The Cortland County Democrat
2 Jan 1885
Died. KING - In Cortland, N.Y., Dec. 23, 1884, Mrs. Lucina KING, widow of the late Consider KING, M.D., of Honesdale, Pa.
Died. RILEY - In Cortland, N.Y., Dec. 28, 1884, Mrs. Mary RILEY, aged 70 years.
Died. MALLERY - In Cortland, N.Y., Dec. 28, 1884, Leland MALLERY, aged 7 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles MALLERY.
Died. RADWAY - In Homer, N.Y., Nov. 23[?], 1884, Mrs. Emma E. RADWAY, aged 24 years, 6 months, and 21 days.
9 Jan 1885
Died. CHURCH. - At the residence of her parents, L. L. ROSE, in Cuyler, Dec. 21, 1884, Clara Rose CHURCH, aged 21 years, 6 months, 15 days.
Died - Peter McKENDRICK, at the residence of his son John, in Solon, N.Y., Dec. 22, 1884, at the age of 86 years. The subject of this sketch was born in Londonderry, Ireland, Jan. 23, 1798. At the age of fifteen he left his native home for Scotland, and from thence he emigrated to this country, arriving in the city of New York at the age of twenty-six, from which place he removed to Solon, in this county, and engaged in the pursuit of farming.
The deceased was a man of more than ordinary intelligence, a man of strict integrity, of whom it may truthfully be said "his word was as good as his bond."
By his integrity and fair dealing, he won the confidence and respect of all with whom he came in contact. In religion a devoted member of the Catholic church, in politics a thorough Democrat. He died in the full possession of his mental faculties, respected in life, in death sincerely mourned.
Fatal Accident.
Saturday evening last Cornelius DWYER, who was brakeman on the S. & B. R. R. work train, boarded the 8:45 train at the Homer depot to ride down to a crossing just south of the depot. Upon jumping from the train, he fell under the car and was dragged about one hundred and fifty feet, the wheels passing over him, cutting off both legs below the knees, and injuring his head and hand. He lived only until 12 o'clock. His remains were taken to Preble, where his parents live. He was nineteen years old and unmarried.
The little daughter of Mr. Daniel P. GRISWOLD, of whose injuries report was made last week, died on Thursday last aged nine years and two months. The particulars which we could not learn at the time were as follows: Mr. GRISWOLD is a farmer and keeps stock, the children, like other farmer's children, going among them. On Wednesday morning the little boy came to the barn riding a gentle pony and asked his little sister to keep the colt from going into the barn. The little girl made an effort to keep the animal, which was a pet of hers, when it turned around and kicked her over the right temple extending up on her forehead crushing the skull. Dr. HUGHES was called and pronounced the wound to be mortal. This child was of unusual promise and her untimely death has fallen upon her parents with crushing force. The funeral was held at the house on Monday, Rev. Mr. ROBERTSON, of Cortland, officiated, assisted by Rev. Mr. WILLIAMS, of Virgil. A large number of people were present at the services. We tender to the afflicted family our sympathy in their bereavement.
The funeral of Mrs. William MARSHALL, were held at the house of her son-in-law, Mr. Edgar SMITH, on Sunday last. Mr. WILLIAMS preached the sermon, Mrs. MARSHALL was a native of Bristol, England, and was, upon good authority and by tracing her age by others inscribed upon the parochial records in that place believed to be one hundred and one years of age.
16 Jan 1885
Died. HUSLANDER - In Cortland, N.Y., Dec. 5, 1884, Susan HUSLANDER, aged 76 years.
Died. STANLEY - In Marathon, N.Y., Jan. 12, 1885, Davidson H. STANLEY, aged 67 years.
Died. WOOD - In Galatia, Jan. 11, 1885, Mrs. Polly WOOD, aged 83 years.
Died. CHAPMAN - In Marathon, N.Y., Jan. 13, 1885, Mrs. T. E. CHAPMAN, aged 45 years.
Died. ARMSTRONG - In Cortland, at the residence of Thomas LUKER, Jan. 4, 1885, Thomas ARMSTRONG, aged 79 years, late of the city of Newport, R. I., only surviving brother of the late widow SCOTT, of Homer, N. Y.
Entered in to rest Jan. 5th, 1885, at the residence of her sister Mrs. M. H. FURSMAN[?], of Lockport, N. Y., Mrs. Elizabeth G. FORCE, widow of the late James H. FORCE, of Springfield, Ill., aged 62 years.
Mrs. FORCE had made her home for the most part with her sister Mrs. M. E. DOUD, of this place, for several years. For the last year she had been in feeble health and during the latter part of the summer her friends began to feel very anxious about her condition. In October she went to reside for the winter with her sister in Lockport, thinking that she might be benefited in health by the change as the climate of that place had formerly seemed to agree with her better especially during the winter.
But the hopes of herself and her friends were not realized in this respect. She failed rapidly after reaching Lockport and on the morning of the 5th inst., quietly passed away.
Mrs. FORCE was universally esteemed and beloved by all who knew her, always kind and charitable in her judgment of others, warm and generous in her sympathies, bright and genial in spirit, gentle in manner and loving in speech, she readily won the kindest feeling of all who came in social contact with her, and her death deeply touches the hearts of many acquaintances here and in other places where she has resided.
Ever a sincere and devout Christian, Mrs. FORCE had no fear of death for herself, but her tender regard for the feelings of others led her to speak of her condition in the most hopeful terms until the last.
Death of Stephen G. Hitchcock.
Stephen G. HITCHCOCK, one of the publishers of the Syracuse Times, died at his home in that city last Friday morning. Mr. HITCHCOCK was born in Cortland Aug. 8th, 1830, where he passed the earlier years of his life. At the age of 15 or 16 years, he went to McGrawville where he entered a printing office as an apprentice. After learning the trade he went to Homer where he had charge of the Republican for several years. In 1860 he became associated with E. D. VanSLYKE in the publication of the Republican Banner in this village. A year of two later he went west remaining for a short time in St. Louis and Milwaukee. Upon his return to this state in 1862 or 1863, he was engaged as superintendent of the mechanical department of the Syracuse Union and Courier, a position which he held until he concluded to engage in business for himself as job printer. He fitted up an office on West Fayette St. which he conducted for several years, when the office was transferred to other hands and Mr. HITCHCOCK joined with others in starting the Sunday Times. At the time of his death he was one of the proprietors of that office. In March last he was stricken with apoplexy and for a time his life was despaired of, but he finally recovered sufficiently to be able to walk to the office.
Mr. HITCHCOCK, was one of the most genial of men, and had hosts of warm friends in Cortland and Onondaga counties. As a practical printer he had few equals and his services were always in demand. In January 1851, he married Miss Olive A. TURNER, of Homer, who with a daughter survives him. The funeral services were held from his late residence on Sunday last.
Mr. Conrad HOUSE, died on the 10th inst., in his 89th year. Funeral at the house on the 12th inst., Rev. Mr. WILLIAMS officiating. Deceased had been a resident of the town for seventy-four years, has raised a family of nine children five of whom are living. Coming here when the country was new he encountered the hardships incident to the times and succeeded in the efforts to provide a competency for old age, enjoying the confidence of those who knew him. For ten years he had been entirely blind, thus depending upon his children who have been untiring in their efforts to make life as pleasant as possible to him.
Lucky Marathonites.
About three weeks ago Mrs. Clarissa C. PECK, of Chicago, died at the residence of Henry KEEP, in that city, where she had lived since the death of her husband, Philander PECK. She left no children, but she had many relatives who were remembered in her will. The real estate of the deceased is valued at $17,500, and the personal estate, which is principally in Government bonds and railroad securities, is set at $750,000. Among the individual bequests we notice the following:
Burgess SQUIRES and Daniel B. TRIPP, of Marathon, Cortland county, N. Y., are designated by testatrix as trustees of the sums of $20,000 for her niece Francesca JOHNSON; $20,000 for each of her nephews, Charles G. BRINK and Lawrence BRINK, of Marathon; and $20,000 for her niece, Mrs. Antoinette CARTER, of the same place. All of the gifts placed in the hands of trustees yield only life-interests to the beneficiaries. After the death the principal goes, in some cases, to their heirs, and in other cases to the residuary legatees.
Other bequests are $20,000 to Josephine ADAMS, wife of Charles ADAMS, of Lisle, Broome county, N. Y., $20,000 to a nephew, Eugene JOHNSON, of Marathon, and the same sums to Abram B. JOHNSON and Caroline E. SQUIRES, of the same place.
The testatrix also gives $5,000 to Caroline MILES, of Homer. We understand that none of the bequests are to be available until two years hence.
23 Jan 1885
C. E. DOTY died at his residence in Syracuse on Monday evening, Jan. 12th. His remains were brought here for interment. The funeral was held at the M. E. Church on Thursday. Mr. DOTY was for many years a resident of this place.
30 Jan 1885
Died. CROOK - At the residence of Mrs. Eber TORREY, in Homer, on Monday, January 18, 1885, Jennie Raymond CROOK, aged 30 years.
Died. UNDERWOOD - At her home in Freetown, N. Y., Jan. 23, 1885, Julia, wife of Alamander UNDERWOOD, aged 60 years.
Died. STREET - At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. A. A. WILLITS, Louisville, Ky., Jan. 6, 1885, Mrs. Thomas STREET, mother of the late Rev. Thomas STREET, D.D., of Cortland, in the 90th year of her age.
Died. KENYON - At the residence of his son, in McGrawville, Jan. 11, 1885, Mr. Samuel B. KENYON, aged 86 years.
Mrs. Lydia MAYBURY, widow of the late John MAYBURY, died at the residence of E. B. MAYBURY, on Sunday afternoon, at the age of ninety-two years. Her remains were taken to Binghamton on Tuesday for interment.
6 Feb 1885
MAYBURY. - In Solon, Cortland Co., N. Y., on Sunday, Jan. 25th, 1885, Mrs. Lydia Thompson MAYBURY, in her 93d year.
She was the widow of John MAYBURY, and the mother of the late Dr. F. MAYBURY and Mrs. W. M. DORR, who survive her.
She was born in Stoddard, New Hampshire, in Feb. 1792. Upon the death of her parents, having no brothers, she came to Solon to join her only sister, Mrs. THOMPSON. She was soon known as a most desirable addition to the colony, and taught its school until her marriage.
For the fine looking but delicate girl, as well as for the devoted but fragile wife and mother, there seemed slight promise of length of days. That hers were so many, was perhaps in part due to her cheerful spirit and uniform temper; to the good sense and discretion, united with the conscientious and loving kindness that governed her life.
Hers was in truth an exceptional character. Far from such assumption for herself to others, she seemed faultless, always saying, doing, counseling, that which was wisest, kindest, best. Preferring others to herself, patient, forbearing, forgiving, sympathetic, always doing what she could. Thus, in accordance with the Christian faith that she professed, she kept the "even tenor of her way," known as "The good aunt Lydia," and thus is she held in loving remembrance.
Age, that folded the hands, but failed to repose the spirit, but when it found expression it was still the same in sweetness, love and trust. How happy for her was that transition! How glorious that awakening!
Died. HAYS - In Cortland, N. Y., Jan. 19, 1885, Mabel, infant daughter of Henry and Nannie HAYS.
Died. OWEN - In Cortland, N. Y., at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. W. R. HILL, Mr. F. M. OWEN, aged 72 years.
Died. ELDRIDGE - At her home, three miles south of Cortland, Monday, Jan. 26, 1885, Mrs. Lucinda ELDRIDGE, aged 93 years, 1 month and 8 days.
[see 30 Jan 1885: "An Insane Negro" as follows
Clinton PETERS, a young gentleman of color, had noticed for about a week that his father, Duane C. PETERS, was acting rather strangely, but was quite unprepared for being locked out of his home on Groton avenue Friday evening of last week. Young PETERS finally entered and went to bed. During the night he heard his father moving about the house. In the morning he asked his father to prepare some breakfast, which the latter, although in the habit of doing, refused to do, and Clinton placed a kettle of water over the fire for the purpose of boiling potatoes. This his father threw at him, and grabbing an ax began smashing things generally. He finally left the house and went over the hill by the cemetery and brought up in an out house belonging to Ira HATFIELD, where he removed his clothing and laid down on the floor, and where Mr. HATFIELD found him. He could get him to neither let him in nor to dress. He sent for Deputy VanHOESEN, who forced the door open, made PETERS dress and took him to the jail, where he remained, sometimes quiet and again raving and tearing his clothing off, until Mr. HILLSINGER, the county House keeper, came and took him to that institution. On Monday, Drs. DANA and HUGHEES examined him and pronounced him insane. He is to be taken to Utica. His wife has been an inmate of the county insane asylum for several years.]
Here and There.
The colored man, Mr. Duane C. PETERS, an account of whose freaks [?] was published in last week's Democrat, and who was subsequently taken to Utica, died at that place Tuesday morning. His remains were brought here for interment, and the funeral was held yesterday.
Mrs. Ida MAYBURY, wife of E. B. MAYBURY, Esq., died on Tuesday morning. The funeral will be held at the house on Thursday at 2 o'clock P.M.
Mr. F. T. MAYBURY, of Grand Rapids, Mich., is in town this week, being called here by the death of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Eugene B. MAYBURY, of McGrawville, whose funeral was held yesterday.
Loring Station.
Norris WOODWARD and wife spent the holidays in New York, taking their youngest child with them. Soon after their return the child was taken sick with scarlet fever and died.
Died in East River, Homer, Jan. 20th, George NORRIS, youngest child of Norris G. WOODWARD, aged 4 years.
Little George we've laid to sleep,
But not to cradled rest;
His little hands we've laid across
His peaceful breast.
We've laid him by his sister's side,
The loved one gone before;
The little sufferer drooped and died
We'll see his face no more.
13 Feb 1885
Died. OWEN - At her late residence, on West James street, Homer, N. Y., on Monday, Feb. 2, 1885, Mrs. Josephine B. OWEN, aged 39 years.
Died. BLODGETT - In Blodgett Mills, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1885, George BLODGETT, aged 68 years.
Michael SWEET an old and esteemed citizen of this place died early on Tuesday morning at the ripe old age of 80 years. The entire community deeply mourn his loss. The funeral will be held at the M. E. church on Thursday at 1 o'clock.
Death of Greeley Benedict.
Greeley BENEDICT, died of consumption in Auburn, where he had resided for the past three or four years, Feb. 6th. Deceased was born in Virgil, this county and at the time of his death was in his 37th year. When about twelve years of age he entered the Gazette and Banner office in this place as an apprentice, and for several years worked at his trade in the several offices in this village. He was a very fast compositor and his matter required very little correction. After leaving Cortland he held a situation on the New York Times for several years and it was said that there were only three compositors in the United States that could set more type in a day than he could. He could not stand the night work however, and he was obliged to throw up his lucrative situation and soon thereafter he returned to Cortland, and for several years was engaged as foreman for the Democrat. While acting in that capacity he spent a portion of his leisure time in writing locals and soon became a good local editor. After leaving the Democrat he accepted a situation as compositor on the Syracuse Courier where he remained until he went to Auburn to reside. Mr. BENEDICT was a young man of good abilities, and was energetic and ambitious. His remains were taken to Virgil for interment and the funeral services were held in that place on Monday.
20 Feb 1885
Died. ALVORD - In Groton, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1885, Mrs. Harriet ALVORD, aged 61 years, formerly of Cortland, N. Y.
Died. NORTHWAY - At Cardiff, N. Y., Abigail NORTHWAY, aged 98 years, 4 months and 8 days.
Died. RINDGE - At the Cortland County Alms House, Feb. 17, 1885, Mrs. Nancy RINDGE, daughter of the late Isaac WOODWARD, of East River, N. Y., aged 57 years.
Suicide at Marathon.
Will G. Miller Purchases a Revolver and Shoots Himself Through the Head.
(Special to the Democrat.)
Marathon, Feb. 17. - Last Saturday evening shortly after 8 o'clock, a sad and shocking event occurred in the suicide of Will G. MILLER, a young man about twenty-two years of age. He was the second son of his widowed mother, his father having shot himself, it is believed, by accident, at his home at Daisy Hollow, in Lapeer, when Will was about two years of age. The young man was, when sober, industrious and of prepossessing appearance, and to command good wages, and well liked by his employers. He however seemed to have a constitutional taste for liquor and when under its influence became boistrous and quarrelsome. He had for some time past refrained from its use - had rented the Johnson farm, bought team, stock and utensils to work it, and was to have been married in the Catholic chapel here, to Miss Anna KANE, a young lady of good standing in the neighborhood.
Saturday morning in company with his older brother [Elmer?], he went to Cortland for the purpose of making some purchases and final preparations for his wedding on the morrow. Late in the afternoon he returned to Marathon intoxicated and quarrelsome, got into a fight on the street, was arrested by deputy sheriff BURGESS and constable HILLSINGER and confined to the village lock up. After a little quieting down and realizing his situation, the officers in view of the peculiar circumstances in which he was placed, suffered him to depart on their own responsibility. From the lock up he went to the store of Tarbell & Swift and bought a revolver together with a box of cartridges and a precelain [sic] cup and saucer which he caused to be wrapped up, and after writing the name of Miss KANE upon it, directed it be kept until called for. He then got into a sleigh with his brother and Jason GRAY and started towards home.
On the way it is said he fired off the pistol once or twice in the air and once dropped it in the snow, when it was recovered and handed back to him. When near Jason JOHNSON's house, he suddenly placed it to his temple and fired. The horse started up and he fell out of the sleigh by the roadside. He was immediately raised up, and carried into [Wm.?] JOHNSON's house, but never breathed after. Dr. REED was sent for and came at once. There was also an attempt to notify the Coroner, but finding his attendance could not be obtained within twelve hours, G. A. HULBERT, Esq., a Justice of the Peace, was called upon, who decided that an inquest was unnecessary and directed that his mother and friends take charge of the remains. The funeral was held on Monday.
The mother and betrothed bride have the sympathy of the community in their terrible bereavement. We are not aware that blame attaches to any one in particular.
27 Feb 1885
Died. WHITBY - In Cincinnatus, Feb. 18th, 1885, Miss Dora WHITBY, aged 29 years.
Died. CARDNER - At the residence of his brother, Wells G. CARDNER, on Cuyler Hill, Feb. 12th, 1885, of consumption, Jason H. CARDNER, aged 23 years, 6 months and 22 days.
Died. MABEY - In Fleming, Cayuga Co., Feb. 3, Mrs. Almira Louise, wife of Geo. W. MABEY and daughter of the late Hesekiah NEWCOMB, of East River, N. Y., aged 65.
Died. MORTON - In Momence, Ill., Jan. 4th, Mrs. Rhoda Boynton MORTON, formerly of McGrawville, aged 82 years.
Died. RINDGE - In this town, Feb. 17th, Mrs. Nancy W. RINDGE, wife of the late Lelender RINDGE, and daughter of the late Isaac WOODWARD, of Homer, aged 57 years.
Here and There.
A young lady named Lillie HARE, living in Summerhill village, was fatally burned last Monday morning by her clothes catching fire from a spark from the stove. The fire caught in the back of her dress skirt and ran quickly up to her neck. A young man in the house heard her screams and ran to her assistance, and endeavored to smother the flames with a buffalo robe, but did not succeed. He then told her to run out doors and roll in the snow, which she did, and extinguished the flames, but not until she had received injuries which the doctors pronounce fatal. - Standard.
6 Mar 1885
Died. BLUE. - In Virgil, Monday, Feb. 23, 1885, Levi BLUE, aged 72 years.
Died. MAHAN. - In Virgil, Tuesday, Feb. 24, 1885, of apoplexy, Franklin MAHAN, aged 64 years.
Died. SOUTHWORTH. - In Dryden, Feb. 20, 1885, Wm. H. H. SOUTHWORTH, aged 45 years.
Died. SMITH. - In Homer, February 21, 1885, Mrs. Syrena, widow of Mr. Timothy SMITH, aged 63 [?] years.
Died. CORNWELL. - In Cortland, March 1st, 1885, of typhoid pneumonia, Richard D. CORNEWLL, aged 73 years.
Died. ANTISDEL. - In Cortland, February 23, 1885, Melissa ANTISDEL, aged 67 years.
Harford Mills.
Mr. Frank MAHAN, formerly of this place, died very suddenly at his residence in Virgil last week. His remains were brought to Harford for burial on Friday. Mr. MAHAN was a genial and kindly neighbor, and honest in his business transactions.
13 Mar 1885
Died. WOODWORTH - In Cortland, March 10, 1885, of pneumonia, B. B. WOODWORTH aged 63 years.
Funeral from his late residence Friday at 10:30 A.M.
Died. ROOT - On Tuesday, March 3, 1885, in the village of Homer, Mrs. Electa ROOT, aged 86 years.
Died. HART - In the town of Summerhill, N.Y., on Monday, March 2d, Mr. Wallace H. HART, aged 23 years.
Mrs. Eliza SCRANTON, wife of the late Dr. SCRANTON, died on Friday morning, after a brief illness of five days, with pleuro pneumonia. Her funeral was largely attended at the Baptist church on Sunday at 2 o'clock P.M.
H. ROBERTS, of Sanquoit,[sic] N.Y., attended the funeral of his mother, Mrs. SCRANTON.
20 Mar 1885
Died. NAYLON - At Hunt's Corners, March 8, Mary NAYLON, aged 29 years.
Died. HUNT. - In Marathon, March 8, C. P. HUNT aged 79 years.
Died. SCRANTON. - At her home in McGrawville, March 6, 1885, of pluro pneumonia, Mrs. E. W. SCRANTON, in the 59th year of her age.
Died. EADS. - In Freetown, N. Y., February 28, 1885, Caroline EADS, aged 60 years.
Died. KENNEY. - At the residence of his son, Amos L. KENNEY, in Truxton, N. Y., on the 10th day of March 1885, Hosea KENNEY aged 93 years.
Died. RILEY - In Cortland, March 16, 1885, Daniel RILEY, aged 93 years.
Died. FAIRCHILD - At the residence of her son-in-law, George L. WARREN, Mercy Penoyer, widow of the late Isaac FAIRCHILD, in the 88th year of her age. Funeral, Friday at 11 A.M.
Here and There.
A few days since Arthur McDONALD, of Truxton, became insane and was taken to the Utica Asylum for treatment. He died four or five days afterwards.
On the 8th inst., Perry FOOTE and wife, of Homer, started for a drive to Cortland. Just this side of Homer, Mrs. FOOTE noticed that her seven weeks' old child was restless and they got out and entered the house of Mrs. Sarah GILKERSON. The child died almost immediately after entering the house. It is supposed that the child had been too closely wrapped and was smothered.
27 Mar 1885
Died. McLOGHLIN - In Strokestown, Roscommon county, Ireland, March 4[?], 1885, John McLOGHLIN, aged 74 years.
The deceased was the father of Rev. John J. McLOGHLIN, of this village.
Died. CRITTENDEN - In Cincinnatus, March 14, 1885, Julius CRITTENDEN, aged 80 years.
Died. TERPENNING - In Reed City, Mich., Feb. 23, 1885, Christina Butts, wife of Noah TERPENNING, formerly of Harford, Cortland Co., N. Y.
Died. BIERCE - In New York, March 18, 1885, Solomon N. BIERCE, brother of D. W. BIERCE, of this place, aged 76 years.
Died. SHOLES - In Marathon, March 23, 1885, Mrs. Stephen SHOLES, aged 33 years.
Died. WOOD - In Marathon, March 23, Dora WOOD, aged 5 years.
Here and There.
Oscar H. ALLIS, of Syracuse, formerly of this village, died suddenly of heart disease, in that city, on Saturday last. He staggered into the American Express Company's office and fell to the floor. Dr. DOYLE was immediately summoned and administered restoratives, and ALLIS was partially restored to consciousness, but soon after expired. The Syracuse Journal published a long account in reference to his previous life, among other things, saying that he was in the Confederate service during the war. The Journal's information is incorrect. "Phid" ALLIS, as he was called here, never was in the Confederate army, but spent most of his time during the war, in this village. Deceased was fifty-two years of age, and leaves a widow. His remains were brought to this place on Monday, and placed in the receiving vault.
Geo. BLISS, a well known and prominent citizen of Truxton, died at his home in that place on Monday last.
Mr. Alphonso STONE, a prominent business man of Homer, died on Tuesday morning, after a long and painful illness.
3 Apr 1885
Here and There.
Mr. Isaiah Smith HYATT, one of the inventors of celluloid and a prominent man in Newark business circles, died on March 18th, at Eden, on the Indian River, Fla. Mr. HYATT was born in Chemung county, in this State, in 1829, and at nineteen years of age was in charge of the Cortland Democrat. - Syracuse Courier.
10 Apr 1885
Died. GERARD - In Cortland, April 8th, 1885, Robert GERARD. Funeral at St. Mary's church at 10 A.M. Friday.
Here and There.
Miss Lillian HARE, of Summerhill, who was so severely burned, a few weeks since, died last week.
A few days since, Horace STARBIRD, of Hancock, formerly of Cincinnatus, was found dead on the bank of a stream running through his land.
17 Apr 1885
Joshua M. HOAGLAND, who, for the past year or so, has had charge of Hon. O. U. KELLOGG's stock farm in this town, died in Moravia, on the 5th inst. Mr. HOAGLAND had but recently moved to that village.
24 Apr 1885
Died. WALSH - In this village, April 16, 1885, Mr. John WALSH, son of Thomas WALSH, aged 25 years.
Died. GIVENS - In Cortland, N. Y., April 17, 1885, Mrs. Annie E. GIVENS, widow of Amasa GIVENS, aged 45 years.
Died. STAFFORD - In Virgil, April 21st, 1885, Hopkins STAFFORD, brother of Henry STAFFORD, aged 73 years.
He leaves a large circle of mourning relatives and friends.
Died. GREENMAN - At the home of his father, L. W. GREENMAN, in Solon, N.Y., April 15, 1885, of pneumonia, Clarence GREENMAN, aged 32 years.
Died. KINNEY - At his late residence on North Main street, in Homer village, on Sunday, April 5, 1885, Deacon Loami KINNEY, aged 77 years.
Died. HARVY - In Solon, April 8, 1885, Calvin HARVEY [sic], of heart disease, aged 81 years.
Died. OWEN - In El Paso, Texas, April 8th, 1885, of puerperal peritonitis, Agnes Helen, wife of O. Darwin OWEN, aged 27 years.
Mr. OWEN was formerly a resident of Cortland and has many friends here.
Clarence GREENMAN, son of L. W. GREENMAN, Esq., died on Thursday of pneumonia after a brief but painful illness of five days. The funeral took place at the residence of his father on Saturday.
Robert OLIVER, died on Sunday night, after one weeks sickness with typhoid pneumonia.
Last Wednesday afternoon, at about two o'clock, Mr. John LAMPHIRE, a farmer residing west of this village, was driving toward his home, and when near the brick school house he met William ELLSWORTH, who asked to ride, and immediately seated himself in the back part of Mr. LAMPHIRE's wagon. ELLSWORTH was asked to get up and sit on the seat, whereupon he immediately left the wagon and going to the side of the road took from his pocket a large knife and commenced to cut his throat in a horrible manner. Mr. LAMPHIRE immediately turned his horse about and started for a doctor. Orlando BARBER and D. C. DUTCHER, who live in the immediate vicinity of the horrible scene, at once went to young ELLSWORTH and managed to get the knife away from him. They placed the unfortunate man upon his back, when he seized a stone and commenced to break his own head in a fearful manner. ELLSWORTH is a very stout man, and it was only after a great loss of blood that his unhuman actions were overcome by BARBER and DUTCHER. He was immediately taken to his home near the brick schoolhouse, where Dr. H. O. JEWETT was called, who administered to the dying man's wants. It was found that the neck was nearly half severed and although everything was done to resuscitate the young man, his efforts to take his own life had proved too effectual, and death followed in a few moments. ELLSWORTH has always been a resident of this place, and is a carpenter by trade. His friends had noticed for the past few days that he showed signs of insanity, and a close watch had been kept over him by his brother. During the day he had eluded his relatives and wandered up and down the bank of the creek, throwing stones for some time, and finally went to the residence of his sister, in Suggett Avenue, who advised him to go home. This was about two o'clock Wednesday afternoon, that he started for home, and it was on the way that the terrible deed was done. Coroner BENNETT was summoned, but it was thought unnecessary to empanel a jury. ELLSWORTH was 31 years of age. His funeral will be held from his late residence to-day.
1 May 1885
Died. OLIVER - In Solon, N. Y., April 18, 1885, of pneumonia, Robert OLIVER, aged years.
Bert JOHNSON a young man 17 years of age, son of George JOHNSON, Jr., died of measles at the residence of his father, on Thursday night. On Saturday night his sister Delia, a young lady 23 years of age died with the same disease. Two other members of the family are very low with the same disease.
Miss Harriet HIX, living on South hill, died with heart disease on Sunday night. The funeral took place from her late residence on Tuesday.
Blodgett's Mills.
Mr. Hopkins STAFFORD, was buried last week Thursday.
8 May 1885
Died. WHITE - In Cincinnatus, May 2, 1885, Ann, wife of John WHITE, aged 73 years.
Died. HICKS - At South Hill, near McGrawville, April 26, 1885, Harriet N. HICKS, aged 67 years. Heart Disease.
Died. JOHNSON - In Solon, N.Y., April 24, 1885, Adelbert JOHNSON, aged 17 years. Disease, measles.
Died. JOHNSON - In Solon, N.Y., April 24, 1885, Ida A. JOHNSON, aged 25[?] years. Disease, measles.
Died. JOHNSON - In Solon, N.Y., April 29, 1885, Ella JOHNSON, aged 6 years. Disease, measles.
Died. BRUSIE - May 4, 1885, John BRUSIE, aged 90 years, at the residence of John C. DAVIS, Marathon.
Died. CHITTENDEN - At Homer, N.Y., May 5, 1885, Giles CHITTENDEN, aged 85 years.
Giles CHITTENDEN, Esq., one of the oldest and wealthiest citizens of Homer died quite suddenly last Tuesday. He had been superintending some work about his grounds when he complained of feeling ill and went into the house where he expired a few moments later. Epilepsy is said to have been the cause of his death. He leaves two daughters.
From Heart Disease.
John L. Ferguson Stricken Down in a South Salina Street Horse Car
At 6 o'clock last evening John L. FERGUSON, of 16 1/2 Jackson street, left the Dixon House, where he had stopped for a few moments, on his way home, to see his son David, who is a clerk at the hotel, and started down Salina street. Almost immediately afterward he began to feel faint, and when he had reached Onondaga street was too weak to proceed further. He took a north-bound car a few minutes later, intending to return with it on the downward trip to Jackson street. The car left the Washington street terminus at 6:40 o'clock. When it was about opposite the Dixon House, Mr. FERGUSON fell over on the seat. He was carried into Smith's drug store at No. 100 South Salina street, and died after a few gasps. Doctor WHEDON, who had been summoned, pronounced death to have resulted from heart disease.
Mr. FERGUSON was about sixty years old. He was born in Preble, Cortland county, and came to this city eight years ago. He was a shoemaker by occupation. He leaves two sons, John and Emerson, the latter living in Auburn, and an unmarried daughter, Elizabeth, with whom he had made his home on Jackson street.
- Syracuse Herald.
15 May 1885
Died. RYAN - In Solon, N.Y., May 3, 1885, Anna, infant daughter of James RYAN, aged six months.
Died. WILDMAN - In Freetown, N.Y., May 5, 1885, Sibyl WILDMAN, aged 81 years.
Died. JOHNSON - In Solon, N.Y., May 5, 1885, William JOHNSON, aged 21[?] years.
Died. ABBOTT - At East River, May 2, 1885, of pneumonia, Wm. O. ABBOTT, aged 64 years.
Died. ROOKS - In Cortland, May 11th, 1885, Edwin D. ROOKS, aged 33 years.
Loring Station.
Died on East River, Homer, May 2d, of pneumonia, Wm. O. ABBOTT, aged 64 years. Mr. ABBOTT was born and had always lived in the house where he died.
Little York.
In the death of Gustavus LYMAN whose remains were brought from Venice Centre last Saturday and placed in Glenwood cemetery, we lose another of the landmarks of Little York in his prime. It is seventeen years since Mr. LYMAN removed from this place.
22 May 1885
Died. KINNEY - In Cortland, N.Y., Friday, May 15, 1885, Charlotte, widow of the late Buell KINNEY, aged 71 years.
Died. TARBELL - May 12th, 1885, of pneumonia, at her home in Stockton, Rooks county, Kansas, Mrs. Simon TARBELL, daughter of Simmons MARTIN, aged 42 years.
Death of Mrs. W. P. Robinson.
Mrs. Ella A. ROBINSON, wife of W. P. ROBINSON, died last Wednesday noon, at her home in Reynolds avenue. She had been ill but a short time with brain fever. Mrs. ROBINSON was thirty-two years of age and leaves two children aged respectively nine and four. She was a member of the firm of W. P. ROBINSON & Co., and was respected throughout the circle of her acquaintance for her christian character. We deeply sympathize with Mr. RONINSON in his bereavement.
29 May 1885
Died. HAYDEN - At the Cortland County Alms House, May 30th, 1885, Clarissa HAYDEN, aged 81 years.
Died. KINGSLEY - At her home No. 64 Hubbard St. Saturday May 23, 1885, Mrs. Janette M. KINGSLEY, wife of Eugene KINGSLEY aged 38 years 11 months and 26 days.
Eli PALMER died very suddenly on Sunday morning. The funeral was held from his late residence, on Tuesday, at 2 o'clock.
5 Jun 1885
Died. RICE - In Lowville, N.Y., May 29, 1885, Deacon Amos RICE, aged 85 years, formerly of Homer, N.Y.
Died. GREEN - In Homer, N.Y., May 30th, 1885, Roxana, wife of Dr. Caleb GREEN, aged 67 years.
Died. PALMER - In McGrawville, N.Y., May 24, 1885, Eli PALMER, aged 65 years.
Died. BUTMAN - In Solon, N.Y., May 21, 1885, Clarence E. BUTMAN, aged 22 years.
Died. STEVENS - In Solon, N.Y., May 21, 1885, Jane STEVENS, aged 64 years.
Dies Without A Struggle.
A Young Man in Freetown Goes Fishing; Has a Fit and is Drowned in Six Inches of Water.
Saturday morning last Clarence E. BUTMAN, of East Freetown, a young man, 22 years of age, started a fishing down the Gee brook. Before going he was cautioned by Mrs. BUTMAN to come home early for he might be overcome by a fit, of which he was subject. The afternoon slipped away and he didn't return. His father experienced some concern about his absence just before chore time but he did the chores looking constantly for his boy's return. Whenever the boy had been away before if he didn't return within proper time his father went after him, and after his chores was done about sun-down he started in pursuit with a few neighbors whose interests had been enlisted. After going a distance of about two miles and a half the body of the boy was found lying partly on the ground and partly in the water. His face and head were in the water. His cap was still on his head and there was no evidence whatever of struggle. Apparently he was sitting on the ground between two deep holes into either of which he could throw his hook, when he was suddenly taken with a fit and fell over into the water. His fits came upon him very often and he never could tell when he was going to have one. As near as can be ascertained he had been laying in this position about six hours. The funeral was held at his father's house Monday where a goodly number of neighbors and relatives gathered to pay their last respects to Clarence and mourn his deeply afflicted father who seemed never to tire in years past of doing all he possibly could for his unfortunate boy.
McGrawville Sentinel May 28.
On Thursday last, about 7 o'clock, a man giving his name as Samuel BLACK, drove up to the hotel in this place, and ordered his horse taken care of for the night, and himself some supper. After eating a hearty supper he stepped into the sitting room, and, seating himself at the melodion, began to play and sing. After amusing himself and others in this manner for a while, he closed the instrument, walked into the reading room, sat down beside the table, and took out a book or memorandum and began to scan its contents. Not long afterward his head dropped, and he appeared as though sleeping soundly. About 9:45 P.M., as it was nearly closing up time, Mr. KLOCK stepped up to him and tried to arouse him, but receiving no response, he became alarmed and immediately summoned Dr. H. D. HUNT, who pronounced him dead. Dr. H. P. JOHNSON, Coroner, was called, and summoned a jury, who viewed the remains and adjourned till 9 P.M. Friday, when they reconvened, and, after taking some testimony, and a post-mortem examination, conducted by Dr. HUNT, rendered a verdict that deceased came to his death by the disease termed fatty degeneration of the heart. The deceased was an organ and piano tuner, and had traveled in this state quite extensively, as the letters of recommendation found on his person would indicate.
Nathan COREY, for several years night watchman at Gage, Hitchcock & Co.'s cutter works, in Homer, died suddenly last Friday morning, of neuralgia of the heart, aged 40 years.
Death of Amos Rice.
Amos RICE, of Lowville, Lewis county, died at his home in that place, on Friday May 29, aged 85 years. In 1836 Mr. RICE moved from Greene county to Homer, where he was an honored citizen until a few years ago, when he moved to Lowville. He was a deacon in the Congregational Church in Homer, and was prominently connected in the outset with the building of the S. & B. railroad. His wife died in Homer in 1867, and the remains of Deacon RICE were brought to that village for interment on Monday.
Death of Mrs. Dr. Green.
Mrs. GREEN, wife of Dr. Caleb GREEN, of Homer, died at her residence in that village on Saturday last, aged 67 years. Mrs. GREEN was always prominently connected with temperance work, was finely educated, and possessed a high christian character. The loss of her eyesight some years since prevented her from taking such an active part in work calculated to benefit others as she would otherwise have done. The funeral services were held on Monday.
12 Jun 1885
Died. ETZ. In Preble May 30th 1885, W. Newton ETZ, aged 65 years.
Died. DWIGHT - At his residence in Cincinnatus, May 28, 1885, Mason DWIGHT, aged 70 years.
Died. LaMONT. In Jackson, Minn., June 7, Mrs. Sara Mahan, wife of Wm. LAMONT, formerly of this place.
Suicide at McGrawville.
Last Friday Martha, the wife of Cornelius JOHNSON, who is employed on the farm of B. F. HATCH, two miles north of Groton, committed suicide by taking strychnine at McGrawville. Her husband brought her to Cortland the day before and left her at the house of a friend, but on Friday she left on foot for her home in McGrawville. Before reaching the village she took the fatal dose and was observed to be clinging to the road fence. She was taken to the house of Elmer H. CLARK and Dr. STONE was called who administered the usual antidotes, but she died in about a half an hour. She had before threatened to make away with herself and had obtained poison for that purpose on one or two occasions, but her designs were frustrated. She was 16 years of age and is supposed to have been insane.
19 Jun 1885
Randall MORTON, aged 82 died at his home last Saturday morning.
The many friends of Wm. MORGAN, of Scott, in this place, learn with deep regret of the loss of his beloved wife, and all extend him sympathy in his bereavement.
Died. HENNESSY. - At the home of her brother, Matthew HENNESSY, in Tully, N.Y., on Thursday, June 11, 1885, Miss Kate HENNESSY, aged 21 years.
Died. BUNN - In Homer, N.Y., on Thursday morning June 11, 1885, Charles T. BUNN, aged 20 years.
Died. RICHARDSON - In Palatka, Fla., June 3, 1885, Mr. A. William RICHARDSON, aged 23 years. Deceased was a former resident of Truxton, this county.
26 Jun 1885
Died. BARRY - At Cortland, N.Y., June 19th, 1885, Mary, wife of Maurice BARRY, aged 47 years.
The funeral services were held at St. Mary's church in Cortland, on Monday and the remains were then taken to Marathon for interment.
3 Jul 1885
GALUSHA - In Cortland, N.Y., June 26, 1885, Sarah Goodrich, wife of the late Orman GALUSHA, aged 90 years.
Mrs. GALUSHA was the daughter of Samuel GOODRICH, a Revolutionary soldier. She was born in Nassau, N.Y., Feb. 10, 1795, and passed her childhood there. In 1812 she came to Tully, N.Y., on a visit, but never returned, remaining a resident in the family of her uncle Samuel TROWBRIDGE, until her marriage, March 24, 1821. The first ten years of her married life she resided in East Homer, since which time Cortland has been her home. Of the ten children comprising her father's family, but one, Mrs. Dea. WATERS, of McGrawville, survive her, and of the six children born to her, two, T. R. GALUSHA and Mrs. R. B. FLETCHER, alone remain. She experienced religion, and with her husband joined the Presbyterian church in Preble in 1827. Nine years later they joined the Presbyterian church in Cortland by letter, and for nearly half a century, until weakened by the infirmities of age, she has been in constant attendance upon divine worship there. A woman of sound judgment and superior and undimmed intellect, a most devoted mother, a faithful earnest christian, death found her ready, waiting. The three days illness brought from her no murmer, "Only so weary" she said, and sinking to sleep like a child, she passed to her rest. Respect and love were hers from all who know her, and her life's influence, must ever live in the hearts of those, her grandchildren who leaned on her counsel and loved to hearken to her voice in prayer.
10 Jul 1885
Shot Through The Head.
A Once Prominent Business Man, of Cincinnatus, Commits Suicide.
The citizens of Cincinnatus, in this county, were shocked last Sunday evening by the announcement that W. W. GRANT, formerly in the furniture and undertaking business in that village, had committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. The Register, published in that place, gives the following particulars of the sad affair:
Ever since last November Mr. GRANT's mind has been considerably unsettled, so much so that he was unable to attend to business, but at times he seemed quite rational, and some of his friends thought that in time he would be considerably better. His first hallucination was on the subject of conterfeit money. He seemed very suspicious, not even trusting those who had formerly been his best friends, and was continually afraid conterfeit money would be passed on him. Then he had the idea that some one was trying to get him for passing the same and was continually dodging a fancied pursuer. * * * During the winter, his mind not getting right, it was thought best to dispose of his business, consequently the transfer was made last spring to C. W. SMITH. Since that time he has been quiet, occasionally walking down town and making a few purchases, and he has a few times attended church. His mind during this time was not right on several subjects and his countenance showed the strain under which his brain was working.
On Sunday last he was about the house as usual and in the afternoon sat on the veranda and talked with his wife and others. Shortly after 8 o'clock, his wife proposed they should go for a walk and as she stepped into the living room for a light he went into the bedroom, and immediately Mrs. GRANT heard the report of a pistol and instinctively knew what had occurred. Her screams brought the neighbors, who found GRANT unconscious with a bullet hole just over the right eye. Drs. BROOKS and HOAG were sent for, but were unable to render any particular assistance as it was plain that the man was dying. He remained in a semi unconscious condition until about 12 o'clock when he quietly passed away.
Monday morning Coroner STONE was notified and upon his arrival impaneled a jury.
After hearing the evidence the jury found that W. W. GRANT came to his death from the effect of a pistol wound inflicted by his own hand, while temporarily insane. The pistol used was a Smith & Wesson 22 calibre revolver. The ball entered just above the right eye and lodged in the brain.
The funeral ceremonies were held at his late residence, on Wednesday, Rev. W. H. YORK, of Preble, officiating.
Mr. GRANT began the furniture business here probably about ten years ago. He did a large amount of work painting and finishing his furniture and his close confinement in the paint shop may have been one of the causes of the diseased brain. He was a most pleasant and gentlemanly man to deal with and consequently built up a large business, which was at it heighth when his brain gave way. He had a large number of friends and was generally like by those with whom he came in contact. His sudden demise was a great shock to the whole community.
Mrs. Stephen TYLER, died at the residence of her son, Mr. Wm. TYLER, on Thursday last aged 80 years and 4 months. Funeral at the house on Sunday. Rev. Mr. HARRISON officiated.
Died. NORTHROP - In Syracuse, N.Y., June 26, 1885, Mary Emeline, wife of William W. NORTHROP, of New York, and daughter of the late Hon. George W. BRADFORD, M.D., aged 61 years.
Died. DUELL - In Danforth, June 23, 1885, Eben DUELL, brother of R. H. DUELL, of Cortland, aged 72 years.
Died. MALMBERG - In Sweden, May 29, 1885, Johanna Louise MALMBERG, aged 77 years.
Deceased was the widow of the late John MALMBERG, and formerly of Cortland.
Died. GRANT - In Cincinnatus, July 5, 1885, W. W. GRANT, aged about 43 years.
Died. DAY - At Corning, N.Y., July 2, 1885, S. Clark DAY, second son of the Rev. S. S. DAY, late of Homer, N.Y., deceased, aged 47 years. His remains were interred in "Rest Vale" cemetery, Seneca Falls, N.Y., on Sunday July 5th.
17 Jul 1885
Died. HALL - In Blodgett Mills, Tuesday, July 7, 1885, Sara M., daughter of Wm. Henry and Alice HALL, aged seven years.
Did. SMITH - In Grand Rapids, Mich., Sunday July 5, 1885, Desiah, wife of Dr. M. R. SMITH, of Cincinnatus, N.Y., aged 53 years.
Died. HITCHCOCK - In Cortland, July 15[?], 1885, of consumption, Nelson H., youngest son of Oliver HITCHCOCK, aged 30 years.
Funeral Saturday at 2 o'clock P.M.
Died. JONES - In Cortland, N.Y., Tuesday, July 14, 1885, Lucy E., wife of John W. JONES, aged 48 years.
Died. SEAMAN - In Cortland, July 10th, 1885, Mrs. Alfred SEAMAN, aged 37 years.
Little York.
Henry ORTON died Monday, July 13th, at 6 o'clock P.M. Mr. ORTON was one of a large family of children who passed their childhood days on Stafford side-hill near Otisco lake. While young he engaged as a farm laborer one year going to Wayne Co., but most of the time on the SEELY farm near South Hollow. Having made a little saving from his $8 per month, he married a Miss EMMONS, who survives him with three children. Many years ago he moved on the farm under the shadow of Mt. Toppin, where by persevering he has secured a competence. He has been a life long Democrat and for years has taken the party organ. He was only sick about 36 hours and passed away like a shock of corn fully ripe.
Mrs. YEOMANS was called to Oneida last week to attend the funeral of her brother Alburtis PIERCE. Bert, as he was familiarly called, was a former residence of this place.
24 Jul 1885
Died. REXFORD - At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. W. W. PALMER, in Chenango Bridge, July 17, 1885, Sophia, widow of Alexis REXFORD, formerly of Virgil, aged 82 years.
Died. BRIGGS - In Cincinnatus, July 12, 1885, Mr. Morris BRIGGS, aged 34 years.
Died. NICHOLS - In Marathon, July 15, Mrs. Joseph NICHOLS, aged 54 years and 11 months.
Died. SHARPS - In Cincinnatus, July 15, 1885, of pneumonia, Mr. W. H. SHARPS, aged 53 years.
31 Jul 1885
Died. HITCHCOCK - At her residence in Cortland, July 29th, Caroline, widow of the late Prosper HITCHCOCK, aged 63 years.
Died. WINEGAR - In Homer, on Saturday, July 18, Mr. Alfred P. WINEGAR, aged 73 years.
Died. FULLER - In Union Valley, N.Y., July 21, 1885, Polly, wife of Sullivan FULLER, aged 85 years.
Miss Loueza HAMILTON died at her home on Michigan Hill Sunday July 19th. Her funeral was held at the church at Harford Mills and she was buried in the cemetery at that place. One of the finest sermons we have ever listened to was preached by Elder DECKER on that occasion, Elder LEGG also assisted. Miss HAMILTON's illness began Feb. 27th, her disease was ovarian dropsy with tumors, and though everything in the power of human skill was done to arrest the disease, and she was attended constantly by one of our most skillful physicians and surgeons, Dr. J. H. KNAPP, from the first her case was hopeless. Her family were untiring in their devotions during her illness, her brother Luther and his wife felt that too much could not be done for her comfort. While their daughter Velona SHEVALIER, flitted about her bedside like a beautiful ministering angel, her happy heart and willing hands ever ready to perform all those tender little acts of love and kindness so grateful to the sufferer.
Mrs. Viola BASDFORD is in town having come to attend the funeral of Miss HAMILTON.
The remains of Thomas STEELE, who died at Pennsylvania, was brought to this village for interment, last week. He was a much respected citizen and was in Pennsylvania on a visit.
Mrs. Milley Glazier, wife of Nathaniel LEWIS, died on the 10th inst., aged sixty-two years. Funeral services at the home, on the 21st. Sermon by Rev. Mr. WILLIAMS, assisted by Rev. Mr. HARRISON. Deceased experienced religion and joined the M. E. Church during the pastorate of Rev. Wm. H. BUNNELL, and has lived a faithful and consistent Christian life, a title which her husband and children, four of whom are living, and all who knew her, cheerfully accord to her.
7 Aug 1885
In Memoriam.
Died - In Cortland, Aug. 3, 1885, Freddie Eugene, only child of R. Fred. and Frank BROOKS, aged 4 years and six months.
Among the many beautiful boys I have known, no one rises before me in my mind and heart in a conspicuous presence more than Freddie Eugene BROOKS, of Cortland. But on a recent day the news came to me that my little friend was dead.
"I cannot have it so," were the words that flew to my lips; the swift remonstrance of the heart before reason and faith had time to frame a wiser phrase.
But if sentiment thus recoiled in me, how much more it must have done so in the home from which he was taken, and where he has been a beautiful star for four years, fostering love by his gentle and sparkling beams. It was reluctantly that little Genie was given up to the summons that called him from this world.
He was the centre of many loves that gathered around him in obedience to the ancient law, that love answers love.
He was such an affectionate child that hearts could but cling to him, and the circle over whom he cast his endearing influence was indeed a large one.
At the centre of the fond company stands the father and mother, and at the circumference a large crowd bearing no ordinary love and grief. At his funeral music breathed its touching sadness, and the sacred Word was read, telling of Christ's love of little children, and leading the thoughts beyond the gates of pearl; and prayer called on the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to come and whisper peace to the troubled. But no illumination could make the hour other than dark, or the scene potent over any sentiment but that which is the fountain of tears.
But Genie is not to be remembered so much as he thus slept amid the sorrowful hearts, as in his loving presence in his home and in the home of his aged grandparents, where he was as regular to call each morning and ask how they all were, as the sun was regular to rise. As he was, so will he abide in the vision of the mind and heart. Back to the past, as the stream of time bears them on, will father and mother and friends turn to survey again his childish face, and listen to his gentle voice. 'Tis thus that sorrow is ever served by memory.
But hope comes to paint another scene to hang beside that which memory has transfixed. Hope casts her pictures in more spiritual and enduring colors, and amid more radiant settings. Hope looks through the "opening vistas" and gathers for her canvas the scenery of the Beautiful Land and the glory of angelic faces. Hope shows us a better future, amid which children find a kindly welcome and a gracious care. No doubt some fittest angel comes to greet them, and bear them company. No doubt this little darling found a manly and noble spirit "watching and waiting at the beautiful gate" to give him welcome. And thus does hope exalt the Genie of the past into the Genie of the future. Memory and hope! How graciously do they keep our dead for us!
Death of Henry C. KOHLER.
A telegram from Albany, Wednesday afternoon, announced the death, from consumption, of Henry C. KOHLER, only son of the late Charles A. KOHLER, for many years a prominent citizen of this village. Young KOHLER was born and brought up in this village, but for the past ten or twelve years he has resided in Albany, where he held a clerkship in the State Engineer's office. He was the only support of a widowed mother. His remains were brought to this village and buried with Masonic rites, this morning.
14 Aug 1885
Died. CHAMBERLAIN - In Syracuse, July 30, 1885, Maud M. only child of Wm. A. and Minnie E. CHAMBERLAIN, aged 1 year and 11 days.
Died. GRANT - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., August 6, 1885, Mrs. Rose GRANT, wife of Charles GRANT, aged 36[?] years.
Died. SALISBURY - In Cortland, Aug. 1, 1885, Sally, widow of Dea. Elisha SALISBURY, aged 70 years.
The body of Mr. Philo REASE, of South Cortland, was brought to this place for burial, on Sunday last. Mr. REASE was 54 years and 5 months old, and was a son of Mr. John REASE, born and raised in this town, and leaves a large circle of relatives here. Deceased was a member of the South Cortland Grange, a large number of the members of which were in attendance at his funeral.
In the case of Elkanah WIDGER we cannot report so favorably, he having failed very much since my last report. Ere this is published he undoubtedly will have taken his final departure. His mind wanders and he fails to recognize the countenance of his friends.
Later. Uncle WIDGER died this morning, the 11th, at 2 o'clock.
21 Aug 1885
Died. WIDGER - In Truxton, Monday, August 10, 1885, Mr. Elkanah WIDGER, aged 84 years.
Died. NORTHRUP - In East Freetown, Monday August 10, 1885, Mrs. Sarah O. NORTHRUP, wife of Charles NORTHRUP, aged 56 years.
Died. SANDERS - In Elmira, N.Y., August 12, 1885 of cancer, Harriet Grover, wife of Wayland M. SANDERS, aged 52 years.
Died. PHILLIPS - In Homer, N.Y., August 18, 1885, Miss Laurana PHILLIPS, aged 64 years.
Leroy GALPIN, for many years a resident of Homer, died at his home in Moravia, last Saturday. The remains were taken to Homer for interment.
Death of Calvin L. Hathaway.
Calvin L. HATHAWAY, Esq., died at his home in Solon, last Saturday morning, aged 64 years. Mr. HATHAWAY was one of the most prominent citizens of the county, and had a very extensive acquaintance in central New York. Three or four years ago he was taken suddenly ill and his friends were considerably worried over his condition, but his wonderfully strong constitution and will power finally brought him through and he was able to be about and attend to some portion of his business interests. Subsequently he had a recurrence of his old difficulty but he rapidly recovered. Two weeks since the writer met him in this village, apparently as well as ever, but a week ago last Monday he suffered another attack of his old malady, which finally resulted in his death. Mr. HATHAWAY was a very wealthy man and possessed a rare faculty for successfully managing large business interests. He was the last male member of the family and was never married. In politics Mr. HATHAWAY was a sterling democrat of the old school, and while he was never desirous of holding office himself, he was a most effective and untiring worker and [a] markedly shrewd political manager, when his business interests permitted him to take part in the campaign.
The funeral services were held at his late residence on Wednesday at 3 P.M. Rev. J. P. FOSTER, of Newark, officiating. A large number of friends from abroad were in attendance.
Death of A. J. Kneeland.
Hon. A. Judson KNEELAND, of Homer, was found dead in his bed last Saturday morning. He had been in poor health for several months and his death was not altogether unexpected. His room adjoined that of his wife and when she looked into his room in the morning at about 5 o'clock, he was dead. He had been troubled with heart disease for some time and this is supposed to have been the cause of his death. He was born in Marcellus, and moved to Homer a few years since. He had been a Justice of the Peace, and Supervisor of the town of Homer. In 1883 he was elected to represent this county in the Assembly on the republican ticket. He was sixty-four years of age. The funeral took place from his residence on Wednesday afternoon.
At a regular meeting of South Cortland Grange, No. 487, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted:
Whereas is has been the will of our Heavenly Father to remove by death our much esteemed and worthy member of the Order, Brother Philo REESE, to the better world, which occurred August 8th, 1885;
Resolved, That while we bow in submission to the will of our Heavenly Father, we can but deeply feel the loss of our worthy brother, who has been so long a member of our Order, yet we feel that our loss is his gain.
Mrs. Louisa TOTMAN, wife of Ford TOTMAN, formerly of this place, died at her residence in Groton, on Friday evening Aug. 14. The funeral was held at the Baptist church in this place on Sunday at one o'clock P.M.
Killed by the Falling of a Barn.
On Wednesday morning Jesse TAYLOR, who resides in the town of Solon, went to the barn immediately after breakfast to feed his hens. The barn had been raised up and stood upon a temporary underpinning. Mr. TAYLOR went under the barn to feed the hens and while there a portion of the underpinning gave way and the barn fell upon him, killing him instantly. Mr. TAYLOR was a respected citizen and his sudden death is greatly regretted by the community generally.
28 Aug 1885
Died. BABCOCK - In Cuyler, Aug. 5, 1885, Eddie, only child of Enos and Fannie BABCOCK, aged 6 years and 4 months.
Died. KEELER. - In Cuyler, Aug. 14, Lula, daughter of Fayette and Frances Lee KEELER, aged 3 years 5 months and 7 days.
Died. HOWE - In Sanford, Orange county, Florida, Tuesday morning, August 18, 1885, of hemorrhage of the stomach, Mr. James P. HOWE, aged 70 years and 3 months.
Mr. HOWE was formerly a resident of Virgil whence he moved to Florida. He was known to many people in Cortland and Homer and throughout the southern portion of the county.
Died. McNIFF - In Cortland, Aug. 26, Thomas McNIFF [illegible].
Died. HATHEWAY - Aug. 25, 1885, in Solon, N.Y., Miss Lavina M. HATHEWAY daughter of the late Gen. S. G. HATHEWAY. Funeral services at the family residence, Friday the 28th, at three o'clock P.M.
Died. McNULTY - In this village, July 29, of typhoid fever, Miss Margaret McNULTY, aged 26 years.
The remains were taken to Watertown for burial.
Funeral of Calvin L. Hathaway.
The funeral of Mr. Calvin L. HATHAWAY which occurred on Wednesday of last week, was marked by several very interesting and impressive features worthy of more than passing notice. The largeness of the number in attendance was in itself very remarkable, under the circumstances. The heavy rain which fell during all the middle of the day and for hours before the time appointed for the funeral, kept a good many away who had intended to be present and thus show their respect for the departed and sympathy with the bereaved family. But in spite of the rain there was a very large number in attendance, gathered from all ranks and conditions of life, from the immediate neighborhood of the deceased, from all parts of the county and from distant parts of the State. Very few if any funerals ever held in our county have called together so large a concourse of people. Many were assembled before one o'clock, and by three o'clock, the hour set for the funeral services, there were not far from a thousand people gathered in and around the house.
This of itself was quite a remarkable thing for the funeral of a mere private citizen, one who had never held any official position to call forth such tokens of respect for the office which he had occupied as well as for the man.
But the more impressive and touching feature of the funeral, was the evidence of deep and sincere grief shown by large numbers of those who attended. A great many of those who had been in the employ of the deceased, who had long lived as his near neighbors and had dealt with him for years, came to take their parting look at the remains, with expressions of sorrow which you do not see often from those outside of the family circle of relatives and friends, at funerals. Strong, hardy men, from whom you would hardly expect any such overflow of emotion, came and looked in solemn silence, and went away with their eyes filled with tears, which they could not suppress, and which showed a feeling that they had lost, not merely a neighbor, or a fellow-citizen, but a dear friend. And over all there was an evident shadow of care and sorrow, such as is not often seen pervading so large an assemblage, even when in attendance at a funeral. Surely such expressions of feeling were a high tribute of honor to the departed.
The funeral services of Mr. John BOUTON, were held at the Baptist church on Sunday, the pastor Rev. Mr. HARRISON officiating. Mr. BOUTON was the oldest man born in this town being seventy-nine years and two months and we believe has always resided here.
Drowned While Swimming.
The eleven-year-old son of Seward BECKWITH, of Cincinnatus was drowned last Tuesday while swimming in the Brackel. He attended school at the lower village and at noon his absence was noted, but it was supposed he had returned home for some reason. When the other children went home for the day it was found that he had not been there and search was made for him. His clothes were found on the bank of the Brackel near Larrabee's cutter shops, and the body was found a short distance below.
4 Sep 1885
Died. KERRIGAN - In Solon, August 26, 1885, John H. KERRIGAN, aged 13[?] years.
The old people of this town are fast passing away. Mr. James MITCHELL, died on Thursday last, aged seventy eight years, having been a resident of the town for at least fifty years. He leaves a wife to mourn his loss. Mr. MITCHELL has lived in the house where he died as long as we can remember. The infirmities of old age making it impossible for the old people to take care of themselves they sold their farm and have since been in the care of different parties, living this summer with Mr. Albert SWEET in their old home. Mr. MITCHELL was probably as well known to the young people of the last two generations as any man living in town he having been a noted violin player until old age rendered it impossible. No gathering was considered complete without MITCHELL. Having known deceased since our boyhood days we would add our tribute of respect to one of whom we cherish only the kindest recollections. The funeral was held at the house on Sunday, Rev. HARRISON officiating.
William SALISBURY, a respected citizen of Preble, fell dead at about noon, on Tuesday last, after assisting some parties in loading a roller into a wagon. Heart disease was the cause of death.
Fred. YOUNGLOVE, died very suddenly at the residence of Edward HOLDEN on Sunday morning.
11 Sep 1885
East Virgil.
The funeral services of Miss Cora E. SHEVALIER were conducted at her home by her pastor, Rev. H.W. WILLIAMS, September 2. She passed peacefully, and with the assurance of a glorious resurrection, to her rest in God Monday, August 31. When very young she lay at death's door many weeks with inflammatory rheumatism, from which she never fully recovered; it resulted in heart disease. She bore its excruciating pains with a fortitude creditable to riper years; then she sought and found Christ precious as her personal Savior. She was always bright and cheerful, and ready to work wherever needed, even while suffering and expecting any moment the command to rest. To be an idler or an invalid was to her worse than death. Many times during her last illness has she said: "I don't want to live if I can't be useful." She was very devoted to her home, and especially to her father, whose health for a number of years has been poor. Always thoughtful of friends, and while suffering intensely, would speak of others who were sick, saying: "They suffer much more than I; I can't wait that I may go and see them." To know her intimately was to love her. As a student and teacher, as a member of church and society, she had many friends, a large concourse of whom were present to pay her the last tribute of love. One Sabbath School scholar, who could not be present, said: "I shall go to her grave alone, and place upon it a bouquet." The final offerings were many and beautiful.
Died. COREY - At the family residence in McGrawville, N.Y., on Saturday, September 5, 1885, Mrs. H. D. COREY, aged 54 years.
Died. LEWIS - At Blodgett Mills, N.Y., August 25, 1885, Joel LEWIS, aged 72 years.
Died. YOUNGLOVE - In Solon, N.Y., August 30, 1885, Fred YOUNGLOVE, aged 23 years.
In Memoriam.
Calvin L. HATHEWAY was the fourth son and seventh child of the eleven children of General Samuel Gilbert and Sally Emerson HATHEWAY. He was born in Solon, N.Y., on the 29th of April 1821.
On finishing his school education, he was desirous of studying law, but yielded to the wishes of his father and family and remained with them. A decision often regretted by those who saw how well adapted his intellect was to the practice of that profession, and the clearness with which he saw the legal points involved, in his own extensive litigations.
He superintended the farming lands and general business matters of the family until the close of his life. In that capacity he was widely know through a large extent of country, and became deservedly popular. His kindly, generous nature gave to his habitual manner a cheerful gaiety. He met all with whom he came in contact with a smile, a pleasant word or a merry jest. "All recognize the fact that a more genial, pleasant nature than his, is seldom given to man."
One of his most distinguished characteristics was the unstudied wit and humor, which bubbled forth in a fresh and constant stream, making him one of the most delightful and entertaining of companions. So buoyant was his temper that he drew amusement from situations that seemed to others of unmitigated gloom. His practical jokes were many, but without malice, and amused the objects of them as well as the listeners.
His friends found him ever staunch and true. Unswerving in his loyalty. His opponents found him strong in the contest, but generous in victory, and unembittered by defeat.
He did not seek political preferment, and never accepted a candidacy when there was a hope of success, with perhaps a single exception, when he became Presidential elector in the year 1876. But he often gayly and cheerfully bore the banner of the minority. No man in this and the neighboring counties could command so large a vote as he, when he thought the object of sufficient importance to exert his influence over men, turning more than once the scale when victory seemed hopeless.
His townsmen are grateful, with reason, for his devotion to their interests. For them he spared neither his time, strength or means, accepting the office of Supervisor that he might secure for them a sum of money, justly their due.
His was the warm heart, the ready hand, to whom none appealed in vain. His time was freely given to the patient investigation of the affairs of those who came to him in trouble and perplexity. And many of the widows and the fatherless, far and near, now testify to the wise counsels and material aid that he gave them.
His sympathies were easily enlisted to aid others in financial embarrassments, and no man's name appeared oftener as endorser for large or small sums than his. So great was his desire to aid all men that he did not stop to consider if the individual was worthy of the confidence reposed in him, but gave first to often suffer for his want of precaution. Of temperate, simple, inexpensive habits, his errors in business arose from the kindness of his heart, which often appealed from and carried the day against the conviction of his intellect. Thus his individual estate was largely spent on those who could make no adequate return.
Strictly just and honorable in keeping his word and agreement with others, he could but feel confidence that they would be equally true with him, and thus neglected to enforce their being so, and was often disappointed and grieved; yet ever sanguine, he continued to look for the better side of human nature.
The death of his eldest brother, the distinguished S. G. HATHEWAY, Jr., in 1864, left him the only survivor of the six sons of his father. That father dying in 1867, left him the last male in his family. His fine constitution seemed to promise that he should live out his days in vigorous health. Relying too much upon it, he taxed it beyond human endurance. He was in the habit of returning home to sleep, from all points, whatever the distance might be. After one of those cold night rides in October, 1881, he suffered an attack that was considered premonitory of paralysis. Thenceforth he endeavored to be careful of his health. A slight attack followed a few months afterwards, and in November of the year 1883, a more severe illness. He recovered to seemingly excellent health, his intellect remaining unclouded and his cheerfulness undiminished. His system regained its full activity. Thus he remained until the 10th of August, 1885, when the fatal attack came which closed his life on the 15th.
Thus brief is the record of a life which filled a large space in the community. A life of ceaseless activity, whose energy was felt in many and varied directions. To those who knew him, great is the void and the silence which has fallen over the earth.
He met death as he had life, with a brave, calm, unflinching spirit, saying to his loved physician, early in his illness, "This is a matter of life and death, and if you cannot help me I must go." Thereafter he spoke little of himself, but, on the last day of his unselfish life, remembered a poor lad in another town with a broken leg, and asked that certain comforts and delicacies be sent him. Thoughtful for the well being of the two sisters he was leaving, he asked one he loved and trusted, to care for their estate. Then conscious that his life was ending, asked for and joined in the prayers commending his passing soul to his Creator.
Nearly disengaged from the body, he discerned the spiritual presence of one who had been the light of his home. Whose departure, three years ago, had been one of the great griefs of his life. The radiant smile which glorified his face as he called her name, lingered long after they two, had passed into light.
No one who was present at his funeral on the 19th, could doubt the love and respect with which he was held. Though heavy storms had prevented a large number of persons from attending, a multitude had gathered from all parts of this and the neighboring counties, and more distant parts of the State. The solemn silence of the vast throng spoke their grief with touching eloquence.
The tears which filled the eyes of strong men, as they gazed their last on him whose kindly deeds, wise counsels, and friendly words they recalled, honored them as well as him they wept.
At the Cedars, he was, as he wished, laid beside his eldest brother. He had lived longer with him than with any of the others, and during his manhood.
The space he filled in the world will remain vacant. May his virtues long remain in the memories of men.
The many friends of Kelsey DAVIS were pained to learn of his death, which occurred at his residence, at 9 o'clock Monday morning, aged 66 years. Mr. DAVIS had been ill for over a year, with neuralgia in the head, but the immediate cause of his death was brights disease and a combination of other diseases. In the death of Mr. DAVIS, Taylor loses an honored and respected citizen, and in whom all reposed as a good friend and a kind neighbor, he will not be missed by his family alone, but by them as well. Mr. DAVIS was a life long Democrat through evil, as well as good reports, he never swerved from the path of duty, or in his aleigence [sic] to the party of his choice.
He has gone to his rest,
To the home of the blest
Where no sickness will come,
And where everything is bright as the sun.
Mrs. H. D. COREY died on Saturday at 5 o'clock P.M. Her funeral was held from her late residence on Tuesday at 2 o'clock P.M.
18 Sep 1885
In Memoriam.
Ernest N. LAMONT, a member of Orris Hose No. 2, Cortland Fire Department, died at his home in this village on the 14th day of September, 1885. During his brief connection with our company Mr. LAMONT had shown himself to be kind-hearted and genial toward us, his associates, and ready and willing in the discharge of his membership duties. We keenly feel his loss, and assure his bereaved kinsmen that while they have our sincere sympathy in this deep sorrow, they may have, too, the consolation that his life was so lived as to leave nothing therein to be regretted except its early close.
By the Committee.
25 Sep 1885
Died. HIGGINS - In Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 13, 1885, Anna R., daughter of Norman and Hester HIGGINS, aged 16 years and 9 months.
A Sad Accident.
The people of this vicinity were shocked on learning of the sad accident which so suddenly terminated the life of little Tommy 12 years old, son of Patrick O'DONNELL, of Truxton. On the morning of the 15th of September, Tommy left his mother in his usual good spirits, singing gaily as he went with his father and a hired man to cut sowed-corn for the cattle. Having loaded about 1 1/2 tons of the fodder on a wagon Tommy asked his father which of them would drive the team, and on being told that he might, he lightly jumped upon the wagon and took his seat on the front of the rack with his foot resting upon the whiffle-trees and started the horses on a walk while Erwin the hired man threw off the fodder. Scarcely had they gone a distance of ten rods when Mr. O'DONNELL, who had started in another direction, heard Erwin call excitedly to the horses to stop, and looking around discovered that the horses were trotting off without any driver, and that his little boy had in some way lost his balance or slipped and had fallen to the ground and was then lying just behind the wagon one of the wheels having passed over his chest and the other over his neck sadly bruising the flesh and severing some large arteries. Immediately running to where he lay, Mr. O'DONNELL in his excitement called "Tommy what is the matter, why don't you get up?" The little fellow for the last time opened his eyes, looked pitifully into his father's face, who then raised him from the ground, lovingly folded his arms about his neck and almost immediately expired. To describe the scene which followed would be to say the least a difficult task. The heart broken father making his way homeward as best he could with his little boy in his arms, his clothes saturated from head to foot with his little sons heart's blood, only to be met at the door by the horror stricken wife and mother, who but a few moments before had seen her child depart hale and happy, saying as he went that on his return he would bring her some nice apples, now brought in a bleeding and mangled corpse in his father's arms, so dazed was she by the awful shock which she had received, it was not until she had looked upon his pale face for some moments and repeatedly called his loved name that she could realize that he was indeed dead. But when at last the awful truth forced itself upon her, her grief was pitiful to witness.
It is painful to sit by the bedside of one whom we love and see him slowly fading from this life. It is sad to see him vainly struggling with disease when we realize that ere long he must submit to the destroyer we must part forever in this life.
These reflections are indeed melancholy. But to behold one in whom our whole soul is wrapped thus ruthlessly crushed out of existence, is too horrible to contemplate, and we cannot but feel that a greater burden has been place upon us than humanity was ever intended to bear.
The funeral was largely attended by the many friends of the family all of whom expressed the deepest sympathy for the afflicted parents whose grief is indeed hard to bear. They have received a shock from which they will not soon recover.
Brief was his life, and few his transgressions,
With evil companions he never was found,
Dear to his parents is this recollection
That never dear Tommy, their feelings did wound.
Sad to them was his death, Oh! how bitter the parting.
Life without Tommy, seemed void of all joy
Yet to their sad hearts there is this consolation
That in Heaven they'll meet, with their dear angel boy.
Patrick DALY, for many years a resident of Homer, died at the residence of Patrick KINNEY, his son-in-law, on Cherry street, and was buried on Friday last, his funeral being largely attended. He was seventy-six years of age.
Died, Mr. Nelson ROWE, in his sixty-eighth year, of organic heart disease. Deceased survived only about one hour and a half after being attacked, dying before the doctor arrived. He was living at the time of his death with his only daughter, Mrs. R. W. MAYHEW, upon whom the sudden blow falls with almost overpowering effect, having buried her mother only last January and a brother the preceding August, this making the third death in the family within thirteen months. She with the other surviving children have the deepest sympathy of the entire community, her father being well and widely known.
The funeral will be held from the residence of R. W. MAYHEW, North Main St., at two o'clock, Sunday afternoon, 27th inst.
Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 23rd, 1885.
2 Oct 1885
Died. BROWNELL - In Minneapolis, Minn., September 18, 1885, Hart M. oldest son of J. L. BROWNELL of New York, aged 24.
Died. CALDWELL - In East Freetown, September 17, 1885, Alvira, wife of Summerville CALDWELL, aged 38 years.
Died. POPPLE - In Cincinnatus, Tuesday, Sept. 29, 1885, Miss Lottie POPPLE, aged 15 years.
Death of Lucien Dexter.
On Saturday last a telegram announced that Lucien DEXTER, formerly proprietor of the Dexter House in this place, was dead. For several years past deceased was proprietor of the Judson House in Lockport. He was a man of excellent business qualifications and was respected wherever he was known. The Lockport Daily Journal contains the following notice:
"Mr. DEXTER came to this city from Cortland, N. Y., where for fifteen years he was proprietor of the Dexter House and about five years ago he assumed charge of the Judson House. He but recently disposed of the house to Mr. A. MacFARLANE, of Corry, Pa. During these years Mr. DEXTER not only successfully conducted the Judson House, giving it everywhere a good name, but he won the respect of all our people by his uniformly gentlemanly conduct and strict integrity in all his dealings. He was in every respect a good citizen and his death will be sincerely deplored. He was born at Marcellus, N. Y., and was 47 years of age. He leaves a wife and two children, Arthur and Jessie DEXTER, to mourn his taking away. Mrs. DEXTER was with him alone the past few weeks, the children as well as his sister-in-law, Miss MEHAN- who had made her home with the family here - being temporarily at Cortland. Mrs. D. is of course utterly prostrated by the sudden stroke and will have the sincere sympathy of all; as indeed will the entire stricken family."
Mr. DEXTER had a host of friends in this vicinity. The funeral was held in this place on Tuesday last.
The funeral services of Mrs. Fred. MILLS were held at her late residence on S. Main St., on Sunday last. Her remains were sent to Liverpool for interment.
Mr. Hulbert CADY died at the residence of his brother-in-law, in Cortland, on Sunday last. His remains were brought here for interment on Wednesday. Mr. CADY was a brother of Mrs. G. L. BARKER.
9 Oct 1885
Another of Virgil's old residents has gone. Mrs. OWENS died at the residence of her granddaughter, Mrs. James COLWELL, Thursday last aged nearly seventy-nine years. Deceased has been a resident of this town for many years and was a woman of estimable character.
Last Friday afternoon this village was startled to learn of the sudden death of Mrs. Abel GERE, a highly respected and much beloved lady. She had been suffering for some time from a bad rupture which had caused her some trouble on this afternoon, and had sent for Dr. C. GREEN to assist her in getting back, which act he had nearly accomplished when she suddenly expired. Heart disease is supposed to be the cause of her death. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, and was largely attended, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather. The bereaved husband and family have the sympathy of the entire community in their sorrow.
16 Oct 1885
Died. HOLLENBECK - In Virgil, Cortland Co., N.Y., Sunday, Oct. 11, of paralysis, Frederick HOLLENBECK, aged 60 years.
Died. MERCHANT - Oct. 9, 1885, Eveline MERCHANT, wife of Wm. MERCHANT, of Cuyler, aged 70 years.
Died. SMITH - In Taylor, October 5, 1885, of consumption, Miss Anna SMITH, daughter of S. A. SMITH, aged 27 years.
Died. ETTLING - In Cortland, N.Y., Oct. 13th, 1885, of peritonitis, Henry ETTLING, son-in-law of S. W. CATELY, aged 37 years.
Funeral from 68 South Main street Friday, Oct. 16th, at 2 P.M.
Died. DWIGHT. -In Cincinnatus, Oct. 10, 1885, after a short illness, Mrs. Amanda DWIGHT, aged 74 years.
Anna, only daughter of Alexander SMITH, died Monday morning Oct. 5th, aged 27 years. About one year ago that dread destroyer, consumption singled out Anna as another victim, and during all this time she bore her sufferings without the least murmer of complaint. She had a large circle of friends and was loved by all who knew her. The funeral was held from her late residence Wednesday, Rev. John PUDNEY preached the funeral sermon, after which the remains were taken to Potter Hill for burial.
Dearest Anna how we miss thee
From the home that thou dids't cheer;
Made it bright as it could be,
Made it bright for father, brother,
Made it bright as could no other;
But now it is so lonely and so drear,
None can fill the vacant place,
Though in years we lose all trace;
Still thy memory we hold it dear
Cherish and love it each and every year.
Jesse SMITH died on Wednesday morning at the ripe old age of 92 years. Mr. SMITH was a soldier of the war of 1812, and a life long Democrat.
23 Oct 1885
Died. MATTESON - In Wonewoe, Wis., Sept. 28th, 1885, Mr. H. M. MATTESON, aged 63 years.
Mr. MATSON [sic] was formerly a resident of Cuyler, and was the only brother of Mrs. John NOTT, of Truxton.
Died. HOLLENBECK - In Virgil, N.Y., Oct. 12th, 1885, of paralysis, Frederick HOLLENBECK, aged 64 years.
Died. GARRITY - In Cortland, John, only child of Patrick and Mary GARRITY, Sunday morning September 27th, 1885, aged 15 years.
Dearest Johnnie how we miss thee
From the home that thou dids't cheer;
Made it bright as it could be,
Made it bright for father, mother,
Made it bright as could no other;
But now it is so lonely and so drear,
None can fill the vacant place.
Though in years we lose all trace,
Still thy memory we hold it dear
Cherish and love it each and every year.
30 Oct 1885
Died. TAYLOR - In Syracuse, October 20, 1885, of consumption, Miss Jennie E. TAYLOR, aged 23 years, 10 months and 23 days.
Died. ELLISON - In Virgil, N.Y., Oct. 15, 1885, of heart disease William ELLISON, aged 73 years.
Died. TANNER - In Freetown, Oct. 25, 1885, Lorenzo D. TANNER, aged 80 years and 6 months.
Joseph JONES, an old and highly respected resident of this town, died at his residence in this village on Wednesday, Oct. 21st. His funeral was held on Friday, and was largely attended by the older portion of the citizens. He was 81 years of age.
6 Nov 1885
Died. WILDMAN - In East Freetown, N.Y., October 17, 1885, Frankie, youngest son of King WILDMAN, aged 6 years.
Died. SLOCUM - In Freetown, Tuesday, October 27, 1885, Henry SLOCUM, aged 91 years and 5 months.
Died. PEARNE - In Syracuse, Oct. 31st, 1885, C. Jeanette PEARNE, wife of Rev. William H. PEARNE.
Died. GRANT - In Cortland, Nov. 2d, 1885, Mrs. Emmett GRANT, aged 27 years.
Died. BENNETT - At Cortland, N.Y., Nov. 1st, 1885, of paralysis, Jonathan BENNETT, aged 78 years and 4 months.
Died. STEDMAN - At Spencer, Tioga Co., Oct. 28th, 1885, Mrs. Almira STEDMAN, aged 72 years.
Died. JOHNSTON - In Cortland, Oct. 23d, of pneumonia, Emma, infant daughter of Frank and May JOHNSTON, aged 3 months.
Killed by the Cars.
Last Wednesday evening at about ten o'clock, a man by the name of MEADE, with but one leg, was passing down the D. L.& W. Railroad track, and when near the freight house, was run over by a locomotive attached to a coal train going south, and killed. There were two trains, one headed either way, the one going north was taking water at the spout near the freight depot, and it is thought that there was so much noise caused by escaping steam from this locomotive that MEADE did not notice the approaching train from the other direction, until it was too late to get out of the way. MEADE was so badly crippled that he was obliged to use crutches, and it is said that he was a little out of his head. His body was mangled in a frightful manner, the head and one arm being entirely severed. Coroner BENNETT was notified and placed the body in a coffin. It was learned that MEADE was an inmate of the Cortland county Alms House, and that he had run away from that institution last Wednesday, and undoubtedly at the time he met his death, was making his way to the depot to board one of the many trains that pass this station. No blame is attached to the engineer of the locomotive that run over the man. MEADE was a middle aged man, weighing about 225 pounds, and those who know him speak of him as honorable and upright. Coroner BENNETT has given the body into the charge of the authorities at the County Alms House.
Killed by the Cars.
At about 10:30 o'clock last Friday night Eugene BENNETT and his brother George, of Homer, were walking on the railroad track from this place towards their home. When they arrived in the rear of the gas works between the villages a coal train overtook them from the south. Eugene was somewhat in advance of his brother and when the train passed him he undertook to get on board, but lost his hold and fell between the jimmies, and was dragged several rods. Both legs were cut off some distance above the knees, one hip was broken and his skull was fractured in two places. George called loudly for help and Mr. Luke GERARD, who has charge of the gas works, went to his assistance and BENNETT was taken to Gerards house where he died about an hour later. Coroner GOODELL, of Homer, was summoned but upon learning the circumstances concluded that it was unnecessary to hold an inquest. Bennett's wife died two or three months since. He was about twenty-four years of age and leaves no children. Our informant says that he had evidently been drinking.
13 Nov 1885
Died. CHASE - In Coldwater, Mich., Oct. 24th, 1885, Mrs. Marana, wife of W. CHASE, formerly of Homer, N.Y.
On Wednesday morning last, Oscar, the 16 year old son of Andrew BEAN, who lives about two miles east of Freetown Corners, arose before daylight, and in attempting to go down the stairs, stumbled at the head and fell headlong to the bottom. He was picked up unconscious and received injuries to his spine from which he died on Thursday, at about noon. - Marathon Independent.
Deacon Isaac HAWLEY, one of Homer's oldest and most respected residents died at his residence on Main street, in this village, on Wednesday Nov. 4th inst. The funeral took place on Friday and was largely attended.
Here and There.
Mrs. Pauline WILCOX died at her home in the town of Harford, last week, from the effect of an overdose of electric oil. It is not known whether the dose was taken accidentally or not.
27 Nov 1885
Died. SHEVALIER - At East Virgil, November 14, Christian SHEVALIER, aged 81 years.
Benjamin BROWNELL died at the residence of Henry HUNTLY, on Sunday morning. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon.
4 Dec 1885
Died. HUNT - At Cortland, N.Y., Monday Nov. 23rd, 1885, of heart disease, Amos B. HUNT, aged 73 years.
We are called upon to announce the sad fact of the death of Mr. William Harvey TWISS, on the twenty-sixth instant, at his home in this village.
Mr. TWISS has for many years been well known in our midst, although his residence here has been comparatively brief. He was born in Broome Co., April 13th, 1843, and while yet a boy began active business life at Whitney's Point. Soon after the establishment of the First National Bank in this village, Mr. TWISS was connected with that institution as book-keeper. After a few months he resigned this position, and accepted a very responsible one in the Market-street station, at Newark, N. J. He remained in that place for several years, and then entered into the real estate business in Topeka, Kansas. After residing two years in the West, he returned to Cortland and was married to Miss Julia F. JARVIS, in December, 1870. In the following year he became connected with the King Iron Bridge and Mfg. Co., of Cleveland, Ohio, and in a short time was made their general Eastern manager. This responsible position he filled for about twelve years, until his failing health compelled him to resign. He was known throughout the eastern states as the most active and successful man in the bridge business within his territory. Careful in all his estimates, the company trusted implicitly to his judgment; and himself the soul of honor, the public learned to have perfect faith that his proposals would be carried out to the very letter. Thus he gained the confidence and esteem of all who knew him, and was one of the few of whom it can be said with honor that he left no enemy on earth, so far as he or his friends knew.
The disease which caused his death was not of long standing. It was a recent and wholly unexpected attack, which, as soon as discovered, was known to be fatal. For some years he had been troubled with a lack of vigor in the chief artery leading from the heart, caused by a lack of nerve energy in that region. This retarded the circulation so as to make him very sensitive to cold, but otherwise was not considered dangerous. A year ago last spring he consulted the celebrated Dr. BARTHOLOW, of Philadelphia, the leading authority in such matters in America, and by him was carefully examined. Nothing new was discovered, and a rest from active business was recommended. Accordingly Mr. and Mrs. TWISS spent some time in the summer and following winter in travelling, and in recreating at the sea shore, all of which seemed to be of benefit to the invalid. In the winter they traveled as far south as Florida, and spent some months in Wilmington, N.C. During this time the cause of his death appeared, a tumor of the spleen, a disease so rare in the history of pathology as to be comparatively unknown save as mentioned in elaborate treatises. As soon as Dr. BARTHOLOW ascertained the fact, it was apparent that Mr. TWISS had only a few months to live. If the diagnosis was correct, the cause was beyond the reach of both surgical and medical skill. On returning home, the disease continued to develop, and the invalid waited for death with a patience that seemed superhuman to all who knew of it. Dr. BARTHOLOW watched the progress through corresponding physician, Dr. WHITE, of this place, and every effort was made to check the disease and to render the last few weeks as comfortable as medical skill could suggest. And so he waited, knowing that there was not the slightest hope for more than a few weeks of life, and yet with not an uttered complaint; a calm, great-hearted man to the last. The sympathy of the whole community is extended to the bereaved family, and especially to the wife and brother who have labored so unceasingly for the last few months, that no effort should be spared for the comfort of the invalid.
Samuel MADDEN, Jr., youngest son of the late Samuel MADDEN, of Brockport, formerly of this place, died in Kansas last week, of that dread disease consumption. The remains were brought to Brockport the 27th for interment.
11 Dec 1885
Died. TWISS - In Cortland, N.Y., Thursday, Nov. 26, 1885, William Harvey TWISS, aged 42 years.
Died. COOLIDGE - In Oswego, N.Y., Nov. 22d, of gangrene of the foot, William L. COOLIDGE, formerly of Cortland, aged 60 years and 7 months.
18 Dec 1885
Another one of Homer's old residents has departed this life, Wm. R. SMITH, whose face was a familiar sight upon the streets for many years past, died on Sunday, Dec. 5th, and was buried with Masonic rites, on Monday, having been a charter member of this order. He was always a staunch Democrat and in his younger years served for sixteen consecutive years as an inspector of election in this place.
Died. YALE - At his home in Homer village, Thursday morning, December 3, 1885 at 5:20 o'clock, Moses YALE, aged 79 years.
Died. ELSOM - In Cortland, December 7th, Susan C. ELSOM, wife of W. J. ELSOM, aged 41 years.
Here and There.
A few days since Mr. John GILLEN, who resided about four miles west of this village, was struck by a falling tree while at work in the woods. His leg was broken and he was also injured internally. He died last week from the injuries received.
Marion and Marcellus LORD, of Dakota, arrived here last week with the remains of their brother, Washington, who died in that far western land about four months ago. The remains were taken to Cheningo for burial.
25 Dec 1885
Died. BAKER - In New York city, Dec. 21, 1885, Daniel BAKER, formerly of Cortland, aged 44 years.
Funeral services were held at the residence of E. D. PHILLIPS, 12 Union St., Cortland, yesterday morning.
Died. GILLEN - In Cortland, N.Y., Dec. 9, 1885, of apoplexy, the Rev. A. J. GILLEN, aged nearly 53 years.
Died. GRISWOLD - In the town of Virgil, on Saturday, December 12th, of typhoid fever, Nellis G. GRISWOLD, son of R. GRISWOLD, aged 24 years.
Died. PARSONS - In Cincinnatus, Dec. 13, 1885, Mrs. Ella PARSONS, aged 29 years.
We learn of the death of Mr. Niles GRISWOLD, a young man living with his brother, on Mr. SEAGAR's farm.
Mr. John WOODEN died on Monday, of last week; funeral at the house on Thursday; sermon by Rev. Mr. HARRISON.
Transcribed by Merton Sarvay
December 2007 - January 2008
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