The Cortland County Democrat
6 Jan 1888
Died. CONDON - At the residence of Horace MARTIN, Freetown, N.Y., Friday, December 30, 1887, David L. CONDON, aged 47 years. Buried Sunday, January 1, 1888.
Died. JIPSON - At Union Valley, N.Y., December 20, 1887, Elijah JIPSON, aged 79 years and 10 months.
Died. HOWE - In Homer, N.Y., December 22, 1887, Mr. Henry HOWE, aged 73 years.
Died. BURVEE - In McGrawville, N.Y., December 26, 1887, Mr. Wallace BURVEE, aged 36 years.
Died. PECK - In Maple Rapids, Mich., December 29, 1887, Oren F. PECK, formerly of Cortland.
The remains of the late Charles NEFF, of East Homer, were brought here Thursday. The interment was made in Potter Hill cemetery Friday. [see Taylor item in issue of 20 January]
13 Jan 1888
Died. SALISBURY - At the home of his son, Jay J. SALISBURY, Sioux city, Iowa, December 17, 1787 [sic], Mr. Joseph M. SALISBURY, aged 81 years. Deceased was a former resident of Homer, and father of Warren SALISBURY of that place.
Died. BURVEE - In McGrawville, Monday, December 26, 1887, Wallace BURVEE, aged 36 years.
D. D. HUNT went to New York Monday, to attend the funeral of his uncle Chas. HAVENS, who died Saturday last.
< p>
The funeral services of Wm. DAVERN's wife, who died last week Tuesday, was held at the Catholic church on Saturday last. Her remains were taken to Whitney's Point for interment.
20 Jan 1888
Simon WILLARD who has been clerk at the Rogers House for over twenty years, died between five and six o'clock on Saturday morning last. He was 71 years old. The services are to be held at the hotel where Rev. E. N. SABIN will officiate, after which the body will be taken to Chenango Forks for burial. The Masonic Lodge, of which the deceased was a member, will turn out in a body and have charge of the remains. The cause of Mr. WILLARD's death was dropsy.
John A. VALENTINE, a former resident of this place, died at his home in Harford, on Thursday of last week. His remains were brought here for burial on Saturday.
We find the following in the Union Valley items of the DeRuyter Gleaner of January 11: "John CONVERSE died the 7th inst. of heart disease." He was born in Otsego county, came here in his youth with his parents and later moved on to Wisconsin, where he lived about thirty years. A little over a year ago he moved here, the WARNER brother[s] his nephews, having offered him the use of their mother's place. During the brief time he has been here, his energies have been devoted to repairing the buildings, fences, etc., and making the farm more attractive. His poor health kept him out of society, but the few who were acquainted with him, and in fact everybody who came in contact with him were intuitively conscious of his worth as a citizen and a neighbor. Had he lived until next month he would have been three score and fourteen years. A widow, his senior by a couple of years, whose days are spent in a rolling chair, a son and daughter and one sister survive him. The funeral was held Tuesday Rev. Geo. F. BUCKLEY conducting the exercises.
The remains of Charles NEFF were not buried Friday as intended but were placed in the vault at Truxton pending an investigation as something wrong was suspected. They were buried last Monday however. [see Jan 6. item.]
Died. HILL - In Bengal, Mich., January 3, 1888, of heart disease, Judge Cortland HILL, in his 77th year.
He was a brother of Mrs. P. H. PURVIS of this place.
Died. CONVERSE - In Union Valley, N.Y., January 8, 1888, John CONVERSE, in the 74th year of his age.
Died. JENKINS In Cortland, N.Y., January 5, 1888, Mrs. Harriet JENKINS, aged 65 [?] years.
Died. BROWN - In Moravia, N.Y., January 5, 1888, Mr. John R. BROWN, formerly of Cortland, aged 28 years.
Died. MATTESON - In Michigan, September 28, 1887, Eli MATTESON, aged 81 years, 4 months and 11 days.
Interment was made in Maple Rapids, by the side of his earlier wife, Polly MATTESON, of Freetown, this county.
Died. CARSON - In McGrawville, N.Y., Friday, January 6, 1888, at 1 o'clock A.M., Miss Etta J. CARSON, aged 21 years.
Died. GROSS - In McGrawville, Tuesday, January 10, 1888, Mrs. Elizabeth J. GROSS, wife of Burdette GROSS, aged 26 years.
27 Jan 1888
Died. BENNETT - In Cortland, January 25th[?], 1888, Elizabeth, wife of W. G. BENNETT, aged 31[?] years.
Died. SANDERS - In Schuyler, Nebraska, January 23[?], 1888, George E. SANDERS, aged 45[?] years.
Deceased was formerly a resident of Taylor, this county.
Died. JOSLYN [?] - At her home in Marathon, N.Y., on the 14th inst., Mrs. Louisa [?] JOSLYN [?], aged 69 [?] years.
The deceased was a former resident of Cortland, and by her mild, social and xxxx[?] xxxx[?] manners, endeared herself to a large circle of friends who will sincerely mourn her [death]. The funeral was held in Marathon, on the 17th inst., and was largely attended. Her death will be deeply felt by the community and the church to which she belonged. The relatives have the sincere sympathy of their many friends in their recent affliction.
10 Feb 1888
Died. BOYNTON - At McLean January 30, suddenly, Rev. Ari BOYNTON, aged 82 years.
Elder BOYNTON had been pastor of the Baptist church in McLean for many years, also Sempronius, Solon and Etna. Before he commenced preaching he published the McGrawville Express, at McGrawville ad removing to Greene, Chenango county he published the Chenango News.
Died. BRYANT - At Marathon January 3, 1888, Sarah L. BRYANT, aged 103 years 9 months and 1 day.
Died. KELLOGG - In this village February 7, 1888, James KELLOGG, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. KELLOGG, aged 18 years.
The funeral of Mrs. Sarah BRYANT was held at the Presbyterian church on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. BRYANT was nearly 104 years old when she died.
Mrs. E. A. BRIGHAM died at the residence of Wm. MACK, on Saturday morning last. The funeral is to be this week Wednesday.
Here and There.
Probably the largest corpse ever buried in the Willett cemetery was that of Mrs. Sarah COVEY, of that place, who died recently, and who weighed some four hundred lbs. - Cincinnatus Register.
17 Feb 1888
Mr. Orrin SMITH died suddenly at his home on Wednesday of last week. He returned from Town where, with his wife he had been spending the day. Soon after reaching home he complained of pain in the head and fell heavily to the floor in an unconscious condition. All efforts to arouse him proved unsuccessful, and he lived but a few hours. The funeral was held at the Baptist church on Saturday, Rev. D. BURROUGHS officiating.
Moses NORCOTT, an old resident of this place, died at the residence of his son Wm. NORCOTT on Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Martin MUDGE died Thursday, aged about 70 years. The funeral was held on Saturday.
Died. WELCH - In Cortland, N.Y., February 4, 1888, Mrs. Elizabeth WELCH, aged 86 years, 7 months and 26 days.
Died. GORDENNIER - In Cortland, N.Y., February 5, 1888, Mr. John GORDENNIER, aged 76 years, 1 month and 25 days.
Died. HOTCHKISS - On West Jill, in Cortland, N.Y., January3, 1888, of measles, Mr. William H. HOTCHKISS aged 52 years.
Mrs. HOTCHKISS was at Camertown, Canada, at the time of her husband's death and new [sic] nothing of it until after his burial.
Died. CONGER - In Seymour, Arizona Territory, January 13, 1888, of Pneumonia, D. Boardman CONGER, aged 50 years.
Deceased was the youngest son of Joseph CONGER, deceased formerly of Cortland.
Died. HILL - At Bengal Mich., February 6, 1888, of Neuralgia of the heart, Mrs. Lucinda HILL, aged 71 years.
The deceased was the widow of Cortland HILL, who died January 3, 1888.
Died. OWEN - In Homer, N.Y., February 11, 1888, Ina May OWEN, daughter of Wilson G. and May OWEN, aged 17 years 9 months and 8 days.
24 Feb 1888
Died. NORCOTT - In McGrawville, Tuesday, February 14, 1888, Mr. Moses NORCOTT, aged 64 years.
Died. JAMES - In the town of Cuyler, February 6, 1888, Mr. John Waterman JAMES, aged 88 years, 1 month and 4 days.
Died. BABCOCK - At her residence in Kasson, Minn., on Thursday the 26th [sic] inst., Mrs. Lydia BABCOCK, aged 82 years.
Deceased was the widow of Luke P. BABCOCK, and the mother of Oscar A. BABCOCK, of Homer village.
Died. HOBART - At the residence of her son-in-law, J. Niles KNAPP, in Syracuse, on Tuesday, February 14, Mrs. Caroline A. HOBART, widow of Manly HOBART, of Homer, aged 66 years.
2 Mar 1888
Since our last report Mrs. BAKER, aged 89 years, and Mrs. SMITH, widow of the late Harrison SMITH, have died. Funeral of Mrs. SMITH yesterday.
The wife of Melvin WINGER died on Friday last, at her residence on West Main street. She was taken to Maine, where her remains are to be interred. She leaves two little children behind.
The daughter of J. L. BROOKS was brought here from Binghamton, on Friday. She died from consumption, and her remains are to be interred in the cemetery soon as the weather will permit.
Died. PRICE - At his home near Scott, N.Y., Feb. 17, 1888, of pneumonia, Dr. Benjamin PRICE, aged 69 years.
Died. BROUGHTON - Near San Jose, Cal., Feb. 4, 1888, Mrs. Mary A. BROUGHTON, aged 66 years, 7 months and 3 days.
Mrs. BROUGTON was a sister of Mrs. L. TRACY of Homer, N.Y.
Died. MAHER - In Cortland, N.Y., February 26, 1888, of typhoid fever, Michael G. MAHER, aged 25 years.
Died. DOWD - In Cortland, N.Y., February 27, 1888, of consumption, James DOWD, aged 23 years.
Here and There.
Emerald Hose company attended in a body at the funeral of Michael MAHER, last Tuesday forenoon at St. Mary's church.
Mr. James DOWD, a highly respected young man, died of consumption at his residence, North Main street, last Monday. The funeral services were held at St. Mary's church, Wednesday, at 9 A.M.
9 March 1888
Mrs. Hudson DAVIS died last Saturday morning. The funeral services were held at her late residence on Monday at 11 A.M. She leaves a husband, two sons and a daughter, who have the heart-felt sympathy of the entire community.
The illness of Mrs. Clarisa Ballou TERPENING, wife of Wm. TERPENING, noticed in our last report, terminated in death on the 20th inst.[sic] Funeral at the house on the second inst., Rev. Mr. PURINGTON her pastor, officiating. Deceased was sixty-nine years of age, a faithful christian woman. Mr. TERPENING who has been very ill is improving slowly but is again called to mourn the death of his only son, Rev. E. D. TERPENING of Freetown, who will be brought here for burial on Tuesday and of whom we shall make further mention next week.
Mr. Asa BALLOU, of Binghamton and Mrs. Chas. BUTTS of Scott, were in attendance at the burial of their sister, Mrs. TERPENING. Mr. Reuben BUTTS and wife of Harford and Truman TERPENING and wife of Groton, were also at the funeral.
Died. MALTBIE - In Homer, on Friday, February 24, 1888, of consumption, George W. MALTBIE, aged 63 years.
Died. BLANCHARD - At her home on Cayuga street in Homer village, on Sunday afternoon, February 26, 1888, Mrs. Alvira BLANCHARD, widow of Silas BLANCHRD, aged 69 years.
Died. STROWBRIDGE - At the residence of her son in Cortland, N.Y., March 3, 1888, Mrs. Hannah STROWBRIDGE, aged 97 years, eleven months and thirteen days.
Died. VEALS - In West Homer, N.Y., Feb. 26, 1888, Frederick VEALS, aged 32 years.
Died. AYERS - In Lapeer, N.Y., Feb. 25, 1888, Darius AYERS, aged 86 years.
Died. FORD - In the Insane Asylum at Utica, N.Y., February 23, 1888, Cornelia, daughter of George and Ann E. FORD, of Willett, N.Y., aged 26 years.
Died. PHILLIPS - In Cuyler, N.Y., Feb. 27, 1888, Mrs. Phoebe PHILLIPS, aged 73 years.
Died. BARBER - In Cortland, N.Y., March 2, 1888, of dropsy, John S. BARBER, aged 63 years.
Death of John S. Barber.
The death of John S. BARBER, which occurred at his residence on Groton Avenue last Friday evening, removes one whose interests have been closely identified with those of Cortland for the past thirty years. Early last fall he was taken seriously ill and for a long time his physicians despaired of saving his life. But he lingered on supported by his magnificent constitution and the watchful care given him until last Friday evening, when silently and painlessly the end came. In the death of Mr. BARBER the town loses one of its most earnest, progressive, public-spirited citizens and the profession to which he belonged an honored member. He was at the time of his decease a member of Excelsior Hook and Ladder Co., and although he had not been able, for some years past, to be present when the company was on duty, he would not allow his name to be placed on the retired list.
The funeral services were held at Grace church Sunday afternoon, the pastor, Rev. John ARTHUR, officiating. The ceremonies were conducted by the Odd Fellows of which order he was a member. He was sixty-three years old.
[Resolutions of respect were placed on record at a meeting of the Cortland County Bar March 3, 1888.]
16 Mar 1888
The third case of death by measles occurred here last Thursday, and Patrick WALLACE was this time the victim. About two months since he was married to Miss Lizzie KERRIGAN, of Solon. He had recently rented a farm, and on the Saturday previous to his death moved into his new home, and began housekeeping on Monday. He went to the village to make some purchases, and on Thursday was dead. His unexpected death is deeply regretted, and his much afflicted young wife has the heartfelt sympathy of her many friends.
Died. LAY - In Homer, N.Y., March 10, 1888, Mary A., wife of James LAY, aged 69 years.
Died. BOUTON - In Cortland, N.Y., March 13, 1888, Mr. Z. L. BOUTON, aged 80 years.
Died. FISH - In Cortland, N.Y., March 12, 1888, Clayton D. FISH, aged 3 yeas and 4 months.
Here and There.
Last Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Z. H. BOUTON, who lived with his son, D. W. BOUTON, on Graham Ave., left the house to shovel a path. As he did not return in some time the family became alarmed and a search was begun which resulted in finding him on the floor of an outbuilding, unconscious and apparently breathing his last. Dr. ANGEL was called, but before he arrived, life was extinct. The funeral will be held this forenoon at his son's residence. The burial will be at Preble.
23 Mar 1888
The remains of the late Rev. H. BORT, formerly of this place, who has been a long sufferer from kidney trouble, who died a short time ago in Pennsylvania, were brought here and intered in the cemetery at Cheningo, a week ago last Thursday.
The funeral services of Rev. E. D. TERPENNING, was held at the M. E. Church on the 6th inst., conducted by Presiding Elder U. S. BEEBE, assisted by Revs. PURRINGTON, HARRISON and ROBERTSON, of Scott. A large number of people were present. Mr. TERPENNING was a man whose friendship we prized, having known him from boyhood days and employed him as a teacher, and sustained church relations with him. We wish to say of our deceased brother that he was always to be found a genuine christian man.
The funeral of John P. PRICE was held on Sunday, at the M. E. Church, services by Mr. HARRISON. Mr. PRICE has long been a resident of this town, and was in former years a well known business man. Of late poor health and increasing years have taken him out of business life, and required care from his family which has been cheerfully given. Deceased was a communicant of the Baptist church, and leaves a wife who is now very ill, and a family of five children all grown to man and womanhood, and occupying responsible positions in society. He was nearly 83 years of age.
Died. JAYNES - In L???ie, Ingham Co., Mich. March 4, 1888, Catherine JAYNES, formerly of Virgil, N.Y.
Died. DAVIS - In Cincinnatus, March 3, 1888, Mrs. Julia E. DAVIS, of pulmonary consumption, aged 44 years, 7 months and 14 days.
Died. EDWARDS - In Oneonta, N.Y., March 9th, 1888, Rufus EDWARDS, aged 82 years. Formerly of Cortland.
Died. ROBERTS - In Binghamton, N.Y., March 15, 1888, Fred A. ROBERTS, brother of Miss Mary L. ROBERTS, of this place.
Died. ORCUTT - In Philadelphia, Pa., February 29, 1888, Hamilton ORCUTT, aged 80 years. Formerly of Cortland.
Died. SESSIONS - In Homer, N.Y., March 6, 1888, Mr. Henry SESSIONS, aged about 65 years.
Died. HAWKS - In Bolivar, Allegany Co., N.Y., March 16, 1888, Mr. Hiram HAWKS, aged 85 years.
Formerly a resident of Cortland.
Died. KELSEY - In Cortland, N.Y., March 19, 1888,of paralysis, Rev. Alvin KELSEY, aged 87 years, 11 months and 4 days.
Died. GUTCHESS - In East Homer, N.Y., March 19, 1888, of heart disease, Mr. Willard GUTCHES [sic], aged 36 years.
30 Mar 1888
Little Bessie, only daughter of Granville and Mary BRUSIE, was buried one week ago last Sunday.
Mrs. Geo. CONKLIN, who had suffered some time with consumption, was buried last Thursday.
Mrs. Davenport CLARK, an aged resident of the town of Richford, was buried last Sunday.
All these funerals were held at the church at the Mills. Eld. PECK officiated at the first, Eld. E. TYLER at the second, and Eld. I. L. FLETCHER at the third.
Died. BATES - In Homer, N.Y., March 16, 1888, Mrs. Charles E. BATES, aged 35 years.
Died. KEELING - In Homer, N.Y., March 16, 1888, Miss Mary L. KEELING, aged 35 years.
Died. CONKLING - In Harford Mills, N.Y., March 20, 1888, Mrs. George CONKLIN, aged 29 years.
Died. WALLING - In Cortland, N.Y., March 14th, 1888, of Measles, Bertie, infant son of A. J. and Hattie WALLING, aged 10 months and 22 days.
Died. SESSIONS - In Homer, N.Y., March 6, 1888, Mr. Henry SESSIONS, aged 57 years.
Burned to Death.
Last Monday morning Josiah MARACLE, an old man residing about one mile north of Dryden started for the town, leaving his wife at home alive. Upon his return he found the door locked but as it was her custom to do this he was not alarmed until he found that his repeated knocking brought no response. After a few minutes he went around to a window and looked in, and to his horror saw her lying on the floor with her clothing all in flames. He procured an axe and burst open the door and drew her from the house but she was dead. She was subject to epilepsy and it is supposed that while preparing dinner she fell in a fit and was near enough to the stove for her clothing to take fire. The house and all its contents were entirely consumed.
The death of Miss Dora, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John STANTON, of Preble, occurred March 6, after an illness of two weeks. Miss STANTON was a most estimable young lady, greatly loved by her friends and by all who knew her. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. W. H. CURTIS, of Preble, and were held Thursday March 8. The burial was at the village cemetery. Miss Dora was 22 years of age last August. Her parents and relatives have the sympathy of the community in this hour of their sad bereavement.
6 Apr 1888
Mr. Garrison LOW died on the 30th inst. [sic], aged 63 years. Funeral at the house on Sunday; sermon by Rev. Mr. HARRISON.
Mrs. E. C. PARKER, after a long and painful illness died on Saturday morning. The funeral was held at the Presbyterian church on Monday afternoon.
Here and There.
The funeral of Della WHITE, niece of Dr. A. J. WHITE, was held at his residence on Port Watson street, last Wednesday.
13 Apr 1888
Died. HOAG. At his home in Cannonsville, N.Y., March 15, 1888, Mr. O. Lock HOAG, aged 34 years.
Deceased was the husband of Mrs. Ella Gillette HOAG, formerly of Cold Brook, N.Y.
Died. McVEAN - In Cortland, N.Y., April 4, 1888, Mrs. Rocksey McVEAN, aged 89 years.
Died. MORTON - In Richville, St. Lawrence Co., N.Y., March 10, 1888,of pneumonia, Dr. Elijah MORTON, aged 85 years.
Died. VOSBURGGH - At the residence of Mortimer V. DENNIS, in Moravia village, N.Y., March 24th, 1888, Persis VOSBURGH, aged 53 years.
Died. WHITE - In Cortland, N.Y., April 1, 1888, of diptheria, Della, niece of Dr. A. J. WHITE, aged 8 years.
Died. LOW - In Virgil, N.Y., March 30th, 1888, Garrison H. LOW, aged 63 years.
Died. HIBBARD - At Summit Park, Col., April 8, 1888, Wm. R. HIBBARD, aged 41 years.
Died. TOTMAN - In Summer Hill, on Thursday, March 22, 1888, Charles TOTMAN, son of William TOTMAN, aged 19 years.
Died. MALLORY - In Homer, on Tuesday, March 27, 1888, Charlton DeVere MALLORY, aged 26[?] year.
Died. HOLMES - In Prairie du Chien, Wis., April 10, 1888, Julius P. HOLMES, formerly of Cortland.
Died. GUIER - In Harford, Wednesday, April 4, George GUIER, of Bright's disease.
Charlie GERMER, who has been attending a Medical College at Burlington, Vt., died at that place last week. His remains were brought to his home in German, for interment.
Mr. Burdette GERMER, of Geneseo, formerly an employee of the Standard office, was in town Tuesday on his way to Cincinnatus to attend the funeral of his brother Charles, who died at Burlington, Vermont, last week.
20 Apr 1888
Died. YOUMANS - In McGrawville, Friday, April 6, Mrs. Sally L. YOUMANS, aged 61 years.
Died. ALLEN - In Lisle, N.Y., April --, 1888, Alfred ALLEN, formerly of Willett, aged 77 years.
Mrs. Clark SHERWOOD, who has been suffering for the past few weeks from a stroke of paralysis, died Wednesday. She was buried on Friday last.
Miss Lena WOOD, daughter of Prof. S. M. WOOD, died at her home on Grove street, Thursday last, of consumption. Her remains were interred on Saturday last.
Here and There.
The funeral of Joseph BURNS, who died last week at Curtin's boarding house on Owego street, was held from St. Mary's church, Tuesday, Father McLOUGHLIN officiating.
The funeral of Julius P. HOLMES, who died at Prairie Du Chien, Wis., last week, was held from the residence of W. W. BROWN, Reynolds avenue, last Sunday afternoon.
Suicide at Cuyler.
Last Monday afternoon Mrs. Mary E. DeBAR, committed suicide by drowning, at the house of her mother, Mrs. STEELE, about seven miles south east of Cuyler. She had been in feeble health for some time, and on the day previous, had made two attempts to take her life, which were discovered before she could execute her plans. Monday she ate dinner as usual with the family, and after the meal, went into the parlor and lay down upon the lounge. No attention was paid to her, as it was supposed she was asleep, until by chance, the discovery was made that she had left the room. Search was at once begun and she was found lying on the bank of a small stream, about twenty rods from the house, her head and shoulders in the water. When she was first found her heart and pulse were beating, but, in the absence of medical aid, she died soon after being removed to the house. Dr. WEIDMAN was at once summoned and was on the scene as soon as possible, but nothing could be done. He immediately notified the coroner Dr. W. J. MOORE, of this village, who on Thursday summoned a jury and held a post-mortem inspection, the result of which was a verdict that she had committed suicide while laboring under a fit of temporary insanity. The deceased was about thirty five years of age, and a highly respected member of the community to which she belonged.
Death visited the household of William ACKLES on the 18th inst., taking from them their only child, an infant son aged one year and three days. The suddenness of the death was a great shock to the parents, as it was in usual health at breakfast time and at evening a corpse. The cause of death was congestion of the brain.
27 Apr 1888
Died. WHEELER - In McGrawville, Wednesday, April 11, 1888, Mr. James E. WHEELER, aged 58 years.
Died. SHULER - In McGrawville, N.Y., Tuesday, April 17, 1888, Mr. Jacob SHULER, aged 64 years.
Died. MAGER - In Adams Basin, Monroe county, N.Y., Saturday, April 14, of pneumonia, George MAGER, father of G. J. MAGER, of this village, aged 73 years, 2 months and 1 day.
Died. KEAN - In Cuyler, N.Y., on Tuesday, April 17, 1888, of membranous croup, Hattie E., infant daughter of Phillip and Kate KEAN, aged 6 years, 10 months and 25 days.
Died. RICHARDSON - In Killawog, N.Y., March 12, 1888, Joseph RICHARDSON, formerly of Freetown, N.Y., aged 66 [?] years.
Died. BROWN - In Taylor Centre, N.Y., April 17, 1888, Isaac P. BROWN.
Died. PENDLETON - In Cortland, N.Y., April 13, 1888, Mrs. Naomi PENDLETON, aged 83 years.
Died. WILCOX - In Virgil, N.Y., April 19, George WILCOX, aged 60 years.
Died. DALTON - In Cortland, N.Y., April 21, 1888, Mrs. Sarah DALTON, aged 65 years.
Died. CLEVELAND - In Cortland, N.Y., April 25 [?], 1888, Joseph, son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. CLEVELAND, aged 8 years.
Isaac P. BROWN, of whose injuries mention has been made from time to time, died Tuesday evening April 17, aged 44 years. In the death of Mr. BROWN the community loses a good neighbor and a kind friend, and it goes without saying that he will be missed. We extend to the wife and daughter our sympathy in this their sad bereavement. The funeral services were held at the church Saturday, the services being conducted by Rev. Mr. BALLOU, of Utica, after which the remains were taken to Truxton for interment.
Mrs. TAFT, of Cold Brook, Scott, and William, Lura and Augusta BROWN, of Maine, Broome Co., were called here Saturday to attend the funeral of Isaac P. BROWN.
A trustee will be elected Thursday evening in Dist. No. 3 in place of Isaac P. BROWN, deceased.
Willis DeLONG is confined to the house with an illness caused by over exertion in caring for the late Isaac P. BROWN.
Here and There.
The funeral of Mrs. Robert DALTON, who died last Saturday, was held on Tuesday, at her late residence on North Main street.
Mr. George WILCOX died on the 19th inst., aged sixty years and two months. Funeral at the house on Sunday, Rev. Mr. PURRINGTON officiating. Deceased was a man of sterling worth and held in high esteem by all who knew him.
Accident at Preble.
Last Saturday morning three boys named Willie COBB, Leroy DICKINSON, and Orlie MUNSON boarded a coal train at Homer with the intention of stealing a ride to Preble and then returning in the same manner. They seated themselves between the cars and reached Preble safely and then attempted to jump from the train while it was in motion. COBB fell as he struck the ground and was caught under the cars and instantly killed. His body was horribly mangled and one arm and one foot severed from the trunk. The body was nearly cut into across the chest and portions of the heart and lungs were strewn along the track. DICKINSON sustained a slight contusion of the knee and MUNSON escaped uninjured. They removed their comrade's body to the side of the track, and notified Mr. WRIGHT, the agent, giving him the name of the dead boy, and then started for Homer on foot.
[coroner's report follows]
The boys were found by officer SHIRLEY at Homer, and brought before the Coroner. They testified that they were in the habit of boarding trains for rides in this manner, and had been for some time past. If some punishment milder than death by accident could be administered to a few of these offenders of the law, it might possibly have a salutary effect on others, and prevent such accidents happening in the future.
4 May 1888
Died. DAVIS - In Syracuse, N.Y., April 25, 1888, Charles Edward DAVIS, aged 12 years, 6 months and 26 days.
Died. YAGER - In Cortland, N.Y., May 1st, 1888, Margaret L., wife of Harvey YAGER, aged 56 years.
Died. HASKELL - In East Venice, N.Y., April 16, 1888, Mrs. L. HASKELL, aged 47 years.
Died. PECK - At the home of his daughter, Mrs. White KINNEY, in Cortland, N.Y., April 28, 1888, Mr. Nathan B. PECK, aged 80 years.
Died. HICKS - At her late home in Homer, Friday, April 13, 1888, Mrs. Ophelia HICKS, aged 80 years.
Here and There.
Thomas JONES, a highly respected citizen of this village, died at his residence on Gazlay avenue last Wednesday night, of quick consumption.
11 May 1888
Mrs. Ophelia Stoddard HICKS was born in Pomfret, Connecticut, July 23, 1807. She was married to Jacob HICKS in 1833, and directly afterward removed to Homer, where she resided until God called her April 13th, 1888. She united with the Baptist church in her native place when young in years, and was received by letter into the Baptist church of Homer soon after settling in that place. She was a kind neighbor and sympathizing friend, and could be found at the bedside of the sick as long as her health would permit. That she was loved by those who knew her, the kind attention shown her in her last illness amply proved. For the last nine years of her life when was deprived of her eyesight, which affliction was borne with the greatest patience. In the early part of her sickness she expressed her readiness and willingness to die, but it was not till after thirteen weeks of severest suffering that she passed from her earthly home to that better land.
"There to rest in peace forever.
In that holy, happy place;
There where death no ties can sever,
We shall meet her face to face."
From the Colorado Springs Republic, April 19.
William R. HIBBARD was born in Cortland, N.Y., April 14th, 1847, and died at Summit park, Colorado, April 8th, 1888. He had always resided at Cortland until his removal to Colorado in November, 1885, since which time he has been a resident of Summit Park, and has been quite extensively engaged in ranching and cattle raising. His health was greatly improved by the change of climate which he sought and he has been most active since coming among us, in every enterprise that would develop the resources and improve the condition of the community in which he lived. A sudden attack of pneumonia was the immediate cause of his decease. He suffered greatly during his illness, but all this was borne with remarkable patience and resignation. In anticipation of the future, and for the comfort of his companions and friends, he said: "Do not feel so bad for me, it is all right."
Mr. HIBBARD made many friends wherever he went, and the neighborhood where he has lately resided feel that they have sustained a great loss in his removal from their midst. He was a devoted husband, an excellent neighbor, and a man, who, in his business transactions, was a model of honesty and truthfullness. He leaves a wife, a brother and a sister, and a large circle of acquaintances, to mourn his loss. His remains were interred in Evergreen cemetery at Colorado Springs on the 10th inst., after appropriate services attended by many of the relatives and friends. That the friendship we cherish for him may lead us to imitate his kindly and helpful spirit is the wish of the writer.
Died. WILLIAMS - In Homer on May 1, Agar WILLIAMS, aged 55 years and 9 months.
Died. BALDWIN - In Homer village on Monday, April 30, Mrs. Alfred BALDWIN, aged 62 years.
Died. HULL - In Homer village, May 1, Martin A. HULL, aged 67 years.
Died. PHILLIPS - At his residence in Truxton, N.Y., on the 29th day of April, Nathaniel N. PHILLIPS, aged 78 years.
Died. HAIGHT - In East Homer, N.Y., May 6, 1888, Mr. Charles M. HAIGHT, aged 35 years.
Died. ELSOM - In Cortland, N.Y., May 8, 1888, of peritonitis, Bertha Anna ELSOM, aged 13 years, only daughter of W. J. ELSOM.
The funeral will take place at the residence, 55 Greenbush st., Friday at 11 A.M.
Died. HIBBARD - In Willett, N.Y., May 7, 1888, Mrs. Henry HIBBARD, aged 69 years.
Died. SHAPLEY - In Indianapolis, Ind., May 2, 1888, Charles H. SHAPLEY, aged 50 years.
Died. JONES - In Cortland, N.Y., May 2, 1888, George JONES, aged 37 years.
Died. BALL - In Cortland, N.Y., May 4, 1888, of lead poisoning, Harlow M. BALL, aged 60 years.
Died. REEVES - In Cortland, N.Y., May 4, 1888, J. R. REEVES.
Died. SMITH - In Cortland, N.Y., May 6, 1888, Philemon N. SMITH, aged 72 years.
Here and There.
Bertha J. ELSOM, the 13-year-old daughter of Mr. W. J. ELSOM, died very suddenly at the house of her father last Tuesday morning. She had not been feeling well for some days, but no serious results were apprehended. At 4 o'clock that morning medicine was administered by one of her attendants, and two hours later when a member of the family entered the room she was found dead. The cause of death is said to have been peritonitis.
Committed Suicide.
Mr. Charles M. HAIGHT, residing about three miles North of East Homer, committed suicide last Sunday noon by hanging himself in his barn. He was about 35 years of age and unmarried. For some time past he had been in rather poor health and was quite despondent, consequently his family had kept a close watch of his movements. He had only been gone from the house twenty minutes when found, but life was extinct. Coroner BRADFORD held an inquest and the jury returned a verdict of death from temporary insanity caused by ill health. He leaves several brothers and sisters and a mother to mourn his loss. The funeral was largely attended on Tuesday.
18 May 1888
Died. WALSWORTH - At her home in Solon, Tuesday, May 8, 1888, Jane M. WALSWORTH, aged 60 years, 5 months and 6 days.
Died. MARBLE - In the town of Cuyler, N.Y., May 3, 1888, Sarah A., wife of William D. MARBLE, aged 30 [?] years, 9 months and 17 days.
Died. KENYON - In Elmira, N.Y., May 12, 1888, Rev. Andrew J. KENYON, aged 53 years.
The funeral was held in Elmira, Monday afternoon, and the remains were brought to Cortland, where his mother and father live. After brief services here Tuesday morning interment took place at McGrawville, where his wife and four children are buried.
Died. WATERS - In McGrawville, N.Y., May 13, 1888, Mrs. Harvey WATERS, aged 85 years.
Died. MALLERY - In Cortland, N.Y., May 13, 1888, of typhoid pneumonia, Mr. Charles B. MALLERY, aged 39 years.
Died. ROBERTS - In Binghamton, N.Y., May 15, 1888, Mr. William ROBERTS, aged 70 years.
Mr. ROBERTS was the father of Miss Mary L. ROBERTS, of Cortland, N.Y.
Died. DART - In Freetown, N.Y., May 9, 1888, Mr. Richard L. DART.
Died. TANNER - In Blodgett Mills, N.Y., May 13, 1888, John H. TANNER, aged 71 years.
Blodgett's Mills.
John TANNER died Sunday afternoon after an illness of several weeks, of typhoid pneumonia. Funeral occurred Tuesday afternoon at the house.
Here and There.
The funeral of the late Simon P. MILLER, of Homer, were attended by about 50 members of the Odd Fellows' Lodge in this place, last Sunday.
The sad news of Albert BALDWIN's death, now residing in Lincklaen, reached us this morning.
Ed. WHITE and wife were at Solon a part of last week during the sickness and death of Mrs. WHITE's mother, Mrs. WALSWORTH.
Mrs. Porter STANTON, of North Pitcher, a former resident of this place, died Friday May 4th. The cause of death was enlargement of the liver.
25 May 1888
John PECK died at the family homestead in Solon, where he had spent his life, Monday morning, 21st inst., at the age of sixty-four years, eleven months and twenty days. From boyhood until within a year and a half of his decease, he was one of the most active farmers and businessmen, in the county. Possessed naturally of a strong physique, and great power of endurance of both body and mind, his untiring ambition never relaxed until summoned to yield to the call of nature, and bowing submission to "Him who doeth all things well." He seemed never to realize in the prime of manhood, nor even in more mature years, that there was any obstacle too great to be overcome, and with persevering energy, and indomitable resolution, he found pleasure in toil, happiness in surrounding himself with the comforts of life, and consolation in educating his children and providing them with a comfortable home. He was a man of practical ideas, far seeing, and had a purpose in life's work, and although he willingly listened to the opinions of others, yet his general action lay along the line of his own judgment. He was identified with the Baptist church of this town, of which his father was one of the founders, and contributed to its support. He was the seventh son of Captain Stephen N. PECK, who died on the same homestead in 1872, at the great age of 96 years, and who was one of the early settlers in that part of the county in 1805 [?]. John PECK is a lineal descendant of William PECK, a native of London, England, who was one of the charter members of the New Haven Colony in 1838 [sic]. His mother was Lydia, a daughter [of] Judge PHILLIPS of Chenango County, N.Y. Of this large family of seven sons and three daughters, only two children, Platt [?] PECK and Mrs. Emily BURLINGHAM, remain, the former of Solon, the latter of Cortland. John PECK married, in 1863, Caroline, a daughter of Buel and Charlotte Ann (Leonard) KINNEY, of Cortland, who survives him, together with their five children - Mrs. John PEET, of Fairview, Iowa, Linus W., Miles J., Ida L. and Cora E. PECK.
Died. WATERS - At her home in McGrawville, N.Y., Saturday, May 12, 1888, Mrs. Permelia WATERS, in the 85th year of her age.
Died. MILLER. At his late home in Homer village on Thursday, May 10th, Simon P. MILLER, aged 68 years.
Died. DAVIS - In Marathon, May 15, Jefferson DAVIS, aged 28 years.
Died. LATHROP - In Syracuse, N.Y., May 15, 1888, Mrs. Isabel C., wife of the late Albert LATRHOP of Syracuse, aged 69 years.
Deceased was a sister of Mr. John McFARLAN, of Cortland, N.Y., and of Col. J. C. CARMICHAEL of Phelps, N.Y.
Died. MUSGRAVE - In East Homer, N.Y., May 17, 1888, Mrs. Jane MUSGRAVE, aged 86 [?] years, 4 months and 10 days.
Died. ROWE - In McGrawville, N.Y., May 18, 1888, Riley ROWE, aged 73 years.
Died. PECK - In Solon, N.Y., May 23, 1888, John PECK, aged 64 years.
Miss Lottie STETSON died at her home in East Homer, last Friday, of consumption, aged 18 years. Her remains were brought here for interment Sunday, Rev. John PUDNEY officiating at the funeral.
1 Jun 1888
C. A. VanDENBERGH, formerly of Marathon, where he published a paper, died at his home in Ithaca last Saturday.
Mrs. Thomas WELSH, whose illness caused by cancer, died Monday morning, after two years of suffering, aged about 45 years. The sympathy of the community is with the family in their bereavement.
Died. BURR - In Brooklyn, Saturday morning, May 19th, Henry B. BURR, aged 66 years. Formerly of Homer.
Died. WHITNEY - At the home of her daughter in Rochester, May 2, 1888, Mrs. Lucy A. WHITNEY, aged 61 years. Deceased was formerly a resident of this village.
Died. MOTT - In Scott, N.Y., May 22, 1888, of dropsy of the heart, Rodman [?] MOTT, aged 77 years.
Died. RILEY - In Cortland, May 16, of Congestion of the brain, Frank R. RILEY, aged 7 years, son of Charles and Ida RILEY.
Died. CLANCY - In Cortland, May 17, of pneumonia, Joseph, infant son of Patrick and Catherine CLANCY.
Died. HART - In McLean, N.Y., May 28, 1888, Mrs. Eliza M. HART, widow of the late John P. HART, aged 67 years.
Funeral will be held from her late residence Friday at 2 P.M.
8 Jun 1888
Died. ROWE - In McGrawville, N.Y., Thursday, May 17, 1888, Riley ROWE, aged 74 years.
Died. WELCH - At her home near Union Valley, N.Y., May 28, 1888, Mrs. Mary WELCH, aged 44 years, 4 months and 4 days. Interment at Truxton.
Died. VanDENBURG - In Homer on Tuesday, May 29, Mrs. Lucinda, wife of John R. VanDENBURG, aged 67 years.
Died. SIDMAN - In Tully, N.Y., May 31, 1888, Mrs. Arthur C. SIDMAN, aged 19 years.
Died. MARRIHEW - At the residence of her son, Joshua STANTON, in Blodgett Mills, N.Y., May 30, 1888, Mrs. Nancy MARRIHEW, aged 84 years.
Died. CURTIN - In Cortland, N.Y., June 2, 1888, Ray, youngest son of John and Bridget CURTIN, aged 3 years, 3 months and 25 days.
Died. BRINK - In Marathon, N.Y., May 31, 1888, Charles BRINK, aged 66 years.
Died. WAGONER - In East Scott, N.Y., June 1, 1888, Arthur, son of Edwin WAGONER, aged 2 years.
Died. GREENMAN - In Cortland, N.Y., June 3, 1888, Harvey H. GREENMAN, aged 56 years.
Died. BISHOP - In Cortland, N.Y., June 1, 1888, Mrs. Emily W., widow of Calvin BISHOP, aged 80 [?] years.
Died. WILLSON - In Marathon, N.Y., May 28, 1888, Pliny WILLSON, aged 60 years.
Died. MASON - In Kelloggsville, N.Y., June 6, 1888, Mr. Heald A. MASON, formerly of Cortland.
Died. FELCEL - In Cortland, N.Y., June 1, 1888, Mrs. Lena FELLCEL [?], aged 27 years.
Died. GLEASON - In McGrawville, N.Y., June 1, 1888, Mrs. Catherine GLEASON, aged 78 years
Mrs. Catherine GLEASON died on Friday last. The funeral was held from her late residence on Sunday, at 2 o'clock P.M., Rev. E. C. DICKINSON officiating.
Charles BRINK, an old and respected citizen of this place, died at his residence on Academy street, Thursday last. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mr. TODD, the Baptist minister. The burial was on the Saturday following.
News reached this place last Sunday, of the death of Clara Bell, youngest daughter of Randall RATHBUN, at her home in Wyoming Territory, formerly of this place.
15 Jun 1888
Died. WARREN - In Solon, N.Y., June 5, 1888, Mrs. Martha WARREN, aged 39 years.
Died. CORL - In Homer, N.Y., May 29, 1888, Mr. John CORL, aged 83 years.
Died. GOODWIN - In Sharon, Ct., June 7, 1888, Mrs. Emma Pomeroy GOODWIN, aged 38 years, daughter of the late Rev. Lemuel S. [?] POMEROY, and niece of Dr. T. C. POMEROY of Syracuse, N.Y., and the late James C. POMEROY of Cortland, N.Y.
Died. WILLIAMS - In Virgil, N.Y., June 10, 1888, Mr. W. H. WILLIAMS, aged 81 years, 11 months and 10 days.
Died. ABLES - In Harford, N.Y., June 9, 1888, Mrs. ABLES, aged 68 years.
Died. POTTER In South Cuyler, N.Y., June 10, 1888, of dropsy, O. C. POTTER, aged 71 years.
Died. TAYLOR - In Newark, N. J., June 8, 1888, John D. TAYLOR, aged 81 years.
Deceased was the father of F. M. TAYLOR, of Cortland and was for several years a resident of Marathon, N.Y.
Here and There.
Last Monday, Miss Minnie MOSHIER, of Locke, Cayuga county, aged sixteen years, was accidentally shot in the neck and instantly killed by her brother, aged twelve. The lad was playing with a gun and did not know it was loaded.
The body of Mrs. Stephen ABLES, of Harford, will be buried in the cemetery here to-day.
22 Jun 1888
Died. BAKER - At her home in Binghamton on Wednesday, June 6th, of Brights disease, Myra Rice BAKER, wife of E. V. BAKER, aged 18 years.
Died. PECK - In Cortland, June 17th, Mrs. Lyman PECK, widow of the late Lyman PECK.
A Misplaced Switch Causes the Death of
One of Homer's Most Estimable Citizens - Who is to Blame ?
Last Saturday morning the switch a few rods north of the D., L. & W. station at Homer, was the scene of another railroad disaster, which cost the life of one of Homer's best citizens and came so near killing several others that their escape can hardly be regarded as little short of a miracle. Carelessness on the part of some one in leaving the switch not properly closed was the cause of the accident. The circumstances, as nearly as we are able to ascertain, are as follows:
Last Saturday morning Messrs. MAXSON & STARIN, coal dealers in Homer, found it necessary to change the position of some cars that were standing at the top of the trestle in their sheds in that village. There were three empty cars in the south end of the building, and one gondola filled with No. 4 coal in the north end. The bin for the No. 4 coal is situated in the south end, and in order to get the gondola where it could be unloaded, it was necessary to run all the cars down the incline which leads from the main track up to the sheds. The loaded car was worked backward toward the door, the purpose of the workmen being to attach it to the empty cars as soon as it reached the top of the downward slope, and allow it, in its descent, to draw these from the shed. Before it could be attached, however, it gained an advantage over the men and ran swiftly down the incline, running completely over a large scantling, which had been placed crosswise on the track to stop it, and passed through the switch out upon the main track. As it lacked then only a few minutes of the time the fast express was due, a man was at once sent up the track with a flag to hold the approaching train. In the meantime the most strenuous efforts had been made to push the car back on the incline, and with so much success that the flagman was recalled. In the excitement of the moment it was forgotten to close the switch, and no one noticed the omission until it was too late. When the engineer on the incoming express rounded the curve just above the switch, his practiced eye discerned the danger and he at once applied the brakes and reversed the engine, but the momentum was so great that he could not stop in time to avoid the collision.
There were, at the time the engine reached the switch, two men standing on the track between the car and the engine, and one more seated on the forward end of the car. They all escaped by jumping, though one of them sprained his ankle by his leap and had to be carried home. As the engine struck the car, a spray of coal was thrown into the air and the car sent with lightning speed up the incline nearly to the shed. Half way up the incline is a spur switch by which Miles G. DARBY, the book-keeper for Maxson & Starin, was standing when the engine left the main track. Just at that moment he started to walk across the track to the east side, when he was struck in the chest by the gondola and knocked down, the wheels passing over his leg between the knee and the ankle. The leg was completely crushed, and a deep longitudinal gash cut in the flesh clear to the thigh. A severe scalp wound was also sustained, and a large number of other bruises. He was taken to the waiting room at the depot, medical aid summoned, and as soon as his wounds could be dressed sufficiently to enable him to be taken to his home he was carried there. In the course of the afternoon he rallied somewhat, and the doctors thought that possibly he might survive the shock. Everything that human hands could do to alleviate his suffering was done, but to no avail, and that evening, between the hours of seven and eight, he breathed his last.
When the train left the track mail agent R. F. RANDALL, of this place, sprang from his car and was severely bruised by his fall. The passengers on the express were considerably shaken up by the collision, though no one was injured. The water tanks were pitched from their stands to the floor, and several persons who had risen from their seats were thrown forward with some force into the seats ahead. The engineer and fireman remained at their post and did all they could to avert the disaster, but in the eight rods that intervened between the train which rounded the curve at the rate of thirty miles an hour, and the car on the incline, it was impossible to stop.
The engine of the express was badly wrecked but not disabled, and made the remainder of the run to Binghamton, returning that same evening to Syracuse. The cow-catcher was torn completely off, and the heavy timbers underneath the head of the boiler were broken in two. The coal car was somewhat damaged and the ties for a number of feet on the incline were broken and thrown out of place.
Who is responsible for the wrong position of the switch, it is impossible to say. The employees at the yards of Maxson & Starin say that they had no key to the switch and lay the blame on the train men of the last train over the road. One other resident of Homer was positive that he had seen a switch key hanging in the office on several different occasions. A thorough investigation will doubtless be made soon, with a view of placing keys in the hands of those to whom they should be properly entrusted so that there may be no recurrence of such accidents in the future.
DARBY died on Saturday evening. He leaves a widow to mourn his loss.
Death of Jabez Kinney.
Jabez KINNEY, aged 94 years, died at the residence of his son, Cornelius KINNEY, on River street, Thursday, June 19th.
Jabez KINNEY moved to Cortland from Cincinnatus about 30 years ago. He has been in good health up to within a week ago, at which time it was noticed that his strength began to fail him. Two weeks ago he was out working in the garden. His wife survives him. She is 96 years old. They have lived together as man and wife for over 70 years. This is the first break in the family circle. His children, four in number, are all living here in Cortland. They are Mrs. Asel EGLESTON, Cornelius, Frank and W. S. KINNEY on Railroad street.
29 Jun 1888
Died. WELLINGTON - At the residence of H. N. PARKER in Georgetown, June 13, 1888, of pneumonia, Luther WELLINGTON, father of Hon. D. G. WELLINGTON of Hamilton, aged 87 years and 9 months.
Died. BLUNDEN - At Scott, N.Y., Friday, June 15, of heart disease, Mrs. Thomas BLUNDEN, aged 74 years.
Died. SOUTHWORTH - At East Homer, N.Y., June 16, 1888 of pneumonia, Mrs. Norman SOUTHWORTH.
Deceased was formerly a resident of the town of Cortlandville.
Died. WILLIAMSON - In Harford, N.Y., June 18, 1888, Mr. Harvey WILLIAMSON.
Died. HUNTINGTON - In Cortland, N.Y., June 18, 1888, Mr. R. Frazier HUNTINGTON, aged 44 years, 3 months and 19 days.
Died. HYDE - In Malone, N.Y., June 7, 1888, of cancer, Mrs. W. H. HYDE.
Mrs. HYDE was the mother of George M. HYDE of South Cortland.
Died. DUNHAM - In Homer, N.Y., June 9, 1888, Mrs. Susan M. Robinson DUNHAM, aged 74 years.
Died. KNAPP - At the residence of O. W. SCOTT, in Scott, N.Y., on Sunday, June 24, Mrs. Phoebe KNAPP, aged 74 years.
Died. DERBY - In Cortland, N.Y., June 21, 1888, Mrs. Lucy DERBY, aged 84 years.
Robert P. BARNARD, formerly of this village, died suddenly of paralysis at his home in Binghamton, last Thursday morning, aged 60 years.
Blodgett's Mills.
Mr. A. C. HOLLENBECK died last Sunday after an illness of about six months. Funeral occurred Tuesday afternoon at the M. E. church.
Mrs. John H. LOOPE, mother of Melvin LOOPE, who has been sick about eighteen months of inflammatory rheumatism died Monday morning. Funeral was held on Thursday at 1 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. SPRAGUE attended the funeral of Mrs. Jessie TAYLOR, of McGrawville, last Thursday.
A sad accident occurred in our little village last Thursday in which one of our young men lost his life. Myron HURLBERT and Bert VINCENT went swimming about 11 o'clock on the day named, and Myron being unable to swim, was taken by the current and carried into the deepest part of the hole and never came out again alive. Bert saw him whirling around and thought him fooling and did not realize he was drowning, till it was too late. Then he ran to the road and hailed a passer by, but the party called thought he could do nothing alone, so Bert had to run to the village for help, which was procured too late. Although the doctor worked over him faithfully for full two hours, all efforts failed to resuscitate him. An inquest was held by Coroner MOORE, and although it was rumored that the boy was intoxicated, the evidence taken before the coroner proved that he had not been drinking. The funeral was held Saturday. He was taken to Cheningo for burial.
In the case of the death of Miles G. DARBY, of [illeg.], the Coroner's jury found the following verdict: "That Miles G. DARBY came to his death by the incompetence of the employees of Maxson & Starin to handle loaded cars on the coal trestle of Maxson & Starin, and to manipulate the switches, leading thereto, and also by the contribury negligence of the employes of the D. L. & W. Railroad Co., and we censure the employees of said company for allowing trains No. 3 and 4 to enter the village of Homer at the high rate of speed [run?] by such trains."
Mrs. Henry SMITH died at her residence at the Lower Village, last Friday. Funeral services were held at the Baptist church on Sunday, Rev. D. BURROUGHS officiating. Mrs. SMITH was one of the oldest inhabitants of our town, being in her ninety third year. She was highly esteemed by all who knew her.
6 Jul 1888
Died. HUBBARD - On Wednesday, July 4, Marlis, wife of the late Jonathan HUBBARD, in the 70th year of her age.
Funeral services at the family residence, 21 Tompkins street, on Friday, 6th inst., at 11 o'clock A.M.
Died. SMITH - In Lower Cincinnatus, June 22, 1888, Mrs. Chloe SMITH, aged 93 years.
Died. TERPENNING - At the home of his parents, in Virgil, of cancer, Wednesday, June 20th [?], 1888, James Merton TERPENNING, aged 20 years.
Died. NORTHRUP - In McLean, June 26 [?], 1888, Clifton H. NORTHRUP, aged [illeg.] years.
Mr. NORTHRUP was a brother of Morgan NORTHRUP, of this village.
J. M. HUBBARD, Esq., of St. Johnsville, was called here by the illness and death of his mother, Mrs. Jonathan HUBBARD.
13 Jul 1888
Died. LEWIS - In Homer village, N.Y., June [19?], Ezekial LEWIS aged 56 years and 3 months.
Died. SOUTHWORTH - In Homer village, N.Y., June 15, 1888, Betsey SOUTHWORTH, aged 45 years.
Died. DAVIS - In McLean, N.Y., June [25th?], 1888, Reuben DAVIS.
Died. CAMP - In Cortland, July 4, 1888, [M???ie], wife of L. W. CAMP, aged [59?] years, 5 months and [illeg.] days.
Mr. Punderson WEST was called to Ithaca on Saturday last to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law, Mr. Jacob PRAME, a former resident of this town.
Miss Helen ROOKS died at her residence on East street Thursday last. Her remains were interred on Saturday.
The following resolutions were adopted at the regular meeting of Grover Post No. 98 G.A.R., Cortland, July 4th, 1888:
Whereas Death has removed from our midst our late comrade, Harry WILLIAMS,
Resolved, That we are called upon to deplore the death of a comrade and soldier friend, and one who while in the service of his country was always ready for duty,
20 Jul 1888
Identified at Last.
The mystery surrounding the identity of the aged man who was drowned in Cayuga Lake, near Myers Point, has at last been cleared up. On Tuesday, Mr. J. B. SPENCER, of Scott, Cortland county, called upon Coroner BROWN and asked to be shown the personal effects found upon the body. He at once recognized them as the property of his father, E. P. SPENCER, of Scott, who had left his home on June 19th, for the purpose of visiting friends at Corning, where the family supposed him to be until a short time since.
Mr. SPENCER [states?] that his father, who was seventy years of age, had for a long time been subject to the effects of vertigo. He had no idea why his father should go to Ludlowville, unless it was that he had become bewildered through being affected by the excessive heat. The deceased had for many years been a school teacher and had also been a supervisor from [his?] town. One son and a daughter survive him. - Ithaca Democrat, July 12.
Mina BROOKS, a nine year old daughter of Lucius BROOKS, died very suddenly on Thursday of last week.
Mrs. Wanton COREY was found dead in her bed on Saturday morning. She leaves a husband, a son and a daughter, who have the sympathy of the community.
27 Jul 1888
Died. BROOKS - In McGrawville, N.Y., Thursday, July 12, 1888, Mina May BROOKS, daughter of L. E. BROOKS, aged 9 years, 9 months and 19 days.
Died. LAMONT - At Jackson, Minn., William G. LaMONT, son of Daniel LaMONT, formerly of Dryden.
Died. ROOKS - In Marathon, N.Y., 1888 [sic], Miss Helen ROOKS, aged 55 years.
Died. ENSIGN - At Hunt's Corners, July 4, 1888, Datus W. ENSIGN, aged 69 years.
Died. BATES - In Homer village, July 8, 1888, Mrs. Alexander BATES, aged 77 years, 6 months.
Ben Dutton Attempts To Kill J. D. Lamont, Miss Ida Rote And Her Brother, Near Dryden Tuesday.
Full Particulars of the Tragedy - The would-be Murderer Commits Suicide.
In driving from this village to Dryden by the old stage route through south Cortland, persons who are not familiar with the route, are liable to become confused as to the direct road when they reach the forks near the Misses HUTCHINGS farm scarcely six miles from Cortland. The right hand fork leads over the hill to Dryden and the left hand to Geetown, so called because the Gees first settled there. The centre of this road is supposed to be the town line between Virgil and Dryden. Driving down the road about [14?] miles you pass the Geetown school house and ten rods farther on is a road that leads to the right and due west. Turn here and from 80 to 100 rods from this corner and on top of a slight elevation stands the [fine?] farm buildings of John D. LAMONT, Esq., a prosperous farmer and good citizen. The buildings are located on the southeast corner and the farm lays northwest from there and reaches nearly to the stage road to Dryden.
Ben DUTTON, aged about 35 years, has been employed by LAMONT as a farm hand the best part of the time for ten years past. In March last he left and went to work on a farm near Etna. Miss Ila ROTE, a comely looking young woman of 25 years, has also been employed by the family for several years. DUTTON, who had been married and was divorced, became enamored of the girl and desired to marry her. She had counseled with Mr. LAMONT and her brother, who was also employed on the premises, in regard to the matter, and they had advised her not to encourage him in his attentions, as he possessed an ungovernable temper and be apt to make her unhappy. DUTTON knew that the young woman had been so advised. Last Sunday he appeared in the neighborhood and during the day was riding with her and from subsequent events supposed that he had again pressed his suit and had again met with a rebuff. DUTTON felt ugly towards LAMONT and young ROTE for the advise [sic] they had given the girl and the women knew that he was incensed at them.
Last Thursday afternoon at about 6:30 o'clock, Mr. LAMONT and young ROTE started for the meadow, about a half mile distant, for a load of hay, leaving Mrs. LAMONT and Miss ROTE in the basement of the barn to finish the milking. On the north side of the hay field is a large piece of woods, and as they drove near the woods, DUTTON came out of the timber and walked rapidly towards them, evidently with the design of intercepting them. As he came near, LAMONT said, "Hello! Ben. Have you finished haying? You must have done so, to be out such a day as this?" "Not by ----d sight," replied DUTTON, and walking around in front of the horses, he came up to the wagon and leveling a revolver full at LAMONT's face discharged the same, the ball striking the end of the latter's nose and penetrating the upper lip, striking the roof of [illeg.] of his upper teeth. The horses were frightened, and started on a run towards the barn and just before DUTTON fired the second shot, his victim threw a hay fork at him missing the mark, as did Dutton's second bullet. ROTE jumped off the opposite side of the wagon when the firing commenced and DUTTON then fired two shots at him without effect. Seeing that LAMONT was liable to get away from him, he gave chase and attempted to catch on the rear of the hay rack but the team ran too fast for him. As the team ran into the barn, LAMONT jumped off and calling to his wife to come to the house immediately ran for his shot gun, which was in a building just back of the house, which he commenced to load at once. Mrs. LAMONT came to the house at once and went to [illeg.] Mr. Scofield's people, who lived just across the way. Miss ROTE remained in the stable to finish milking a cow. While loading his gun LAMONT heard a woman scream but supposed that it was his wife who was greatly frightened. There is a high wire fence that separates the door yard from the barn yard, across which one has to pass to reach the milking stable. Before LAMONT had finished loading the gun Miss ROTE came running through the barn [illeg.] covered with blood and DUTTON was seen running like a deer up the lane towards the woods. LAMONT at once assisted the young woman into the house and neighbors were sent for Dr. J. J. MONTGOMERY at Dryden, some 2 1/2 miles away.
When DUTTON chased LAMONT to the barns and the latter escaped to the house, he rightly judged that the women folks were in the stable milking, and he went around the end of the barn and entered the stable where Miss ROTE was milking. Seeing him enter she accosted him with the question "Why Ben, what are you here for," to which he replied "D--n you, I'll show you" and immediately struck her three blows to the back of the head, whether with his fist or with some weapon, she is unable to say. She ran into the yard, but he overtook her and catching her by the arm, whirled her around facing him, and fired three shots at her, when he started on a run around the barn and up lane. One bullet struck her on the right side of the [illeg.] and is still lodged under her eye. Another struck her on the wrist and was found lodged in the flesh near the elbow and was extracted. The other ball struck her collar bone and was taken out two or three inches from where it entered.
Although her injuries are quite serious and necessarily painful, the physician thinks she will recover. Mr. LAMONT has a painful reminder of this engagement, but after the ball, which was badly smashed, [had?] been extracted and the wound dressed. He was looking after his business as usual [unassisted?] yesterday morning in the search for the would-be murderer.
Miss Emma LAMONT, an adopted daughter, was raking hay in the same field where the [illeg.] occurred and she made haste to [illeg.] [illeg.] to a tree after DUTTON chased LAMONT to the barn, [illeg.] and young ROTE[?] went to the barn by another and less dangerous route. Not long after the shooting in the barn yard, Mr. SCOFIELD went to [illeg.] after the horse that was hitched to the rake and while there he heard several shots fired in the woods. Officers in this place and Ithaca had been notified by telephone to be on the lookout for DUTTON.
Wednesday morning early, the neighbors [illeg.] started out in search of the culprit. They first searched the woods on Lamont's farm. Near the northwest corner of the farm and in the edge of the woods is a watering trough for the cattle. At about 8 o'clock [one of?] the hunters found [bits?] of paper [illeg. illeg.] near this trough and they were [illeg.] in discovering the lower limbs of a man protruding from a thicket of underbrush nearby. It proved to be the dead body of DUTTON. Near him was a package of [illeg.] bought of Weaver Bros. of Dryden Tuesday afternoon. He had [illeg.] swallowed the strychnine with water from the trough and [curled?] up in the bushes. Four bullet wounds were found in his side. The revolver, a twenty-two [illeg.] [illeg.] illeg.] was in his left hand and six of the chambers were loaded. It will be remembered that he had fired two shots at LAMONT and two at ROTE and these [illeg.] to the latter's [illeg.] ROTE says that when DUTTON failed to catch up with LAMONT he stopped and filled the chambers of his revolver before going to the barn. It is believed that after taking the strychnine.
3 Aug 1888
Once more the silent monster death, has entered our midst and born away a most estimable citizen, Mr. Alexander DUNCE, who had lived in Cuyler a greater part of his life, and was looked up to and respected by all. At the time of his death he was filling the office of Notary in the most capable manner. He leaves a wife and an adopted daughter to mourn his loss, to whom the whole country extend their sympathy. Funeral Tuesday at 1 o'clock at the house and 2 at the church.
We just heard of the sad death of Mrs. H. BOYCE, in the eastern part of the town. She has been sick a long time with the consumption. She leaves a husband and two sons to mourn her loss.
Suicide at Preble.
Lafayette KNOWLTON, is a farmer living in Bennett Hollow, about 1 1/2 miles from the village of Preble. His family is composed of himself, wife, her son Henry PARKS, aged 21 years, by her first husband, and a girl, 18 years of age, named Mary E., he had adopted from the Cortland County Alms House, four years ago, since his marriage with his present wife. She had been previously adopted by a family named BEEBE, but Mr. and Mrs. BEEBE both died and the girl was placed in the Alms House where Mr. KNOWLTON found her. She was in good health and spirits last Sunday, the 29th inst. She arose that morning and went about her household duties as usual. After breakfast she went, at about 9 o'clock, to the milk room to work. Soon after, Mrs. KNOWLTON heard a noise like a fall and hastening to the milk room she saw Mary lying on the floor in spasms. Mrs. KNOWLTON was at once impressed with the thought that she had taken poison and asked her what she had taken. The girl as soon as she could speak, at first denied having taken anything but soon admitted that she had taken poison and begged her mother to give her something to save her life, saying she thought she wanted to die but she did not. The mother at once gave her some coffee and some salt and water, then she ran and called her husband who was out in the field. When he reached the room she had vomited and lay on the floor unconscious. He took her in his arms and carried her to the sitting room and laid her on the lounge and dispatched Henry PARKS in haste for the family physician who soon arrived. He gave her some stimulants and she rallied so as to tell him what she had taken and where the balance of the drug was. It was found to be strychnine in the original bottle in which it was put up by the manufacturer, properly labeled and wrapped in the original blue wrapper, upon which the druggist's cost mark and selling price were plainly marked. In answer to the doctor's question she said she took as much of the poison as would make a pill the size of a pea. The doctor administered such remedies as are indicated in such cases but without the desired effect. She lingered in great agony until about 1 o'clock P.M. and died.
Coroner BRADFORD was notified [,] who summoned the following jury: J. D. HAYNES, R. VanBUSKIRK, O. PRATT, R. EGBERTSON, A. V. H. CUMMINGS, J. A. GAY, A. VanDENBERG, John ACKLES, A. FRANCISCO. After the jury had viewed the body Dr. HUNT and the coroner made a thorough and careful post mortem examination and no evidence of any disease was found.
Mr. KNOWLTON and his wife were sworn. They related substantially the above facts, also that she had been corresponding with a man in Michigan, who had advertised for a wife, and they had opposed her corresponding with him. Last week she received a letter from him asking her to become his wife. Under her pillow was found a letter addressed to "Dear Father" which expressed much love and affection for him and the other members of the family, containing no word of reproach, except toward herself. She said perhaps she had not done as well for them as she ought; also a request that he send the enclosed letter to C. W. HUGILL, (the Michigan correspondent), stating it would be the last request she should ever make, that her soul would go to her maker, stained by the darkest of crimes, that of murder.
The enclosed letter referred to by her, was a reply to HUGGILL's letter. She did not reply to his proposal of marriage further than after expressing her love for him, she said things had changed and she should never see him.
After the examination of these witnesses the inquest was adjourned to August 6 at 10 o'clock A.M.
Miss Nora PARKS died last Thursday, aged 13 years.
Died. HUSLANDER - In Cortland, N.Y., July 22, 1888, Miss Mary HUSLANDER, aged 43 years and 5 months.
Died. ENGLISH - In Cortland, N.Y., July 18, 1888, Mrs. Emeline ENGLISH, aged 53 years.
Died. SANDERS - In Lowell, N.Y., July 23, 1888, Mrs. Jacob SANDERS.
Mrs. SANDERS was the mother of Mr. Deloss SANDERS, formerly of Cortland, now of Poughkeepsie, N.Y. The burial occurred in Cortland, Wednesday morning July 25 [?].
Died. DORAN - In Cuyler, N.Y., July 17, 1888, Mrs. Almira DORAN, aged 76 years, 7 months and 1 day.
10 Aug 1888
Died. BOYCE - In Cuyler, N.Y., July 29, 1888, Mrs. Harry F. BOYCE, aged 64 years, 8 months and 3 days.
Died. DUNCE - At his late home in Cuyler on Saturday, July 28th, Mr. Alexander DUNCE, aged 79 years.
Died. ROSE - In Cortland, N.Y., August 4, 1888, Mr. Schuyler J. ROSE, aged 58 years.
Died. SHUFELT - In McGrawville, N.Y., August 7, 1888, Mrs. William SHUFELT.
Died. ASHFORD - At Cortland, N.Y., August 8, 1888, of typhoid fever, Florence E., eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. ASHFORD, aged 11 years and 7 months.
17 Aug 1888
Died. KENYON - In Cincinnatus August 10th, Diana, wife of Delos KENYON, aged 35 Years.
Died. BARLOW - In Cortland, N.Y., August 12, 1888, of typhoid fever, Mr. Wm. BARLOW, aged 30 years.
Died. CAVANAUGH - In Cortland, N.Y., August 8, of apoplexy, Mrs. Mary Ann CAVANAUGH, aged 80 years.
Died. FULLER - In Cortland, N.Y., August 13, 1888, Mrs. E. F. FULLER, aged 49 years.
Died. EISAMAN - In Cortlandville, N.Y., Aug. 12, 1888, of pneumonia, Mr. Jacob EISAMAN, aged 87 years and 28 days.
Died. REED - In Cortlandville, N.Y., August 12, 1888, Mary D. REED, widow of the late Marvin REED, aged 67 years.
Died. MARTIN - In Marathon, July 31, Joseph MARTIN, of typhoid pneumonia, aged 48 years.
Died. BROOKS - In Cortland, August 16, 1888, Julia M., wife of Ransom J. BROOKS, aged 71 years.
Funeral services from the house at 2 o'clock P.M. on Saturday.
Died. SEAMONS - In Virgil, N.Y., August 12, 1888, Mrs. George SEAMONS, aged 27 years.
The funeral of Mrs. George SEAMANS [sic] was held on Tuesday with a very large attendance.
24 Aug 1888
One of Mr. and Mrs. DeForrest GAY's twins died at their home in Cincinnatus last Thursday. It was brought here for burial Friday. Its weight was but 2 lbs.
31 Aug 1888
Died. RANSOM - At McGrawville, N.Y., August 16, 1888, Guy Lawrence, youngest son of Adam G. and Emma M. RANSOM, aged 3 years and 10 months.
Died. BENTLEY - In Homer village at the residence of her parents on Sunday August 19, 1888, Grace Irene BENTLEY, aged 17 years and 7 months.
Died. MOORE - In Homer village, on Thursday, August 16, 1888, Catharine MOORE, aged 74 years and 8 months.
Died. PEEK - In Homer village, August 17, 1888, Arthur PEEK, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin PEEK, aged 6 months and 6 days.
Died. PEEK - In Homer village, on Sunday, August 12, Archie, son of Mrs. and Mrs. Marvin PEEK, aged 6 months and 3 days.
Died. MAXSON - At the home of his father in South Spafford, N.Y., on Wednesday, August 22, of typhoid fever, [Fa???] MAXSON, of Cortland, aged 38 years.
Died. WITHEY - In East Freetown, N.Y., Monday, August 30, 1888, Mary S., wife of Eber N. WITHEY, aged 61 years.
Died. WHITE - In Cincinnatus, August 14, 1888, Chester WHITE, aged 58 years.
Died. OLMSTEAD - In Virgil, August 28, 1888, William S. OLMSTEAD, aged 74 years.
Died. FOLEY - In Homer village, August 18, 1888, Daniel FOLEY, aged 27 years.
The people were somewhat startled, Wednesday morning, to hear that Mrs. RIPLEY, relict of the late Samuel RIPLEY, had died quite suddenly, the night before. Sunday, she had attended church in Taylor. Though nearly 80 years of age, she felt no ill effects from riding the three miles between her home and the church. She continued in her usual good health, having complained of pains in her side quite frequently for several months past, until Tuesday morning, when she was again attacked. Medicines were administered towards night, when she lay down while the family were eating supper. When they had finished, her son went to her room to see how she was. When he reached there she was dead. Heart disease is supposed to be the cause. She was a lady whom everyone loved and respected. She was an earnest and consistent member of the Methodist church. The funeral services were held Thursday, Rev. Mr. BUNNELL, of North Pitcher, officiating.
Rev. Mr. BUCKLEY, pastor of the M. E. church at Union Valley, who has been in Cortland undergoing medical treatment, died in that place, Friday.
The wife of Orson DAVIS, died on Saturday afternoon last. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. E. N. SABIN, on the Monday following.
Death of Faron Maxson.
[illeg.] Wednesday, Mr. Faron MAXSON, a [illeg.] of the firm of Maxson & Starin, [illeg.] at this place, died at the residence of [his?] parents in South Spafford, of typhoid fever, aged 38 years. Mr. MAXSON [illeg.] gentleman, and an excellent [illeg.], who will be sadly missed. [illeg.] He had not been feeling well [illeg.] several weeks before he was [illeg.] but he had kept his illness to [himself?]. He leaves a widow and one child.
The funeral services were held from the residence of his parents on Saturday last.
7 Sep 1888
Died. HARKIN - In Cortland, N.Y., Aug. 29, 1888, of consumption, Mrs. Charles J. HARKIN, aged 28 years 2 months and 19 days.
Died. ROBERTSON - In Cortland, N.Y., Aug. 29, 1888, of typhoid fever, Mr. John R. ROBERTSON, aged 21 years.
Died. WHEELER - In Cortland, N.Y., Aug. 30, 1888, of typhoid fever, Mrs. J. F. WHEELER, aged 57 years.
Died. SHORT - In Montclair, N. J., Aug. 29, 1888, William G. SHORT, aged 60[?] years.
Died. BLOOMER - In Virgil, N.Y., Sept. 1, 1888, Frank BLOOMER, aged 24 years.
Death has again taken two of our most respected townsmen from our midst. Mr. William OLMSTEAD, aged seventy-one years and Mr. Frank BLOOMER, aged twenty-four. Mr. BLOOMER died on Saturday last of typhoid fever. He was a young man of a wonderfully strong constitution and a very energetic man. He leaves a wife to whom he had been married less than a year to mourn his loss.
Eli BLOWERS died very suddenly, Sunday morning. The cause of death was heart disease. The sudden death of Mr. BLOWERS was a severe shock to his family and neighbors, who esteemed him as a friend and neighbor. In his dealings with his fellow-men it could always be said of him that he was strictly honest. He was and always had been a sterling Democrat, and as such, will be greatly missed from the party councils. His age was about 64 years. The funeral was held at his late residence, Monday.
Killed by a Bull.
Allie HOLMES, who works for Joseph ALEXANDER, of Pitcher, went to Truxton Saturday, and during his absence he hired Austin THOMPSON, a neighbor, to work in his place. Saturday morning he [THOMPSON] went after the cows, among which was a 3-year-old bull, and a very vicious one at that, of which he was ignorant. Being gone longer than was thought necessary others went to search for him. When they reached the pasture they were horrified to find him dead, having been disembowelled and otherwise fearfully gored by the infuriated animal.
Mr. T. was a man of family on whom his terrible death falls with crushing force.
Last Tuesday forenoon Mrs. Henry D. ROSE, a most estimable lady about thirty years of age, committed suicide by hanging at her residence on North Main street. She had been out of health and despondent for some time past and had been kept under close surveillance by the members of her family. Last winter she was taken to Florida, and during the greater part of the summer she had been at Glen Haven in search of relief but in vain. Her circle of friends was a large one and by them her untimely death will be sincerely mourned. The funeral was held yesterday from her late residence.
14 Sep 1888
Again has death entered our midst and almost without warning, removed from this world to the great regions beyond, Mrs. Daniel KEATOR, at the age of 60 years. Mrs. KEATOR had been in her usual health until Thursday when she was taken ill and continued to grow worse until Tuesday, Sep. 4, at 10 o'clock when she died. Heart disease was the cause of her death which makes the third that have died within as many weeks of the same disease. Mrs. KEATOR was a woman who was liked by all. If a neighbor was sick she was ever ready to go and care for them; to these her loss is irreparable. She leaves a husband and eight children to mourn her loss. The funeral was held at her late residence Thursday, Rev. J. A. PUDNEY officiating.
21 Sep 1888
Died. WATROUS - In Marathon, N.Y., Sept. 9, 1888, Nellie, daughter of Eugene WATROUS, aged 15 years.
Died. DOUD - In Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 8, 1888, Mrs. Joanne DOUD, aged 27 years, 7 months and 15 days.
Died. RICHARDSON - At Cortland, N.Y., Sept. 11, 1888, Eri RICHARDSON, formerly of Truxton, aged 85 years
Died. RIPLEY - In Taylor, N.Y., Aug. 23, 1888, Mrs. Polly RICHARDSON, aged 78 years.
Died. BEAN - At his residence east of McGrawville, Tuesday, Aug. 28, 1888, Albert BEAN, aged 74 years.
Died. NEELEY - At the residence of E.B. MAYBURY, in Solon, Sunday, Aug. 26, 1888, Archer NEELEY, son of Mrs. E. B. MAYBURY, aged 7 years.
Died. HOLLISTER - At Devil's Lake, Dakota, Aug. 29, 1888, Mrs. Helen Hollister CAMERON, aged 21 years, formerly of Cortland, N.Y.
Died. CHILDS - In Scott, N.Y., Sept. 17, 1888, Clare, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. CHILDS, aged 4 years.
Elder HARRISON occupied the desk on Sunday last, for Elder PURINGTON, at both of his appointments, as Elder PURINGTON was called to attend the funeral of Miss Della GIVENS (a daughter of Cortland GIVENS, of Virgil) who was killed in the railroad accident which occurred in Ohio, near Rittman, on Sept. 10th.
Tomkins. - Cortland GIVENS of Gee Hill, received a telegram, Tuesday, stating that his daughter, Miss Della D. GIVENS, who has been teaching school at Canfield, Ohio, had had her leg broken in a railroad accident at Rittman, Ohio, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. GIVENS immediately went to Cortland and took the train in the afternoon for Ohio, to be with their daughter.
In Memoriam.
On the night of the 28th of Aug. 1888, Albert BEAN departed this life, aged seventy-one years.
He was born in the town of Solon on the land which his father Josiah BEAN, a pioneer of the county had wrought out from the wilderness into a pleasant farm. There he remained while his five brothers went out into the world to seek their various fortunes. Samuel, the eldest, still vigorous at eighty-five, resides in Homer, and Chauncey, the youngest, in Binghamton. Josiah and Thomas long since joined "the great majority," and five years ago the much esteemed Jeremiah, passed away. Of his four sisters, Lydia, Mrs. Orrin RANDALL, and Mrs. Mary JONES, are still living.
He married Delia [?], a daughter of Lyman WHEELER; she died early leaving a loving memory of her goodness, beauty and talent in the hearts of all who knew her. Miss Rhoda GREENWOOD became his second wife and this excellent lady with the three sons of his first marriage survive him.
Some years ago he removed from Solon to the town of Cortlandville, where he passed the remainder of his life. Such were the simple events of his unobtrusive career.
But the sterling virtues of the man, his essential characteristics, deserve to be held in honored and grateful remembrance. Unswerving, honesty, truthfulness, justice and kindness, uniformly marked his sense of duty to his neighbor. He had no selfish ambition, but a creditable desire to do all in his power for the comfort and well being of his household, and to provide every advantage that education could give, for his sons. Surrounded by the rush of speculation, the haste to be rich, he kept to the most sure and honorable way to attain the objects of his praiseworthy ambition, that of steady industry, economy and self denial. Patiently he toiled as the years went on, his laudable hopes were fulfilled; his duty to God and to man as far as he was able to do it was done, when he entered into rest.
28 Sep 1888
Mrs. William MARSH was buried here last Sunday. She was an old lady and respected by all who knew her.
Charged With Infanticide.
Last Wednesday Coroner BRADFORD held an inquest on the body of an infant that is said to have died under suspicious circumstances at the house of Almon HENRY, who resides on the road leading from East Homer to Preble. The jury, after a thorough investigation found that "the child died by suffocation as a result of criminal carelessness or intent on the part of the mother, Mrs. Julia CONGDON." Mrs. CONGDON is the wife of Maurice CONGDON, who was tried and convicted at the Court House in this place last winter and sentenced to several years confinement in Auburn prison, on the charge of incest and child murder. After the verdict found by the jury, Coroner BRADFORD issued a warrant which was placed in the hands of Deputy Sheriff William SHIRLY, who arrested the woman and conveyed her to the County Alms House where she will be kept until she is able to go to jail. She was employed in Mr. Henry's family.
Died. KEATOR - In Taylor, N.Y., Thursday morning, September 4, 1888, Sarah M., wife of Daniel KEATOR, aged 59 years and 8 months.
Died. COGSHALL - In Cincinnatus, September 14, 1888, of apoplexy, Mrs. Lura COGSHALL, aged 67 years.
Died. MILTON - At his home in Homer, N.Y., of Brights disease, on Friday, September 14th, Frank MILTON, aged 43 years.
5 Oct 1888
Mrs. FINN, relict of the late Robert FINN, Sr., and mother of LeRoy D. FINN, Miss Laura FINN, Mrs. G. N. SKINNER and Robert FINN, of Cortland, died Sunday of heart disease, aged about 80 years. Mrs. FINN had been in poor health for a year past, and although her death came suddenly it was not unexpected. She was a woman loved and respected by a large circle of friends who mourn her loss. The funeral was held from her late residence Monday.
12 Oct 1888
Died. RUSSELL - At the home of her son, Webster E. RUSSELL, in McGrawville, N.Y., September 29, 1888, Mrs. Arminda RUSSELL, aged 84 years.
Died. HAWXHURST - In Cortland, N.Y., October 1, 1888, of typhoid fever, Mrs. E. Irving HAWXHURST, aged 32 years, 5 months and 15 days.
Died. FITTS - In McLean, N.Y., September 28, 1888, Mrs. Pascall FITTS.
Died. EDGCOMB - In Cortland, N.Y., October 1, 1888, Mrs. Olive B., widow of Eleazar W. EDGCOMB, aged 83 years.
Died. CORL - In Homer village, on Thursday, September 27th, of consumption, Mrs. Sarah B. CORL, aged 76 years 9 months.
Died. LACY - In Homer village, on Saturday, September 29th, of cancer, Fidelia LACY, aged 79 years, 1 month.
Died. LANGFORD - In Homer village, on Wednesday, September 26th, William LANGFORD, aged 14 years 11 months.
Died. MARTIN - In Homer village, on Friday, September 28, George MARTIN, aged 79 years 7 months.
Died. OGDEN - On Saturday, September 22, 1888, at the home of his son, L. M. OGDEN, Groton, N.Y., Joseph OGDEN, aged 88 years.
Died. MOREY - At his home in McGrawville, N.Y., Saturday, September 29, 1888, Isaac MOREY, aged 81 years, 11 months and 24 days.
Died. HOWE - At Cortland, N.Y., October 7, 1888, Henry J. HOWE, aged 32 years.
Died. McKENZIE - In Cortland, N.Y., October 7, 1888, Mrs. Betsey McKENZIE, aged 90 years, 11 months and 14 days.
Death of Oliver Porter.
Oliver PORTER, Esq., a well known and highly respected citizen of Homer, died on Tuesday last, at his home in that place, aged 64 years. Mr. PORTER had been ill for some weeks and his death was not unexpected. He leaves a widow to mourn his death. The funeral will be held from his late residence on Friday, October 12th, at 10 A.M.
12 Oct 1888 [Supplement]
Died. MILKS - At her home in Homer Village, September 17, of Typhoid fever, Emma J. MILKS, aged 18 years, 11 months.
Died. MAHONEY - In Homer village, September 20, William MAHONEY, aged 20 years and 4 months.
Died. HOBART - In Homer village, September 19th, Elizabeth Strail HOBART, aged 38 years and 9 months.
Died. GUTCHES - At his residence in McGrawville, N.Y., Tuesday, September 25, 1888, Eugene C. GUTCHESS [sic], aged 42 years.
Died. FOSTER - At her home south of Blodgett Mills, Monday, September 24, 1888, Mrs. Emily FOSTER, wife of William FOSTER, aged 66 years and 2 months.
Died. DODGE - In Cortland, N.Y., September 23, 1888, of heart disease, Miss Polly S. DODGE, aged 56 years.
Died. GALLAGHER - In Cortland, N.Y., September 17, 1888, of typhoid fever, Miss Ellen GALLAGHER, aged 14 years.
Died. BENEDICT - In Cortland, N.Y., September 19, 1888, Mrs. Almeda BENEDICT, aged 66 years and 5 days.
Died. BRENNAN - In Cortland, N.Y., September 22, 1888, of paralysis, Miss Mary BRENNAN, aged 72 years.
Died. SUGGETT - In Cortland, N.Y., September 22, 1888, of typhoid fever, Mr. William W. SUGGETT, Jr., aged 27 years.
Mr. SUGGETT was a brother of Mrs. Charles B. ROETHIG.
Died. BRONSON - In Cortland, N.Y., September 24, 1888, of cholera infantum, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace L. BRONSON, aged 2 months.
Died. MERRELL - In Cortland, N.Y., September 20, 1888, Henry E. MERRELL, of Akron, Col., formerly of Rochester, N.Y., aged 19 years and 6 days.
Died. SAWYER - On Tuesday morning, September 11, 1888, at 3:30 o'clock, of cancer, Mrs. Polly A. SAWYER, in the 80th year of her age.
Died. MULLIN - At Truxton, N.Y., September 23, 1888, M. J. MULLIN, aged 34 years.
Died. STEDMAN - In Homer, N.Y., September 28, 1888, Miss Laura STEDMAN, aged 52 years.
19 Oct 1888
Died. PIKE - At his home on South St., Wilkesbarre, Pa., of Typhoid fever, on Tuesday, September 18, 1888, Jesse H. PIKE, aged 39 years. Deceased was a former resident of Cortland.
Died. DICKINSON - In Onondaga Valley, N.Y., October 12, 1888, Mrs. Eleanor M., widow of the late Obediah DICKINSON, aged 84 years, 2 months and 5 days. Mrs. DICKINSON was mother of Mrs. A. D. BLODGETT, of Cortland, N.Y.
Died. RUDDICK - At the residence of L. S. BROWN in Cuyler, N.Y., October 3, 1888, of dropsy, Mrs. Esther M. RUDDICK, relict of the late Samuel RUDDICK, of Pitcher, aged 76 years.
Died. MATHEWS - In Homer, N.Y., October 4th, 1888, Mrs. Willard MATHEWS, aged 70 [?] years.
Died. PORTER - In Homer, N.Y., October 9, 1888, Oliver PORTER, aged 64 years.
Died. HOLLISTER - In Truxton, N.Y., October 14 [?], 1888, of heart disease, Mr. Theron [?] N. HOLLISTER, aged 67 years.
Died. UPTEGROVE - In Marathon, N.Y., October 15 [?], 1888, Lewis W. UPTEGROVE, aged 79 [?] years. [Note: in the Marathon column for this date: "L. W. UPTEGROVE was taken with a paralytic shock a few days ago, and lies in a precarious condition at his home a short distance north of Marathon village."]
Died. WEST - In Chenango, N.Y., October 8, 1888, Hiram J. WEST, aged 72 [?] years.
Died. CARPENTER - In Cortland, N.Y., October 8, 1888, Mrs. Melvina [?] CARPENTER, aged 47 years, 3 months and 8 days.
26 Oct 1888
L. W. UPTEGROVE was buried on Thursday of last week.
2 Nov 1888
Died. ISAACS - In McGrawville, N.Y., Monday, October 15, 1888, Mrs. Martha ISAACS, aged 80 years.
Died. UFFORD - At the residence of J. O. FRENCH, in Cincinnatus village, October 23, 1888, Mrs. Rebecca UFFORD, aged 87 years.
Died. COX - In Homer, N.Y., October 14 [?], 1888, Mr. William H. COX, aged 55 years.
Died. HILL - In Cortland, N.Y., October 21, 1888, Mrs. Mary A. HILL, wife of Wm. A. HILL, aged 19 years.
Died. BONNY - At Danby, Ill., October 19, 1888, Dr. O. W. BONNY, aged 93 years, brother of Miss S. BONNY, of Cortland. He was a veteran of the war of 1812.
Died. SCARFF - In Cortland, N.Y., October 22, 1888, of typhoid pneumonia, George SCARFF, aged 10 years.
Died. GRIDLEY - In Freetown, N.Y., October 20, 1888, Nettie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert GRIDLEY, in the fifteenth year of her age.
Died. GRAY - In Cortlandville, N.Y., October 22, 1888, Jesse GRAY, aged 58 years.
Died. SWART - In Marathon village, October 30, 1888, George SWART.
Died. HOLMES - In Cortland, November 1, 1888, Josephine R., wife of Hon. Arthur HOLMES.
Mrs. Rebecca UFFORD died at the home of Orman FRENCH last Wednesday. Funeral services were held on Friday at the residence of her son, D. D. UFFORD, Rev. F. T. KEEDY officiating. The remains were interred at North Pitcher.
Mr. Jerome UFFORD and wife of Syracuse were in town last week, being called here by the death of his mother.
16 Nov 1888
Died. NOYES - In Oswego, November 2, 1888, Major Joseph S. NOYES aged 86 years. Major NOYES was formerly a resident of this town.
Died. SMITH - In Cincinnatus, October 26, 1888, Miss Ruth Ann SMITH, aged 76 years.
Die. WOOD - In Cortland, October 30, 1888, Olive WOOD, aged 85 years.
Died. STEVENS - In Solon, N.Y., Sunday afternoon, October 28, 1888, Jennie STEVENS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert STEVENS, aged 2 years and 8 months.
Died. ROOD - At Lapeer, November 7, Miles ROOD, aged 50 years and nine months.
Died. ROSE - In Motherwell, Scotland, October 15, 1888, of scarlet fever, Annie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charle ROSE, formerly of Cortland, N.Y.
Miss Annie was a sister of T. F. BRAYTON and Mrs. A. DILTHEY, of Cortland, N.Y.
Died. PORTER - In Cortland, N.Y., November 1, 1888, of consumption, Mrs. G. W. PORTER, aged 72 years.
Died. FRANCIS - In South Cortland, N.Y., October 31, 1888, Mr. Richard FRANCIS, aged 73 years.
Died. HULBERT - In New York City, N.Y., November 1, 1888, Mr. William HULBERT, in the 69th year of his age.
Died. SANDERS- In New York City, N.Y., Nov. 3, 1888, Marie Butler SANDERS, only child of Rev. and Mrs. Henry M. SANDERS, aged 3 years.
Died. HAY - In Cortland, N.Y., November 4, 1888, Mr. George HAY, Jr., aged 37 years.
Mrs. J. KINGMAN died on Friday morning. Her funeral was held from her late residence on Sunday. The interment was made at Cortland.
Horace BINGHAM, who met with a sad accident by being thrown from his wagon on the hill south of the village, a few weeks since, died on Monday morning. His funeral was held from his late residence in Solon, on Thursday, at 11 o'clock.
Perry ROWE died on Thursday morning. The funeral will be held on Friday.
The death of Thomas SKILLMAN, formerly of this place occurred at his home in Binghamton on Wednesday last. Mr. Russell GRANT, with his sons Ray and Charles, attended the funeral at that place on Sunday. Mr. Frank HUTCHINSON and wife, also Mr. Seward BECKWITH and wife, were in attendance. Besides a wife and daughter, he leaves a large circle of friends to mourn his loss.
Miss Marguerite CODY, who has been acting as preceptress in the academy, was called home by the death of her mother last Monday.
Mrs. BORT, relict of the late Rev. BORT, died last Thursday morning, at the residence of her son, Geo. BORT, aged about 70 years. The cause of her death was paralysis. The funeral was held Sunday.
At Rest.
Mrs. Olive D. WOOD died Monday, October 29th, at the residence of E. D. PARKER, Lincoln Ave., Cortland, N.Y., aged 85 years and 7 months.
The home of the deceased has been in Cortland for three years past - previously she was a resident of Cincinnatus for nearly sixty years.
Early in life she publicly consecrated herself to the service of her Savior and lived a remarkably prayerful Christian life. She was one of the founders of the M. E. church in Cincinnatus where she remained a faithful member until death. She was deeply devoted to the church of her choice giving largely of her means, for its support, and to other beneficial purposes.
She was a devoted wife, a tender and loving mother and a kind neighbor.
Her home life was happy, quiet and contented; four children survive her, Mrs. DeForest KINGMAN and W. W. WOOD of Cincinnatus, Mrs. Oliver HAYES and Mrs. E. D. PARKER of Cortland.
The funeral was held Thursday afternoon at the M. E. church in Cincinnatus. The services were conducted by Rev. W. D. FOX of Homer assisted by Rev. Mr. WARNER, pastor of the M. E. church in Cincinnatus. The remains were interred in the Valley cemetery.
23 Nov 1888
Died. BABCOCK - In Cuyler, N.Y., November 12, 1888, of congestion of the lungs, Lucea, youngest daughter of A. T. and Eliza Hughes BABCOCK, aged 10 years, 1 month and 8 days.
Died. EATON - In Freetown, N.Y., November 14, 1888, Calvin EATON, aged 80 years.
Died. KINGMAN - In McGrawville, N.Y., November 10, 1888, of heart failure, Mrs. Samantha KINGMAN, aged 68 years.
Died. McLOGHLIN - At his home in Cortland, November 21st, 1888, Rev. B. F. McLOGHLIN, aged 71 years.
The funeral will be held Tuesday morning next at 10 o'clock.
Died. VanVALEN - In Elmira, November 19, 1888, James VanVALEN of Cortland, aged 46 years.
Ezra BENNETT, father of Bennet Bros., of this place, died Friday at his home in Pitcher.
The death of Albert F. GALLAHER, occurred at the residence of his brother, Edward GALLAHER, on Linn street, on Monday afternoon. Deceased was twenty-two years of age and leaves a widow. He formerly lived in this city, but during the past year has lived in Cortland. The funeral services took place yesterday afternoon, Rev. S. H. SYNOTT officiating. - Ithaca Democrat, Nov. 18.
Death of Rev. B. F. McLoghlin.
Rev. B. F. McLOGHLIN, for many years past, the justly esteemed pastor of St. Mary's Catholic church, in this place, died at his residence at 8:35 P.M. on Wednesday. Father Mac, as he chose to be called, was a Christian gentleman, a kind neighbor and a true friend. He always had a pleasant word for everybody and was highly respected for his genial manners, not alone by the members of his own congregation but by all citizens. Father Mac was 71 years of age at the time of his decease. The funeral services will take place next Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock.
Died. MOREHOUSE - In Ithaca, N.Y., November 26, 1888, Mrs. Betsey MOREHOUSE, aged 93 years.
Mrs. MOREHOUSE was a former resident of Cortland, and was the mother of B. B. MOREHOUSE of Cortland and Mrs. L. H. BEMENT of Ithaca.
Died. DRAKE - In Cortland, N.Y., November 22, 1888, of heart disease, Mrs. James B. DRAKE, aged 74 years and 16 days.
Died. HOLMAN - In Cortland, N.Y., November 22, 1888, of typhoid fever, Mr. George HOLMAN, aged 26 years.
Died. CHUBB - In Cortland, N.Y., November 24, 1888, Mr. Abraham CHUBB, aged 66 years, 10 months and 13 days.
Died. HUMMELBAUGH - In Cortland, N.Y., November 24, 1888, of typhoid fever, Mr. John HUMMELBAUGH, aged 50 years.
Cortland County Democrat 30 Nov 1888
Article about
Father Bartholomew F. McLoghlin
A few short days since he was with us, and now the earth covers the mortal, yet precious remains of the venerable and beloved pastor of St. Mary's Church, of Cortland.
The very Rev. Dean McLOGHLIN, of Cortland County, diocese of Syracuse, has been a resident of our village for nearly twenty-one years, going up and down among us, doing good and scattering the blessings of a well spent life among rich and poor, high and low, of every denomination.
Already advanced in life, he has been failing in health for the past few months, though it is but a few weeks since he was seen in public. His friends of the clergy have been in constant attendance upon him since it became known that he was seriously ill, and coming from all parts of the diocese.
He passed away peacefully at the rectory on the 21st of this month, full of years and honors. Tuesday morning, November 27th, was appointed for the funeral, at ten o'clock. Priests and dignitaries from abroad began to gather on Monday. Friends came from New York city, Rochester, Buffalo, and elsewhere.
On Monday, at three o'clock, the body was placed before the chancel and guards of honor appointed from the different societies of the church, from the sodalities, the C.M.B.A. and others. The relief was changed at midnight. The visiting priests celebrated vespers, the preliminary funeral services then beginning. As in the funeral services proper, the clergy recited the canticles antiphonally, all responses being given by the priests and not by the choir. The church was filled at all times, many viewing the remains.
Tuesday morning brought with it a large body of the clergy from all parts of the diocese and many laymen from the Mohawk Valley, especially from Little Falls, Father Mac's former home.
The Church was dressed in mourning, the columns being wound in black and white, the stations draped in the same, and black and white festoons hanging from column to column. As is usual at funerals all ornaments were removed from the altar, the six symbolic candles alone remaining.
Father Mac's remains rested upon a catafalque, clad in his priestly robes, and holding a golden chalice in his hand. At his head were a cross of flowers and a pillow of flowers, bearing the words: "Our Pastor." At his feet were in flowers, a cross and a column. All the flowers were camelias and tea-roses.
Six yellow candles, symbolic of his eclesiastic position, as is usual, surrounded the coffin. To the right, on the gospel side, sat the bearers and relief bearers: Hon. L. J. FITZGERALD, Hugh DUFFY, M. F. CLEARY, Dr. McNAMARA, Patrick DEMPSEY and Bernard DOUD. The relief was headed by John DOUD, senior, Michael HENLEY, Edward FINN, A. J. McSWEENEY, Daniel DOLAN, and William MARTIN.
Behind these gentlemen seats were reserved for distinguished visitors and invited guests. A large number of Cortland's citizens, not members of the parish, were present.
The C.M.B.A. society next occupied seats on both sides of the aisle. Behind these gentlemen were the Young Men's and the Young Ladies' Sodality and other societies, members of the parish and others. The side aisles were packed with sympathizing friends.
Father QUINN, of Binghamton, was Master of Ceremonies. He is always the man for the place. Quiet, easy, dignified, he directs with grace and firmness, and everything moves harmoniously.
Soon after ten o'clock, the procession entered from the vestry, some sixty-two priests being in attendance and quite filling the chancel and seats outside the same. Father Quinn's fine voice led in the opening canticles, all sung antiphonally by this large body of priests and to a Gregorian movement. To those who had never heard the service, rendered at a priest's funeral, it was deeply interesting. It takes one back to the European monasteries and to the far away chanting of the monks as one hears the penitential psalms sung from a distant mount.
The adorable sacrifice of the Mass for the repose of the soul of Father Mac was celebrated by the Very Rev. Father LYNCH of St. John's Cathedral, Syracuse, and Vicar-General of the diocese, with the Rev. Dr. O'HARA of Syracuse, as Deacon, and the Rev. Dr. HOURIGAN of Binghamton, as Sub-Deacon. Thus the two oldest priests in the diocese, with the Vicar-General, paid the last tribute of respect, honor, and ecclesiastical devotion to their reverend friend and brother.
The sermon was preached by Father LUDDEN, of Little Falls, as Father Mac would have wished, for the former was his protege and particular friend. Father LUDDEN said:
"Very Reverend and Dear Brethren of the clergy, and Dear Brethren of the laity, I would rather have taken my place among you, than to have stood here, but you know when a friend asks, he in fact, commands; when he commands, he must be obeyed. Therefore, I am in this pulpit to speak to you of your great loss. There are days of sorrow and there are days of joy in every country and every clime. It is God's eternal order of things. So in the Church, there are days of gladness and days of sorrow. The church is the founder of society, she keeps and preserves order. The spouse of Jesus Christ has her days of sorrow as well as her days of joy, her Calvary as well as her Tabor.
Hence we must expect that other societies will be like the church. In the state, we find the same. What child of America, either native or adopted does not rejoice in the birthday of Washington? Who does not commemorate the memory of an O'CONNELL or other patriots? And who does not think with shame of an ARNOLD? Yes, the state has her days of sorrow.
Again, in the family there are days of sorrow and of joy. When the mother of a family is taken away, who does not feel keenly the family sorrow, the keenest sorrow that men's hearts can feel? When the father is taken away, the sorrow is great, but not so great as that when the mother is borne to her grave. The father will say: "My boy, no matter who is against you, I am with you." Yet when this prop is removed, when the protector is taken away, the family, indeed, suffer.
As in the church, the State, the family, so in the congregation. The decree has gone out. Our dear friend, Dean McLOGHLIN has passed away. Most sorrowful is this is this affliction to this congregation. You have, indeed, suffered a great loss, in the death of your esteemed and beloved pastor. Only a few days ago, he walked and talked in your midst. His smile was as consoling as the warm winds of spring upon our faces, and even we whose hairs are growing gray will never forget the kindly word of encouragement which he gave. His grand, manly voice is hushed in death. His manly figure will no longer be seen upon your streets. The lips that smiled, that gladdened, will smile and gladden no more. God has willed it, that is why he is no more, and we must bow to God's decree. We must say: Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
But we cannot help but pay our tribute of respect to his memory. We would not be human if it were otherwise. Even the very stones would reproach us, would rebuke us. We shed tears because we have suffered a loss, one and all of us. But while we mourn we rejoice that the boy of Connemara came to this free country.
Dean McLOGHLIN was born in the county of Roscommon, Ireland, in 1816, in that greatest of all Catholic provinces, Roscommon. The bright boy was sent to the famous St. Scarlet's in Galway. Here he grew in wisdom and in knowledge, as the boy of Nazareth grew. In 1843, he saw the poor people of Ireland flying from their homes, from landlordism, from aristocracies, to that land of the free and home of the brave, America. He felt he must go with them. They should not be deprived of the consolations of their religion, their faith. Fired with zeal for the exiles, he cast his lot among them, and these United States gave him, indeed, a "cead mille failthe."
He had no friend to greet him on his arrival, yet he seemed to breathe the air of the free, his motto being that of your own Empire State, "Excelsior." He went to Mt. St. Mary's, at Emmetsburg, that most noble institution. In two years he was ordained, for his superiors saw that there was the lignum sacerdotus, the timber for the priest. After his ordination, in 1848, he went to Keeseville, there he remained a few years.
My friends, look at the growth of our church since the war! It would seem that the people never knew of the virtue, the wisdom, the sanctity of our church until the close of our late war. Ah! you do not know, my friends, what the pioneer priests had to do, years ago. Their visits to communities, were like angel's visits, few and far between. Thus, when our dear friend took charge of the parish at Little Falls, his territory embraced fifty square miles. For nine years I have been walking in his footsteps at Little Falls, although he has been twenty years among you. I see to-day gentlemen from my home, not of my faith, here in the house of God, who have come all this way to pay the last tribute of respect to our dead.
Father Mac was a man that would wear well. He loved to go from house to house breaking bread and ministering to the sick and needy. His was truly a missionary spirit, and to-day he is as well known throughout the country as he is in Cortland. From Little Falls he was transferred to St. John's, Syracuse, and from thence, to Cortland, where he died, with twenty-one years full of good works.
Especially would I emphasize the fact that Father Mack ruled well, because he ruled little. His was a mild rule. He rules best who rules least. He taught his people to rule themselves. There he was wise and he maintained that rule until the end. Mark you Buffalo, Rochester, New York City, sends delegates to pay their compliments to the boy of Connemara, who landed on your shores years ago.
The look he gave when we did right is not gone, the look he gave when we did wrong is remembered. Friends, remember him in your prayers, in the adorable sacrifice in the mass for the repose of his soul. All is over.
I charge you, bearers, take him up tenderly, take him up reverently, as a priest of God, with reverence, respect and prayer lower him into an exile's grave, but where if one must be an exile, of all places, I would most wish him buried, in the rich, free soil of America, and may God have mercy on his soul."
Following the sermon, came the last rites in preparation of the body for burial, the Vicar-General officiating, assisted as before. The body was temporarily interred in the basement of the church, probably until the new cemetery is consecrated.
The casket containing the remains was obtained from Chappell, Chase, Maxwell & Co., of Oneida, and closely resembles that provided for the Hon. Horatio Seymour, Hon. S. J. Tilden and Gen. John A. Logan. We cannot refrain here, from mentioning that great credit is due to our townsmen, Messrs. Mourin Brothers, for the excellent manner in which they conducted the funeral. Everything passed off quietly, and in the best of taste and order.
Among the priests in attendance, besides those already mentioned, were, the Rev. E. F. O'CONNER, of Clayville, J. M. DONALD, of Utica, J. P. McINCROW, of Amsterdam, L. G. O'REILLY, of Utica, M. J. GRIFFITH, of Valatie, all of whom stopped at the Messenger House and took part in the Vesper services.
The Hon. L. J. FITZGERALD entertained at breakfast, the venerable Dr. HOURIGAN, of Binghamton, the oldest presbyter in the diocese, and the Rev. Fathers KEARNEY, of Fulton, QUINN of Binghamton, FITZSIMMONS, of New York and LUDDEN of Little Falls.
The Cortland House entertained Rev. D. O'CONNELL, of Cooperstown, M. O'REILLY, of Pompey, James O'REILLY, of Fayetteville, T. D. JOHNSON, of Owego, James J. RENEHAN, of Marcellus, W. A. RYAN, of Camillus, J. J. TOOMEY, of Utica.
Several of the citizens entertained friends among whom were: Fathers MURPHY and SCHMIDT, of Rome, Father GORLEY, of Fulton, KENNEDY, MAGEE, REILLY, JOYCE, GEHRING and MULLANY of Syracuse, CLUNE of East Syracuse, PRIESSER, HUGHES, BARRY, and DOODY of Oswego, CULLIN, of Utica, HERRICK, of Marathon, BRENNAN of Binghamton, HART, of Norwich, WARD, of North Creek, MEAGHER, of Cazenovia, DOLAN, of Fonda, McGUIRE, of Albany Cathedral, MULHERM, of Auburn, ROACH, of Middleford, REILLY, of Lyons, KAVANAUGH, of Suspension Bridge, SWIFT, of Troy, HEALY, of Winchester, Ky., McLOGHLIN, of Philmont, CANNANE, of Oriskany Falls, HYLAND, of Ilion, DONNELLY, of Waterville, WALSH, of New Lebanon, SHELHAN, of West Troy, HALPIN, of Herkimer, MAHON, of Whitesboro, and DOWNER, of Utica.
So passed away a worthy citizen, a good friend, and a faithful pastor. We thought as the now closed eyes lay so peacefully upward turned, that were they opened, his lips would enthusiastically chant the words over the chancel rails, "Gloria In Excelsis Deo."
His sorrowing nephews will greatly mourn his loss, and will always hold in tender remembrance, his blessed memory. As their eyes were turned toward the altar, what more fitting thought to close the impressive service than the Pontificate and Cardinalate motto on the Epistle side: "Justiitia et Pax."
7 Dec 1888
[some pages incorrectly dated 30 Nov]
Chaplain Roswell Randall HOES of the naval ship "Tennessee," was married in Washington on Wednesday to Miss Rose DeChene Gouverneur. Mr. HOES is a grandson of the late Gen. Roswell RANDALL of this place.
Mrs. A. H. JORDAN's sister-in-law, Mrs. Otis NEWELL, died at her home in Ypsilanti, Mich. Thursday, Nov. 22.
Barrett H. ELSTER was buried on Monday Nov. 26. Another old resident of Virgil has passed away. One by one the landmarks leave us.
Mr. Abram CHUBB of Cortland was buried in our cemetery on Tuesday of last week.
14 Dec 1888
Died. SHEARER - At her late home in Homer, on Monday, Nov. 26th, Mrs. Prescella SHEARER, aged 86 years.
Died. SMITH - At Homer, N.Y., on Sunday, Dec. 2d, 1888, Isaac SMITH, aged 71 years.
Died. PIERCE - At his late home in Middleport, N.Y., on Thursday, November 29th, Mr. Horace PIERCE, aged 78 years and 11 months. Formerly of Homer, N.Y.
Died. MOORE - In Preble, N.Y., December 7, 1888, Samuel MOORE, aged 82 years.
Died. SCARFF - In Cortland, N.Y., December 10, 1888, of typhoid fever, Grace, daughter of Wm. H. and Ella SCARFF, aged 11 years.
Died. JEOFFORDS - In Willett, N.Y., December 17, 1888, Mr. Allen C. JEOFFORDS. [note: the death date is AFTER the date of the newspaper!]
Died. MARION - In Mercy Hospital, Pittsburg, Pa., November 30, 1888, Mrs. Kate MARION, wife of Mr. Chas. S. MARION.
Miss Sarah CHATTERTON, an old resident of Virgil, was buried here on Dec.10.
21 Dec 1888
Died. ANTISDEL - In Nebraska, December 8, 1888, Mattie ANISDEL, aged 20 years. Daughter of Albert and Eliza ANTISDEL, formerly of Cortland.
Died. MERRIL - At the home of his daughter Mrs. T. M. BADETTY, at Brockhaven, Long Island, December 7, 1888, Lewis L. MERRILL [sic], aged 84 years. Formerly of Homer.
Died. BISHOP - At his late home in Homer, Thursday, November 29th, Osander BISHOP, aged 77 years.
Died. HAYNES - In Preble, N.Y., December 9, 1888, Jacob D. HAYNES, aged 76 years.
Died. GILBERT - At the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Jane AYRES, at Staten Island, N.Y., December 13, 1888, Mr. Royal GILBERT, aged 80 years.
Mr. GILBERT was for many years a resident of Cortland. Burial was in this place.
Died. CORWIN - In Cortland, N.Y., December 12, 1888, of Dropsy, Mr. James CORWIN, aged 54 years, 5 months and 12 days.
28 Dec 1888
Addie M. ALLEN, of whose sickness we have mentioned from time to time for several months past, departed this life early Friday morning, Dec. 21, 1888, aged 26 years. Addie suffered long and patiently from that dread disease, consumption, not a murmur escaped her lips, she said many times that she was ready to go where there is no sickness and death. From childhood up to the time of her death she has been a resident of this place. All who knew her loved and respected her for her chastity. For some time she has been a teacher in our schools, in which occupation though ill, she was prominently engaged up to last August. Wherever she taught she was universally esteemed by her scholars. She leaves a father, mother and one sister to mourn her loss.
They will miss her pleasant face,
Since from them she was taken
Home's a sad and desolate place;
But we know that she will waken
On that grand and glorious shore,
There not to toil and suffer,
But to be free once more;
Ready to greet those others
Who are waiting for the meeting,
Which will be a glorious sight.
Died. ALLEN - In Taylor Centre, December 21, 1888, Miss Addie ALLEN, aged 26 years.
Here and There.
Leroy, the six-year-old son of Mr. Augustus LINES, of Homer, accidentally ran the tine of a pitchfork into his nose near one eye, last Saturday, and died on Wednesday morning from the injury.
Jacob D. Haynes.
On Sunday, Dec. 9th, occurred the death of Jacob D. HAYNES, of Preble, Cortland county, N.Y. Mr. HAYNES had long been a resident of Preble and his death is severely felt by a very large acquaintance. Born in Rensselaerville, Albany county, on Christmas day, 1812, the year of the war with England. He died very near the close of the seventy-sixth year of his age. Married Dec. 1, 1836, he also died in December. During his last sickness he looked forward expectantly towards the coming Christmas, alike his birthday and that of his Saviour. He never saw it, but we may well believe is now in the presence of Him who is commonly supposed to have been born on that day. He had been in poor health for three years, but his last sickness was short and very painful. The funeral which was largely attended took place at his residence conducted by the pastor of the Tully Baptist church, Rev. S. S. POWELL. From childhood Mr. HAYNES has been a member of the Baptist church.
He leaves a widow, two sons and a daughter. The sons are well known citizens of Preble, and the daughter is now Mrs. HESS, of Canestota. - Tully Times.
Transcribed by Merton Sarvay
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