Those Who Died in Federal Service During the World War


Brainerd, George Earl, 26, Lone Rock; pvt 6bn farpldrft, Camp Taylor; US; dd (pneu) Oct 6, '18.
Brown, Walter H., 22, White Mound; pvt Indiana Chamber of Commerce tngdet; US; dd (pneu) Sept 30, '18.
Crawford, Seth, 27, Viola; pvt 47 inf; kia Aug 9, '18.
Dake, Justin W., 22, Viola; 2 Lt 354 inf; Badricourt Hill; kia Nov 3, '18.
De Hart, Bayard C., 32, Richland Center; pvt 1cl 2engnrs; kia June 6, '18.
Dosch, Gaylord Clermont, 20, Boaz; WNG; pvt 1cl fsbn SigC; kia Jy 19, '18.
Goplen, Ivar, 21, Tavera; pvt SATC UW; overseas; dd (pneu) Nov 5, '18.
Gunnill, Carl Thomas, 26, m, Richland Center; corp 4mgbn; dw Jy 19, '18.
Hamilton, Ole, 26, Viola; pvt 47inf; kia Aug 1, '18.
Jelinek, Joseph Edward, 26, m, Cazenovia; pvt SATC, Kansas City; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 3, '18.
Koerth, Walter R., 22, Richland Center; corp 59inf; w Oct 4; kia Nov 11, '18.
Lewis, Samuel George, 25, Yuba; pvt 161depbrig; US; dd (pneu) Oct 7, '18.
McNamara, Hubert, 22, Westford; pvt 128inf; 2Marne; dw Aug 8, '18.
McNamara, John, Cazenovia; pvt 128inf; dw Aug 1, '18.
Mallo, Ray, 29, Loyd; pvt 10mgbn; Marne, near Verdun, Argonne; dd (pneu) Mch 1, '19.
Manley, Floyd Willard, 27, m, Richland Center; pvt 1cl VH15; US; dd (pneu) Oct 14, '18.
Ryman, Richard E., 23, Loyd; pvt 345inf; US; dd (pneu) Jan 27, '18.
Shea, William, 27, Cazenovia; pvt 356inf; US; dw Sept 14, '18.
Sullivan, Edward Michael, Lone Rock; 2Lt AS; k airplane accident Dec 10, '18.
Sullivan, James P., 26, Lone Rock; pvt 170aersq; US; dd (organic heart disease) May 5, '18.
Tomashaska, John F., 29, m, Richland Center; pvt 311amtn; overseas; dd (pneu) Oct 11, '18.
Walsh, Frank Martin, 26, m, Viola; pvt Indiana Chamber of Commerce tngdet; US; dd (pneu) Oct 8, '18.
Welton, Gale, 19, Sextonville; pvt 121mgbn; Alsace, Marne, Soissons, Noyon, Juvigny; kia Aug 31, '18.


Cunningham, Kenneth Noble, 28, Richland Center; seaman 2cl; dd (influ) Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, Ill., Sept 22, '18.
Elliott, Eldon Elwood, Excelsior; ship's ck 4cl; d Receiving Ship, Great Lakes, Ill., Apr 13, '19.

Army: aersq - aero squadron; amtn - ammunition train; AS - Air Service; bn - battalion; brig - brigade; cl - class; corp - corporal; dd- died of disease; dep - depot; det - detachment; dfrt - draft; dw - died of wounds; engnrs - engineers; fa - field artillery; fsbn - field signal battalion; inf - infantry; k - killed; kia - killed in action; Lt - Lieutenant; m - married; Mar - Marines; mg - machine gun; pneu - pneumonia; pvt - private; rpl - replacement; SATC - Student Army Training Corps; SigC - Signal Corps; tng - training; UW - University of Wisconsin; VH - Veterinary Hospital; w - wounded.

Navy: ck - cook; cl - class; d - died; dd - died of disease; influ - influenza;

Source: Wisconsin's Gold Star List - Wisconsin Historical Society - 1925

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