The Cortland County Democrat
4 Jan 1884
Died. WILBER - In Cortlandville, Dec. 22, 1883, after a prolonged illness, Mr. Jonathan WILBER, aged 58 years.
Died. BAUM - In Marathon, Dec. 28, 1883, Elma BAUM, of Potsdam, N.Y., aged 21 years and 2 months.
Died. McMAHON - In Marathon, Dec. 22, 1883, Mary McMAHON, aged -- years.
Andrew HALBERT, formerly an old resident of this town, died at the residence of his son-in-law, Jerome J. ANGELL, Dec. 23. The funeral was held last Wednesday.
A little child of Mr. and Mrs. Ebb. BUSH was buried last Friday.
Schuyler Crofoot's Misfortune.
On Wednesday of last week, the 19th inst., Mr. Schuyler CROFOOT, a well-known resident of this village, was superintending the construction of a chimney upon a building near Ithaca. In some manner he lost his footing and fell to the ground, sustaining a fractured thigh and other serious injuries. At last accounts from him it was stated that he had not been moved from the position first placed in by the medical attendants. It is feared that, owing to age and serious injuries, he cannot survive the shock.
-Homer Republican, Dec. 27.
Mr. CROFOOT died from the injuries received, and funeral services were held from his late residence in Homer, on Tuesday last.
11 Jan 1884
Blodgett's Mills.
Mrs. Wm. TANNER, formerly of this place, but for the past few years a resident of Groton, at which place Mr. TANNER now lives, was buried here on Saturday, the 5th.
Mr. John BROWN, of Lapeer, the father of Cornelius BROWN, of Marathon, died at Mr. FOSTER's, the last of December, aged 81 years; buried at Lapeer January 1st, 1884.
18 Jan 1884
Died. WARREN - At Edgar, Clay Co., Neb., Jan 2, 1884, of typhoid pneumonia, Rev. Benjamin WARREN, aged 72 years.
Rev. Mr. WARREN was a Baptist minister for over forty years, and was a brother of Ransom WARREN, Esq., of McGrawville.
Died. HUBBARD - In Cortland, on Tuesday evening, Jan. 8th, 1884, at half-past 8 o'clock, Harmon HUBBARD, aged 65 years.
Died. SUMNER - At his son's residence in Truxton, N.Y., Jan. 5th, 1884, Mr. E. P. SUMNER, aged 70 years.
A Sudden Death.
Just before going to press we learn of the death of Mrs. Morgan L. WEBB, of this village, which occurred about 1 o'clock P.M. on Thursday. Mrs. WEBB had moved back from the dinner table apparently in her usual health, when she suddenly called for assistance from one of her domestics. A physician was immediately sent for, but when he arrived life was extinct.
Almeron LOOMIS, whose death occurred on the 19th of December, at the age of 32, was buried on Saturday the 22d, from the Presbyterian church. Rev. W. H. YORK, pastor of the M.E. church, of this place, preached the sermon. Mr. LOOMIS leaves a wife and two bright, intelligent boys to mourn his loss. He was a member of the Odd Fellows, and belonged to Center Lisle Lodge, in Broome Co., N.Y. He was a young man of unusual business ability, but a bad cold, neglected too long, led to consumption, from which he died. Preble, N.Y., Jan. 11, 1884.
Death United Them.
The Sad Story of the Hermit of Tully Lake.
Deserted by his Wife Thirty Years Ago, He Becomes a Recluse -
Her Letter on Christmas Brings Him to Her Side, And Together
They Will Fill Pauper's Graves.
The New York Standard publishes the following from Homer:
"Upon a little island in the centre of Tully lake, and three miles from any habitation, has long resided a man, who, thirty years ago, was one of the most promising young lawyers of Tioughnioga valley. His name is an honored one, but he is familiarly known throughout the country as 'Devil Dick.' His hut, after the fashion of those commonly used by the early settlers, is in the centre of a forest which covers the island. It is only accessible by a narrow foot path leading from the water's edge. A hole a foot square serves as a window, and in the roof a similar hole has been cut to allow the smoke of his fire to escape. The only articles of furniture which this dwelling contains are a bed and a stool, and this man's sole companion has been a large Newfoundland dog. 'Devil Dick,' a man about sixty years of age, with a bent form and gray hairs, wrinkled, yet retaining traces of a once handsome countenance, has long been a familiar figure here.
"For thirty years, through the heat of summer and the cold of winter, he lived this lonely and secluded life, employing a portion of his time in catching fish, his main subsistence, and the remainder in digging herbs, from which he manufactured a liquid compound, which he peddled through the surrounding villages, finding ready sale, as for several diseases it has proved to be of unfailing benefit, and in many cases it has been credited with permanent cures. Many people visit his secluded home, but to strangers he has never talked freely, while from ladies he has always turned with an outspoken scorn.
"His father and mother were aristocratic people, highly educated and rich. Richard, their only son, was their joy and pride. To make him illustrious was their fondest hope. Every advantage that love and money could provide was furnished him. He was sent to the old Cortland Academy, leaving it with the highest honors, and graduating at the head of his class. At this time he was seventeen years of age. The year following he entered Yale College, at New Haven. His genial disposition and pleasant ways, with a well-filled pocket-book and handsome face, made him a favorite with his class. He was a favorite in society, and during the four years he remained in college was highly honored.
"From infancy, exhibiting a strong taste for law, he determined to make it his profession. After graduation he returned home, remaining until the opening of the following school year, when he returned to New Haven to prosecute his law studies in the office of a well-known lawyer. Becoming acquainted with Miss Ella RUSSELL, then a reigning beauty in one of the pretty towns of New Haven county, he finally married her. They traveled through Europe, and after a year's absence returned to Tully, where at the end of ten years he was at the head of the bar in this valley.
"But suddenly there came a cloud over his brilliant career, and he became what he now is - a hermit. Returning home one evening after successfully conducting a law suit, he was surprised to find the wife of his bosom absent, and his hearth cold. Upon a table was a note addressed to himself. It read: "I never truly loved you. I married you for your money. Life has finally become miserable. The man whom I did love is rich now. I must go to him. To pursue me will mean only our mutual disgrace, our mutual death, the disgrace and the death of the father and mother you worship."
"From that day he became a wreck. Leaving town, he plunged into a life of dissipation, and in two years returned to his old home, having squandered a fortune of $100,000. His parents died of grief, and forsaken by his friends he sought the seclusion of the little island in Tully lake. No tidings ever came of his lost wife until last Christmas day, when the following was received by him:
"Richard: - The terrible intoxication which took me from you is over. What I have suffered cannot be told in this world. A demon controlled me and has torn my soul to tatters. In the long years that have passed since I stole away from you, since I stung you with my betrayal, I have known not one moment unmingled by regret and the wreaking agony of a soul outcast from the highest heaven. Thirty Christmases ago to-day I left you. Until that time I was in paradise; my existence since has been perdition, black, burning, terrible. Again and again have I determined to quit him and fly to you with appeals of forgiveness, for - oh, I dare not write to what depth of happiness I long for - to spend my little remaining life by your side. But such resolutions have failed always, ere I dared to take even the first steps toward their execution. I have disgraced you once. It is not well that I should add a second curse. God bless you, Richard; good-by. I trust that this Christmas time and all the Christmas times that have passed since the day of our parting have brought you joy and peace and prosperity and honor, and, dare I pray it, perhaps that greater blessing - forgetfulness.
"Richard, I feel that before the snows of this winter time are gone I shall be in my grave; but, husband once mine, mine no more, the clods of Potter's Field will be a cherished pillow if e'er the last gleam of life goes I may hear your voice, see your face, know that the past is forgotten, and my weakness, my sin, my accursed life for given. Dare I ask you to come?"
"The letter was dated from one of the mean localities of New York. The hermit of Tully lake island has disappeared. A coroner in New York two days ago looked for a moment on two lifeless forms in a west side tenement. Together they were given the pauper's funeral - the end of careers that promised only brilliance and joy and happiness when wedding bells rang out in New Haven thirty years ago."
"Devil Dick"
In another column will be found an account of the past life of Richard EGBERTSON, or "Devil Dick," as he is familiarly known, the hermit of Tully lake. The story reads like a veritable romance and will be found as interesting to those who have never heard of him as to those who have known him for years. There are enough facts about the story to make it interesting, but the writer evidently drew on his imagination for a good share of it. We understand that "Devil Dick" has been seen about his old habits as usual since the romance was written. The fact that he lives in a shabby hut in the woods on Tully lake is true, as is also the fact that he has squandered a good property and is now selling medicines.
25 Jan 1884
Died. WEBB - At Cortland, Jan 17th, 1884, Helen BALLARD, wife of Morgan L. WEBB.
Died. LAWSON - In Homer village, January 14th, 1884, Mrs. Charles LAWSON, aged 28 years.
Died. JOHNSTON - In Homer village, Jan. 13th, 1884, Mrs. Ellen JOHNSTON, aged 60 years.
Died. STONE - In Homer village, January 12th, 1884, Deacon T. STONE, aged 81 years.
Died. BAIRD - In Harford, Thursday, January 10, 1884, Elon G. BAIRD, aged 74 years.
Died. ELDREDGE - In Manlius, N.Y., Jan'y 15, 1884, Mrs. Mary A. ELDREDGE, aged 74 years.
Died. DARBY - In Cortland, Jan. 21, 1884, Emma B., infant daughter of Chauncey H. and Ada DARBY, aged 7 months.
Laurel, Maryland papers please copy.
Died. FINCH - In Cortland, Monday, Jan'y 7th, 1884, Mrs. Cynthia A. FINCH, aged 47 years.
Died. HITCHCOCK - In Cortland, on Saturday, Jan'y 19th, 1884, Mr. Prosper HITCHCOCK, aged 64 years.
William A. COLLINS, Esq., brother of C. A. COLLINS, of Homer, died at his home on Staten Island last Friday night. His body was interred in Homer Cemetery.
Suicide by Hanging.
George PENNOYER of South Cortland, who has been an inmate of the county Insane Asylum since June 1st, committed suicide by hanging last Saturday night. When Warden HILLSINGER made his usual rounds on Saturday night, everything was quiet and PENNOYER occupied his usual quarters. On Sunday morning he was found hanging in his cell. He had tied one end of some bed clothing to the grating over the transom by his cell, and fastening the other end about his neck and so accomplished his purpose. He was sixty-four years of age and leaves a wife and one child. He was buried at Groton on Wednesday. He had been an inmate of the institution for a few months in the summer of 1880.
Harford Mills.
We are to day called upon to perform one of those sad and painful duties which sometimes fall to our lot as a correspondent, to chronicle the death of a dear friend. Sunday night the 13th, about half past one o'clock, Mrs. Mary SEXTON, wife of Mr. Ransom SEXTON, passed peacefully from this earth to that land supernal where care, and pain and suffering are unknown. She was sixty-nine years of age. She was a kind neighbor and a faithful friend, and in her healthful years ever gave a ready hand in sickness and distress. She was beloved most by those who knew her best. Her lot for long weary years has been one of suffering, and for several years past she has been able to enjoy the society of her family only for a little time each day. Much of her time she has been obliged to pass in the solitude of her own room, unable to read or converse with her friends. Her lot has been, indeed, a sad one, and yet she has
borne it all with such patience and cheerfulness as to make one almost forget, while in her presence, that she was a great sufferer, and through it all she has maintained the utmost faith and reliance in Him who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb, often saying, "If it were not all for the best it would not be." But with her the battle is over and the victory won; no more sorrow, pain and distress, but peace, joy, boundless love and rapture unspeakable are hers. Sadly we miss her, but let us bear our sorrow hopefully and patiently, knowing that our loss is her infinite gain.
"Oh, who would live always or ask here to stay,
Where storm after storm rises dark o'er the way.
The few lurid mornings that dawn on us here,
Are enough for life's joys, full enough for its tears."
1 Feb 1884
Mrs. Morgan L. WEBB was the daughter of Joshua BALLARD, a pioneer of Cortland Co. Her home was in Cortland until her marriage in 1839. And again when after closing his business as a merchant in New York city, Mr. WEBB removed to Cortland, where he established the Savings Bank, of which he remains the President.
On January 17, 1884, Mrs. WEBB rose from the dinner table over which she had presided with her usual cheerfulness and passing to another room sank upon a chair, seemingly fainting. But she never recovered consciousness. Dr. Frederick HYDE instantly summoned, pronounced the cause of death, an obstruction in one of the main arteries.
For the affectionate wife and mother, the head and animating spirit of the home, to pass thus suddenly from it, without a token of warning, a word or sign of farewell; was a shock, of which words have no power to express the anguish of those she left, the husband and daughter, present with her; daughters Mrs. SHANKLAND and Mrs. JOHNSON, summoned from their distant homes to the burial of a beloved mother. It is their consolation that she passed from earth without the pain of illness. The grief she would have felt in leaving those to whom her presence and ministry were so much. That she is with the many friends in the better land.
She was the last of a widely known family, distinguished for personal appearance and social accomplishments. Of the four beautiful sisters, Helen M., was the youngest. Mrs. PAGE and Mrs. Henry STEPHENS, and two brothers, Dewitt and Augustus had long preceded her, while the death of her eldest brother, the Hon. Horatio BALLARD, was comparatively recent.
To many elsewhere as well as in this vicinity, the tidings of her death will have awakened memories of the graceful brunette, with large sparkling eyes. Vivacious and piquant, her wit sometimes wounded but did not estrange, those who saw in it only the effervedence of a bright gay spirit; overflowing the genuine kindness of her character. With a just appreciation the friends drawn to her remained hers through life and few could number so many.
Through the faithful performance of her varied duties, she retained to the last her cheerful vivacity. Her acquaintance always looked for something amusing from her and would have been disappointed had she but said what others would, or in the way they would have said it.
Her good sense, warm feeling and sympathy, ever ready and efficient in deeds of kindness to individuals, or in aid of any enterprise for the benefit of the society or the church of which she was a member, make her loss deeply felt and sincerely lamented.
Suicide at Messengerville.
About 6:30 P.M. Wednesday evening, Jan. 23rd, John YOUNGS returned home from his work and found his wife hanging by the neck from a hook in the wall, dead. Mrs. YOUNGS has been in poor health for some time, and it was known her mind was at time deranged. She concocted her plans completely. After her children returned from school, she sent them to the residence of Frank MADOLE, fastened the door, pulled the curtains down and then committed the rash act. She leaves a husband and five small children, who have the sympathy of the entire community.
8 Feb 1884
Died. SCHOUTEN - In Marathon, Jan. 31, Mrs. Althea Swift SCHOUTEN, aged -- years.
Died. MOORE - On Merrill's Creek, Feb. 5, Mrs. John J. MOORE, aged 29 years.
Died. MEACHAM - In Galatia, Feb. 1, Mrs. E. Deloss MEACHAM, aged 52 years.
Died. WEBB - At Cortland, N.Y., Feb. 4th, 1884, Morgan Lewis WEBB.
Died. CLARK - At Homer, N.Y., on Thursday, January 24th, 1884, of consumption, Dwight CLARK, in the 48th year of his age.
Died. KNIGHT - At Eden, Michigan, Jan. 9th, 1884, after a short illness, Samuel C. KNIGHT, aged 75 years.
Died. HUBBELL - Of consumption, Jan. 20th, at East River, Romyne Goodrich HUBBELL, aged 28 years, only son of B. B. HUBBELL.
Deceased leaves a widow and two children.
Died. TAGGART - Jan. 9th, in Evansville, Rock Co., Wis., of heart disease, Mr. Levi TAGGART, aged 86 years. Mr. TAGGART was one of the first settlers of Rock Co., and was for many years a resident of this town.
Died. GILLETTE - At his residence in Bonapartte, Iowa, of emphysema, on Sunday Dec. 23d, 1883, Col. Frank C. GILLETTE, aged 49 years, 14 days.
Col. GILLETTE was born in Scott, Cortland Co., N.Y., Dec. 9th, 1831. He received a liberal education, and graduated with honors at Cazenovia University. He was for years Professor of languages in the New York Central College.
A Tragedy in Homer.
James E. Lines Shoots His Wife and Then Puts a Bullet Through His Own Head.
A Full Account of the Sad Occurrence.
Mrs. Lines Still Alive.
During the afternoon of Tuesday the news came from Homer that James E. LINES, a well known citizen of that village, had shot his wife and killed himself.
The family lived at the corner of Fulton and Grove streets. Percy LINES, the older son, his wife and child of four years, were the occupants of the house and the mother, who seems to have always been the especial friend of the children, was making that place her home.
The Tragedy.
Mr. LINES, who had visited Cortland during the forenoon of Tuesday, returned to Homer, and about 1 o'clock entered the dwelling of his son Percy. Nothing unusual was noticed in his appearance either by his family or those whom he had met upon the street. In the house he found his wife, his daughter-in-law and her little child. He had an ordinary sized valise filled with his clothing which was already packed in a bedroom opening out of the room where the tragedy occurred. Immediately after entering the house he went to the parlor bedroom, and brought the valise out. Passing across the room he took from a cupboard a pistol which he placed in the valise saying "I am going away." He then asked his wife, who was sitting in the kitchen with her daughter-in-law, to come into the parlor as he wanted to talk with her. His daughter-in-law, who saw him place the revolver in the valise, was alarmed and immediately took her child of four years from an adjoining bed-room and ran from the house to the nearest neighbor. Mrs. LINES complied with the request of her husband and passed into the parlor. There the brutal husband
demanded that she should return with him to Denver, Colorado, where he had been living for the past two years. What further conversation was had can only be conjectured, as Mrs. LINES has made no statement other than the fact that her husband shot her. It is evident from the appearance of the room, however, that the brutal wretch seized his revolver and attacked the defenseless wife. He discharged the pistol five times, two shots wounding Mrs. LINES. One ball entered the forehead over the right eye passing downward obliquely behind the eyes and nasal organs and out of the left cheek, showing that the unfortunate woman must have been shot while sitting or in a reclining position. The other wound was through the back of the neck in close proximity to the spinal cord, but which is apparently uninjured.
The daughter-in-law had been but a moment at the neighbor's house when she discovered Mrs. LINES rushing from the rear of the house, her face covered with blood. She only ran a few steps when she fell on her hands and knees, but recovering somewhat from her fright she arose and made a further attempt to escape and screaming at the top of her voice....
but after a few steps again fell in the snow. Her screams were frightful and her appearance with the blood streaming down her face and person was terrible to behold. Her cries for assistance were heard by a young man named Fred SPRINGER, who was standing on the sidewalk a few doors above and who immediately ran to her assistance. By this time a general alarm had spread through the shops of Gage, Hitchcock & Co., and Mr. Will HITCHCOCK, hearing the reports of the pistol and the cries of the woman, rushed from the office and with the assistance of Mr. SPRINGER brought Mrs. LINES to the office. The woman when found was on her knees in the snow. She was partially conscious but wild with terror and fright, waving her hands and exclaiming, "Oh, my God! my husband has killed me."
In the meantime another shot was heard from the dwelling. Mr. HITCHCOCK summoned the employees of the works and surrounded the house to prevent the escape of the murderer. No more disturbance being heard, a shutter was carefully raised and LINES was discovered on his knees before an ordinary cane seat sewing chair, his right hand resting on another chair. His head was bowed down upon the seat of the chair, and by his side was a heavy Colt's revolver of 42 calibre.
The parties, headed by Mr. Andrew HENDERSON, immediately entered the house and examined the kneeling man. It was a frightful spectacle. The unfortunate man had evidently kneeled as though in prayer, and then with the terrible weapon which he held placed at the side of his head just over the right ear and fired. The bullet passed completely through his head and undoubtedly killed him instantly.
Immediately after the discovery of the body, Mrs. LINES was assisted back to the house, medical aid summoned, and the willing hands of kind friends and neighbors cared for the unfortunate woman.
{Much long detail continued in the newspaper, not carried here.}
22 Feb 1884
Died. ABBOTT - Feb. 5th, on East River, of consumption, Mrs. Eva Hicks ABBOTT, wife of Wm. O. ABBOTT, and youngest daughter of Elizabeth HICKS, deceased, of Homer, aged 49 years.
Morgan Lewis WEBB was born at Whitestown, N.Y., September 15, 1803, died at Cortland, N.Y., February 4, 1884. His father was a pioneer settler at Whitestown, N.Y., coming there before Oneida Co. was formed. He had a family of nine children, remarkable for their longevity, the first death occurring at seventy-six years of age, "at the middle link."
Mr. WEBB was always rich in reminiscences of those primitive times. Although an apt scholar, at an early age of twelve years, he was withdrawn from the literary benches to become a pupil in a different school. Dr. MOSELEY took him into his family as a clerk in his store, which combined with the sale of drugs and all the commodities usually found in a country store - the Post-Office - while the Dr. attended to an extensive practice as a physician. Thus, a lad of thirteen years found the youngest of deputy Postmasters, and acquired a varied experience, from which was transferred to the larger and more strictly mercantile firm of S. Newton DEXTER, where he remained three years.
Before he was eighteen years old, he left for New York city with his fortune in his pocket, consisting of recommendations to merchants of New York, from employers and neighbors, among whom was Judge PLATT, whose parting advice was - "If you can find a place, make yourself so useful that they cannot do without you" - advice he well followed.
We quote a paragraph from the "Reminiscences of Old Whitesboro," published in 1882, - "But let Mr. WEBB tell his own story, as he does it so well." -
"Judge PLATT'S letter found me a place before I pulled off my hat. I tried his prescription and kept my place for twelve years: part of the time in England importing goods. After a business career of twenty years, my early love of country life overcame my greed for money, and at the instigation of a young lady of Cortland, I pitched my tent in that place, forty-one years ago. I have a love for Old Whitesboro that can never be effaced. These pioneers furnished much good material to the world at large. I have found in Eastern cities, and on Western prairies, men and women whose fathers and grandfathers were Whitestown people; and even in Europe, I met a gentleman and described to him the farm on which his father was born. I remember Mr. HALSEY and his school; I was sitting on the little benches with my primer, while Benjamin H. WRIGHT, and his brother James were on the high benches studying mathematics and surveying. I have been in the arms of a great-grand mother, and can now hold in my own a great grand niece of good size; there are seven generations for you, in a direct line from Whitesboro. I always thought it pure charity to indulge old people in the rehearsal of garulous stories of old times, of their early achievements, of their victories and defeats. I go off in this direction when you sing of the 'Golden Age of Whitesboro.' I again feel the hand of old Hugh WHITE on my head, see him mounted on his ambling white pony with three- cornered cocked hat, and then again I hear the tolling bell of his funeral."
Mr. WEBB, a resident of Cortland, Secretary and Treasurer of the Savings bank of that village, and with a head as clear as spring water, and a retentive memory, and as sharp as a needle. He can tell as much of early Whitesboro as any one of his years.
After leaving Whitesboro, Mr. WEBB spent two months in Albany, then left for New York city where he entered the carpet firm of Chester & Co. as clerk, but soon became a partner, and although so young, was sent abroad as their agent in London. Afterwards, he was one of the firm of Webb & Tinson, and continued to make his trips to Europe in its interest. In 1839, he was married to Miss Helen M. BALLARD of Cortland, N.Y. In 1841, he retired from the firm, and except for a few months spent in Geneva, N.Y., made Cortland his home, and soon put to use for its benefit the varied talents he possessed. For a long time he was Treasurer of the First Presbyterian church, then for eighteen years the Treasurer of the Cortlandville Academy, and for twenty-one years Treasurer of the Cortland County Agricultural Society. He was Treasurer of the Cortland Rural Cemetery during a period of twenty-eight years, which office he held at the time of his death. To Mr. WEBB, our beautiful Cemetery owed perhaps its very existence, and certainly, its prosperity financially, and its appropriate arrangements. Lastly, the Cortland Savings Bank came into existence under his fostering care, and its management and success were largely due to his faithfulness and financial ability. Mr. WEBB was richly endowed with native mental powers. His memory was strong and accurate, so that his rare opportunities for observation made him ready and accomplished in all his intercourse with others. He had an inexhaustible fund of knowledge from which he could draw at the moment for historic illustrations. His storehouse of anecdotes was always full, and his happy application of it which lasted to the end of his life, will keep alive pleasant recollections of him in all whose delight it had been to look upon his benignent countenance. Whether at the Bank desk, or in a deliberative body of his associates, or in his family, where he was always a bright light, his diversified knowledge qualified him to be modest, and his stern love of truth made him a positive man.
An intimate acquaintance of forty years, between Mr. WEBB and the writer in different official relations, had matured an abiding confidence, an unbroken brotherhood. Other associations crowd our thoughts as we write, growing out of an almost daily intercourse in the home social life of our unwavering friend, who has gone to his better rest. All will remember the winning grace and quick sympathy with which he addressed the humblest dime depositor, sending them away with the feeling, that in him, they had a friend and guardian.
As we think of his life, so full of good work, we are grateful for its precious memories. The very sudden and recent death of his estimable wife on the 17th of January, followed [soon?] by his own, has given a painful feeling of loss to this village where they resided, but it will not soon forget such valuable services so freely rendered for its good.
F. H.
[follows the obituary for Morgan WEBB. parts are illegible]
Helen Maria WEBB was born in Homer, N.Y., March 22d, 1816, and died at Cortland, N.Y., January 1884. When the community learned of her sudden death by embolism, it was pained to realize that a life so full of vitality, sprightliness and usefulness had ended. In a tribute in the Cortland Democrat, Feb. 1, an early friend writes: "She was the last of a widely known family, distinguished for personal appearance and social accomplishments. Of the four beautiful sisters, Helen M. was the youngest. Mrs. PAGE and Mrs. Henry STEPHENS, and two brothers Dewitt and Augustus, had long preceded her, while the death of her eldest brother, the Hon. Horatio BALLARD, was comparatively recent."
How intelligent, efficient, helpful and cheering her aid was, not only to husband and children, but to her many friends, may be gathered from letters of sympathy which have been received since her death. Says one: "I remember so well and so pleasantly, her bright, cheery ways, always so fully entering into the feelings of her friends, and looking on the bright side of life. To her, even to the last, there were no forebodings or misgivings, but as her eyes closed on her bright, happy home, they opened to the brighter and happier side beyond. I cannot imagine a death more like a translation."
Another says: "The very best comfort I can speak of to you is, that for all these years you have had such a mother; not only for your own home, but one who has been of such untold comfort and strength and brightness to so many other homes. How we leaned upon her, and were comforted and blessed in a thousand ministrations of which she made so light, and for which we were never half so grateful as I now see we should have been; and how many, many families can say the same."
And another words like these: "It seems to me now, as if she was constantly walking by my side with her quick appreciation of everything pleasant and new. I shall always be so thankful for that last summer I had with her. I never before fully realized her unconscious way of adapting herself to others, and the magnetism which so constantly drew young people to her. It was such a spontaneous tribute to her large heartedness."
Another writes, "I must write to tell you how my heart aches for your double loss; the cordial greeting, the unfailing kindness always shown me, will ever remain precious memory."
A friend writing to Mr. WEBB Jan. 29th, says:
"As my thoughts go back, I can hardly see, in all my life, a pleasure of which she was not promoter, or a sorrow which she did not share, or seek to heal. I am writing very selfishly of my own loss; believe me, I cannot be insensible to that which has fallen upon that dear home where centered all the interests of her affectionate heart; and from which went out such generous helpfulness to so many other homes; and now that this has all ended, and we have nothing to do but to recall and remember, how many instances of helpfulness made light of by her, and forgotten by us, will come back to us, revealing the richness of heart that never counted the fatigue or self-denial of its ministrations."
"I have been told that the last day was one of such beauty, the sun making the great field of untrodden snow dazzling in brightness. I was so thankful she could thus be laid in her last sleeping place, with the benedictions of the church over her, where she will rest until He, whose benediction was asked, grants it in taking even the sleeping dust to himself."
E. H.
A telegram to the family of Mr. C. H. JONES, of this place, announces the death of his son-in-law, Mr. M. C. DUDLEY, of Montague, Mass.
Mrs. Maria MAYBURY, wife of Frank L. MAYBURY, died at Grand Rapids, Michigan, on Feb. 9th. Mrs. M. was a sister of Mrs. Dr. J. W. HUGHES, of Cortland. Mr. and Mrs. MAYBURY were for a number of years residents of this place, and the former was in business with his brother, R. R. MAYBURY.
29 Feb 1884
Died. SMITH - In Willett, Feb. 6, 1884, Evaline, wife of Alanson SMITH, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otis HULL, of Greene, N.Y.
Died. SMITH - At Lisle, N.Y., Sunday, Feb. 24, 1884, John A. SMITH, aged 86 years and 6 months, formerly a resident of Cortland.
Died. TORREY - In New York city, Feb. 11, 1884, Mr. James TORREY, aged 62 years.
Mr. TORREY was the father of Mrs. Edwin M. HULBERT of this village, and the senior member of the firm of Torrey Brothers, one of the oldest printing and publishing houses in Spruce street, New York.
Daniel SEACORD, an old and much respected citizen is buried in the Cheningo cemetery this Monday at 12 o'clock. Mr. SEACORD is about 90 years of age. Thus one by one our veterans pass away.
Harford Mills.
Mrs. Catherine BANKER died very suddenly on Friday morning February 15th, aged 75 years. She had been sick of typhoid pneumonia and was convalescent but took cold and died of congestion of the lungs.
7 Mar 1884
Died. PEASE - At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. D. E. KINNEY, Feb. 15, 1884, of pneumonia, Mrs. Anna L., wife of Almon PEASE, aged 54 years.
Died. KNOX - In Ouaquago, Broome Co., N.Y., on March 4, 1884, Mrs. Anna KNOX, aged 73 years.
Deceased was the mother of Judge S. S. KNOX of this village.
Died. FREDERICK - At Cortland, N.Y., March 4th, 1884, of consumption, John D. FREDERICK, in the 46th year of his age.
Died. DWYER - In Cuyler, Feb. 28th, Hannah DWYER, aged 83 years.
Died. HART - In Locke, Feb. 16th, Ira HART, aged 91 years, 3 months and 24 days.
Died. CARDNER - In Cuyler, Feb. 22d, of heart disease, Mr. A. Luther CARDNER, aged 65 years, 11 months and 20 days.
Died. FORBES - At Canandaigua, N.Y., February 21, 1884, Mr. Oramel F. FORBES, aged 70 years.
Died. MAYBURY - In Grand Rapids, Mich., Feb. 9, 1884, Maria KELSEY, wife of F. I. MAYBURY, aged 39 years.
Died. O'CONNOR - In Cortland, N.Y., Feb. 24, 1884, Robert O'CONNOR, aged 53 years.
Here and There.
Mrs. Mary HICKS who resides two miles south of this village, was found dead in her bed last Monday morning.
Mr. A. BARRETT was injured while coupling cars at Binghamton and died there on Monday of last week. His remains were brought here on Tuesday and were buried at Whitney's Point on Wednesday.
14 Mar 1884
Died. KIBBE - In Cuyler, N.Y., March 1st, 1884, of asthma and old age, Mr. Jerius KIBBE, aged 80 years and 7 months.
Buried here on Tuesday the 11th Mrs. Clinton FRANCIS, of Virgil. Mrs. F. was formerly Miss JOHNSON of this place.
21 Mar 1884
Died. TERRY - In Richford, N.Y., March 10th, 1884, of heart disease, Rachel E., wife of Walter TERRY, aged 39 years and 10 months.
Harford Mills.
Mrs. Walter TERRY died at her home in Richford March 10th, of heart disease, aged 40 years. Mr. and Mrs. TERRY had lived in this village several years, but removed to Richford about a year ago. Mrs. Terry's parental home was in Homer, Cortland co., her maiden name was Ro KENNER, she was married about twenty years ago. She had many warm friends in this vicinity. A goodly number from this neighborhood attended her funeral in Richford. She was laid at rest in the church yard in this place by the side of little Earl, her only child. She was a warm and tender hearted friend ever prompt and ready to lend a helping hand in sickness and distress.
Mr. James BUTTERFIELD died in Binghamton at the residence of his son Dr. A. BUTTERFIELD March 11th, aged 69 years. He was an old resident of this place, having gone to Binghamton last spring on account of Mrs. Butterfield's ill health. He was a kind and obliging neighbor of strict integrity, and much shall we miss his genial face from our midst.
Mrs. Orville SURDAM died at her residence in Hay Settlement March 9th, after a long and painful illness, aged 60 years. She was the eldest daughter of Mr. Henry HAY, she leaves her husband and one child Mrs. Talma HILL, to mourn her loss. She was universally respected and a very exemplary woman, a devoted and consistent christian. She has been terribly afflicted for a long time and for months the spirit has fluttered like a caged bird against its prison of clay to be free and go to its reward.
Mrs. Jerome REASE died on the 7th inst., aged 25 years.
28 Mar 1884
Died. ROSE - In Cortland, Sunday, March 23d, 1884, Mr. Daniel ROSE, aged 69 years.
Died. DEAN - In Cuyler, March 6th, 1884, Frankie DEAN, aged 11 years.
Mrs. David HUNT, of this place, died at Center Village, Broome county, on Saturday morning, was buried here on Monday.
Died on Tuesday morning, the 25th, Carrie, wife of Frank WHITEMORE and daughter of Stephen N. WOOD.
East Scott.
Wm. A. LAWRENCE died at his residence on Friday, March 21, at 9 o'clock P.M. The funeral services were held on Sunday following. Mr. LAWRENCE was an old and respected citizen of Cold Brook, and the bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell MULINEX died Thursday, March 20.
4 Apr 1884
Died. ROBINSON - In Cortland, N.Y., Wednesday, April 2, 1884, David J. ROBINSON, aged 77 years.
Deceased was the father of Wm. P. ROBINSON. Funeral to-day (Friday) from his late residence No. 34 Union St., at 2 P.M.
Died. RANDALL - In Cortland, N.Y., March 30, 1884, Mary F., wife of Roswell S. RANDALL, aged 43 years.
[There was a very extensive article on her injuries from fire in the Cortland Democrat issue of 7 March 1884. See: Shocking Accident.]
H. HALL was buried at this place the 20th inst.
Found Dead.
Joseph KENT an Aged Colored Man Found Dead in this Village on Sunday - the Coroner's Inquest.
At about five o'clock last Sunday afternoon, as a young man residing in this village was passing the school building on south Church street, he saw the body of a man lying on the ground on the north side of the building between it and the fence. The alley is not more than three or four feet wide and the body lay toward the rear of the school house. Thinking that some intoxicated person had crawled in there to sleep off the effects of a debauch, he passed along and when he reached the Sheriff's office at the Court House, he stopped and notified Sheriff BORTHWICK of the circumstance. The Sheriff at once proceeded to the spot indicated, and found what afterward proved to be the dead body of Joseph KENT, a colored man, who formerly resided in Homer, but who had been for some time past working on a farm on Brake hill in the town of Scott. Life had evidently been extinct for some hours and the body was frozen stiff. The Sheriff at once notified Coroner C.E. BENNETT, of this village, who viewed the body and ordered it removed to the grand jury room in the Court House. The man was an entire stranger in this place, and of the large number of citizens who called to view the remains, no one recognized him. He had on a pair of brown overalls with frock to match, and his coat and vest were much the worse for wear. His feet were encased in heavy boots and an icicle had formed at his mouth. In his pockets were found two five dollar bills, a comb, two handkerchiefs and a cheap finger ring. On the following day, Lemuel KENT, a barber of Homer, viewed the body and at once recognized it as that of his father.
On Monday Coroner BENNETT empanelled a jury and held an inquest at 2 o'clock P.M. in the grand jury room at the Court House. The following gentlemen composed the jury:
The following testimony was taken on the investigation:
Lemuel KENT (colored) sworn, says: I live in Homer, knew deceased. He was my father; last saw him alive in the barber shop on James street in Homer, last Saturday night; don't know where he went from there. He was with Enoch ROOD. He had two five dollar bills and some change. Saw him drink with ROOD. I took a cigar with him. He said he was going to Cortland to pay the fine of Horace JOHNSON and take him to Scott to work for Augustus PECK on a farm. Should think ROOD had one or two drinks before. He lives in Homer. ROOD has a family consisting of a wife and three boys. Did not know of ROOD and deceased having trouble. Deceased name was Joseph KENT, he was about 67 years old.
Elijah GOMER (colored) sworn says: I live in Homer. Knew deceased. last saw deceased on Cayuga street, in Homer. It was about three months ago. Did not know of ROOD and deceased having trouble. ROOD is a drinking man. Often saw deceased and ROOD together.
William JONES, (colored) sworn, says: I live in Homer. Have known deceased about 19 years. Have not seen him in three months. Did not know him to be a drinking man.
George BENNETT, sworn, says: I reside in Homer and have known deceased about 14 years. Never saw him when I thought he had been drinking. Last saw him between 4 and 5 P.M. last Saturday in Spring street, in Homer. He was going south on foot and was alone. Did not seem to be intoxicated at the time.
Dr. Frederick HYDE, sworn, says: I reside in Cortland, and am a practicing physician and surgeon. I was called upon by the coroner to make a post mortem examination of the body of the deceased. Found nothing externally wrong. A small encysted tumor near the collar bone, a blood cyst. Next I examined the brain. There was nothing morbid on the surface. The brain was turned out and examined on under side. It was healthy. It was then sliced and found natural. Abdomen next examined; organs were healthy and in their natural location. Next sternum turned back and contents of thorax exposed. When lungs were compressed more on the right side than the other the pericardium was distended with fluid. That is the covering of the heart. This was filled as full as it could be and on opening it blood was discharged. This was the first indication I discovered of anything unnatural.
(The Doctor here explained the anatomy of the heart and course of circulation to the jury.)
The right ventricle was nearly empty, and a rent was found in it, nearer one-half than, one-third of its extent from above downward, which allowed the blood to flow into the general cavity of the pericardium, and press on the lungs and thus stop the circulation. Rents in the left ventricle are generally smaller, and patients live longer than when in the right ventricle. Sudden death is the rule in such cases, but persons may live some hours, but usually death occurs from two to six minutes. Rents are [I missed a few lines here] tissue of the heart occur with people from 60 to 70 years old, when degeneration is coming on with all persons. In this case the left ventricle was thicker than usual, and its cavity smaller. The right ventricle was thinner than usual, and in a state of fatty degeneration. Death may, and often does occur in such cases without any premonition. The rupture in the right ventricle of the heart was sufficient to produce death, and in this case it was the cause of death. Excessive use of liquor would not have had a tendency to cause rupture of the ventricle, except as it might induce violent exertion, which might have that effect. Rupture may and does occur in quiet, and even in cases where the party is sleeping. (The doctor here cited a case from his own practice where death occurred while the deceased was sleeping.) I don't know whether KENT layed down or dropped down.
Michael FITZGERALD, sworn, says: I reside in Truxton, but am at present in the employ of O.U. KELLOGG, of this town. I was not acquainted with deceased, but I saw him last Saturday, at about 9 P.M., near Port Watson bridge. He inquired if he was on the road to Homer. I directed him to Cortland. I should not think he was intoxicated at the time.
Isaac BEACH, being sworn, says: I reside in Cortland; am a practicing physician and surgeon; I was present at the examination made by Dr. HYDE; I concur with him, but would lay considerable stress upon the thinning of the wall of the right ventricle; the left ventricle being abnormally increased in size at the expense of the cavity of the same size. He died of rupture of the heart, and not from intoxication. The brain showed no sign of intoxication, or of the habitual use of stimulants. When we have found sufficient cause of death we waive all further examination.
Enoch ROOD, sworn, says: I reside in Homer, and have known deceased 3 or 4 years; saw him last alive in Homer, at a hotel, at about five o'clock P.M.; saw him drink three times; I drank with him each time; his son took a cigar; saw him have some change - perhaps one dollar or a dollar and a-half; he said he had $10 to pay me for house rent; said he was going to Cortland to see Horace JOHNSON, who was in jail, and that he was then coming back and would pay me what he owed me, and then was going to Brake Hill. After leaving the hotel I went to the house of Harmon DAVIS, in Homer, with him; from DAVIS' house he went to [illegible] MURPHEY's house; saw him fall on the steps of her house, and that was the last I saw of him alive; I went home from DAVIS' house.
The jury found that deceased died from rupture of the heart.
[More technical details of the inquest follow.]
Mrs. Ruth POLLARD, of Marathon, died last week Wednesday, in the 98th year of her age.
11 Apr 1884
Died. COTTON - At the residence of Elbert WIRE, in Taylor, March 28th, 1884, Mrs. Lucinda COTTON, aged about 65 years.
Died. WARWICK - On Monday, March 31st, at the residence of his father, in McGrawville, of consumption, Andrew WARWICK, aged 29 years.
Died. JOHNSON - At 77 Charlotte St., Utica, March 26, 1884, of congestion of the brain, Mary E. JOHNSON, aged 44 years, formerly of Cortland.
Mrs. Z. SQUIRES who died at Aurora, Ill., was buried here on Thursday. She was a daughter of the late Cephas COMSTOCK and sister of Mrs. E. C. CARLEY, of this place.
Allis W. OGDEN and Fred A. GEE, of Washington, D.C., arrived in town on Wednesday evening. They are here to attend the funeral of David OGDEN, who died in Homer, on Tuesday.
18 Apr 1884
Fatal Accident.
Lynn J. WEST, the little four-year-old son of Russel and Adelia WEST, of this village was, on Saturday last, caught under a pile of boards as it toppled over on him, and almost instantly killed. The boy had been staying with his grand-mother for a number of weeks, north of this place, and until Saturday had been kept indoors on account of the weather. On that morning in the warm sunshine he was allowed to go out to where his uncle was repiling some lumber, and it is thought that unobserved by his uncle he must have removed a light prop from against a pile some three or four feet high, under which the snow had melted, so that it fell, throwing him against other boards, cutting a gash across his temple and breaking his neck.
Later in the day the body was placed in a coffin and brought to the home of the grief-stricken parents, where on Sunday a large number of relatives and friends called to express their sympathy and view the remains. The funeral, conducted by Rev. Mr. HANMER, was held at the house at ten o'clock A.M. on Monday, and the casket taken to Green Hill Cemetery for burial. - Dryden Herald.
25 Apr 1884
Died. CHAMPLIN - In Cortland, April 14th, 1884, Sophronia CHAMPLIN, relict of the late Geo. CHAMPLIN, aged 85 years.
Died. METZGAR - In Groton, N.Y., Sunday, April 20, 1884, Mahala WILDMAN, wife of Newman METZGAR, aged 41 years.
Died. CHAFFEE - In Cortland, N.Y., April 18, 1884, Mari S. ALLEN, wife of Mahlon S. CHAFFEE, aged 42 years.
Died. WHITE - In Glenburn, Pa., very suddenly of heart disease, April 15, 1884, Mr. John WHITE, aged 68 years, formerly of Preble, N.Y.
Mrs. Phoebe LOWRY a former resident of this place was brought here for burial on Tuesday of this week.
2 May 1884
The morning of Friday last dawned bright and clear, and the sphere of human happiness seemed to most mortals to be almost complete. Not so to the relatives and friends of the late Amasa G. ALDRICH, for on the night before the messenger of death had invaded their midst and taken from them the beloved husband and father, the late Amasa G. ALDRICH, whose death occurred on that night. At about half past 8 o'clock Wednesday evening of last week, Mr. ALDRICH left the store of F. P. CONINE and started for home. Upon reaching home he complained of not feeling well, and after a short time retired to bed. Soon after retiring he was taken with violent cramping pains. Dr. H. D. HUNT was called, and to relieve the pain administered hypodermic injections of an opiate, which succeeded in quieting the patient, and he soon afterward fell asleep. After sleeping for some time, the attendants tried to awaken him, but their efforts proved of no avail. Dr. D. W. BURDICK, of Homer, was telegraphed for and soon arrived, and both he and Dr. HUNT labored with a will to restore the patient to consciousness, but without success. At eleven o'clock Thursday evening, he breathed his last. His son Bruce, who resides in Syracuse, in the meantime had been telegraphed for, but not being at home, did not arrive until after his father's death. Death was the result of a stroke of apoplexy. The funeral was held from the M. E. Church, last Sunday. Rev. W. H. YORK delivered the sermon. The house was filled to overflowing. Mr. ALDRICH was the son of Jonathan ALDRICH, and was born in Vermont, Feb. 23d, 1811, and at the age of 7 years (1818) removed to this town, where he has since resided. In 1833 he was married to Miss Emily P. WILCOX, who still survives him. Three children were born to them, but one of which, the son, still lives. Mr. ALDRICH was a kind, gentle and loving father, and was respected by all who knew him. His death removes from our midst one of the earliest settlers of this town, and one who was always honored and respected. The friends and relatives have the sympathy of the entire community in their bereavement.
Harford Mills.
Again we are called upon to record the death of an old resident of this neighborhood Mr. Sealer JACKSON, who died Tuesday April 22. He had been in failing health for a few years past, but was able to be about and out doors only a few days before he died.
Died. DUELL - In Cortland, N.Y., Wednesday, April 30th, 1884, Mrs. Mary Ledyard CUYLER, wife of Hon. R. Holland DUELL.
Her funeral will take place at her late residence, No. 18 North Church street, Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Died. TERRELL - In Cortland, April 10th, 1884, Garry, youngest son of Lewis and Ella TERRELL, aged 13 and one half months.
Died. NEWCOMB - In Taunton, Mass, April 23d, 1884, Francis D. NEWCOMB, aged 48 years and 7 months.
Mr. NEWCOMB was a son of the late Col. Hezekiah NEWCOMB of this place.
Died. PEAKE - At Ithaca, N.Y., April 25th, 1884, while visiting his son, Mr. Lewis J. PEAKE, of Loring Station, aged 63 years.
Died. CRANDALL - In Cuyler, April 12th, 1884, of apoplexy, Lydia, widow of the late James CRANDALL, DeRuyter, aged 75 years.
9 May 1884
Mr. J. C. BROWN, died last Friday, funeral at the Baptist church on Monday May 5th, sermon by Rev. Frank HINMAN. There was a large number of Masons at his funeral from other towns.
On Monday April 28th, died in this village Mr. L. W. ROBINSON, aged 94 years, thus one more of the oldest inhabitants has gone to rest.
The death of Miss Naomi HARRIS occurred last Saturday night, at her late residence. Deceased is the aunt of Hon. Frank and Horace HISCOCK. Funeral on Wednesday last.
Died. RANSOM - At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. GUTCHESS, in McGrawville, April 25th, Mrs. Sarah RANSOM, aged 86 years.
Died. BROWN - In Cuyler, April 22d, 1884, of heart disease, Mr. David BROWN, aged 80 years, five months and 19 days.
Died. DODGE - In Carlton, Mich., April 23d, Mrs. Alice DODGE, wife of George W. DODGE. Deceased was formerly a resident of this county.
Died. DODGE - In Carlton, Mich., May 1st, Cora M., only daughter of George W. and Alice DODGE, aged 1 year and 7 months.
Died. LAKE - In Homer, April 18th, 1884, Mr. Reuben LAKE, aged 86 years and 10 months. The funeral was attended Sunday 20th, by Rev. C. SMITH, of Groton, and the large number of friends and neighbors present assured the bereaved family of their deep sympathy with them in the loss of a pious and affectionate husband and father.
16 May 1884
The funeral of Mr. Horace ROBINSON, who died on the 5th inst., was held at his house on the 7th inst., sermon by Rev. Mr. WILLIAMS. Deceased was about sixty two years of age. For the past few years he has been obliged to keep his home being afflicted with palsy, from which disease he has suffered severely. Mr. ROBINSON was in his best days an active business man and a prominent member of the M. E. Church. He leaves a wife and two children, Mrs. Eugene RYAN, and Homer ROBINSON, all of whom now occupy the old homestead here.
Died. HARRIS - On Monday, May 5th, at the old residence, Miss Naomi HARRIS, the last surviving member of the Cyrus HARRIS family, of Preble.
30 May 1884
Died. WHITMARSH - In Cortland, May 23d, 1884, Harry P., infant son of Andrew H. and Nellie Danforth WHITMARSH, aged 7 months.
Died. HIBBARD - In Homer village, May 8th, 1884, Adelia HIBBARD, aged 21 years and 7 days.
Died. LAKE - In Homer, April 18th, 1884, Mr. Reuben LAKE, aged 86 years and 10 months.
Died. ANDREWS - In Cuyler, N.Y., May 14th, 1884, Lora EMORY, wife of Myron ANDREWS, aged 27 years.
6 Jun 1884
East Scott
Mr. and Mrs. David SMITH, H. E. UNDERWOOD and Eugene attended the funeral of Mr. Joseph COLLINS of Homer one week ago last Sunday. Mr. COLLINS was an old time resident of this place.
Dr. G. L. NEWCOMB, formerly of Truxton and lately of Willett, died in New York on the 31st ult. Dr. NEWCOMB was a highly respectable citizen and an excellent physician.
Last Monday, Mrs. Jas. K. TERRY, of Lapeer, drove to Marathon to do some trading. Mrs. Rose MURRAY, of the same place, accompanied her. In crossing the railroad track at Marathon, the team became frightened, and were quieted with some difficulty, after which Mrs. TERRY drove across the bridge and to the north side of the Peck block, where they alighted, and Mrs. TERRY proceeded to tie the horses, but before she accomplished the task, she called to Mrs. MURRAY and at once fell over backward and expired. It is supposed that the cause of death was heart disease, to which the family have been subject.
13 Jun 1884
Died. LEWIS - On Wednesday, June 4th, at the residence of Samuel AGAREL, in this town, of heart disease, Miss Mariette LEWIS, of Homer, aged 69 years.
Died. SUMNER - In Chicago, May 24th, of heart disease, Otis Stoddard SUMNER, aged 76 years.
Mr. SUMNER was the son of the late Ephraim P. SUMNER, Esq., one of the first settlers on East River, in Homer, and uncle of Mrs. E. P. SLAFTER, of this village.
Monday afternoon the funeral services of Mrs. Charles A. LEAVENS, Bay City, Mich., (formerly Miss Mary BURR, of this village), was attended from the church. Her death occurred at the former place last Saturday. Among the relatives present from abroad were Mr. Chas. A. LEAVENS; Mr. Henry B. BURR, Walter, Charles, Edward and William BURR of Brooklyn; George BURR of Albany; Frank BURR of Jamestown; Dr. Wm. BURR of Newark Valley.
Mr. George HENRY, son of N. J. HENRY, was buried last Friday. He was sick but about two days. Deceased was a member of Tempest Hose, No. 3. His comrades attended the funeral in a body.
The funeral of Mrs. Myron B. CURTIS was attended from the M. E. Church Sunday afternoon.
27 Jun 1884
Died. VUNK - In Marathon, June 16, 1884, of consumption, Jerome VUNK, aged 32 years.
Died. WIRE - In Taylor, Saturday, June 14, 1884, Annie, daughter of Mansen WIRE, aged 22 years.
Died. CRANDALL - In Killawog, Tuesday afternoon, June 24, Frances C., wife of R. H. CRANDALL, aged 38 years.
Died. FINCH. - In Cortland, June 19, '84, Calvin FINCH.
Died. STOWELL - In Blodgett Mills, June 20th, 1884, of heart disease, Mrs. Phina STOWELL, relict of the late Jehial STOWELL, and sister of Henry STAFFORD, aged 74 years. The funeral was attended Sunday, June 22d, by a large concourse of relatives and friends.
4 Jul 1884
Died. DAVIS - In Truxton, on Friday, June 20th, 1884, Ambrose DAVIS, aged 63 years.
Died. WARNER - In Cortland, N.Y., on Monday, June 30th, 1884, George R. WARNER, aged 29 years.
11 Jul 1884
Died. KINNEY - At his home in McGrawville, July 2d, 1884, Curtis Lathrop KINNEY, aged 70 years.
18 Jul 1884
Died. McKEVITT - In Syracuse, N.Y., June 28, 1884, Mr. Alexander McKEVITT, aged 70 years.
Mr. McKEVITT was for a long time a resident of Truxton.
25 Jul 1884
Killed by the Cars.
A Man Killed by the Cars, Near Little York.
Last Thursday morning, the employees of the Syracuse and Binghamton, and the Oswego and Syracuse railroads, had a picnic at Little York lake. Seven cars were filled with the excursionists. At about 2 P.M., an unknown man, supposed to be from Syracuse, was run over and killed by a coal train going south. He was seen in Homer about noon, in company with two other men, and is said to have been slightly intoxicated. As the local freight train left Homer he boarded it, but was ordered to get off, as they had no right to carry passengers. He was allowed to stay on the train, however, as it had got under headway, but was told he must get off when the train stopped at Preble. When the train arrived near the picnic grounds, between Little York and Preble, he walked out on the platform and jumped off directly in front of a coal train, which was on the other track, and was instantly killed. The top of his head was nearly cut off, and his body was badly mangles. The body was taken to Preble, and an inquest was held on Friday, by Coroner H. P. JOHNSON and a jury. The deceased was about thirty-five years of age, and was dressed in a brown suit and white hat. Sixty cents in cash and an excursion ticket from Syracuse to New York, were found in his pocket. The coroner's jury returned a verdict that the deceased came to his death through carelessness. Since the coroner's inquest, it has been ascertained that the deceased was Henry McKAY, of Syracuse. The Courier says he was a very respectable man, and that he had many friends in the city. The body was taken to Hoyt's undertaking rooms, in Syracuse, on Saturday, where the funeral was held at 4 P.M. McKAY, who was 30 years of age, had been married, but his wife died three years ago. He was employed in the Central City Tile Company's works. He has a brother named Duncan McKAY. Both have been well known in the city.
Eugene QUICK, formerly bartender at the Messenger House in this place, died at his home in Auburn last week Thursday.
East Scott.
James CROFFOT's infant son lived but a few hours after the accident last week Monday. The funeral services were held at the M. E. Church, the following Wednesday, conducted by Rev. W. N. SHARP.
Mrs. Polly TYLER, wife of Harvey COLWELL died on the 17th inst. aged fifty nine years. Funeral services at the house the 19th inst. Deceased was a devoted wife and mother and held the esteem of a large circle of relatives and friends.
1 Aug 1884
Died. STEWART - At Homer, Friday, July 11, 1884, Alexander STEWART, Sr., aged 75 years.
Died. COLONY - At Scranton, Pa., July 12th, Mrs. A. W. COLONY, daughter of Edmund STEVENS, aged 51 years.
Died. PULLING - In Harford, Cortland County, N.Y., Saturday, July 12th, 1884, E. D. PULLING, oldest son of Nathan H. and Hepsey PULLING, aged 19 years.
Died. McKEVITT - In Syracuse, N.Y., June 28th, 1884, Mr. Alexander McKEVITT, aged 70 years.
Mr. McKEVITT was for a long time a resident of Truxton.
Sudden Death of Mrs. H. PUTNAM.
Yesterday morning a telegram from Middleboro, Mass., brought the sad intelligence of the sudden death of Mrs. Hamilton PUTNAM, of this village. Mrs. PUTNAM was visiting her daughter Mrs. GRANT, in that place, and her death was caused by heart disease. We have been unable to learn any particulars. It is expected that the remains will reach here to-day.
8 Aug 1884
Died. ABBOTT - At East River, Homer, July 29th, Mrs. Nancy ABBOTT, relict of Mr. Nathan ABBOTT, aged 86 years.
15 Aug 1884
Died. ABBOTT - At the residence of her son George ABBOTT, in East Homer, N.Y., July 29, 1884, Mrs. Nancy Bowen ABBOTT, wife of Nathan ABBOTT, deceased. Aged 86 years.
Died. LEE. At the residence of John GARRITY, in Cortland, Aug. 8th, 1884, John W. LEE. Aged 33 years.
Died. ELWELL - In Cortland, Aug. 13, 1884, John M., only son of S. B. and Hannah ELWELL, aged 13 years and 9 months. The deceased had been a great sufferer from inflammatory rheumatism since May last, until death finally relieved him. Funeral from the house at 2 P.M. Friday.
22 Aug 1884
Died. CORNWELL - In Locke, N.Y., Aug. 17, Julia N., wife of Richard D. CORNWELL, of this place, aged 68 years.
Died. PARKER - In South Cuyler, August 18, of consumption, Mrs. Sarah PARKER, aged 19 years.
Died. WARNE - At his residence, on Pomeroy street, Cortland, of heart disease, Nicholas WARNE, aged 65 years.
Died. STEARNS - In Truxton, N.Y., July 25, Ellen M. FRINK, wife of George W. STEARNS, aged 36 years, 1 month and 1 day.
29 Aug 1884
Died. HINKLEY - In Homer, N.Y., Aug. 11, 1884, Mrs. Henry HINKLEY, aged 94 years.
Died. BONNEY - In Cortland, Aug. 19, 1884, Jas. W. BONNEY, aged 40 years.
Harford Mills.
Mr. Charles HAY, aged 22 years committed suicide at his residence in Lapeer on Saturday, Aug. 23d, by shooting himself through the head with a revolver. In a letter to his wife he stated that he had had a rope around his neck twice and a revolver to his head once in the past three years, but this time he should not relent. Dissipation and domestic infelicity are the causes assigned for the rash deed. He leaves a wife and two small children.
5 Sep 1884
Mrs. Lydia M. Walden BIXBY, was born in the state of Vermont in the year 1813, and died at her home in Cortland, N.Y., Aug. 29th, 1884. Aged 71 years.
In early childhood she with her parents removed into this State and settled in Chenango county. A few years later they removed to Otsego Co. In 1832 she was married to Mr. Peter BIXBY, with whom she has lived for 52 years. She was the mother of three children only one of whom (Mrs. ALLEN, of this village) survives her. Mr. and Mrs. BIXBY came to this village about 43 years ago and have seen the rise and prosperity of the place. For over 30 years she has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church in good standing.
For some time past her health has been precarious and severe attacks of pneumonia have brought her very low, but she rallied from time to time, so that her friends entertained hope that her natural recuperative powers would bring her up from this last sickness, but she steadily sank until Friday last, when she passed away to her rest. Her work was done.
Killed by the Cars.
Timothy Carr, Run Over by a Train of Cars Near Truxton, and Killed.
At about half past eight o'clock last Monday evening, John McGRAW, of Truxton, left the E. C.& N. depot in that village, and started to walk down the track toward East homer. He had proceeded but a few rods when he came to the mangled body of a man lying upon the track. He at once returned to the depot and informed the depot agent of his discovery. Lanterns were procured and McGRAW, accompanied by several others, went to the place where the body was lying. It proved to be the dead body of Timothy CARR, a young man about 20 years of age, who resided in the village. The body was terribly torn and mangled and death must have been instantaneous. CARR, was a simple minded young fellow, considerably addicted to drink and it is supposed that he must have been intoxicated at the time of the accident, and wandered down the track, where he was struck by the engine of the passenger train which passes the station at about 6 1/2 o'clock, P.M. going east. He had been in this country only about a year and lived with his father in the village doing little if any labor. The train men were not aware that any accident had happened, and we understand that no blame attaches to any of the employes of the company.
12 Sep 1884
Died. ALLEN. - In Titusville, Pa., September 8, 1884, Jennie E., wife of M. N. ALLEN, and daughter of Albert BARKER, of Homer, aged 54 years.
Died. ROGERS. - In Denver, Col., on Friday, August 29, 1884, of paralysis, James A. ROGERS, formerly of Cortland, N.Y., aged 70 years.
Died. WILKINS. - In Rome, N.Y., on Thursday, September 4, 1884, Rev. Andrew WILKINS, aged 68 years, formerly pastor of the Cortland, N.Y. Baptist Church.
Died. ANDREWS. - In Cortland, N.Y., September 6, 1884, Grace Louise, daughter of Deacon and Mrs. H. E. ANDREWS, aged 11 months.
19 Sep 1884
Died. JONES. - At his residence in Cortland, on Reynolds avenue, September 16, 1884, Jas. JONES, in the 68th year of his age.
Funeral services will be held at Wilkesbarre, Pa. Saturday morning, September 20.
Died. PUDNEY. - In Cortland, September 11, 1884, Mrs. Annie E. PUDNEY, aged 49 years.
Interment in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, September 13.
Died. SMITH. - In Cortland, September 14, 1884, Nathan SMITH, aged 76 years.
Died. GREEN. - In Cortland, September 16, 1884, John GREEN, aged 80 years.
Nathan SMITH was born in Marathon on the 8th day of April, 1808 - the day that Cortland County was set off from Onondaga, and died at his residence on Clinton Avenue on the 14th day of September 1884, in the 77th year of his age. For the most part of his life Mr. SMITH was a resident of the town of Virgil, where for many years he was a justice of the peace, and also represented his town in the board of supervisors. Early in life he took much interest in military affairs, and always felt a just pride in speaking of his artillery company which he commanded for years under Gen. Roswell RANDALL, as the best military company in this section of the state. He early became an active member of the Methodist Episcopal church, in which he was a prominent class leader for over forty years. In all good works he was always at the front, and the general verdict in his case is "a good man has died." That is the highest encomium which can be passed upon man. Mr. SMITH moved from Virgil to this town some fourteen years ago, and retired from business. But his proverbial activity made him well known even in our bustling town. He will be missed here as well as in Virgil. He celebrated his golden wedding in 1876. He leaves his wife with whom he lived nearly fifty-five years, and his four children were about his death bed ministering to his wants in the last extremity. His memory will be fragrant to all who knew him. He was buried at Marathon.
John GREEN was born in Oil City Pa. in January 1805, and died at his residence on Clinton Avenue in this village on the 16th day of September 1884, in the eightieth year of his age. Mr. GREEN was the son of Dr. GREEN formerly of Virgil, and a brother of Page GREEN. His life was largely spent in Virgil, which town for many years he represented on the Board of Supervisors. He was a very active business man with a peculiarly lively and vivacious turn, and no one seeing him move about and hearing his conversation would think him any where near his eightieth year. He had all the life of a man of fifty years, and until within a week of ten days of his death, he was about the village as usual, and though somewhat indisposed for a few days, he was not considered dangerously ill until Thursday of last week, and he died within five days thereafter. He two [sic] will be greatly missed in this community, with many of whose citizens he was accustomed to deal, and who learned to esteem him as a citizen and business man. He was an attendant at the Universalist Church. He was buried at Preble.
Harford Mills.
Again we are called to record the demise of a respected citizen of this town. Mr. Charles BURLINGAME died at his residence near this place, Sept. 12th, after a very painful illness. He was about 46 years of age. He was a pensioner of the late war, and an honorable and upright citizen. He was a fair scholar, and had been elected and served a term as assessor and justice of the peace in this town. The funeral services were held at the little church in this place, the Rev. O. P. LEGG officiating, who delivered a forcible sermon in his usual striking and energetic style. He leaves a wife and two young daughters who will bitterly mourn his loss.
26 Sep 1884
Died. FREDERICK. - In South Cortland, N.Y., September 23, 1884, William D. FREDERICK, aged 64 years.
Funeral at the house on Friday, at 2 P.M.
Died. COWLES. - In Syracuse, N.Y., September 22, 1884, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. MATSON, Mrs. Elizabeth COWLES, formerly of Cortland, N.Y.
Died. CARR. - In Cortland, N.Y., September 15, 1884, Lottie Risley CARR, wife of Thomas J. CARR, aged 31 years.
Died. FOSTER. In Homer, N.Y., August 29, 1884, Lena FOSTER, only daughter of James FOSTER, in her 4th year.
Deceased died suddenly after an illness of only thirty-six hours.
William ALVORD was born in Homer, June 25th, 1804, and was, therefore, at the time of his death, which occurred in Scott, August 19th, 1884, aged 80 years, 2 months and 3 days.
He was a son of Charles ALVORD, and the fifth child in a family of five sons and three daughters, of whom only one sister survives, Mrs. Mary WALTER, of Hamilton, Mo. His education was limited to that which the common schools of his native State afforded, but that he improved these to their full extent is proven by the business habits which he acquired. In 1832 he married Miss Lydia A. DOUBLEDAY, formerly of Connecticut, who, in feeble health, still survives him.
In 1834 they moved to the town of Scott, and two years later settled in Scott village, where they have since resided, and with but one exception, held the longest consecutive term of residence in that place.
Four children were born to them, all of whom are living, and were present at the death of their father. William H. resides in Brooklyn, N.Y., Eunice, wife of Rev. J. B. CLARKE, lives in Otsego Co., Shubal L. in Scott, and Mary E., now Mrs. A. J. MILLS, in Homer.
In politics, Mr. ALVORD was a staunch Democrat, and, if we mistake not, had never failed to cast his vote on that side since he reached his majority. When in town matters his own party seemed at one time nearly shattered by what was termed a "people's ticket," Mr. ALVORD stood firm upon the old platform, and among his private papers, after his death, was found treasured by him as a keepsake, a printed copy of Andrew Jackson's veto on the United States banks.
Repeatedly he held offices of trust in his own town, and for twelve years was postmaster during the administrations of Martin Van Buren, Franklin Pierce and James Buchanan, and it may be truly said that the Government never had a more zealous servant. Alas! that his vigilance does not oftener extend to postmasters of the present time.
Early in life he was a member of a Congregational Church which existed in Scott, and was ever an earnest reader of the Holy Scriptures.
The Sabbath previous to his death he attended church, apparently in perfect health for one of whose years, "by reason of Strength," had reached four-score. Until Tuesday night he performed his usual labor in the store of Silas McCONNELL, but on attempting to rise from his bed the following morning, was attacked by apoplexy, from which he never rallied, but lingered in an unconscious state until Friday morning, when his spirit peacefully took its flight.
Mr. ALVORD possessed many strong traits of character, but that these endeared him to those who knew him best, was attested by the large congregation that gathered at his funeral held on the following Sabbath, in the Methodist church in Scott.
And toward the close of that beautiful day his remains were laid to rest in the pleasant country cemetery on the Scott road, where already so many of his kindred "softly lie, and sweetly sleep, low in the ground."
The body of Mrs. [sic] William CLARK, a former resident of this place, was brought here for burial Tuesday morning. He was seventy-four years of age.
An intoxicated Cortland county hop picker, named HOLLENBECK, was killed by falling from a wagon at Poolsville, the 6th inst. - DeRuyter Gleaner.
The death of Benj. B. PORTER, of Lawrence, Kan., is announced. Mr. PORTER, we believe, was a member of the old 76th Regt., and was well known, and had many friends in this vicinity.
An infant son of Mr. Burdette HILLSINGER, was buried last Thursday.
3 Oct 1884
Died. NILES. - In Roseville, Placer county, California, September 13, 1884, J. S. NILES, aged 48 years.
Mr. NILES formerly resided in Scott, Cortland county, N.Y.
Died. HAMMON. At Homer, N.Y., Wednesday, September 24, 1884, Mrs. Nancy K. HAMMON, aged 54 years and 6 months.
Frank PELTON and wife have the sincere sympathy of the community in their sad bereavement in the loss of their infant daughter whose funeral was held from the M. E. church last Sunday.
East Scott.
Miss Maria MABLE died Monday morning at the residence of V. E. ROE. Funeral services Wednesday at one o'clock at the house.
10 Oct 1884
Died. PHILLIPS. - In Cortland, N.Y., of diptheria, Cortland H. PHILLIPS, aged 45 years, 10 months and 9 days.
Died. GAGER. - In Cortland, N.Y., October 4, 1884, Charlotte Jane ALLEN, wife of Dwight H. GAGER, aged 72 years.
Died. HOLLISTER. - Suddenly, at Homer, N.Y., Saturday, October 4, 1884, Miss Abby HOLLISTER, aged 21 years.
The funeral was attended Tuesday by a large concourse of relatives and sympathizing neighbors.
Died. RORIPAUGH. - In Cortland, N.Y., September 25, 1884, Mrs. P. RORIPAUGH, aged 51 years.
Died. BATES. - In Homer, September 26, 1884, Mrs. Phila Bushby BATES, aged 27 years.
Died. DAEHLER. - In Cortland, N.Y., on Saturday, September 27, 1884, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand DAEHLER, aged 8 weeks.
Died. BALDWIN. - In South Cortland, N.Y., September 18, 1884, Mrs. C. E. BALDWIN, aged 48 years.
Died. HINDS. - In Cuyler, N.Y., September 24, 1884, at the residence of her son, William HINDS, Deborah HINDS, aged 76 years and 4 months, of pleurisy.
Died. DORAN. - In East Pharsalia, Chenango county, N.Y., September 24, 1884, Captain Charles DORAN, aged 84 years.
Died. PALMER. - At State Bridge, N.Y., September 26, 1884, Isaac E. PALMER, aged 82 years.
Died. HOLCOMB. - In Cortland, N.Y., October 6, 1884, Clifton B. HOLCOMB, aged 17 years.
Alonzo Bowen Killed.
Run Over by the Cars Near Weedsport and Instantly Killed.
Last Saturday the following dispatch was published in the Syracuse papers:
Weedsport, Oct. 4. An unknown man, with the back of his head crushed, was found Thursday night in the ditch at the side of the railroad track, a short distance west of the New York Central station at this place. He was about sixty years old and a Scotchman. He was five feet and six inches tall and wore brown trousers and vest and an old brown overcoat, derby hat and low laced shoes. In his pocket was a diary of 1875 with the name of Albert POWERS, Spafford Corners, Onondaga county N.Y., written in it. The bruises on the body indicated that he had been struck by an engine.
The unknown man proved to be Alonzo BOWEN, of Homer, better known in this section as "Business" BOWEN. He was a harmless, but rather eccentric person, and had been slightly insane for some time past. About six weeks since he escaped from the County asylum and had not since been heard from. Superintendent HILLSINGER, of the County Alms House went after the body and returned Saturday. BOWEN had been in the army and he was buried in Glenwood Cemetery by Post Willoughby Babcock of Homer.
Some five or six weeks ago the writer met him on Court St. in this village when he imparted the information that he had just established a stage route from Binghamton to Canada and that he proposed to run the route, which cost him $750,000,000, in opposition to Vanderbilt. It was quite apparent from his conversation that he was more curious than common, but it was not known then that he had been in the Asylum.
John Ryan Found Dead.
John RYAN, a well-known citizen of this place, was found dead on the sidewalk on the east side of the court house this morning at about 5:30 o'clock. Mr. S. TWISS, who had arrived home on the early train, in passing the court house on Church street, discovered a man's feet sticking up above the iron railing. He took hold of the man and made an effort to rouse him, when he discovered that the person was none other than John RYAN, a well-known citizen and business man of this place. There was no signs of violence upon the body, and but one bruise, and that on the face, which is not of a serious nature. There was $147 found on his person. It is thought that from the position in which he was found that he had started for home last evening, and after turning the corner on Church street was seized with some fit which prostrated him, falling into the evergreen trees, and there dying. He was met on the street last evening between eleven and twelve o'clock by several acquaintances, who saw nothing unusual in his appearance. Coroner BENNETT impaneled a jury to investigate the case, which is in session as we go to press.
[The coroner's jury report was extensively covered in the issue of 17 October 1884.]
17 Oct 1884
Died. PURVIS. - At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. H. YAGER, in Cortland, N.Y., October 11, Phoebe PURVIS, aged 91 years.
Died. LAMPMAN. - In Cortland, Oct. 9th, 1884, of consumption, Mr. Eugene LAMPMAN, aged 29 years. Impressive funeral services were held at the house on Orchard St., and at the M. E. church in McLean, conducted by Rev. E. R. WADE. The remains were taken to Dryden for interment.
Little Child Drowned.
Last Saturday afternoon a cloud of sorrow was cast over the home of Mr. Robert MUNCEY who removed from Lapeer to the Fisher farm north-west of this village, last spring. A friend was visiting at the house that afternoon and Mr. Muncey's youngest son, aged 17 months, was playing in the sitting room. About 3 o'clock the child toddled out into the kitchen, but the mother, supposing that the board was in place at the rear door, did not follow him. The little one was so very quiet for a few moments that the mother instructed his little sister to go and see what her little brother was doing. She did so; returning with the heart rending information that "George is floating in the water!" Every effort to restore life to the form proved futill [sic]. At the greatest the child had been out of sight not more than fifteen minutes. The tub into which he fell has a capacity of about forty-eight gallons - the water being twenty inches deep - used as a receptacle for water for household purposes. This is the first accident although the same water arrangement has been used for the past fifty years.
The family have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in this hour of sorrow. The funeral services Monday afternoon were conducted by Rev. J. A. ROBINSON.
24 Oct 1884
Died. BRANDO. - In South Cortland, N.Y., October 14, 1884, Mary BRANDO, aged 82 years.
Died. COSTELLO. - In Cortland, N.Y., October 13, 1884, John COSTELLO, aged 23 years.
Died. SCRANTON. - At his late residence in McGrawville, N.Y., October 11, 1884, Dr. Hiram SCRANTON, aged 69 years.
Rev. M. Z. HASKINS, pastor of the M. E. Church in Cincinnatus, died last week of fever and was buried in Homer.
31 Oct 1884
Here and There.
Mrs. WAGNER, the mother of "Happy Sal [?]" WAGNER, the minstrel, was buried in Glenwood cemetery, in Homer, last Thursday.
Died. HASKINS. - At the M. E. parsonage in Cincinnatus, N.Y., Thursday, October 16, 1884, of typhoid fever, Rev. M. Z. HASKINS.
Died. CORWIN. - At Janesville, Wis., October 14, 1884, Samuel B. CORWIN, aged 76 years.
Deceased lived in Cortland from 1809 till 1861, and was a member of the Presbyterian Church. He was a brother of P. B. CORWIN, of this place.
Died. LEETE - In Lockport, N.Y., October 18, 1884, Mrs. Maria THOMPSON, wife of John LEETE, aged 63 years.
Died. CHAMBERLAIN. - In Cortland, N.Y., October 26, 1884, Mrs. Susan CHAMBERLAIN, sister of Mr. DeWitt MESSENGER and Mrs. Moses ROWLEY, of this place.
Died. HARRINGTON. - At Glen Haven, N.Y., Carry HARRINGTON, aged 61 years, 1 month, 28 days.
Died. NEWKIRK. - In Cortland, N.Y., October 24, 1884, William S. NEWKIRK, aged 44 years.
Died. PURVIS. - In Harford, N.Y., October 20, 1884, Nathaniel PURVIS, aged 34 years.
Died. VINCENT. - In Cuyler, N.Y., October 26, 1884, Henry VINCENT, aged 31[?] years and 11 months.
Death of Dr. Scranton.
On Saturday morning Oct. 11th, 1884 Hiram SCRANTON, M.D. departed this life at his home in McGrawville, N.Y. He was born July 24th 1815 and was consequently in the 70th year of his age. His parents were among the pioneers in the Northwestern part of Chenango Co. N.Y. and he seemed to inherit in his physical constitution the rugged hardihood born of contact with nature in her stern and uncompromising aspect. While yet a mere boy his father was suddenly killed and the moulding and developing of his character devolved upon himself. Very early in life he developed a taste for Medical research and practice, and expended into an efficient and successful Physician. Among the localities where he has resided and practiced medicine are Skaneatles, Otselic, Pitcher Springs and McGrawville, all in the State of New York. And there are many living to-day among his former patients who feel that he did indeed snatch them from the jaws of death and for a time at least rob the destroyer of his prey.
On July 10th 1881 he suffered sunstroke, and from that time on there was perceptible a gradual but sure failing of the physical forces and the intellectual functions. About four months previous to his death he suffered a shock or shocks of Paralysis, and there then remained nothing but to gradually wear out under the terrible pressure of the incurable malady.
Never a professor of religion himself, and claiming belief in a universal salvation for the race, still he held in high estimate all who evinced a possession of the grace of God experimentally. He was not indifferent to the Divine Power and providence and asked the prayers of his friends. During his last illness he seemed especially to desire prayer offered in the house. His funeral was attended from the Baptist Church in McGrawville on Tuesday, Oct. 14th at 2 P.M. Many people were in attendance. The services were conducted by Rev. S. N. WESTCOTT, Dr. SCRANTON having made the arrangements more than a year previous. Thus has lived and passed away, one who will be long remembered. May he rest in peace.
Died on the 22d of October, 1884, at her residence in Cortland village, Francis Marion WHISTON, aged thirty-five years two months and six days, only daughter of Sarah B. WHISTON.
The deceased had only been a resident of this village since June last, but her kindly manners and pleasant ways had already endeared her to the hearts of those with whom she had become acquainted.
Her illness lasted only two short weeks, and during that time her patience, cheerfulness and fortitude only made brighter and dearer the love and affection she had lavished upon her invalid mother for whose sake she sacrificed the many pleasures of life to become her stay and consolation. Like Ruth unto Naomi she had said unto that mother "the Lord do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me."
"Rest in peace, thou gentle spirit,
Throned above -
Souls like thine with God inherit
Life and Love."
7 Nov 1884
Died. PHELPS - At her residence in Solon, Oct. 28th, 1884, Mrs. Ann E., wife of Russell PHELPS, buried at Truxton. Aged 42 years.
Died. FREER - At his residence at Blodgett's Mills, October 31st, 1884, John J. FREER, aged 75 years.
Died. JOHNSON - In Cortland, Oct. 31st, 1884, W. B. JOHNSON, aged 34[?] years.
Died. ANDREWS - At the home of her son, Mr. David W. ANDREWS, in Fabius, Nov. 1st, 1884, Mrs. Miranda ANDREWS, relict of Dea. Asa W. ANDREWS, aged 92 years.
End of the Burgess Case.
In the county clerk's office in this city last Saturday there was filed a judgment of the Supreme court for $4,056.96 against the New York Central railroad company and in favor of the estate of Caroline BURGESS, late of Marathon, Cortland county. On the morning of Saturday, October 4, 1882, Mrs. BURGESS, who had been visiting relatives in Syracuse, on the same day was killed by an accident on the Central railroad. The deceased was aged about 62 years and the wife of Lewis A. BURGESS, Justice of the Peace and a lumber merchant of Marathon, near Cortland. On March 10 last, judgment was rendered against the New York Central in favor of the deceased's heirs for $3, 981.83. The judgment was appealed and the case carried to the Supreme court, which last week affirmed the previous judgment and awarded plaintiff $84.13 for costs, making a total of $4,065.96. Jenny, Brooks, Marshall & Ruger were attorneys for the plaintiffs, and Forbes, Brown & Tracey for the railroad. - Syracuse Herald.
Joseph HINDS, Esq., formerly of this village, died recently in Colorado where he had gone for the benefit of his health.
14 Nov 1884
Died. SMITH - In Cortland, Nov. 9th, Otis C., infant son of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. SMITH, aged one year and nine months.
Died. KINGMAN - In Cincinnatus, Oct. 26, 1884, of paralysis, Mr. John KINGMAN, aged 87 years.
Died. PEASE - In Owego, Nov. 1st, 1884, Frankie N., youngest daughter of Mr. J. N. PEASE, formerly of Virgil, N.Y., aged 21 years.
Died. DORWOOD - In Cuyler, N.Y., Oct. 31, 1884, Miss Eliza DORWOOD, in the 65th year of her age.
Died. TRIPP - In McGrawville, Nov.2d, 1884, Orilla, wife of Lafayette TRIPP, aged 56 years.
Died. CASTLE - At his late residence in McGrawville, Nov. 5th, 1884, Linus CASTLE, aged 75 years.
21 Nov 1884
Died. HERBERT - In Cortland, at the residence of his daughter, on Sunday, Nov. 9th, 1884, Mr. John G. HERBERT, aged 79 years, 11 months and 8 days.
Died. VanSCHAICK - In the town of Summerhill, Nov. 11, 1884, Mrs. Adelaide FOSTER, wife of Humphrey VanSCHAICK, aged 31 years, 10 months and 29 days.
Died. CRAIN - In Cortland, N.Y., Nov. 9, Hattie CRAIN, aged 19 years.
Died. PETRIE - In Cortland, Nov. 11th, Wm. PETRIE, aged 16 years.
28 Nov 1884
Died. BABCOCK. - In Scott, N.Y., November 11, 1884, Mrs. M. A. C. BABCOCK, widow of the late D. Austin BABCOCK, aged 55[?] years.
Died. WATSON. - At Homer, N.Y., on Sunday, November 23, 1884, John WATSON, aged 80 years.
Died. BUNN. - At Homer, N.Y., of dysentery, on Friday, November 21, 1884, Grace Lillian, the beloved daughter of William O. and Kate Dewey BUNN, aged 5 years, 4 months and 2 days.
5 Dec 1884
Died. SMITH - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., November 23, 1884, of paralysis, Mrs. Eliza, wife of Harry C. SMITH, aged 71 years.
Death of Israel Boies.
From the Marengo (Ill.) Republican
Mr. Israel BOIES, died last Saturday morning, Nov. 15th, at the residence of his son, Wm. A. BOIES, near this village, aged 76 years. Mr. BOIES had been failing quite rapidly of late, his physical and mental powers seemingly wholly exhausted, and death at last a welcome relief. The funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the residence of Wm. A. BOIES, Rev. J. N. HUTCHISON conducting the services. The attendance of friends was very large.
Mr. BOIES was widely and favorably known as the pioneer in the "gilt-edge" butter business of the Northwest, and did more than any other man to awaken the farming community to the fact that this section of the country was specially adapted to the production of the very best butter the world could produce. Commencing in a small way at first, his "gilt-edge," blue-pail butter found such ready sale at prices almost fabulous, that in a short time he found a large and growing business on his hands, demanding both capital, enterprise and skill to manage. Others witnessing his success were not slow to avail themselves of his counsel and example, and in a very few years had grown from this little beginning, the present magnificent butter interests of the Northwest, with a reputation for fine grades unexcelled by any other section of the country in the United States. As the pioneer, and one who in after years contributed to its success, the credit rightfully belongs to Mr. Israel BOIES, and we take pleasure in awarding it to him, knowing that we voice the sentiment of the farmers and dairymen of the great Northwest, where these facts are known.
Mr. BOIES, was an active, stirring enterprising man, yet financially he did not achieve the success his merits deserved.
He was generous even beyond his ability; kind and sympathetic, strictly honest and honorable, and leaves a name to his posterity unsullied by any unmanly or dishonorable action.
Mr. BOIES was a director of the Syracuse and Binghamton R.R., and gave his time and money towards its construction. He was for many years an active and prominent citizen of Homer, N.Y.
12 Dec 1884
Died. RORABACK - In Sacramento, Cal., November 22, 1884, Frank RORABACK, son of Harry RORABACK, of this village, aged 44 years and 10 months.
Died. DAINS - In Cortland, N.Y., December 8, 1884, Asenath DAINS, aged 84 years, 1 month and 5 days.
The deceased had been a resident of this county for eighty-one years and of this village fifty years.
Died STEDMAN - In Homer, N.Y., of pneumonia, on Friday, Dec. 4[sic] 1884, Mrs. Anna Samantha STEDMAN, wife of the late Elijah R. STEDMAN, in her seventy-first year.
26 Dec 1884
A man may be great and never see his name in print, never know what it is to have it a national household word; nor receive the honors paid to Royalty. True greatness does not consist in those things. A comparatively obscure man, attending to his legitimate business, treading the path of life in his own quiet way, may be great in good deeds, great in honesty of purpose and of action, great in self-control, great in perseverance and in doing those acts, little in themselves, which lift heavy burdens from the shoulders of others, and cause them to forget that trouble is the rule, not the exception in this life. Such a man was John MORRIS, whom death took from our midst last Monday. He was born in Plymouth, England, in 1819, and was early thrown upon his own resources. After receiving a fair education he enlisted in the British army and served in that capacity for many years with marked bravery. He was a participant in the Crimean war, and was a witness of the charge of the six hundred at Balaklava, made famous by Tennyson. After leaving the army he came to America and ultimately to Cortland, where for over twenty years he has worked at his trade of tailoring. During his residence among us Mr. MORRIS has by his many excellent traits of character won a host of friends who will sincerely mourn their loss. A favorite among the children, who were happy when sitting upon his knee listening to the many incidents from his own experiences, as well as those of others, of which his mind had a store, and which were made doubly interesting by his inimitable manner of reciting them. No one could cheer a child's sick room as he could, and his feeling the sick one's pulse was a more potent remedy than all the medicine. He was a great reader, and to a wonderful degree was developed in him the faculty of memory. Many a student of history or literature, especially English, has learned from his lips little facts and incidents connected therewith which would be overlooked by the ordinary reader, but which he had stored up in his wonderful mind. To be his acquaintance was to respect him; to be his friend, was to admire him; to be in his confidence, was to love him. In the highest, broadest, most comprehensive sense of the term, he was a man, and was one by whom it was an honor to be called friend. Surely, if there is any reward for the noble and upright, he will receive it; if there is any roll of honor, his name will be found upon its pages.
Died. MORRIS - In Cortland, N.Y., December 22, 1884, John MORRIS, aged 65 years.
Died. HOTCHKISS - At her home on West street, in Homer, N.Y., December 17, 1884, Mrs. Ziba HOTCHKISS, aged 82 years and 7 days.
Died. SIDMAN - At his home on Williams street, in Homer, N.Y., on Friday, December 12, 1884, Peter SIDMAN, aged 59 years and 8 months.
Died. THOMPSON - In Homer, November 27, 1884, Hamil THOMPSON, aged 85 years.
Accidentally Killed.
On Monday morning, Dec. 16, Mr. Augustus L. BALLARD, one of the most thorough and trusted engineers on the N. Y. Pittsburg & Ohio Railway, was killed near Corry, Pa. The train was running at the rate of about 25 miles an hour and was approaching a switch, when Mr. BALLARD who had his head out of the window, was seen to fall suddenly to the floor of the cab. He was picked up by the fireman, who discovered that he had received a fearful wound on the head, from the effects of which he soon after died. A freight car had been left on the switch too near the main track, which came in contact with his head. Mr. BALLARD was a son of the late Augustus BALLARD, who resided on the west road between this place and Homer, and had many friends and relatives in this vicinity who will be pained to learn of his untimely death. In early life he was the news agent on the S. & B. railroad, and after a few years graduated as an engineer. For the past 12 or 14 years he had been one of the most trusted engineers on the N. Y. P.& O., road and had twice represented his state as a delegate in the National Convention of Engineers. He leaves a wife and two children to mourn his loss. Mr. BALLARD was a nephew of our respected townsman Mr. Joshua BALLARD.
Transcribed by Merton Sarvay
December 2007
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