The Cortland County Democrat
7 Jan 1887
Died. MILLER - At her home, in Homer village, on Saturday, December 25th, Mrs. Electa MILLER, wife of Simon P. MILLER, aged 56 years.
Died. KINGSBURY - In Homer, N.Y., January 4, 1887, Charles KINGSBURY, aged 85 years.
Died. GRAHAM - In Cortland, N.Y., December 31, 1886, Jennie, wife of Frank GRAHAM, aged 29 years.
Died. THOMPSON - In Cortland, N.Y., Dec. 31, 1886, J. E. THOMPSON, aged 29 years.
The illness of Mr. A. D. REASE, noticed in our reports terminated in death on Sunday morning. Deceased was about fifty-five years of age, has always resided in this town except two or three years spent in Australia, during the gold fever in that country. He leaves a wife and eight children, four grown to man and womanhood, and four young in years. Mr. REASE has been a very industrious man, was a communicant of the M.E. Church of this town, and universally esteemed by all. We tender our sympathy to the bereaved family in their affliction.
14 Jan 1887
Died. KINNE - At her residence in Buffalo, Saturday morning Jan. 8th, 1887, Anna KINNE, widow of the late Hiram EGGLESTON, formerly of Cortland in the 71st year of her age. Her remains were brought to this place for interment.
Died. PECK - In Cincinnatus, January 1, 1887, of neuralgia of the heart, Mrs. Ann PECK, aged 72 years.
Died. FEURE - In Freetown, January 4, Johana P. FEURE, wife of Patrick FEURE, aged 56 years.
On the Death of Charles Kingsbury.
At a meeting of the session of the Presbyterian church on Tuesday evening, the following minute was adopted in regard to the death of Mr. Charles KINGSBURY.
Our friend and brother in Christ, and fellow member of this session, Mr. Charles KINGSBURY, having been removed from us by death, in grateful memory of his Christian faith and life, we, who have been so nearly associated with him, record concerning him this minute.
Born in New Coventry, Conn., on March 20, 1802, Mr. KINGSBURY's early life was spent there, and there, on May 4, 1823, he made public confession of his Christian faith. Removing in 1830 to the town of Homer, N.Y., he there united with the Congregational church, and soon became active in its work. On April 31, 1823, his membership was transferred to the Presbyterian church of Cortland, and in the fall of 1855 he was chosen to the eldership and in that relation he remained for over thirty-one years, until his death on Jan. 4, 1887.
An honest and useful citizen, an exemplary Christian, an earnest lover of God's word, and God's house and God's day, he was also a wise and faithful member of this session, as long as he was able. Always at his post, and ever ready, with first concern for the welfare of the church, to meet the responsibilities put upon him.
We sorrow that we are to see his face no more in this earthly life, but rejoice also that he has "fought the fight and finished the course, and kept the faith," and desire to recognize in his removal the call to a more earnest faithfulness on the part of ourselves.
J. L. ROBERTSON, Moderator of Sessions,
H. F. BENTON, Clerk.
Cortland, Jan. 11, 1887.
The three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. BRONSON, died last Monday morning.
For some two months past Fred. FORBES, of Cincinnatus, who tried to drown himself at East Homer a few weeks ago, has been cared for at Capt. J. W. STROBRIDGES's in this village. At about 7 o'clock on Tuesday evening last he was permitted to take a walk with Capt. STROBRIDGE. They had been walking about the streets for some time, when the Captain stopped to speak to some person on Court street. FORBES took this opportunity to slip away and although the Captain and others searched for him he could not be found. On Wednesday morning the school children discovered a man in the water closet of the brick school house about one mile west of the village. It proved to be FORBES. One end of his pocket handkerchief had been tied about his neck and the other around a rafter. He had evidently been dead about twelve hours.
An inquest was held at the school house on Wednesday afternoon, by Coroner G. D. BRADFORD, of Homer, and a jury and a verdict rendered in accordance with the above facts.
FORBES possessed considerable property, which was left him by his father, O. F. FORBES, and on account of his apparent lunacy, proceedings had been instituted to appoint a committee to take charge of his person and property.
21 Jan 1887
Died. POMEROY - In Syracuse, January 10th, Clara L., infant daughter of T. E. and L. M. POMEROY.
Died. HICOK - In Flint, Mich., January 13, 1887, William T. HICOK, formerly of Homer, N.Y., aged 73 years.
Died. KNIGHT - In Cortland, N.Y., January 15, 1887, Nancy E. KNIGHT, aged 73 years.
28 Jan 1887
Died. WOODS - In Texas Valley, N.Y., January 22, 1887, Sylvester R. WOODS, aged 58 years.
Died. BABCOCK - In Scott, January 16, 1887, Hon. Raymond P. BABCOCK, aged 87 years.
Died. McGUCKIN - In Cortland, N.Y., January 22, 1887, Mrs. Mary A. McGUCKIN, of Summerhill aged 81 years.
Died. WATROUS - In Cortland, January 24, 1887, Joseph WATROUS, aged 85 years.
Died. SIMMONS - In Cortland, January 17, 1887, Dalinda SIMMONS, aged 64 years.
Died. BEERS - In Cortland, January 18, 1887, Gertrude L. BEERS, aged 12 years and 8 months.
Died. BROWN - In Blodgett Mills, January 18, 1887, John BROWN, aged 74 years.
Died. CLARKE - In Scott, N.Y., January 24, 1887, Mrs. Mary P. CLARKE, aged 87 years.
Died. FULLER - In Cortland, January 25th, 1887, of Meningitis, Carrie E., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan W. FULLER, in the 22d year of her age.
South Hill.
A number from this vicinity attended the funeral of John BROWN of Blodgett Mills, last Thursday.
Under the snow so cold and deep,
Soundly he's sleeping that last long sleep,
Full of honors and full of years,
Swiftly he passes from the valley of tears.
Died, in Cassville, Dec. 16th, 1886, Mrs. Sophia SCRIVNER, aged about 76 years. Deceased was a sister of Mrs. Peter JORDAN, of this place, Mrs. Emily ROOD, of Stafford Springs, Conn., Lyman HENRY, of Elroy, Wis., and of Howard HENRY, of Kirksville, Missouri.
Mr. Nelso CONRAD buried an infant child on Friday Jan. 14.
Calvin P. HOUSE, a well known farmer residing in the town of Cuyler, a mile or two west of the village, died very suddenly Sunday night. While working about the barn, Sunday afternoon, he complained of a pain in his chest, and returned to the house, leaving the hired man to finish the chores, and retired. About midnight his labored breathing awakened his wife, who endeavored to arouse him, but could not. The hired man ran to Morris HOUSE's for assistance, but when that gentleman arrived, a few minutes later, his father was past all earthly help. Mr. HOUSE was in his 82d year. - DeRuyter Gleaner, Jan. 20.
4 Feb 1887
Myron BENNETT, of whose sickness mention was made last week, died Thursday morning.
Died. PECK - At the home of his brother, Dr. M. D. PECK, in Washington, D.C., Jan. 30th, 1887, Lyman PECK, of Cortland, N.Y., aged 52 years, seven months and one day. The remains were brought to Cortland for burial and the funeral held Wednesday, from his late home on Port Watson street.
Died. SALISBURY - In Scott, N.Y., Jan. 29th, 1887, Artemas SALISBURY, in the 75th year of his age.
Died. HOVEY - In Virgil, N.Y., Jan. 27th, 1887, Mrs. Eliza Homer Johnson HOVEY, aged 79 years.
11 Feb 1887
Died. ARNOLD - At Willard, N.Y., February 3rd, 1887, of consumption, Mrs. Lydia M. ARNOLD, aged 56 years.
Died. GRANT - In Freetown, N.Y., January 30, 1887, Betsy GRANT, aged 82 years and six months.
Died. MUNCY - At his home in Cuyler, January 27, Albert MUNCY, aged 69 years, 9 months and 22 days.
18 Feb 1887
Miner WEBSTER an old and respected citizen of this place, died on Thursday night Feb. 1st. The funeral was held from his late residence on Saturday at 1 o'clock P.M., Rev. W. W. CONNER officiating.
Died. COVERT - At the residence of her niece, Mrs. B. LIVERMORE, in Cincinnatus, February 3, of heart disease, Miss Maria COVERT, aged 80 years.
Died. KLOCK - At East Homer, on Tuesday, February 8th, Mrs. Maranda KLOCK, wife of Stephen KLOCK, Esq., aged 56 years.
Died. RICE - In Cincinnatus, January 27th, 1887, Esther, wife of Daniel RICE, aged 64 yeas.
Died. BENNETT - In Pitcher, January 26th, 1887, of consumption, Myron BENNETT, aged 26 years.
Died. REANY - In New York City, February 8th, 1887, George Upton REANY, in the 27th year of his age.
Deceased was brother-in-law of Mrs. A. D. HUMES, of this place.
Died. AUGUSTINE - In Cortland, February 7, 1887, of erysipelas, Albert M. AUGUSTINE, aged 67 years.
Died. SHERMAN - In Truxton, N.Y., February 4th, 1887, Mr. Gilbert SHERMAN, aged 53 years.
Died. STANTON - February 3, 1887, Ernest, infant son of Lillie O. and Wm. W. STANTON, aged two days.
It is with great sorrow that we are called upon to record the death of Miss Alice JORDAN which suddenly occurred at the residence of her grand parents, Saturday Feb. 12, at 3 o'clock P.M., at the age of 25 years and 3 days. Since the death of her mother when she was an infant, she had been a great sufferer from asthma and many times going through severe and dangerous illness all of which she bore with christian patience and fortitude, and, although death was not so soon anticipated, yet she was not unprepared. From infancy she had lived with the grand-parents to whom she has been a comfort during all these years, which have been among the happiest of their lives. She had a large circle of friends and relations who loved her because she was so pleasant in disposition and that she knew no guile. We all shall miss her, but none so much as her grand-parents who have loved and cared for her all these years. But, now no more shall we hear her pleasant voice and when we visit their home we cannot but think of the vacant chair that once was filled. Sadness now prowls over their home, - but she has gone where pain and sickness are known no more. She is at rest.
25 Feb 1887
On Wednesday, the sixteenth of the month, David I. BROWNELL departed this life; born in 1802, he had entered upon his eighty-fifth year.
Until within the last twelve months, his tall erect form was often seen passing with quick alert steps that did not suggest the weight of four score years, about the village of McGrawville where he had made his home since he had reached three score and ten.
His was a quiet, uneventful life, whose interest and incidents were purely domestic. Removing at an early age from Columbus, Chenango Co., where he was born, to Solon, Cortland, Co., he remained in the latter town all his active life; engaged in farming. Highly respected by his townsmen at their solicitation he served them most acceptably as their supervisor; aside from that, he never desired or accepted office.
Many will remember the pleasant gathering, when the hospitable home was filled with his children, grandchildren and a host of friends to celebrate the golden wedding. He married Miss Harriet LEONARD fifty-nine years ago; of their eleven children six sons and one daughter, Mrs. Milford BEAN, survive him. Five of their sons were present at the funeral on the nineteenth and by their loving hands was their father borne to his burial.
So even, tranquil, unassuming was his life, that the most beautiful traits of his character were hardly fully appreciated until the final summing up. As we scarcely note the soft sunlight spread over our woods and fields, until it is withdrawn. His gentle courteous manner, was the expression of his guileless, unsuspicious nature, his genial temper and the benevolence of his heart. His sterling worth was shown in his unswerving regard for truth; his love of justice, and his avoidance of all vice and wrong.
They who knew him best loved him most and they will keep his memory green.
Died. BROWNELL - In McGrawville, N.Y., Wednesday, February 16, 1887, David I. BROWNELL, aged 81 years and 2 months.
Died. WEBSTER - In McGrawville, N.Y., Thursday, February 10, 1887, Miner WEBSTER, aged 71 years.
Died. HOLLISTER - In Cortland, Wednesday, February 17, 1887, Gracie M. HOLLISTER, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. HOLLISTER.
Died. JORDAN - In Taylor, Saturday, February 12, 1887, Alice JORDAN, aged 25 years and 3 days.
4 Mar 1887
Died. MULLIN - In Truxton, February 27, 1887, of consumption, Dennis MULLIN, aged 27 years.
Died. CAFFRAY - In Solon, Friday February 18, 1887, Lawrence CAFFREY, son of Pat CAFFREY, aged 15 years.
David I. Brownell.
Jonathan BROWNELL, (1768-1859) a native of Nine Partners, N.Y., whose ancestors were of English origin, and early settlers of New England, married in 1798[?], Desire LAKE (1779-1856) a daughter of Abram LAKE of the same place. He resided at Duanesburgh for a few years after his marriage, where three of his children were born, and for some forty years thereafter kept a "tavern" at Columbus Center, where he erected two hotels. In 1838 he removed to South Hill, in the town of Solon, and was a resident of that town until his death at the age of 91 years. He had brothers - David, resided near Troy, N.Y., Benjamin at Greenbush, N.Y., and sisters - Hannah (Mrs. Cousin TRIPP.), Elizabeth, and Mary (Mrs. Amos KNAPP) His children are: - Mary (1790- 1864) was the wife of Foster WILLIAMS of New York, where both died leaving a large family of children, Israel (1792-1869) married Ruth BARBER, resided in South Solon from 1819 to 1851 and reared a family of children viz: Eliza Ann, Bradley, David, Julia, Jane, Ralph and Henry Martin BROWNELL. He removed to Georgetown, where he died. Rachel (1794- 18?4) was the wife of David CARPENTER of Meredith, N.Y. Rebecca (1796-1829) never married. Ariadne born 1799 was the wife of Thos. PERKINS, and resided in Homer, Columbus, and died in Otselic, N.Y. David I. BROWNELL, born Dec. 15, 1802, a resident of McGrawville, died there Feb. 16, 1887. Amos KNAPP (1805-1877) was a farmer near Basking Ridge, N. J. Benjamin J. born 1807, resided in South Hill in Solon from 183? to 1846, and then settled in Syracuse, where he was a grocery merchant until 1873, and died in 1885[?]. Dorman SMITH, born in 1810 died young. Stephen FOSTER, born in 1812 resides in McGrawville, Dorman LAKE (1814-1877.) Tracy PLATT born in 1817 died in Columbus, N.Y. The oldest of this large family living in 1886, is David I. BROWNELL of McGrawville, a man well known, who was identified with the political and official history of the town of Solon for many years. He is a native of Columbus Centre, Chenango county, and there spent his boyhood, having the usual opportunities of the time for obtaining book education at the district school. He has been a close reader of current events most of his life, and a firm supporter of the Democratic party. His correct habits, sociability, genial manners, hospitality, and general intelligence gained for him a large circle of friends, many of whom now much younger in years, remember him in the vigor and strength of manhood, surrounded with his family and friends. Two years after his marriage in 1828, he settled in South Solon, where he resided until 1854, when he removed to the north part of the same town, and there continued his life work, farming, until 1870, when he retired from active business and settled in McGrawville. He was supervisor of Solon for several years, and held the offices of Justice of the Peace, Assessor, and School Commissioner of the town at different times. His wife, Harriet LEONARD, born in Blanford, Hamden Co., Mass., May 15, 1810, is a woman of high moral sentiment and intelligence, and impressed her sons and daughters with all that makes true manhood and womanhood. Her hospitality was always commensurate with her means, and her warm heartedness and affection and sympathy for those less favored, were ever characteristic of her life-work. Her parents, Herman LEONARD (1773-1849) and Rebecca (FRARY) LEONARD (1775-1853) the former a native of West Springfield, resided in Blanford, where their children were born viz: Lucinda, John, Hannah, Harriet, Catherine, Oliver and Charles, removed to Columbus, N.Y., in 18?7 and subsequently took up their residence in Honesdale, Pa., where they died.
The children of David I. and Harriet BROWNELL are: John Leonard, born in 1831 on the homestead in South Solon, was educated at the N.Y. Central College, Cortland and Homer Academies and graduated at Union college. He was a successful teacher for many years in the schools of Albany and Brooklyn, and since about 1862 a broker on Broad street New York, being at one time President of the Open Board. Jonathan, born in 1832, was educated at N.Y. Central College, was a teacher in the public schools of Albany for nine years, and has since been a commission broker in New York. Mary (1835-1858) was the wife of Michael J. GRADY, of Cortland. Charles Aranzo BROWNELL, born in 1836, was educated at N.Y. Central College, and was a successful teacher for many years in the private school of his brother John Leonard BROWNELL in Brooklyn. He enlisted in the 14th Reg. N. Y. S. Vols. in 1862, was soon after commissioned as 2d Lieut. and assigned to the 173th Reg. and went with his company to the Dept. of the Gulf, where he served in the field until the fall of Port Hudson. He was promoted to 1st Lieut. and Quartermaster. On account of ill health he resigned his commission and engaged in business in New Orleans, but at the close of the war was breveted Captain by Gov. FENTON. Returning to New York he engaged with his brother in the broker business, and for the past fifteen years has been a member of the Stock Exchange. David I. BROWNELL, Jr., born in 1838, a farmer and butter merchant, resides at McGrawville. Catherine (1840-1875) was the first wife of Arza CHAPMAN of McGrawville. Marcus, born in 1841, a teacher in early life, responded to his country's call upon the breaking out of the late civil war, and on Aug. 31, 1861 enlisted in Co. A, 10th Reg. N.Y. Vol. Cavalry. He went with his company to the Army of the Potomac, and was in the 2nd Battle of Bull Run, where he was taken prisoner Aug. 31, 1862 and paroled on the field. He served with his regiment until Dec. 31, 1863. He reenlisted March 24, 1864, received a commission from President Lincoln as 2d Lieut. in the 4th Reg. U.S.C. Cavalry and was ordered to join his regiment at New Orleans. He joined the Army of Gen. Banks, at Alexandria, La., and was afterwards detailed as a recruiting officer in New Orleans. (Illness?) compelled him to quit the service in 1864 and he was finally discharged January 6, 1865. He resides in Cortland and is connected with the Hitchcock Wagon Mfg. Co. Benjamin Franklin BROWNELL (1844-1874) enlisted Aug. 31, 1861 in Co. A., 10th Reg. N.Y. Vol. Cavalry and served with his company and regiment until the expiration of his term. He was taken prisoner at Middleburg, Va., in May 1863, and confined in that infamous Libby Prison and at Belle Isle for three months. His exposure in the army and cruel confinement in prison, had its effects upon his robust constitution and was the cause of his death in after years. Herman Land?is BROWNELL, born in 1846, for some time a teacher, is a bookkeeper in New York City, and the youngest, Lydia Ann, born in 1858, is the wife of Milford C. BEAN of Solon.
George FAINT Sr., died Sunday morning Feb 20, aged 76 years. Mr. FAINT was born in England, and emigrated to this country forty five or fifty years ago and settled in this county. Most of his life since then has been spent in this town. Of Mr. FAINT it can of truth be said that he was a man who was honored and respected by all who knew him and was a most genial and intelligent man. [H]e always had a pleasant smile[,] a gentle word for all his many friends, so it goes without saying that he will be greatly missed in and by the community in which he dwelt. He was a sterling Democrat and has held offices of honor and trust which he filled with signal ability and honesty to all concerned. Mr. FAINT, besides a large circle of friends, leaves three children to mourn his loss, viz: Henderson and George FAINT, Jr., of this place, and a daughter who lives in Lawrence Co., in southern Illinois. The funeral was held from his late residence on Tuesday after which the remains were taken to Cheningo to be placed by the side of those of his wife who died ten years ago this winter.
11 Mar 1887
Died. In Colorado Springs, Col., Dec. 14, 1886, Mrs. Rosanna FICAL, formerly of Cortland, N.Y., aged 65 years, 10 months and 26 days. Interred in Evergreen cemetery Colorado Springs, Col.
Died. WHISTON - At the residence of her son, Ray WHISTON, in Cortland, March 3, 1887, of consumption, Mrs. Sarah B. WHISTON, aged 68 years.
Died. KENT - In Strongs Prairie, Adams Co., Wis., January 29, 1887, Joseph Ashley KENT, formerly of Cortland county, aged 83 years.
Died. WOOD - In Marathon, February 18, 1887, Mrs. Mary E. WOOD, aged 59 years.
Died. RYAN - In Cortland, February 23, 1887, Mrs. Eliza RYAN, aged [blank]
Died. MINEAH - In Dryden, Thursday, February 17, 1887, Peter MINEAH, aged 72 years.
18 Mar 1887
Mrs. Rose GLOVER died last week. The funeral services were held at the M. E. church on Sunday. Rev. Mr. SABIN, the pastor of the church, officiated.
Alanson BRAINARD died at his residence in Freetown, last week. We learn the funeral services are to be held on Wednesday of this week. Lieut. BRAINARD is expected home from Oregon to attend the last sad rites.
Died. HOBART - In Homer, N.Y., March 4, 1887, Mrs. Marie HOBART, aged 49 years.
Died. WOOD - In Homer, on Monday morning, March 7, 1887, Mrs. Alsina WOOD, wife of Horace M. WOOD, aged 52 years.
Died. WATROUS - At the residence of her son-in-law, A. S. GAGE, in Home on Friday, March 4, 1887, Mrs. Betsey WATROUS, aged 64 years.
Died. REED - In Cortland, N.Y., March 14, 1887, of Spinal Meningitis, Florence M., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. REED, aged eighteen months and twelve days.
Died. PIERCE - In Truxton, at 9 A.M., Monday, March 14, 1887, Wm. T. PIERCE.
Died. NILES - In South Cortland, March 14, 1887, of brain disease, Miss Addie, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Riley NILES, aged 17 years.
Died. DORR - In Solon, N.Y., March 12th[?], 1887, after many years of great suffering, Mrs. Marjorie Elizabeth DORR, daughter of John and Lydia MAYBURY, and widow of Wm. DORR, aged 68 years.
Died. CLARK - In Cortland, N.Y., March 13th, 1887, Esther E. CLARK, aged 35 years, 7 months and 12 days.
At a regular meeting of the Little York Grange, No. 441, held March 1st, 1887, the following resolutions were adopted.
Whereas, the Divine Master in His infinite wisdom, has seen fit to enter our Grange circle for the first time since our organization and remove by the hand of Death from among us, one of our most beloved and brightest members, Sister Clara E. GATES, that while we deeply mourn her loss, missing the pleasant face that bespoke the heart full of Christian love and sympathy, and the hand ready for every good work, we bow in submission to his will believing that -
"Not in cruelty, not in wrath,
The reaper came that day,
But an angel visited the earth,
And took the flower away,"
from days of weary suffering and nights of restlessness, into the broad sunlight of His Love.
25 Mar 1887
Died. YOUKER - Near Blodgett Mills, N.Y., Thursday March 16, 1887, Mr. D. D. YOUKER, aged 68 years.
Died. HAYES - In Marathon, March 19, 1887, Mrs. Edward W. HAYES, aged 52 years.
Died. GLOVER - In Marathon, March 11, 1887, Mary H. GLOVER, wife of Edwin C. GLOVER, aged 29 years.
Virgil, March 22. - We have to commence our report from this town this week with the notice of a death, that of Mrs. Jennie Sherman BAKER, wife of Mr. Monroe BAKER, who died on Thursday last of measles, age 24 years, 8 months and 21 days, and also that of her infant son, Ross, on Saturday, aged 4 months, of the same disease. A very large number of relatives and friends were in attendance at the funeral services on Sunday at the house, conducted by Rev. Mr. SWITZER. A beautiful casket encased the remains of both mother and babe, and presented a picture of innocence and purity never to be forgotten by those who witnessed it. The sight would almost cause one to murmer at what might seem to be an untimely death, but a firm belief in a happy future for both mother and babe causes her friends to say in this severe affliction "thy will be done." we would add our tribute of respect to the memory of the deceased, not as a reporter but as a neighbor and friend who has known her from infancy. We can say of her that she combined those elements of character which go to make the perfect woman, and presented in her brief history a record without blemish. Mr. BAKER and family wish to return thanks to neighbors and friends for acts of kindness rendered them during the illness and burial of their loved ones. At the present writing, the only remaining child of these parents, a little boy aged three years, is thought to be fatally ill with the same disease.
Mrs. Leroy SCRIVENS died Monday at the hospital in New York, while undergoing a surgical operation. Her husband brought her remains home Wednesday. The funeral was held Friday. Rev. M. J. OWEN, assisted by Rev. John BARNUM, conducted the services. Mrs. SCRIVENS had long been a great sufferer, and knowing that, at least, but a short time must elapse under the then circumstances, before death would end her sufferings, and therefore knowing this to be the only hope for life, she submitted to the operation, but she was unable to withstand the effects of the anaesthetic, and so death ended her suffering. Mrs. S. was held in high esteem by the community in which she lived, and will be greatly missed by her many relatives and friends, the most of whom were present at her obsequies, except her only living daughter, Minnie, who is living in far distant Arizona. She will be doubly grieved because of her inability to be present. All sympathize with her.
A little son of German NYE died on Saturday last, aged about four years. The funeral was held on Monday.
At the regular meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, held at Blodgett's Mills, March 19th, 1887, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas it has pleased the Great Architect of the universe to enter our community and home of our sister, Mrs. Sarah BROWN, and remove from her side by death her faithful and honored husband, Daniel BROWN; therefore,
At the regular meeting of Garfield Lodge, I. O. of G. T., Blodgett's Mills, N.Y., held March 19, 1887, the following resolutions were adopted:
Whereas, It has pleased our Heavenly Father in his infinite wisdom to enter the home circle of our sisters Mrs. S. BROWN and her daughter Nettie, and remove from their midst a kind husband and father, therefore be it
1 Apr 1887
Died. LUCE - In Virgil, March 21, 1887, John A. LUCE, aged 80 years and 7 months.
Died. LEACH - In Marathon, March 27, 1887, Levi LEACH, aged 84 years.
Died. HUBBARD - In Cortland, March 25, 1887, David R. HUBBARD, aged 34 years.
Died. SALISBURY - In Chicago, Ills., March 3d, Mr. O. H. SALISBURY, in the 70th year of his age.
Mr. SALISBURY was a native of this town.
We noticed in our report of last week, the dangerous illness of Mr. Baker's little son, Delos Edward, aged about three years, which terminated in death on Friday. Again the people of this town were called to the same place on Sunday to attend the funeral of the little boy. Rev. Mr. SWITZER conducted the exercises. In the twelve years that we have reported the news from this town for the Democrat, we do not recall the instance where the heavy hand of has been laid upon one equal to this case. In the short space of three weeks, from usual health, Mr. BAKER has laid in the grave his wife and both his children, thus leaving him to commence the battle of life again alone. In this hour of affliction we tender our sympathy.
Mr. John LUCE, an old resident of this town, died at his residence here on Monday last, aged 80 years. Except for about five years, Mr. LUCE had lived where he died, as long as we can remember, having, until the water ruined his dam and the march of improvement rendered it of no value, been engaged in running a saw mill with an old fashioned upright saw which, from the quality of the work done, would cause the mill to be long remembered. Mr. LUCE was a man who enjoyed the confidence of the people.
Found Dead.
James McHUGH Falls on His Face in a Fit and is Asphyxiated.
from the Marathon Independent.
About nine o'clock Sunday morning Robert O'CONNELL found the dead body of a man lying face downward, in the alleyway between Chipman's cooperage and Pollard's restaurant. The hat had fallen over the man's face in such a manner as to completely seal his mouth and nose, and the evidence afterward showed plainly that he died from suffocation.
The body was identified as that of James McHUGH, a currier in Dunphy's tannery, and the same person who some days since had an epileptic fit in the postoffice. Coroner TRAFFORD empaneled a jury, who after hearing testimony rendered a verdict as follows:
"That James McHUGH came to his death at Marathon, Cortland County, New York, on the 27th day of March, 1887, by asphyxia during an attack of epilepsy."
The evidence showed that deceased was a resident of Woburn, Mass. That he had been employed at the tannery here for some weeks, boarding at John Burke's. Sunday morning he arose at 7 o'clock, and at 7:30 went out, going down to the depot where he stopped and asked Dan. KELLY, the night operator, if there was anyone in Ballard's restaurant. Nothing further was known of him until he was found dead, an hour and a half later, in the alley above spoken of. Appearances indicate that he had gone through the alley to the side door, tried it, found it locked and had turned to go back, when a fit seized him, and he toppled over upon his face, and being helpless, soon suffocated.
An autopsy was held by Drs. REED, CLARK, BARNES and TRAFFORD, and there was no internal evidence of any trouble that would produce death. His father, Bernard McHUGH, of Woburn, Mass., was notified of his death, and sent funds to pay for sending the body to that place, which was done yesterday.
Here and There.
Mrs. Norcas SHORT, widow of the late Hammond SHORT, of Homer, died at Sodus, Wayne county, on Wednesday, aged 94 years. The funeral takes place in Homer, today.
8 Apr 1887
At the residence of Mrs. Martha A. HUBBARD, on Port Watson St., on Friday, the 25th ult., occurred the death, from consumption, of her son, David R. HUBBARD.
David was born July 6th, 1858, and for several years lived in a home, where now stands the beautiful residence of the Hon. L. J. FITZGERALD, on Tompkins street, in this village. In early life he was the pride of his parents, as he gave evidence of superior intellectual powers, but at the age of 10 years he became subject to frequent attacks of epileptic fits, which considerably impaired his mental faculties, and he had to be taken from school. At an early age he exhibited signs of musical talent, and soon after the death of his father, March 9th, 1869, he entered the musical school at Lyons, where he graduated, making music his profession and traveling in the Western States for some time. In 1872 he was prominent in organizing the Odd Fellows' Band in this place, of which he was one of the leading members. In 1878 he formed a partnership with his brother John, and engaged in the mercantile trade at Blodgett's Mills, with a branch at Freetown. In 1879 they erected the first telephone line in this country, connecting their two stores. This is said to have been the longest line at that time in the State, being 6 miles in length. David was a kind hearted, genial young man, and made many warm friends while in trade at these points. Two or three years later he withdrew from the partnership and spent several years in Chicago and other western cities, when his health failed him, and about a year ago he returned, and has since that time received the kind care of a fond and loving mother.
The funeral services were held from his mother's residence on Monday, the 28th ult., a large number of friends and relatives being present. A large representation of Odd Fellows was also present to testify their respect for a deceased brother and true friend. The ceremonies at the grave were conducted by the order, and were very impressive.
Died. BUTLER - In Cortland, April 5th, 1887, of typhoid fever, Azom BUTLER, aged 36 years.
Died. BORT - In Taylor, N.Y., March 30, 1887, Ida, wife of George BORT, aged 33 years.
Death has again entered our midst and laid his heavy hand upon the family of Geo. BORT, and removed from his home the wife and mother. The summons came Wednesday at 4 o'clock P.M. after a short but painful sickness. Mrs. BORT was a woman of a cheerful temperament, loved and respected by all who knew her. She has long been a consistent member of the Protestant Methodist church and so remained up to the time of her death. She leaves to mourn her loss a husband and an only daughter, a mother, sister and brother besides a host of friends. The sympathy of the entire community is with the husband and daughter in this their hour of affliction. Mother will be missed. Her funeral was largely attended Saturday at the W. M. Church, Rev. W. A. BENTLY, president of the P.M. conference, conducting the service, paid a glowing tribute to the memory of the deceased.
15 Apr 1887
Died. NORTHRUP - In Homer village, on Sunday, April 3d, at her late residence, Miss Lucretia NORTHRUP, aged 74 years.
Died. PARKS - March 7th, at the residence of his son-in-law, Wm. WAKELY, at New Hartford, Oneida county, N.Y., Mr. Lee PARKS, aged 96 years.
Mr. PARKS was born in New London, Conn., 1791 and for many years was a resident of McGrawville.
Died. OSTROM - In Cortland, N.Y., April 4, 1887, Eva May OSTROM, aged 21 years.
Died. MEARS - In Wilmington, N.C., April 5, 1887, of cholera infantum, Harriet, only child of J. Iredell and Josephine Folger MEARS, aged 7 months.
Died. CALVERT - In Cortland April 13, 1887, James A. CALVERT, aged 72 years.
Funeral from his late residence on Prospect street, at 3 o'clock this Friday afternoon.
Died. DUFFY - In this village April 11, 1887, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander M. DUFFY.
22 Apr 1887
Calvin WHEATON, of Killawog, was buried here on Saturday last with Masonic honors. Rev. Frank HINMAN preached the funeral sermon. Quite a large escort of Masons and Red Men accompanied the remains to their last resting place.
29 Apr 1887
Edna REASE, daughter of the late A. D. REASE, died Tuesday afternoon, of gastric fever, aged about 12 years.
Blodgett's Mills.
Miss Blanche REASE, of Virgil, who has been living with her uncle, Hiram REASE, and attending school here, was called home last Saturday by the sudden and dangerous illness of her sister.
The remains of Miss Nancy KNOX, of South Hill, were brought here for burial, last Sunday.
Died. PARKS - At her home, in Homer village, on Sunday evening, April 17th, Mrs. Diane Star PARK [sic], aged 81 years.
Died. FULLER - At the residence of the late Mrs. PARK in Clinton street, Homer, on Saturday, April 16th, Miss Mary FULLER, aged 74 years.
Died. WALLACE - In Cortland, April 28th, 1887, of hemorage [sic] of the stomach, Henry E. WALLACE, aged 36 years.
6 May 1887
The many friends of Douglas SMITH in this place will be pained to hear of his death which occurred about a week ago.
Died. HART - At Fulton Wells, Los Angeles county, California, April 12, James B. HART, formerly of Locke, Cayuga county, N.Y.
Died. WILLIAMS - In Freetown, N.Y., March 29, 1887, Margaret WILLIAMS, aged 70 years.
Died. FOX - In McGrawville, N.Y., Monday, April 18, 1887, Elsie M., wife of George FOX, aged 43 years and 11 months.
Died. HOLAHAN - In Cortland, May 4th, 1887, Frank HOLAHAN, aged 49 years.
Died. WILDMAN - In McGrawville, N.Y., April 30, 1887, infant son of Charles WILDMAN, aged 9 weeks.
Died. ETZ - At Cortland, N.Y., April 30th, 1887, of [heart disease?], [illegible] ETZ, aged [41?] years.
Died. BURGETT - In McGrawville, April 21st, Adelbert, son of Levi and Cornelia BURGETT, aged 19 years and 11 months.
Deceased was a former resident of this place, and in the employ of the Cortland Wagon Company until his failing health compelled him to relinquish his position. By his steady, industrious habits, and kindly disposition, he not only won the esteem and confidence of his fellow workmen, but the respect and admiration of all who were not intimately acquainted with him. He was a model young man, a patient sufferer, a genial companion, a loving brother and a dutiful son. Surely, "Death loves a shining mark." The afflicted family have the heartfelt sympathy of their Cortland friends.
Died. GROSS - At McGrawville, N.Y., April 28, 1887, of blood poison, Loran GRASS [sic], aged 65 years.
Loren GROSS, an old resident of this place, died at the residence of his brother-in-law, Wm. MORE, on Thursday last.
13 May 1887
Died. THOMPSON - In Truxton, May 1, 1887, Mrs. Chloe THOMPSON, mother of H. D. THOMPSON, aged 77 years, 5 months and 11 days.
Died. FREDERICK - In Cortland, May 6th, 1887, Jennie FREDERICK, aged 94 [or 24?] years.
Died. PECK - In Cortland, May 6, 1887, Andrew PECK, aged 87 years.
Death of Rev. Andrew Peck.
Rev. Andrew PECK, died at his home on Clinton Avenue in this village on Saturday last, at the advanced age of 87 years. He was a zealous member of the M. E. church and for 25 years preached the gospel, being stationed mainly in the central part of the State. He had four brothers all of whom were preachers, the late Bishop Jesse T. PECK being the most noted of them. Mr. PECK was a strong temperance man and an earnest christian. The funeral services were held last Monday afternoon at the M. E. church.
Edwin WIRE, an old and respected citizen of this place, died at the residence of his son Ballard, Tuesday night. Mr. WIRE was the last of the old race of Wires who first settled in this place.
Death of Geo. L. Cole.
Mr. George L. COLE, a prominent and well-to-do business man of Cincinnatus died quite suddenly at his home in that village last Thursday. He had been feeling as well as usual until the morning of that day when he complained of a pain in his left side and went from his office to his house to rest. Between 2 and 3 o'clock he was feeling no better and undressed and went to bed. His wife looked into the room occasionally but as he seemed to be sleeping she did not offer to disturb him. At about 5 o'clock his son came home and went into the room and receiving no answer to his calls, he went up to the bed and found that he was dead. Mr. COLE was actively engaged in the business of buying produce for the last twenty years and had accumulated a handsome property. He was the first Vice-President of the National bank of Cortland and had held that office continuously up to the time of his death. The funeral services were held on Monday last. Mr. COLE was about 70 years of age.
20 May 1887
Died. THOMAS - At the residence of his parents, 190 Park Place, Brooklyn, N.Y., May 17th, 1887, William R. THOMAS, son of Edward B. and Mary B. THOMAS, aged 9 years and 5 months.
Died. STEVENSON - In Cortland, May 15th, 1887, Robert Carter, infant son of Walter B. and Sarah E. STEVENSON.
Died. PARKER - In Cortland, May 11th, 1887, Nellie L. PARKER, aged 9 years.
Died. THOMPSON - In Cortland, on Lincoln street, May 15th, 1887, Agnes THOMPSON, aged 64 years.
Sad Accident.
Boy Drowned in a Mill Race - A Son of John Youngs
Meets with a Tragic Death.
[From the Marathon Independent.]
Clayton YOUNGS, a young boy seven years of age, a son of John YOUNGS who resides on Warren street, was drowned in the mill race between the saw mill and grist mill, late Monday afternoon. He, in company with Brainard SCHOFIELD had been playing around the race and upon logs all the afternoon until about five o'clock, when the SCHOFIELD boy went home leaving the YOUNGS boy, as he says, "poking among the logs."
When supper time arrived, Clayton had not returned to his home and his father became alarmed at his protracted absence and started out in search of him. It had become dark by this time, and taking a lantern, and procuring the assistance of George MARVIN, he searched the race above and below the grist mill until late in the night, but could discover no trace of the boy. Early yesterday morning, accompanied by Arby OGDEN, he renewed the search and after making a thorough examination, they found the boy's hat caught in the rack of the saw mill, where it had been drawn by the suction of the water. Proceeding up the race in a boat, about ten rods above the saw mill, they discovered the body of the boy lying in about four feet of water. He had lain in the water all night and was very much bloated and discolored. He must have fallen in the race sometime between the hours of five and six as the position in which the hat was found, being drawn underneath a quantity of logs at the saw mill, shows that it must have occurred before the mills stopped at six o'clock. It is a sad case and the family of Mr. YOUNGS have the sympathy of the community. It furnishes an additional warning to young boys of the danger of being around the water unless accompanied by those of mature age.
27 May 1887
Died. CLAPP - In Cortland, N.Y., May 21, 1887, Mrs. Priscilla S. CLAPP, aged 79 years.
Funeral was held on Sunday afternoon from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. B. A. BENEDICT, North Main street.
Blodgett's Mills.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. BUTTERFIELD were in Virgil, last Saturday, to attend the funeral of Mrs. Olive LATHROP.
Mrs. Lucy SEAMANS, who has been sick for some time, died Wednesday. Mrs. SEAMANS for many years had been a resident of this place, and was held in high esteem by all who knew her. Of her children but one remains to mourn her loss. The funeral was held last Friday, and was largely attended.
3 Jun 1887
"A Terrible Explosion" relates the sad tale of a boiler explosion at the Hitchcock Manufacturing Company, in which three employees died:
William P. BALLARD
Died. LYNCH - In Cortland, May 31, 1887, Ellen LYNCH, aged 31 years.
Died. MILLER - At the residence of Prof. T. B. STOWELL, Cortland, N.Y., May 30, 1887, Mabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. MILLER, aged eight months.
Mrs. MILLER is a sister of Mrs. STOWELL.
10 Jun 1887
Died. PHILLIPS - At Cortland, June 4, 1887, Lester A. PHILLIPS, aged 66 years 9 months and 6 days.
Mrs. Lyman HARDY died last week, at the residence of her son-in-law, L. R. SCRIVEN, after a short illness, aged about 75 years. Mr. H. was an estimable lady, and was held in high regard by all who knew her. The funeral was held Friday, Rev. M. J. OWEN officiating. The death of Mrs. HARDY makes the fourth person to die in Mr. Scriven's family since the 7th of March, 1886, viz.: Lyman HARDY, in March; Mary CHAPREL, in July; Mrs. L. R. SCRIVEN, March last, and now Mrs. HARDY. Truly, Mrs. Scriven's cup of sorrow must be full to overflowing.
Deputy SHIRLEY, of Homer, went to Fulton county, last Saturday, and returned the following day with Nora COLLINS, whose child died under suspicious circumstances near Homer, a few days since. She was brought to this village, where she was lodged in jail.
1 Jul 1887
Died. TOTMAN - In Harford, N.Y., June 13th, 1887, Lorenzo TOTMAN, aged 93 [?] years.
Died. ARNOLD - At Truxton, N.Y., June 21st, 1887, K. C. ARNOLD, aged 50 years.
Died. CRANE - In McGrawville, Tuesday, June 21, Philo J. CRANE, aged 63 years.
Died. HITCHCOCK - June 20, in Pana, Ill., Mary Polly HITCHCOCK, wife of Stephen PARKER formerly of Truxton, N.Y., aged 83 years, 6 months and 10 days.
Mrs. PARKER was eldest sister of Oliver HITCHCOCK, of this place.
Died. VAN BERGEN - In Cortland, June 27, 1887, Andrew VanBERGEN, aged 55 years.
Died. JONES - In Syracuse, N.Y., June 27, 1887, Orlando JONES, aged 60 years.
South Hill.
Once more death has darkened a home on South Hill. Phil CRANE died Tuesday June 21st, aged 63 years, of inflammation of the bowels. He leaves a wife, daughter and one son whose home is in the west. Mr. CRANE had lived on the farm where he died for nearly 50 years. Thus, within a few months four of our oldest inhabitants have passed on to meet the loved ones gone before.
8 Jul 1887
Died. PECKHAM - In Cortland on Wednesday, June 22d, Miss Maia S. PECKHAM, aged 68 years.
Died. WALKER - At Beelerville, Kansas, July 2d, 1887, M. Alida, wife of W. J. WALKER, and daughter of Mrs. Jane S. and the late Chauncey KEATER, of this place, aged 31 [?] years.
Died. WESTMORELAND - At Cortland, N.Y., July 6, 1887, C. E. WESTMORELAND, aged 36 years.
Died. GARDNER - In Marathon, June 24, 1887, Mrs. Isbon GARDNER, aged 56 years.
Christopher E. WESTMORELAND, died at his home in the Calvert Block, Wednesday morning. He was out the day before and attended the celebration in Homer on Monday.
His Head Was Crushed.
From the Cincinnatus Register.
Probably many of our readers will remember Patrick BARNES, a former resident of this place, the following account of his death we find in a Nevada paper: "Patrick BARNES, a teamster, was instantly killed near Wellington on Thursday morning of last week. After uncoupling his wagons and hauling the front one over a steep pitch, Mr. BARNES returned for the back-action, and when arriving with it at the steep place the wagon having no brake, suddenly started on and Mr. BARNES lost his footing. He fell so that the front wheel passed over his head, causing instant death.
Mr. BARNES was a good man, and highly respected by all who knew him. When the sad news was circulated at Wellington every one shed tears, even the old Indians who knew him well, set up the native wail of howl, as their expression of deep sorrow. He was between 30 and 35 years of age, and leaves a mother at Solon, N.Y., to mourn his loss.
15 Jul 1887
Here and There.
Augustus SANDERS, who was injured at Sylvan Beach, July 4th, mention of which was made in last week's Democrat, died at his home in this village, last Thursday afternoon.
Died. SANDERS - At his home on Park street, July 7, 1887, Gus SANDERS, aged 32 years and 9 months.
Died. COWAN - In Cortland, July 6, 1887, Mary COWAN, aged 50 years.
Died. DUEY - In Cortland, July 4, 1887, Mary Ann DUEY, aged 67 years.
Died. FREER - At his home on Port Watson street, Cortland, July 10, 1887, Stephen D. FREER, aged 72 years.
Died. DeBARR - At the home of his son in Groton City, July 8, 1887, Frank DeBARR, aged 70 years.
Died. MAY - In Cortland, July 11, 1887, Mrs. Eunice E. MAY, wife of J. C. MAY, aged 59 years and 6 months
Died. GOODWIN - On Monday, July 4, 1887, at her home in Homer after a long and painful illness, Mrs. Lucy W., wife of H. C. GOODWIN, aged 56 years.
Death of Stephen D. FREER.
Stephen D. FREER, a life long resident of Cortland, died at his residence on Port Watson street last Sunday aged 72 years. For many years prior to 1861, he and his brother Anthony, owned the Cortland Foundry and Machine shops and the large hardware store on Port Watson street where a very large business was transacted. They also bought large quantities of wood and other products of the farmers of this county. In 1861, we believe, they sold the establishment to Messrs. BENTON & CHAMBERLAIN, since which time the deceased has been engaged in various pursuits. For several years he was in the coal business and a few years since built the large coal dumps now owned by MAXON & STARIN. Mr. FREER was an industrious business man, and was highly esteemed by all with whom he was acquainted. He had been about town until Friday last when he was taken with a chill, which his enfeebled system could not withstand. Funeral services were held from the house on Friday afternoon.
22 Jul 1887
Died. COLE - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., July 14th, 1887, Ray G. COLE, aged 95 years.
Died. BENTON - At the residence of her son, H. F. BENTON, in Cortland, N.Y., July 18th, 1887, Tirza Porter BENTON, aged 83 years.
Died. PECK - In Cortland, July 16, 1887, Dr. Northrup J. PECK, of Washington, D.C. aged 55 years.
Died. BROWN - At the home of her sister, Mrs. Eunice GOODALE, in Homer, Jul 18, 1887, Mrs. Margaret M., wife of the late Almon BROWN and mother of Mrs. Ida CARLEY, aged 58 years.
In Memoriam.
Mrs. Lucy W. GOODWIN died in Homer, N.Y., July 4th, aged 56 years.
Mrs. GOODWIN was born in Otsego county in this state, in the year 1831. One of a family of nine children, she inherited from her parents a strong and vigorous physical constitution, and mental powers of no mean order. The training in her home and in the schools accessible to her in her girlhood helped lay the foundations of a decided and excellent character. When about twelve years of age she removed with her family to New Berlin, Chenango county. During her residence in that town she made a public confession of her faith in Christ, and united with the Baptist church.
In 1849, when she was eighteen years of age, she came to Homer. Two years later, in August 1851, while temporarily residing with Dr. GLEASON at Forest city, she was married to H. C. GOODWIN, Esq., now of this town, who with their only child, Mrs. Otis WOODWARD, is left to mourn her departure.
It is needless to speak here to those who knew Mrs. GOODWIN, of her many excellent and attractive qualities of mind and heart. Faithful in all her relations, as a wife, a mother, a friend and neighbor, the law of her life was self-sacrifice and love. Genial and bright in conversation, endowed with a cheerful and happy temperament, she was sensitive to other's needs and sorrows, and her sympathy was ever ready to express itself in kindly ministries and attentions. Positive in her convictions, and decided and resolute in her action, such was her care for other's feelings and wishes that the grace of womanly tact and gentleness was conspicuous in all her words and ways.
Her heroic putting of herself last, and honoring first the calls of others, and especially the claims of a dying sister, undoubtedly hastened the development of the disease which terminated her life. Her later months were filled with sufferings protracted, intense, and at times excruciating. But she bore all with christian patience and submission. Everything was done for her help and comfort that five different physicians could suggest, or that loving friends could perform. Appreciative of it all, and grateful to everyone that tried to minister to her welfare, she yet realized that her case was beyond the reach of remedies, and calmly and trustfully made her preparations for her departure. She gave minute and particular directions for her funeral, and committed herself and her dear ones to the love and care of her Heavenly Father. In this spirit she met in peace the summons that called her away from the scenes of earth.
For her the day on which the independence of our nation was celebrated became the day of her emancipation from pain and sickness and weary languishing, and of entrance upon the liberty and joy open to the soul freed from earth and welcomed to Heavenly felicity.
Appropriate funeral services were held at the family residence on July 6th, and were attended by a good number of friends and acquaintances. Numerous letters of condolence received by Mr. GOODWIN show that the number of those who knew the departed but to love and respect her, yet could not be present on the occasion of her funeral, was even larger than the company convened there. The singing by the choir and the address by Rev. Dr. ROBINSON were in perfect keeping with the thought that the christian's dying is but going home. Of that home, a stanza selected by the daughter of Mrs. GOODWIN well affirms:
"Tis the land of our God, 'tis the home of the soul,
Where the ages of splendor eternally roll,
Where the way-weary traveller reaches the goal
On the Evergreen Mountains of Life."
Mrs. PERRY, mother of Mrs. Rodolph PRICE, was found dead in bed, on the morning of the 12th inst. While she had been in poor health for some time, she had not been confined to the bed, and her death was entirely unlooked for and is supposed to have been caused by cancer. Deceased had made it her home with Mr. PRICE for some years, and was held in esteem by those who knew her. She was aged nearly sixty-five years.
Death of Nathan Salisbury.
Nathan SALISBURY, one of the oldest residents of the pioneers of this county, died at his residence in Cold Brook in the town of Homer, last Saturday, aged 94 years. In his earlier years he was quite an extensive real estate owner, and the farm where he died was always kept in fine condition. The house, which was located on a high piece of ground, was surrounded by fine fruit trees, and the yard was literally covered with flowers. For some years past, by reason of infirmities, Mr. SALISBURY was unable to give that attention to the surroundings of his elegant home that they required. He leaves quite a large family of children. He was the father of B. J., M. L., and W. W. SALISBURY of Homer, and Dr. John H. SALISBURY of New York.
29 Jul 1887
Blodgett's Mills.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. BROWN was buried last week Wednesday.
Died. GRANT - In Freetown, Wednesday, July 20th, 1887, Mrs. Ziby GRANT, aged 79 years.
Died. BIERCE - In Glen Haven, N.Y., July 20, 1887, Chauncey W. BIERCE, of Scott, N.Y., aged 78 years.
Emory STEELE, of German, formerly of this place, died on Friday, aged 16 years.
5 Aug 1887
Died. STEELE - In Cuyler, N.Y., July 23, 1887, Emory STEELE, aged 15 years.
Died. MARVIN - In Cortland, N.Y., July 27, 1887, of diphtheria, Mrs. H. Grace MARVIN, aged 23 years.
Died. SMITH - At Cortland, N.Y., August 1st, 1887, Allen B. SMITH, aged 71 years.
Died. BURGHARDT - In Cortland, July 27th, 1887, Andrew BURGHARDT, aged 4 years 3 months.
Died. YATES - At her home in Cortland, July 31st, 1887, Lucinda YATES, aged 62 years.
Died. BLANCHARD - In Taylor, July 21, 1887, Mrs. John BLANCHARD, aged 42 years.
Died. BECKWITH - In Cincinnatus, July 22d, 1887, Samuel BECKWITH, aged 64 years.
Died. CARPENTER - In Homer, July 24, 1887, Meriva CARPENTER, widow of Eli CARPENTER, aged 85 years.
Died. KINNARNEY - In Solon, Thursday, July 21, 1887, Mrs. Ann KINNARNEY, aged 40 years. Interment in Solon cemetery.
12 Aug 1887
Died. BARKER - At his home on Grant street, Aug. 4th, 1887, George L. BARKER, aged 52 years.
Died. FULTS - In Summer Hill, on the 13th ult., Joshua FULTS in the 67th year of his age.
Died. FISKE - In this village, August 3, Mrs. Eliza Loring FISKE, wife of David FISKE, deceased, aged nearly 87 years.
Mrs. FISKE and her husband moved into this town in 1820.
Died. HATFIELD - In Cortlandville, N.Y., July 19, 1887, Ira HATFIELD, aged 86 years.
Died. SQUIRES - In Lapeer, N.Y., August 4th, 1887, of cholera infantum, Christina J., infant daughter of Jerome and Donnie SQUIRES of Cortland, aged 4 months and 2 days.
Died. MAYHEW - In Cortland, August 5, 1887, of cholera infantum, Maude Emogene, infant daughter of R. W. and S. A. MAYHEW, aged nine months.
Little York.
In the death of H. W. BEAL, of Cortland this community feels a more than usual interest. He lived for years in Scott so near to us as to mingle in many of our festivities and literary treats of the Lyceum. He was a genial companion and the "store-full" was always in a roar when BEAL was in for an evening's chat. Many from here attended the funeral and more would have gone but for the impression that it was an invited occasion. The family have our sympathy in their bereavement.
Mrs. Harriet HENRY, wife of Alexander HENRY, committed suicide by hanging at her home in East Scott, last week Wednesday. She is said to have been insane. - Coroner BRADFORD held an inquest and the jury found in accordance with the above facts.
Isaac FORSHEE, an old and esteemed citizen of this place, died at the residence of his son, Walter FORSHEE, at Willett, on Tuesday morning, at the ripe old age of 89 years. The funeral was held at the Baptist church in this place on Thursday afternoon.
Crushed Under The Wheels.
Addison Stewart Run Over and Killed by a Train
on the E., C. & N. Railroad.
Last Tuesday morning the mangled body of a man was found at the head of the switch on the E., C. & N. road, about 275 feet south of the crossing on Railroad street. The body was so horribly mutilated and mangled that it could not be identified. About 9 A.M., Mr. Eli COLEGROVE, who boards at the Arnold House, heard the particulars and knowing that Addison STEWART, the hostler at the hotel had not appeared that morning, he and landlord HODGE went to the scene of the accident. The keys of the hotel barn were found on his person and they were also able to identify him by his clothing. He was evidently struck by the engine near the crossing, and dragged or pushed along the rails to the switch where the body was thrown to one side. The fingers of one hand were cut off near where he was struck. But very little blood was found from that point to where the body lay. The head was very nearly severed from the body, and little was left of it except the lower part of the face. One arm was torn in pieces and nearly every bone in his body was broken. In the hand that was uninjured was a plug of tobacco. Coroner BRADFORD of Homer, was notified and the following jury was empanelled: L. V. SMITH, M. E. RICE, Patrick DUNN, E. D. MALLERY, G. S. EDWARDS, J. B. LEONARD and J. R. EASTMAN. The remains were taken to Firemen's Hall where the inquest was held. Two or three witnesses were sworn from whom it was ascertained that he was seen on Main street a little past 10 o'clock the evening previous, in a somewhat intoxicated condition. The inquest was adjourned until this morning, when further testimony will be taken.
He had been at work at the Arnold House for a month past and had signified his intention of quitting on Monday night. Previous to coming here he had worked in the timber mills for Lee CALKINS, in Haights Gulf, for a month or so. His home was in Georgetown, Madison county, and he came to Cuyler last fall where he worked for farmers for a month or so, in a place, until he went to work for CALKINS. STEWART was about 45 years of age, and was a single man.
19 Aug 1887
Died. BEAL - In Cortland, N.Y., August 5, 1887, Henry W. BEAL, aged 48 years.
Died. CRONIN - In Cortland, N.Y., August 15, 1887, William CRONIN, aged 65 years.
Died. WATSON - In Homer, N.Y., August 15, 1887, Joseph WATSON, aged 51 years.
Died. TILLINGHAST - In Vining, Clay county, Kansas, August 2, 1887, Martha J. TILLINGHAST, formerly of Solon, aged 48 years.
Died. SCHERMERHORN - In Montclair, N. J., August 12th, 1887, Grace Schuyler, infant daughter of George J. and Isabel S. SCHERMERHORN, and grand-daughter of J. M. SCHERMERHORN, of Homer.
Died. BURGESS - In Cortlandville, N.Y., August 12, 1887, Mrs. Polly BURGESS, aged 74 years.
Blodgett's Mills.
The Rev. Mrs. S. BURGESS died last Friday morning. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at her home. Rev. Mr. ROBERTSON of Homer preached a very effective sermon. A large number of friends from Cortland and McGrawville were present.
26 Aug 1887
Died. LESTER - In Cortland, N.Y., August 21, 1887, Mary Ellen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George T. LESTER, aged 4 months and 2 days.
Died. DUTCHER - In Cortland, N.Y., August 17th, 1887, Hiram DUTCHER, aged 84 years and 5 months.
Died. DELAVAN - In Cortland, N.Y., August 24th, Arthur DELAVAN, aged 30 years.
Funeral Saturday at 2 P.M. in the M. E. Church.
Died. MILLER - In Alpine, N.Y., August 16, 1887, Miss Irene MILLER, aged 73 years.
Died. OUTT - In Preble, August 12, 1887, of cancer of the liver, Maria Collier, wife of M. M. OUTT, aged 70 years.
Died. FORSHEE - At his residence in Willett, Thursday, August 11, 1887, Isaac FORSHEE, aged 91 years. Interment was made in the McGrawville cemetery.
Died. STONE - In Homer, Saturday, August 13, 1887, Mrs. Jacob T. STONE, aged 81 years.
Died. PHILLIPS - In Homer, Tuesday, August 16th, 1887, Mrs. Orin PHILIPS [sic], aged 73 years.
2 Sep 1887
Died. NYE - In Owego, N.Y., August 15, Ernest, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. NYE, formerly of Cortland, aged 16 months.
Died. STILLMAN - In California, August 12th, 1887, of typhoid pneumonia, Miss Myra STILLMAN, of Scott, N.Y.
Died. PALMER - In Detroit, Mich., August 22, 1887, of cancer, Earl R. PALMER, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ransford PALMER, of Cortland, aged 48 years.
Died. GRAVES - In Cortland, N.Y., August 26, 1887, Lester GRAVES, aged 80 years and 3 months.
Died. MIX - In Cortland, N.Y., August 29, 1887, of typhoid fever, Mrs. Mary E. MIX, aged 55 years and 3 months.
Died. GRANT - In Freetown, N.Y., August 28, 1887, Eddie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett GRANT, of Cortland, aged 4 years and 4 months.
Died. LITTLETON - In Cortland, N.Y. August 30, 1887, Kittie, daughter of Patrick and Mary LITTLETON, aged 17 months.
Died. DECKER - At his home in Flint, Michigan, of typhoid fever, Willie Sherman DECKER, aged 28 years.
He was son of James L. and Maria DECKER, formerly of McGrawville.
Died. CHAMPLIN - In Summer Hill, N.Y., August 23, 1887, Howard Robbins, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry CHAMPLIN of Cortland, N.Y.
Here and There.
Last Tuesday, Mrs. Patrick LITTLETON, who resides near the fair grounds, north of this village, had occasion to come down town and left her little seventeen months old daughter Katie, in charge of a sister who was visiting her. The sister had occasion to go to the upper part of the house for a few minutes, and left the child in the kitchen. When she returned the child was missing. A tub of water, covered with a board, stood near the back door, and the child was found in the tub. Although there were signs of life when the child was taken out, she could not be resuscitated.
9 Sep 1887
Died. WHITNEY - In Homer, August 24th, 1887, Mrs. Melissa WHITNEY, mother of Henry M. WHITNEY, aged 63 years.
Died. McAULIFF - In Cortland, Tuesday, August 30th, 1887, Miss Nora McAULIFF, aged 23 years.
Died. HOWE - At his home on Owego St., in Cortland, Tuesday, September 6, 1887, Mr. Lemyl HOWE, aged 74 years.
Died. SANDERS - In Cortland, Sunday, September 4, 1887, Glenn SANDERS, aged 20 years.
Died. HUNTINGGTON - In Cortland, September 5th, 1887, Mrs. Laura HUNTINGTON, aged 80 years and 2 months.
Died. SHATTUCK - In Cincinnatus, August 24, 1887, David T. SHATTUCK, aged 68 years.
Died. ALABASTER - In Canandaigua, September 7, 1887, of heart disease, Rev. John ALABASTER, a former pastor of the M. E. church in this village.
16 Sep 1887
Died. GOODELL - In Homer, September 10, 1887, Charles B. GOODELL, aged 74 years.
Died. KENFIELD - In Cortland, N.Y., September 12th, 1887, Riley KENFIELD, aged 51 years.
Died. TANNER - In Cortland, N.Y., September 14, 1887, Annie TANNER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. TANNER, aged 27 years.
Died. WRIGHT - At his late home on Tompkins street, Monday, September 12th, 1887, Edward WRIGHT, aged 21 years.
Died. PURCELL - In Cortland, September 11th, 1887, Mathew, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas PURCELL, aged 10 months.
Died. WITHEY - In Cortland, September 5, 1887, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. WITHEY.
Died. SCUDDER - In Cortland, September 12, 1887, Nellie SCUDDER, aged 3 years.
Died. VAN CAMP - In Cortland, September 14, 1887, Samuel C. VanCAMP, aged 50 years.
Died. SMITH - In Cortland, September 14, 1887, Harvey Crandall, only son of Mrs. M. O. SMITH, aged 12 years and 3 months.
Funeral from the house No. 63 Clinton Ave., on Saturday at 2 P.M.
Died of Heart Disease.
At about one o'clock last Monday, Riley KENFIELD, whose residence is on Clinton Avenue just east of the S. & B. railroad track, saw a team, without a driver, coming down the avenue at a brisk trot and stepping into the highway in front of them he swung his hat and stopped them. Taking the horses by the bits he commenced turning them about when he was seen to drop to the ground. Several carpenters who were working with him in repairing Mr. D. C. BLISS's residence immediately went to him and found that he was dead. He was carried to his home only a few rods from the place where he fell, and Drs. HUGHES and BENNETT summoned, but their services were not needed. There were no marks on his person and those who saw him when he stopped the team say that he was not hit in any manner and it is supposed that the cause of his death was heart disease. Less than fifteen minutes before he was stricken, he left his home, after eating a hearty dinner, apparently as well as ever. He was a carpenter by trade, and he was a very industrious and highly respected citizen. About six years ago he left his farm near East Homer and moved to this place. He leaves a wife, two sons and two daughters to mourn his loss.
Dr. John B. BENTON died at Owego, Sunday morning, Sept. 11, 1887, age 76 years. Born in Virgil, Cortland Co., studying his profession here at Cortland, he graduated in Madison in 1842. He began practising the healing art in Spencer, Tioga Co., where he married a daughter of Judge FISHER. Afterward he returned to Owego and for a while lived on a farm at Tioga Centre where he also responded to calls in his profession. Twice married he leaves two children by his first wife and one by the latter. While he lived among us he was noted for his urbanity and integrity and made many warm friends. His pen was often employed on political, social, poetical or medical subjects and there never lived a warmer friend, more ardent patriot or sincere christian or more genial citizen, than our lamented friend who will on Tuesday next at 12 M. find his resting place at his early home, Spencer.
Mrs. Sally Clow GREEN, widow of Hon. Timothy GREEN, of this town, died on Thursday morning. Funeral on Saturday.
23 Sep 1887
Died. PIERCE - In Cortland, N.Y., Sept. [illegible], 1887, Newton[?] PIERCE, aged 13[?] years.
Died. PHILLIPS - At the home of [illegible], in Cortland, Monday, September 19[?], 1887, Mrs. Sarah Edmonds[?] PHILLIPS, aged 60 years.
Died. SMITH - In Cortland, Sept. 20, 1887, Lorenzo SMITH, aged 76 years.
Fatal Accident.
Wells I. BROWN, a carpenter and an old resident of Homer, was instantly killed at the Clinton street crossing at that village, by the south bound passenger train on the S. B. & N. Y. R. R. shortly before 11 o'clock yesterday morning. He was chasing a kitten which had escaped from him and stepped off of one track on which a freight train was approaching and onto the track in front of the passenger train. Mr. BROWN was born near the Marl Pond, and we learn was past 60 years of age. He leaves a wife. - Cortland Standard.
30 Sep 1887
Died. RANDALL - At the home of her grand-father, James M. RANDALL, in Lisle, N.Y., September 22, 1887, Hazel Louise, daughter of H. Clinton and Anna E. RANDALL, of Syracuse, aged two years. Interment at Cortland.
Died. TOWER - At his late residence in Homer, on Saturday, September 17, 1887, Mr. Charles TOWER, aged 68 years.
Die. CHOLLAR - In Redwood Falls, Minn., September 26, 1887, Henry D. CHOLLAR, aged 41 years.
Mr. CHOLLAR was a son of Thos. D. CHOLLAR of Homer.
7 Oct 1887
Died. HOWARD - In Harford Mills, N.Y., October 2, 1887, Eliza Ann HOWARD, in the 56th year of her age. Mrs. HOWARD was a sister of Mr. PRICE, and Lewis and Sylvester DAVIS of Cortland. She had three other brothers all living in Cortland county.
Died. NASH - In Homer, N.Y., September 29, 1887, Mrs. Lewis NASH, aged 73 years.
Died. TRACY - In Homer, N.Y., September 26, 1887, Leander TRACY, aged 85 years.
Died. FORREST - In Cortland, N.Y., October 1, 1887, of dropsy of the heart, William FORREST, aged 79 years and 6 months.
Died. SNIDER - In Cortland, N.Y., October 3, 1887, of heart disease, Charles P. SNIDER, aged 60 years and 11 months.
Died. HART - In Homer, N.Y., October 4, 1887, Mrs. Clarissa Sykes HART, aged 65 years.
Died. STOCKWELL - In Marathon, N.Y., October 1, 1887, W. E. STOCKWELL, aged 58 years.
Died. WELLAND - In Cortland, N.Y., October 5, 1887, Henry E. WELLAND, aged 51 years.
Nearly Cut in Twain.
Last Friday morning while Henry E. WELLAND was assisting another workman at a circular saw in the Hitchcock Mf'g Company's shops, his clothing became entangled in the saw and he was drawn on to the same and fearfully cut. His abdomen was terribly gashed, his left arm nearly sawed in twain and his left leg badly cut. Drs. WHITE, HUGHES AND NASH, were called and his injuries were dressed. WELLAND'S wounds were doing well, but the shock to his system was too great and he died at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening. He was 52 years of age and leaves no family except a son who lives in Dakota.
Little York.
Mrs. Jane MARKHAM, aged 66 years, relict of the late Hiram MARKHAM, died Monday of cancerous affection of the stomach. She was only confined to the house one week. Funeral from her late residence Wednesday. Interment at Preble cemetery.
An infant child of Mr. Fred HOLLENBECK died last week.
Killed by the Cars.
It is our painful duty to chronicle another of those terrible accidents which are of such common occurence, but that, in many instances, might be avoided, if proper precaution and warning were taken by those who are made the unfortunate victims of them. The accident happened last Monday morning, on the north bound train which reaches this station at 6:12. It seems that a young student, about 19 years of age, by the name of Eddie C. HAYES, of Marathon, was on his return to this place, where he had been attending the Normal. Wishing to reach his boarding place at Mrs. Barnes', on Blodgett street, by the nearest possible route, he jumped from the train, which was running at the rate of about twenty miles an hour. The leap was made from the coach next to the sleeper, as the train neared Blodgett street, a few rods north of the E., C. & N. junction. He struck on his feet, and then fell forward and in such a manner that the car wheels passed over his right leg, cutting and lacerating it so badly that it had to be amputated just above the knee. The left foot was also badly crushed. The operation was performed in the afternoon by Dr. HYDE, assisted by Drs. WHITE, GREEN and BENNETT. He was placed under the influence of chloroform, but never recovered consciousness, and died at about 10 o'clock on Tuesday morning. His remains were taken to Marathon, where the funeral services were held yesterday afternoon. He was a son of E. W. HAYES, of that village, and was highly respected.
He was quite a favorite in the Normal, and a large number of students attended the funeral. The 2d Latin class contributed a wreath of flowers with the word "Vale" in the centre. Friends outside gave a star with the word "Ed" in centre, a wreath and four dozen Niphetus and Marshal Neil roses. The second Latin class attended in a body. The following were the pall bearers: Gentlemen - Geo. BARNARD, Mr. BACHMAN, Bert SAGER, Fred. SAGER, Dana FOLEY, and Mr. WILLIAMS. Ladies - Louise BENJAMIN, Laura HUSTED, Lottie VanHOESEN, Jessie MITCHELL, Hattie KINNER, and Mamie ROGERS.
14 Oct 1887
Died. RANDALL - At her residence in Scott Thursday, September 22, 1887, Mrs. Robert RANDALL.
Died. CULVER - In Cuyler, N.Y., September 23, 1887, of disease of the brain, Mrs. Marsa CULVER, aged 72 years, 2 months and 4 days.
Died. ALVORD - At the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. J. MILLS, on Sunday, October 2d, 1887, Mrs. Wm. ALVORD, aged 70 years.
Died. SHEARER - At her home in McGrawville, Friday, September 23, 1887, Sally SHEARER, aged 72 years.
Died. BONNEY - In Homer, N.Y., Thursday, September 15, 1887, Emma L. BONNEY, aged 43 years and 10 months. Interment made in McGrawville cemetery.
Died. TORRY - At the home of his parents, in McGrawville, N.Y., Wednesday, October 5, Tracy TORRY, aged 17 years.
Died. POOLE - In Amesbury, Mass., October 4, 1887, of heart disease, Mrs. Anna M. POOLE, M.D. aged 57 years.
Died. NIX - In Cortland, N.Y., October 7, 1887, Carrie Isabel NIX, aged 17 years.
Died. HOPKINS - In Cortland, N.Y., October 11, 1887, Bessie L., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene HOPKINS, aged 22 months.
Died. HULL - In Chicago, Ill., October 10, 1887, Mrs. John H. HULL, formerly of Cortland, aged 50 years and 9 months. Funeral from the residence of C. W. STOKER at 11 o'clock Saturday morning.
Died. JOHNSON - At his residence at Ellenville, Orange County, N.Y., September 23, 1887, Charles JOHNSON, aged 83 years.
Died. THOMAS - In Cortland September 24, 1887, Bessie J. THOMAS, aged 5 years.
Presented to Dan and Ellen on the Death of Little Bessie, By Mrs. H. KELLY. September 24, 1887.
Little Bessie and the Way in Which She Fell Asleep.
Hug me closer, closer mother,
Put your arms around me tight!
I am cold and tired, mother,
And I feel so strange tonight;
Something hurts me here, dear mother,
Like a stone upon my breat;
Oh! I wonder, wonder mother,
Why it is I cannot rest.
All day long while you were working,
As I lay upon my bed;
I was trying to be patient,
And to think of what you said;
How the kind and blessed Jesus
Loves his lambs to watch and keep;
And I wished He'd come and take me
In his arms that I might sleep.
"Just before the lamp was lighted,
Just before the children came,
While the room was very quiet,
I heard someone call my name,
And at once the window opened
In a field were lambs and sheep.
Some from out a brook was drinking,
Some were lying fast asleep.
"But I could not see the Savior,
"Though I strained my eyes to see;
And I wondered if he saw me,
Would he speak to such as me?
In a moment I was looking
On a world so bright and fair,
Which was full of little children,
And they seemed so happy there."
"They were singing, oh! so sweetly;
Sweeter songs I never heard."
They were singing sweeter, mother,
Than can sing our yellow bird,
And while I my breath was holding,
One so bright upon me smiles;
I knew it must be Jesus
When he said, "Come here, my child."
"Come up here, my Bessie;
Come up here and live with me
Where the children never suffer,
But are happier than you see!"
Then I thought of all you told me
Of that bright and happy land;
I was going when you called me,
When you came and kissed my hand.
"And at first I felt so sorry
You had called me; - I would go -
Ah! to sleep and never suffer!
Mother don't be crying so!
Hug me closer, closer, mother,
Put your arms around me tight!
Oh! how much I love you mother,
But I feel so strange tonight.
And the mother pressed her closer
To her over-burdened breast;
On the heart so near to breaking
Lay the heart so near its rest.
At half past ten in the evening,
In the darkness calm and deep,
Lying on her mother's bosom
Little Bessie fell asleep!
The funeral services of Eddie HAYES, who lost his life jumping from the cars at Cortland, was held at the Baptist church in this village, on Thursday of last week. A large assemblage gathered to witness the last sad rites. The Marathon Cornet Band, of which he was a member, came out in a body and escorted the remains to the grave. Some fifty Normal students wee in attendance, six of the class acting as pall-bearers. Some elegant floral emblems presented by different bodies of friends and schoolmates were tastefully arranged about the altar. Rev. E. Woodward BROWN, assisted by Rev. E. N. SABIN, officiated at the funeral. The day was quite stormy and unpleasant, and the streets exceedingly muddy.
Mrs. John H. HULL, of Chicago, Ill., formerly of this place, died quite suddenly in that city last Monday. The remains arrived in Cortland on Wednesday.
Bessie, the little two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene HOPKINS died Tuesday morning after a few days illness. The cause of her death was the lodging of a peanut in the wind-pipe, which was so far down the throat that the best medical skill could not extract it.
21 Oct 1887
Mrs. Melvin WAVLE is very low, and her death is momentarily expected. P.S. - Mrs. WAVLE died this (Monday) afternoon.
Oct. 18. - Our town was thrown into the wildest excitement at 1 o'clock P.M., today, by the announcement that Patrick KERRIGAN had been crushed to death. Your reporter at once possessed himself of the full particulars, which are substantially as follows: Mr. KERRIGAN was present at the raising of a building on the farm occupied by John BYRON, 1 3/4 miles northeast of this village. When the last bent was nearly in position, Mr. KERRIGAN, John R. MAYBURY and Daniel MORRIS stepped to the opposite side to prevent it from falling over. They did not succeed, however, and the bent fell with a crash across Mr. Kerrigan's hips and body, crushing him to the earth. As soon as possible the timbers were lifted from his body and he was carried to his home, one mile distant. He was able to converse with his friends, but death came to his relief at 1 o'clock P.M. The accident is a sad one, but no blame can be attached to any one. Mr. MAYBURY barely escaped being crushed, and Mr. MORRIS lifted on the pike pole with which he was striving to hold the falling bent until it broke in twain. The funeral will be held at the Catholic church in this place, at 10 A.M., on Friday. The deceased was 65 years of age, a devoted husband and father, a kind and obliging neighbor, and leaves a wife and three daughters to cherish his memory.
Blodgett's Mills.
An infant grandchild of Rufus BROWN, a former resident of this place, was brought here from Great Bend, Pa., on Tuesday afternoon for burial.
Died. COLLINS - At his home in Cortland, October 14, 1887, James COLLINS, aged 81 years.
Died. WILLIAMS - In Spencer, Mass., October 14, 1887, Mrs. J. T. WILLIAMS, aged 65 years.
Died. ATWATER - At her home in Homer village on Sunday morning, October 9th, Miss Emily ATWATER, aged 80 years.
Died. FOSMER - At his home in Homer village, on Tuesday morning, Silas FOSMER, aged 24 years.
Died. TUCKER - In South Cuyler, October 7, 1887, of ulceration of the bowels, Charles TUCKER, aged 25 years.
Dr. Frederick Hyde.
In the death of Dr. Frederick HYDE, which occurred last Saturday morning, this community has met with a loss that will not soon be supplied. Nor is the loss confined alone to this community or our immediate surroundings, for his field of labor extended for many leagues from his quiet home in Cortland. His reputation for skill and learning in his chosen profession had long since passed far beyond the bounds of the state in which he lived, and as it had genuine merit for its foundation it will not soon be forgotten. The loss which the medical profession at large has sustained in his death will be sorely felt. His long and active life has been almost entirely devoted to his profession and he often gave his brethren the results of his studies and researches in carefully prepared papers, which were published in some of the Medical Journals, or more frequently read before meetings of the many societies of which he was a member and which were afterwards printed in their reports. As a surgeon he was especially eminent and his calls to perform difficult and dangerous operations were frequent and often of a great distance from home. That he was entitled to all the praise in this branch of the profession, his uniform success, where success was possible under any circumstances, abundantly proves. "Who will take his place?" is a question that has been often asked since his death, but as yet we have heard no answer.
As a man, Dr. HYDE was nearly complete. He was at times decided and rather brusque in statement, but in his bosom was as warm a heart as mortal man ever possessed. He was a man of decided opinions, and was not easily agued [argued?] away from his convictions, and this characteristic gave his manners undoubtedly that air of sternness sometimes noticed, yet he was always affable and pleasant to all. When his professional duties permitted, he was a regular attendant at all services in the Presbyterian church, of which he had long been one of the elders, and that he was a sincere Christian his whole life proved. The poor always had his best services without fee or reward, and many who were able, forgot that the laborer was worthy of his hire. He was so bound up in his profession and so intent on alleviating the sufferings of others that his own needs were lost sight of. He was a most remarkable specimen of physical as well as mental manhood. For over fifty years he was engaged in the active practice of his profession in this village, and rarely lost a day. He was, in fact, one of the most industrious men to be found in town, and those who knew him best wondered if he ever rested. Such a strong constitution is rarely met with, and it was undoubtedly kept vigorous by his temperate habits and cheerful disposition. He was indeed a grand old man.
Dr. HYDE was born in Whitney's Point, Broome Co., N.Y., January 27, 1807. He acquired a good education from private tutors and commenced teaching at the age of fifteen. In 1831 he commenced reading medicine in the office of Dr. Hiram MOE, at Lansing, N.Y., afterward with Dr. Horace BRONSON at Virgil. He joined the Cortland County Medical Society in 1833, and graduated from Fairfield Medical college in 1836. A few months later he entered into partnership with Dr. Miles GOODYEAR, whose daughter, Elvira, he married January 24th, 1838, and who still survives him. In 1841 he attended the meeting of the N.Y. State Medical Society and read a paper on fevers. In 1854 he was appointed professor of obstetrics and diseases of women in the Geneva Medical College and a year later held the chair of surgery in the same institution. In 1872 the college was closed and he became professor of surgery in the medical department of the Syracuse University which office he held at the time of his death. He was a member of the Southern Central Medical Association of New York and of the N.Y. State Medical Society and had been president of both. He was one of the original members of the American Medical Association. He was also one of the founders of the New York Medical Association organized in 1884. He was delegated to the International Medical Congress held in Philadelphia in 1876, and was a delegate and attended the meeting of the British Medical Association held in Belfast in 1884. He was appointed by Gov. CLEVELAND, trustee of the N.Y. State Idiot Asylum at Syracuse to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Horatio SEYMOUR. He was president of the board of Trustees of the old Cortlandville Academy for eighteen years, and upon the death of Henry S. RANDALL was chosen president of the board of trustees of the State Normal school in this place. He was elected president of the Cortland Savings bank in 1876 and was a trustee of the Franklin Hatch Library association. He attended the International Medical Congress held in Washington a few weeks since, and read a paper on "Gun shot Wounds" that was highly appreciated. He leaves two children, Dr. Miles G. HYDE and Miss Augusta HYDE.
The funeral services were held at his late residence on Tuesday afternoon. The attendance was very large. Nearly all the physicians in this county and many from abroad testified their respect and esteem by their presence. The floral offerings were many and elegant. Rev. J. L. ROBERTSON preached an eloquent discourse and prayers were offered by Rev. J. A. ROBINSON.
28 Oct 1887
Blodgett's Mills.
Nelson FLETCHER, who resides about two miles from this place, was stricken with paralysis Saturday morning, while turning a fanning mill for Ezra ELDRIDGE. He remained unconscious until his death, which occurred Monday morning. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. W. J. CARTER, of this place, Wednesday afternoon, at the residence of Mr. Ezra ELDRIDGE.
The funeral of Mrs. Delia WAVLE was held at her late residence Wednesday, Rev. M. J. OWEN officiating.
Died. TORRY - In McGrawville, N.Y., Saturday, October 8, 1887, Merrit TORREY [sic], aged 12 years and 9 months.
Died. COLLINS - In Cortland, N.Y., October [illeg.], 1887, Mr. Mortimer COLLINS, aged 72 years and [illeg.] months.
Died. COLLINS - In Cortland, N.Y., October 12[?], 1887, Jabez COLLINS, aged 81 years.
Died. HAIGHT - In East Homer, N.Y., October [illeg.], 1887, William W. HAIGHT, aged 72 years.
4 Nov 1887
Death of Charles H. Parker.
Charles H. PARKER, an esteemed citizen of this place died suddenly last Sunday morning of heart disease. Mr. PARKER had been a resident of this village for many years and was one of the best known and most highly respectable citizens of this place. He had been in his usual health until some time last week when he was taken ill. He was so much better however on Saturday that his friends were notified that he was out of danger. He arose on Sunday morning and ate his breakfast and apparently was feeling quite well but a few moments after he settled back in his chair dead. The funeral was held from the residence of B. E. MILLER on Tuesday and the remains were taken to Hamilton by special train on the same day. Mr. PARKER was 70 years of age.
Word was received here last week of the death of William LEIBER, a few days since, at his home in New Jersey. Mr. LEIBER will be remembered by many as a former resident of this place until about twenty years ago, when he removed to Atlantic Co., N. J., where he has since resided, excepting two or three years, which he spent in this place. He leaves an only daughter to mourn his loss, besides many other relatives in this place.
11 Nov 1887
Mrs. Burdette FULLER died this (Tuesday) morning, of consumption, after a long and lingering illness. Aged forty years.
Mr. Franklin HATCH, founder of the Franklin Hatch Library of this village, died suddenly of heart disease on Wednesday.
Died. HATCH - In Cortlandville, Nov. 9, 1887, of heart disease, Franklin HATCH, aged 75 years.
Funeral from his residence at South Cortland, Saturday, at 2:30 P.M.
The funeral of Patrick MALLERY, on Thursday last, was quite largely attended. A number of people from Cortland and adjoining towns were in attendance. Mr. MALLERY was one of the old pioneers of this town. He held many offices of trust in the community, and was highly respected. He was Supervisor for several terms, and will leave a vacant spot in the community that will be hard to fill. He left a wife and several brothers to mourn his loss.
11 Nov 1887 Supplement
Died. FLETCHER - Nelson S. FLETCHER, Sunday, October 23, 1887, aged 62 years.
Died. PRESTON - In East Homer, October 18, 1887, Isabelle PRESTON, aged 28 years.
Died. BLANSHAN - In Homer, N.Y., Oct. 21, 1887, of typhoid fever, Hiram BLANSHAN, aged 24 years.
Died. ATKINSON - In Truxton, N.Y., Oct. 12, 1887, Mr. George ATKINSON, aged 73 years and 5 months.
Died. HOUGHTON - In Wonsevur, Chase county, Kansas, September 27, 1887, Mrs. Clara M. HOUGHTON, aged 64 years. Deceased was a former resident of Homer, N.Y., and was a sister of Mrs. Benjamin PRICE of that town.
18 Nov 1887
Here and There.
John ELLY, aged 71 years, was instantly killed by an engine on the Southern Central railroad near Groton, last Monday morning. He leaves a wife and three children.
Died. BROWN - In Homer, Monday, October 31, 1887, Isaac BROWN, aged 58 years.
Died. MALLERY - At Marathon, N.Y., November 1st, 1887, Patrick MALLERY, aged 82 years.
Died. ALDRICH - In Preble, N.Y., October 29th, 1887, Laura ALDRICH, aged 20 years.
Died. MUNROE - In Union Valley, N.Y., October 17, 1887, Mrs. Amanda MUNROE, aged 75 years.
Died. DELLOW - In Lapeer, N.Y., October 28th, 1887, Mira DELLOW, aged 16 years.
Died. PARKER - In Cortland, N.Y., October 30, 1887, Mr. Charles H. PARKER, aged 70 years and 2 months.
Died. RORAPAUGH - In Cincinnatus, N.Y., November 6, 1887, Ransom RORAPAUGH, aged 66 years.
Died. HOWES - In Homer, N.Y., November 6, 1887, of heart disease, Mrs. Marium HOWES, aged 48 years.
Died. QUINTON - In Homer, N.Y., November 8, 1887, Prof. R. L. QUINTON, aged 65 years.
Died. STRAAT - In Homer, N.Y., November 12, 1887, Mrs. Katrina STRAAT, aged 86 years.
Died. FULLER - In Union Valley, N.Y., November 8, 1887, Christiania FULLER, wife of Burdette FULLER, aged 32 years.
Died. MORGAN - In Cortland, N.Y., November 16, 1887, of membranous croup, Florence, daughter of William H. MORGAN, aged 6 years.
Died. MEACHAM - In Willett, N.Y., November 3, 1887, Randal MEACHAM, aged 76 years.
25 Nov 1887
Died. NEWTON - In Homer village on Sunday, November 13th, Amasa B. NEWTON, aged 57 years.
Died. BARTLETT - At the home of his parents on West hill, Homer, on Sunday, November 13th, Lewis BARTLETT, son of Abner BARTLETT, aged 11 years.
Died. EVANS - At her home in East Homer, on Friday, November 11th, Mrs. Lydia M. Clark EVANS, aged 68 years.
Died. HAKES - In Homer at the residence of her son, Geo. W. HAKES, Mrs. Sarah E. HAKES, aged 65 years.
2 Dec 1887
Here and There.
Adam W. BARAGER, who is said to have been born in this place, where he lived until 17 years of age, when he moved with his parents to Camillus, and later living in Syracuse, Phelps, and finally going to Butte City, Mont., committed suicide a few days ago by jumping from the roof of a four story building in the latter place, where he resided with his wife and children. Overwork and business troubles made him insane.
Died. LIVINGSTONE - In Solon, November 30th, 1887, of heart disease, Abel LIVINGSTONE, aged 76 years.
Died. ALEXANDER - In Cortland, N.Y., November 20, 1887, Leonard ALEXANDER, aged 85 years.
9 Dec 1887
The body of Mr. Zachariah PRICE, an old resident of this town, was brought here for burial last week of whom a further notice will be given.
Died. TANNER - In Harford village, Sunday, November 27th, 1887, of typhoid fever, George C. TANNER, aged 18 years.
Died. SUMNER - December 23 [sic], at the residence of her son-in-law, E. E. WOODWARD in Winfield, Cowley county, Kansas, Mrs. Mary HOLMES, widow of Jonathan BUELL, and wife of the late E. P. SUMNER of this village, aged 62 years.
Her remains were brought to this village for burial.
Died. SQUIRES - In New York City, December 4, 1887, Alice McIntosh SQUIRES, wife of Jas. Duane SQUIRES, of New York.
Funeral services were held from Calvary Baptist Church N.Y., on Tuesday afternoon. Brief services were held at the residence of Jas. S. SQUIRES in this village on Wednesday afternoon. Interment in Cortland Rural Cemetery.
23 Dec 1887
Mrs. Jas. HILL residing about two and one half miles south of this village, was buried here on Thursday of last week. She leaves a husband, several children, mother, brothers and sisters to mourn her loss.
Died. PECK - In Homer, N.Y., December 1st, 1887, of diphtheretic croup, Alfred L., son of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. PECK, aged 9 years.
Farmer Paul Layton of Dryden, the Victim.
Beaten to Death and Robbed - Full Particulars of the Sad Affair - Result of
the Coroner's Inquest.
For many years past Paul LAYTON, a frugal and industrious citizen, has resided on a farm 2 1/2 miles south of Dryden village. Originally he purchased 135 acres, and kept adding to it until he owned a fine farm of 235 acres of land. Any one who has ever traveled the highway from Dryden to Harford, must have noticed that before reaching Dryden Lake, a road turns to the left and leads around on the east side of the lake. Taking this road, the first house on the left hand side of the road belongs to Andrew HILES, the second to George SWEETLAND, and the third to Paul LAYTON. Between the two latter and on the right hand side of the highway stands a tenant house belonging to SWEETLAND. This was unoccupied. A part of Layton's land lies in the town of Virgil. He was a bachelor 63 years of age, and had usually employed a housekeeper, but for several months past he had lived entirely alone. On Saturday last he was in Dryden village, and Mr. Horace FITTS, met him and in the presence of several well known citizens, paid him for some lumber he had purchased of him previously. The amount was $8.25. FITTS noticed that he put the 25 cent piece in one pocket and taking his purse from the other pocket, placed the bills therein. The purse had the appearance of being well filled.
Wallace GOODRICH, lives in the town of Virgil and only a short distance across lots from Layton's house. Mrs. GOODRICH formerly kept house for LAYTON and has done his washing since he has lived alone. At about 3 o'clock last Sunday afternoon, as LAYTON did not come after his washing, GOODRICH carried it to his house, which he entered, but finding no one within, concluded that LAYTON was at the barn and went there in search of him. He was not in the barn. As he left the building he saw an object lying in the barn yard near the stable door, covered with snow. He brushed the snow away and found the dead body of Paul LAYTON, cold and stiff with the back of his head crushed in. He at once gave the alarm and the excited neighbors gathered at the scene. The body was carried into the house and the proper officers were notified. An examination disclosed the fact that he had received a bad wound just above the left eyebrow, which cracked the skull and another on the back of the head smashing the skull into small fragments. Either wound was sufficient to cause death.
When found there was a very little snow under the body and it was covered by nearly the same depth of snow as on the ground, showing plainly that he was killed very soon after snow began to fall. Snow commenced falling on Saturday night at about 5 o'clock and the deed must have been committed only a few minutes after that hour. His milk pail lay on the ground only a few feet from him and the lantern with the globe smashed in small pieces was near by. One foot lay partially on the sill of the stable door, which swings inside instead of out. Blood was found on the floor just inside the door and there was blood on the door post. The milk from the pail was spilled just inside the door. It is believed that the murderer lay in wait for his victim at the stable door, and that when LAYTON came out and turned around to hook the same, struck him on the head with an iron instrument of some kind and that he fell inside the stable. The murderer evidently dragged the body out to the place where it was found, and after securing the pocket book left the premises. The 25 cent piece and a key to an old calf-skin covered trunk, wherein LAYTON kept his valuable papers, was found in one of his pockets, but the pocket book was gone. It is supposed that the book contained about $300, as about that sum is supposed to have been paid to him recently.
The crime was undoubtedly committed for the purpose of robbery. LAYTON was known to be thrifty and somewhat penurious. The help he employed on his farm as a rule were not up to the average so far as character was concerned, but it is not known that he had any enemies.
The perpetrator of the crime is not known. Indeed, there is scarcely a suspicion of any one, and the murderer left no clue behind him for the officers to work up on. Even the instrument used to inflict the wounds has not yet been found. Sheriff TIBBETTS, of Ithaca, has offered a reward of $250 for the apprehension of the murderer.
Coroner BEACH, of Etna, held an inquest on Monday which was concluded the following day. The jury found a verdict in accordance with the above facts.
Twelve dollars in coin, was found in the pantry of the house. There was nothing to show that the murderer had entered the house. In the trunk, was a bank book showing that LAYTON had $3,000 to his credit at the Cortland Savings Bank, besides other valuable papers.
Mr. J. M. PATTERSON of Hoboken, N.Y., [sic] and Mr. F. H. SMITH, of Red-Bank, N. J., nephews and next of kin of the deceased, were at once notified and came on to take charge of his effects.
The citizens of Dryden are greatly excited over this terrible crime and if the murderer was known, they would not wait for judge or jury but would undoubtedly lynch him at once. Several years ago a man was sent to prison for shooting another in that town under strong provocation, but this is the first time that a capital crime has ever been committed in the town. The murder of LAYTON, was one of the most cold blooded and brutal crimes ever committed in this section.
30 Dec 1887
Death of Mrs. D. G. CORWIN.
Mrs. Dudley G. CORWIN who died of cancer at her residence on Union street last Monday morning, had a large circle of friends and acquaintances who will sincerely mourn her death. Some months since she went to New York where she consulted some of the most eminent physicians of that city, but all agreed that she could not recover. She was the only surviving child of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur STEVENS, of this village, formerly of Freetown. She leaves four children, the youngest less than one year old.
S. W. BURVEE, after a painful illness of two months with Bright's disease, died on Monday evening. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Death of Chas. C. Taylor.
Chas. C. TAYLOR, a well known and highly respected business man, died at his home on Church street, in this village, last Tuesday morning. His death was not unexpected, as he had been ill for two or three years past, and it was well known that he could not recover. Mr. TAYLOR was born at Chester, Mass., Sept. 21st, 1821, and in 1827 moved with his father's family to Pittsfield, in the same state. His father died when he was 11 years of age, and he went to Middlefield to live with his brother-in-law on a farm. In 1841, he came to Cortland and engaged in buying wool and cattle, and while so doing lived on a farm west of this village with the father of H. B. HUBBARD, Esq. Mr. TAYLOR was treasurer of the Local Board of the Normal School from its foundation until two years ago, when ill health compelled him to resign. He was one of the trustees of the Cortland Savings Bank from the date of its organization, and was one of the original directors of the Utica, Ithaca & Cortland, and the Utica, Chenango & Cortland railroad companies. He was also a trustee of the Cortland Rural Cemetery, and of the old Cortlandville Academy.
He was next to the youngest of a family of 11 children, of whom three only are now living, viz.: William E. TAYLOR, of Binghamton, Mrs. Lucy COOK, of Huntington, Mass., and Amos S. TAYLOR, of Chester, Mass. Mr. TAYLOR leaves a widow and one son, John M. TAYLOR, Esq., Vice President of the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Hartford, Ct., and one daughter, Mrs. David Eugene SMITH, of Cortland.
Mr. TAYLOR was a man of sound judgment, and his advice and council was often sought by his neighbors in matters of business, until ill health incapacitated him. His integrity and honesty of purpose has never been questioned, and it is believed could not be. He had many friends in this community who will sadly miss him. The funeral services were held on Tuesday morning, Dec. 29th, 1887.
The sudden death of Mrs. Henry L. ROGERS of this village, on the 24th inst., plunged her family and relatives into deep mourning, and cast a gloom over the entire vicinity in which she lived. With her sister, Mrs. WARREN and other friends she had spent a part of the forenoon on Main street, making small purchases for Christmas and in anticipation of her husband's return that evening. Upon reaching her house at half past eleven, she complained of pain in her head, and while her daughter was fixing a pillow for her, she sank upon her daughter's shoulder, and remained unconscious until her death, which occurred a few minutes before the arrival of her husband on the five o'clock train. Drs. WHITE and REESE attended, but medical skill availed nothing against the insidious disease of apoplexy which so suddenly overtook her, in her usual health.
Aside from the irreparable loss to her family and relatives which her death causes, her loss will be keenly felt throughout the neighborhood and by all who knew her. Mrs. ROGERS always looked upon the bright side of her life work, was a woman loved by all, devoted to her family and friends, social, genial, and seemed happiest when contributing to the happiness and enjoyment of those around her. She was educated in the old Cortland Academy. In 1862 she was united in marriage to Mr. Henry L. ROGERS, the well known agent of the D., L. & W. W. R. R., at Cortland for a period of some twenty five years, who three years ago accepted a position in the government employ at P.O. Inspector. They have an only child, Mary D. ROGERS. Mrs. ROGERS was confirmed as a member of Grace Church some twenty years ago, did her part well in supporting its interests, cheerfully contributed to its demands, and was especially zealous in gathering funds to build the present fine church edifice. Her father, Isaac FAIRCHILD, 1797-1867, a native of Pitcher, resided at that place and Fabius and came from the latter place to Cortland in 1846 where he kept the old Eagle Hotel until it was destroyed by fire in 1862. Her mother, Mercy Penoyer FAIRCHILD, 1798-1884, a native of Lee, Mass., was raised in the family of her uncle NYE, at DeRuyter, whose sons, her cousins, were Col. Thomas NYE, and Gen. James W. NYE, ex-Governor of Nevada, and an ex-U.S. Senator. Her eldest sister Sarah, is the widow of the late Hon. Horatio BALLARD of Cortland, and her youngest sister Mary F., is the wife of Capt. George L. WARREN, a merchant of Cortland. One brother, James B. for several years an agent of the D., L. & W. R.R., at Cortland, is a travelling salesman, and her youngest brother, Zalmon, 1832-1886, died in Auduban, Iowa, where he resided.
Elijah JIPSON, of whose sickness mention was made last week, died at his residence in Union Valley, Tuesday morning, aged 70 years and 10 months. Mr. JIPSON moved into this town from Herkimer Co., many years ago, since which time he has lived in this town. He was a man who had no enemies and was well known by the people in the surrounding country for many miles around, among whom he traveled for many years selling goods. He will be remembered as a man of sterling honesty and it goes without saying that he will be missed by his neighbors and the community at large. Whenever we met him he always had a pleasant word, and to have a social chat with friends or strangers seemed to be his forte. The funeral was held Thursday the 22d.
Died. CARLIN - In Erie, Pa., on Monday, December 12, 1887, Mabelle Edith, youngest daughter of Edward M. and Etta Shaw CARLIN, aged 1 year and 12 days.
Died. BARNES - At her daughter-in-law's in Cortland, Wednesday, December 21, 1887, Mrs. Ellen BARNES, aged 75 years. Interment at Solon.
Died. TAYLOR - In Cortland, December 27th, 1887, Charles C. TAYLOR, aged 66 years.
Died. PIERCE - At the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. C. WEBB, in Homer, N.Y., December 25th, 1887, Mrs. Polly Brown PIERCE, aged 79 years.
Died. CORWIN - In Cortland, N.Y., December 26th, 1887, Mary A. CORWIN, wife of Dudley G. CORWIN, aged 38 years and 5 months.
Died. HAY - In Cortland, N.Y., December 30th, 1887, John H. HAY, aged 36 years.
Died. ROGERS - In Cortland, N.Y., December 24th, 1887, Mrs. Henry L. ROGERS, aged 51 years.
There is a long article headed Did Thomas Sullivan, the Tramp, Kill Paul Layton? which I will not copy.
Transcribed by Merton Sarvay
March-April, 2008
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