Eagle Corners (Newburn) Cemetery

Richland County near Eagle Corners,Hwy 60

Barrett, Ura - died July 29, 1891 - infant dau.of N.A.& Lucy M.
Boak, James A. - died Apr. 4, 1877, age 52 yrs. 20 dys

Cooper, Leander - 1858 - 1935
(Cooper), Lucinda - 1859 - 1934, wife of Leander
(Cooper), Herby - died Feb. 27, 1877, age 11 mo. - son of Leander & Lucinda
(Cooper), Bertie - died Apr. 27, 1877, age 3 yrs. 1 mo. - son of Leander & Lucinda
Cornwell, Clifford - 1884, infant son of Frank & Sarah
Craigo, Susanna - died Jan. 20, 1879, age 62 years - wife of Isaac O.
Cully, Mahala M. - died Sep. 25, 1860, age 16 yrs. 5 mo. 8 dys.

Daughheetee, Robert S. - July 28, 1834 - Jan. 18, 1877
(Daughheetee), Margaret - July 29, 1833 - Feb. 4, 1903, wife of Robert S.

Gram, Lena Fay - died Oct. 10, 1881, age 2 mo. 13 dys. - dau. of R. & F. I.

Harvey, James - June 8, 1825 - Apr. 17, 1912, Civil War Vet.
(Harvey), Susan - Jan. 30, 1835 - Jan. 20, 1916, wife of James

Lawrence, Walter J. - died Sep. 19, 1883, age 2 yrs. 3 mo. 20 dys. - son of J. A. & G. L.
Lightfoot, Elizabeth - died Apr. 18, 1887, age 60 years - wife of Jasper

Moon, Rev.Aaron R. - Mar. 6, 1815 - Mar. 17, 1901
(Moon), Emma - died Aug. 30, 1887, age 26 years - wife of Rev. Aaron R.

Newburn, Jeremiah B. - died Feb. 28, 1886, age 71 yrs. 3 mo. 26 dys
(Newburn), Catherine - died Apr. 7, 1892, age 69 yrs. 7 mo. 27 dys. - wife of Jeremiah B.
(Newburn), Marian - died Aug. 13, 1872, age 8 yrs. 3 mo. - dau.of Jeremiah & Catherine
(Newburn), Volney - died July 31, 1878, age 2 yrs. 10 mo. 23 dys. - son of Jeremiah
(Newburn), Mathew A. - died Mar. 12, 1876, age 3 days - son of William & S. C.

Pippin, Lena Grace - died Feb. 11, 1883, age 9 mo. 7 dys. - dau. of W. & S. I.
Pool, William - Dec. 13, 1842 - Aug. 1, 1906
(Pool), Margaret - Oct. 14, 1844 - Mar. 28, 1935, wife of William

Scherer, Rubin - died Feb. 2, 1876, age 59 yrs. 11 mo. 2 dys. - son of Samuel & Sarah
Stettler, Jacob - 1848 - 1890

Contributed by Burdette Coberley - Mar. 2001
If you have resources for Richland County or would like to volunteer to help with look-ups, please e-mail me at Tim Stowell
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Last updated: 25 Dec 2023
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