.R. was opened, Mr. HIGGINS removed to this village and purchased the place where he has made it his home from that date up to the time of his death.
Mr. HIGGINS was highly esteemed by all his acquaintances. A faithful, worthy citizen, strictly upright in all his dealings, markedly pure and blameless in moral character, kind and accomodating as a neighbor, quiet and reserved in manner, yet always courteous, firm and decided in his own opinions, yet considerate of the opinions and feelings of others, he won the kindest regards of all who came in contact with him.
20 May 1881
Died. O'LEARY - In this village, May 1, 1881, of heart disease, Charles O'LEARY, aged [53?] years.
Died. GROSS - In McGrawville, N.Y., May 11, 1881, Mrs. Myra E., wife of Willie GROSS, aged 19 years.
Died. CARR - In Cortland, N.Y., May 15, 1881, Azubah CARR, aged 46 years and 24 days.
Died. EATON - In Willett, N.Y., May 11, 1881, Peter EATON, Sen., in the 88th year of his age.
27 May 1881
Pounded To Death.
Thomas Borrowdale, of Homer, pounded by His Brother-in-Law, last Saturday, Dies from the Effects on Tuesday - Finding of the Coroner's Jury.
Last Saturday afternoon, Thos. BORROWDALE, a farmer about 50 years of age, who resided about three miles west of Homer village, came to Cortland to sell a tub of butter. His step-daughter, Jennie SIMMONS, aged about 18 years, came with him. BORROWDALE took a few drinks while in town. In the evening he started for home by way of Homer. Daniel DELANEY, who was in the employ of the Wagon Company, and John DELANEY, who is a harness maker, and worked for I. & M. Edgecomb, of this place, went with him. The two Delaneys were brothers of Borrowdale's wife, and were going to spend Sunday with their sister. When they arrived at Homer, so the girl says, BORROWDALE managed to obtain another drink. They arrived home between 11 and 12 P.M., BORROWDALE considerably intoxicated. It is in evidence that the Delaneys drank some, although Mrs. BORROWDALE swears that only BORROWDALE was intoxicated. BORROWDALE produced a bill which his wife had incurred for dry goods at a store in Cortland, and began to upbraid her for running him into debt. A war of words ensued, and BORROWDALE ordered all but John to clear out. His wife finally struck him in the face with her hand. He procured a butter packer - a stick about two and a half feet long, and two or three inches wide at one end - but was seized by John, who prevented him from using it. During the melee BORROWDALE fell down once or twice. Daniel DELANEY and BORROWDALE finally had a clinch, and the latter was thrown, Dan falling on top. The evidence shows that Dan struck him with his fist four or five times, and that John finally took Dan off. BORROWDALE did not get up, and the girl says his face was bloody. The girl put a pillow under his head, and after a few minutes BORROWDALE got up himself and went to bed. He kept his bed most of the time until Tuesday evening, when he died at about 8 o'clock. Mrs. BORROWDALE sent the girl to Homer for a physician Tuesday afternoon. The girl says the doctor was not at home, and so she went to Cortland for one. The doctor arrived about fifteen minutes before the man died.
Coroner WEBB, empaneled a jury on Wednesday and the evidence of Mrs. BORROWDALE, Jennie SIMMONS, John DELANEY and Dr. JEWETT was taken. The jury found the following verdict, "That the immediate cause of death was congestion of the brain, the result of blows feloniously inflicted upon the head of the deceased by one Daniel DELANEY on Saturday May 21 1881, and they further say that the killing was manslaughter."
The above statement is merely a synopsis of the evidence taken before the Coroners jury. The witnesses were all friendly to the party charged with the crime and the real facts of the case will probably never come to light. Both the Delaney's, Mrs. BORROWDALE and her daughter agree in their narration of what occurred. From the time he was injured to the time of his death the deceased had not a friend in the house. A physician was only called, in time to see him die.
There are marks on each side of deceased's head which physicians say were never made with a man's fist. One of his ears was split in two and the butter packer shows evidence of having been recently washed, but we understand that there are blood marks on the same that are not washed out.
When under the influence of liquor BORROWDALE was inclined to be ugly. He is said to have misused his first wife when in liquor. She died some 8 or 9 years ago. He was an industrious man notwithstanding, and his friends say that when he married the present wife, nearly six years ago, he had his farm paid for and some money at interest. Since he married his second wife he had run behind, and instead of having money at interest was a little in debt. Jennie SIMMONS is a daughter of Mrs. BORROWDALE by a former husband.
Coroner WEBB issued a warrant for the arrest of Daniel DELANEY, and he is now in jail in this village.
Blodgett's Mills.
On Thursday of last week, Mr. Cornelius BACON, of Etna, buried a child fourteen months old, in the cemetery of this place. A number of years ago, Mr. B. was a resident of this place.
3 Jun 1881
Died. GODDARD - In Taylor, N.Y., May 18, 1881, Alonzo GODDARD, aged 71 years.
Died. CARD - At the residence of her uncle, James A. TISDALE, in Homer, N.Y., May 16, 1881, of consumption, Miss Rosamond H. CARD, daughter of Stephen W. CARD, aged 22 years.
Died. CLARK - In Homer, N.Y., May 14, 1881, Anna Bella, daughter of Simeon N. and Emma H. CLARK, aged 11 days.
Died. DAY - In Homer, N.Y., May 19, 1881, Mrs. Rosanna C. DAY, aged 72 years.
Died. BROWN - In Scott, May 12, 1881, Charles E., youngest son of Stephen S. BROWN, aged 20 years and [9?] months.
10 Jun 1881
Killed By The Cars.
Jack O'Donnell of Freeville killed while lying on the track of the U. I. & E. Railway.
Jack O'DONNELL of Freeville, went to Ithaca last Thursday, and while there is said to have imbibed pretty freely of ardent spirits. He rode up to the U. I. & E. depot in one of the omnibuses which connect with the 1:20 P.M. freight train. On arriving at the depot he got out of the bus and climbed into an open box car with the evident intent of stealing a ride to Freeville. Just before the train started he was discovered by Conductor TEOUGHY, who told him he must get out and ride in the caboose which is in the rear of the train. O'DONNELL, got upon the rear platform of the caboose, and the train started. He was seen standing on the platform by persons at the depot as long as the train was in sight. The passenger train moving west came along a little later and when a short distance west of Varna, Engineer O'HEHER saw a man lying across the track apparently asleep. The engineer endeavored to stop the train, but it was too late and the train passed over O'DONNELL, crushing him into a shapeless mass. He was a single man 45 years of age, and had a half-brother living at Freeville. O'DONNELL was at one time in the employ of the U. I. & E. railway, but had been lately working on the I. A. & W. road.
Blodgett's Mills.
The child of Clay UTLEY which has been sick, for the past two or three weeks, died June 2d, and was taken to Chenango Forks, for burial.
24 Jun 1881
Died. COON. In Cuyler, at the residence of her son, Ethan COON, June 6, 1881, Fanny, relict of James COON, aged 83 years, 8 months and 10 days.
Died. BORTHWICK - At Freetown, June 18, 1881, Mr. Andrew BORTHWICK, aged 84 years.
1 Jul 1881
Died. KENNEY - In Truxton, June 26, 1881, Mr. Moses KENNEY, aged 72 years.
Died. HAMILTON - In Homer, N.Y., June 25, 1881, Kate HAMILTON, aged 36 years.
Major I. M. SEAMANS died at the residence of his son Marsden, on the 25th inst., and was buried on Sunday. Rev. Mr. SCHOONOVER officiated. The deceased moved in this town 61 years ago, and has been a resident for nearly 50 years, raising a family of twelve children, nine of whom are living now. The deceased was one of the oldest of our people, being at the time of his death 85 years and some months.
Again the angel of death has been in our midst and removed one of the old landmarks of this vicinity, and on Tuesday the 28th inst. the people of Truxton, assembled to pay the last tribute of respect to the earthly remains of Moses KENNEY. Mr. KENNEY was 72 years old, and was born and has always lived in this town. For 34 years preceding his death he has lived on his farm one mile south of this village, at which place he died at 4 o'clock on Sunday morning last. He was a man who never meddled in politics but he was known in this section as well as throughout the county as a strong advocate of and an earnest worker in the cause of agriculture. For 52 years nothing but sickness has kept him from occupying his place every Sunday in the Baptist choir, and for over 40 years he has been a member of that church. To see him was to know him and his name will ever be written in the memory of those who enjoyed his acquaintance.
Michael Roche.
Michael ROCHE, who died on Tuesday last and was buried the day following, was a man who has left a memory that is very dear to those who remain to mourn for him. He was in Limerick forty-five years ago and was married in London, Eng., in 1858. He was a carriage painter by trade, but for the past eight or ten years has carried on the saloon and restaurant business in this city. He never had any children. The funeral was largely attended, and the expressions of sorrow at his loss and sympathy for his bereaved widow were universal and hearty. - Elmira Free Press.
Mr. ROCHE was a brother of Patrick ROCHE, the popular tailor of this place, and formerly resided here.
8 Jul 1881
Here and There.
Frank S. PECK, son of Rev. F. B. PECK of this village died at Lake Caroga, June 22d, 1881.
Died. HOPKINS - At the Cortland county Alms House, June 29, 1881, Wm. HOPKINS, formerly of Truxton, aged 36 years.
Died. OSBORNE - In McGrawville, July 5, 1881, Mrs. Eliza A., wife of Judge Noah H. OSBORNE, aged 76 years.
15 Jul 1881
Harford Mills.
Mrs. Anna DECKER, wife of Wm. DECKER, died at the residence of her father (Hiram WILCOX), in this place, July 5th, of dyspepsia. The funeral took place July 7th, at the church. Rev. E.W. TYLER preached the sermon. A large congregation of sympathizing friends and neighbors were in attendance. Two little children are left, never more to know a mother's tender love.
Died. SMITH - At the residence of Dr. W. A. GALPIN, in McGrawville, July 8, 1881, Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Jesse SMITH, aged 86 years.
Died. SEAMANS - In Virgil, N.Y., Mrs. Mary SEAMANS, relict of the late Maj. Isaac SEAMANS, aged 77 years.
Died. HAWKS - At Baldwin, N.Y., Thursday morning, of inflammation of the lungs, Caroline HAWKS, aged 76 years.
Died. VanORDEN - In Cortland, N.Y., June 27, 1881, suddenly of paralysis of the heart, Mrs. Maria VanORDEN, widow of the late John VanORDEN, aged 58 years.
22 Jul 1881
Died. NEGUS - In Truxton, N.Y., July 16, 1881, Edward NEGUS, aged 70 years.
Henry McKEAN, a steady, reliable and industrious young man in the employ of Jay SHAVER, of Freeville, as a farm hand, while in swimming with Fred COTANCH and Bert RANDALL, (boys living on farms adjoining) at the swimming hole in Fall Creek, south of Philip SAGER's residence, on Saturday last, got beyond his depth and being utterly unable to swim, was drowned, in the presence of his companions, who in their fright, neither of them being an expert swimmer, were unable to save him or get him out of the water. Their cries of distress however, soon brought some men working for Mr. John CADY to the spot, when one of the number, a young man named MEENY succeeded in bringing the body to the shore where every effort at resuscitation that was possible for them to make, was put forth without avail however, and the body was taken to Mr. SHAVER's from whence it was conveyed on Sunday by Undertaker PIERCE to the residence of his parents, three miles north of Groton village, where the funeral obsequies were held the following day, after which the remains were deposited in the Catholic grounds at McLean. - Dryden Herald, July 20.
Struck by a Gravel Train.
About seven o'clock on Tuesday morning Mr. Alonzo KINGSLEY was struck by the work train, while crossing the track of the S. & B. R.R., near the depot in this place. The facts of the case, as near as we have been able to learn, are substantially as follows: Mr. KINGSLEY was on his way to work - to hoe a garden which he had taken on shares - and had started to cross the track, hoe in hand, when he was struck by the gravel train, which was backing down at a high rate of speed. He had crossed the first track, and was watching a passing coal train, the noise of which probably prevented his hearing the gravel train, which, as he stepped toward the second track, struck his hoe handle, and threw him under the wheels. His skull was crushed, the bones in his left arm were broken at the elbow, and his right arm was also broken. He was taken to the office of Dr. H.A. BOLLES, where his wounds were dressed and he was made as comfortable as possible. He lingered until about 2 o'clock on Wednesday morning when death put an end to his suffering. Mr. KINGSLEY was a well to do farmer of Tully, where he owned a farm of [800?] acres, which he had rented, and was living with his son, Mr. E. KINGLSEY on Vanette street in this village. He was sixty-nine years of age.
29 Jul 1881
In Memoriam.
We find the following obituary notice in The Churchman of the 22nd inst. Mr. Albert L. PRITCHARD, a son of the late Garret PRITCHARD of Solon, and a brother of Mrs. P.H. McGRAW, of McGrawville is well known and respected in this county:
"Died on the 26th of June, in Tarrytown, Mrs. Mary Isabella PRITCHARD, daughter of Col. CLARK, a highly esteemed citizen of New Berlin, Chenango county, Miss CLARK completed her education in the academy in Utica, then under the supervision of Miss SHELDON. In the genial atmosphere of home her amiability, and the faculty which she possessed of drawing out the best qualities of others, made most pleasant the circle in which she moved. In 1845 she married Albert L. PRITCHARD, then practising law in New Berlin. After some years they removed to Watertown, Wisconsin, thence to New York city, and finally to Tarrytown. Mrs. PRITCHARD gave to all who regarded the noble contour of her hear, with its high white forehead the expression of her large blue eyes, the impression of one whose mind was evenly balanced, who was so purely good and upright, that she could be in no danger from temptation, but must think, and act, rightly in all circumstances. This impression was justified by her life; though to her conscientiousness, its trivial errors and mistakes seemed grave offences. Her life-trial was that of physical pain. With all to make life desirable, to ensure without repining the debility, when not actual pain, that debarred her from its enjoyment, required a spirit of devotion to which few attain. Devotion to the church in whose teachings she found comfort and consolation was a ruling motive of her conduct through life. To it she devoted her great musical talents, acting as organist, singing in sanctuaries and prisons. When her health prevented her from actively engaging in church work, she joined with her husband in contributing largely to enable others to work. So were the lives of husband and wife one that it is difficult to speak of her without mentioning the unparalleled devotion of his to her. No business cares, no pecuniary loss weighed for a moment against his tender care for her. So patiently aiding and enduring until she was permitted to leave her burden of pain on the anniversary of her wedding, the body she had inhabited was borne to New Berlin, to be placed by those of her parents and sister. Her only brother was detained by his wife's illness in Wisconsin. In the soft twilight of the summer day, in the beautiful churchyard of St. Andrew's,
Her own loved Church in sadness read
Its solemn ritual o'er her head.
They who heard felt that for her indeed was the voice from heaven, "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord." That though dead, she yet liveth, and even then, radiant with loveliness earth never knew, she was in the paradise of God."
Died. PETERS - In Summer Hill, July 4, 1881, Mr. Hermon PETERS, aged 90 years.
Deceased was a soldier in the war of 1812. He has lived in Summer Hill fifty-six years, has raised thirteen children in that town, only three of whom remain there still.
Died. DARBY - In Homer, N.Y., July 18, 1881, at the residence of her son-in-law, I.N. CHOLLAR, Mrs. Lyman DARBY, aged 79 years.
Died. WHITE - In Cincinnatus, July 17, 1881, Mr. Isaac WHITE, aged -- years.
Died. DICKENSON - At the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. HEALEY, in Cincinnatus, July 17, 1881, Mrs. Levisa DICKENSON, aged 65 years.
Died. BRADFORD - In Cortland, N.Y., July 14, 1881, Daniel BRADFORD, aged 70 years.
Died. WELCH - In Louisville, Col., July 4, 1881, of scarlet fever, Harry, youngest son of L.J. and Lucy WELCH, and grand-son of John GREEN, of Cortland, N.Y., aged 8 years.
Died. HAWKS - At Cortland, N.Y., July 7, 1881, of inflammation of the lungs, Caroline HAWKS, aged 76 years.
Died. HOWE - At her residence in Geneva, Walworth Co., Wis., July 11, 1881, suddenly, of dropsy, Melissa COGSWELL, wife of Mr. Joseph Edwin HOWE, aged 78 years.
Deceased was a former resident of Cortland county, a sister of Mr. Linus COGSWELL, also deceased, and of Mrs. Alvirus STEDMAN, of South Cortland, who is the last surviving member of the family of Mr. Solomon COGSWELL, Jr.
5 Aug 1881
Died. SHULER - In McGrawville, N.Y., July 29, 1881, Hannah HOUGHTON, wife of the late Renson SHULER, aged 78 years.
Died. BROWN - In Freetown, N.Y., Aug. 1, 1881, of heart disease, Mr. Franklin BROWN, aged 24 years.
Died. BLANCHARD - In Cortland, N.Y., Sunday, July 31, 1881, of heart disease, Jesse M. BLANCHARD, aged 72 years.
Died. HITCHCOCK - In Cortland, N.Y., Tuesday, Aug. 2, 1881, of spinal meningitis, Helen Louise, only daughter of C. B. and Helen A. HITCHCOCK, aged 2 years and 9 months.
Died. BENNETT - In Binghamton, N.Y., July 23, 1881, of consumption, Mr. Oliver L. BENNETT, aged 60 years.
Mr. BENNETT was formerly a resident of Cortland, N.Y.
Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors.
On motion of Mr. GREENE, the Board proceeded to ballot for a Superintendent of the Poor, to fill the vacancy in that office caused by the death of Silas BLANCHARD, with the following result: Whole number of votes cast 15; George MURRAY, Sr., received 8, A.W. GATES 6, John HOPKINS 1.
12 Aug 1881
Died. DALGLIESH - At his residence in Blodgetts Mills, N.Y., Saturday, Aug. 6, 1881, Mr. Robert DALGLIESH, aged 86 years.
19 Aug 1881
Died. BIRDSALL - In Cortland, Aug. 17, 1881, Mary, wife of Richard R. BIRDSALL, of Chicago, Ill., and daughter of Peter STROBECK, of this village, aged 38 years.
26 Aug 1881
Harrison SMITH died, on the 9th inst., of dropsy, at the advanced age of 79 years. Funeral services were held at the M.E. Church, the 11th inst.; Rev. Mr. SHURTLIFF officiated. Mr. SMITH has resided in this town all his life. For the past two years his son-in-law, Mr. Frank MAHAN, has occupied his farms. A large portion of the care of her father has fallen upon Mrs. MAHAN, who has cheerfully rendered the full measure of a daughter's love.
We learn that on Saturday last, Mr. Jared LATHROP, having some business in Mr. Frank Price's lot, was set upon by a bull belonging to Mr. PRICE, and severely injured, which resulted in his death on Tuesday. No blame is attached to Mr. PRICE, as he had requested Mr. LATHROP not to go within his inclosure, as the animal had previously shown a dislike to him.
2 Sep 1881
An infant son of Mr. William CHASE died Monday afternoon of cholera infantum.
Death of Judge Crandall.
The sudden death of Judge Hiram CRANDALL, which occurred at his home in this village, on Sunday evening last, was an event that caused a feeling of sadness to pervade every household in this community. It was entirely unexpected, as he had been about the streets and transacted business with several parties on Saturday, seeming to be as cheerful and as hearty as usual. He had complained a little on Sunday, but laughed and conversed in his usual pleasant manner with his family, during the day. In the evening he lay down upon the sofa, and soon after his wife stepped into an adjoining room for a moment, and when she returned she found him lying on the floor, dead.
Judge CRANDALL came to this town in early life from Plymouth, Chenango county, and afterwards attended school at the old Academy in Homer. He afterwards read law with Judge W. H. SHANKLAND, in this village, and was admitted to the bar in January, 1846. After his admission to the bar, he formed a partnership with Judge SHANKLAND, with whom he remained until the latter was elevated to the Supreme bench, when he formed a partnership with Robert O. REYNOLDS, who had until then been practicing law in Norwich. Mr. REYNOLDS was a brilliant advocate, and as Judge CRANDALL was an excellent office lawyer, the firm was an extremely strong one, and was retained on one side of almost every case tried in the courts of this county. The firm of Reynolds & Crandall was continued until the death of the senior member, which occurred in September 1855. In the spring of 1853, Judge CRANDALL was appointed postmaster of this village by President Pierce, and held the office until 1861. In the fall of 1859, he was elected County Judge and Surrogate on the Democratic ticket over A. P. SMITH, the Republican candidate, taking his seat January 1st, 1860. In 1861, in a letter written to Hon. B. F. TILLINGHAST, he announced himself as a Republican. In the fall of 1863 he was re-elected County Judge and Surrogate on the Republican ticket. He made an excellent Judge, and discharged the duties of his responsible position with integrity and ability. Some years before his election to the office of County Judge, he was a member of the old State Militia, and rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. For years he was familiarly known in this community as Major CRANDALL, and was deservedly popular. When the First National Bank of this village was organized, he became a director and stockholder, and was appointed attorney of the bank, a position which he held at the time of his death. Judge CRANDALL started out in life a poor man, but had succeeded by judicious investments, sound business habits and untiring industry, in amassing a handsome fortune. He gave liberally of his means for charitable and other purposes, and was always in favor of an enterprise that promised to be for the benefit of the public. He was a warm friend and a genial, whole-souled companion, whom it was a pleasure to meet. His place as a business man will be hard to fill, and many who were accustomed to rely on his counsel and advice in business matters, will feel his loss deeply. He was 63 years of age, and leaves a wife and one daughter. Last February, his son, a bright lad of about 14 years, died rather unexpectedly of scarlet fever. It was a severe blow to the Judge, and many believe that his own death was hastened by the sad event, although it is understood that the immediate cause of death was heart disease. The sympathy of the entire community is with the widow and fatherless daughter who are called to mourn the loss of one of the kindest husbands and most indulgent of fathers.
2 Sep 1881
Died. TURNER - In Marathon, August 16, 1881, Daniel TURNER, aged 38 years.
Died. SALISBURY - In Marathon, August 18, 1881, Loren SALISBURY, of McIntyre, Pa., aged 64 years.
Died. GILBERT - At Glen Haven, N.Y., Aug. 20, 1881, of consumption, Joshua W. GILBERT, of Gilbertsville, N.Y., aged 41 years.
Died. RANNEY - At her late residence in Summer Hill, N.Y., Betsey, wife of Ira P. RANNEY, formerly known as Betsey RATHBUN, of McGrawville, aged 53 years, 3 months and 3 days.
Died. HATFIELD - At the residence of her son, Chas. A. HATFIELD, in Homer, August 21, 1881, Margaret, Wife of Simon HATFIELD, aged 84 years.
Died. DUFFY - In Cortland, Sept. 1, 1881, Anne DUFFY, mother of Hugh DUFFY, Esq., aged 69 years. Funeral will be held on Saturday at 10 A.M. from St. Mary's Catholic church, in this village.
9 Sep 1881
Died. CRANDALL - At the residence of her son, V. B. CRANDALL, in Cortland, Sept. 1, 1881, Mrs. Selina CRANDALL, relict of the late Harvey S. CRANDALL, aged 66 years.
Died. BURVEE - In McGrawville, N.Y., August [21?], 1881, of brain fever, Charlie, son of S. W. BURVEE, aged 4 years.
Died. BENNETT - In Cincinnatus, August 26, 1881, P.S. BENNETT, aged 74 years.
Died. FOX - In Taylor Center, August 29, 1881, Johnnie, son of Ira FOX, aged 8 years.
Fatal Accident.
John M. Green of Homer, Falls From a Fourth Story Window in Syracuse, and is Instantly Killed.
At ten minutes of four o'clock this morning John M. GREEN fell from a fourth story window at Congress Hall, and struck on his head upon the flagstone walk.
He was instantly killed. GREEN was from Homer. He was a law student in the office of District Attorney HOYT, and 24 years old.
He occupied room No. 44 with Harry E. HOYT, son of the District Attorney. He entered the hotel at a quarter of 4 and leaving word to be called at 7 o'clock, went up stairs.
As he entered the room he said to his room mate "hello," and taking a pillow from the bed went into a sitting room adjoining.
The next instant a fall was heard. It is supposed he sat in the open window on Railroad street and fell out. He was somewhat intoxicated. --- Syracuse Courier Sept. 8.
[There is another account September 16, from that paper Sept 9.]
16 Sep 1881
Michael HAYES, a boy about fourteen years old, who resides on the cross road between here and Cortland, was killed by the cars in this place on Tuesday afternoon. He was trying to board a coal train moving south. Coroner WEBB was called, but no inquest was held as the boys who were with him, the only witnesses, could not be found.
Fatal Accident.
Last Tuesday afternoon Michael HAYES, the fourteen year old son of John HAYES, residing on Fitz street in this place, was run over by the cars, when just north of the freight depot in Homer, and instantly killed. Young HAYES, with two or three other boys, attempted to catch a ride on a passing coal train, and in getting on board Hayes' feet slipped and he fell under the cars, striking on one of the rails. Several cars passed over him cutting his body nearly in twain just above the hips. The body was removed to his home in Cortland. The lad had lately been in the employ of Wickwire Bros. of this village.
A little son of John TWENTYMAN died on Saturday morning last. Funeral services were held at the house on Monday, at 1 o'clock.
Died. WOOD - At his residence in Freetown Corners, N.Y., Sept.4, 1881, Mr. Holland WOOD, aged 79 years and 5 months.
Died. TANNER - In Blodgetts Mills, N.Y., Sept 2, 1881, Mrs. John TANNER, aged 63 years.
Died. HOLMES - In Homer, N.Y., Sept. 1, 1881, Mr. Watson HOLMES, aged 56 years.
Died. PEASE - At Hunt's Corners, Sept. 4, 1881, Mrs. Sidney PEASE, aged 34 years.
Died. BATES - In this village, Sept. 7, 1881, of spinal meningitis, Mabel Irene, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.T. BATES, aged 10 months and 2 days.
23 Sep 1881
Died. RORAPAUGH - At his home in Cincinnatus, N.Y., Sept. 19, 1881, Alfred RORAPAUGH, aged 29 years.
30 Sep 1881
Died. HARE - At the Cortland county alms house, Sept. [23?] 1881, Miss Martella HARE, aged ?? years, residence formerly Homer.
7 Oct 1881
Died. DERBY - In Homer, Sept. 22, 1881, at the residence of his son-in-law, Charles L. BROWN, Mr. E. DERBY, aged 83 years.
Died. HOWE [sic] - On Monday, Sept. 26, 1881, at the residence of his grandmother, Mrs. Paris BARBER, George Rowland ROWE, Jr. son of George R. and Louisa B. ROWE, of Newark, N. J., aged 9 months and 6 days.
Died. CLOYES - At Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 25, 1881, of congestive fever, William S. CLOYES, aged 69 years.
Died. RADWAY - In Truxton, N.Y., Sept. 14, 1881, Mr. Wilmarth RADWAY, aged 95 years and 9 months.
Died. RUNDLES - In the town of Throop, Cayuga Co., N.Y., Will H., youngest son of James B. and Fanny A. RUNDLES, formerly of this place, in his 25th year. The remains were brought to Cortland for interment.
Died. ATKINS - In Solon, N.Y., Sept. 29, 1881, Mrs. John ATKINS, aged 74 years.
Died. CAMEALL - In Blodgett's Mills, N.Y., Sept. 30, 1881, Miss Emma Jane CAMEALL, aged 3 years and 8 months.
Blodgett's Mills.
The funeral of Emma J., aged about 3 years, only child of Mr. and Mrs. P. CAMMEL, was held at their residence on Sunday afternoon. The services were conducted by Rev. Mr. [SCOON?], after which the remains were taken to McGrawville for interment.
Daniel DRESSER, of Summerhill, who had his leg injured by stepping in the cylinder of a threshing machine, an account of which we published last week, died soon after his leg was amputated.
14 Oct 1881
Died. LAMONT - At her home in Virgil, N.Y., Sept. 26, 1881, Mrs. Nancy LAMONT, aged 71 years.
Died. BLACKMAN - At her home in Columbus, Chenango county, after a long and painful illness, Hannah, daughter of George F. BLACKMAN, in the 43d year of her age.
21 Oct 1881
Died, in Cortland, on the 30th day of September, 1881, Major John J. ADAMS, in the ninety-third year of his age.
In the death of Major ADAMS, Cortland loses one of her oldest and worthiest citizens. Born in Northumberland, Saratoga county, July 12, 1789, he removed to Preble in this county when a young man, and many years ago settled in Cortland village, on Adams street - named after him. In early life, and until within a very few years, he was active in his benevolences, and many an older person can bear grateful testimony to his kindness and generosity. He was, in his prosperous days, liberal, almost to a fault. He was true to everybody, and more than ordinarily attached to his friends, of whom he enjoyed a large circle.
His first vote was cast in 1810, and his last for James A. Garfield, in 1880; and he was accustomed to speak with pride of the fact, that during the whole seventy years, he never missed but one election, and that was when he was sick.
He was formerly a Whig, but joined the Republican party at its organization, and has always been true to his party and its principles.
On the 27th day of March, 1819, he received his commission as Major of the 58th Regiment of Infantry, it being signed by Gov. DeWitt Clinton, and now highly prized by the family.
About fifty years ago, he joined the Presbyterian church in this village, under the ministrations of Rev. Mr. JOHNSON, and has ever since been a consistent member.
For several years past he has been confined to his home by declining health, where willing hands of affectionate daughters have rendered all the assistance which love prompted by duty could give. At last, death has come to his relief. He passes from our mortal vision; but the universal verdict of all who knew him is, that the life of Major ADAMS was not in vain, and that is the best that be said of any.
Died. IRELAND - In Cortland, Oct. 9, 1881, John IRELAND, aged 75 years.
Died. GREENWOOD - At McGrawville, Oct. 14, 1881, Mrs. Laura M. GREENWOOD, widow of the latte Isaac Kinney GREENWOOD, aged 80 years.
Died. CARR - In this town, Oct. 15, 1881, Mrs. Azubah, wife of David CARR, aged 80 years.
Died. RUSSELL - At the residence of his parents in McGrawville, Oct. 16, 1881, Merton H., son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen RUSSELL, aged 19 years.
Died. ROYCE - In Moravia, N.Y., Oct. 15, 1881, Mr. Benjamin A. ROYCE, aged 63 years, 7 months and 6 days.
Mrs. Abigail LADD, died on the 8th inst., aged 73 years, leaving four children. Mrs. J.C. SEAMANS and the firm of Ladd Bros., of this place, and Mrs. Milo TRAVER who has resided in the west for some years, but was with her mother at the time of her death. The funeral services were held at the M.E. Church on the 10th inst. Rev. Mr. HUMPHREY officiated, the pastor of the M.E. Church of which deceased was a member was absent at conference.
28 Oct 1881
Died. REED - At the residence of his son Chauncey A. REED, in Walden, N.Y., Oct. 24, 1881, Rufus A. REED, of new York city, formerly a resident of Cortland, N.Y., aged 76 years.
The remains were interred in Cortland Rural Cemetery.
Died. PRICE - In Groton village, Oct. 23, 1881, Alice, wife of E. E. PRICE, aged 30 years.
4 Nov 1881
Mr. Burdette MORSE, who died last Saturday, was buried on Tuesday.
Died. SMITH - In Cortland, Nov. 3, 1881, Annie R. V. SMITH, wife of B. Herman SMITH, aged 41 years.
11 Nov 1881
Died. OTIS - In Virgil, N.Y., at the residence of her son-in-law, Vivus JOHNSON, Oct. 30, 1881, Mrs. Sophronia S. OTIS, aged 70 years.
Died. EISAMAN - At Cortland, N.Y., Nov. 8, 1881, Mr. Frank EISAMAN, aged 27 years.
Funeral from his late residence at 1 o'clock this afternoon.
Died. DEXTER - In McGrawville, Nov. 1, 1881, Mrs. N.M. DEXTER, aged 69 years.
Died. ALGER - In McGrawville, N.Y., Nov. 4, 1881, of measles, followed by typhoid fever, Miss Mary Rocelia ALGER, aged 25 years.
Died. ATWOOD - In solon, Nov.6, 1881, Boenarges ATWOOD, aged 80 years.
Mr. ATWOOD was born April 19, 1801, and has been a resident of this county 72 years.
Died. MYNARD - In Van Ettenville, N.Y., Nov. 6, 1881, John B. MYNARD, aged 44 years.
Death of a Veteran Editor.
A noble man and veteran editor, Rufus A. REED, died in New York on the 24th of October, aged 76. Mr. REED was a practical printer, and for more than forty years was connected with the newspaper press of this State. His last work as editor was done in Cortland county, where he was greatly respected for his editorial efficiency and his exemplary social and Christian virtues. For a number of years past he has held a responsible position in the naval office department in the Custom House, and up to the last had performed all the work assigned him with conscientious fidelity. His remains were interred [in] Cortland Rural Cemetery. His only son is the respected editor of the Walton Herald, who inherits the talents and virtues of his father. --- Albany Journal.
On Tuesday morning, the 1st inst., Mrs. Anna R. V. SMITH, wife of B. Hermon SMITH, formerly of this city, died in Cortland, after many months of intense but patiently borne suffering. The death of Mrs. SMITH is one of those sad events over which weak humanity is prone to wander, doubting the wisdom and goodness of the Creator. She was a woman eminently fitted to render her home a happy one, and in her death, four lovely children, three of whom are in tender years, are left without the gentle mother's guidance, while the bereaved husband must seek in vain for adequate consolation and sympathy on this side of eternity. --- Syracuse Sunday Times.
Mrs. Charles OTIS died at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Vivas JOHNSON, on the 30th ult., aged 78 years. Deceased was the mother of Mr. N. J. SHERMAN. Mrs. JOHNSON, of this place, Mrs. Terry MYNARD, of Potter Co., Pa., and Mr. Cyrus SHERMAN, of Kansas, and Rev. D.W. SHERMAN were present at the funeral services on the 2d inst.
We learn of the sudden death of Mr. John B. MYNARD, of this town, at VanEttenville, N.Y. The body was brought here and funeral services held on the 8th inst., at the residence of is brother, ex-Supervisor W. P. MYNARD, who, with Mr. Adelbert MYNARD, of Cortland, and Mrs. Lewis BELL, of this place, George MYNARD, of McGrawville, and Mrs. EDMUNDS, of Freetown, are the surviving members of the family of Madison MYNARD. The deceased was at the time of his death - which was caused by rheumatic affection of the heart - about 44 years of age. He leaves a wife to mourn his loss. We have known deceased from his boyhood days, and can say of him that in business we found his word good, and in this long acquaintance we remember no unkind word from, and cherish only the kindest recollection of him.
18 Nov 1881
Died. VANSLYCK - At Hamilton, Madison Co., N.Y., Nov. 10, 1881, Mrs. Abi VanSLYCK, aged 83 years, relict of Philip VanSLYCK, formerly of Homer, N.Y., and mother of E.D. VanSLYCK of the Hamilton Republican.
Died. RICHARDSON - In this village, Nov. 5, 1881, Ardale, infant daughter of G.W. and Kate L. RICHARDSON, aged 1 year and 3 months.
25 Nov 1881
Died. RUNYAN - In Cortland, Nov. 19, 1881, Charles RUNYAN, aged -- years.
Died. BURNS - At the Cortland county Alms House, Nov. 15, 1881, Margaret BURNS, aged 64 years, formerly of Solon.
Died. JOHNSON - At the Cortland county Alms House, Nov. 19, 1881, Abram JOHNSON, aged 83 years, formerly of Marathon.
A Suit for Damages.
As our readers will remember, we gave an account last summer of the killing of Charles BELL, of Preble, while in the employ of S. ROUSE, of Syracuse. Mr. BELL was driving an ice wagon for his employer and while the team was standing on East Washington Street in Syracuse became frightened at the steam which was escaping from one of the Central railway engines, and ran in front of the same, resulting in the death of BELL. Mrs. BELL sued the railway company for damages. The case was tried in Syracuse last week and the plaintiff was nonsuited on the ground that the plaintiff had failed to show negligence on the part of the railway company and that deceased had not exercised due caution.
2 Dec 1881
Mr. John SHEERAR died Nov. 21st, 1881, aged 85 years. Deceased was born in Schoharie Co., N.Y., April 27, 1796, was married in 1818 to Miss Anna MERCHANT by whom he seven children all of whom are now living. Mrs. Caroline RYAN, of Lagrange, O., Harvey, of Wellsville, N.Y., Mrs. John WOOD, of Cortland, Rev. J.B. SHEERAR, of Watkins, N.Y., Ambrose, of South Cortland, Benjamin, of Cortland, Headly, of Omro, Wis. Mr. SHEERAR came to this town to live in 1824, first settling on the old farm now occupied by his son Harmon. He experienced religion in early life and became a communicant of the Presbyterian church of this town and has been one of its most faithful members for over fifty years. Mrs. SHEERAR died in 1838. In 1851 Mr. SHEERAR married Miss Susan LUCE who still survives and by whom he had four children, Dr. John SHEERAR, of St. Albans, Vt., Mrs. Anna BEMAN, of Tenn., who died 1873, Martin L. and Harmon SHEERAR, of this town. The deceased though of slender form was possessed of a good constitution having never been obliged to keep his bed for a single day until within ten days of his death, and has voted at every general election for fifty-six years; always voting for the Republican ticket since the formation of the party. But few men combine so many of the elements which go to make up a perfect Christian character as was found in Mr. SHEERAR, and now that he is gone it can be said of him that his was a character every way worthy of imitation by both young and old. The funeral services were held on the 23d inst. Rev. Mr. KNESKERN, of Cortland, officiated assisted by Reverends
SHURTLIFF and BRANCH, an unusual feature of which was the fact that six sons of deceased acted as bearers thus depositing the form of a loved parent in the grave by the hand of filial affection.
Sudden Death.
Taken sick on the train and dying four hours afterward.
Monday morning an employee of the construction train named HENNESY, residing at Homer, was taken ill after he left that station and upon arriving at the station here decided that he would get off and return home on the 9:29 train. He went into the depot where it was soon after noticed by Mr. CHAPMAN to be in a rather bewildered state of mind, so much so that it was supposed he was intoxicated. When the train came he was discovered to be perfectly helpless, so Agent BURGESS assisted him into the baggage car still thinking him intoxicated. On arriving at Homer, however, it was soon found he was sick. A doctor was summoned, but he could not aid him, and he died at half-past eleven. It is supposed that congestion of the brain was the cause of his death. He had been in the employ of the railroad company for three or four years, and was a man about fifty years of age. It was a very singular affair. - Marathon Independent.
Died. SHEERAR - In Virgil, N.Y., Nov. 21, 1881, John SHEERAR, aged 85 years.
Died. POTTER - At the Cortland county Alms House, Nov. 27, 1881, Hezekiah POTTER, aged 69 years, formerly of McGrawville.
Died. HAYNES - In Cortland, N.Y., Nov. 26, 1881, Nicholas H. HAYNES, aged 60 years and 7 months.
Death of Ex-Sheriff HAYNES.
Ex-Sheriff Nicholas H. HAYNES died at his residence in Cortland, N.Y., at 6 A.M. on the 26th day of November, 1881, of consumption, brought on by exposure and overwork. Mr. HAYNES was born in the town of Marathon, N.Y., on the 25th day of April 1821, and continued to reside in that town until he removed to Cincinnatus, N.Y., where he was married to Lucy BROWN, of that place on the 22d day of September 1842.
9 Dec 1881
Mrs. Wm. FENNER, who has been in ill-health for a number of years, died on Monday morning about 8 o'clock. The funeral was held at her late home on Grove Street Wednesday at 11 o'clock. Deceased was 51 years of age.
Sudden Death in Marathon.
An employee in the Marathon tannery by the name of Michael O'HARA dropped dead while working at his bench, last Monday morning. He had been at work putting his tools in order and after finishing that job, he went to his bench to go to work, and was in the act of reaching for a hide, when he fell. His fellow workmen went to his assistance at once, but life was extinct when they reached him. Heart disease is supposed to have been the cause of his death.
Died. MAXSON - In Cuyler, Nov. 25, 1881, of pneumonia, Matthew R. MAXSON, aged 67 years.
Died. MOREY - At Seneca Falls, N.Y., David S. MOREY, in his 78th year. The remains were brought to McGrawville for burial.
Died. VanVALEN - At Washington, D.C., Sunday morning, Dec. 4, 1881, Mr. James VanVALEN, in the 76th year of his age.
His remains were brought to Cortland, and intered Thursday.
16 Dec 1881
Died. FENNER - In Homer, Dec. 5, Mrs. William FENNER, aged 52 years.
Died. CHATFIELD - In Cincinnatus, Dec. 9, 1881, after a long sickness, George B. CHATFIELD, aged 29 years.
Mr. James GILKERSON, one of our oldest citizens, died on Monday morning at 8 o'clock.
23 Dec 1881
Here and There.
Josh KNIGHT, an old resident of Homer, died recently at the advanced age of 96 years.
The body of Mrs. Ezra I. JOHNSON of Groton, formerly of this town was brought here for burial on Sunday the 11th, inst. services were held in the M.E. Church Rev. Mr. GUTSELL of Cuyler officiated. The deceased was well known in this town, and a large number of people gathered to pay a tribute of respect to departed worth. Mrs. JOHNSON was a member of the PALMER family a large number of whom attended the funeral. Deceased was about 66 years of and had been a member of the M.E. Church for fifty years. She leaves five children of whom Byron and Charles W. JOHNSON are residents of this place.
Another of Virgil's old citizens has passed away. Mr. Isaac LEWIS died on the 15th inst., and was buried on the 16th. Rev. Mr. SCHOONOVER officiated. Deceased was nearly 74 years of age. We can say of him that in business we always found him square. He leaves a wife and two children, Mrs. J.B. MYNARD, and Mrs. Marcus HOLTON wife of the proprietor of the Junction House Freeville.
30 Dec 1881
Died. BAKER - In Syracuse, Dec. 29, Minnie BAKER, wife of Seth BAKER, of Syracuse, and youngest daughter of Randolph BEARD, Esq. of Cortland.
A Rough Ride.
Dragged by the Heels Until he is Killed.
On Saturday evening Maurice GALVIN, residing in Cuyler, Cortland county, came to Fabius for the purpose of obtaining some groceries and provisions. He also carried with him a two gallon jug which he had filled with cider, and in addition bought a pint of whisky. On his way home he stopped at a farmer's named HARTNETT, about half way between Fabius and Cuyler. By this time he was somewhat intoxicated. He asked HARNETT to take a drink with him which he did, but only drank cider as the cork in the whisky bottle was driven in so deeply that he could not extricate it. About half a mile from Mr. Hartnett's lives a family named NYE who heard a team supposed to be Galvin's passing the house about half past seven in the evening. GALVIN did not appear at his home that night and his wife was not alarmed, as she supposed her husband was passing the night at his uncle's at Preble. Nothing was seen or heard of GALVIN until about 5 o'clock Sunday evening when two boys named O'CONNEL and PERKINS were crossing a field about two miles south of Galvin's house when they saw a wagon with a team attached near a fence. The horses had eaten a board of the fence entirely through. The dead body of GALVIN was found hanging by the right leg to the back end of the wagon. The leg was entangled in a chain and rope combined, which held the bottom of the wagon together. His face was greatly disfigured - the nose and one eye were gone, and the flesh all torn off, leaving the bones bare. The flesh was also scraped off the arms. It is supposed that he was dragged on the ground for a mile and a half. The boys reported their discovery to the neighbors and the body was removed to Galvin's house. Coroner KNAPP was summoned, and went to Cuyler Monday night. He found that GALVIN lived in Cortland county, but was found dead in Onondaga county. The coroner therefore, ordered the body brought back into his county. An inquest was held which resulted in a verdict in accordance with the above facts. GALVIN was 31 years old and leaves a wife and one child. --- Syracuse Courier Dec. 28th.
...... H. F. JONES, of DeRuyter, went to Colorado last week Monday to bring home the remains of Wm. H. BROWN, formerly of Cuyler, who was fatally injured by the premature explosion of a blast while working on a railroad....
Transcribed by Merton Sarvay
May, 2007
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