The Cortland County Democrat
1 Jan 1886
Mr. and Mrs. SHEFFIELD are mourning the loss of their only child who died on Sunday last. The bereaved parents have the heartfelt sympathy of their neighbors and friends in their sorrow.
Died. COTTRELL - At his residence in Aurora, N.Y., Dec. 23 [?], 1885, Mr. George W. COTTRELL, formerly a resident of Homer, N.Y.
Died. SMITH - In Homer, N.Y., on Saturday, Dec. 5, 1885, Mr. William H. SMITH, aged 73 [?] years.
8 Jan 1886
Mrs. Lucene BUSH, relict of the late James BUSH, 2d, died Dec. 31, the funeral services were held from her late residence, Saturday.
Died From Alcohol Poisoning.
At a late hour Friday night of last week Ed. HOLLENBECK, who resided on Pendleton street, was found in an unconscious condition on the sidewalk by [ ?] men [ ?] and put in bed. Supposing him to be intoxicated, and that a few hours sleep would put him right, they then left him. At a late hour his wife, who occupied another apartment, hearing a noise in his room went there and found him lying on the bed, apparently lifeless. Alarmed, she called for assistance. Dr. C. E. BENNETT was summoned, and upon arrival, pronounced life extinct, and gave his opinion that death resulted from alcohol poisoning. As there were several bruises about the face and head, it was deemed advisable to call Coroner BRADFORD, in order to decide the cause of death. The coroner, assisted by Dr. BENNETT, performed an autopsy Monday forenoon, the result confirming Dr. BRADFORD's opinion, as above stated. HOLLENBECK leaves a wife and one child.
Death of George Miller.
This aged and respected citizen died quite suddenly at his residence in this village, on Sunday morning, Jan. 3d, 1886, at the advanced age of nearly 80 years.
Mr. MILLER was born in England, but came to this country about 51 years ago. He settled at first in the town of Truxton, where he purchased a farm which he cultivated for ten or fifteen years. Then in the prime and vigor of manhood, large and powerful in stature, strong in health, temporate, industrious and economical in his habits, an intelligent and skillful farmer, he soon paid for his farm and acquired a comfortable competency.
About twenty years ago he retired from his farm and came to live in this village. Always honest and generous in his dealings, faithful to his word, a kind neighbor, Mr. Geo. MILLER was highly respected and esteemed by all who knew him, and a large concourse of relatives, former neighbors and life-long friends were gathered at his funeral on Tuesday last, which was conducted according to the rites and ceremonies of the Episcopal church, of which he was a member.
Mr. MILLER leaves an aged widow who had shared his toils and cares, successes and joys for fifty-three years, and a son and a daughter to mourn his loss and cherish his memory.
15 Jan 1886
Died. DICKINSON - In Camden, Hillsdale Co., Mich., Dec. 24th, 1885, of rheumatism of the heart, A. J. DICKINSON, aged 49 years, brother of L. DICKINSON and Mrs. J. T. BOSWORTH, of this place.
Died. KENNEY - In Truxton, N.Y., Dec. 26th, 1885, Mrs. Fanny KENNEY, wife of the late Moses KENNEDY [sic], aged 71 years.
Died. ROBINSON - In Cortland, Dec. 25, Mrs. Lucy ROBINSON, widow of David J. ROBINSON, of Cortland.
Died. WRIGHT - In Waterville, N.Y., Jan. 9th, 1886, Frederick Norman WRIGHT, son of Prof. N. F. WRIGHT, formerly of Cortland, aged 32 years.
Died. DUCHER - In Cortland, Jan. 12, 1886, Rev. D. C. DUTCHER [sic], aged 63 years.
Died. PORTER - In Union Valley, N.Y., Jan. 10, 1886, Mrs. Asenath PORTER.
Lyman HARRIS an aged employee of the cutter works died very suddenly of apoplexy on Monday last. He was formerly of Preble.
22 Jan 1886
Died. DOUD - In Cortland, N.Y., Jan. 16, 1886, Ella DOUD, daughter of Patrick and Ellen DOUD, aged 34 years.
Funeral was held on Tuesday morning from St. Mary's Catholic church, Rev. Father John McLOUGHLIN officiating.
Died. GRAHAM - In Cortland, January 18th, of membranous croup, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank GRAHAM, aged four months.
Died. HALE - In Syracuse, N.Y., January 13, 1886, Clinton Paige HALE, aged 34 years.
Mr. HALE was formerly a resident of Cortland.
Died. MESSENGER - In New York City, at No. 348 West 56th street, on Tuesday, January 19, 1886, of apoplexy, Luana L., wife of H. J. MESSENGER, in the 62d [?] year of her age.
Funeral services at her late residence, corner Union Street and Reynold's Avenue, Cortland, N.Y., on Saturday the 23d inst., at 11 a.m. The Rev. Richmond FISK officiating.
Marathon, Homer and Canandaigua papers please copy.
Died. NIVER - In Cortland, N.Y., January 21, 1886, Mr. Charles S. NIVER, aged 65 years.
29 Jan 1886
Willie MURRAY, the oldest son of John J. MURRAY, Esq., of this village, died in New York city, on Saturday morning last, of diptheria. His remains were brought here for burial. The services were held at the residence of his grandfather, George MURRAY, Sr., on Sunday, at 3 P.M. He was bright, intelligent, and possessed a genial disposition, which endeared him to all, both young and old. The people in general sympathize with the bereaved family.
Benjamin ESSELTINE, a bridge carpenter residing in Elmira, was killed on Monday, while engaged in building a trestle on the E. C. & N. railway, near DeRuyter. A stick of timber fell on him, causing his death. His remains were taken to Elmira the same day.
On Friday night last, Mr. Emory ELLIOTT was found dead in Mr. Jay TERPENNING's barn, where he had been engaged in doing chores. He had been in Mr. TERPENNING's employ for some years. Coroner BRADFORD, of Homer, was summoned, and, with Dr. TRIPP, made a partial examination. They pronounced death to have been caused by an epileptic fit and deemed an inquest to be unnecessary. Rumors of foul play have crept into the daily papers, but there is no foundation for them. Mr. ELLIOTT had been subject to fits for many years and his sudden death was not to be wondered at. The funeral services were held at Mr. TERPENNING's house on Sunday. Rev. Mr. FLETCHER, of Harford, officiated.
Mrs. Edwin WIRE died Sunday afternoon at two o'clock, the 17th inst., from extreme old age. Mrs. WIRE has been a resident of this town for a great many years, and all who knew her could not but love and respect her for her many virtues. She leaves a number of children and a husband, who is feeble with old age. They have the sympathy of the entire community in this, their sad affliction.
Mr. E. P. STICKNEY, for many years a highly respected citizen of this town, died at his home on Cortland street, on Monday of last week, and was buried on Thursday, Rev. J. B. FRENCH, his pastor, conducting the services. He was 85 years of age.
Died. TAYLOR - In Newark, N. J., Dec. 26, 1885, of apoplexy, Augustus B. TAYLOR.
Deceased was in usual good health, when suddenly the Master called him home. Mr. TAYLOR was a well-known resident of Cortland prior to 1885, and was in the employ of Edward H. BREWER, Esq.
David B. CLARK, after a long and lingering illness, died Tuesday the 26 inst., aged 70 years. The funeral services were held at the church in Union Valley, Thursday the 28. Rev. J. A. PUDNEY preached the sermon.
5 Feb 1886
Died. MURRAY - In Brooklyn, Jan. 23rd, of diptheria, Willie E. MURRAY, son of John J. and Florence Mathers MURRAY. Aged 10 years, 11 months and 26 [?] days.
Interment in Homer.
12 Feb 1886
Died. BROWN - In Cuyler, Jan. 27, 1886, Cora Ethel, youngest daughter of Wesley and Alice BROWN aged 1 year, 6 months and 11 days.
Died. HOXSIE - On February 2d, 1886, at 36 West Onondaga st., Syracuse, Merton Bentley HOXSIE, aged 5 years 4 months and 1 day.
Died. CLARK - In South Cuyler, Jan. 26, 1886, David CLARK, aged 70 years.
Died. BOUTON - In Harford, February 2, 1886, Mr. Nathaniel BOUTON, of Marathon, aged 72 years.
Died. HAYNER - In Cortland Feb. 10th, 1886, infant son of Lottie and A. Clarke HAYNER.
19 Feb 1886
Miss Amanda BARNES died very suddenly at the M. E. church in this place on Wednesday evening, Feb. 10. She was conversing with friends after the close of the evening service, and without warning leaned over against a friend and fell to the floor. She expired in about fifteen minutes without recognizing anyone. The funeral services were held at her residence on Academy street last Saturday afternoon. Rev. W. H. BARNES officiated.
John WHEATON, one of the old residents of Killawog, fell out of his chair at the breakfast table last week Thursday morning and expired almost immediately from heart disease. He was brought here last Saturday afternoon and buried with masonic honors. Rev. Geo. ADAMS of Cortland, preached the funeral sermon.
Died. BLISS - On Saturday, Feb. 13, 1886, at Jersey City, N. J., George BLISS, son of Sophia and the late George W. BLISS, of Truxton, N.Y., in the 20th year of his age.
Died. BURLINGHAM - In Solon, N.Y., on Monday February 8, 1886, of heart disease, Mrs. Sarah A. BURLINGHAM, aged 69 years.
Died. BENNETT - In Cortland, on February 4, 1886, Mrs. Mary BENNETT, at the residence of her son-in-law, Alfred SEAMAN, aged 80 years.
Died. FOWLER - In Cortland, February 4, 1886, of paralysis, Mrs. Mary M. FOWLER, widow of the late John FOWLER, of Homer, aged 61 years.
Died. COOK - January 31, 1886, Mrs. Minerva Gross COOK, aged 71 years.
Died. HAY - In Cortland, N.Y., February 11, 1886, Nellie HAY, aged 20 years, 7 months and 6 days.
Died. MILLER - In Homer, N.Y., February 12, 1886, George MILLER, aged 56 years.
26 Feb 1886
Several of this place attended the funeral of Rosco BUTLER at Tully, which was held on the 11th inst.
Death of Peter Jackson.
Peter JACKSON, for many years one of the most familiar personages of Cortland, and always the most popular one of his race who ever resided here, died at his residence in Elm St., Monday night. "Pete," as he was known to everybody in this and to many people in neighboring counties, had, at the time of his death, been a resident of Cortland for upwards of thirty years, having worked as a hostler at the Cortland and Dexter Houses that length of time. He was a general favorite with the whites, of whose company he was extremely fond, and his smiling black face is remembered by hosts of people as that of the first colored man they ever saw. Like many of his race, "Pete" was ignorant of the date of his birth, and his age, since his death, has been variously estimated at from 60 to 80[?] years. Dr. C. E. BENNETT, his attending physician, thinks he was about 70. The immediate cause of death was a fatty tumor, involving the stomach and lower margin of the liver. He had been sick since early last fall, and confined to the house since about Dec. 1st. His funeral was held from his late residence, yesterday afternoon.
Died. MUDGE - In Taylor, N.Y., February 10, 1886, Martin K. MUDGE, aged 77 years.
Died. GRANT - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., February 16, 1886, of pneumonia, Mrs. Philena GRANT, aged 34 years.
Died. BANNING - In Hamilton, N.Y., February 1, 1886, John Malcom BANNING, aged 46 years and 6 months.
"In Mr. BANNING's death, Hamilton loses a thorough and upright business man, and an esteemed citizen, and his family a kind husband and father." - Oneida Democratic Union.
5 Mar 1886
JONES - In Homer, N.Y., February 28[?], 1886, Anna, relict of the late Squire JONES, M.D., aged 85 years, 11 months and 24 days.
The subject of this sketch was the second daughter of Capt. George BUSHNELL, of Hillsdale, Columbia Cp., N.Y., a successful farmer and business man of that place. She was born March 4th, 1800, her earlier years being spent in acquiring an education at the best schools of that early period. In 1819 she married Squire JONES, a rising young physician who had come to Hillsdale from Poultney, Vermont to practice his profession. Here her three eldest sons, George B., Walter and William B., were born in the order named. Her husband had a very extensive practice, and in 1832, he was admonished by failing health, that he must abandon his chosen profession for a time at least, and the family moved to Homer, where a large farm was purchased in hope that his health would be regained. The hope was realized after a few years, when he again drifted into an extensive practice. Here two more children, Julia A. and Benton B. were born to them. March 2, 1865, after an illness lasting but a few days, her husband was gathered to the fathers. Since his death she has lived with her son Walter, on the old homestead, where she died. Always kind and uncomplaining, her greatest enjoyment was in witnessing the happiness of others and this was especially true of the later years of her life. To have her children and grand-children near her, to know that they were well and happy, and that they were respected by all, was a source of great consolation to her in her declining years. "Honor thy father and thy mother" was a command she never forgot and her days were long in the land. She was a gentle woman in the best sense of the word, who never in a whole lifetime spoke one unkind word. One of her most marked characteristics was to never espouse the cause of one person against another, but rather apologize for the adversary. She had the happy faculty with her bright smile, and quiet "well never mind" of making smooth many of the rough places in the pathway of those around her. She was withal, in her younger days very high- spirited and energetic, that "cleanliness is next to godliness" was her daily motto. She has gone where the two are inseparable. God welcome her. There was a vein of quiet humor within her composition which to the very end of her life would most unexpectedly make itself manifest. During her illness her patience and resignation was wonderful never complaining, when asked if she was feeling poorly. She appreciated greatly all that was done for her, and was so ready to do whatever she was requested to do. She was a faithful and devoted wife, a kind and considerate mother and a true friend, and as much she will be sincerely mourned. The funeral services were held at the old homestead on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. W. A. ROBINSON, officiating.
The venerable Zelotes C. ALLIS, died at his residence in this village, at midnight on Tuesday, 23d ult., at the ripe old age of 84 years. Mr. ALLIS, who in his earlier life was a man of vigorous mind and body, removed to this village from Cortland several years since, and during most of the years of his residence here has been in failing health. He was a man of great native geniality, and raised up a large family of children who partook largely of this paternal quality, among them being D. C. ALLIS and Mrs. J. M. SAWYER of this village, J. B. ALLIS of Cincinnati, O., and A. P. ALLIS of Paris, Ky. Mr. ALLIS also leaves a surviving widow, one or two years his senior. The funeral services were held at the family residence at 11 o'clock on Saturday, the 27 the ult. - Moravia Register.
12 Mar 1886
Died. PECK - At Pierson, Michigan, March 3, 1886, of a lingering illness, DeWitt C. PECK, aged 69 years.
Died. SHERMERHORN - In Homer, near East River, Saturday, February 27, 1886, Henry SHERMERHORN, aged 76 years.
Died. GORMAN - In Solon, February 28, 1886, Bridget GORMAN, aged 90.
Here and There.
Allison BREED, who fell through the ice pond at Union Valley, recently died from the shock to his system on the 22d ult.
We hear it reported that Miss Clara ROBIE, a young daughter of Chief Eng. E. D. ROBIE, formerly of this place, but now stationed at the Brooklyn navy yard, while ascending a ladder, fell and injured herself, so that she died in a brief time. The accident occurred Saturday last. Her remains are to be brought her for burial. [see 19 Mar 1886]
19 Mar 1886
The funeral of Chief engineer E. D. ROBIE's twin daughter, Clara, was held from the residence of his father-in-law, Moses ADAMS, on Front street, March 9th. Rev. Geo. ADAMS, of Cortland, officiated. [See 12 Mar 1886]
The sick list as reported last week are doing well except Mr. Henry OVERTON, who is dangerously ill. Mrs. Ransom TRIPP died on Sunday morning.
Killed At Preble.
Michael MURPHY, a Track Hand Run Over.
Preble, March 12. - As Michael MURPHY, a track hand was crossing the railroad at this station at about nine o'clock this morning, he was struck by the work train and his body dragged along the track to the culvert where the head was completely severed from the body, and the latter carried about 15 feet further on.
It is supposed he was watching a coal train near by and did not notice the work train which was backing slowly toward him. He was a steady, industrious laborer and has lived here for at least 15 years, now living at "Baltimore," about one half mile from the depot. He was about 40 years old and leaves a wife and one child.
Coroner H. P. JOHNSON of this place was at once summoned and will doubtless hold an inquest. - Tully Times.
Died. TRIPP - In South Cortland, March 13, 1886, Minerva, wife of Rensselaer W. TRIPP, aged 59 years.
Died. OLDS - In McGrawville, N.Y., March 8, 1886 of lung trouble, Henry OLDS, aged 76 years.
Died. SAVAGE - At Holley, Orleans Co., N.Y., March 5th, 1886, Jessie F., wife of George H. SAVAGE, and daughter of Henry SEARS, of Delphi, N.Y.
Deceased was born in Preble, N.Y.
Died. MARK - In Cuyler, Monday Feb. 22, Mr. John MACK [sic], aged 56 years and 9 days.
Died. BREED - In Union Valley, Feb. 23, William BREED, aged 78 years.
Died. BREED - In Union Valley, March 5, Lydia A. BREED, relict of the late Wm. BREED, aged about 70 years.
Died. HARDY - In Taylor, March 8, Lyman HARDY aged 81 years.
26 Mar 1886
Mr. William BLANEY, who for many years was engaged in the meat and cattle business, died at his residence on West Cayuga street, March 16th.
Mrs. Alfred ALVORD was buried Thursday March 18th. Rev. A. H. TODD officiated.
Mrs. Laura BAILEY, a relative of Darius BOYDEN, died at Binghamton, Tuesday March 16th. Her body was brought to this place the following Thursday for burial.
The body of Mrs. Marvin ATWATER, sister of the late Chester BRINK, one of the oldest residents of Marathon, was brought from Greenwich Station, Ohio, for burial. The funeral services were held from the residence of Bird SQUIRES, on Forest street, Thursday last.
Died. HARDY - In Taylor, N.Y., March 8, 1886, Lyman HARDY, aged 81 years.
Died. MERVIN - At Cortland, N.Y., March 15, 1886, Mrs. Matilda A. MERVIN, aged 72 years.
Died. KEELER - In West Candor, N.Y., at the residence of her son-in-law, W. C. GRIDLEY, March 9, 1886, Sarah SACKETT, wife of the late Ira KESLER, of Candor, in the 74th year of her age.
Died. WHITING - In Scott, N.Y., March 20, 1886, of consumption, Mrs. Sarah A. Brown WHITING.
Mrs. W. was born in the town of Sempronius, N.Y., July 15th, 1840, and died at the age of 46 years. The deceased experienced religion about 8 years ago, not uniting with any church. She was a great reader of the bible and died in full faith. The funeral sermon was preached from the text of her own selection, "For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God a house not made with hands eternal in the heavens." 2 Cor. 5:1. Rev. F. O. BURDICK, of Scott, officiating.
Mother and Daughter Killed.
Whitney's Point, March 20. - This afternoon as the express train which passes through here at 2 o'clock, was nearing the Pease crossing below the village, a horse driven by Mrs. Philo LANDERS, became frightened and ran into the engine just as it reached the crossing.
The occupants of the carriage, Mrs. LANDERS, and her daughter, Lola, a little girl about 10 years of age, were thrown against the side of the cars and carried along some yards. Mrs. LANDERS was instantly killed and the girl lived a few moments. The bodies were taken to the house of Alonzo PEASE and Coroner S. F. ALLEN was summoned.
Mrs. LANDERS lived in Hyde Settlement about five miles from here, and has a husband and three sons living. She was a sister of Mrs. Wm. DORCHESTER of this place.
2 Apr 1886
Died. BARNES - In Solon, N.Y., Wednesday, March 31st, Patrick BARNES, aged 80 years.
Died. POTTER - In McGrawville, N.Y., Saturday, March 20, 1886, Mrs. Rhoda POTTER, aged 72 years.
Died. GRAHAM - At her home Monday, March 22, 1886, of inflammation of the bowels, Minnie, wife of Eugene GRAHAM, and daughter of Dix HOBERT of East Homer, aged 22 years. Her funeral was held from her late residence Thursday, March 25th and was attended by a large number of neighbors, acquaintances and relatives. Rev. J. Barton FRENCH, of the Baptist church of Homer, officiating. She has gone to an early grave, beloved by all who knew her, for her many virtues, and real worth.
Mr. J. R. BRAMAN, after a long and serious illness, died on Monday. The funeral was held from his late residence, on Wednesday at 10 o'clock A.M. His remains were taken to McLean for interment.
Undertaker McKEE was called on Monday, to McGrawville, to take charge of the body of James BRAMAN, formerly a resident of this village.
Geo. LESTER buried a child last week Friday.
David RUNION died last week Wednesday, at his residence on West Main street. He was buries the following Saturday. Rev. Geo. ADAMS, of Cortland, officiated, and Hiram Clark Post turned out in a body to assist in the ceremony.
Fell From a Moving Train.
Lucien HAZEN, an old citizen of Marathon, was reported to have committed suicide by shooting on Monday last, a short distance north of Chenango Forks, while on the north-bound passenger train. He was seen to fall from the rear end of the train by the newsboy, who stated that he had heard the report of a pistol, which gave rise to the rumor that it was a case of suicide. The body was taken to Marathon and an inquest held before Coroner BRADFORD and a jury. No wounds were found on the body to substantiate the theory of suicide, and the jury returned a verdict of death resulting from the accidental falling of the deceased from the passenger train, as above stated.
Mrs. Anna Hammond GLAZIER, wife of Adin GLAZIER, died on the 29th inst., of puerperal fever. She leaves a husband and three children, one a baby of two weeks old. Funeral services were held at the house on the 30th ult. Rev. Mr. HARRISON delivered an appropriate discourse from Psalm 102-1-2. A large number of neighbors and friends were present. We can say of our deceased relative that she was a woman who enjoyed the confidence of those who knew her.
9 Apr 1886
Mrs. Herbert KINGSLEY of Brookfield, came here last week to attend the funeral of her sister Mrs. Albert COOK.
Mrs. George ALLEN died at 6 o'clock P.M. Friday April 2nd, aged 27 years. About one year ago it was noticed that that terrible disease consumption, had singled her out as another of his many victims. Mrs. ALLEN has borne his long sickness with patience and resignation. It seems all the more sad when we think of the husband and five children, the oldest being about ten, and the youngest two years old, bereft of a good mother's care. We have known Mrs. ALLEN from early childhood until the present time, therefore we can speak from personal knowledge when we say that she was always of the same mild disposition whether sunshine or shadow hung over life's pathway. For these and many other virtues will her memory long be cherished by her many relatives and friends, of which they were not a few. Verily this is a great affliction and one in which the husband and much afflicted mother of the departed have the sympathy of the entire community. The funeral was held at the church Sunday, Rev. John PUDNEY officiated, taking for his text Matthew XXIV-45, reading as follows: Therefore be ye also ready; for in such an hour as ye think not the son of man cometh.
How we miss thee kind mother,
Miss thee as we would no other;
There's a vacant chair we see -
None can fill so well as thee.
Still with thee 'twas hard to part,
Though it all but broke our hearts;
Yet we would not call thee back
More to suffer and with pain to rack;
Now it's over thou art at rest
So let's remember all's for the best.
Mrs. Leander PUDNEY of McGrawville, was here Sunday to attend the funeral of her sister Mrs. George ALLEN.
Died. ALLEN - In Taylor Centre, April 2, 1886, of consumption, Charlotte ALLEN, aged about 27 years.
Died. ALLEN - In South Cuyler, March 20, of quick consumption, Ira ALLEN, aged 21 years.
Died. COOK - In Lincklaen, March 22, 1886, after a short illness Miss Elizabeth Fox COOK, aged 28 years.
Mr. HOUGH, who resided for many years on Cortland St., was buried on Saturday of last week. He was one of the oldest and most respected citizens of this place.
The funeral of Michael O'BYRNE was held from the Catholic church on Thursday, April 1st, and was largely attended. He moved into the house where he died, on April 1st, 1840, thus being one of the oldest inhabitants of the place. He was the founder of the Catholic church in this place and before the church was built services were held at his house. The church yard and burying ground were given by him to the society, and through his instrumentality the church owe their success. He was a very liberal person and a good democrat, and never missed going a distance of four miles to the polls to cast his vote and use his influence for the success of the Democrat party. Although like other men he had his faults, but those we leave and speak of his good qualities. He never turned a needy person from his door, whether he be a tramp or otherwise, but all found a haven of rest under his roof, and the neighborhood in which he lived will miss him for the good deeds done while in health and among them. Those of his family left to mourn his loss are his wife and six children grown to man and womanhood, who were all around his bedside in his last moments, except one who lives in Binghamton, and sickness detained her from coming. The services at the church were conducted by Fathers SEYMOUR of Auburn, and EVANS of Ithaca, and his vacant seat in the church were occupied by the bearers who bore the casket containing his remains to the grave and placed it by the side of his sister, who was the first person buried in the little cemetery he gave to the church. He was born April 19, 1807, and died March 30th, 1886.
Death of E. J. Walker.
Wellsville's well known and highly esteemed citizen Mr. E. J. WALKER, died at his residence on Furnace street, March 31, 1886, after a brief illness of three days, aged 58 years. His disease was typhoid pneumonia, the first indication of which was manifested during Saturday night.
Mr. WALKER was born in Warsaw, N.Y., and about thirty years ago was married to Miss A. G. RICKARD in Cortland county. The past twenty-five years they have resided in Wellsville, and represented a welcome and progressive citizenship. - Wellsville Reporter.
Mrs. WALKER is a sister of Mrs. H.B. HATHWAY of this village.
16 Apr 1886
Died. SAGER - In Virgil, N.Y., April 10, 1886, Samuel SAGER, aged 72 years.
Died. DOUGHERTY - In Solon, N.Y., April 14, 1886, Edward DOUGHERTY, aged 90 years.
Mr. Samuel SEAGER [sic] died on Saturday last, aged 72 years. Funeral services on Tuesday. Deceased was well known in this town and was a man of undoubted integrity.
23 Apr 1886
Died. COLE - In Cincinnatus, April 12, Grace PUNDERFORD, wife of C. J. COLE, aged 27 years.
Here and There.
Mrs. Fanny Palmer MAXON, of Scott, died last Thursday, aged 94 years. She had been a resident of that town since 1840.
Mrs. Joshua HOPKINS died at her home on Cortland street Wednesday last, April 14. The funeral was held from her late residence the following Saturday. Rev. E. W. BROWN officiated.
Lewis A. BURGESS, Esq., an old and highly respected citizen of this place, died at his residence on Front street last Friday morning. His age was 76 years. He was County commissioner for two terms, was Justice of the Peace, and held several other important offices. In his early days he piloted many a raft down the Tioughnioga river through a thinly settled district. He was a good conversationalist and took delight in relating anecdotes of river life. He was also well known as a writer for the press in this vicinity.
Harford Mills.
A fearful tragedy occurred about four miles south west of this place in Robinson hollow last Saturday night. Dewitt and Richard PERRY who have run a threshing machine several falls, had been to a neighbors during the evening, and it is said imbibed quite freely of cider. They had a quarrel and Richard got upon a horse and rode home and went to bed. Dewitt went home soon after this and the quarrel was renewed. Dewitt went into the room here Richard was in bed and attacked him swearing he would kill him. Richard attempted to get out of the window, but was prevented. He then turned to pick up a shot gun standing in the room and shot Dewitt in the left breast killing him instantly. The verdict of the jury at the inquest was manslaughter. Richard went to Richford Sunday morning and gave himself up and was taken to Owego.
Death of Oliver Glover.
Oliver GLOVER, one of the most widely known citizens of the county, died at his residence in Homer, last Sunday morning aged seventy five years. For many years Mr. GLOVER has been a prominent business man and by shrewdness and good judgment had amassed a fortune estimated at from $100,000 to $150,000. He leaves a widow and a daughter by a former marriage. Mr. GLOVER had been ill about a month with paralysis of the brain. The funeral services were held Wednesday at 2 P.M.
30 Apr 1886
Died. CHAPIN - In McGrawville, N.Y., Monday, April 19, 1886, Philo CHAPIN, aged 66 years.
Died. BLANCHARD - In DeRuyter, N.Y., April 19, 1886, of neuralgia, Levi BLANCHARD, aged 69 years 10 months and 28 days.
Died. ROOD - In Cortland, April 22, 1886, Ezra ROOD, aged 85 years.
Died. CHAMBERLAIN - In Cortland, on Wednesday, April 21st, 1886, Mrs. Alfred L. CHAMBERLAIN aged 80 years.
Mrs. PIERCE who lives on the back road to Cortland died on Saturday night last and was buried on Monday. This makes two deaths in the same family in a very short time.
The funeral of Mrs. PIERCE, mother of Spencer PIERCE, was held in this village, one day last week.
South Hill.
Mrs. JACOBS, wife of Rev. James H. JACOBS of Freetown, has passed quietly on to the "great unknown." Though not living among us she was known and loved by all.
Once more have portals been opened,
And an angel of light from above
Has stretched out her white arms toward us,
And taken one whom to know was to love.
She could see the gold gate in the distance,
Gleaming brighter and purer than snow,
She could hear the sweet words "Dearest Mother"
As she heard them a few years ago.
But she will not forget all the loved ones,
Left to fight out the battle of life,
On the shores of that beautiful heaven
They will meet with both mother and wife.
Mrs. Joseph LEACH, who fell and broke her hip a short time ago, died on Monday. The funeral was held from her late residence on Wednesday.
7 May 1886
From Everywhere.
Mrs. J. N. SEARLS, of Locke, committed suicide last week Wednesday afternoon, by drowning herself in the mill pond, in the rear of her residence. She had been despondent for some time, and has attempted to end her existence before.
Mr. Frank BARNES' son Fred, aged 8 years, was buried on Friday last.
Undertaker McKEE was called to Etna, last week, to attend the funeral of Mrs. I. PUDERBAUGH, who died of cancer.
Died. LORING - At the residence of her son-in-law T. Mason LORING, at Loring Station April 25th, of pneumonia, after an illness of only two days Mrs. Rebecca Harmon LORING, widow of Alva HARMON deceased and wife of the late Asa LORING aged 89 years and 4 months.
On Monday afternoon, James COGGESHALL, of Cincinnatus, a man of about 60 years of age, went to butcher a hog for Geo. HOLMES, of that place. Just as he reached up for the knife, which was over his head, he fell dead to the ground. He has been subject to heart disease for several years. - Marathon Independent.
Dr. KNAPP is dead. These words fall with oppressive sadness upon the ears of a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Not within the memory of our citizens has a man been taken from our midst whose death has caused so deep, sincere and universal sorrow as that of Dr. KNAPP. For nearly forty years he has served this community in the capacity of physician and friend, combining sound judgment and skill with rare prudence in the discharge of his duties to the sick. Earnestly devoted to his calling, prompt in responding to the calls of the suffering, kind and gentle in his deportment, he was well calculated to win friends and to inspire the gratitude and confidence of his patrons. As a physician he had few equals. With native confidence, independence and self reliance, he depended upon his own judgment and knowledge under difficulties, while at the same time it was understood and believed that he would undertake nothing which he did not believe he could perform with credit to himself and safety to his patient.
As a citizen the Doctor was open, frank, manly, dignified and generous, never stooping to anything that was unfair or clandestine in his intercourse with his fellow men.
Aside from his professional duties he has at various times filled positions of honor and trust, such as postmaster, town supervisor, member of assembly and medical examiner of recruits during the war of the rebellion. In each of these capacities he has acquitted himself with honor and ability.
During his last brief illness he was attended by his brother physicians, two of whom were almost constantly at his bedside. All that they could do for his relief was done faithfully.
The number of his medical brethren who gathered about him, some from many miles distant, the devotedness and assiduity of their attentions, to the seclusion of all other duties, the sorrow and solitude manifest in their countenances as his case grew more and more hopeless, and their tearful eyes as the last sad scene approached, all attest to the high estimation in which he was held by the profession.
Up to within eight or nine days of his death the Doctor was busy in the rounds of his practice, affording a prospect of at least several years of usefulness augmented by his ripe judgment and long experience. But his work is done, and though he had nearly attained the allotted period of "three score and ten," it seems to us like an early departure, and the absorbing question is - How can we spare him, or how can his place be filled?
Harford, N.Y., May 1st, 1886.
14 May 1886
Died. BRADT - In Oswego, N.Y., May 4, 1886, Peter BRADT, father of Mrs. I. H. PALMER, of Cortland.
Abel SMITH died Saturday night. The funeral was held Tuesday. Mr. SMITH has been a resident of this place for a number of years, except for a short interval which he spent in Kansas and California. He was a man of pleasing manners and kindly disposition, and will be missed by his many friends. The family have the sympathy of the entire community in this their sad affliction.
21 May 1886
Died. RANNEY - In Homer village, on Wednesday, May 18 [? There is no Wed. 18 May nor Wed. 13 May], Thomas S. RANNEY, aged 85 years.
Died. LIDDANE - At Amsterdam, N.Y., May 13th, 1886, Ella Frances, daughter of John and Mary LIDDANE, of Cortland, N.Y., aged 8[?] years.
Died. EATON - In Cortland, N.Y., at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Hettie EVERTS, Mrs. Rachel EATON, aged 72 years.
Here and There.
William SHAW, one of the men injured in the smash-up of Forepaugh's circus company, at Chenango Bridge, last Saturday morning, died at about 12 o'clock Sunday night.
Another one of Homer's oldest and most highly respected citizens has joined the silent majority, Ebenezer PERRY who died on Saturday and was buried on Monday. Mr. PERRY lived in Homer for many years and had formed a large number of friends who loved him for his liberality, goodness of heart, his strict honesty in all his dealings and his deep probity of character. He never wronged any man wantonly and in any question concerning money or property he always insisted on paying enough by saying that he would much rather pay too much than too little. Such was his whole life that when the machinery of life ceased on account of feebleness and old age he had nothing left undone and was prepared to leave earth for his permanent home above. The universal verdict of his townsmen is that his was a life full of years and deeds and that he was a good man. His age was 84.
Willis DeLONG and wife were suddenly summoned to New Berlington, Monday of last week, to attend the funeral of her sister, Miss BROWN, whose death occurred at Copenhagen, Lewis county, where she was engaged in teaching. She was a young lady of unusual ability, being a graduate of the Potsdam Normal School. It is sad to think when the future held out such bright prospects that typhoid fever should seize upon one so young (18 years) and suddenly summon her to her long last home.
Isaac LEWIS died Thursday morning, May 13th, aged 96 years. Mr. LEWIS had been a resident of this place for the past 25 years. He has always been a strong and vigorous man until he had long passed the allotted age of man, three-score and ten. But for the past few years he has been gradually declining until death came and relieved his sufferings. He was once a man of marked ability. He was a Democrat of the old school. Although not able to go to the polls for the past few years of his life, nevertheless his sympathies were with the Democrats in every struggle. He will be missed by a large circle of friends who sincerely mourn his loss. The funeral was held Saturday. His remains were placed by the side of his wife, who died about one year ago.
Death of Wm. H. Warren.
William H. WARREN, Esq., a former well known lawyer of this place, died at the home of his brother James C. WARREN, in Ithaca, on Wednesday, aged 52 years. For several years Mr. WARREN enjoyed a large and lucrative practice in this and adjoining counties, but two or three years since his friends observed that he was failing intellectually and not long after his mind gave way entirely. A year ago, he rented his house in this place and went to live with his brother where he died. "Hank" as he was familiarly called, was a genial kindhearted man and will be sincerely mourned by a large circle of friends. The funeral services will be held at the M. E. church in this place to day (Friday) at 10 A.M. Members of the bar will meet the remains at the E. C. & N. depot on the arrival of the train from Ithaca at 9:46 A.M. Mr. WARREN leaves surviving him a widow, a son, and a daughter.
28 May 1886
The remains of Mrs. Lydia H. SMITH of New Haven, Conn., were brought her for burial on Friday, May 21. The deceased was a sister of Mrs. Wm. HOWARD of this place.
4 Jun 1886
Died. HURLBERT - At the residence of her niece, Mrs. B. A. BENEDICT, in Cortland, May 22, Emeline HURLBERT, aged 82 years.
Died. CRAVATH - In Whitewater, Wis., Thursday, May 29, 1886, Prosper CRAVATH, aged 77 years.
Mr. CRAVATH was born in this county, and moved from here to Whitewater in 1839.
Died. FAIRCHILD - In Cortland, N.Y., May 19, 1886, J. Burdette FAIRCHILD, aged 62 years.
Died. WIGGINS - In Truxton, N.Y., May 27, 1886, John WIGGINS, aged 89 years.
Died. ALLEN - In Cortlandville, N.Y., June 2d, 1886 Mr. Arnold ALLEN, aged 56 years.
Rev. A. PUDNEY was called to Truxton, to preach the funeral sermon of Eugene PUTNAM's little child that fell into a well and was drowned a few days before.
Fatally Gored by a Bull.
The citizens of this village were horrified to learn on Wednesday morning that Arnold ALLEN, a highly respectable farmer residing about a mile west of the village, on the McLean road, had been terribly gored by a bull and that he could not survive the injuries received. The bull was kept tied in a stall in the barn and at about 8:30 o'clock Mr. ALLEN went into the stall to take him out, when the animal attacked him. One of the animals horns passed almost entirely through his right leg and one of them entered his bowels from the lower part of the body. His left leg was also badly lacerated. Mr. ALLEN finally got out of the stall and crawled to the door of the barn, where a boy, who was in the yard saw him, and with the help of a neighbor who was passing, carried him into the house. Dr. F. HYDE was at once sent for and arrived in a few moments and dressed the wounds. Mr. ALLEN died from his injuries at about 3 P.M. of the same day. Members of the family say that they had often cautioned him about the bull, but Mr. ALLEN did not regard him as at all ugly and continued to care for him. The animal was a four-year-old Guernsey, and was considered valuable. Mr. ALLEN was 55 years of age, a member of the M. E. Church, and a highly respectable and useful citizen. He leaves a widow, one son and two daughters.
11 Jun 1886
Died. SMITH - On June 3, 1886, in Marathon village, Mrs. Mary W. SMITH, the mother of Mrs. George HULBERT, aged 77 years.
Mrs. Mary SMITH, mother of Mrs. Geo. A. HULBERT, died at the Rogers House, last Thursday afternoon, of pneumonia. The funeral services were on Saturday afternoon last. Rev. E. N. SABIN, pastor of the Methodist church, officiated.
Here and There.
The many friends of William F. COOLEY will be pained to learn of his death at the residence of his parents, No. 664 Columbia St., Elmira, N.Y., on Monday morning last. The deceased was well known in Cortland where he had spent a good portion of his life, and his premature death will be generally mourned by a large circle of acquaintances and friends with whom he was formerly associated. His trade was that of a carriage trimmer, having worked in the Cortland Wagon Manufactories until obliged to stop on account of failing health, and the disease finally developed into consumption, from which he died. Mr. COOLEY was 20 years of age, and a young man of excellent character and pleasing manners, and the youngest of a family of five sons, who have the sympathy of all, in their great bereavement. The funeral was held from the family residence on Wednesday afternoon last, and the remains were interred in Woodlawn cemetery, at Elmira, N.Y.
18 Jun 1886
Mrs. Charlotte ROGERS, wife of George ROGERS, died on Monday morning. Her funeral was held from her late residence on Thursday at 2 o'clock P.M. Mrs. ROGERS has been a great sufferer for the last six months.
A Giant's Suicide.
Kelloggsville, June 2. - Yesterday about 3 P.M., Coroner F. B. RYAN, was notified of a death by hanging in Sempronius. The coroner and the Democrat correspondent immediately drove to the scene of the suicide. Martin VOSBURGH, a life long resident of Sempronius who had formerly resided on what is called the Iowa Road, was a soldier and about forty-one years of age. For some time he had resided with his brother George VOSBURGH, near Scott Gulf and about two miles from Nonesuch. The inquest elicited the following facts. The deceased had for many years been subject to fits, which had a very depressing effect upon him. He had also been deranged. On Saturday morning, May 19, when last seen alive, he was in the barn near the house on his brother's premises. He then disappeared but was found Tuesday in the woods known as "Bear Swamp," about eighty rods distant from the house, suspended by the neck from the limb of a beech tree. His body was fully eighteen feet from the ground. Martin VOSBURGH was far above the average height of men, being about six feet and eight inches in his boots. His body was buried at Nonesuch cemetery. A brief service was held at his late residence last evening, Rev. Mr. ROBINSON, of Scott, officiating.
The funeral services of Mrs. Chester HOWARD were held at the Methodist church here a week ago last Sunday. She had been in poor health a long time and a few days before her death had a paralytic stroke.
The wife of Harrison KINGSLEY died of heart disease on the 10th inst. A few minutes before 12 o'clock, she awoke her husband and told him she was dying. He ran to the nearest neighbors for help and when he returned she was breathing her last. The doctor soon arrived but she was dead when he came. Funeral services were held at the house by Rev. Mr. PEARNE, and the remains were taken to Otisco for burial.
25 Jun 1886
Died. ROBINSON - In McGrawville, N.Y., June 13, 1886, Phoebe ROBINSON, aged 81 years.
Died. RODGERS - In McGrawville, N.Y., Monday, June 14, 1886, Charlotte ROGERS [sic], wife of George RODGERS, aged 46 years.
Died. WILCOX - In South Cortland, June 16, 1886, Sally, wife of Walter B. WILCOX, aged 65 years.
Died. McCONNELL - In Homer, N.Y., June 16th, 1886, Michael McCONNELL, in the 82d year of his age.
A Card of Thanks.
We thank all of our relatives, friends and neighbors, who manifested so much kindness and sympathy by their assistance and presence during the late sickness, death and burial of our wife and mother.
Chester M. HOWARD.
Thos. K. HOWARD.
Preble, N.Y. June 29, 1886.
[see 18 Jun 1886]
2 Jul 1886
Mrs. Solomon GODDARD who has been in poor health for a long time died Thursday, at the advances age of 80 years. For many years she has been a resident of this town, honored and respected by all who knew her.
Full of years and full of trouble
She has laid her burden down,
She has crossed the silent river
She is at rest at last.
Manson WIRE and wife were called to Homer last Tuesday by the death of their son-in-law, John JOHNSON.
That dread monster death, has again entered our midst. This time Mrs. Carrie PERRY, wife of Elmer PERRY, and youngest daughter of J. H. and Lydia SMITH, is the victim, and at the early age of 23, and a married life of about a year and a half. About six months ago it was noticed that that dread disease consumption had singled her out as another of its many victims. She lingered until Tuesday night when without struggle at fifteen minutes to ten she quietly passed away. All her life she has been a resident among us, she was loved and respected by all who knew her, her memory they will never cease to preserve. Her husband and relatives have the sympathy of the entire community in this their sad affliction. Husband: -
Silent now will be thy home,
Now that thou'rt left alone,
Long and dreary seems the day,
As alone you plod your weary way.
No more her cheery voice you'll hear,
As of this you think, you shed a tear.
That now she is sleeping near the daisies
There is naught to mar her rest.
Flowers bright will soon be blooming
O'er the place where she's at rest.
Thy memory of her will not grow dim,
As the years roll swiftly by,
But think of her as with him
Who now doth dwell on high.
9 Jul 1886
Asa SAUDEY was buried from the residence of James DAVERN in South street last week Tuesday. Cause of death was heart disease. Rev. A. H. TODD officiated.
Died. WOODARD - In Blodgett Mills, N.Y., Thursday, June 24, 1886, of dyspepsia, Ephraim WOODARD, aged 63 years.
Died. JOHNSON - In Homer, Saturday, June 19, 1886, Mr. John R. JOHNSON, aged 33 years.
Died. DEVOE - In Homer, on Wednesday, June 16, 1886, Miss Velono M. DEVOE, aged 62 years.
Died. LIVERMORE - In Homer, June 28th, 1886, Ward LIVERMORE, aged 23 years.
Died. PECKHAM - In Homer, June 24th, 1886, William R. PECKHAM, aged 69 years and six months.
Died. COX - In Otisco, on Monday, June 28th, of consumption, Charles COX, aged 20 years.
Died. LOCKWOOD - In Binghamton, N.Y., July 5, 1886, Matilda DAVENPORT, widow of the late Rev. Peter LOCKWOOD, in the 89th year of her age.
Died. BILLINGS - In Cortland, N.Y., July 3d, 1885, Daraxa BILLINGS, widow of Josiah BILLINGS aged 81 years.
Died. DOUD - In Geneva, N.Y., July 2, 1886, Emma DOUD, only child of Mr. and Mrs. H. DOUD, of Preble, aged 26 years.
Died. EVANS - In Dallas, Texas, July 3, 1886, Ophelia E. EVANS, widow of Wm. R. EVANS, aged 59 years.
Deceased was the mother of Mrs. E. Frank SQUIRES, of this village, and sister of Mrs. J. C. CARMICHAEL, of Phelps.
Died. WEBSTER - In Keeney Settlement, N.Y., July 2, 1886, John B. WEBSTER, aged 68 years.
Died. McALLISTER - At South Cortland, June 8th, 1886, Mrs. Caroline McALLISTER, widow of the late Robert McALLISTER, aged 72 years.
Below with her no more you'll meet,
Her voice you'll hear no more
Till Jesus bids you hail and greet,
Her, on the other shore.
Mr. David TOUCEY died Monday morning, at 7:30.
16 Jul 1886
Died. BREED - In Cuyler, July 6, 1886, of consumption, Charles BREED, aged about 25 years.
Died. HATHAWAY - In Skaneatles, N.Y., July 10, 1886, Catharine Saxon HATHAWAY, widow of the late Gen'l S. G. HATHAWAY, of Solon, N.Y. Aged 74 years.
The remains were interred in the Cedars the family burial lot at Solon, on Tuesday last.
Died. WHEATON - In Northfield, Minn., July 10, 1886, Myron WHEATON, aged 76 [?] years.
The remains were interred in the family lot in Cortland Rural Cemetery yesterday.
Rose MURRAY of Lapeer was buried in the cemetery here on the afternoon of July 6. The burial services were in charge of O. L. TORRY.
23 Jul 1886
Died. SESSIONS - In Lapeer, on July 4th, 1886, Mrs. Rose SESSIONS, wife of Eugene MURRAY, aged 21 years.
Died. FITTS - At Dresserville, Cayuga Co., N.Y., on Tuesday July 20, 1886, Mary J., wife of Julius FITTS, aged 51 years.
Mrs. Nettie HAUGHTON who was cruelly deserted by her heartless wretch of a husband died on Tuesday afternoon. The funeral took place at her late residence on Thursday at 3 o'clock P.M. Two little daughters survive her who have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community.
Bertha McCUMBER daughter of Moses McCUMBER died on Monday evening. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon.
Burt HILLSINGER and family, of Montclair, N. J., arrived in this town Sunday morning last on the early train, with the corpse of their infant daughter, which was buried here. The funeral services were held from the residence of Dr. Clark WARREN, on Peck street.
30 Jul 1886
Death of C. M. Belknap.
The residents of this village were shocked last evening to learn of the sudden and unexpected death of Mr. Charles M. BELKNAP, who has, for more than ten years past been in the employ of C. R. SHERWOOD. His death occurred at 5 o'clock last evening from cholera morbus, with which he was attacked soon after his arrival at his place of business on Monday morning. The intermediate cause of death, as stated by his physician, Dr. BAKER, was heart failure.
Charles Mortimore BELKNAP was born September 20th, 1856. He was the only son of Mr. Horace BELKNAP of East Seneca street. He leaves a young wife and infant daughter and three sisters, the Misses Almira, Lovilla and Gertrude BELKNAP, besides his aged father to mourn his early death.
The deceased was a member of Tornado Hook & Ladder Company No. 3, of the Independent Order of Red Men and the Odd Fellows. He was one of the best known and most popular young men in the village. Genial, light-hearted and generous, almost to a fault, his early demise falls with blighting force upon his wife, father and sisters, while the sincere grief of his multitude of friends is depicted in their saddened countenance to-day.
The remains will be conveyed to Waterloo for burial, on the 8:30 A.M. Cayuga Lake train on Friday. ---Ithaca Daily Journal, July 28
The deceased was well known in this place where he had many friends and where he visited often. Several well-known citizens of this place attended the funeral services held in Ithaca yesterday.
The funeral of the late Darius W. STONE was held in the Baptist church on Wednesday. Mr. STONE was engaged for many years in business in this place, having been owner of the "old red mill" and afterwards of the ax factory. A few years since he moved to Penn., where he since resided. He was noted for his uprightness and the integrity of his dealing.
Died. CASE - In Summerhill, N.Y., July 23d, 1886, Mary L. McCONNELL, wife of Robert CASE, aged 25 years.
We, the husband and parents of Mary McConnell CASE, deceased, desire to express our thanks to the friends and neighbors, who so kindly assisted in caring for her in her illness, and for their regard and sympathy as manifested.
Robert CASE.
Summer Hill, July 26, 1886.
Mr. and Mrs. McCONNELL.
Sempronius, N.Y.
A little child of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin FREEMAN, died Wednesday night, aged 5 months. The funeral was held Friday, Rev. B. C. SHERMAN, officiating.
Miss Mary CHAPEL, died Wednesday after a long and painful illness, aged about 17 years. Mary was a young lady of rare intelligence and was loved and respected by all who knew her. The family have the sympathy of the entire community in this their sad bereavement. The funeral was held Friday.
6 Aug 1886
Died. GREENE - In Willett, N.Y., July 29, 1886, Rhoda M., wife of Willson GREENE, aged 56[?] years.
Died. DOWD - At Cortland, N.Y., July 30, 1886, Joanna DOUD, wife of John DOWD, aged 55[?] years.
Died. HOLLENBECK - At DeRuyter, N.Y., July 31st, 1886, Harriet, wife of Casper HOLLENBECK, aged 74 years, six months and seven days.
Died. RICKARD - In Cortland, N.Y., August 1, 1886, G. W. RICKARD, aged 74 years.
G. W. RICKARD, one of the oldest residents of Cortland, died at his home in this village last Sunday.
Mrs. DOWD, wife of John DOWD, proprietor of the St. Charles Hotel on Railroad street, died last Friday, after an illness of only two days duration. Funeral on Sunday last.
James Elbridge CUSHING, postmaster at Little York, died at his home in that place, on Wednesday aged eighty-four years. He was appointed postmaster at that place in 1866 and held the office continuously from that time until his death. The funeral will be held at 10 A.M. to-day.
13 Aug 1886
From Everywhere.
White DRESSER, an octegenarian of Dresserville, Cayuga County, dropped dead while at breakfast Tuesday morning, of heart disease. His age was 75 years, and he was a prominent and well known resident, the village having been named after him.
Fatal Accident.
Thursday morning, while the one o'clock through freight on the S. & B. road was making up the train at the depot in this village, Conductor HART noticed three young men on top of one of the box cars on a side track, which were loaded and were to become part of his train. Just before the train ran down the main track to back onto the switch and couple the cars, he ordered them off saying they could get hurt. They got off, but just before the train commenced backing, a brakeman notified the conductor that the men were on the car again. Conductor HART ordered the brakeman to go back and order them off. The brakeman ran back, but the train had started before he got to the car and he told the men to remain where they were until the end of the switch was reached, when the train would stop and they could get down. One of the men said he "guessed he could get off" and putting one hand on one car and the other on the iron lever of the other he attempted to do so. It is supposed that the lever dropped down letting him fall to the track between the cars, the wheels of one of which passed over his leg just below the knee, smashing it in a terrible manner and nearly cutting it in twain. The name of the unfortunate man was Fred. OTIS and he was about 24 years of age. Dr. HUGHES was called and dressed the injury and he was taken to his home on the hill just east of Homer village, where he died at about 11 o'clock A.M., of the same day. He worked in the paint shop of the Cortland Wagon company and it is said that the party was slightly under the influence of stimulants. We were unable to learn the names of his companions.
Died. GLOVER - Died, Aug. 9, 1886, at Marion, Va., Catharine, beloved wife of Eliot GLOVER, of Portland, Me., formerly of Cortland.
Died. HOAG - In Cortland, Aug. 7th, Hellen C. HOAG of neuralgia of the heart, aged 62[?] years.
Died. McUMBER - In Solon, N.Y., Monday July 19, 1886, Bertha A., daughter of Moses McUMBER, aged 9 years and 8 months.
Died. STEELE - In Cortland, August 10th, 1886, Willie, infant son of Andrew and Anna STEELE, aged 9 months.
Died. MUSGROVE - In Homer, N.Y., July 30, 1886, Henry MUSGROVE, aged 82 years.
Died. SHIRLEY - In Cortland, N.Y., Aug. 9, 1886, Mrs. John SHIRLEY.
Little York.
James Everson CUSHING died at his home in this place, August 5th, aged 84 years. With the death of Mr. CUSHING has passed away another pioneer settlers of this part of the county. There is but one remaining who exceeds him in years and pioneer life. Mr. CUSHING was born in Kingston, Plymouth Co., Mass. in 1802. He received a common school education, and in early manhood taught several winters in that class of schools. He married Miss Deborah BRADFORD, a descendant of Gov. of the Mayflower pilgrims, who survives him, and by her erect, stately step, would put to blush many of the young girls of the present day. In 1833 he moved into this State and settled on a farm on the west road about one mile south of this place, which is now owned by [-----?] PRATT. After some years he sold out his farm and purchased the saw mill property now owned by W. H. BLASHFIELD. His health becoming impaired in 1845 he moved into this village and went into mercantile business with Gideon CURTISS, but soon after purchased his interest and till his death has continued the business. In 1846 he was appointed Postmaster, and thus at his death had held the appointment for forty years. He was very punctual in making returns, and on the first of July, though quite feeble, affirmed to the usual quarterly returns. He had some of the Quaker prejudice against swearing. He was a very conscientious man in all the relations of life, and meant to do what he thought was right in politics, religion and business transactions. In early life he was a Democrat, but upon the failure to nominate VanBuren he joined the Abolition party and thus fell into the Republican ranks, with whom he has always acted. He never believed in arbitrary political measures, trusting in Providence and moral suasions to bring about the right. In religion he was liberal and bound by no sectarian regulations. His was a spiritualistic existence which was progressive, and had found its greatest exponent in Swedenborg. In business he was honest and upright, and always lent a willing hand to calls of poverty. He was oftimes deceived, yet his hand was not stayed, and no man was ever turned away empty handed. He was one of the starters and promoters of the Little York Lyceum, and always very conscientious in his choice of sides to a question, and philosophic in his line of argument. He leaves the wife of his youth and two children, E. G. CUSHING, of Cortland and Miss Elmira CUSHING, and three grandchildren. The community have lost one of the oldest landmarks of the pioneer age, and one who was ever honored and respected, and whose virtues we all may well emulate.
Catherine Saxton Hathaway.
We find in the New York Observer the following notice of a lady well remembered in this county. It will recall to many her highly cultured intellect and the dignity of her character and manners; her many social virtues and kindly charities.
Funeral services were held in Skaneatles on the 11th of July and in Solon on the 13th. Her body as she had desired was interred in the Cedars in the latter place.
HATHAWAY. - Mrs. Catherine Saxton HATHAWAY passed suddenly away after a long period of feebleness, at her home in Skaneatles, on July 10. She was born in Salisbury, Vt., Nov. 18, 1811, and was united in marriage to General Samuel G. HATHAWAY, of Solon, Cortland Co., N.Y., Nov. 16, 1848. After the death of General HATHAWAY she removed to Skaneatles. Having consecrated her life to her Master's service she united with the church at the age of twenty, and exemplified in a remarkably degree to the end of her life the noblest of the Christian graces. She entered with rare devotion the different departments of Christian work, and by her zeal became a natural leader in many Christian enterprises. Wise in counsel, discreet in her words, strong in her faith, full of love and good works, she was an inspiration to hose associated with her, and their sorrow at her removal is mingled with their thankfulness that the Lord had given to the world so delightful a spirit, so true a Christian, and to them so dear a friend.
Bath, N.Y.
Mrs. Lucy PERRY died at 9 o'clock this (Saturday) morning, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. P. BROWN, at the age of 75 years. Brief services will be held at the house Sunday, from whence her remains will be taken to Spafford, Onondaga Co., where the interment will take place. Mrs. PERRY was a lady much respected in this community, and will be missed by a large circle of friends. She leaves four children to mourn her loss - George MINER, Oscar MINER, Adeline HEATH and Mrs. Amelia BROWN, all of this place.
Probably Fatal Accident.
Last Saturday afternoon while Mr. Lucius FITTS, of Sempronius, Cayuga County, was driving to Homer, with a load of lumber he fell from the load striking his head and shoulders. He was picked up by some farmers who witnessed the accident, and placed on a bed and carried to his home. Doctors EDMUNDS of Moravia, and GOODELL of Homer, were at once summoned to attend him. They found his injuries to be of such serious nature that his recovery is considered impossible. Mr. FITTS had been supervisor of this town and is a most respectable citizen. The accident occurred only a short distance west of Homer village. Two or three weeks ago Mrs. FITTS, whose health had been delicate for some time died. Mr. FITTS is father-in-law of Mr. Geo. A. TUBBS, of this village.
[note: see 20 Aug. 1886]
20 Aug 1886
Death of Lucius Fitts.
Lucius FITTS, an account of whose injuries was published in the Democrat last week, died at his home in Sempronius, Wednesday evening. The spinal cord was broken at a point just below the shoulder blade and his body was paralyzed from the time of his injury. We were mistaken in saying that he was the father-in-law of Geo. A. TUBBS, of this village. He was an uncle of Mrs. TUBBS. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock to-day. He was 62 years of age.
An Old Lady Commits Suicide.
Homer, Aug. 15. Mrs. Joseph PINDER, aged 82 years, committed suicide by hanging herself with a handkerchief, in an attic chamber of the house of her son, Elijah B. PINDER, about 6 o'clock Saturday morning. She had risen and made the bed and appeared in her usual spirits. Shortly before 6 o'clock she was missed by the family, and it was thought that she had gone to her room. Search was made with the result above stated. No cause is assigned for the act. Coroner BRADFORD was notified, but did not consider an inquest necessary.
Saturday morning the people in this community were startled to learn of the death of Abbie, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph CASS at the age of -- years. The cause of her death was measles combined with whooping-cough. Little Abbie was an exceptionally bright and amiable child as we know from personal knowledge; as she was one time a pupil of ours at which time she manifested great interest in her studies. Always quiet and gentle in her manner, none who knew her could but admire and love her. It is indeed a sad blow to her parents to lose a child who was so bound up in their affections, but what is their loss is Heaven's gain. They will have the sympathy of the entire community in this their sad affliction. The funeral was held Sunday. Rev. Mr. OWEN preached the funeral sermon.
It was in the summer time
That Abbie's young life went out,
No more below will the jewel shine -
For she's been called the golden stair to mount -
Now she's with the angels
Above, there to enjoy their requited love;
Where pain and sickness are unknown.
Then why for her should we grieve
When her spirit to a greater world has flown.
Now the home is filled with gloom, -
All its sunshine lies in the tomb.
Though their loved one we know
Is in a better home than this here below.
And this, parents, will comfort you
All life's journey through.
27 Aug 1886
Died. BELCHER - In Albion, Michigan, August 13th, 1886, Mrs. Eliza Hopkins BELCHER, wife of John BELCHER, aged 55 years.
Mrs. BELCHER was a sister of Mrs. Burdett HINMAN, of this town.
Our village was startled early on Sunday morning as the news spread that Mr. Pascal FITTS, one of our most respected citizens had died very suddenly. He arose at 4 o'clock to see what time it was and went back to bed apparently as well as common and at 7 o'clock he breathed his last. Mr. F. has been a resident of the town of Groton 52 years, about thirty years on the farm now owned by his son, George FITTS. He attended the funeral of Lucius FITTS of Sempronius last Friday and on Saturday the ball play, enjoying the sport as well as the rest. Mr. F. was eighty years of age and has never been sick any to speak of, and often times has said that when he went he wished to go as he has, suddenly. He leaves a wife, son and daughter, Mr. Geo. FITTS and Mrs. L. A. BEACH, together with a large circle of friends to mourn his loss. Funeral on Tuesday 24th, at 2 P.M. from his late residence.
Early dead. The heavy hand of affliction is laid on Mr. Clinton FRANCIS and wife in the death of their little daughter, Ethel May, aged seven months, on Thursday last of typhoid pneumonia. Funeral on Saturday at the church at South Cortland, Rev. Mr. ROBERSTON of Cortland officiated. We offer our sympathy to the afflicted family.
3 Sep 1886
Died. FISHER - In Cortlandville, N.Y., August 31, 1886, Celia Melina, wife of Cuthbert FISHER, aged 58 years.
Died. VANDENBURG - In Preble, N.Y., Aug. 21, 1886, Catharine, wife of Abram H. VanDENBURG, aged 69 years, 10 mos.
Died. CAMP - In Cortland, August 25, 1886, Lena, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. CAMP, aged 4 years and 6 months.
Died. MORSE - In Toledo, O., August 21, 1886, Mrs. Olive Paine MORSE, wife of Joseph C. MORSE, oldest daughter of Capt. William EDMONDS, deceased, of this town, aged 63 years.
Died. BENNETT - In Cortland, August 28, Reuben BENNETT, aged 83 years, formerly of Cuba, Allegany county.
Died. MOORE - At the residence of her son, Ephriam MOORE, in McGrawville, August 24, 1886, Margaret MOORE, aged 87 years, wife of Crisjohn MOORE, deceased. She was a former resident of Cincinnatus, N.Y.
Died. BRIGGS - Near Boone, Iowa, August 16th, Mrs. Celona BRIGGS, daughter of Deacon David DAVIS, formerly of Tully, N.Y.
Died. HANNUM - In Cortland, N.Y., September 2, 1886, Lewis HANNUM, aged 63 years.
Death of Lewis Hannum.
Lewis HANNUM, an old and well known resident of this place, died yesterday at eleven o'clock. About eighteen or twenty years ago Mr. HANNUM moved to this town and engaged in the restaurant business, which he sold to B. F. TAYLOR, after conducting it successfully for a few years. Since then he has lead an easy life, not being able to perform much labor. Some few years since he went to manufacturing violins, on a small scale, and had the name of making as perfect an instrument as any in that business, and his violins were in the hands of the first and best musicians of the country. He leaves two brothers, one David HANNUM, of Homer, N.Y., and the other, T. W. HANNUM, of Hartford, Conn. The body was removed to the residence of his brother David, in Homer, where the funeral services will be held on Saturday at 2 o'clock.
Death of an Aged Citizen.
Patrick McDONALD, Sr., died at Truxton, on Wednesday, August 18. He was born in county Limerick, Ireland, in 1792, and has thus attained the ripe old age of 94 years. In 1836 at the age of forty-four, he left his native country and found a home in Cortland county, where he has since resided.
During this residence of fifty years among us, he made many friends and won the general respect of all his neighborhood for industry and honesty. He became the respected head of a large family, embracing three generations. His own children were eight in number - four sons and four daughters - of whom five survive him. He passed away from this circle of descendants at the home of his grandson in Truxton - Patrick McDONALD, 2nd, - one of the most substantial farmers of his town.
The name McDONALD was once familiar to the bar of our county. In 1854-5 a nephew of the deceased, was a partner of Judge DUELL, under the name of Duell & McDonald; but his promising career was terminated by an early death in '57.
It is rare indeed that men live to the age of Patrick McDONALD. To record the death of a man older than the 19th century - who has lived an average lifetime in each of the two countries - is surely breaking another link that binds us to the past.
Their Boat Upset by the Dog.
P. H. WOOD, a carpenter, Drowned in Onondaga Lake.
Yesterday afternoon P. H. WOOD, a carpenter boarding in East Washington street, and Joseph PHILLIPS, a son-in-law to Mrs. GREENMAN of the Greenman House, in Market street, hired a boat and went out on the lake for a few hours' pastime. PHILLIPS is a great dog fancier and took with him in the boat a large setter dog. After they had rowed about a little in the neighborhood of the Salina pier, they started to go out further on the lake, when suddenly people on the pier saw the boat capsize and the men and dog were turned over in the water. WOOD at once struck out for shore, while PHILLIPS, more wise, clung to the overturned boat. When PHILLIPS discovered what WOOD was doing he called out to him to swim back to the boat instead of attempting to reach shore. WOOD at once began to carry out instructions and seemed to be having a hard struggle of it, as his clothing was now very heavy because of the thorough soaking it had received. When within a few feet of the boat he was observed to sink. No alarm was felt as it was thought the act was voluntary and that WOOD would rise to the surface again refreshed. He didn't rise again and search was at once made for the body, Undertaker McCARTHY being notified of the occurrence. It was discovered that the bottom of the lake at that point is covered with a heavy growth of eel-grass, among which the undertaker said it was impossible to drag, and he returned home. No sooner had he reached his room than word came by telephone that the body had been recovered. The body was then taken to the morgue and embalmed and an attempt was made to notify the coroner, but it was learned that that officer had left the city for the day.
WOOD was a man of perhaps forty years, and leaves a wife and four children in Cortland. He was born and raised in Cortland and at the outbreak of the War of the Rebellion went to the front. He was wounded and his name is on the pension roll. Mrs. WOOD was notified by telegraph of the death. WOOD has been at work in this city between a year and a half and two years.
The body was recovered by John WOOD, who by the way, bears no relation to the drowned man. The white shirt was espied in the water, and the body brought to the surface by means of a rake. The body will probably be taken to Cortland for burial.
Syracuse Standard.
"Pearly" WOOD, as he was familiarly known, resided in this place for a number of years, and was well known here and hereabouts. His body was brought to Homer, for interment.
10 Sep 1886
Died. GRAVES - At his residence in McGrawville, N.Y., Wednesday, September 1, 1886, R. H. GRAVES, aged 53 years.
Died. MOORE - At the residence of E. MOORE, McGrawville, Tuesday, August 24, Mrs. Margaret MOORE, aged 87 years.
Died. HILSINGER - In Marathon, Sept. 1, Thomas L., infant son of T. J. and Nellie G. HILSINGER, aged 8 weeks.
Died. VUNK - In Marathon, September 3, 1886, Wm. H. VUNK, aged -- years.
Died. TAYLOR - At the residence of his son, at Hunt's Corners, September 4, 1886, Ambrose S. TAYLOR, aged 85 years.
Died. LYNDE - In Marathon, September 5, 1886, Mrs. Ira LYNDE, aged 69 years.
Died. PHELPS - In Cortland, Sept. 6, 1886, Philo PHELPS, aged 71 years.
Died. KNOBEL - In Homer, N.Y., Sept. 7, 1886, Anna May, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas KNOBEL.
Died. BENTLEY - At the residence of Stephen A. SIMMONS, on Groton ave., Cortland, N.Y., Aug. 21, 1886, Stephen K. BENTLEY, aged 85 years.
Died. PETERS - In Cortland, N.Y., September 1, 1886, Mr. George PETERS, aged 42 years.
Masonic Resolutions Upon the Death of Mr. Rufus H. Graves, of McGrawville.
At a special communication of Cortlandville Lodge No. 470 of Free and Accepted Masons, held at the Lodge room, Sept. 2, 1886, the following proceedings among others were had:
Whereas The Supreme Master in His infinite wisdom has removed from our number our worthy and esteemed brother Rufus H. GRAVES, Past Senior Warden of our Lodge, and in the decease of Brother GRAVES, a good man has fallen, and a great loss to the fraternity has been sustained. [etc.]
William H. VUNK died at his residence on Mill street, Friday afternoon last. He was taken with a stroke of paralysis one day last week, which ended fatally. Funeral services were held from his late residence Sunday afternoon. Mr. VUNK had been a resident of this town for over forty years. He was born in Montgomery county. His age was 70. He leaves behind a widow and several children.
The remains of Mrs. Sophia DAYTON, who died in Brooklyn, was brought here for burial on Friday last. She was the mother of Frank DAYTON of this place.
South Hill.
Last Sunday, at 2 o'clock, Glen, infant son of Dell and Nora THAYER, passed away. The bereaved parents have the heartfelt sympathy of all. They lost a little daughter not quite a year ago.
He has gone to meet a sister
In those happy realms on high.
A blue-eyed, fair-haired sister,
Called in infancey to die.
Father, mother, there await you,
When life's pilgrimage is o'er;
Two tiny, white-winged angels,
Not dead, but gone on before.
17 Sep 1886
Died. CLEAVES - At Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 12, 1886, Mary E. CLEAVES, wife of E. C. CLEAVES, aged 35 years.
Died. KINGMAN - At his residence in Cortland, Saturday, Sept. 11, 1886, Mr. Norman KINGMAN, aged 79 years.
Mrs. Ira LYNDE was buried from the residence of W. J. LYNDE, on Cortland street, last week. She died Sunday, Sept. 5.
Coroner BRADFORD of Cortland was here Thursday last investigating the supposed suspicious circumstances attending the death of Zina A. HAWLEY, whose body was brought here from Binghamton a few weeks ago and interred in the family lot at the cemetery. Rumors of foul play originated, until the coroner was summoned, and an investigation commenced to find out if the circumstances warranted the body being exhumed and an examination made. As yet we learn that there has been no evidence to show anything suspicious attending the same.
24 Sep 1886
Deaths. McKINNEY - In Virgil, Sept. 10th, 1886, Tillie Estelle, only daughter of Adelbert and Ellen McKINNEY, aged 3 years and 3 months.
Died. BURKE - At the residence of his parents in Solon, N.Y., Monday, Sept. 13, 1886, Mr. Edward BURKE, aged 32 years.
Died. TOTMAN - In Solon, N.Y., Sept. 10, 1886, Mr. Ford TOTMAN, aged 72 years.
Died. GLENNY - At her late residence, in Homer village, on Monday night, September 6th, Mrs. Jane GLENNY, aged 63 years.
Died. RIDDELL - In Cincinnatus, Sept. 3, 1886, Mrs. Charlotte RIDDELL, aged 87 years.
Died. COWLES - At his home in Homer, on Monday, September 13th, Parmenas S. COWLES, aged 56 years.
Died. STOWELL - In Cortland, on Monday, Sept. 20, 1886, of membranous croup, Vivian, only daughter of Dr. and Mrs. T. B. STOWELL, aged 4 years.
[Resolutions from the Normal School indicate Dr. STOWELL was a professor there.]
Died. KNIGHT - In Cortland, Sept. 19, 1886, Mr. Frederick E. KNIGHT, aged 64 years.
Died. PERKINS - In Cortland, Saturday, Sept. 18, 1886, Elliot PERKINS, grand-son of S. E. WELCH, aged 9 years and 6 months.
Died. JONES - In Homer, Sept. 21st, 1886, Polly, wife of Newell JONES, aged 67 years.
Died. DOUD - In Foligno, Italy, August 26, 1886, Mary Elizabeth DOUD, daughter of Katherine REYNOLDS and the late Reuben DOUD, Racine, Wis. aged 21 years.
South Hill.
The sad news reaches us that Edward, only son of Elezer FULLER and wife of McGrawville is dead. The funeral occurred last Saturday. He had relatives and friends living here.
1 Oct 1886
Died. CALL - In Cortland, September 28, 1886, Edith M., youngest daughter of H. D. and Clara CALL, aged 7 years and 4 months.
Died. BUCHANAN - At his home in McGrawville, N.Y., Saturday evening, September 25, 1886, W. W. BUCHANAN, aged 60 years.
Died. FIFIELD - In Cuyler, N.Y, September 22, 1886, Almira FIFIELD, aged 88 years.
Perhaps A Murder.
Carl Galloup Found Terribly Crushed and Bruised.
From the Ithaca Republican, Sept. 24.
The barn at the rear of the Martin House was the scene of a sensation early yesterday morning that furnished an exciting topic for conversation for the remainder of the day. At 6 o'clock A.M. on the morning in question, Sam HOWARD, a youthful darky in the employ of Chas. A. BUSH, proprietor of that hostelry, discovered a man with his foot entangled in a peculiar manner in the spring and brake of a canopy top, platform wagon standing on the south side of the eastern apartment of the building. The man's head reclined on the floor on the left side in a pool of blood. Help quickly arriving, the body of the unfortunate man was disentangled from the peculiar location in which it was found. The features of the dead man were terribly distorted and bruised. Mr. F. F. WILLIAMS, of Enz & Miller's, was the first person to identify the remains as those of Carl GALLOUP, aged 33 years and son of Rev. E. S. GALLOUP, a Baptist clergyman of Homer, Cortland county, late of Trumansburg. The remains having been removed to the undertaking establishment of Carpenter & Cummings, a jury was empaneled at 10 o'clock to investigate the cause of death. After swearing the jury the case was adjourned until 1 o'clock to-day. Since the fair, young GALLOUP had been in town having a racket with the boys. He came here with something like $50 in his pocket. He was seen at the Martin House on Tuesday of last week, at which time he applied to the clerk for $30, with whom he had deposited that sum for safe keeping.
At 9 o'clock Sunday evening Mr. BUSH visited the barn and after thoroughly inspecting the premises, locked the building feeling assured that no one was inside.
Many and conflicting theories are advanced by the village oracles and others. A reasonable one seems to be that the man entered the barn by prying open the bottom of a sliding door, climbed into the carriage, awoke at an early hour, endeavored to dismount from the vehicle, by stepping on the break or spring, his foot slipped between the spring and the box, and he fell forward, cutting his head and inflicting the other bruises. Stunned by the fall, and utterly powerless to extricate himself, he probably died of strangulation. Again it is advanced, as a possible development of this mysterious ending of what seems to have been somewhat varied career of sobriety and intoxication, that the deceased succumbed to an alcoholic fit, to which he is reported to have been subject, and fell out of the carriage. It seems a peculiar matter in connection with the disagreeable facts, briefly noted, that the lower limbs of the dead man were entirely free from any noticeable injury or contusions. So many conflicting opinions are on the highways and remote thoroughfares of the town, as to the probable or possible manner of death, that no really plausible explanation can be offered, prior to the deliberations of the coroner's jury this afternoon.
Later - The coroner's jury declared that there was suspicion of foul play, and adjourned until Friday. During the interim further investigation will be made.
8 Oct 1886
Died. SIMMONS - In Oxford, Michigan, Sept. 3d, 1886, of heart disease, Mrs. Angeline SIMMONS, wife of Pierce N. ROOD, aged 57 years.
Deceased was a sister of Mrs. Albert HOWE, of this place and a former resident of the town of Homer.
Died. TORREY - In McGrawville, N.Y., Sunday, October 3, 1886, Delos TORREY, aged 29 years.
Died. LUCE - In Solon, N.Y., Monday, October 4, 1886, Ellen J., wife of Preston LUCE, aged 31 years.
Died. HOLMES - In McGrawville, N.Y., Wednesday, October 6, 1886, Harriett S., wife of J. R. HOLMES, aged 58 years, 5 months and 12 days.
Died. JONES - In Cortland, Monday, September 27, 1886, Amasa JONES, aged 68 years, 7 months and 14 days.
Died. FREEMAN - In Cortland, N.Y., October 2, 1886, James FREEMAN, aged 85 years, 3 months and 28 days.
Died. FREEMAN - In Cortland, N.Y., October 4, 1886, Mary Ann Campbell, wife of James FREEMAN, aged 85 years, 4 months and 21 days.
Even Death Did Not Part Them.
Last Friday, James FREEMAN, one of the oldest residents of Cortland, died at his residence, corner of Railroad and Greenbush streets, aged 85 years, and on Monday his wife followed him, having arrived at the same ripe old age. They were among the most respected citizens of Cortland, and had a large circle of friends. They were devoted Christians, and had been members of the Methodist Church for many years. The funeral was held on Tuesday, and was particularly noticeable from the fact that two hearses, each containing a coffin, moving side by side, led the long procession of friends, who testified their respect for the Christian character of the departed by following them to their last resting place in the village cemetery. It was indeed fitting that this couple, who had never been separated during a long life, should not be parted even by death.
15 Oct 1886
Died. PATRICK - In Albion, Marshal county, Iowa, on September 22, Halsey PATRICK, formerly of Cuyler and son of the late Henry PATRICK of that place, aged 66 years.
Died. CALL - In Cortland, October 8th, of diphtheria Susie C. CALL, aged 9 years and 5 months.
Died. DALTON - In Cortland, Sunday, October 10th, 1886, of typhoid fever, Ella, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel DALTON, aged 18 years.
Died. HARVEY - In Cortland, October 12th, Alta HARVEY, aged 22 years.
A Sad Bereavement.
On Friday last, Susie C. CALL, only daughter of Dewitt and Clara CALL, of this place, died of diphtheria, after a short illness. On September 28th, Edith M., a younger daughter died of this same dreaded disease. These two bright, lovely and attractive children were the life of a happy household, and Mr. and Mrs. CALL have the heartfelt sympathy of all in this their hour of deep affliction. The disease although not generally prevalent, seemed to fasten itself upon these two, and the united efforts of the best medical skill, and splendid nursing, seemed to be of no avail. The two little children were general favorites with all who knew them, and their happy, childlike faces will be greatly missed.
The many friends of Nathaniel JOHNSON, late of Loup Fork, Howard Co., Nebraska, formerly a resident of this place, will be pained to hear of his death, which occurred at the former place, Sept. 21st, at the age of 80 years.
At Rest.
After a long and painful illness, Mrs. Olive A. LANSING, died at their home on Madison street Cortland, Sunday Oct. 10th, who with christian fortitude, patiently without complaint or murmer, bore her suffering, waiting, longing, hoping for the relief that finally came. A Christian woman, a true and loving wife and kind and gentle mother. Her many friends knew her and will ever remember her as a tried and true friend, kind, obliging neighbor and genial companion who always had a pleasant look and kind words for all. The deceased was a consistent member of the Baptist church. She leaves to mourn her loss besides her husband and daughter, three sisters and one brother, one sister and brother in Cortland, one sister in Dryden, and one in Iowa. Their friends and acquaintances extend to the deeply bereaved husband their sincere and heartfelt sympathy.
22 Oct 1886
Died. POWERS - In this place October 20, 1886, Olive, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene POWERS, aged 8 years.
Shot Through The Head.
Suicide of John B. Dunham of Ithaca, While a Guest at the
Messenger House in this Village.
Last week Wednesday evening, John B. DUNHAM, of Ithaca, came to Cortland and put up at the Messenger House, where he was quite well known. For some time past he had been engaged in selling type-writers and he had often visited this village where he had many acquaintances. It is understood that his object in coming here last week, was the hope of organizing a class in stenography and type-writing in both of which he was an expert. On Thursday he called upon friends about town and attended the show at the Opera House in the evening with W. S. CLOYES, after which he went to the hotel and called for some writing paper, which was given to him. He complained of being unwell and at once repaired to his room. This was about 11 o'clock P.M.
Mr. W. F. CHADBOURNE, proprietor of the Messenger House, says that he had often been a guest at the house before and that he never took breakfast but kept his room until a late hour in the morning. The fact that he did not appear at breakfast therefore, did not surprise the proprietor of the house, but at about 1 o'clock P.M., it occurred to Mr. CHADBOURNE, that he had not yet come down from his room and thinking he might be ill, he went to the room and knocked at the door. Receiving no response, he procurred a step ladder and looked into the room through the transom. DUNHAM was lying in bed and on the pillow was a pool of blood. Mr. CHADBOURNE stepped across the way and notified Messrs. Edgcomb & Ballard, who at once sent for Coroner BRADFORD of Homer. The coroner arrived soon after and an entrance to the room was effected. Dr. H. O. JEWETT, examined the body and found it stiff and cold. A 22 calibre revolver with seven chambers, two chambers empty, was found lying at his right side between the arm and body. There was a bullet hole about 1 1/2 inches above the outer corner of right eye, the ball passing under the scalp an inch or more and out, striking the headboard of the bed and glancing to the other side of the room where it fell to the floor. The fatal bullet entered the head about 1 3/4 inches above the right ear and passed directly through the brain to the bone on the opposite side of the head where it lodged. Death was undoubtedly produced instantly from the shock as there were no evidences of a struggle.
On a stand in the room was the following, written on the paper given him by the clerk of the hotel the night before:
"Telegraph D. WHITE, M.D., Ithaca, and await his instructions. Do not telegraph to mother. Money in card case. No necessity for opening valise. Please ship unopened.
Chad. - Don't let them take me to undertaker's rooms. Let me stay here and let undertaker come here. Money in card case to pay my bill, and others will be paid promptly.
J. B. D.
In the card case which lay on the stand was $5.37. He had put on clean linen and carefully packed that worn the night previous in his valise.
No cause for the act is assigned thus far, except the fact that, that he was known to be subject to fits of melancholia, but he appeared to be cheerful enough on Thursday. Three or four years since his father walked into the house in an apparently happy frame of mind and stepping into a room adjoining that occupied by his family, shot himself dead. A year or so ago, Dunham's sister died of consumption, leaving him the only child of a widowed mother. He was 19 years and 7 months old, plump 6 feet in height and of fine appearance.
A telegram to Dr. WHITE, brought his mother, his uncle Mr. S. F. KINNEY, Mrs. ADSIT, a teacher in Wykoff's Stenograph school and Mr. J. A. MORTIMER on the evening train from Ithaca.
A coroner's jury was empannelled and evidence taken on Saturday forenoon. The jury found in accordance with the above facts. The body was taken to Ithaca Saturday afternoon, where the funeral occurred on Monday.
Wilson ELWOOD received word Monday, of the death of his sister, Mrs. CARR, which took place that morning at the residence of Alfred SMITH, Solon.
29 Oct 1886
Died. CARR - At the residence of Alfred SMITH, in Solon, N.Y., Sunday, October 17, 1886, Mrs. Mary Ann CARR, aged 68 years.
Died. ROUSE - At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. C. F. WICKWIRE, in Cortland, October 27, 1886, Sabrina, widow of the late Simeon ROUSE, aged 82 years.
Funeral Saturday at 3 o'clock P.M.
Died. OMANS - In Cortland, October 25, 1886, Merrill OMANS, aged 41 years.
Died. ROWLEY - In New York, October 24, 1886, Addie V., wife of Chas. M. ROWLEY of Poughkeepsie, formerly of Cortland, N.Y.
Died. BROWN - In McGrawville, N.Y., Sunday, Oct. 17, 1886, Mariah BROWN, wife of Nathaniel BROWN, aged 63 years.
Death of Mrs. Rouse.
Mrs. Sabrina ROUSE, relict of the late Simeon ROUSE, who was an old resident of South Cortland, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. C. F. WICKWIRE, in this village on Wednesday morning last aged 82 years. Mrs. ROUSE had many friends in this vicinity where she passed the greater part of her life. She possessed a genial temperament and was a great favorite with the young people as well as of those of her own age. She leaves two sons, Hilton R. of this place and Clifton D. of Harper, Kansas, and the daughter with whom she resided. The funeral will be held from the residence of Mr. C. F. WICKWIRE at 2 o'clock on Saturday.
Mrs. CASS, relict of the late Allen CASS, died Wednesday morning at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. SKINNER. She was about 75 years of age. She was a lady universally esteemed in the community in which she lived. She leaves five sons and one daughter to mourn her loss: Joseph, Seth, Ruggles, Edward, and Rufus CASS and Mrs. Wm. SKINNER. The funeral services were held at Pitcher, Friday, in which place the interment took place.
Mr. Stephen MORGAN died on the 20th inst., and his funeral was held from his late residence. The burial was made in McLean Rural cemetery.
5 Nov 1886
Mrs. Charles M. Rowley.
The startling announcement came to us on Sunday that Mrs. Charles M. ROWLEY had that morning died in New York. Her friends knew that for the last four years Mrs. ROWLEY had been struggling for health, and that under the untiring care of her husband she had traveled through many lands seeking for the change which it was hoped would give her strength. All that could be done was done, in obedience to the direction of the best medical skill obtainable, and now those who had hoped so long, can only mourn.
Mr. and Mrs. ROWLEY came here about two years ago, purchasing the Swift homestead on the North road, at once proceeded to seek occupation and diversion in its enlargement and improvement. Mrs. ROWLEY's love of art - she was a graduate of the Philadelphia Art School - was shown in the exquisite taste with which the house and grounds were adorned and beautified, and many sought the privilege of examining the treasures of art which were there gathered together.
Our readers, of course, remember the letters which Mrs. ROWLEY contributed to our columns last winter, when with her husband she was traveling on the Pacific coast and in the Sandwich Islands. Her description of the sudden volcanic eruption, which, had it occurred a few hours earlier, would have engulfed the whole party, was copied in many journals. None but her now afflicted family know that even then she was struggling then to combat the disease which has finally conquered.
It will be gratifying to the friends of Capt. BRANN, of Arizona, to learn that although compelled to travel night and day he was enabled to reach his sister's bedside before she breathed her last.
The funeral obsequies took place from the family residence, on the North road, Wednesday, at 2 P.M. There was a large attendance of relatives and friends, drawn thither to pay the last tribute of respect to the deceased. The exercises were conducted by the Rev. B. F. WHEELER, pastor of the Presbyterian church. The remains reposed in a handsome casket, covered with black cloth, draped with heavy satin and silk, long extension handles, covered with silk. A heavy silver plate bore the name and age of deceased.
The following were the pall bearers:
The casket was borne from the house to the hearse by carriers, under the direction of undertaker Jos. G. FROST.
The floral display was a fine one. The principal piece was a large vase, composed of white carnations, purple immortelles, violets and very fine smilax. It was the gift of Mr. F. J. ALLEN and wife. There was also a cross, wreath and other smaller pieces.
At the cemetery the casket was placed in an oak box and deposited in a brick vault. The grave was lined with evergreens. The top of the vault was covered with two large stones and carefully cemented. Poughkeepsie Eagle, Oct. 30.
Mr. ROWLEY was born and brought up at South Cortland, and was for some time a resident of this place. Mrs. ROWLEY had many friends here.
Mrs. Mary BURT died at her residence on Cortland street on Wednesday of last week. Her remains were taken to Cortland for interment.
Died. MAHER - In Cortland, October 30, 1886, Mrs. Sarah MAHER, aged 56 years.
Died. LUCAS - In Meridian, N.Y., October 30, 1886, Mrs. Amelia B. LUCAS, wife of Simeon LUCAS, aged 67 years.
12 Nov 1886
Died. BROWN - In Salisbury, Herkimer county, N.Y., October 13, 1886, of scarlet fever, Harry Benedict, youngest son of Horace H. and Lovina Benedict BROWN, aged 3 years, 3 months and 13 days.
Died. HOWARD - In Cortland, Sunday, November 7th, 1886, D. Clinton, eldest son of Duane and H. Addie HOWARD, aged 9 years and 3 months.
Died. FAIRCHILDS - In Audubon, Iowa, November 6, 1886, Zalmon FAIRCHILDS, aged 56 years.
Died. CALDWELL - In Brooklyn, Nov. 6, 1886, Robert CALDWELL, aged 64 years.
Mr. CALDWELL was well known in Cortland county having married Miss Olive BELL, at Harford, in 1866, who survives him.
Died. GIBBS - In Wyocana, Wis., Sunday, October 31, 1886, Sally M., wife of Oliver B. GIBBS, aged 69 years.
Mrs. GIBBS was the daughter of the late Ebenezer CLARK, one of the early settlers of Cortland county.
Death of Zalmon Fairchilds.
Last Saturday, a telegraph dispatch to friends in this place, brought the sad news of the death of Zalmon FAIRCHILDS, at Audubon, Iowa. Mr. FAIRCHILDS passed the earlier years of his life in this town, and with his father, the late Isaac FAIRCHILDS, kept the old Eagle Hotel for many years and until it was burned down in the winter of 1861-2. Some fourteen or fifteen years ago he moved west, where he was engaged mainly in agricultural pursuits up to the time of his death. "Zal," as he was familiarly called by all who knew him, was a model landlord and had an extensive acquaintance throughout Central New York. He was one of the most genial and kind hearted of men and made friends wherever he went. The dispatch announced that he died suddenly while at the supper table. He was a brother of Mrs. Horatio BALLARD, Mrs. H. L. ROGERRS, Mrs. Geo. L. WARREN and Mr. Jas. B. FAIRCHILDS of this place. His remains were brought here for interment. Hundreds of friends in this vicinity will sincerely mourn the death of genial "Zal."
19 Nov 1886
Died. CAPRON - At her residence in Plymouth, Ind., October 22d, 1886, at the age of 77 years, 11 months, Mrs. Mary Jones CAPRON, widow of Giles CAPRON, formerly of Homer village.
26 Nov 1886
Died. WELLS - At Pitcher, N.Y., Nov. 19, 1886, Wait WELLS, aged 80 years.
Died. JOSLIN - In South Cuyler, Nov. 9, 1886, Sarah, wife of Potter JOSLIN, aged 47 years.
Died. JOHNSTON - In Cortland, N.Y., Nov. 22, 1886, John JOHNSTON, aged 40 years.
Died. SNOW - In Cortland, N.Y., November 19, 1886, Charles E. SNOW, aged 29 years.
On Thursday morning October 21st last, occurred the death of Jason BLAKE, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Geo. COOPER in Solon, at the advanced age of 86 years and nine months.
Mr. BLAKE was born in Keene, New Hampshire, in January, 1800. When 8 years of age his father Ebenezer BLAKE with his family came to Solon, and settled upon a farm in the southern part of the town, where the subject of this sketch continued to reside until soon after his fathers death in 1843, when he purchased the farm where he died, now owned by his son-in-law, and with whom he had a pleasant home since his retirement from active life.
Mr. BLAKE was a democrat of the old school and was of good revolutionary stock, his father having been a soldier in the war which purchased our independence. He was a man of strict integrity, of excellent habits, and unquestioned morality. No bond was necessary to make good his word. His promises and agreements were to him sacred obligations, made to be fulfilled.
His obsequies were held at his late residence on Saturday, Oct. 23d, Rev. W. W. CONNER pastor of the Baptist church in McGrawville officiating.
After having lived for almost 80 years in this vicinity, and occupying a prominent position as a citizen, he died loved, honored and respected, not only by his relatives near and remote, but by every citizen in the whole community.
Here and There.
At 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry CALLAHAN, their son, aged 18, and a Mrs. Ellen FOLEY, all of Lafayette, undertook to drive across the D. L. & W. track at the West Genesee St. crossing in Syracuse, and a train collided with their wagon, killing Mrs. CALLAHAN and her son, and seriously injuring the others.
The many friends of J. P. MORTON, oldest son of Lawrence MORTON, were shocked and grieved on learning of his sudden and unexpected death which after a weeks illness of rheumatism of the heart, occurred on the 20th day of this month. He was young man of excellent habits and one who will be long remembered by his acquaintances as an exemplary young man.
On Monday last one of the fathers of our town, the aged and respected citizen, Esq. Alvah RISLEY, closed his eyes in death. He was one of the oldest and wealthiest men in this town. He is said to have voted the democrat ticket for over 50 years in succession.
The remains of Mrs. Lavina Lampman LORMORE were brought here for burial on the 16th from Groton where she had been living with her sister Mrs. Betsy SHAW.
3 Dec 1886
Died. BOWEN - At the home of his son, Charles D. BOWEN, in Groton, N.Y., November 21, 1886, George BOWEN, aged seventy-five years and four days.
Deceased was the father of Mrs. R. W. BOURNE of this place, and had been a resident of Willett in this county for over fifty years.
Death of Lyman Meads.
The Herald published at Anoka, Minnesota, has just come to us containing the announcement of the death of Lyman MEADS, formerly of this place. He resided in Minneapolis but was at Anoka on business where he was stopping at a hotel. In the evening he started to go down stairs in the darkness and made a misstep and fell the whole length of the stairs, striking on his head producing concussion of the brain. He died two or three days after aged 52 years, leaving a widow but no children. He was a brother of Henry MEADS of this place.
Daniel GREEN, of Scott, committed suicide early this morning by shooting himself through the head. He had risen as usual and built the fire, after which he took a small revolver, placed it against the bridge of his nose, and fired, the ball coming out back of the ear. He was a manufacturer and seller of ointments on a small scale, was about 50 years old, and leaves a widow and a son who is about seventeen years old. He has been a little deranged for some time. - Standard, Dec. 2.
10 Dec 1886
Tim McMAHON died at his home, of consumption, on Thursday of last week.
Mrs. Eleanor ROGERS, wife of Thomas ROGERS, died on Saturday morning. The funeral was held from her late residence on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Mr. CONNOR officiating.
Alvah RISLEY died at his home in Truxton, November 22d, 1886, aged 86 years and 25 days. He was born in the town of Bolton, Tolland county, Conn., Oct. 25th, 1800. He removed from thence, with parents, to Fabius, now Cuyler, in the summer of 1802, and with his parents moved into the log cabin and lived with the family of Walt. RISLEY, on Lot No. 67, now Cuyler. Himself and his father's family moved from thence and settled on a tract of land, about 200 acres, in the spring of 1803. This land was situated on Lot No. 95, then in Fabius, now Truxton, and at the time was an unbroken forest. The first building erected was a log house, in which the family lived for years, and was located near the spot where the late residence of deceased now stands. His father, Reuben, was born in the town of Glasternburg, Tolland county, Conn., in 1769, and died at his home in Truxton, in 1850, aged 81 years. Salra WEBSTER, the wife of Reuben RISLEY, was born in the town of Bolton, Connecticut, in 1770, and died in Truxton in 1855, aged 85 years. Their children were Minerva RISLEY, born in 1797, Alvah RISLEY, born in 1800, and Ruth RISLEY, born in 1804. The parents of deceased were plain, well educated, practical people, well calculated to endure the hardships and severe trials of the early pioneer life in this county. In a few years they had a good farm under cultivation, hewn out of a dense forest, by hard and persistent labor. Reuben RISLEY was a school teacher in Connecticut, and taught school several winters in his own neighborhood in Truxton. He held many positions of honor and trust in Truxton; was its town clerk in 1808, and held the office of supervisor and justice of the peace for several years, and did the business of conveyancer for many years for his neighbors. He was a man greatly respected, a good neighbor, upright in all his dealings. He was a worthy representative of the early settlers of this town. Alvah RISLEY helped his father in subduing the forest and making it a fruitful field. He received a good common school education; he was an expert in hunting and fishing, which sport he supremely enjoyed through life. When about 23 years of age he began the business of the manufacture and sale of brick on his father's farm; was engaged in this business some eight of ten years. The profits from this business laid the foundation of his future financial prosperity. About the year 1837 his health became impaired, and he sought relief for a whole season in fishing on the banks of the Newfoundland, and returned late in the season restored to health. Was married December 31st, 1838, to Dorinda BROWN, the second daughter of Seabury BROWN, of Cuyler, N.Y. Two children were born to them: Alvah Brown RISLEY, October 19th, 1842. He died Nov. 30th, 1842; Mary D. RISLEY was born September 20th, 1847; was married to Peter D. MULLER, February 15th, 1872. Two children were born to them; Alvah Risley MULLER and Jennie L. MULLER, and are now living. Mr. RISLEY and wife, and his son-in-law and daughter Mary, formed one family from the winter of 1871. Dorinda, the wife of Alvah RISLEY, died in January 31st, 1881. She was a lady of fine abilities, great moral worth, a sincere Christian, a good wife and mother, and respected by her neighbors. Mr. RISLEY held several positions of honor and trust - constable, collector, deputy sheriff, justice of the peace, and supervisor. Was very efficient in the discharge of his official duties. He was a good practical farmer, successful in all his business transactions; he was upright in all his dealings. His word was as good as his bond. He was a kind husband and a good, indulgent father; he was a wise counselor and greatly respected by his neighbors; he was a genial and intelligent citizen. The whole community by his death has sustained a great loss; by his death the oldest of the early settlers has passed away. His death has broken the last link that connected the early settlers and pioneers of the last century and this.
His funeral was largely attended at his late residence in Truxton, November 24th, 1886. The officiating clergymen were the Rev. Mr. LYON, of Truxton, and the Rev. Mr. STEEL, of East Homer.
17 Dec 1886
Mrs. Caroline RYAN, widow of Alvin RYAN, died on Tuesday last, aged 63 years. The funeral was held at the M. E. church on Thursday, Rev. Mr. SWITZER officiating. The deceased was a woman highly esteemed by her many friends. She was the mother of Eugene, Fred, Charles, Hilton and Louise RYAN and Mrs. Duane BALLOU.
Died. DURKEY - At Buffalo, December 9, Mary C. widow of the late Charles DURKEY and mother of Albert W. DURKEY, of Buffalo and Mrs. C. L. ROOKS, of Cortland, in the 79th year of her age.
Died. BARKER - In Homer, on Sunday, December 5th, Mr. Luther BARKER, aged 61 years.
Killed While Felling a Tree.
Last Saturday, Mr. Martin Rose FREEMAN, aged 44 years, who lived on a farm about three miles east of East Homer, near the Truxton line, went into the woods for the purpose of cutting timber. His son aged 12 years, was with him. Mr. FREEMAN commenced cutting down a large tree and when it fell he was caught under the butt of it and pinned to the ground. The boy hastily summoned some neighbors, but when they arrived life was extinct. Death was caused by suffocation. Mr. FREEMAN was a highly respected citizen and was a nephew of Samuel FREEMAN of this place. The funeral services were held on Tuesday last. He leaves a wife and two children.
24 Dec 1886
Died. PRICE - At the residence of her son-in-law, in Homer on Friday December 10th, Mrs. Johana PRICE aged 80 years.
Died. HOWE - At his home between Homer and Cortland on Thursday, December 9th, Mr. Alvah HOWE, aged 87[?] years.
Died. OSBECK - In Cortland, December 13, 1886, Anthony OSBECK, aged 77 years.
Died. SNYDER - In Cortland, December 17th, 1886, George SNYDER, aged 53 years.
Died. PECK - In Marathon, December 16, Mrs. C. L. PECK, relict of the late Anson PECK, aged 76 years.
Died. DOUGHERTY - In Solon, December 16, 1886, Mrs. Elizabeth DOUGHERTY aged 67 years.
The deceased was the mother of Jas. DOUGHERTY, Esq. of this village.
Died. BEREAN - At Cortland, December 16th, 1886, Ambert BEREAN, aged 39 years.
Died. TOPPING - At Cortland, Saturday December 18th, 1886, D. D. TOPPING, aged 40 years.
Died. TILLINGHAST - In Cortland, Dec. 19th, 1886, Charles TILLINGHAST, aged 33 years.
Death of Dr. Chas. Tillinghast.
Dr. TILLINGHAST, son of Hon. B. F. TILLINGHAST, was born in Cincinnatus in 1853 and died at his father's residence in this place last Sunday. He graduated from Yale college in 1875, and ranked as one of the most finished scholars of his class. Later her studied medicine at Syracuse University, and taught language in the Albany Medical college. His health failing him he went to Savannah, Ga., and entered the medical college there from which he graduated in 1881. After graduating he went to Germany where he continued his studies. He returned home during the summer and in November married Miss Isabel NELSON, the daughter of Dr. J. C. NELSON of Truxton. His health continued to fail and he passed a considerable portion of the time in travelling in the southern states. For the past year or two he has resided with his parents in this village. A large number of friends from out of town attended the funeral which was held on Wednesday.
A Fatal Fall.
A few minutes past one o'clock on Saturday last, Daniel D. TOPPING, a carpenter and joiner residing in this village, fell from the second story of the new Beaudry block on Main street to the ground, receiving injuries which caused his death about three hours later. It seems that Mr. TOPPING was engaged in hanging an outside door in the rear of the second story and was standing on a nail keg, which had been placed on the floor in the door way in order to allow him to reach the top of the door. The keg tipped over throwing him out of the door. In the rear of the building is a hatchway some six or seven feet wide and extending nearly the whole width of the building. In his fall TOPPING struck his chest and chin on the outer side of the stone work of the masonry, and then fell from there to the bottom of the hatchway. A conveyance was procured and he was carried to his home on Groton Avenue, and a physician summoned. His injuries were of so serious a nature, however, that nothing could be done for him. He was about 40 years of age and leaves a wife and two children.
31 Dec 1886
Died. POTTER - In Cortland, Dec. 27, 1886, Mrs. Elsia [?] A. POTTER, wife of S. A. POTTER, aged 36[?] years.
The remains were taken to Cuyler for burial.
Died. WILLIAMS - At his late residence in Homer village on Thursday, December 17th, Mr. F. G. WILLIAMS, aged 66[?] years.
Died. KEELING - In Homer village, on Saturday, December 18th, Mrs. Louisa KEELING, aged 74 years.
Another aged citizen of this place has gone to rest. Mr. Rodney WEBBER died on Sunday the 19th inst., aged eighty-three years. The funeral was held the 21st, at the Babcock Hollow church, Rev. Mr. CARTER, of Blodgett Mills officiating. Deceased was a man well known in this and other towns and especially in all the churches. He was a man of great zeal in religious matters, holding to the doctrine of entire sanctification. He was at all times ready to speak in its defence and conceded to live very nearly up to what he professed.
Transcribed by Merton Sarvay
Feburary, 2008
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