The Cortland County Democrat
6 Jan 1882
In Memoriam.
In Cortland, Dec. 25th, 1881, of consumption, Nannie E., wife of M. W. SMITH, aged 35.
In her death the community sustains a loss that will be most deeply felt, especially by those who were most intimately acquainted with the life and character of the deceased. At the age of 30, under the ministrations of Rev. W. M. KINCAID, she became a member of the Baptist Church, in this village, where, by her pure, unostentatious, and consistent Christian life, she won a welcome into the hearts of the many who were wont to meet her in her church home, and in the daily walks of life.
Through the weary weeks and months of her suffering she maintained that patience and fortitude - that faith in Christ, which enabled her to triumph over the pain of death, to look upon it as a welcome messenger, and longed for the time to come when she would be free from sickness and sorrow, and meet the "loved ones gone before." When told by her physician that she could not recover, she seemed extremely happy in the contemplation of the bright hereafter that awaited her, and tenderly committed her friends to the care of "Him who doeth all things well."
Just before her death she requested her friends to sing a hymn, with which she had long been familiar, and while thus complying with her dying request, her pure spirit peacefully winged its way to the home eternal.
Impressive funeral services, conducted by Rev. J. W. PUTNAM, were held at the home of the deceased, the 28th ult., where a large number of sorrowing ones paid their last tribute of respect to the dear departed, whose life and virtues they will do well to imitate, and whose memory they will forever cherish.
------- . -------
Death of Mrs. Strobridge.
Close of Life of Nearly Four-Score and Ten.
The death of Mrs. Nancy STROBRIDGE, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. M. B. EWING, East Walnut Hills, last Saturday evening, has been announced in the Gazette. Mrs. STROBRIDGE, nee
MAYBURY, born in the year 1795, at Wilkesbarre, Pa. During her early womanhood her parents removed to Solon, Cortland Co., N.Y., where she met and married Mr. James Gordon STROBRIDGE. Mr. STROBRIDGE was a contractor of public works, and when he secured the contract for building the canal from Burlington Bay to Lake Ontario, the work necessitated his removal to Canada. Not long afterward, in 1833, Mr. STROBRIDGE died at Hamilton, Ontario. In 1840, Mrs. STROBRIDGE, with four of her sons and her one daughter, came to Cincinnati, and the sons engaged in the dry goods business on Main street, between Fifth and Sixth. Two or three years later the two other sons came here. Of all this family only two are now living. Mr. Hines STROBRIDGE, the lithographer, and Mrs. M. B. EWING, of East Walnut Hills, at whose residence Mrs. STROBRIDGE died. The deceased has been very feeble for several years, and scarcely able to leave her bed for about two years.
The MAYBURYS are a Baptist family, but Mrs. STROBRIDGE connected herself with the Methodists, and was a member of the Mt. Auburn Methodist Church at the time of her death. She was unostentatious in her life, and in her Christian labors never performed her alms to be seen of men. Her feeble condition has made it impossible for her to attend church or to take active part in Christian work for several years. Two of her grandsons are ministers of prominence in the Methodist Church, Rev. Geo. E. STROBRIDGE, of New York, and Rev. Thomas R. STROBRIDGE, of Chicago. The funeral will take place this morning at 10 o'clock.
Cincinnati Gazette, Dec. 27.
Mrs. STROBRIDGE had many relatives and friends in this place, in Solon, and in other towns in this county.
Died. DUNBAR - In Preble, N.Y., Dec. 28, 1881, Elam DUNBAR, aged 75 years.
Died. UPTEGROVE - In Marathon, Dec. 16, 1881, Mrs. L. W. UPTEGROVE, aged 69 years.
Died. MORE - In Cortland, Dec. 17, 1881, James S. MORE, aged 68 years.
Died. TOWNLEY - At the residence of her son-in-law Wesley ALBRIGHT, in McLean, Dec. 31, 1881, Mrs. Lavinyea DOUD, wife of the late Henry T. TOWNLEY, aged 68 years.
13 Jan 1882
Mr. Chester SIMONDS died at his residence at Franks Corners, on Tuesday, the 3d inst. Funeral services on Saturday, the 7th inst., at the M.E. Church, the pastor of which, Rev. Mr. SHURTLIFF, officiated. Deceased was fifty-eight years of age, and had always resided in this town. Mr. SIMONDS was a quiet,
good disposed man, one who was acknowledged by his neighbors to be a consistent Christian, and in whose death the M.E. Church has suffered a loss. Deceased was the father of Dr. A. D. SIMONDS, of Etna, Tompkins Co., who is now at the residence of his father, very ill.
20 Jan 1882
Fatal Accident.
The Pitcher correspondent of the Cincinnatus Register furnishes the following: "A fatal accident occurred on the farm of J. B. PACKER, a short distance from this village on Saturday last. A party of five came from Lincklaen to hunt rabbits; among them was Daniel MURRY, a young man about 19 years old, a son of Chas MURRAY [sic]. He took his position on a log with the butt of his gun resting between his feet; in this position the gun slipped from the log and as he reached to draw it back the lock caught and caused the gun to be discharged and the charge taking effect in his left goin [sic], which caused almost instant death; he never spoke but twice after the accident. He was removed to his parents in Lincklaen.
27 Jan 1882
Found Dead in a Barn.
We have received special information from Freeville to the effect that the dead body of an unknown man was found in the barn of a Mrs. FISHER, two miles south of McLean, on Wednesday morning. The corpse, which was that of an intelligent looking man, was well dressed, and in one pocket was a half pint bottle half full of whiskey. The man was about 30 years of age.
We have learned since the above was written that the body has been identified as that of Frank SCHERRER, Jr., a young German, who has been in the employ of the Organ Company. His father and a brother are now employes at the Organ Factory. The deceased has been addicted of late to the excessive use of liquor, and to this fact his death is doubtless due. It is said that he was married and that his wife is living with his parents on Mill street. He had been in Syracuse, and a ticket from that point to Ithaca was found on his person.
Ithaca Democrat Jan. 19.
We have been informed upon what we consider reliable authority, that one of the conductors of the U. I.& E. railway saw the deceased when he left Cortland for Ithaca on foot, and that he was perfectly sober at the time. If he only drank the amount of liquor missing from the bottle before he reached the place where he was found, he could not have been very much intoxicated. People, who were on the ground soon after he was found, think he was wet and exhausted, and that he was not intoxicated.
W. N. BROCKWAY has fitted up a very neat office in the old shop formerly used for cabinet manufacture. They removed from the old office on Tuesday, leaving Tripp & Williams in full possession of the cabinet warehouse. The new firm have a large and handsome stock of goods of the latest patterns, and we notice some fine chamber sets among the stock. Their first job of undertaking occurred on Tuesday, it being the funeral of Mrs. WILLIAMS who lived on Brewery Hill and who died on Sunday last.
Died. HEBERD - In Homer, Jan. 5, 1882, after a long illness, Earl A., eldest son of Augustus [P.?] and the late Lucyette Earl HEBERD, aged 43 years, formerly of Chicago, Ill.
Died. TERRELL - At the County Alms House, Jan. 15, 1882, John TERRELL, aged 83 years.
Died. TAYLOR - In Pitcher, Jan 19, 1882, Mrs. Geo. TAYLOR, aged 78 years.
Died. KYDER [sic] In Syracuse, Jan. 20, 1882, John H., only child of P. S. and Olive A. RYDER, aged 21 years and 8 days.
3 Feb 1882
Mr. BOSWORTH, an old gentleman, was buried on Tuesday. He resided on the East River for many years, but sold his farm to Alf UTLEY and moved into the village about two years ago. His wife died last fall, and now, after many years, like a shock of corn fully ripe, he has gone to that bourne whence no traveler ever returns.
Dr. A. D. SIMONDS, of Etna, who was taken violently ill at the residence of his father on the 3d inst., continued to grow worse, and his wife, who is an invalid, was brought here on a bed, and remained until the death of her husband, which took place on Jan. 24th inst., when she was removed to their home at Etna. Physicians from Ithaca, Dryden, Cortland, and the resident physician, J. D. TRIPP gave the Doctor all the attention possible, but his malady, Bright's Disease of the Kidneys, proved fatal. We understand that it was the wish of the M.E. Church at Etna, of which the deceased was an active official, that the funeral services be held in their church, to the building of which the Dr. had given much of his time and money. The body was placed in the hands of undertaker SWEET of this place, who removed it to his former home, and on Friday, the 27th, attended the funeral and brought the body back to Virgil for burial. The funeral was largely attended by friends and patrons, among whom the deceased had built up a good practice, and leaves behind him an unblemished reputation.
The youngest child of Albert HOLLENBECK died of inflammation of the brain on the 20th inst. Funeral at the M. E. church, Sunday, the 22d, at the regular hour of service.
Died. RUNDEIS - In the town of Throop, Jan. 23, 1882, James B. RUNDEIS, in his 73d year. Deceased was formerly a resident of Cortland. His remains were brought to this place for burial Jan. 25.
Died. ROOD - In Cortland, Jan. 29, 1882, Walter ROOD, aged 43 years.
Died. FOSTER - At Blodgett's Mills, N.Y., Jan. 28, 1882, Mrs. Charlotte FOSTER, aged 90 years.
Died. CULVER - In Harford, N.Y., Jan. 6, 1882, Betsey, wife of Simon CULVER, aged 78 years.
Died. GOLDEN - In Ludlowville, N.Y., Jan. 17, 1882, Mrs. Owen GOLDEN, daughter of Dr. Zophen C. MOORE, on of Virgil's oldest settlers.
10 Feb 1882
The funeral of the widow UNDERWOOD of Cold Brook was attended Tuesday.
17 Feb 1882
Died. DICKSON - At Mandarin, Fla., Feb. 8, 1882, of general debility, Andrew DICKSON, formerly of Cortland, N.Y., in his 73d year.
Died. KNIGHT - In Cortland, Feb. 10, 1882, Irene B., wife of Edward F. KNIGHT, aged 24 years.
Died. CAMPBELL - In Cortland, Feb. 9, 1882, Mrs. Sarah CAMPBELL, aged 88 years.
Died. HOTCHKISS - In Cortland, Feb. 4, 1882, Samuel HOTCHKISS, aged 84 years.
Died. GILBERTSON - In McGrawville, Feb. 11, 1882, at the residence of R. E. SWEET, Mattie S., daughter of John GILBERTSON, aged 16 years.
Died. KEENAN - At Blodgett's Mills, N.Y., Feb. 13, 1882, Ann, wife of James KEENAN, aged 45 years.
Died. WALLACE - In Cortland, N.Y., Feb. 10, 1882, Mrs. Caroline A. WALLACE, aged 61 years.
Died. BOUTON - At the residence of her brother, Norman HUBBARD, in Cortland, Feb. 15, 1882, Mrs. Emma H. BOUTON, aged 79 years.
The deceased was the widow of Nathan BOUTON of Virgil. The funeral will be held at the residence of Norman HUBBARD, on Tompkins St. on Saturday, Feb. 18, at 10 A.M. The interment will be in Virgil.
Little York.
Mrs. Nancy GILLETT, relict of Judge GILLETT, was buried Sunday, aged 89 years. She was for many years a resident of Cooperstown, Otsego Co., and removed to this county about thirty-six years ago.
24 Feb 1882
Died. GILLETT - In Scott, Feb. 10, 1882, Nancy relict of the late Judge John GILLETT, aged 89 years.
Died. DOWNEY - In this village, Feb. 15, 1882, Clara S., wife of Cornelius DOWNEY, of Lebanon, Madison county, N.Y., aged 27 years, and daughter of George and Semina HOLMAN, formerly residents of this place.
Died. LAMPMAN - In McLean, Feb. 20, 1882, of consumption, William LAMPMAN, aged 51 years.
Died. HUMPHRIES - At the residence of his father, James HUMPHRIES, in East Freetown, N.Y., Feb. 16, 1882, Mr. Henry HUMPHRIES, aged 30 years and 10 months.
Died. PECK - At the residence of Mr. J. HOBART, in McGrawville, Feb. 16, 1882, Mrs. Clarissa Hobart PECK, relict of the late Stephen N. PECK, aged 86 years.
Harford Mills.
Mrs. George SALTSMAN died, in this place, Saturday evening, Feb. 18th, of dropsy, aged fifty-six years. Mrs. SALTSMAN has been a resident of this place for three years, having moved here from Dryden. She leaves a husband and five children - two sons and three daughters. The eldest daughter, Miss Martha SALTSMAN, is a graduate of Cortland Normal School, and is at present teaching in this place. The youngest son, Mr. Henry SALTSMAN, is foreman of the Owego Blade. Mr. SALTSMAN is an invalid from a stroke of paralysis, and has not been able to walk for more than two years. The funeral services were held at the house, on Tuesday. She was buried in Virgil. The bereaved family have the sympathy of a large circle of relatives, friends and neighbors.
Mrs. John ELLIS of Cold Brook, died with Pneumonia complicated with heart disease. She was formerly of Auburn, and was taken there for burial last Monday. On the same night her father, Nathaniel DARKEE, aged about 80 years, died of Pneumonia, his remains will also be taken to Auburn for burial.
3 Mar 1882
Died. BEAN - At his home near Little York, Feb. 23, 1882, after an illness of sixteen months, Albert L. BEAN, aged 42 years.
Died. SEACORD - At Council Grove, Kansas, Feb. 14, 1882, James SEACORD, aged 68 years, formerly of Cortland.
Died. HAYNER - In Chicago, Ill., Feb. 16, 1882, of Typhus malarial fever, Miss Belle HAYNER, aged 22 years.
Died. HURLBURT - In Cortland, Feb. 25, 1882, at the residence of Jacob PRICE, Mill Street, Miss Eva HURLBURT, of Greene, N.Y., aged 25 years and 8 months.
Died. FAULKNER - At State Bridge, N.Y., Feb. 14, 1882, Emma L., wife of W. FAULKNER, and daughter of W.S. POTTER, aged 33 years.
Died. ELDER - In Cortland, Feb. 23, 1882, after a short illness, Mrs. Judith K. ELDER, relict of the late William ELDER, aged 77 years.
Humphrey GALBRAITH, an old and respected citizen, was buried in Cortland, on Tuesday. He had been for years a member of the Masonic fraternity, and his remains were accompanied to the grave by a portion of the Homer Lodge. The notice was so short but few could attend.
10 Mar 1882
Died. BAKER - At her residence in Freetown Corners, Feb. 26, 1882, Mrs. Catherine M. BAKER, aged 56 years.
Died. ROSE - At his late residence, in East Homer, N.Y., of heart disease, Feb. 27, 1882, Mr. L.R. ROSE, aged 71 years and 11 months.
Died. MANCHESTER - In Solon, March 4, 1882, Grace, infant daughter of Charles MANCHESTER, aged 2 years and 2 months.
Died. PRITCHARD - In Solon, N.Y., March 5, 1882, Mrs. Margaret PRITCHARD, aged 81 years.
Geo. W. HUNT, who resides alone near Scott Corners, was found dead in his bed, last week Tuesday. The cause of his death is supposed to have been a fit of apoplexy.
Harford Mills.
William ROCKFELLOW died at his residence on Michigan Hill, Sunday morning the 5th, of March, in the 64th year of his age. Mr. ROCKFELLER [sic] was an early settler, in his neighborhood, was always very industrious, and universally respected, he was not only a devout, but a consistent Christian, always upright, and honest in his transactions, among men, he had seen much of the trials and hardships of life, as well as some of its joys but his harvest is past, and his summer is ended, and he has gone home, - to reap the fruit of his labor, and so from us, of earth, an other good man has gone, and so one after another friends slip away, until we hardly know whether more friendships blossom on this side of the river or the other, and still we hang tremblingly clinging, twixt yearning and fear, with half open pinions, to the loved but rickety old nest, till some sudden gust drives us to wing.
Mr. Frank ENSIGN was found dead between his home and Tubb's sawmill on last Saturday morning. He had been getting logs to the mill the day before and got wet in the creek, and started for home and was found as stated above, the next day.
One of our oldest residents, Mrs. Laura BURDICK, widow of Dr. P.H. BURDICK, and mother of Dr. D.W. BURDICK, who died Saturday, was buried on Wednesday, the 8th.
A week ago last Saturday, Mr. William VANDEMARK, aged about 20 years, son of L. B. VANDEMARK, of this place, left home with the intentions of visiting his brother, who lives in Rew City, Pa. He went by way of the Central Hudson route, intending to visit New York. On the Sunday following, the train stopped at Cold Spring, a station just above New York, and VANDEMARK got off the train and walked towards the engine. As he neared the engine, the engineer let off steam at the side of the engine, and
VANDEMARK, to avoid the same, stepped over on the other track. Just as he did so, a train coming from an opposite direction struck him in the back, knocking him senseless. He was at once taken to the station and cared for. He recovered sufficiently to pronounce the word Cortland. The officers wrote to the postmaster at this place, and his parents were notified of the accident. Young VANDEMARK died the following Wednesday, and his remains were interred in the family burying-ground at Waterloo.
The S., C. & N.Y. Collision.
What Appeared to have Brought it About- Coroner's Inquest.
Last Friday the train which left Syracuse at 11 A.M. drawn by engine No. 1, on the Syracuse, Chenango & New York railway was three hours late in arriving at Earlville, the southern terminus. As is the custom, the same crew, Conductor Harry PALMER, Engineer George COLLINS, Fireman John SULLIVAN and Baggageman Byron ATWOOD with a brakeman made up the north bound train to return, receiving orders to run as No. 6 regardless of the train going south. This order was immediately countermanded in the following, sent by the Syracuse dispatcher, Rarry ALLEN:
"Hold on until further orders."
This last order appears to have been either disregarded or neglected, and at 7:55 P.M. the train was allowed to depart for the north.
The south bound train drawn by engine No. 2, Engineer O. D. WORDEN, and fireman John BLUMENKRON, had reached Lebanon at about the same time the north bound train left Earlville. Had the Earlville operator immediately reported its departure Dispatcher ALLEN could have held the south bound train at Lebanon. But Earlville delayed the report ten minutes and then when the dispatcher called Lebanon the train going south, Conductor Charlie EVANS was out of calling distance, the consequence being a collision at the south entrance to Baker's cut on an embankment.
Owing to a sharp curve the trains were upon one another before the engineers and fireman could escape. Engineer COLLINS was pinioned in his seat, while the boiler of engine No. 2 mounted No. 1, tearing away its cab and crowding against fireman SULLIVAN in such shape that he was found fastened standing with his back against it. Both men were killed almost instantly. Engineer WORDEN and Baggageman ATWOOD were not dangerously hurt. Fireman BLUMENKRON died at 5 o'clock yesterday morning.
Coroner KNAPP, of Syracuse, has commenced an investigation.
17 Mar 1882
Died. MAINE - At the residence of his son George, in East Homer, of dropsy, Mr. Orville MAINE, aged 65 years, 11 months and 23 days.
Died. PIERCE - In Truxton, N.Y., Jan. 28, 1882, Thurlow PIERCE, aged 69 years.
Died. TILLOTSON - At her residence in Blodgett's Mills, N.Y., March [14?], 1882, Mrs. Patience TILLOTSON, aged 69 years.
A brother of Alderman ZUNMER died of consumption on Tuesday morning. He has been sick for some time at his brothers, whose family have kindly cared for him, and ministered to his wants during his last hours.
24 Mar 1882
Died. QUIVEY - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., March 14, 1882, of pneumonia, after an illness of only six days, Amasa QUIVEY, M.D., aged 49 years.
Died. SMITH - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., March 13, 1882, Minnie, wife of John N. SMITH, aged 32 years.
Died. ZIMMER - In Homer, March 14, 1882, at the home of his brother, Philip ZIMMER, Esq., Charles ZIMMER, aged 41 years, formerly of Binghamton.
Died. HAZARD - In Homer, March [14?], 1882, of consumption, Catherine, wife of Hiram D. HAZARD, aged [50?] years.
Died. HOADY - In Homer, March 14, 1882, Mrs. Leeta HOADY, aged 75 years.
Died. CARR - At his residence in Cortlandville, March 15, 1882, Mr. David CARR, aged 81 years.
Died. HITCHCOCK - In Boone, Iowa, March 19, 1882, of lung fever, Benjamin HITCHCOCK, aged 74 years, [6?] months and 9 days. He was a former resident of Homer also of Truxton and Cuyler.
Died. HALEY - At his residence in Solon, N.Y., on the 15th inst., Mr. Thomas HALEY, aged 75 years.
Died. HANLEY - In Solon, N.Y., March 17, 1882, Katie F., wife of Dennis HANLEY, aged 30 years.
Died. TORRY - In Homer, March 20, 1882, Mrs. Mary C. TORRY, aged 83 years and 3 months.
Died. BARROWS - In Homer, March 22, 1882, Liberty A. BARROWS, aged 81 years and 10 months.
Died. COBB - In Homer, March 18, 1882, Wm. H. COBB, aged 51 years.
Died. KLEIN - In Meridian, Cayuga county, N.Y., March 9, 1882, Mr. Conrad KLEIN, aged 63 years.
Mr. KLEIN was a resident of Homer from 1850 to 1860, and was well known as a business man in this county at that time. The remains were taken to New London, Conn. for interment.
Died. TERRY - At his residence in this village, March 22, 1882, Jonathan W. TERRY, aged 80 years. Funeral from his late residence on East Railroad St., at 1 P.M. to day.
The body of Mrs. Moses OWENS, of Speedsville, was brought here on Friday last and funeral services held in the M.E. church. The pastor of the M.E. church where deceased resided preached the sermon. Mrs. OWENS was the daughter of Mr. David HUTCHINS, and leaves a large circle of friends in this place. Deceased was a member of a Grange Lodge, which held a farewell service at her late residence on Friday last.
Miss Lucy HUBBELL died Sunday morning at the residence of her nephew, J. B. HUTCHINGS; funeral Tuesday at the house, Rev. Mr. SHURTLIFF officiated.
That dread destroyer, death, has again entered our midst, and removed Mr. James BUSH. Mr. BUSH was born in Neversink, Ulster county, in 1799, and at the time of his death was in the 83d year of his age. He settled in this place in early life, where he has lived up to the time of his death, March 15. In the death of Mr. BUSH, the loses a good neighbor, and the wife and children a kind and loving husband and father. Enemies he had none; friends many. Although he has passed from earth, he will not be forgotten; for the purity of his life, his true christian character, will ever be fixed in the minds of all who knew him.
31 Mar 1882
Died. REED - In Cortland, March 27, 1882, Marvin REED, in the 73d year of his age. His father came to this town seventy years ago this present month, when the larger part of the town was a wilderness.
Died. LOTRIDGE - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., March 22, 1882, [Madden?] LOTRIDGE, aged 71 years.
Died. FORD - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., March 22, 1882, of paralysis, Chauncey FORD, aged 79 years.
Died. TODHUNTER - In Truxton, March 21, 1882, Mrs. Anna TODHUNTER, aged 76 years.
A Fatal Fall.
Last Friday night Richard McCAW, a well known character in this village and vicinity visited Ransom MERRIHEW, who lives near Galatia, and stayed over night there, occuping [sic] a bedroom upstairs. During the night he had occasion to go down stairs, and started in the dark, for the stairway. In some way he missed his reckoning, and fell backwords [sic] down the stairs, striking against the door below, forcing it open. When picked up it was found that his spine was injured to such an extent that the entire body below the neck was inert and useless. He was brought to his home in this village on Saturday, and after lingering along until Sunday noon he expired. He leaves a wife, who has always been an industrious and respectable citizen. The deceased was a victim of an insatiate appetite for liquor, so much so as to cause him to neglect his business, (blacksmithing) and often caused him to be quarrelsome and vindictive. When he was in a sober state he was peaceable and industrious. - Marathon Independent.
Burned to Death.
On Tuesday of last week, Mrs. HASKELL, an aged lady, who resided about two miles north of McGrawville, came to her death in a very sad manner. Her residence is quite near to that of her son, Harris HASKELL, and on account of her extreme old age some member of her son's family has generally been with her, as was the case on the day she met her death. Her attendant was called away to assist Mr. H. in straining some maple syrup, leaving the old lady in bed, with the injunction to remain there until she returned. The residence of Mrs. HASKELL has an old-fashioned fireplace, and when her attendant came back she found the old lady lying in the fire place quite dead. The body and one side of the face were considerably burned, but the fire was entirely out, or nearly so, when she was discovered. We understand that she was about her usual health for a person her age, and it is probable that after her attendant left her bed, and while attempting to replenish the fire, was attacked with an apoplectic fit, falling into the fire, resulting in her death as above stated. She was eighty-four years of age.
7 Apr 1882
Died. HOYT - In Homer, N.Y., March 25, 1882, Mrs. Elizabeth B. HOYT, aged 63 years.
Died. BARROWS - In Homer, N.Y., March 29, 1882, Mrs. Harriet B. BARROWS, aged 79 years and 6 months.
Died. CHASE - At the residence of her son, Joseph CARDNER, in Cuyler, N.Y., March [24?], 1882, Mrs. Polly Cardner CHASE, in the 82d year of her age.
Died. COPELAND - At her residence in Freetown, N.Y., March 31, 1882, Amanda COPELAND, aged 80 years and 29 days.
Died. BARRY - In Willett, April 4, 1882, Ella, daughter of John BARRY, aged 15 years.
Died. WILLIAMS - At his home in Cortland, N.Y., April 4, 1882, after a brief but very painful illness, Arthur WILLIAMS, aged 25 years.
Died. HASKELL - In Daisy Hollow, Harford, N.Y., March 13, 1882, Sabra, wife of Benny HASKELL.
Died. COBB - In Scott, N.Y., March 31, 1882, of membranous croup, Lucy May, only child of Calvin F. and Finette A. COBB, aged 5 years, 7 months and 15 days.
Died. ANTHONY - In Scott, N.Y., March 27, 1882, Harvey ANTHONY, aged 66 years.
Died. TRAVIS - At his residence in Freetown Corners, April 2, 1882, Truman TRAVIS, aged 66 years.
Mrs. Abram SEAGER, who has been suffering from cancer, died on the morning of the 4th, funeral at the M.E. church on the 6th. Rev. Mr. SHURTLEFF preached the sermon. Deceased has been a worthy member of the M.E. church for a long time, was a woman who enjoyed the love and confidence of a large circle of friends.
14 Apr 1882
Harford Mills.
Again death has visited this little hamlet. This time it has taken for its prey from among the circle of school children, Charley KELTZ, a bright little fellow about 10 years of age, who died Sunday evening, April 24, after a painful and somewhat protracted illness. Sometime last fall, while at play, Charley fell from a pile of railroad ties and hurt his back, and probably injured his spine. He has been declining ever since. His ailment finally terminated in death. The bereaved parents, grand-parents and brothers have the warm sympathy of a large circle of friends. But who can tell depths of a parent's love, and who can express the anguish of their bereavement?
Died. BURLINGAME - At the home of her daughter, Mrs. Madison ROUNSEVILLE, in Caroline, April 3, 1882, Mary, relict of Gorton BURLINGAME, aged 88 years. Mrs. BURLINGAME was the mother of
Mrs. Josiah HART, of Cortland.
21 Apr 1882
A True Wife and Mother Called to Her Reward.
Ellen, wife of George M. CROFOOT, died at their home in Truxton, N.Y., Friday, March 31st, aged 31 years. She left a husband and three little girls to mourn her early death. We know that no words can express the great loss the fond husband and desolate children have met with, nor can we express the comfort and consolation they may have, as time passes, from fond recollections of their sainted dead. Mrs. CROFOOT was a woman whose love and care for her family was supreme, and though her cares were many, there was always a kind word and a helping hand for any who needed a friend. Her religious convictions were strong, and her actions were always guided by the best motives. She left no Christian duty undone, or failed to perform any kind office in her power to bestow. The society in which she mingled had lost a valued member, and the community a true and noble example of a woman's love and purity. That the husband and father may find consolation in trusting in her Savior, and that her children, left providentially in his care and protection, may be the inheritors of their sainted mother's Christian hope and purity, is the prayer of her friend. Milo T. WOOSTER.
Katie MILLS, of Summerhill, about one year since, went to Auburn, and was employed at Mrs. STEARNS' boarding house. About seven weeks ago, while in attendance at a Free Methodist prayer meeting, she was seized with a supposed attack of apoplexy. She remained unconscious for some hours, and has ever since suffered with paralysis of the right side. She was admitted in the city hospital, where she died on Tuesday morning. A post mortem was made in the presence of a large number of physicians, which developed a supposed tumor in the brain, or a body which may prove to be the result of a hemorrhage. A microscopic test is to be made of the substance, to determine its exact nature, if possible. - Moravia Register.
28 Apr 1882
Died. SPENCER - In the town of Rives, Jackson Co., Mich., March 19, 1882, of pneumonia, Mr. Thomas W. SPENCER, in his 51st year. Deceased was formerly a resident of this town.
Died. SHAW - In Apulia, N.Y., April 14, 1882, of bright's disease, Mr. Appleton SHAW, aged 80 years.
Died. COUCH - In Cuyler, April 12, 1882, Nancy, wife of Leonard COUCH, aged 68 years.
Died. DENNIS - At the residence of her son Warren, in Cuyler, April 9, 1882, Lucy C., relict of the late Gilman DENNIS, in the 78th year of her age.
Virgil has lost another of her citizens in the person of Mr. Arthur COLLIGAN, who, in his long residence in the town, has merited the respect of all who knew him.
An infant son of Mr. Isaac LEWIS, of Moravia, was brought here for burial on the 21st inst. Funeral services at the house of Mr. N. LEWIS. Sermon by the Rev. S.G. JONES.
5 May 1882
Died. HAYES - In Preble, April 16, 1882, Mrs. Emily HAYES, aged 28 years.
Died. BISHOP - In Cortland, April 17, 1882, of typhoid pneumonia, Mrs. Elizabeth BISHOP, widow of Solon BISHOP, aged 79 years.
Died. JONES - In Homer, N.Y., April 19, 1882, of pneumonia, Lois, wife of Joseph JONES, Esq., aged 82 years.
Died. HILLS - In Cuyler, April 19, 1882, at the residence of her son Lyman, Mrs. Esther HILLS, aged 82 years, 4 months and 17 days.
Died. BURT - In Cuyler, April 23, 1882, of pneumonia, Mrs. Roxana, wife of Mr. Henry BURT, aged 66 years and 17 days.
Died. KENNEDY - In Cortland, N.Y., May 1, 1882, Rufus KENNEDY, aged 91 years.
Died. HALBERT - At the residence of his daughter, Mrs. D. HICKS, in McGrawville, N.Y., April 28, 1882, Seth HALBERT, aged 89 years.
Died. WIRE - March 19, 1882, George B., youngest child of Ballard and Lucinda WIRE, of Taylor, N.Y., aged 6 months and 3 days.
Died. BOYNTON - At Spring Hill, Tolland Co., Conn., April 3, 1882, Dea. Nathaniel BOYNTON, aged 68 years.
Died. FAIRCHILD - In Cortland N.Y., April 16, 1882, Mrs. Mary FAIRCHILD, aged 83 years.
Died. TOWN - In Cortland, N.Y., April 17, 1882, of typhoid pneumonia, Jay A. TOWN, aged 19 years and 3 months.
Died. DAVENPORT - In Cortland, N.Y., April 13, 1882, of inflammatory rheumatism, Alton DAVENPORT, aged 39 years and 11 months. The remains were taken to Holden, Mass. for interment.
Died. ALLEN - At Cortland, N.Y., April 21, 1882, of inflammation of the bowels, Arthur F., son of S. S. and N. C. ALLEN, in the 15th year of his age.
Mrs. George ANTHONY of Spafford, while about her domestic duties on Monday, fell dead; cause unknown.
12 May 1882
Died. BROWN - In Cortland, N.Y., May 8, 1882, Mr. George R. BROWN, aged 36 years.
Died. KINGMAN - In McGrawville, May 4, 1882, Mr. Orrin H. KINGMAN, aged 66 years.
Died. CHATTERTON - In McGrawville, May 7, 1882, Miss Kittie CHATTERTON, aged 20 years.
Died. RINDGE - In Cortland, May 4, 1882, Janette, wife of Clinton RINDGE, and daughter of Dea. Benjamin WATROUS, of Freetown, aged 54 years. Mrs. RINDGE was a most devoted wife and mother. She will long be remembered for kindness in sickness and sympathy in affliction in the large circle of friends in which she moved.
Died. GILLETTE - At the residence of her son, E. A. GILLETTE, Esq., in Boston, May 2, 1882, Mrs. Selina B., wife of Hiram GILLETTE, age 77 years.
Mrs. GILLETTE will be remembered by the older residents of East River as a most excellent woman, and the family have sustained a loss which can never be made up. Her remains were brought to Cortland for interment.
Died. EDMUNDS - At the residence of her son-in-law, Dea. C. A. PERSONS, in Cortland, May 9, 1882, Mrs. Lydia WOOD, wife of the late William EDMUNDS, aged 86 years.
Mrs. EDMUNDS was born in Canterbury, Conn. and moved to Homer 52 years ago. She was one of those women who won the love and respect of all who knew her. As a wife and mother, she was most devoted and kind.
Messrs. Oscar and Charles GILLETTE, of Indianapolis, Mrs. Ellen BISBEE and her two sons, of Rochester, Minn., and Mrs. E.A. GILLETTE, of Boston, accompanied by their father Hiram GILLETTE, were in town last week to attend the funeral of their mother.
Suicide in Tully.
Last Monday evening, Mrs. HUTCHINS, whose husband lives in Fulton, called at the house of Martin STRAIL, near Tully, and asked for shelter and food which were provided her. Early on Tuesday morning, Mr. STRAIL's people were aroused by hearing moans proceeding from the room of their lodger, and soon after a sound as of some one falling. They went to the room at once and found Mrs. HUTCHINS lying on the floor dead. Her face was covered with a powder, which proved to be the poison known as "Rough on Rats," a package of which she had purchased at Hayford's store in Tully the evening before. She had taken a cup of tea to her room when she retired and after mixing the poison in the tea, drank the mixture and scraped the dregs left in the bottom of the cup with her fingers and ate them. Her husband is said to be a dissolute, worthless fellow, who had abused and ill-treated her times without number. Unable to stand such treatment longer, she started to Tully on Monday last, where she resided before her marriage. She leaves two children, aged five and fifteen years. Her maiden name was Laura WHITNEY, and she had a brother and a sister living four miles from Tully.
19 May 1882
Died. PHILLIPS - At his residence, in McGrawville, N.Y., May 15, 1882, Mr. L. C. PHILLIPS aged 26 years.
Died. ETZ -In Preble, May 14, 1882, Christian ETZ, aged 84 years.
Funeral services were held at the residence of his son Chas. ETZ, on Pomeroy St., in this place Wednesday at 4 P.M.
Harford Mills.
Earl, the only child of Walter TERRY, died Saturday, the 18th, of congestion of the brain.
Blodgett's Mills.
Died, at this place, May 6th, Lucius STOWELL in his 90th year of age. He was one of the oldest residents and settlers of this vicinity. He settled about two miles south of here in the town of Virgil at an early date. He was one of the soldiers of the war of 1812; was formerly from Conn.
26 May 1882
Died. RANKIN - In McGrawville, N.Y., May 15, 1882, of heart disease, Mr. Alvin RANKIN, aged 71 years.
Died. TERRY - In Harford Mills, May 13, 1882, of congestion of the brain, Earl, only child of Rachel and Walter TERRY, aged 8 years and 6 months.
Died. BARNES - In Syracuse, N.Y., May 20, 1882, of consumption, Mrs. E. A. BARNES, aged 25 years.
Died. HARDY - At the residence of his daughter, Mrs. A. B. BURDICK, in Cortland, May 18, 1882, Mr. Franklin HARDY, aged 74 years.
Died. HICKS - In Homer, May 14, 1882, of membranous croup, Mandie, daughter of H. H. and Josephine HICKS, aged 6 years and 7 months.
Died. SPENCER - In Homer, May 12, 1882, Hiram SPENCER, aged 58 years.
Died. WILLIS - In Homer, May 13, 1882, at the home of her son, B. WILLIS, Mrs. Betsey WILLIS, aged 90 years, 3 months and 19 days.
Died. WILDEY - In New York city, May [23?], 1882, Mr. Oscar WILDEY, aged _ years.
Died. HANNUM - In Brooklyn, May [15?], 1882, Lois, wife of David H. HANNUM of Homer, N.Y., aged 45 years.
Died. FERTIG - At the residence of his daughter, Mrs. J. F. SEAMAN, in Pendleton, Washington Ter., May 11, 1882, Valentine FERTIG, aged 56 years, formerly of Cortland N.Y.
Died. FELT - In McGrawville, N.Y., May 22, 1882, Lavinna FELT, aged 83 years.
Died. HARMON - In this town, May 21, 1882, of consumption, Mrs. Almira Jane MATTHEWS, wife of Melvin HARMON, aged 43 years.
Mrs. HARMON was born in Leverett, Mass. and when a child removed with her parents to Troy Wis. For twenty years she has been a resident of this town and was beloved by a large circle of friends and acquaintances.
Myron SMITH and wife of Elmira were in town on Tuesday, attending the funeral of Mr. Smith's aunt Mrs. Melvin J. HARMON.
2 Jun 1882
Died. CAMPBELL- In Groton, N.Y., May 21, 1882, Dea. Carver CAMPBELL, in the 75th year of his age. He was for many years a resident of this village and always respected for his integrity and christian character.
Died. TENNANT - In Willett, N.Y., May 21, 1882, Thomas TENNANT, in the 75th year of his age.
Died. FRALICK - In Willett, N.Y., May 26, 1882, Mrs. Polly FRALICK, aged 94 years.
Died. FOSTER - At Cortland, N.Y., May 30, 1882, Mr. Nathaniel FOSTER, aged 82 years.
Died. HINSDALE - At Syracuse, N.Y., May 30, 1882, of consumption, Mr. Leman H. HINSDALE of Wheatland, Dakota, aged 24 years.
The funeral will be held at the residence of his father, two miles north of Syracuse, at 2 o'clock this (Friday) afternoon.
Died. OAK - In Harford, N.Y., May 27, 1882, Mr. Jacob OAK, aged 78 years.
Died. CARD - In Cortland, May 21, 1882, Mrs. Mary E. CARD, mother of Mrs. T. T. BATES, aged 48 years.
Died. JOHNSON - In Marathon, May 29, 1882, Mrs. W. Eugene JOHNSON, aged 40 years.
Obituary Notices.
Mr. Isaac HORTON, a well known business man, and highly respected citizen of Cortland, died at his residence, in this village, at about 12 o'clock last night, aged 65 years. Few men in this community had more friends than Isaac HORTON, and none were more highly esteemed. He was taken sick with an acute attack of bilious fever, on Sunday last.
Mr. Nathaniel FOSTER, an old and respected citizen, died at the residence of his daughter-in-law, in this place, last Tuesday, aged 82 years. "Uncle" FOSTER, as he was familiarly called, had been a prominent man in his day. He moved into this county from Pompey, some 20 years since. For several years he was a member of the old Whig County Committee of Onondaga county, and took a prominent part in politics.
Mr. Henry VUNK died on the 17th inst., aged 90 years and some months, being the oldest person but one in town. Funeral services were held in the M.E. Church at the usual hour of services on the Sabbath following, which was attended by a large number of people. The pastor, Rev. Mr. SHURTLIFF, preached the sermon from the text, "How Old Art Thou?" theme, "The claims of aged people upon the young." Mr. VUNK was born in New Jersey, and moved here about forty years ago, having been a resident of this town for that time, and was well known as a quiet, peaceable man, respected by all.
9 Jun 1882
Died. PENDER - At the County Alms House, May 25, 1882, Giles S. PENDER, aged 81 years.
Died. MELDREM - At the County Alms House, May 25, 1882, John MELDREM, aged 24 years.
Died. BABCOCK - In Homer, N.Y., May 28, 1882, Horace S. BABCOCK, 2nd, aged 20 years and 7 months.
Died. WITHEY - At his late residence in Solon, N.Y., May 29, 1882, of consumption, Mr. Rufus WITHEY, aged 63 years.
Died. HORTON - In Cortland, N.Y., June 1, 1882, Mr. Isaac HORTON, aged 65 years.
Died. CARTER - In Lapeer, June 5, 1882, Henry CARTER, aged 71 years.
Died. CARNE - In Cortland, May 21, 1882, Mrs. Mary E. CARNE, mother of Mrs. T. T. BATES, aged 48 years.
Died. ROWLEY - In Cortland, June 5, 1882, of pneumonia, Caroline S. ROWLEY, widow of the late Nathan ROWLEY, aged 70 years.
Funeral from her late residence on Tompkins street, to-day, (Friday), at 3 o'clock P.M.
Died. O'LEARY - In Cortland, June 3, 1882, Timothy O'LEARY, aged 74 years.
Died. SMITH - In Cortland, N.Y., June 5, 1882, Mr. Daniel SMITH, aged 68 years.
Death of a Respected Citizen.
Last Monday afternoon it was announced in the streets of our village that Daniel SMITH had shot himself. Upon investigation the rumor proved to be true. Mr. SMITH had always enjoyed good health up to a few months since when he was taken sick with Bright's disease of the Kidneys, with only little hope of recovery, and has been confirmed to the house since that time. Constant thinking upon the near and inevitable approach of death undoubtedly partially unsettled his mind as his family had noticed that he at times acted strangely. During his illness he had insisted on having his shot gun near him, but his wife and daughter, one or both of whom were with him constantly, had taken the precaution to secure all the ammunition known to be about the premises and place it out of his reach, and it still a mystery how and where he procurred ammunition with which to load the gun. He had managed someway, however, to procure the wherewith to do so, and while his wife and daughter stepped into the kitchen on that fatal afternoon, he got up and sitting on the side of the bed placed the butt of the gun on the floor and the muzzle to his breast, and with the ramrod pulled the trigger. Death was instantaneous, the heart being completely shattered by the charge. The wound made was at least an inch in diameter and one of the leathers used in the wad was taken from the hole which the charge had made. Mr. SMITH was one of the best known citizens of this county and had a large circle of friends and acquaintances. For many years he had been engaged in buying produce, either on his own account or for others, and was justly esteemed as an honest, upright citizen. He had accumulated some property and three or four years since had retired from active business. He was 68 years of age and leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loss.
The remains of Isaac HORTON, late of Cortland but formerly a resident of this town, were brought and interred in the cemetery at this place on Sunday last. Mr. HORTON had a great many friends in this vicinity and the community at large will mourn his loss.
Mrs. Jay MORGAN, daughter of Amasa HOBART, died Sunday, June 5, at the home of Lewis NORTHRUP in this place, aged twenty-four years. This is the fifth child taken from them in less than a year. Mrs. MORGAN leaves a husband and an infant child.
16 Jun 1882
Died. BOYD - In Solon, N.Y., June 12, 1882, Miss Caroline Hathaway BOYD.
The funeral will take place at her late home this Friday afternoon at half past two o'clock.
Died. HOWARTH - In Homer, N.Y., May 27, 1882, Mrs. Elizabeth BECK, wife of John HOWARTH, aged 45 years.
Died. TORRY - In Homer, N.Y., June 6, 1882, of consumption, Obed E. TORRY, aged 40 years and 4 months.
Died. WALLACE - In Cortland, N.Y., June 10, 1882, Hattie T., wife of Henry E. WALLACE, aged 33 years.
Died. BENJAMIN - At the Briggs House, Chicago, Ill., June 13, 1882, of apoplexy, J. W. BENJAMIN, of Cortland, N.Y., aged 49 years.
Died. ROBINSON - In Marathon, N.Y., June 14, 1882, Eliphalet ROBINSON, aged _ years.
Died, June 6, 1882, Mrs. Caroline S. ROWLEY, aged 70 years. Deceased was born in Philadelphia, Pa., where she lived until eighteen years of age, when she was married to Nathan W. ROWLEY, and removed to Cortland, N.Y., where the most of her life has been spent until her death. She united with the Presbyterian church in its infancy and for a little more than fifty years has been an exemplary christian. Her earnest and positive religious character, together with a genial and happy spirit, had greatly endeared her to the people of her choice. Nothing but illness could keep her from the house of God, and all the appointments of the church were promptly attended. Death came at an unexpected time, and yet it found her ready, for her feet were planted upon the "Rock." She believed in God's word fully: It was the lamp to feet and the light to her path. Sickness laid a heavy hand upon her, and for a few brief days the "earthly tabernacle" was struggling with untold pain and suffering, while the spirit was whispering of the "Meek and lowly Jesus;" and as the shadows lengthened at the close of the day, the death damp settled upon her brow and the mother sent her last message to her loved ones across the continent, and repeated it to the stricken ones at her bedside: "Meet me in Heaven," and sank to rest in the arms of Jesus.
Harford Mills.
Mrs. Daniel JOHNSON, of this place, died Friday evening, the 9th, after a very brief illness. The funeral services were held on Sunday at the Union church. A large congregation of neighbors and friends assembled to pay their last respects to the deceased.
23 Jun 1882
Harford Mills.
Alva KING, a little son of W.W. KING, was drowned Saturday, the 17th, about sundown, while fishing on the dam at the sash factory. His hat was seen floating on the water. The alarm was given and he was found in the deep hole below the dam. Every effort was made, but he could not be resucitated.
Died. HENDRICK - In Grand Rapids, Mich., June 17, 1882, Mrs. M. M. HENDRICK, widow of the late Dr. A. T. HENDRICK, aged 74 years.
Died. FRIZE - In Cortland, N.Y., June 15, 1882, of consumption, Mary D. FRIZE, in the 16th year of her age.
30 Jun 1882
Died. SMITH - In Rochester, N.Y., June 22, 1882, Mr. Harvey SMITH, aged 75 years. Formerly a resident of Cortland.
Died. SALISBURY - At her late residence in Homer, June 8, 1882, Mrs. Mary E., wife of Stephen SALISBURY, in the 64th year of her age.
Died. BOSWORTH - In Cortland, N.Y., June 27, 1882, Ursula M. BOSWORTH, aged 34 years.
Died. COLGROVE - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., June 20, 1882, Eli S. COLGROVE, aged 80 years.
Died. MOON - In Marathon, N.Y., June 24, 1882, Mr. John S. MOON, aged 70 years and 27 days.
In Memoriam.
Died. - In Solon, N.Y., on the 12th of June, Carolyn Hatheway BOYD.
In this brief announcement of departure from "the land of the dying," is comprehended all that bereaved affliction can image of loss. Assuredly there is large cause for gratitude, that such a true and gentle spirit was permitted to dwell awhile with us in this alien land. In the sorrow that the Giver has taken back His own, we must not forget the magnificence of the gist. - Through memory still our inalienable possession. The earnest of unending reunion through our communion with the departed. It is pleasant and consoling to record the many attractive graces that clustered around this genuine and gracious life. The virtues that will embalm her memory.
She was the daughter of John W. and Wealthea Hatheway BOYD. Born at Geneva, Wisconsin, on the 14th of June 1850. At the early death of her mother, she was entrusted to the care of her aunt, and came to the home of her grandfather, Gen. S.G. HATHEWAY, in solon, N.Y., her much loved home until her death. A peculiarly thoughtful and gentle child, whose sweet and gentle ways made her the darling of the household. The love bestowed upon her only intensified hers for those who gave it, and made her seek to do all in her power to save them from care for her. She could not be persuaded to do wrong, or that which she thought her friends might not approve. Sensitive to a shadow of blame, she never needed or received a reproof. That "Birdie" would always see and do that which was right in the pleasantest manner, became a first truth to her family. That "Miss Carrie was always right and capable," was the estimation of her character by others with whom she came in daily contact. From childhood there was ever the same straightforward walk in the right way. "She was right in everything," said the many who knew her life and came to look their last upon her silent face. No face could be more lovely with the beauty of the soul, which looked forth from the large, soft, brown eyes, spoke from the pure, sweet mouth in the tones of the soft, clear voice. No mountain lake could be clearer, or more sparkling than the bright intellect and delightful humor that aided in making her life so useful and pleasant, and its memory a joy forever. Companion alike for old and young, grave and gay, she remained the bright spirit of the household until after the death of her grandfather, in 1867, when after passing a winter in Philadelphia, she left for the old world. Her previous culture, her facility of modern languages, her powers of observation, fitted her to enjoy, as well as profit, by those years of absence. The graceful and fearless horsemanship she had acquired in her urual life, was of the greatest advantage in traversing Greece, Syria, Egypt and Scandinavia. The records of those pleasant years are preserved in graphic and sparkling letters in the possession of friends.
She resumed the quiet life of home, aiding to sooth the sorrow that fell upon all until the autumn of seventy-three, when, after much suffering patiently endured, the consequences of self devotion to those who had passed away, she sought relief in revisiting Europe, and returned after a year's absence to be again the light of her earthly, till called to her heavenly home.
That life was pleasant to her was mainly due to her cheerful spirit, with which she met its duties. Ever forgetful of herself in her solicitude for others. It made the unconscious charm of her presence, that in her character nothing was wanting. Nothing that one could wish was not there. There was no one like her. Whatever the position she was required to fill it seemed the one for which she was particularly fitted. To the intellect, courage and spirit of man she united all that was desirable in woman. Said a gentleman, long conversant with legal affairs, "I have known many women who mingled in business matters, but never one like her, who united strength, quick and clear comprehension, good sense, judgment and great executive ability, with all the refinement, gentleness and delicacy of a lady."
Her governing motive, the desire to help others, enobled all that she did from the least thing to the greatest. Her sympathy went to all within her reach. "There is not a house," said one of the towns-people, "that she has not made brighter by her presence, cheered by her words of kindness." "Can it be," said another, "that we shall never see that bright face again, or listen to her comforting words." hers was the presence of mind in illness; the cheerful smile that brought hope to the invalid, whatever the hidden pain that pressed upon herself. Hers were the sweet womanly tastes that made beautiful the daily life; those whose welcome was looked forward to in absence; whose coming was the sunbeam that dispelled all darkness.
Still she knew how much her life was and would be to those she would leave, and wished to live but did not fear to die. Clear and bright to the last her pure spirit passed from earth.
"The funeral service was the most impressive that I have ever known," said one of the clergymen present, "Not only from the great numbers of people, but from the hushed silence of deep feeling that pervaded the entire assembly."
It was on the 16th of June, when the form of her who had been so loving and beloved, who had loved all things beautiful, was borne in its flower covered casket, by her sorrowing townsmen to its rest within the Cedars, followed by the many hundreds who had assembled to pay her the last tribute of respect. The people of her own town, who when they heard that she was no more had left their occupations and gone sadly to their homes. Others from more distant parts of the county, and many had come from long distances.
One after another came when the funeral was over, to him who had despaired to speak justly the worth of this true christian gentle-woman, that they might add their tribute to her sweet memory. To show how like a fragrant lily the fair, white mantle of charity rested upon this life of pure and sweet thoughts. Rehearsed by those only cognizant of her unobtrusive benevolence, it was lovely to hear of the largeness of her opportunities of well doing and how truly they were filled. Can such a life as this die and be lost? Both justice and memory repudiate the thought. We know that true goodness is of the essence of the ever-living. This is His image in which we were made, and not broken but conformed to the image of His Son. This assuredly has in it the quality of divine immortality.
While youth and life are flowing to the flood,
While light and beauty gild the genial air,
While pure as first before the Creator stood,
This virgin world in every feature fair.
Now while no shadow on thy pathway lies
Betimes thou leavest earth for paradise.
So when abroad seeking the beautiful,
Some grand cathedral's arches spanned the air,
Each lamp aglow and alter's candle full,
Pour'd light and beauty o'er its glories there;
'Twas erst thy wont to haste thy friend without,
Leaving the vision before the lights were out.
Life-like a minister lighted to the dome,
Is filled with beauty for true sould like thine;
Yet wisely God has called thy footsteps home
Ere earth's poor lamps grow dim and cease to shine.
For we must rejoice, beyond all doubt
Gone to thy peace before the lights are out.
Rev. J. T. FOSTER.
Memorial Resolution.
At the Annual Meeting of the Cortland County Medical Society, held on the 14th inst., a committee consisting of Drs. HENDRICK and TRIPP were appointed to prepare a biographical sketch of the late Dr. Amasa QUIVEY, of Cincinnatus, who, at the time of his death, in March last, was President of the society, and to draft resolutions expressive of the sentiments of the society, reported the following, -
Resolved, That in the demise of Dr. A. QUIVEY this society lost one of its most efficient and devoted fellows and the medical profession an honorable and faithful member.
7 Jul 1882
Mrs. Nicholas COLLIER, daughter of Orin PRATT, died very suddenly and unexpectedly on Saturday last; was buried on Monday. She leaves a husband and three children from 6 to 13 years of age.
Mrs. Charles KNOWLTON was buried last Tuesday, the 27th inst. She left a husband and one child about 13 years of age.
Mr. Henry TALLMAN was at home to attend the funeral of his father.
Miss DRESSER and Mrs. CROFOOT, of Homer, were here to attend Mrs. CALKINS' funeral on Monday.
Death by Suicide.
W. R. HEMMINGWAY Takes His Own Life.
Riley HEMMINGWAY, a well-known farmer of this town, residing about a mile and a half south of McLean, attempted, a week ago last Sunday, to end his life by drowning, but was discovered by his daughter and taken from the through [sic] into which he had thrust himself. Owing to some uncertainty but that he might have accidentally fallen into the water, the watch over him was not so close but that on Saturday morning he went to an outhouse used as a sort of shop, where he was found later by his daughter, with a terrible gash across his throat, from which the blood was rapidly flowing. He had failed to sever any of the large arteries with the razor used, but became so weakened from the loss of blood that on Sunday evening he died.
Those who have known Mr. HEMMINGWAY for years past speak of him in kindest regards as a man of correct deportment and kindly disposition, and express the greatest surprise that his end should be such as it is, which could only occur from reason dethroned. The funeral is to be held at the house, this Wednesday afternoon, at one o'clock. --- Dryden Herald.
Died. QUAIL - At his home in Lapeer, N.Y., May 11, 1882, Mr. William B. QUAIL, aged 89 years.
Died. WHITE - In Wells Bridge, N.Y., June 25, 1882, E. Anna WHITE, in the 28th year of her age. Formerly of Cortland, N.Y.
Died. BAKER - In Little York, N.Y., June 21, 1882, Bertha A., wife of Harvey BAKER, of Cortland, N.Y., aged 19 years and 7 months.
Died. TALLMAN - In Preble, N.Y., June 27, 1882, Mr. Moses TALLMAN, aged 79 years.
Died. SMITH - In Marathon, June 29, 1882, Mrs. O. H. SMITH, aged 52 years.
Died. POLLARD - In Marathon, July 2, 1882, Jerome POLLARD, aged -- years.
Died. WARREN - In German, N.Y., July 2, 1882, Mr. Charles WARREN, aged 19 years.
A Narrow Escape.
A large number of friends and relatives attended the funeral of Eli S. COLGROVE, on Friday last, the funeral being conducted at his late residence. The rooms were all full, and a number were obliged to stand outside. After the sermon, the usual opportunity was given to view the remains, and as those in the rear rooms pressed forward into the room where the corpse lay, the additional weight caused the floor to settle perceptibly. Mr. Eli COLGROVE, a son of the deceased, noticing this, hastily entered the cellar, where he found four joists giving away; by immediate use of props, they were strengthened sufficiently to hold until the services were concluded. The presence of mind displayed, undoubtedly prevented a severe accident. --- Cincinnatus Register.
14 Jul 1882
Resolution passed by Grover Post, No. 98, G.A.R., Cortland, N.Y., at its last encampment at headquarters, July 7, 1882:
Whereas, It has pleased the Grand Commander of the universe to remove our beloved comrade, J. Wesley BENJAMIN, to the Grand Encampment above,
Resolved, That we sincerely cherish his memory as that of a brave and loyal soldier, a true and pure man, and a devoted and consistent Christian, whose character and virtues we will do well to emulate.
Fatal Kick By A Colt.
Sad Accident at Killawog - Charles SCHERMERHORN Loses His Life.
On Monday evening last, Charles SCHERMERHORN of Killawog, went to feed the colts belonging to his brother George, and was going into the stall, with a basket in his arm, when one of the colts struck him with its fore feet, knocking him under it, the blow taking effect at the base of the skull crushing it in.
He was picked up unconscious, and taken to the house where he died yesterday morning. The death was caused, we understand, by blood settling around the brain. Dr. D. C. CLARK was called, but nothing could be done to prevent a fatal result.
His funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at 2:00.
A strange fatality seems to pursue this family, for it is only a few days since that in returning from a mite society at Charles ATWOOD's on the hill south of Killawog, the horse which was drawing the wagon containing Mrs. SCHERMERHORN and two others ran away, and in jumping from the wagon at the foot of the hill she struck upon her head, in the bed of the creek, and cut the scalp literally from the top of her head, from which fall she has not yet recovered.
The unfortunate wife, and her family, have the sympathy of the entire community in this double affliction which has now visited them. --- Marathon Independent July 12.
Died. JONES - In Marathon, N.Y., July 5, 1882, Mrs. Hannah JONES, relict of the late Thomas JONES, aged 74 years.
Died. DUNTON - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., July 9, 1882, Mrs. Sapphira DUNTON, aged 78 years.
21 Jul 1882
The wife of Rev. O. M. MARTIN, formerly of this charge, died recently of dropsy.
Died. KINNEY - At Truxton, N.Y., July 1882, Vysuly A., wife of Dea. Hosea M. KINNEY, aged 65 years.
Died. BOGARDUS - In Cuyler, N.Y., July 11, 1882, Wm. BOGARDUS, aged 78 years.
Died. FLEMING - At Brockport, N.Y., of fever, Nellie FLEMING, formerly of Truxton.
Died. GALUSHA - In Cortland, N.Y., July 14, 1882, Sarah A. HUNT, wife of T. B. GALUSHA, and second daughter of Dr. W. W. HUNT of Candor, aged 55 years.
28 Jul 1882
Died. BRIGGS - In Preble, N.Y., July 9, 1882, of cerebro spinal meningitis, Charles, second son of John and Augusta BRIGGS, aged 25 years.
Died. HIBBARD - At Springfield, Mass., July 22, 1882, Florence L., wife of C.M. HIBBARD, and daughter of Benj. SMITH, of Cortland, N.Y., aged 33 years.
Died. MURRAY - In Meadville, Mo., June 19, 1882, Allen Gould MURRAY, aged 65 years.
Deceased was a native of Pompey and a former resident of Cortland.
4 Aug 1882
A Sad Death.
Sudden Death of Mrs. Mary HALLORAN, of Homer, from an Overdose of
Oil of Tansy.
Last Monday evening, at about eight o'clock, Mrs. Mary HALLORAN, of Homer, purchased seven drams of oil of tansy, at the drug store of Atwater & Kellogg, in that place. She was accompanied by another lady when the purchase was made, and she soon went to her home. Very soon after retiring she called her mother, with whom she was living, and informed her that she had taken an overdose of oil of tansy, and that it had gone to her head and requested that a doctor be sent for. A physician was summoned and arrived in a few minutes, but nothing could be done for the unfortunate woman, and she expired in about thirty minutes after the doctor arrived. Only a few drops of the oil remained in the bottle, showing that she must have taken nearly seven drams, when one dram is considered a large dose. It was reported in this village, on Tuesday, that she called for other medicine, and that the druggist made a mistake and put up oil of tansy. There is not a particle of foundation for the story, as she called for oil of tansy, and that was the medicine put up for her, and the coroner says that the bottle from which she took the medicine contained nothing but oil of tansy.
She was about 19 years of age, of very cheerful disposition, and had only been married about six weeks. There is no doubt but that her death was purely an accident, and the result of ignorance as to the dangerous nature of the medicine. Her husband, William HALLORAN, works in this village, and although summoned at once, did not arrive at her bedside until after her death. Mrs. HALLORAN's maiden name was May CONNERS, and she was a highly respected young woman. The coroner decided that an investigation was not necessary. The funeral was largely attended on Wednesday afternoon.
A brother of Mrs. Irvin JENKS was brought home from the west and buried here one day last week.
11 Aug 1882
Died. SMITH - In Lapeer, July 28, 1882, Mary, widow of the late Erskine SMITH, aged 40 years.
Died. SANFORD - In Virgil, July 28, 1882, Johanna SANFORD, aged 76 years.
18 Aug 1882
Died. MILLER - At his residence in Cortlandville, August 2, 1882, Paul MILLER, aged 77 years.
Died. ADAMS - In Lawrence, Kansas, July 31, 1882, Mrs. Sarah C. ADAMS, aged 50 years.
Deceased was the oldest sister of Mr. P. S. COWLES of Homer.
Died. WILSON - In Homer, Aug. 3, 1882, of dropsy, Rebecca D. WILSON, aged 81 years.
Died. WATROUS - In Virgil, N.Y., Aug. 10, 1882, Harriet WATROUS, aged 69 years.
Died. SEAMANS - In Cortland, N.Y., Aug. 2, 1882, Arthur, son of John C. SEAMANS, aged 3 years and 1 month.
Here and There.
U. H. PATTERSON, of Binghamton, formerly a well known business man of Homer, died in Omaha a week ago last Sunday.
Last Friday, Charles HOWELL, aged sixty-five years, a farmer living in Summerhill, committed suicide by hanging himself with a log chain. For some weeks past, his friends had noticed that he was troubled with fits of melancholy, and it is supposed that both pecuniary and family troubles combined to impel him to destroy himself. He leaves a wife and several children.
The back seat of the wagon in which Mrs. Amos SMITH, of Spafford, and her eleven months' old grandchild were riding a few days since, tipped over backward, throwing both to the ground. They had been on a visit to the child's father, Mr. Ashbel BARKER, at Vesper. The little one was so badly injured that it died the same night.
Mrs. Nelson WATROUS, Sen., whose illness has been noticed before, died on Thursday, the 10th inst., at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. F. T. HOVEY, at the age of 69 years. The funeral services were held in the M.E. Church, on Saturday. Sermon by a former pastor, the Rev. Mr. LEET, of Syracuse. A large number of the people of Virgil came out to the funeral, deceased having been long and favorably known here as a consistent Christian woman, which character was exemplified by the patience and resignation with which she bore the extreme pain of her last sickness. Mrs. WATROUS leaves a family of six children, Nelson M., Mrs. E.A. CRAIN and Mrs. HOVEY, of this place, Henry, of Homer, Mrs. WHITMORE, of Brooklyn, and Mrs. BIRDEN, of Earlville, Madison Co., all of whom have been here during the illness of their mother, and have rendered the full measure of the duty of children to a parent. Deceased was a member of the M.E. Church of Homer, having been a resident of that town for some time past.
Since our last report, Mrs. SANFORD, of this place, has passed away, dying on the 31st inst., at the age of 76 years, leaving an unblemished Christian record, having been a member of the M.E. Church for over fifty years. The body was taken to Willow Glen Cemetery, for burial.
25 Aug 1882
A three-year old son of Jacob PECK, of Cuyler, was standing on the back end of a load of hay, when the team started suddenly, throwing him to the ground, striking on his head and shoulders. Several physicians were called, but could not help him, and he died Sunday, Aug. 14th. - Cincinnatus Register.
Died. O'BRIEN - In Solon, N.Y., Aug. 19, 1882, [illegible] O'BRIEN, aged 18 years.
Harford Mills.
Mrs. Lovina NOLTON died at the residence of her father, Stephen HARRINGTON, Tuesday, Aug. 15th, aged 48 years.
Mrs. David TARBOX died Aug. 18th, after a lingering illness. She was an industrious woman, and devotedly attached to her family.
Mrs. Lucy ELDREDGE, a highly esteemed lady, formerly of this place, died at her residence in Tompkins Co., Monday last.
1 Sep 1882
Died. WHITE - At Saratoga Springs, N.Y., August 23, 1882, Clara DICKSON, daughter of the late Andrew DICKSON, of Homer, N.Y., and the widow of the late Horace WHITE, Esq., of Syracuse, N.Y.
Died. CORBIN - In Cuyler, N.Y., August 29, 1882, Elmira CORBIN in the 72d year of her age.
Died. COFFIN - In Dunellen, N. J., August 21, 1882, Harry F., son of Fred P. and Della COFFIN, aged 6 months and 6 days.
Died. PARSONS - In McGrawville, August 23, 1882, Dea. Carmi PARSONS, aged 62 years.
Died. CHURCHILL - In Spafford, August 15, 1882, Mr. William CHURCHILL, in the 77th year of his age.
Died. BATES - In Homer, August 29, 1882, Lemuel BATES, aged 91 years and 10 days.
Harford Mills.
Patsey RYAN was fatally injured at Harford, on Wednesday, the 23d, while attempting to couple cars. One of the cars had no bumper, and the space between the cars was only four inches and a half. He died Thursday morning at 8 o'clock, after lingering in an unconscious condition about 18 hours. He was a brakeman, and had been on the road about one year. His friends lived in Ketchumville. He was about 24 years of age and much respected where he was known.
8 Sep 1882
Died. DYE - In Pitcher, N.Y., Aug. 20, 1882, Patty DYE, aged 68 years.
Died. HAKES - In Pitcher, N.Y., Aug. 22, 1882, Mr. Dennison B. HAKES, aged 71 years.
Died. KENYON - In Scott, Aug. 22, 1882, of heart disease, M. Jane, wife of C. W. KENYON, aged 52 years, 3 months and 20 days.
Died. GILKERSON - At his residence in Homer, Sept. 5, 1882, George GILKERSON, aged 73 years
Died. BURR - In Cortland, Aug. 31, 1882, Mrs. Lucy BURR, aged 85 years.
Died. LEACH - In Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 2, 1882, Willie, youngest son of Charles and Mary LEACH, aged 2 years, 5 months and 10 days.
Died. REYNOLDS - In Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 5, 1882, Fred I. REYNOLDS, aged 23 years.
15 Sep 1882
Found Dead.
Last Thursday evening George SKINNER, of Blodgett Mills, Cortland County, employed by Harrison BOWER, Ludlowville, upon his farm was found dead in the barnyard by Mr. BOWER. Mr. SKINNER had been at work upon the farm during the day as well and hearty as usual to all appearances. Mr. BOWER went to the village in the evening and Mr. SKINNER was finishing the chores and when last seen went to the barn to care for the horses and was found by Mr. BOWER by the well lying upon his face dead. The neighbors were immediately notified and Delos HARING and Jay BOWER were soon there. The remains were taken to the residence; Dr. LOCKERBY was called and decided that death was caused either from heart disease or apoplexy. It was decided not to hold an inquest. A telegram was sent to the daughter of the deceased at Blodgett Mills. She arrived on Friday evening. The remains were taken to Cortland for burial. The deceased was fifty-seven years of age. He had been in the employ of Mr. BOWER for some time and was well liked by all who knew him. He had never complained of illness while with Mr. BOWER. - Lansing Journal Aug. 31.
22 Sep 1882
Died. CLEVELAND - At the residence of her son-in-law, L. A. HAIGHT, in East Homer, Sept. 1, 1882, Mary Ann, widow of Aaron CLEVELAND, aged 72 years.
Died. CADY - In Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 13, 1882, Olive W., relict of the late Rev. Henry CADY, aged 79 years.
Deceased was the mother of Mrs. Lemuel McGRAW, of this village, and Mrs. George L. BARKER, of McGrawville.
Died. KINNEY - At Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 15, 1882, Ida, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward KINNEY, aged 20 years and 7 months.
Harford Mills.
Mrs. Lucy S. DANIELS, wife of Heman DANIELS, Sen., died at her residence in this place, Sunday, Sept. 10th, of paralysis; aged 76 years. Mrs. DANIELS fell from her chair Friday evening about six o'clock, she was conveyed to her bed but remained unconscious but a few minutes. She conversed [illegible line] and neighbors. Her left side was paralyzed. She went into a lethargy sleep about nine o'clock, from which she never woke. Mrs. DANIELS was one of six daughters, two of whom are still living; the four have died much in the way, two having died instantly. Her maiden name was STUART. She was born in Whinchendon, Mass. She was married at the age of 19 to Jacob SIMONDS, of Fitzwilliam, N. H., where Mr. SIMMONDS [sic] soon after settled and engaged extensively in the manufacture of wooden ware. But in the midst of an active business career and in the meridian of the family's happiness a dark cloud overshadowed them and at the age of 47, the husband and father passed from the bosom of his family to the silent city of the dead. To this couple were given five sons and three daughters, only two of whom are now living, Mr. Richard SIMONDS of Boston, and Mrs. Hannah McKAY of Brooklyn. Of those that are gone scarcely any two found a resting place in the same state. The father and one son sleep in New Hampshire; two sons died for their country in the sunny South, a daughter was laid in the cemetery on a little hillock, in Montello, Wis., and one in Lynn, Mass., and now the mother is laid to rest in Harford, N.Y. Alas how the vagaries of fortune have scattered this once happy family. Mrs. SIMONDS went with her family to Wisconsin in 1868 and in 1856 she became the fourth wife of Mr. Heman DANIELS. They soon after moved to the Eastern states, where they lived until 1871 when they came to Harford Mills where they have since lived. Mrs. DANIELS was of a very genial disposition and good company and has ever been treated with the utmost respect and affection by her husband, children and friends.
Lyman KINGMAN who was born and lived for a time in Cincinnatus, died at his home in Speedsville, last week Monday.
29 Sep 1882
Died. JARVIS - In Cortland, Sept. 26, 1882, Horace A. JARVIS, aged 64 years.
Funeral services at the M. E. church, to-day, (Friday), at 10 o'clock A.M.
Died. WHEELER - In this village, Sept. 26, 1882, Sarah EMERSON, wife of John WHEELER, aged 68 years.
Funeral from her late residence at Port Watson, this (Friday) afternoon, at half past two o'clock.
Died. KLOCK - In Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 19, 1882, at the residence of her son-in-law, Walter HOUGH, Susan KLOCK, aged 92 years.
6 Oct 1882
Died. - In Cortland, N.Y., on the 26th of Sept., Sarah EMERSON, wife of John WHEELER, aged 68 years.
We do not permit the few objects in the foreground of a landscape to hide from view the broad vistas that spread beyond, nor do we look at the few years of enfeebled strength that mark the close of a long life for its individual characteristics, but backward and beyond to its spring-time and meridian.
Mrs. WHEELER was the daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth EMERSON, who with their family held for so long a time a prominent place in the business and social life of the town of Solon. Sarah was the eldest of six daughters, who made so pleasant and attractive the well-known house upon the hill-side.
A bride at seventeen, she is remembered as handsome, amiable, with a quiet sense of humor, cheerful gaiety, and every grace of manner.
In the domestic life of a woman there is little to record; though it may be full of action, of thought, of feeling, of effort and sacrifice to make flow smoothly the stream that would seem to glide of itself. Such for many years, while health remained, was the life of Mrs. WHEELER. Wherever was her home, it was made pleasant to its inmates. To all who came to her, relatives, friends, or transient guests. While to the husband and only child who mourn her loss, she was all that the most devoted wife and mother could be. She maintained the most affectionate relations with her parents, brothers and sisters. Doing for them in sickness and in health, all that the most considerate kindness could suggest. It was while taking charge of the household of her widowed mother that she was stricken with the illness from which she never wholly recovered. Remaining partially an invalid for the remaining years of her life.
With a cultivated literary taste, in reading she found her greatest pleasure. Her good sense, refinement of feeling, just and liberal views, sentiments, and uniform kindness in words and deeds, won for her the esteem and regard of many friends. All who knew her were her friends. Her goodness seems to have been impressed all with whom she came in contact and is the memory of her awakened by her death.
Her last illness was one of great suffering, but she had long since learned to look with faith and hope to the better life beyond and but desired to depart. The last look upon her face, was that of one who already beheld the glory of the world to which she was passing. Com.
13 Oct 1882
Died. HOWE - In Summer Hill, Oct. 2, 1882, of diptheria, Mary E. HOWE, aged 5 years and 3 months.
Died. HOWE - In Summer Hill, Oct. 3, 1882, of diptheria, Chancey HOWE, aged 3 years and 5 months.
Died. MAY - In Cortland, N.Y., Oct. 6, 1882, Clinton J. MAY, aged 25 years.
Died. HOTCHKISS - In Cincinnatus, Oct. 8, 1882, Mrs. Nettie HOTCHKISS, aged _ years.
Died. PHELPS - At Binghamton, Oct. 5, 1882, suddenly of heart disease, Hattie S., widow of the late Robert PHELPS, and daughter of Wm. E. TAYLOR, of Binghamton, aged 26 years.
20 Oct 1882
Died. BENNETT - In Cortland, Oct. 8, 1882, of bronchial croup, Grant B., oldest son of Fred C. and Mary A. BENNETT, aged 7 years 1 month and 8 days.
Died. NICHOLS - In McGrawville, N.Y., Sept. 27, 1882, of typhoid fever, Chas. M. NICHOLS, aged 47 years.
Died. SHIRLEY - At her residence on Cortland St., Homer, N.Y., Oct. 9, 1882, of typhoid fever, Mrs. Abigail SHIRLEY, aged 67 years and 7 months.
Died. WOODMANCY - In Homer, Oct. 8, 1882, Mr. David WOODMANCY, aged 82 years.
Died. REED - In San Jose, Cal., Oct. 9, 1882, of paralysis, Mrs. Clara M. REED, aged 43 years and 8 months.
Died. CARPENTER - In Homer, N.Y., Oct. 18, 1882, Asaph H. CARPENTER, aged 82 years.
Died. THOMPSON - In Cortland, N.Y., Oct. 17, 1882, Lucy A., widow of the late Isaac P. THOMPSON, and mother of Mrs. Lewis B. PLUMB, in the 87th year of her age.
Died. LAMONT - At Freeville, N.Y., Oct. 15, 1882, A. B. LAMONT, aged 52 years.
A Terrible Accident In Syracuse.
A Carriage Struck by a Fast Express Train --- Three Marathon
Ladies Killed.
From the Syracuse Herald
Last Saturday afternoon Mr. J. D. MALLONEE of Syracuse, hired a team and carriage from Rooney's livery stable and started with his wife and her aunts, Mrs. James COMSTOCK and Mrs. Lewis A.
BURGESS of Marathon for a ride. They had been driving about an hour when they started to cross the tracks of the Central railroad at West Genesee street in Geddes. The Chicago express, in charge of Conductor WAGNER and Engineer HART, had left the station a few moments before, going west. The train was going at a high rate of speed, and on account of an intervening cluster of trees it is thought that Mr. MALLONEE failed to see the train in time to stop. The engineer claims that when within several hundred feet of the crossing, he saw a two seated carriage, containing a man and three women who seemed to be unconscious of their danger. He says that he blew the whistle, whereupon the horses became unmanagable and the accident became inevitable. The cow catcher struck the carriage squarely, lifting it into the air and hurling its occupants down the embankment, east of the track. The women were almost instantly killed; and the man was picked up in a semi-unconscious condition. One of the horses was so badly injured that it was shot, the other escaped with slight bruises, and the carriage was totally wrecked, pieces of it being carried several hundred feet by the train, which was stopped as soon as possible.
Mrs. COMSTOCK was found east of the track and about forty feet north of West Genesee street. There was a terrible cut on the scalp just over the right eye. The body of Mrs. BURGESS lay about ten feet below on the side of the embankment. Her head was badly bruised. Mrs. MALLONEE was found at the foot of the embankment, lying along side of a fence. She was not dead when found, Coroner KNAPP who happened to be present, did what he could for her. She was gasping and breathed some moments afterward. One eye was forced out and her face covered with blood. Mr. MALLONEE was removed to Cool's grocery store and as soon as he was in fit condition to be moved he was taken to his house, at No. 59 Montgomery street: The bodies of the women were taken to a neighboring railroad tool-house till Undertaker MAYNARD was ready to receive them at his morgue.
Mrs. MALLONEE was formerly Miss Grace Lee SHERWOOD of Marathon and was about twenty-five years old. She had taught school in her native town and was formerly a pupil at the Normal School at Cortland. She had made many friends during a short residence in this city. Her husband is employed by William MALCOLM, the optician in the manufacture of telescopes. He was born in Clinton, Michigan, and his father and mother, who live in Ovid in that State, reached Syracuse this morning.
Mrs. COMSTOCK was sixty years old and was the widow of the late James COMSTOCK.
Mrs. Caroline BURGESS was fifty. Mrs. BURGESS formerly lived in Cortland and was the wife of John L. BURST. After the death of her first husband she continued to live in Cortland until her marriage with Mr. BURGESS some five or six years since when she moved to Marathon. They came to Syracuse on the morning of the accident to make their niece a visit.
The bodies were taken to Marathon last Monday evening and the funeral services were held in the M. E. Church in that place at noon on Tuesday and were conducted by Rev. O. L. TORRY assisted by Rev. Dr. J. G. MILLER. Mrs. BURGESS was brought to Cortland on the 4 o'clock train and the remains were buried by the side of her first husband.
Mr. Samuel ROONEY, the owner of the team says that he considered the horses perfectly gentle. He puts his loss at $1,000, including the injured horse, which he claims in now worthless.
A Suicide in Cuyler.
Almeron V. BURDICK, residing in the east part of Cuyler, near DeRuyter, committed suicide last Friday afternoon, by cutting his throat with a razor. He had been in ill-health for some months past and had become despondent, and is said to have been apprehensive of coming to want. This idea was a delusion, as he was in good circumstances. He was a well known and highly respected citizen and his untimely death is deeply deplored by all who knew him.
27 Oct 1882
Died. BAKER - At the residence of her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. B. BURCHARD, in Little York, Oct. 16, 1882, Edith S., daughter of Harvey and Bertha BAKER, aged 7 months and 2 days. The remains were taken to Cortland for burial.
Died. McKINNEY - In Virgil, N.Y., Oct. 20, 1882, of typhoid fever, John McKINNEY, aged 58 years.
Died. GALE - In Cortland, Oct. 23, 1882, Cora L., only daughter of Wm. W. and Lucy A. GALE.
Mr. Asaph CARPENTER, one of the oldest residents of this place died last Wednesday from the effects of a stroke of paralysis. The funeral services were held at the house on Friday at 2 P.M. Rev. Wm. A. ROBINSON officiating. His remains were carried to Glenwood cemetery for interment. Mr. CARPENTER was brought into this town from the East during the year 1800, when he was a mere infant, or as he frequently expressed it was brought in "on a pillow." He has been a continuous resident for 82 years. He was an honest, genial, and upright man, a sincere and true christian, having been a member of the Congregational church for many years. He will be mourned by his many relatives and friends.
Harmon S. CONGER, of Janesville, Wis., who has been Circuit Judge in that State for the past twelve years, died, at his home last Sunday, aged sixty-three years. Mr. CONGER formerly studied and practice law in this place, and represented this district in Congress for one term.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. CARR buried their youngest child in our cemetery Sunday, a girl only a few months old.
3 Nov 1882
Died. PIERCE - In Truxton, N.Y., Oct. 21, 1882, Mr. William PIERCE, in the 76th year of his age.
Died. ALVORD - In Scott, Oct. 16, 1882, Martin ALVORD, aged 82 years and 7 months.
The town of Virgil has again been called to part with one of her well known citizens. Mr. John McKINNEY died on the 20th inst., aged fifty-eight years. Mr. McKINNEY has been a resident of this town for eighteen years, of this county for about thirty- five years, was born in Ireland, educated and reared in the Protestant faith, but in later years had settled on the doctrine of universal salvation. The funeral services were held at his residence on the following Sabbath. Rev. Mr. BRANCH officiated. The services were made more impressive by a solemn service of song by Mr. J. B. HUTCHINGS and his daughters. Deceased has been an active business man, having been largely engaged in the poultry trade. In politics he was probably as well posted in affairs of State as any Democrat in town, and while differing with him in politics, we always enjoyed a chat with him, and long years of social intercourse and deal with him has taught us to prize his friendship and cherish his memory.
On the 17th day of October, 1882, Harvey HOLDEN, Esq., died at his home in McLean, town of Groton, Tompkins Co., N.Y. aged 77 years. Mr. HOLDEN came from Vermont to McLean forty-nine years ago, and has always lived on lands he first purchased. He has been our justice of the peace for years, which office he has filled with honor to himself and to those who gave their cases to his care. He has been our Postmaster over twenty years and in all of his public life, has been a man we were glad to trust. Mr. HOLDEN was a believer in the doctrine of the final happiness of all mankind, that his God could not be just outside of making all happy. His kind heart had no vengeance to pour upon those that do wrong, but would kindly reprove and still be a friend.
He fondly loved children, every child considered him its friend, and it is rare to see so many children at a funeral as attended his, and each one felt as if he or she had met with a personal loss. Mr. HOLDEN leaves a wife who is his equal in benevolence, and who has become a helper in every good cause, and that home that they together have made for the oppressed and needy in every way, will be continued, and be an influence and comfort that we feel will make the place of husband and children less desolate in her childless old age. It is a very desirable thing to live so we shall be missed when it shall come our time to go away. This we all can say of our friend and neighbor Harvey HOLDEN.
We shall miss him. We are glad he has been with us so many years and we too are glad, that when he was to be with us no more, he was gathered home like a shock of corn for the harvest time that is fully ripe with golden grain. A. R.
10 Nov 1882
Died. CHAPLIN - At the residence of his son, George H. CHAPLIN, in Marathon, Oct. 18, 1882, Benjamin Franklin CHAPLIN, in the 84th year of his age.
Died. DUNBAR - In Cuyler, Oct. 29, 1882, of fever, Mrs. Aaron DUNBAR, aged 86 years.
Nullius Fillius.
A Live Child Found in the Vault of a Water-closet in this Village.
Last Thursday evening Mr. J. H. TRUE of Buffalo, a guest at the Messenger House in this village, heard queer sounds apparently coming from the water closet of the hotel and at once informed the clerk, Mr. H. C. CANEY, of the fact. Some of the employes made an investigation and discovered an infant lying in the vault of the closet. A rope was procured and the child was removed from its uncomfortable quarters and taken into the hotel. Dr. C. E. BENNETT was summoned and took it in charge. It was a fully developed male child and had evidently been born only a few minutes before it was found. There were marks upon its head and face which the physicians think were made by instruments used in its delivery. These injuries it is thought caused its death which occurred at about 8 P.M. on Friday.
Two young women, who had just been seen about town on Thursday, were suspected but there seems to have been no ground for the suspicion. A woman closely veiled is said to have been seen loitering about the premises about the time the child was found. She was afterwards seen at the S. & B. depot where she bought a ticket for Syracuse and took the 6:18 train going north. As yet the officers have failed to find this woman or to obtain the slightest clue to the guilty party.
The vault in which the child was found can only be reached from the back yard which communicates with the street and it is thought that it must have been thrown where it was by parties outside of the hotel. Dr. JEWETT testified that the wound found upon the mouth of the child was made by a surgical instrument called a trocar, which was undoubtedly been used upon it. It was full grown and weighed seven pounds.
17 Nov 1882
Another of our old residents has departed. Linus STILLMAN died at his residence on the back road between this place and Cortland, at two o'clock Sunday morning the 12th inst. For several years Mr. STILLMAN has been a constant sufferer. Having lost the use of his limbs he was entirely helpless. His death was not unexpected. He was a charitable and honest man, and his death will be greatly mourned by his numerous friends, though they will be glad to know that his sufferings have ceased.
Chas. STILLMAN, the youngest son of Linus STILLMAN, returned from Wisconsin on Monday to attend the funeral of his father.
The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon at the house.
Luther STILLMAN of Dutchess county is in town, called here by the death of his father.
Died. ATWOOD - In Cortland, N.Y., Nov. 5, 1882, of consumption, Mrs. Cora B. ATWOOD, aged 21 years.
Died. REED - In McGrawville, N.Y., Nov. 11, 1882, of typhoid fever, Mr. Sherman L. REED, aged 25 years.
Died. HUNTLEY - At the Insane Asylum, Binghamton, N.Y., Nov. 7, 1882, Mr. William HUNTLEY, formerly of Cincinnatus, N.Y., aged 65 years.
Died. MIX - In Marathon, Oct. 26, 1882, Stephen, son of Bradley and Mary E. MIX, aged 14 years, 7 mos. and 10 days. Other papers please copy.
Deceased was a lad of more than ordinary promise, and his early death is sadly deplored by all who knew him. He possessed uncommon industry, and was intelligent beyond his years. He was a faithful follower of the Savior, and has entered the joys of the eternal.
Suicide in Groton.
On Wednesday morning of this week, Mr. Norman METZGAR, residing about two miles west of Groton Village committed suicide by hanging himself in his barn. He was about thirty years of age and had been married but a little over a year to a daughter of Nathaniel STEELE of the town of Dryden. Some four or five years since an uncle of the deceased put an end to his existence in the same manner. Deceased was the son of Mr. Andrew METZGAR, of Groton, whose family is one of the best known and most highly esteemed in town.
24 Nov 1882
Mr. Peter MATTHEWS died on Sunday morning, after an illness of about two weeks or a little more. His son was telegraphed for, but being in the employ of the National Government, at Fort Monroe, he was unable to come.
A Shocking Death.
Alvin GETMAN, of Preble, met with a shocking death last Friday morning. He was employed on the Syracuse and Binghamton railway. On Thursday evening he left his home soon after his supper, going to the store and buying a sack of flour. Thence he went to a saloon where he played cards until a late hour of the night, when he started for home.
Of the rest of the distressing story but little is known beyond what can be surmised. About [illeg.] o'clock Mrs. Eliza COLLIER and her daughter, living on the road that GETMAN would take to go home, were startled by the noise of some one in the back room of their home. They fled to a neighbor, with the report that some one had broken into their home. Several men responded to the call for assistance, with revolvers loaded. Cries of distress greeted the party as they neared the house, while the doorstep and a piece of carpet were discovered on fire. The fire was extinguished and the house entered, but instead of robbers they found a man naked, his clothes having been burned off, while his flesh in many places was burned to a crisp.
The man proved to be Alvin GETMAN, and he was so stupified with liquor that he did not realize his condition. He was removed to his home, physicians summoned and everything done that was possible, but the poor man suffered indescribable agony until Sunday evening when death mercifully came to his relief. He was 37 years old and leaves a wife and four small children.
A place in the road was found where the poor man is believed to have laid down. His pipe was lying near the spot. It is thought that his clothes were fired by the pipe in some way, and probably aroused by the pains of the burns, he got up and wandered to the house where he was found. His watch was found near the spot, showing the effect of heat, and had stopped at 12:25.
[very poor copy]
McGraw - At Cortland, Nov. 14, 1882, Mrs. Minerva McGRAW, aged 78 years.
Mrs. McGRAW was born in Chazy, Washington Co., in 1804, and came to McGrawville in 1812. At an early age she became a member of the church at Cortland, but withdrew after the organization of the Presbyterian church at McGrawville, where she remained a member until [1865?], when she united with the Congregational church at Whitewater, Wis., where her memship [sic] continued up to the time of her death. She was the mother of six children, four of whom are now living, Mrs. SANDERSON, of Seneca Falls, N.Y., Henry McGRAW, of Whitewater, Wis. and Mrs. Hiram BLODGETT and Mrs. H. H. GREENMAN, the latter with whom she has lived for more than twenty years. In her daily life she directed those about her to that future toward which are all hastening, and to which she has gone to reap her reward. During her last illness, which was attended with much suffering, she was patient and looked for help and strength in Him, who alone can calm the troubled breast. She derived much comfort from hearing the Scriptures read, and as her strength would permit, in conversing upon the hope of the christian. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mr. ROBERTSON, pastor of the Presbyterian church. The sympathy of friends was with the absent son, who was not able to be present with those who mourned the loss of a mother. The remains were intered [sic] in the McGrawville cemetery.
Last Thursday night, Mr. Alvin GETMAN, while in an intoxicated condition, and sitting by the wayside, about 2 o'clock in the morning, put a lighted pipe in his pocket, and the fire communicated to his body and burned him to a crisp. He died about 7 o'clock Sunday morning; was buried Monday. We think there is a great need of temperance votes being cast, and strong temperance lectures, and a general revival on the temperance question. Rally, citizens! why all the day sleep and allow men and liquor dealers to do what they choose, and dare the law to touch them. It's time we did something. Your houses will not be burned.
Here and There.
John L. VAN RENSLAER, one of the oldest inhabitants of this place, died on Wednesday, Nov. 22d, after a short illness, at the age of 72 years. Mr. VanRENSLAER was attacked with pleurisy about two weeks ago, and it was thought that this would result in nothing serious, but typhoid pneumonia set in which terminated in his death. Funeral services will be held from his late residence, on Adams street, Saturday, at 10 A.M.
The funeral services of Mrs. John OAKLEY were held at the house Tuesday 21st. Rev. Mr. WAY, pastor of the Baptist church officiated. Deceased was about 61 years of age.
Died. RICE - In Cuyler, N.Y., Nov. 4, 1882, of malarial fever, Frank RICE, in the 28th year of his age.
Died. LEO - In Solon, N.Y., Nov. 16, 1882, of old age, Mrs. Mary LEO, aged 88 years.
Died. BENNETT - In this village, Nov. 9, 1882, Ceylon A., youngest son of Fred C. and Mary E. BENNETT, aged 2 years.
Died. HUNT - At the residence of her mother, Mrs. N. H. HAYNES, in Cortland, Mrs. Nettie C. HUNT, aged 36 years and 8 months.
Died. HAMMOND - At the residence of his son, S. S. HAMMOND, Esq., in Freetown, N.Y., Nov. 20, 1882, Mr. Silas HAMMOND, in the 85th year of his age.
Died. VanRENSELAER - In this village, Nov. 22, 1882, John L. VanRENSELAER, aged 72 years.
Died. CALKINS - In Cortland, N.Y., Nov. 4, 1882, Chettie V., eldest son of Chester C. and Mary E. CALKINS, aged 20 years and 9 months.
Lines Dedicated to the Memory of
Chettie V. Calkins.
You will gather around the hearth-stone, friends,
But oh, so lonely now!
For you'll miss his dearly loved presence,
While the fire is burning low.
You will go to his room at night, friends,
And sit you down to weep;
For his precious form is departed,
And lonely the vigil you keep.
But list! other children are near you;
Some stand in the open door;
They wait the sound of his greeting,
"There's always room for one more."
Bring in [illeg.]; let the fire burn brightly;
Draw his chair to its wonted place;
Perchance he sill step in lightly,
And you'll see his dear young face.
As you sit with bowed heads and waiting,
Chettie's outstretched hands appear,
For across the dark rolling river,
A beautiful vision to cheer.
Dear parents! children! friends!
Would you his [illeg.] enjoy?
Would you dwell in the glorious light,
Of immortality?
The follow the footsteps of Jesus;
Well where the master has trod;
For the path of the just headeth upward
To happiness and God.
1 Dec 1882
Died. BROWN - In Cuyler, N.Y., Nov. 16, 1882, Wesley N. BROWN, in the 29th year of his age.
Died. JOHNSON - In Marathon, N.Y., Nov. 8, 1882, Mrs. Hannah JOHNSON, age 68 years.
Died. TODD - In Marathon, N.Y., Nov. 12, 1882, Nettie E., wife of Frank TODD, aged 23 years.
Died. BRINK - In Marathon, N.Y., Nov. 12, 1882, Antoinette, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. BRINK, aged 10 months.
Died. MILLER - At the residence of her son, George MILLER, in Truxton, N.Y., Oct. 16, 1882, Mrs. Mary MILLER, in the 88th year of her age.
8 Dec 1882
Thomas H. MINEAH, of Freeville, was taken with typhoid pneumonia at the supper table a week ago last Saturday, and died Tuesday night following, at the age of 58 years.
15 Dec 1882
Died. HUBBARD - In Cortland, Dec. 12, 1882, Norman HUBBARD, aged 76 years. Funeral services from his late residence at 11 A.M. Friday.
Died. BRUSH - In Bordentown, Nov. 25, 1882, Mr. Thomas C. BRUSH, formerly of Brooklyn. His remains were brought to Cortland, for interment.
Here and There.
Norman HUBBARD, one of Cortland's oldest residents, died Tuesday. The funeral will be held at 11 A.M. today.
Fatal Accident.
Last Friday an accident, which resulted fatally to Mr. Andrew SEAMAN, occurred at C. B. HITCHCOCK's Wagon Works. Mr. SEAMAN was foreman of the paint shop, which is located on the second floor of the new building. As the elevator came up from the basement, loaded with cutters, Mr. SEAMAN jumped on. He was told by the person in charge of the elevator to jump off, but he did not heed the warning in time, and his head was caught between the floor above and the elevator. The right jaw bone and the left cheek bone was fractured and his chest was crushed in. There is only about four inches space between the frame of the elevator and the floor, and his head and chest were jammed into that space. The elevator was stopped, and the injured man was removed to his residence on Elm street, where he was attended by Drs. DANA and HUGHES. He died Saturday afternoon. The post mortem examination showed a fracture extending from the left cheek bone upward through the temple to a point a little over the ear. This fracture caused a rupture of the left lateral sinus, and the immediate cause of death was compression of the brain.
The funeral services were held from his late residence on Monday, Rev. W. H. ANNABLE, of the M. E. Church, officiating. His remains were taken to Arcade, Wyoming county for burial. He leaves a widow and four children.
Mr. Thomas MOTT, whose illness has been noticed before, died on the 9th inst., aged seventy-six years. Funeral services by the Rev. Mr. WILLIAMS, on Monday the 11th inst. Deceased has been a Justice of the Peace in this town for many years and was well posted in the law and the affairs of the day.
The funeral of Mrs. John PATTEN was held at the house on Wednesday the 18th. The pastor of the M.E. church, Rev. Mr. WILLIAMS officiating.
29 Dec 1882
Died. DEVOE - In Homer, Dec. 5, 1882, Jeremiah DEVOE, aged 65 years.
Died. ARNOLD - In Homer, N.Y., Dec. 19, 1882, Mrs. David H. ARNOLD, aged 54 years.
Died. BASSETT - In Eureka, Kan., Nov. 9, 1882, Hannah, wife of the late Abiram BASSETT, formerly of Cortlandville, N.Y., aged 75 years.
Died. BASSETT - In San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 11, 1882, of apoplexy, William, eldest son of the late Abiram BASSETT, formerly of Cortlandville, N.Y., aged 45 years.
Died. CRAMPTON - In Homer, Dec. 12, 1882, of consumption, Sarah M., wife of E. M. CRAMPTON, aged 49 years.
Died. PARKER - In Pana, Ill., Dec. 21, 1882, Stephen PARKER, aged 82 years, formerly a resident of Truxton, N.Y.
Died. DAVENPORT - In Cortland, N.Y., Dec. 21, 1882, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Anna D. HUMES, Harriet L., widow of the late Samuel DAVENPORT, aged 63 years.
Died. SAGER - In Cortland, N.Y., Dec. 21, 1882, Mary Francis, wife of Aaron SAGER, aged 33 years.
Died. BABCOCK - In Union Valley, at the residence of Ira CRANDALL, Dec. 9, 1882, of paralysis, Mrs. Emily Nichols BABCOCK, aged 81 years, 10 months and 6 days.
Died. ROBACHER - In Marathon, December 14, 1882, Mrs. Eliza ROBACHER, aged 48 years.
Died. - In Cortland, October 6, 1882, Clinton J. MAY, aged twenty-five years.
The above brief announcement plainly told to the world that another earths teeming millions had passed away. It seems fitting and eminently proper that a more extended notice be given not so much on account of the death of our friend, but that a profitable lesson may be learned from the life that has gone out among us. It is not the purpose of this paper to enter into empty eulogy for fulsome praise. The golden jewel needs no plating to give it beauty, or to add to its value.
The example of a noble life in any community is like the choicest perfume. It fills the whole social atmosphere with the most delicious fragrance. The example of such a life cannot be too highly esteemed.
Indeed such lives are the "salt of the earth." Such was his of whom we would now speak. His early education partook in large measure of those sterling qualities of mind and heart and which ruled in shaping the character of his parents, and these became more marked as age advanced, and his manhood matured. Among the various enterprises and vacations which engross the attention and energies of man, he sought out that which best accorded with his tastes and to which he seemed in every way adapted. Choosing mercantile pursuits he became by attention to the details of business, and his strict integrity the trusted and confidential servant of his employers. By his affability and genial good nature he won the admiration and esteem of all with whom he came in contact. Self respect as a means of securing the respect of others had been early inculcated into his mind and heart. Thus developing under the culturing influence of a christian hope made of him a man of whom it might be truly said:
"None knew him but to love him
None named him but to praise."
In 1875 he entered into fellowship with the M. E. Church of Cortland, of which he was a consistent member at the time of his death.
Taught thus in the school of Christ his eye and ear had caught a glimpse of the glory of the other shore and a strain of Elysian melody so that when he received his summons to cross the dark river, taking father, mother, and wife by the hand, he assured them he was ready to go, and that in a little while the family would all be united.
F. P.
Cortland, Dec. 1882.
Transcribed by Merton Sarvay
September and October, 2007
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